#my bro and i kept doing this after watch bh6
bigherosixfeels · 5 years
Big Hero 6: The Series - Least Favorite to Favorite Episode (Season 1)
Hi, everyone! So, I love ranking episodes of shows that I really get invested into from my least favorite to favorite and I’ve been wanting to do this for awhile, so here’s my personal list of ranking the episodes from season 1 of bh6:ts from worst to best!
22. Big Hero 7 If I had to pick an episode from this season that I enjoyed the least, it would be this one. Not that this episode was terrible or anything, but I guess for myself, it seemed too predictable. Knowing that Richardson Mole was going to be the temporary seventh member of Big Hero 6, it seemed obvious that somehow he’d lose his memory by the end of the episode. Not only that, but I just don’t find Richardson to be an interesting character. Although, this episode does give me a small bit of hope that him and Fred can become friends someday. Not soon, but someday. High Voltage was pretty good in this episode though and the music was fantastic! Also, I feel like this is the one episode of the series where you if you didn’t watch it, there wasn’t even any minor details that come back in another episode. 21. Fan Friction I actually do feel bad about ranking this episode so far down the list, but if you read my review on the episode, you know why it’s here. While I enjoyed certain elements this episode had to offer, I felt really bad for Hiro. He was embarrassed by Karmi’s fanfiction of him and the others and clearly uncomfortable with all the “Karmutie” talk. I would have liked to see the nerd gang be more understanding as well. But I like that Karmi’s fanfiction inspired Hiro to create Overdrive Mode for Baymax as well as give the others ideas for their weapons. And their chibi forms were adorable! 20. Big Roommates 2 In which Honey Lemon moves into Gogo’s apartment and we’re introduced to Globby. I like that we got to see how the girls became roommates and the antics of showing how different they are which led to some bickering was understandable. But I’ll also admit that the talks about the glass being half empty/half full was getting a tad bit cheesy. Getting to see Globby’s origins was nice and he’s a very enjoyable character! Honey naturally felt bad about her purse being the cause of his transformation. While I enjoyed some of her lines while feeling very down about the situation, I felt like Honey was trying too hard to not be her usual, bubbly self. And while I was pretty confident about the quality of animation flow getting better throughout the season (which it did!) I must say this is the episode where I enjoyed the animation the least. Overall it was a decent episode. 19. Mr. Sparkles Loses His Sparkle Gotta say, I like that they took a villain that never made it in the movie and brought him in for the show. That being said, Mr. Sparkles is my least favorite villain so far. It’s probably because he’s only been in one episode (so far), but I just find the other villains to be far more interesting. However, I did enjoy how insane his game show obstacles were and would oddly want to try out for the show if it was real. It was great to see Mochi become a viral sensation! I liked his slow clap trick and how well received it was. There was also the B plot of the team needing to find a better way to get to their suits, leading to Hiro experiencing inventors block. In the end, I really love the solution of them all having a Skymax to deliver their suits when needed. Although, Hiro having inventors block felt very similar to the plot of Failure Mode. 18. Failure Mode Speaking of which, I have Failure Mode here. I admit, I’m surprised I have it this far down the list, but I think it was all a matter of just liking the other episodes more? Anyway, I did like what this episode had to offer. We got to see Hiro struggling with academics and understand that getting discouraged is okay as long as you don’t quit. It was also really nice to see Globby discover his powers and experiment with them in the best possible ways. There were some good jokes. And the Tadashi scene where we got to see him getting discouraged when another Baymax test went unsuccessful was really great. 17. Big Problem Ah, this was an interesting episode, wasn’t it? I felt that this was a nice introduction to Liv Amara. It’s definitely good to see a young female character running a successful company. I’m disappointed that she lost interest in Baymax after learning Hiro wasn’t his creator, but that’s probably for the best. Her interest in Karmi’s invention sparks jealousy in Hiro which I personally found to be understandable. But at the same time, it makes sense for Liv to want to fund Karmi’s project more since she’s a biotech major. Hiro learns a good lesson in the end though. Oh, and there’s also this rich guy that gets turned into a monster which is still currently unknown. With how the plot of this episode was, it’s hard for it to stand on its own, but (SPOILERS)...we’ll be getting some answers real