#my immune system is so weak jee
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dreamieparadise · 6 months ago
Me playing with my khr ocs like dolls: "hmmm! More trauma for Mukhtar!!!" *squeezes his head*
Me: "Also, be more overt and devastating with Momina's trauma!!!" *spins her by her hair*
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a-marlene-s · 6 years ago
Floating White Lotus
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This fic was inspired by this post by @captainkirkk. 
Book One: Water
Title: “Ginseng Tea”
Chapter: Beginning - Previous Chapter - 3 - Next Chapter 
Rating: T (curse words mainly.)
Genre: Humor, Drama, and more humor.
Summary: Floating White Lotus, a former fire nation ship that was converted into a traveling tea shop. The shop is led by the rumored the Dragon of the West, (No knows if this is true or not… yet) and his nephew who wishes to forget the ever lasting war. Well, until a certain someone decided he’d be the perfect fire bending instructor.
Archive Of Our Own: Floating White Lotus
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Ginseng Tea
It could be used to reduce inflammations, boost the immune system, fight tiredness and increase energy levels. Not for children , pregnant women or women that are breastfeeding.
Katara and Sokka glanced at each other as Aang talked about the Southern Air Temple. He still had hope that there could be survivors at any of the Air Temples. The siblings both had the same general thought. One hundred years had past since the annihilation of the Air Nomads and no one had seen any since then. Until Aang that is.
He was dressed in his Fire Nation uniform, sipping badly brewed tea and ignoring the newly promoted Commander Zhao. Ugh, the guy just didn't stop trying to get under his skin. It had reached the point where it was plain sad. He wished Uncle hadn't accepted Zhao's invitation for tea.
Zuko put a stop to his inner monologue. Zhao was outlining the Fire Nation's plan for conquering the Earth Kingdom. It couldn't have been thought through. Only a fool would believe that the Earth Kingdom would fall so quickly to that supposed plan. The only way the Fire Nation would even have a tiny chance at succeeding would be if Uncle helped them. He'd already seen Ba Sing Se. Iroh had told him once that he already knew possible strategies for conquering the city even with the added security.
"Tell me Prince Zuko. How is your search for the Avatar going?"
Zuko allowed a bit of his old self to resurface. Fake bitterness and impatience clear in his voice with just a tint of haughtiness. "Unfruitful." He hated himself for stooping so low.
Then one of Zhao's men walked in to deliver a newly received message. It was about a flying bison.
Lieutenant Jee kept a close eye on Zhao's men. They were quite clearly trying to extract information from them. It was unlucky for them that the crew of the Floating White Lotus was extremely loyal to Iroh and Zuko. It did worry him though when one of the soldiers found a crate filled with tea sets.
This could very well ruin everything. Jee remained calm and acted like he wasn't eavesdropping. If they suspected anything out of the norm he would-
"Remember that The Dragon of The West is an avid tea drinker. I wouldn't be surprised if Prince Zuko destroys dishes for, spirits know what, reason."
Jee felt himself relax ad he heard his crew mutter about the Prince's temper. He could even hear the cock go onto a one sided rant about Zuko's tendency to destroy anything and everything when he got angry. Say what you want, but they sure knew how to act.
He turned around and saw one of his men running towards him. It was the one that had been tasked with shadowing Iroh and Zuko. The man was breathing heavily, but still managed to croak out some very surprising news. "Prince Zuko challenged Commander Zhao to an Agni Kai at sunset."
Zuko didn't care for much since his banishment. For a time the only thing he could feel was anger towards himself, his father and his sister. The only one he hadn't felt any anger towards was Iroh. Uncle took him under his wing when he got banished. It was thanks to his uncle's guidance that Zuko changed to the person he was today.
Zuko had seen red when Zhao began saying unsavory things to the man. Consequences be damned. Iroh reminded him of his last Agni Kai as he got ready to fight.
He only paused for a second as he remembered that duel.
Zuko breathed heavily and glared at his father as he fought against him. He knew he did wrong to question the man's plans, but it had been necessary. That so called plan was based on sending an entire division on a suicide mission. It showed no respect to the soldiers and used them as nothing other than replaceable pawns.
It was for them that Zuko wasn't giving Ozai the satisfaction of watching him beg. That would mean regretting speaking up for all those men that would more than likely still die once he got killed by his own father.
