#my favorite is when fake locke asks ben to apologize for killing him and then ben shoots ceasar and is like “there's your apology”
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fist-of-vengeance · 9 months ago
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Ben Linus + textposts the sequel
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criminalminds4days · 4 years ago
Family Matters | Chapter 10: Believer
Hello everyone!
I apologize for my lack of posting. I have barely survived midterms and I have found myself with a writers block once more. I am hopefully going to be able to give myself a little break between the end of the semester and after finals and the beginning of my summer courses. Thankfully I only have 2 summer classes so hopefully that will make it easier to post. 
I have some announcements coming up soon and I will hopefully finish writing the missing chapters for this story and only have to post and edit. So far, I have not been able to edit anymore so I apologize for any grammatical error. 
I really hope you are enjoying reading the story because I had a really great time writing it. Hope you have a great weekend!
I apologize for constant flashbacks but they are important to the plot, I promise!
Warnings: Swearing, sexual references, violence and murder references, public embarrassment, and very bad jokes!
Word Count: 4k
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Tag list: @mcntsee @lets-be-gay-for-the-angel @evelyncade @haylaansmi @paulaern @myfandomlife-blog​
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(This gif is not mine)
Chapter 10: Believer
"Very well, this seems like a good start." She said as she finished reading his confession. She moved towards the camera and turned it off, signaling that she would be taking the paper and would adhere to her part of the deal.
"What is she doing?" Spencer whispered to Emily. "Without a video confession, the written one can be considered coerced. We would be back at square one."
"There is the surveillance camera, genius."
"Of course she has a backup plan." He looked at the black camera, smiling at the knowledge.
"Now tell me, who left you, was it, mom or dad?"
"My dad." She readjusted in her seat. "How many victims did you kill total. We've found five, but it seems to me that is a low number for someone as angry as you."
"Fifteen, some of them are lost in the desert, some are by the arches, they should be found fairly soon." He shrugged and continued to look at her. "Why did he leave?"
"My mother got pregnant when she was young. It was a mistake, they didn't love each other. They married because of me, so it was only a matter of time before they broke, and break they did." She fought the urge to look back, hoping that nobody aside from Hotch would review the security tape. "Did you kill your father?"
"First one. He's in the arches, his favorite place in the world."
"Did your mom not accept his apology?"
"Well, he didn't really apologize until I had a gun to his head, but my mother was always kind, so she forgave him."
"Why did you kill him then?"
"I didn't forgive him." He winked at her. "Did you look for him?"
"I did."
"That's your fourth question."
"I don't care, I want to know."
"He is dead. As dead as can be." She said out loud for the first time. "I hired a private investigator and found he crashed his car two years after he left us."
"Karma is a bitch."
"Why keep killing if you got rid of him?"
"For the same reason, you joined the FBI." He smiled at her, "to show my dad that he wasn't gonna dictate my life. That I was not going to let him be my end goal."
"It seems to me he is. You tracked him down, killed him. For some that might be enough. But you never got closure so you decided to pray on people who made mistakes. Where did you find them?"
"I worked at a counselors office."
"Well, that is rather obvious now. Maybe you should have gotten some help yourself." She stood, ready to leave the room, "hope you enjoy prison." She turned to exit the room.
"My final question, if you had found him, what would you have said?"
"I don't know." She responded.
"Well, I couldn't  ask him why  he left because I already know that, so I don't really know what I would have said." She turned to him, "what did you tell him?"
"I told him trousers weren't his thing." He stood, the handcuffs falling from his hands as his smile grew wider. "You should really be more careful with what you leave laying here, doctor."She reached for her gun but everything happened so fast she had no time to fire it. He seemed to run into the wall, only this one was not as hard as it seemed and a giant chunk collapsed as he made his way through, and just like that he had exited the station. Prentiss and Reid rushed in and through the now giant hole in the station but the man was nowhere to be found. Lucas Heavensbee had just vanished on her watch.
"Fuck!" She yelled and made her way to the office, the team was now making their way to the interrogation room but stopped in their tracks as they saw her approach. "I need access to the security cameras, now." She moved towards the security office and asked for the feed of the last couple of weeks to be played, there she found there were about three days missing. "He planned this, and someone helped him. He knew exactly what he was doing. That bastard played us!" She rushed out and into an SUV, driving directly to his house that was now under surveillance. She looked around, looking for anything that would indicate he had been there. It was fast to spot it, he had managed to slide through the police cars and left a note for her.
