#my best friend ino takuma...
citycenters · 4 months
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ino ☆
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rieamena · 19 days
totally (not) beating the allegations
best friend!takuma ino headcanons
contains... best friends to lovers, mutual pining, casual confession of love, kisses (platonic), kisses (romantic), modern au, high school to university au, living together-ish, fem intended reader, pet names (baby, babe, love, sexy, handsome, beautiful, sweetie, the list goes on and on), lots of physical touch, nicknames (you call takuma, kuma.), reader has a mother and a father, y'all are basically dating just without the label...
word count: 2.3k (this wasn't supposed to be long. i told myself 0.8k maximum...)
riea's comments: all sixteen people living in takuma city RISE UP! i miss my husband of 35 years so much, come back to me loml :(( something to munch on while y'all wait for the next full throttle chapter. also not too much on me if this is a drabble and not hcs idk the difference :))
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first off... i just wanna say that i KNOW I KNOW that ino is one of the funniest people in the jjk cast idc idc!!! if he had more screentime (and if the situation wasnt dire) my boy would be crackin some jokes!!!!
you've been friends with takuma for around 7 years, your first meeting happening in tenth grade, when your teacher paired you two up for an interview project. when time came to actually record the interviews, it was hard to edit out you two laughing uncontrollably every fifteen seconds or so
i mean, you two just had so much in common!!! same favorite color, same favorite franchise, same favorite tv show, same favorite video game; it was like yall were the same person. there was just one thing you both disagreed on: whether hex code #286061 was blue or green
your argument ended up being the last ten minutes of the final video you submitted...
without a doubt, after that, you two became inseparable. in school, people would take notice of your closeness. when one of you were absent, teachers would jokingly ask "where's the other one?"
there was not a single thing you didn't do together, homework, go to the gym, gossip, eavesdrop, etc etc. so of course, you ended up applying to the same universities and when it came time for college acceptance season...
takuma invited you over, forcing you to bring your mailed letters from the eight universities. sprawling out over his lap, you took in the all too familiar sight of his room. you've been in his room more times than you've been in your own (and vice versa!)
i mean ino's been over to your place so many times that he calls your parents mom and dad. and you've been over to his house so much that takuma's mom practically jumped for joy every time you burst through the front doors with a "guess who's home!!!" so it was completely normal that you guys knew the ins and outs of each other's rooms, right?
"kuma, baby," you started with a sigh, reveling in your best friend's repetitive motions. running his hand through your hair, ino looked down at you, eyes showing that he was listening. "i'm scared, what if we don't–"
"ah-ah-ah! no negativity here!" he cut you off, pushing you off his lap and grabbing the letters you left on his desk. "listen here beautiful," takuma says, bringing a hand to your cheek, his heart swelling when you subconsciously leaned into it, "we're gonna take each other's letters, and open them," he handed you a white envelope, the logo of both of yours dream university on it, "starting with, kyōmei."
taking a well needed deep breath, you nodded. "okay," you and ino began to open the envelopes at the same time, only looking at each other when you saw the status. "accepted or rejected in 3...2...1..."
cue the mandatory silence before the screaming. "holy shit. you got in." "you got in." "WE GOT IN!!! WE'RE GOING TO KYŌMEI!!!!" you two practically flew off the bed, jumping up and down in celebration. peppering his face in kisses, you nuzzled your face into takuma's neck. "i'm so proud of us! i mean, kyōmei," you pulled away from his neck, shaking his shoulders harshly, "the kyōmei?!!!"
anyways, soon enough, you both realized that you'd have to move away, resulting in a seven hour search for apartments near the university's campus. and just as takuma was about to give up, you found a listing for units 19A and 19B, right in the heart of the city and just a five minute walk from kyōmei
and with that, it was moving day, well, days is more like it considering that the whole process took like ten days... finding cute furniture is really hard! and moving all of it is even harder!! and don't even get me started on the appliances! although, you and takuma found a way around it
like what do both of you need a microwave for? and there isn't a reason to have two dishwashers, there wasn't even a reason to have one! y'all kept your fridges though... who was gonna be banging on the other's door in the middle of the night for some cold water??
with time, it came for the highly anticipated freshman formal, an welcome event hosted by kyōmei itself, and of course, you had to go. so here you were, staring at your figure in the mirror as your best friend's large hand rubbed your shoulder, the other zipping up your black dress. "all done!" he breathed, taking a step away so that you could see for yourself. "i look so cute~" you giggled, hearing the clack of your heels as you twirled. "you do!" he paused, looking you up and down, "when did you get that dress?"