Zuko wished he was born in a different family in another nation. But he held no regrets whatsoever as unconsciousness took him.
End of Flashback~
Zuko took a deep breath and got into a stance as he and Zhao prepared to fight. They waited for the gong to signal the start of the Agni Kai.
Zhao was one of the many people that saw him as nothing more than a bitter, impatient and weak boy who the Fire Lord should have killed three years ago. So when the fight began Zhao underestimated his opponent. Iroh had managed to teach him a thing or two.
It was too bad for Zhao that by the time he'd made sense of what was happening Zuko already had him on the ground. The teen was standing over him with both hands covered in flames. "Do it. Kill me."
"I wouldn't tempt me." Zuko allowed the flames to die out. "Never speak ill of my uncle in my presence again. Next time I won't be as nice."
It was clear who the winner was.
Zuko turned away and walked back to Iroh. Zhao could see the old general smile and give the boy a pat on the back. Then he heard him congratulate the Prince for holding back. HOLDING BACK!
"Let's celebrate this over a cup of tea, Prince Zuko." Iroh congratulated his nephew once more. He looked back to see Zhao gruffly get back up. Iroh gave the defeated Commander one of his well known smiles. A smile with a hidden warning. One that Commander Zhao definitely saw as he quickly left.
"Where to next?"
"Kyoshi Island. We are set to deliver supplies there."
"You heard the kid. Set sail for Kyoshi Island."
TBC.Tag List: @amynchan, @aliendoodles2
Tag List is still open.
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my-mystic-messenger · 8 years ago
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So I jumped between requests all day but couldn’t focus on a single one - just too many ideas, you know that feeling? - so I went through my pics and found this beautiful screenshot. I mean MM is known for it’s grammar mistakes, translation issues and similar, but this one is my favourite so far. Due to a small mix-up this makes it seem like Saeran is the one marrying MC in the after endings, not Saeyoung. And I know it’s just a mistake and I know it was all a dream anyway but I love Saeran and he deserved redemption, love and therapy. Therefor I write a fic where he gets all three, hopefully. MC mentioned Masterlist Hope you enjoy ❤⃛ヾ(๑❛ ▿ ◠๑ )
Fandom: Mystic Messenger Rating: General Warnings: Depression and hinted at self harm but like blink and you miss it kind. Still I want to be safe rather than sorry so... Categories: F/M Relationships: MC x Saeran Word count: 1435
When Saeran had first gotten out of Mint Eye he'd been in a horrible state. He'd been underweight, malnourished, completely drugged up with things even doctors couldn't fully identify to the point his already weak immune system was on the brink of completely collapsing on top of suffering from multiple mental disorders; the most prominent being depression. He was either busy attempting to kill his twin brother or himself and not a day went by that he didn't feel an unhealthy mixture of miserable and resentful. It certainly didn't help that his brother had gotten him out of the hospital far too early for his mental state to be stabilized. Not to mention that his go to solution to everything had been locking Saeran up in a windowless hole until he got better eventually. Without meds, obviously, because who on earth would ever need those, right?. Frankly, he'd given up hope altogether, gradually drowning in his own guilt and sadness, wilting away.
That was until Min-Jee Chu had begun to play a recurring role in his life. Whatever he threw her way, verbal or physical, she always remained calm. Once he'd actually attempted to punch her to which she'd merely caught his fist in her hand, twisted his arm and gotten him on the floor. She'd straddled his back like a little pony, peacefully continuing to lick at the lolipop she'd been enjoying before his attack. She'd sat on him for however long it took for him to finally calm down. Only then had she patted his head and gotten up, leaving him completely baffled. It had been that moment that Saeran had realized that maybe, just maybe, he'd met his match and not just physically. She never chewed his ear off, never pushed for anything and yet gave so much in return. Whenever she came along, despite Saeyoung telling her not to on multiple occasions, she always had a proper meal she handed to Saeran. For a while he refused to eat, but eventually she resorted to doing the here comes the plane game and Saeran only lasted so long being subjected to such idiocy before he gave in. 