soon. 16. Small Hiro One We’re introduced to two former SFIT students. One is Trevor Trengrove, a famous scientist. The other is Wendy Wower; also a scientist, but became a child entertainer. Both unique characters, but ultimately, Trevor was egotistical from the start. He holds a workshop at SFIT that everyone can attend...except Hiro who was ruled out to be too young. So, he gets stuck working as an assistant for Wendy Wower who was teaching kids (and Fred) how exciting science could be! Along the way, we learn some interesting facts. The most important one was that the thesis Trevor based his career off of belonged to Wendy. Somehow, Yama got his hands on the flash-drive that has proof of that and blackmailed him to create some new features to Mega Yama to defeat Big Hero 6. It’s not surprising to me that Trevor turned out to be a phony, but I do like that in the end, he owned up to his actions. And Wendy was very enjoyable. Despite her thesis being stolen, she still wanted to have a career and her teaching children about how fun science is is adorable. Also, the ending to this episode in which Hiro discovers that Granville taught at SFIT 20 years prior was quite the twist. 15. Aunt Cass Goes Out An entertaining episode. I thought it was interesting that Hiro decided that Aunt Cass should go out on a date so she’d be less likely to discover his superhero identity. It’s definitely not the correct solution, but seeing Hiro going through a dating site and deeming none of the men on there right for his aunt to be adorable. While Krei doesn’t deserve Aunt Cass in the slightest, I’m surprised that the date didn’t go worse than it could have. They had a common interest and kept his cool to impress her, but let’s face it. His true love is money. Or at least letting people know how rich he is. There may not have been an actual villain to face, but it was a nice change of pace to have a surprise party loving scientist be our antagonist. It was so sweet seeing Hiro being so protective of Cass and we can only hope he’ll learn to be more cautious with hiding his superhero identity. 14. Muirahara Woods An action-packed filler that was hard not to enjoy. I can’t blame Hiro and Fred for being curious as to what Gogo does when she’s on her own, but come on. Let the girl have her privacy. But their wacky adventures in the woods was hilarious. Hiro has a difficult time considering he’s more of a city guy. It doesn’t help that their tech stopped working the further they got into the woods, but Ned Ludd was there to help. I liked his backstory and that he also keeps a meteor (Bessie) which is the cause of the tech not working. He hates technology which leads to a malfunctioning Baymax getting taken by him. This is what I like about the episode. The team feels that things have been too easy for them lately, but Ned gave them a challenge. They had to be resourceful in order to get Baymax back and I loved that their weapons were as close to their regular weapons as could be. 13. Issue 188 Ahhh yes. The episode that introduced us to Karmi, High Voltage and Richardson Mole. It was cool to see that Granville paired up Hiro and Karmi for an assignment where he’s supposed to learn from her socialization experience. However, we quickly learn that she’s very antisocial. I like how she talks to her viruses. High Voltage are an electric mother-daughter duo that aren’t easy for Big Hero 6 to beat. But Fred believes the solution to their problems lies in a Captain Fancy comic. He may not own Issue 188, but Richardson Mole (an annoying 11 year old and Fred’s rival) does! I know I mentioned it with Big Hero 7, but I love High Voltage’s music. They’re great villains and this was a good introduction for them! As for Karmi, while I’m more than aware of how split the opinions are of her, I like her. She may not be nice to Hiro, but I do enjoy that she thinks Hiro likes her when in reality, she has a crush on his superhero persona not knowing it’s actually him. 12. Fred’s Bro-Tillion I’ve seen people not really liking this episode and it makes me sad! While this episode isn’t quite in my Top 10, it’s an episode that I really like a lot. It’s an episode that had a very nostalgic vibe to it. That may possibly be because Baron Von Steamer was our villain, but I loved how well this episode tied into things together. Fred learned how to dance because of Baymax and used those dance moves to defeat Steamer. Steamer himself was a really exciting villain and I love that he’s an arch nemesis to Fred’s dad. Before the team suited up, they had to attempt defeated Steamer in their catering attire which you all know I love. There were lots of good jokes as well. 11. Steamer’s Revenge Speaking of Steamer, his second appearance is right above his first. The two major plots to this episode were both equally enjoyable in my opinion. We have Fred who doesn’t feel like he’ll measure up to his dad in a superhero sense. I found that to be a realistic insecurity for him. He looks up to his father and loves the superhero world. He