I just wanted to make sure you knew this had nothing to do with you doctor, but I simply can't let my father win. I am sure we will hear from each other, and then we can converse from one orphan to another. Until then.
She was ready to show the note to them, as Emily Prentiss and Spencer Reid made their way through the house. The note was still crumpled in her hand, but as the local police entered she decided against it. The two agents were the best people she had ever met, she knew it since the moment she joined the FBI, and she knew they were trying to make her feel better about the whole situation, but there were some things she couldn't get past. This man had killed fifteen people and kidnapped so many more and he had slipped right through her fingers. He had made a fool of her, and she would be damned if she didn't catch him. Telling Emily and Spencer would worry them, and they would be on her case about it becoming an obsession, just like she had done after their first case.
One year ago (I think?)
Her leg bounced as she drove with the social worker and two of her co-workers. This was her first big assignment, and she wasn't sure she would measure up. It was also important to note that while Emily and she tended to get along well, Spencer and she hadn't spoken almost at all since the sweater incident.
"Should I introduce you as FBI agents?"
"No, I think it's best if we come as social workers, there is less hostility." Prentiss' said as she gave both Reid and her their fake badges. She placed her FBI ID inside her bag and took a deep breath, it was a simple mission, they would be in and out.
Never, and I mean never, say something will be easy, as this almost assures you that is not the case. The social worker, whose name was Daisy, had been shot and was now dead. They had become trapped in the middle of a war between the cult leaders and the local police. It's as if the universe wished to remind her just how much bad luck she could have.
She heard them talking to the FBI, and food had been delivered so she assumed they had implanted microphones. Now they had to find a way to communicate with them and let them know what they had concluded.
"Which one of you is it?" The man said as he pointed a gun at them.
"Are we playing tag?" She asked stupidly, earning a glare from her partners.
"Do you think this is a joke? Which one of you is the FBI agent?" She turned to look at the woman and man, trying her hardest not to freak out.
"What are you talking about?" Spencer asked, clearly nervous.
"I will ask you one more time, and if none of you tell me I will not hesitate to shoot all three of you. Which one is the FBI agent?"
She saw Emily stir and knew she had to act fast if she wanted to save her. "I am." She said before either of them could stop her. "I'm the FBI agent. Though I'm fairly new so I don't really have that many secrets to tell. I was barely cleared to be on the field. If you really think about it, I'm not very helpful, so I think maybe if you let it slide I could-" she felt a fist connect with her right cheekbone, silencing her.
"Take her to the back." He instructed one of the men. She gave one last reassuring glance to her teammates, hoping this wouldn't be the last time she saw them.
After what seemed like an eternity of silence, the door to the room she was in opened and Ben came in. You would think that having a name like Benjamin wouldn't exactly command respect, but she wasn't one to judge cults.
"Why are you here?"
"Because you told your men to lock me here." He slapped her across the face.
"Who sent you?"
"My boss?" Her response was received with another slap.
"Do you think this is a joke?"
"I think that you need to feel powerful because a part of you knows you're not enough." She spoke hoping her team could hear part of their discovery, even if she was receiving punches from the man as she continued. "You think you can get away with stuff because you prayed on the week, but deep down you know that there are people here who could stand up to you, and if they did you would be done for." She felt a warm liquid fall from her lips as he continued to beat her. "I know you pray on young girls. You're nothing more than a pedophile that uses the bible as a way to manipulate women to give their children to you." As she fell he started kicking her and she tried to avoid making noise, but the pain was too much. "This is nothing, I've dealt with worse." She spoke, hoping they would understand. "I've dealt with much worse, this is nothing."
"Who do you think you are?!" The man said, enraged at her defiance.
"Nobody, just the one person that knows you better than you know yourself." That earned her the hardest hit, and she knew she wouldn't be conscious for much longer, she had to let them know. "Your suicide won't work, there are people that are skeptical and you know it. This isn't about God, or even your preferences, this is about you Ben, and how you are so terrified to go back to prison you are willing to kill your followers to avoid it, because you know they would see right through your act, you are nothing but a coward." The last kick took place and the man left the room. "Don't change the plan, I'm okay." She whispered, hoping they could hear her, wishing that even if she died right then and there, they could save the people trapped in this church.
When she woke, a woman was there tending her wounds. "Be careful, I think you might have some broken ribs."
"Don't tell Ben, he might come and finish me off" she joked, but the woman gave her a pointed look as if letting her know that was a possibility. "How long have I been unconscious?"