Not only that, but she also stuck around when things got ugly. Whenever Saeran hurt himself, intentional or not, she was always there, pulling out a bandaid from her pocket and gently putting it on the wound after carefully disinfecting it. Throughout the entire process Saeran didn't move, instead watching with awe as she took care of him so sweetly. The sick, twisted part of him wanted to break her, ruin her to be more like him. A bigger part, however, had the need to protect and cherish her. Frankly that part scared Saeran more than the darkness he held within. It only got worse as the weeks passed by. They barely talked and yet he felt close to her. She didn't need to talk for him to understand her. The fact that she constantly kept breaking into Saeyoungs place – learning Arabic just so she could answer the goddamn door quick enough and get in – or the fact that she was willing to fight his twin in order for him to give Saeran certain freedoms or at least therapy was proof enough that she cared. It took a while until Saeyoung finally gave in. Min-Jee must have been miserable, spending all those afternoons and evenings in that pit that Saeyoung called his home. Saeran certainly did! Still, she came every day after school, without fail. She would sit down next to Saeran and sometimes they would just look at one another, neither saying nor doing anything. He'd glare while she'd eat her candy. Secretly though, he was happy that she was there. Especially on those days when she brought along a book and read it aloud. He didn't have to ask her to do so, she just did. Even when he'd complained she'd just continued, somehow knowing that he actually loved the sound of her voice and those beautiful stories she told him. It was extremely soothing. Still, obviously there were bad days where he resorted to his violent and mean tendencies. Whenever he threw a hissy fit her comeback would be stuffing some bonbon or loli into his mouth, effectively silencing him.
When the day finally came that Saeran was allowed to leave the house for the first time, Min-Jee took him to the park. They sat near the lake, in the shadows of a tree so Saeran wouldn't get a sunburn. He complained a lot that evening. Not because he was actually unhappy, but because he was so happy it scared him and his instinct told him to push her away before he got too attached. Nothing worked though, as per usual with her. He was too hot? She had an electronic pocket fan with her. The sun burned his eyes? She put her shades on his nose. He was hungry and thirsty? She got him a burger and something to drink. She'd even trusted him enough to leave him out of her sight and Saeran actually stayed put! He'd realized in that moment that there was no chance he'd get away from that girl. There was no escaping her, so he might as well give in, give the last piece of his broken heart to the one person who hadn't yet battered and abused it. 
From that moment on things started to finally look up a little. He felt a little less miserable and like maybe there was some purpose to his life. The dark thoughts were still there, but there was a ray of sunshine silencing them from time to time and Saeran took what he could get. Min-Jee talked both Choi brothers into getting Saeran therapy and he actually went. He also took it serious this time, trying his best to open up about his feelings and thoughts, accepting possible treatments and eventually medication. Sure, he was still weary of it, since drugs had been the start of all his problem to begin with, but Min-Jee encouraged him and thankfully she turned out to be right once more. Not only did therapy help untangle the mess Rika had created in his mind, it also taught him the strength to forgive his brother and understand that he'd really tried his best. The meds also numbed that aching pain of loneliness and darkness he'd suffered from and the little rest that was left Min-Jee took care of for him.
The day Min-Jee turned eighteen was the day Saeran proposed to her. Throughout this entire time she'd done nothing but give and give and then some more. Never had she asked for anything in return and that was precisely what made Saeran want to give her the world. He knew, despite only having known her for a little over a month, that she was the one person he wanted to spend the rest of his life with. Sure, they hadn't dated per se and yes they were both extremely young, but the second he got out the small ring he'd gotten for her on his first trip around town by himself both of them just knew that they wanted to be together. Saeran had learned to live life to the fullest. Suffering through the things he did, frankly he hadn't even expected to make it this far and part of that mentality was still embedded inside of him. If he died tomorrow, he wanted to die a happy man, knowing that he'd done all the things he wanted and could do. That included putting a ring on the finger of the woman he loved.
When Saeran and Min-Jee announced their engagement in the chatroom everyone reacted very intensely. Zen was completely shocked and to some extend enraged, Yoosung had difficulties figuring out when on earth that connection between Saeran and Min-Jee had formed, Jaehee was weary of such a rushed proceeding, Jumin was merely glad that you were getting married instead of jumping into other much more improper activities and Saeyoung cried buckets. They discussed the engagement long after the couple had left the chatroom, cuddled up on the couch together peacefully without a soul to disturb their little moment of bliss. When the big day finally came it wasn't big at all. All the people they cared for were there; the RFA members. Despite their initial reservations anyone with a set of eyes could see that Saeran and Min-Jee were meant to be. They filled those empty slots in each others hearts and everything else time would take care of.
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