"your mom gave it to me a couple days ago! where'd you get that tux? i don't think i've seen it before," you walked over and straightened takuma's suit, as he laughed in response, "your mom gave it to me..."
"this was planned."
"this was definitely planned."
"we should send a picture in the family group chat!"
"we should!!! but, hair first!"
notice how i said family group chat, singular, not plural. and that's because there's a gc for both of your families! it's name was a mix between "ino" and your last name, since, in all seriousness, your families were close
so here you were, sitting pretty on takuma's lap as you focused on straightening the front pieces of his hair, because that's what best friends do!
"okayyyy sexyyyy," you squealed, moving out of the way so that takuma could see himself in your vanity mirror, "damnn, i look hot!" he smiled as he checked himself out, his hand firmly on your waist (to make sure that you wouldn't fall, of course!). "i knew i was fine but, did i always look this fine?" he asked, looking up at you with his big dark brown eyes, a playful smirk evident on his face. "yes, takuma. you're the sexiest man ever. just a bit of eyeliner on you and we'll be on our way, okay?"
turning back to your station, you grabbed some brown and black pencils before starting to lightly draw over ino's outer eye corner, "do men as sexy as me really need eyeliner?" a look from you was all he needed to know to shut up and close his eyes
and oh, how he loved being so close to you. not just emotionally but physically as well. like, not every duo can say that they barge into the other's apartment to steal snacks! and speaking of snacks... let me just say, there's a whole cabinet in his kitchen reserved for your favorite foods and! he keeps your favorite ice cream flavor stocked in his freezer
you, on the other hand, have a little space where you hide takuma's favorite anything. chips, gummies, takeout menus, you name it, you have it. because your best friend is oh-so-optimistic, it can be harder for him when he's just not having the best of days. which is why when you go your (not so) separate ways at the end of the day, you pack up a basket for him. ribbons in his favorite color, his top 15 favorite snacks from that one time y'all bought one of everything in a nearby convenience store and ranked them, takeout on the way, horror flicks he's been wanting on dvd because he said "its cooler that way", and a handwritten letter from you, for my kuma, scribbled on the envelope
dropping off the basket at his door and retreating back to your place, you'd press your ear against the wall separating your units, physically feeling your heart break when you heard sniffles. that was all you needed to practically fly over to his, a few boxes of tissues in hand. because that's what best friends do!
and don't even get me started on how many belongings y'all have at the other's place... like that one time takuma walked into your apartment announcing his presence, only to be met with silence. let me set up the scene for you. you are taking a relaxing shower when you hear a knock on the door followed by four more and then three more. "come in!" you called out, unbeknownst to you, ino's voice was closer than you thought
"already in here..., anyways. is my shampoo in there?"
"the one with the purple cap?"
"yeah, thanks babe!"
"wait, can you get me my towel?"
or that time when you causally opened the door to his unit (because it was basically yours too) and greeted him with a simple pat on his head before skipping off to find those jeans you thrifted
slight cohabitation aside, the university life was definitely... something. it was clear and obvious that you two were close, a blind man could see it. but close is a really really really vague word, and it's surely not the word that describes the way the two of you act. in this friendship, terms of endearment drop like rain from clouds. every. other. sentence. contains a "babe" or "baby" or "sweetheart" or "darling" WE GET IT OKAY...
and it seems like if y'all go a single day without touching each other, a bomb will fall from the sky and earth would blow up. his hands are constantly on you, his favorite places (when in public) being your shoulders and arms, and when at home it was without a doubt your waist and thighs. just imagine how difficult it must be for people speak to you both on campus when his arm is slung around you and your hand is holding onto his side. the rumors practically created themselves....
and when i say people were shocked, i mean they were SHOCKED when y'all were like "haha, no, we're not dating!!! we're best friends!" everyone was thinking: yeah best friends who FUCK. best friends who are IN LOVE WITH EACH OTHER. y'all became the campus' it couple without being a couple. how does that happen??!??
