#my kids ;__;
lucy-moderatz · 2 days
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oderu · 10 days
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wanted to do a spin on the mystery twins for funsies
pt.2 for the pines brothers
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baby puppy fancam
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piedpip3rrr · 1 year
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The trio ever
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qtepasacalabaza · 1 year
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hooonk mimimi hooonk mimimi
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fennekuuu · 12 days
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"do not enter" is written on the doorway,
why can't everyone just go away?
except you, you can stay.
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magpiefrankie · 11 months
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sleep tight
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jadeforestt · 5 months
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meldy-arts · 4 months
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Welcome home ~
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alhioko · 2 months
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My kids😭
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echofades · 1 year
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HARLAN COBEN'S SHELTER 1.06 | Candy's Room
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zalupkina · 7 months
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starrycassi · 5 days
Today in Jean and Neil's bestfrienderism. With a side of Andrew being Andrew. And domestic Andreil.
Jean is having a panic attack.
Well, not quite. It's not a full blown attack, yet. But it is close. Very, very close. He is thirty. He is alive. He is Jean Moreau and he has endured so, so much. He is, somewhat, free. As free as the cattle are in a pasture. As free as the shrimp are to the breeding pond.
He has a wonderful husband. He is reconnecting with Kevin. He visits Cat and Laila whenever their schedules allow them the time to do so. He has a dog — well, he technically has three. Charbon is his, and his alone. She is a wonderful Black Labrador that Dobson appointed him. The other two, Caramelo and Dulce, (both named by Catalina, of course) are his and his husband's.
Charbon is moving as soon as he's clawing at his neck. She knows what to do. She knows what to do.
"-breathe. In, and out. Com'on, Jean. It ain't hard. In, and out. You're, like, an athlete. In, and out. You don't even smoke. In, and out. Drew? Water, yes. In, and out."
That's, unfortunately, not the voice of a cybernetically enhanced service dog. It's a different type of animal. Neil Josten.
He manages to make his brain claw around, trying to find where his hand is (in his neck, of course) and puts it up, flipping the bipedal cockroach off.
Jean doesn't have a panic attack. Thanks, Charbon.
He's still on the edge. He plays with the dog's ears, floppy and bendy. She seems content to let him do so. They're all on the floor. The two cats are in Neil's lap. Andrew is in the kitchen.
"Breathing okay? Didn't break a rib, did you?"
Jean flips Neil off again.
"I take that as a no. But we did do a RCP training course, you know? Aaron was being a little bitch about me being 'death-prone' or whatever. So you wouldn't even have died. Not on our watch"
"Pretty sure RCP is not the standard solution to panic attacks, junkie" Andrew says, sounding bored, while he walks into the room, tray in his hands. "Panic attacks, also, don't really kill people that often. He would've fainted, at worst"
"Should be standard. Gets the heart right again, does it not?"
Andrew drops the tray to the floor. Only, he doesn't drop it. The jug full of ice and water is intact, as is the glass right next to them. Jean serves himself a glass, drowning it as quickly as possible. It stings. It helps, with the whole "I hate my throat" thing. Harm reduction, Dobson called it.
"You're such a fucking idiot" Andrew says, before reaching down to tug Neil's hair. Neil looks up, their eyes lock, and Jean feels so disgusted that he almost forgets why he's on the floor, to start with. Can they be any less PDA-inclined?
Then again, Jeremy and him are worse. So.
There's silence. And, then, "Jean. We could find a way"
Jean is confused. Andrew, clearly, is not. Jeremy and him love each other, but even theh can admit that there's no other couple with such a level of telepathy as the Josten-Minyard one. It's quite off-putting.
" 'We' sounds like a lot of people" Andrew complains, his tone one of slight annoyance. Regardless, he drops down next to Neil. One of the cats migrates to his lap. He absentmindedly scratches its head, just like he did Neil.
"I'm not following"
They both look at him like he's an imbecile. In return, he glares.
"To get you out of the contract" Neil clarifies. Except, that doesn't clarify anything. Jean Moreau, even as a free man, belongs to the Moriyamas. Not the Nest, or Riko, anymore. It's as much freedom as anyone like him can wish for. Jean Moreau has, is and will endure.
Yes, he hyperventilates whenever the topic of children comes up. Because Jeremy wants kids. A big, happy, loving family. Jean, unfortunately, wants the same.
He doesn't want kids as much as he fears his debt. Their future. His work. Their worth.
Andrew made the offhand comment of Aaron's twins coming to visit next week. About how it seems that the whole group of "Neil's friends" are eager to overpopulate the world with mini nuisances and how he pitied the teachers that had to ever work with such offspring. How it feels like they're the only ones sane enough to avoid such a burden. He didn't mean anything by it. That didn't stop Jean from spiraling. Intent and reaction are, often, not the same thing.