just wants to be like his dad and make him proud. And he literally had to be like his dad by dressing up as him to fool Steamer. It’s amazing how self aware Steamer was of him realizing that Boss Awesome defeats him because he always reveals his plans to him. And the giant statue of Boss Awesome being a Steamer weapon was a great twist. There was also the plot of it being Wasabi’s birthday and that went very well. I thought it was really sweet that the others got Wasabi’s car out of the bay, fixed it up and even upgraded it for him. 10. Baymax Returns The one hour pilot episode made its way to the number 10 spot! This was an incredibly satisfying first episode in many ways. It’s an immediate continuation from the events in the movie. The amount of references to the movie were great! We already get to see more the nerd gang’s personalities shine. We’re introduced to Granville who is an amazing professor and dean to SFIT. We’re reintroduced to Yama who’s working for our main season 1 villain. We got to see the process of Hiro rebuilding Baymax which I felt was a very important thing to watch. It’s good to see that it didn’t come as easy to him as he assumed. The conversation at the end with Hiro and Granville is still one of my favorite scenes. And at the very end, we’re introduced to the big bad Obake. 9. Food Fight I said I wanted more Aunt Cass and boy did this episode deliver. Cass gets herself unintentionally involved in a food fighting competition and it was amazing! She was truly in her element and enjoying herself. Again, we get to see Hiro being protective and worried for her which is always very sweet. We were also introduced to Momakase in this episode who is definitely one of my favorite villains! Cass managing to defeat her in the food fight was fantastic! And I love that Gordon Ramsay voiced a character in this episode! 8. Killer App What an exciting episode. We meet Noodle Burger Boy who starts out as the lovable mascot of Noodle Burger. But Obake turns him into a violent robot that can predict every move Big Hero 6 meets. NBB is pretty high up my villains list and seeing how quickly he turned evil and everything he can do is very useful. We also get to see Hiro and Wasabi clash while working on a project. I really do like that they both immediately didn’t want to work together instead of thinking it’d go well and despite many disagreements, they were able to come up with a good idea. Not only that, but seeing how well they worked together by switching suits in battle was incredible! And by the end of the episode, Obake knows the identities of the whole team! 7. Rivalry Weak Well this episode was a huge surprise! What sounded like a fun, comical episode of our main cast pranking the rival school SFAI quickly turned to a mystery starting to be unraveled. At SFAI, we discover a hidden room that belonged to Lenore Shimamoto. Honey Lemon learns that her idol was not only an artist, but a scientist too and had formulas that were way advanced given the time period. But she’s not the only fan of her. Obake is a fan as well and this is the episode where the team comes face to face with him for the first time! Definitely unexpected, but not a disappointment in the slightest. The tests he put our team up to was very clever and signing Shimamoto’s journal at the end was a nice touch. 6. Mini-Max What an adorable character, am I right? I like that despite Mini-Max being built to keep Fred out of trouble on solo missions, Fred sees him as a sidekick. And they actually work very well together. Mini-Max is for sure a useful character to have around. But thankfully, this episode had more to offer than a lovable, smaller looking version of Baymax. Hiro is suspicious of Granville for all the right reasons and seeing him spy on her led to amazing scenes with them. Seriously, the scenes between Hiro and Granville have been some of my favorites in the show! We learn that Granville left SFIT 20 years ago because of an incident that happened with a former student. She learned that even geniuses needed limits and later on, Hiro assures her that she won’t end up like that former student. But of course, my personal favorite scene (so far) happened in this episode and I can’t stress enough how much I love and appreciate the scene between Hiro and Callaghan. It was well written, emotional and showed how mature Hiro is. 5. The Bot Fighter I really didn’t expect much more of the bot-fighting world to be explored in the show, but can’t complain. Hiro returned to his roots for undercover reasons, but he does get sucked back into the world of bot-fighting. The culprit of this is Trina, a young bot-fighter who is self taught and claimed to watch all of Hiro’s matches. Now, I definitely get why some people wouldn’t enjoy the romantic parts scattered within the episode and it’s understandable why. But I found it to actually not weaken this episode. Why? Hiro’s crush on Trina wasn’t the main focus of the episode for starters. Even if Trina influenced him back into bot-fighting, it was also