however... there were a couple of people who were particularly excited to hear that you both were single. a few girls approached you one day while in the general area, asking if it was true that you and ino weren't dating. "we aren't... why?" one of the girls shifted on her feet, clearly nervous. "well... could you um... give this to him for me?!" she bowed, presenting a pretty pink envelope. you froze, staring at the item before giggling. "i see what this is about! don't worry! i'll make sure this gets to him safely!" long story short, that letter was never delivered
and on ino's side, he had some classmates pestering him about you. asking for your favorite show, candy, date style, everything under the sun. "guys, guys! she doesn't even want a boyfriend right now!" takuma shouted, even though two days prior you were complaining about how spending too much time with him was scaring all the hotties away
but let's get into the real stuff... the realization of love
for takuma, there wasn't a "wow, i'm in love with her" moment. what he does know though is that he started feeling something different for you a few months before college admission season. to him, the world was always bright with you by his side but now... it was so much brighter. it was like looking directly into the sun; it hurt but he couldn't look away, he doesn't want to look away. you're the best thing to ever happen to him, and the mere thought of ruining what you have just for some feeling—no matter how intense—isn't... right to him
and you figured it out after a dream you had one night back in high school. you dreamt of being in takuma's arms, the ones you snuck glances at when he wasn't paying attention to you. in not dream world, all you had to do was ask and he'd gladly envelop you but the vibes in this dream were different. there was tension. and it was thick. his beanie was off and thrown somewhere on the bed, your bed. looking back at him, your breath caught in your throat, "hey pretty," he slurred, drunk off tiredness. ino's called you beautiful more times than you can count; he made sure to do it at least once a week, so why... just why did this time make your stomach heat up and your heart race? you woke up with a flushed face, queasy feeling in your gut, and a deep understanding. it wasn't just platonic love anymore
"hey," you started, eyes trained on the movie in front of you, but your mind was focused on something else, "y'know how everyone thinks we're dating?" ino nodded as you reached over to grab the bowl of popcorn. "i've been thinking... maybe they're onto something..."
takuma's gulp could be heard from miles away, "wh-what are you trying to say?"
"what are we? seriously. because i can't sit here and pretend like i don't wish we were something more."
"something more like...?"
"now's not the time to be oblivious! don't you get it?! i'm—"
"i'm in love with you,"
it was like time stood still as you looked at your best friend. his face was lit by the tv screen a couple feet away, his hair was a mess, and slightly prominent dark circles were under his eyes, but... he's never looked more beautiful to you. "have been. for a long time. we've basically been dating for like four years already. four more and then we'll get married?" he flashed his signature smile
"oh, shut up," he brought your face millimeters away from his, whispering "make me." before kissing you deeply, not on your cheek, or your forehead, or your shoulders, but on your lips this time. and all the times after that too
because that's what best friends lovers do, right?
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jjk taglist
@blendingcaramal @gzchaos @theamazingrain @woah-girlz @voloslobotomyservice
@kyozvy @obessionofagrl @bubybubsters @sugurusbaobei @raindropsonrwses
@c-moon20-12 @saltynanobeanie @theamazingrain @synthiiiiis @ghostlyluminarycloud
@poopyyy @supernatrualqueen @bxrbie-jadeee @laitifly @discipleofthem
@cheesecake95 @strawberry-cherrypie @makeshiftproject @magiamad0ka @ncitygreen
@stillnotherapy @oniondrip @cloudy-yyy @definitely-not-leena @kidd3ath
@atigerandabear @russianremy @ohnoitsamistakee18 @ivy-vivii @ourfinalisation
@1ndee @yourhornysister @ancientimes
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rens-writes · 4 months
all dividers used are by @saradika-graphics
I know it's a little messy rn. But you'll have to bear with me until I get the hang of it.
Hi there! I'm Ren. I'm 22 years old she/her. Uhh I love to write. I am auDHD sooo, I use tone tags. If you're not familiar with them please feel free to ask me what they mean.
I don't write smut, please don't ask. Anyways I hope you all enjoy my stuff!
Also, most of my x reader content is probably gonna be female with female compliments and stuff, because I am female. I'm sorry 😞
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If We Were Bugs
Skipping Class
Jealous of Your Plushies
When Your Cooking Is Bad | Part 2 | Part 3 | Part 4
Your Cooking Has Improved | Part 2 | Part 3 | Part 4
Homemade Gifts Part 2 | Part 3 | Part 4
You're A Popstar | Part 2 | Part 3
Your Favorite Character Dies | Part 2 | Part 3 | Part 4
When You Faint | Part 2 | Part 3 | Part 4
Without Me? | Part 2 | Part 3 | Part 4
They Have A Bad Dream | Part 2 | Part 3 | Part 4
You Dated Their Best Friend | Part 2 | Part 3 | Part 4
Hand Pics | Part 2 | Part 3
Pictures of Your Baby | Part 2 | Part 3
Babysitting | Part 2
You Steal Their Clothes | Part 2 | Part 3 | Part 4 | Part 5
They Find Your Sketchbook | Part 2 | Part 3 | Part 4
You Can't Go | Part 2 | Part 3 | Part 4
New Friends | Part 2 | Part 3 | Part 4
Buy This For Me? | Part 2
If I Died? | Part 2 | Part 3 | Part 4
Your Friend Hits on Them | Part 2 | Part 3 |
Their Friend Hits on You
Crushing on Them | Part 2 | Part 3
They Eat Your Sweets
What's My Name? | Part 2
You Buy Them Flowers | Part 2
Haunted House
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Demon Slayer SMAU's
Missing You
Late Night Walk
Bad Dreams
Flash 'em At Me
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Random BF Texts
Satoru Gojo
Ino Takuma
Ryomen Sukuna | Part 2 |
Kento Nanami
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Save Me The Trouble || Satoru Gojo
Mama || Toji Fushiguro
Just Ask || Ino Takuma
Birthday Wishes || Kento Nanami
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rinhaler · 5 months
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Don’t You Love It When I Come Around?