"I don't know, maybe a couple of hours. They will come and get you for the ceremony, use you as an example."
"That's okay, I've always wanted to be one of those."
"This is not a joke girl, he's dangerous."
"I know. The trick is to have nothing to lose."
"Well, I have a daughter."
"Ben's wife, right?" The woman flinched at the mention. "You're not okay with that, are you?" And then, the pieces of the puzzle fit together. "You made the call, didn't you?" Before the woman could confirm her suspicion, a man entered and pulled her up, not worrying if her body ached, and took her to the church. She used the door frame to help her stabilize herself and took in the sight before her. It was still light, but with the time she lost she couldn't be sure how much time they actually had left. Emily and her locked eyes and she approached, her eyes full of worry, but her facial expression was one of pure anger and hatred. "On a scale of one to ten, how much do you hate me?"
"How could you lie to us?" She asked, and as the men made their way to the front, her tone didn't change, but her questions did. "Are you crazy? Why would you do such a stupid thing? They could have killed you."
"I know, but it was either me or all three of us. Besides, I'm fine. We need you and Reid on the inside."
"This is reckless behavior."
"I know, but you were about to do the same."
"I have experience."
"Exactly, I can be a scapegoat."
"You are the most stubborn person I have ever met."
"I know, it's a gift. Now listen, I think there are mics, in the food, and if I'm right, I think I have been able to feed some information to the team, but we need to figure out when this massive suicide will take place."
Emily nodded and gave her an apologetic look before shoving her harshly. She fought the urge not to wince but it was almost impossible with her broken ribs. "You are a disgrace to this country, and I hope whoever you work for knows that they will not get away with it."
Ben looked over and stared at her, and despite her pain and the fear of another beating, she stared him down, letting him know that he would not get the best of her. She was gonna save as many people as possible and he could suck it. He was just another man who thought they were invisible because they weren't afraid to beat you up.
Spencer observed the interaction and the defiance she had amazed him. Despite the bruises and the swelling of her eye, not once did she lower her gaze or show any sign of weakness. Never in his life had he felt so attracted to someone as he did right then and there, but now was not the time to daydream of your coworkers, especially when they could be on the verge of dying.
As the day progressed, she continued to look for ways to tell the team, finally resorting to using the window to write a message. When she was younger she used to huff into a window to create fog and used it to write, so she did the same, letting the team know she could possibly convince some people to exit and they could come in after.
"What are you doing?" The woman from earlier spoke as she entered the room.
"If I'm gonna die, I might as well go doing something I like. Fog drawings." She said and covered her work. "Listen, don't ask me how I know this, but the FBI might strike tonight and if they do, he's not gonna cooperate, we need to get as many people as possible out."
"No, I can't do that."
"Please, I know you're scared, I'm terrified right now. I might have peed my pants earlier today, but that's not the point. The point is we need to save as many people as possible. Please help me get them out." Through the window she saw a figure, holding three fingers up. She nodded and turned back to the woman.
"Three a.m.?"
"You saw him too?"
"Yeah, one would think the FBI would be a little more discrete."
"We have our moments. Now please, make sure to get everyone out before then." The woman sighed and nodded, agreeing to the plan. "And one more thing, the people I came with, how are they?"
"Are they also agents?"
"No, of course not. I just dragged them into this and feel responsible for them. They are good people."
"The man seems to be fascinated by Ben, and vice versa. The woman keeps pacing around as if hoping for enlightenment. She has talked to some people though."
"Okay good. Please make sure to get them out too." After she left and closed the door, the woman sat down, her injuries making it hard to breathe. "I don't know where I am, or how to get out, but that will not change the plans okay? I need to make sure all these people are safe."
She wished she could hear someone ensuring her that would be the case, but there was no answer. She felt herself get dizzy and knew there was definitely internal damage that would take time to heal. Turns out her mother was wrong, money couldn't get you out of everything. It felt like an eternity, but she knew the time was approaching. She saw and more and more dark figures gathered around the church. She even caught a glimpse of Derek, who seemed to be looking around, as if hoping he could find her. She huffed one last time and wrote a message to him.
The door opened and nobody came in. She knew what it meant, so she gathered her remaining strength and walked out. Everything was dark and she could hear Spencer's voice coming from the main room. She followed it and stopped as she noticed him trying to talk a man down from placing explosives. She cursed under her breath. She stepped forward only to be pulled back by someone.
"Don't even think about it." The man said.
"Derek, we need to help him."
"I know, I'll go, join the rest. Everyone is already out."
