#my blog is like a mindfield you never know what you're going to be spoiled for
lifezvictory · 1 year
That's so messed up! Earth having a code in her that makes her like and obey the Creator no matter what? And she can't even tell it's there because the code keeps her from acknowledging it too? That's horrific if it were true, but it makes so much sense! I can't believe I didn't think of it before! Of course the Creator would do something like that!
I always did think it was a little odd how Earth seemed to think so rationally about every other morally questionable character she encountered and calling them out on their bull, while never saying one negative thing about her "father." I didn't want to say anything though because I just put it up to him being the first one she knew in her life and having a deep bond with him and so forth, but this makes so much more sense. The puzzle pieces just click together, you know? I just hope that they can get it removed.
Is it bad that I'm looking forward to Earth realizing what kind of person the Creator really is? She's going to be devastated, and it's not going to be pretty, but at the same time it's going to be satisfying in a way? I'm not the only one, right?
And this might be a weird take, but this revelation has actually caused me to like Earth more than I did in the past. I liked her okay in the beginning don't get me wrong, she's charming and kind of cozy (Can a character be cozy?) but at the same time I did find her a tiny bit annoying and a little Mary Sue-ish. But this kind of fixes it for me, ngl.
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