Your relationship with him is so toxic. But no matter how hard you try to end things, he always worms his way back between your legs.
✧˖*°࿐: 18+ only, no minors.    ✧. ┊ takuma ino x f!reader
Genre: porn! with a plot! Notes: in january i told u guys to send ino prompts and i would write my favourite and here it is, I'll add the ask below ! Warnings: 18+, fem!reader, dubcon (he's high), toxic relationship, exes to lovers?, rich boy!ino, dacryphilia, pussy eating ♡, light nipple play, vaginal sex, love making ♡, drool ♡, praise, slight orgasm denial, scratching, creampie ♡, manipulation, calls your pussy she/her, pet names (princess, baby/babe, gorgeous etc.) Words: 4.6k
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He loves you.
He wouldn’t keep coming back to you with such urgency and wanton if he didn’t love you so ardently. But you ended things, and for the first time there was some finality to the breakup. You’re weak with your will and conviction, usually. You can’t take it anymore, you can’t.
Being second best to every other thing is his life is too hard.
His friends, his family.
You want to be his top priority, but you never will be. It weighs heavy in your heart whenever you’re with him, you don’t feel the type of love you want to feel from him. The kind where you know he’d kiss the ground you walk on and worship your very existence.
Fairy tale love, romance movie love.
He isn’t capable. And it’s taken you too long to realise it.
And usually, you crumble when he begs. His pleas and promises to change always sway you into believing him, despite knowing the truth that he’ll never change for you. He thinks money carries the same weight as love. He thinks his daddy’s credit card is the answer to all of his problems.
He wants to believe you can be bought.
He truly believes that he can buy your subservience with the same unearned money he uses to pay his dealer in fat wads of cash.
The day you met his dealer is the day you think things really began to fall apart between you. He wouldn’t refrain from making lewd comments about you, a fact that has stopped you from going with him to pick up since that first encounter. Your boyfriend didn’t chastise him, no. Instead, he played along. Joking that he’d be willing to share during your most intimate moments or even give you up completely to use as a payment instead of actually paying.
You broke up with him that night, leaving him alone with his friend. He didn’t even bother chasing after you to apologise. He didn’t care enough to check if you were okay, either. It hurt you to think that he was laughing it off with Sukuna, imagining him so nonchalant and uncaring broke your heart.
And you’re lucky you didn’t have to see that you were exactly right.
You can’t even remember why you forgave him that time, it should have been the final straw. He came over, sneaking into your window after your parents turned in for the night. It’s like he’d been waiting for all of the lights to go out. He lifted it, effortlessly, before he stepped inside. He hushed your protests and panic as you worried your parents would hear and before you knew it, he was your boyfriend again.
You jolt from your thoughts as you hear a struggle to your left. Your eyes linger on the window as you notice Takuma try his hardest to lift it open. He looks up and sees you staring, and you recognise something akin to fear sprawled across his pretty face.
He can’t remember the last time you locked the window.
“Baby, please.” he whispers. You shush him, determined to be strong as you approach the window and look at him sternly.
It’s the first time in over a week since you’ve laid eyes on each other, it should have been harder than it was. But you’ve had plenty of practice from when he goes on drink and drug infused benders and doesn’t even bother to send a measly text to let you know he’s alive.
Your fists clench tightly as you hold your parted curtains, though your will begins to dissipate as you see his soft brown stare up at you so pathetically. It feels like love. Maybe one more chance wouldn’t—
“Let me in, baby, ‘m so cold.” he tells you, squatting awkwardly on the roof as he tries to convince you to see things his way. Your blood begins to boil again as you remember how fucking entitled is. Entitled in life and entitled to you. Not this time. “I think it’s gonna—” the metal curtain pole hisses as you abruptly shut them and shut him out of your life for good.