"Go!" She began walking out before it all happened. Reid ran towards them and Derek pulled the both of them to the nearest and hopefully safest area before a sharp pain on her head made her vision blurry and soon after she lost consciousness.
"I think she will appreciate it if you showered." She heard someone say, once she finally regained consciousness.
"Well, then she can tell me that herself." Another voice responded.
"Emily, you and Spencer have been here for a week. You need to go to the hotel and rest. At least the kid has been using the shower."
"I am not leaving until she wakes up. That includes leaving to bathe."
"Neither am I." A third voice added to the mix. "Though I can't say the same thing about avoiding water."
"How am I supposed to leave if I can't trust the two of you to take care of yourselves?"
"Easy, your flight leaves in less than an hour and you are still here. Unless you want to be paying fees you will get out of here."
There was a sigh of resignation before the voice spoke once more. "Reid, you're in charge until she wakes up. Then she's in charge."
"You're gonna put the one of us that was hit in the head 'in charge'? What does that even mean?" The female voice complained.
"I have made my decision. Maybe if you showered, things would be different." The voice faded, and the steps of the person became less clear, so she assumed the person was leaving.
"I think Morgan is right, you should take a shower."
"Don't make me hurt you, Reid."
"It was just a suggestion."
She didn't want to interrupt their banter, but her urge to sneeze was bigger, so she let her body do its thing. Though it is important to let you know that sneezing with broken ribs is horrible.
"She's awake!" Emily screamed and launched herself onto the bed. She started crying from pain after the action. "You're so happy you're crying!"
"Prentiss, that might be because you just jumped on her ribs." The man clarified as he stood, placing his hand on hers. The feeling was foreign, but she could let it slide once.
"I am so sorry! But I am so happy you're awake."
"What happened?"
"After the explosion, you hit your head, and because you already had injuries your body gave out, exhausted. Thankfully the ambulance was already there and we could rush you to the hospital. You've been sleeping for a good week." He explained.
"Well, then I don't get a lazy day for another three months." She joked and the two joined her. "How are the believers?"
"They're all safe and accounted for. Sadly we lost Ben's wife."
"Does her mom know?"
"Yes, but she wanted me to tell you she doesn't blame you and hopes you do get better." There was a moment of silence, as she processed the message, as well as her guilt.
"And I want you to know I ate your Jell-O." This caused her to laugh again. No matter how painful it felt, she was glad to be alive.
"Remind me to never get stuck in a hospital under the care of Spencer Reid. He'll eat my Jell-O."
"Let's make it a no trip to the hospital policy."
"Do I need to remind you where we work?" The woman shook her head, and both of them looked at her with a heartwarming smile. "I hate to break this moment, but please go shower, Prentiss."
"Ugh, fine." She placed a kiss on her forehead and moved out. "Reid, if anything happens, call me. I'll be back as soon as I can."
"Got it."
She walked out and the two remained silent for a couple of minutes. Their hands were still together and she squeezed it to get his attention. "How are you doing? I wasn't the only one that got caught in the blast."
"I'm good. Morgan and I barely had a scratch, they cleared us that same day."
"That's good. What about the rest of the team?"
"They are all good. They wanted to stay but they had another case, Hotch said your family was out of reach so Emily and I refused to leave. Morgan also stayed behind but they called him up today, without three agents they needed all the help they could get."
"You guys didn't need to stay." She assured him. His grip on her hand tightened, enough to let her know he wasn't letting go, but not enough to hurt her.
"You could've died. Because of me."
"That's not true and you know it."
"I should've said I was the agent."
"We both know the reason he didn't kill me was that I'm a woman. You wouldn't have been so lucky."
"Reid, listen to me. This is not your fault, and this is not Emily's fault either. I knew what I was getting into, and I would do it again in a heartbeat."
"You are one stubborn woman."
"I know." She smiled at him, "now please go find me some Jell-O."
He laughed, but nodded, letting go of her hand. Just before he exited the room he turned and gave her the most endearing look she had ever seen, "thank you, for saving our lives. I'll never forget that."
"Good, that way I can ask for favors at any time." They both chuckled and he left the room hunting for the dessert.
The reality in her brain, however, was not as calm as she portrayed. For months she had obsessed over what she had done wrong, and she had spent sleepless nights thanks to her recurring nightmare, in which Ben didn't hesitate to pull the trigger, and as she watched Spencer and Emily's bodies lie in a pool of blood. This alone was enough to make her train and perfect her skills, to the point of complete exhaustion. She wasn't going to fail, not again.