"I stress that you should just get the Care Bear to replace you. He likes Exy. He likes you. Surely we can guilt him into agreeing"
"Non," he answers immediately. They've had this conversation. Jeremy has offered. Jean has refused. It is enough, that one of them is tainted by the Moriyamas. Jeremy's life is not and has never been perfect, but Jean refuses to add a whole ass mafia deal to that.
Andrew shrugs, unapologetically. Jean is not offended. Andrew is a no-nonsense kind of man. A "straight to the point" kind of man. He, probably, thinks that his suggestions are helping, somehow.
"There has to be another way." Neil muses, looking at the ceiling. "We already negotiated with Ichirou, once. Maybe time's made him softer? He's got kids, now. Fatherhood softens people up. Or so I hear."
"Your father tried to kill you. At least thirty times. Almost succeeded half of those, too" Jean reminds him, trying to stay out of the whole family conversation. Neil has never been one for careful sentences. He doesn't mean anything by it. Then, again, intent and reaction.
"It's his personality. He brings out the worst in people" Andrew adds, interlocking his pinky with Neil's pinky, before leaning in and giving him a quick kiss on the cheek. Gross.
"Rude. Also, Ichirou is way more level headed than Nathan. We could try, at least."
"Absolutely no, you neuron-lacking flea."
"Over my dead body, Josten."
"Again, rude. You two never let me have any fun. Kevin is influencing you too much, I swear."
Jean doesn't feel like thinking about Kevin, so he takes out one of the bobby pins in his hair and throws it at Neil's face. Andrew snorts. Charbon looks at the interaction with curiosity. So does Neil.
There is silence, again. For a while. And, then, "Neil will play Exy until he can't, anyways" Andrew points out.
Jean is confused. Neil, clearly, is not. He looks at Andrew with such an open expression of vulnerability and worry, that Jean has to look away.
"Drew, you know that-"
"I said 'life', didn't I? Same team. Same house."
"Five years ago."
"Haven't changed my mind."
"Still. I know you hate it."
"As much as I hate you. I've put up with you this long. I will handle it."
"Are you two always this fucking cryptic? Jesus Christ"
They share a look. Andrew nods. Neil hesitates. Andrew pokes him in the ribs.
"Andrew is willing to make a deal. We- we talked about it, some years ago, when Kevin had that skating accident. It's, uh, a backup plan. Asking Ichirou to pass the contract down."
"For a price." Andrew adds. As if that isn't the most unhinged, crazy and stupid thing Jean has ever heard them say. And God knows that that's a very high list.
"You're joking with me."
"Do I look like a fucking clown, Moreau?"
"As a matter of fact, yes. I will not pass down my burden to you. Plus, it is, surprisingly, a decent plan. There is no other goalie out there who is making more money than you. Ichirou would be stupid if he didn't agree. Which means that you have to keep that option open. Neil is constantly looking for new ways of getting himself killed. I will not tolerate having you, either of you, on the chopping block for me. Not if I can help it"
He is angry. Do they think so selfish? So entitled? So uncaring? He feels nauseous. Charbon puts her paws on his chest, licking his face. He shouldn't feel offended, but he does. They don't mean anything by it. Intent, reaction.
"I'm already involved with our dear asian Shobhuza. Pretty sure he doesn't like me, already."
"Non. Absolutely no. Don't even- no. No. Are you listening to me? Never."
They glare at each other. Years ago, Jean would fold, Andrew's gaze reminding him too much of handcuffs and needles. He doesn't.
"Dramatic" Neil mutters in singsong. They glare at him, now. He has the audacity to giggle.
"We'll figure something out." he says, so sure of himself. How can someone so short be so full of confidence, Jean will never know.
"Even if we don't," Andrew adds, with something close to warmth in his tone, "surely the two of you can survive without passing on those dreadful genes of yours for a few more years"
"We were thinking of fostering" he murmurs, softly. So softly that he's unsure if they heard him or not. Andrew freezes, midway through petting his cat. Neil's eyes widen. Charbon gives a friendly bark.
Andrew and Neil look at each other. Do they ever do anything else?
"We'll find a way," Andrew says. Promises. Begs. Asks. Neil nods, gaze heavy with duty. They hold hands. Neil squeezes. Andrew squeezes back.
Jean feels like he might have another panic attack. How can they be so reckless? For him, out of all people?
Then, again, he would do the same. Sacrifices and promises.
Is there any other way to live?
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good freaking lord on earth
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Hello from Sweetie, Mr. Dillon and Little Girl!!
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mydairpercabeth · 9 months
Two years of Happy Birthday Seaweed Brain 🥹
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