“Go home, Takuma…” you sigh, your own purposiveness decaying as your body seems to crave him, you want to help him, despite knowing you’re being manipulated.
“Oh come on. Don’t do this, princess. It’s starting to rain!” he tells you.
You can’t listen to him. You grab your headphones from your desk and put them over your ears. You quickly scroll through your music library until you find your feel-good playlist and turn the volume to max. Sure you might go deaf in a few years, but it’s better than listening to him do all he can to get you to let him in.
The paranoia of not knowing what he’s doing or saying out there pricks at your skin like needles. Your senses are sharp despite cancelling one of them out. You begin to hear creaks of the window and calls of your name you’re certain you can’t be hearing. Your dad will come to berate you and him if he gets too rowdy. He wouldn’t risk it.
INO: Gonna start singing if you don’t let me in 💕
You learn forward in your seat as you read his message. He’s bluffing, he has to be. And yet, it scares you enough to pull your headphones down while your music continues to play through them. His knuckles are rapping against the window repeatedly without stopping as he waits for you to reply. He gives you a few minutes before the knocking stops, and while you hope he’s given up, you look down at your messages to see three dreaded dots appear.
INO: You’re so cute when you’re mad
INO: What song should I sing?
You freeze as you hear him hum, even over the sound of the rain pelting down against the roof shingles and the glass of your window. It’s a song you recognise instantly, the first song you danced to together when you met at a club two years ago.
“Come on baby, let me iiiiin~!” he speak-sings in tune with the beat and you know it’s only going to get worse. You try to hold strong, you do. The thought of giving him the satisfaction and ultimately the gateway to him winning you back makes your stomach churn, you don’t want to keep being this girl.
But you’ve always been weak when it comes to him.
The shriek of your curtains opening again puts a swift end to Takuma’s singing. His face lights up, and it makes you even angrier. He watches you intently as you unlock the window for him, but you step away to allow him the honour of opening it for himself.
“Shit baby, I’m soaked. Why didn’t you let me in sooner?” he asks, he wrings out his beanie on your bedroom carpet before tossing it aside completely. You roll your eyes as he shuts the window and begins to undress. “C’moooon, you’re not really giving me the silent treatment, are ya?”
You sigh and sit on your bed, carefully taking off your headphones and tucking them back into their protective casing. He barely even looks at you as you tuck your knees up to your chest and observe his every move.
“What do you want Takuma…” you pout. “I told you I don’t wanna see you anymore. Why are you here?” you ask.
He kisses his teeth, the sound makes your skin pinch together and you suddenly feel the harsh chill of the outside breaking in. He smiles at you, his sweet innocent face and warm brown eyes are almost enough to thaw you out.
“You didn’t really mean that, did ya?” he wonders. “Baby, I love you.” he kicks off his shoes and begins to undress. The audaciousness of him is never lost on you, but tonight he’s really something. He sits on the edge of your bed, his back facing you while he moves at a glacial pace.
He’s high. It’s obvious.
The sculptured muscles of his back flex and ripple as he takes off his socks, flinging them without a care in any direction before he stands up to look at you. You swallow, hard, as the buckle of his belt begins to clink before he pulls it out of the belt loops with one hand. Your eyes stay fixed on his as his arm extends and he lets it fall from his grip.
“Bet you’ve missed this dick, baby,” he smirks. “Can see it in your eyes. You’ve missed me.”
You roll your eyes despite his words hitting a nerve. His vision drops as he unbuttons his jeans, missing the way you squirm as you reposition yourself on the bed, tucking your knees further into your chest as you continue to stare while he takes off his clothes.
“Why do you play these games, princess? You know you always come back to me.”
“It’s not a game. I’m done with you, for real this time.” you protest. The way he bites his lip makes you angrier as he climbs on the bed with you, the mattress dipping as he slowly crawls towards you like he has so many times before.
He thinks, he knows everything you say it futile, regardless of how determined you are to not succumb to him for the umpteenth time.
“Take this off, gorgeous,” he demands as his fingers curl into the elastic waistband of your pleated skirt. You shake your head lightly, heart battering in your chest like a drum solo. He snarls, at that, like he hears your heart fighting against your weak defiance. “Suit yourself.” he mutters.
His hands wrap around your thighs and he drags you down the length of the mattress. It takes everything within you not to scream, the thought of being caught by your parents like this makes your whole body sear with heat.
