#my brother in christ he *literally* said he never touched moffat's scripts
dalesramblingsblog · 4 months
Look here's the thing guys, if you keep going "Wow this Moffat episode was great, and that one, oh and that one too, but *OOOOH I HATE STEVEN MOFFAT AND HE'S TERRIBLE AND CAN'T WRITE AT ALL*"" then like... I've got news for ya, maybe you don't actually hate Moffat as much as you think.
It's OK, you don't have to have a burning parasocial hatred for this one sixty-two year-old Scottish man. In fact, it's honestly kinda weird to still have an obsessive hatred for Moffat in the year of our Lord 2024, but that's just my opinion, take it or leave it. If you wanna take aim at legitimate overly smug asshole writers who also happen to be terrible people... I mean, Joss Whedon is right over there guys, c'mon, what are we even doing here?
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