him missing that world that kept him from trying to find out if Yama was the one creating bad robots. Not only that, but we learn that Trina is an android. An android that Obake created. We know that he’s been watching the team, especially Hiro, for quite some time. Attempting to get Hiro on his side, he was trying to lure Hiro back into an old habit and used the image of a girl to do so. But for it to be successful, he designed Trina to have a personality that he knew Hiro would be compatible with. That being said, I loved that we saw more bot-fighting. We got a really sweet Tadashi scene. We got an adorable, supportive group hug. And we got a huge plot twist at the end of the episode where Trina called Obake her father and then it was revealed that she was a robot. All in all, great episode. 4. The Impatient Patient Hiro being sick was everything I had always hoped it would be. We got to see Hiro not surprisingly being stubborn due to catching a cold and trying to prove that an illness can’t slow him down. Except it can because he ended up getting tossed in a dumpster, resulting in a broken leg. So yeah, Hiro being sick and injured was highly entertaining. It was a real treat to see Baymax taking care of him and those visits to the doctor were hysterical. While we’ve only seen the Mad Jacks once, I really enjoyed them and I’m hoping we get to see them again. And Hiro ending up coming with that suit where he could have a video image of his face was awesome! Oh, and how can we forget just how amazing Obake was in this episode? He played Krei and the Mad Jacks like it was a game of chess and because of that, he discovered Hiro’s identity which was so chilling! 3. Kentucky Kaiju Ohhh boy oh boy do I love this episode! It was interesting to see that Hiro doubted himself due to not having a super power. But what made that doubt even better was that Obake had that doubt planted into him. So he creates super strength with a smart fabric that backfires horribly. I thought it was hilarious that he couldn’t get the suit off! Fred also gets an actual sized Kentucky Kaiju robot made which also goes wrong when NBB installs a CPU into it. This leads to one of, if not, my favorite battle in the show so far. The team has to face off against the kaiju and it was an insane battle to say the least! Hiro is able to use his super strength for a short time, but what makes the fight at its best is when Hiro only needs his genius brain to outsmart it! Fred’s dad giving him the advice of finding his true strength was very helpful and it only made Obake more interested in Hiro. 2. Obake Yashiki YOU ALL KNOW WHY THIS EPISODE IS SO HIGH UP THE LIST. One word. Tadashi. Okay, well it’s actually not the real Tadashi, but I’ll take an evil augmented reality Tadashi. When I first heard about this episode, I could not have been more excited. It was obvious from the beginning that this Tadashi wasn’t real, but how everything went down in this episode was amazing from start to finish. I loved that it was a Halloween episode. I love that Obake used the nerd gang’s biggest fears against them. I loved seeing NBB working with the Buddy Guards to steal the giant magnet. And most of all, I loved all the Tadashi scenes and Hiro eventually realizing it wasn’t him. That part where the logo on his hat changes to Obake’s logo and Obake’s voice comes out of Tadashi’s mouth was so terrifying and I LOVED IT! So...with an episode that I enjoyed so much, I wondered how could anything possibly top it?? 1. Countdown To Catastrophe BY HAVING AN EPIC SEASON 1 FINALE THAT’S HOW!! This finale was a great ending to our first season in so many ways. I don’t know where to start considering so much happened! I’ll just state everything I really loved. Hiro creating an energy amplifier which is what Obake created when he was the student at SFIT who Granville taught 20 years prior. That emotion in the scene between Hiro and Granville when she discovered what he was trying to make OMG SO GOOD. Finding out that Lenore Shimamoto caused The Great Catastrophe. Obake’s big plan being recreating it. Obake and Granville coming face to face again. His real name being Bob Aken. NBB putting a chip in Baymax making him evil. Baymax taking Hiro to Obake’s lair and him revealing that he wants to reshape the city and have Hiro as his student. Globby becoming a good guy. Everyone having to work together to stop the star from blowing up the entire city. Obake watching his dream die and as his lair collapses, he turns Baymax back to normal and decides to die with his dream. Seriously, that ending was so sad BUT SUCH AN INCREDIBLE SCENE IT WAS DONE SO WELL!!!! Yet another really nice conversation between Hiro and Granville. Granville calling Hiro by his first name and wondering what happened to Obake. It was all so good! I can’t put into words how much I loved this finale and how emotional I felt when it was over.
So, there’s my season 1 ranking episodes. I’m looking forward to season 2 tomorrow! :D
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