“I’m—” you squeak, a little too loudly. You clear your throat and look at him, your eyes shaking with apprehension and anxiety. He wets his lips as he looks at you, waiting for you to continue. “I’m not fucking you. N-Not tonight. Not ever. Never again, Takuma… I m-mean it. We’re through!”
He sighs, a little pout forming on his lips as he crawls over your body. He cages you beneath him, looking down at you with a moue of dissatisfaction.
“What about a kiss baby? Can I have a kiss, just one?” he asks. His voice is soft and shallow. His honeyed eyes make you crumble as he stares at you with an intensity you’ve never felt from him before. Is it desperation? Is it panic that he’s really losing his grip on you? You can’t even look at him directly, each turn of your head causes him to angle his own so he can continue to stare you down.
And it works.
“Just a kiss.” you mumble, your whole body relaxes when he smiles. It’s such a sweet smile, the one that always adorned his gentle face when you first met. You’ve missed it, dearly.
Your eyes flutter closed as his lips land on yours. It’s chaste, quick, and leaves you wanting more.
“One more kiss, baby. Please?”
You nod, closing your eyes again. You startle when you feel the mattress shift dramatically. Words stay lodged in your throat as you see him on the ground, on his knees, looking up at you between your legs.
“No panties? Must’a known I was coming.” he grins. He flips up the material only slightly. His head disappears beneath the black pleats.
It’s pathetic, truly, the whimper that flees from you when he presses a delicate kiss to your clit. You cover your mouth with your hand, and you even surprise yourself when you feel tears roll down your cheeks.
“Can I kiss her again, princess? Wanna make out with her… do you want me to?” he wonders, repeating the same kiss again… again… and again.
“Y-Yes, Takuma please.” you moan. Your fingers card through his brunette locks, urging him closer to your heat. He complies, desperately. He slowly swirls his tongue over your swollen clit, humming contently as he encourages you to rest your legs over his shoulders.
The pleasure overwhelms you, and you allow yourself to lie comfortably against the mattress. Deep down you knew, you both knew, you were always going to end up like this.
You look between the valley of your breasts when you regain your stability. The shape of his head makes your own begin to spin as you see the material of your skirt move in tandem with his actions. The way he slurps and suckles on your flesh makes it all too clear, you’ll never be able to quit him. Not really, not when he’s so perfect when he’s like this.
Maybe he does love you, maybe all of the things he tells you when you shut him out for so long are indeed true. How else would he be able to ravage you with such vigour and passion? The only time you know him to have drive and patience is in moments like this.
He’s spoilt, but not with you.
He’s a giver, only for you.
Your back arches from the bed when the tip of his tongue targets a particularly sensitive spot between your folds. You moan, you whine, and it only encourages him more. He doesn’t stop when your thighs begin to clamp around his head. It’s more fuel to the fire, you have to smother any and all sounds that want to escape from your body with your hand.
And that, he sees as a challenge.
He holds under the bend of your knee and pushes it, so gently, towards your chest. And still, you feel like the air has been knocked from your lungs. Your skirt is forcibly moved by the action and his face is revealed once more. His eyes glitter and shimmer with expectance and desire as he sees your own face contort from the pleasure he’s forcing upon you.
His lips suction around your clit and he sucks like it’s his sole purpose on earth. Your eyes roll back, and you practically scream into your palm. His hand wanders purposefully to cup your breast. He squeezes experimentally, rubbing his thumb over the material of your top to tease your peaked nipple. The feeling of that is almost enough to make you unravel, your hips jerk at the contact, and he decides to take it further.
He breaches the edge of your crop top, desperate to feel your soft naked mound. Your eyes fill with water and spill consistently as he adds rolling your pebbled nipple between his thumb and forefinger to the intense amalgamation of pleasure.
“Ino… fuck,” you whisper pathetically, freeing your mouth momentarily to utter his name. To warn him. “I’m gonna cum.”
“… I know.” he mumbles before maintaining his efforts. His tongue swipes quickly over your clit, you whimper and your toes can’t help but curl as he doesn’t dare let up.
You grip the sheets below, desperate to hang onto something as you feel your body seconds from exploding. He shushes you between licks, drooling over your cunt as his jaw hangs low for you. You do all you can to keep quiet, but it’s a gargantuan task. Especially when you haven’t felt so good for so long, it’s near impossible.
Your legs begin to quiver as you cum. Your pussy gushes and coats his face further. And for once in his life, he isn’t ungrateful. He savours the taste and laps at your folds like a starving man. And after such a long time apart, that’s exactly what he is. He’s ravenous, he’s missed this. He’s missed you. And he’ll never not appreciate how delicious you are. And it’s all for him.