That was until Lucas Heavensbee had brought her right back to her dark hole.
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benbarnesescape · 8 years ago
Happy Birthday Baby!
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Ben Barnes x Reader
Warning: Nothing. Yet….
A/N: Finally its his big day! Please know that I respect Ben and his personal life and this is just my imaginations perception of him. Hope you like!
It had to be perfect. After begging your boss for the next week off, working remotely on some days and the 14 hour redye flight from LAX to Heathrow in a cramped plane seat, barely making it into the cool island of Britain by the evening  - you had to make it perfect. You hadn’t planned to fly out to see him. In fact, you and your close group of friends had already celebrated his birthday the week before he left for LA, knowing that you would miss it with him.
But then Ben had knocked on your apartment door a night before he flew back home, waking you and your roommate Carrey up from your sleep on the couch. He had a bouquet of flowers in one hand, a sheepish grin on his face as he threw his free hand behind his neck, rubbing the soft skin as he looked down.
“Can we talk?”
Carrey had fallen back asleep, unimpressed by Ben’s random late night visit as you escorted him to your messy bedroom. You apologized for your mess of clothes thrown array from a busy work and social schedule but he ignored it, placing the flowers on the night stand and looking at you.  
“Did you mean what you said?” he had asked, his expressive dark eyes looking into yours and you frowned, leaning across from him on an opposite wall.
“Mean what I said when? In that group text about how tofurkey is blasphemy and California's personal revenge to the world?”
He chuckled, his hand shakily digging in his back pocket before pulling out the thin card stock. You held your breath realizing it's the birthday card you had given him days before. You knew the words he was referencing, the blue ink that had glided over the glossy paper as you wrote it down in haste hours before his party. Feeling oddly confident at the time, a result of all the extra time he had been spending with you one on one. Carrey being frustrated and begging you to tell him how you felt after all this time. The words were simple,
My Benji,
You are the kind of person anyone has gained value in having in their life because your friendship will lend to them the fortunes of what it feels like to be loved and cared for. You inspire me everyday with your wisdom, intelligence and kindness. Guess that’s why I love you and have loved you for a while. You don’t have to say anything back. You don’t have to acknowledge this if you don’t feel the same - I will continue to value you and your friendship in my life. But I guess I just figured you deserved to know.
Have a wonderful birthday either way. You deserve the best!
With love, Y/N Y/L/N
He was looking at the card now, biting his lip before he looked back at you.
“Did you mean what you said?”
You were freaking out but you couldn’t deny that you hadn’t wrote that. It was your handwriting, your signature.
“Yes.” you say it confidently as you look him in the eye, holding your breath. Hoping you didn’t just ruin six years of a great friendship. Instead, he strolls across the room in three long strides, cupping your face and kissing you deeply. You exhale into his mouth as his lips teased you open, your arms flying over his as you kiss him deeply back. When he finally pulls away he whispers,
“I love you too.”
You had spent the night making out on your bed and talking wrapped up in his arms, not getting a lick of sleep before work but not caring because he loved you too.
When you had told Carrey the events of the night that morning, she had insisted that you fly out for his birthday. Had called his younger brother Jack up, saying he owed the both of you for crashing with you last time he was in town to surprise Ben, before finalizing your plans. 
It was simple really. Jack had picked you up from the airport, giving you his apartment key that he shared with Ben on the occasion Ben was in town. They were headed out to dinner and to see a play and afterwards Ben would come up, alone, to you surprising him. Jack happily offered to stay at a friends place so you would have the place to yourselves. According to him, Ben had been insufferable before the admission of your love and even worse now that it was confirmed. Whatever could get it out of his system the faster the better.
The apartment was clean and you found Ben’s room easily, placing your suitcase down before rummaging through it to get out all the knick knacks you needed. Jack had already bought most of the things and you hastily ran around setting up candles in the tight space. You took a quick shower to get the flight smell out of you, washing and blow drying your hair before curling the strands. You changed into the too expensive lingerie you had put on your Victoria Secret card, the dark red and black set settling at your hip and below your breast, pushing them higher. You grabbed the garter belt, taking time to fasten each strap at your thigh. You found the ridiculous short skirt Carrey had urged you to buy, throwing it over your panties and the ridiculously small button up shirt that you kept popped open at your breast. You finished the last piece of makeup that had taken you far too long to put together, sliding the dark hued red lipstick over your full lips before you found the last piece to your outfit. You threw on the tall, black heels Carrey had let you borrow and looked at yourself in the mirror.
