#my friend said that i draw krupp's hair like butters from s/outh p/ark
sketch-twentytwo · 7 months
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I really enjoy drawing Krupp in the Pilkey style but I figure he needs a slightly more fleshed out design to pair with the boys.
My interpretation of Benjamin Krupp comes from the movie's characterization of him: strict, competent, and sad. Book Krupp is cartoonishly evil and TV Show Krupp (to my knowledge) is cartoonishly evil and incompetent (my friend said that he canonically cannot count or something????).
Movie Krupp is an unhappy fellow, but I never felt like he was a totally evil school principle. Sure, he cut funding to the music and arts program and yeah, the atmosphere around JHE was gloomy and oppressive (in the kids POV mind you), but it seemed like the priority was still on the kids education.
He separated George and Harold due to their shenanigans, mostly as a punishment, but that's kinda what happens when two kids are disruptive in a class; they get moved to different homerooms and aren't seated next to each other.
He also doesn't deal out punishments like detention or suspensions all willy-nilly, he waits until he has solid proof before dealing G+H their consequences. He even gives Melvin his "extra credit" which I found kind of endearing. Obviously the extra credit thing didn't mean anything to anyone except for Melvin, but Krupp still humored the kid and didn't lash out or get annoyed. IDK, that moment warmed my heart a lil.
SO, TL;DR, my characterization of Benjamin Krupp follows this mindset: he's an unhappy guy who is strict on students, but he's not unnecessarily cruel. I do think he likes to "threaten" George and Harold with detentions and separation and the like, but for all they've antagonized him, it's kinda like a bit at that point.
Certainly he is not a flawless man, but he is a man who is about to have a terrible, horrible, no good, very bad day.
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