“Made such a pretty mess for me, baby,” he murmurs into your skin, repeatedly planting delicate kisses against your inner thighs. He doesn’t stop as he gets on top of you, showering your stomach in the same soft kisses. Each one infused with his desire for you. His urgency to force you to remember who you belong to and who you need.
Your legs spread beautifully for him, his throbbing cock rubs against your core, dampening the material of his underwear.
His eyes fixate on yours as he looks for permission to kiss you. And you give it, instantly, humming when his lips slot against yours. His tongue delves into your mouth, his hips begin to rut into you as you make out.
You run your fingers through his hair, interlocking your fingers to keep him close as you continue humping against each other. He breathes heavily as he breaks the kiss, staring down at you with a hurt look in his eye.
“What’s wrong?” you ask him quietly. It makes your blood run cold, the fear of wondering if he’s about to go back to the regular Takuma again. The one you’re all too familiar with, The one that always lets you down.
“… Don’t like it when you call me Ino, baby,” he tells you. It’s earnest, a twinge of disappointment laced in his words.
“All of your friends call you Ino, Ino.” you repeat. It makes your heart race to defy him, you seldom do. You’re the perfect girlfriend until you can’t take anymore, but this is different. You’ve never felt bold enough to do this, to attempt to rile him up.
“Stop that.” he growls, kissing you again. “You’re not my friend. You’re my girlfriend, alright? Say it. Please.”
“I t-told you… I don’t want you back. Only let you in so you wouldn’t wake my parents.”
He stops. He stands on his knee and looks down at you with a little frown, his lower lip almost jutting as he hears you. You can’t tell if he’s actually sad, or if it’s merely panic. “Do you mean that? You don’t want me back?”
You shake your head, despite it being the opposite of what you want. It’s almost as if you’ve been possessed.
“… So you wouldn’t care if I left right now? You don’t want to fuck?” he continues. You can barely look at him, you’ve never seen him like this before. He might actually be upset, he’s experiencing regret for the first time in his entire life.
“Well… if you wanna go, I won’t stop you Takuma.” you shrug, it comes a little too easily. It feels like a dream, or a nightmare to Takuma. He can’t help but stare as he realises he’s lost his control of you.
A hand rests on your knee, while the other carefully rubs the lower half of his face. He wants to ask again. And again. Is that really what you want? But he’s terrified to even think it, let alone say it. Because what if you are sure? He won’t know what to do, he’s never known you to be like this before. Maybe he took too long to come over this time, he got cocky. Assumptions and greed consumed him. He came back to you when he was ready, but he hadn’t accounted for the fact you might grow a backbone in that time.
He lowers himself again, your noses barely touching before he kisses the tip of it.
“You love me, I know you do baby,” he says, faux confidence lingering in his tone. Though you don’t notice, to you, he’s just confident. The sound of tender kisses littering your cheeks is the loudest sound in the room, even louder than his desperate whispers. “You gotta love me… because I love you. So much, baby, please forgive me.”
He doesn’t let up, like he’s transferring a love potion embedded from his lips to seep into your skin. You mewl at the sensation, never knowing him to be this affectionate before. You know why, the agonising realisation that he lost you has him resorting to this last ditch effort.
And you hate him, because it’s working.
“I’ll always love you more than anyone, y’know. I promise. I’ll be better this time…” he tells you, the same sorry line he’s told you so many times before. “Can I put it in, babe? Please… Please let me feel you close one more time, if ya really mean it.” he begs. He moves his lips to yours, hoping to silence you with a kiss to remember. There’s a hunger to it, a desperate craving that he can’t satiate.
He needs your help.
He needs you.
“L-Last time, okay? I mean it, Takuma, I won’t take you back.”
He stopped listening to you after he heard you agree, honestly. Reaching down to pull his boxers just enough for his cock to spring free. He moans, it’s akin to a whine as it slaps against his abdomen. He’s been hard since he got that first kiss from you, and tasting your slick made him ache for you.
He jerks himself a few times before he slips himself inside of your cunt. His cockhead resting carefully in your entrance. His body moves closer to yours as he sinks in further, you both moan in tandem as you stretch and swallow his cock oh so gloriously.
“S-See, baby? See how perfect I fit? ‘Cause you love me so much, and I love you.” he explains gently holding your jaw in his grip so he can force you to look at him. His hips begin to roll, but he can’t let you enjoy it. Your attempt to throw your head back in pleasure with your eyes scrunched closed is thwarted as his hips instantly slow. “You gotta say it. Say it back, princess.”