A sin. You looked like a goddamn sin and you couldn’t wait for Ben to see you like this.
You clamored slowly to the living room, pulling the champagne out of the freezer and plopping it into a bucket of ice, hoping it was cool enough. You placed strawberries beside the bucket along with a small bowl full of whip cream. Lastly the small cupcake you had asked Jack to buy at your favorite London bakery knowing that Ben didn’t have much of a sweet tooth but wanting a small delicacy for him to have anyways. Jack had texted that they were on his way back and the anxiety of the situation became more present. You hadn’t had time to think if Ben would like this. You had hoped he would but hadn’t really thought it through. You tried to shake your insecurities away as you pushed play on the music player, a soft acoustic mix playing as you stared at the leather couch to figure out how you wanted to position yourself.
“I’ll just lay down. Lay down and it’ll be all good.”
You say it to yourself out loud as you lay down on your side, propping your right arm with your head and resting your other arm on your hips. You bite your lip, grab for the fake glasses you bought along and then re assume your position. Trying to ignore how hard your heart is thumping or the way your stomach feels hollow.
You hear him coming up the stairs minutes later, his laughter ringing in the hallway.
“It's now or never.” you mumble to yourself, trying your best to place a seductive smile on your lips before you hear the keys insert themselves into the lock. The door swings open seconds later and Ben’s laughing but his head isn’t facing you. Its too preoccupied smiling back at the two other people crowding behind him. An older man and woman whose features resemble too much of Ben’s and Jack’s. Dark eyes and smiles and brown hair. And then, when the older man locks eyes on you, it clicks.
This was not just anyone. It was Ben’s parents.
The older man’s eyes fly open as his mother's grin grows wider and you’re screaming,
Ben turns then, curious to what has his parents occupied as Jack runs behind them, confusion and amusement playing on his face. Doesn’t matter because Ben is too busy looking up your body, drinking in your attire as you hop off the couch, desperately looking for something to cover you up. All there is are pillows and you grab two hastily, covering yourself up as fast as you can. Your face burning with embarrassment as Jack mumbles,
“Tried to text you that mum and pop wanted to sing Ben happy birthday upstairs before we left for the evening…..”
You’re dying. This is what dying feel likes. Just a spiral of embarrassment until there’s nothing left of you standing half naked in a school girl costume in front of the man you love’s parents.
This may also be hell.
Instead Ben’s dad chuckles before his mother joins in laughing and you feel even more mortified as Ben walks toward you, slinging off his jacket to cover you up in.
“Happy Birthday?” you meekly answer as his arms cover you up, your face still a hot embarassed mess and he’s laughing now, looking down at you with amusement in lust before pulling you in for a hug.
“How the hell am I supposed to live up to loving you properly when you do thoughtful things like this?” he whispers in your hair, before placing a quick kiss on your neck and pulling away. You know he says it to try to calm you down but you’re mortified all the same. He turns, facing his parents and saying,
“Mom and dad this is who I was talking about. This is Y/N. Y/N - these are my parents.”
You extend out your hand trying desperately to not think about the fact that you have to meet his parents, for the first time, in a jacket and lingerie. They smile, taking your hand before graciously apologizing for interrupting your surprise. Jack’s too busy watching in amusement and the conversation is brief before they promise to catch up with you at Ben’s brunch the following morning. They leave still in a mound of giggles, whispering to each other and you’re left with Ben, standing in his long, black jacket.
Left with him staring at you with something mischievous twinkling in his eyes.
“So….” you ask, trying to kill the silence. “How was the play?”
He chuckles as he walks to the couch, the dark brown leather squelching under his weight as he falls back on buttery leather.
“It was fine. Ran into Andrew.”
“Andrew?” you ask confused and he smiles.
Andrew Garfield. Just an Oscar nominee actor. Of course he did.
“Oh.” you say, exhaling deeply, butterflies form in the pit of your stomach as a smile grows larger on his face.
“You gonna tease me and not let me really admire what’s underneath my jacket. Thought you had a special birthday gift for me.”
There’s a darkness flickering in his eyes as he bites his lip, watching you as you slowly peel back the jacket, letting it fall slowly on the floor behind you. He takes his time racking down your body, his eyes undressing you as he adjusts on the couch.
“How about you come over here and teach me how to be a good boy?” he whispers as he spread his legs wider.
A/N: Should I write a Part 2?? If I get enough yay’s I’ll even post it today :)
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