“I love you, Takuma…” you say, defeated. “You know I’ll always love y-you.”
“Yeah?” he smiles widely, moving his hips once more. “Always gonna be mine?”
“… always.” you nod.
He kisses you again, his body weight almost suffocating you as he rests on top of you. He fucks every ounce of passion and longing into you. He covers your mouth, sensing it’s too much. But he can’t stop. You don’t want him to, you’ve never felt so whole with him.
You’re too fucked out to notice how badly your bed is creaking. Even with your moans trapped behind Takuma’s palm, he’s sure your parents will know he’s here by now.
“Fuuuuck, you’re choking my fuckin’ dick, baby. Gonna make me cum too fast.” he tells you, kissing your forehead as he slams his hips into yours. “So tight for me… my p-perfect girl, aren’t ya?”
You nod desperately, clenching around him at his every word.
“Want you to cum for me… but,” he rests his forehead against yours, alternating his movements to slow and deep rather than hard and fast. It has you drooling against his palm, but he doesn’t mind. He likes you, loves you, when you’re his braindead princess. “I only make my girlfriend cum.”
Your eyes widen in horror as you realise what he’s trying to do. You wish you could say you regret letting him fuck you again. But it’s too good, you’re lost to it. You’re almost dumb enough to agree.
He moves his hand and cups your face, imploring you to look him in his eyes and tell him you’re his again.
“I c-can’t,” you sniffle. “Hurts too much being—”
“Hey, hey, hey, don’t say that, princess.” he interrupts, not wanting to hear your thought in full. “Don’t say things you don’t mean. You love me, yeah? Always gonna be my girl. Mine.”
And as if on command, you nod in acceptance. Because he’s right, you will always be his girl. Whether in an official capacity or not. Even the days you’re separated, he’s always on your mind. You worry that weeks, months or even years could pass without him and he’d still be on your mind.
A particular intense stroke inside of your gummy walls makes your body jolt and a heavy moan tears through your throat. He looks down, admiring where to two of you meet before searching your eyes.
“There, baby?” he asks, experimentally thrusting into the same spot. He grins when he hears you keen once again for him, prodding it again and again until your eyes spill over with tears from the blinding pleasure. “Theeeere she is, right there. Bet you wanna cum real bad, ‘cause I do.”
“I do!” you agree, cupping his face gently before kissing him. “I love you, Takuma, please don’t stop,” you whimper.
“I won’t baby, promise.” he assures you. It’s imperceptible, and he’s glad, you can’t see the relief washing over his entire body as he feels safe once again. You’re his, again. There’s nowhere else you should be but with him. “C-Can’t let my girl down, can I?” he grins.
And after everything. All of the hurt, all of the effort, all of the determination, you’re his again. All of that defiance was for nought. And yet, you’re smiling. Your hands helplessly grip his body, nails digging into his shoulder blades as you scratch, attempting to ground yourself.
His lips find yours, eager to silence himself as he brings you both closer and closer to your demise. His breaths are heavy, his nostrils flaring as he continues to pummel into you. Your kiss is sloppy, but perfect. The messy passion heightens your pleasure, somehow. His tongue finding your own reminds you that there’s no one in the world you’d rather be doing this with.
Every plunge of his length against your sweet spot feels like love. Pure, unadulterated, love. Everything you’ve ever wanted, ever needed, from Takuma this time.
And as you cum together, moaning into each other’s mouths, that feels deeper. He looks into your eyes as he fills you to the brim, your walls clench around him, desperate to keep him inside and milk him for all he’s worth. You never want this feeling to end, he’s the man of your dreams.
He kisses your neck as he continues to fuck himself inside of you, making sure to deposit every last drop of his love into you. He feels it too, it feels different to how it usually is.
Better, somehow.
The pecks of his lips slow as he ventures towards yours again. Each kiss is interpolated with ardour. He doesn’t want to risk stopping for fear of all of this coming undone. He doesn’t want you to see sense, again. Despite what you might think, he is in love. A love so intense he couldn’t begin to explain.
He eventually pulls away, bracing himself for what you might say.
But nothing comes.
He’s grinning from ear to ear because you don’t say a word. Not one. But your expression says it all. You look exhausted, but fulfilled. You look beautiful as bliss ravishes your drained form. However even without all that, he only needs to look into your eyes to see it.
You really are his girl again.
He can practically see the hearts shimmering in your irises. You’re looking up at him like you’ve fallen for that signature Takuma charm once again, but are you really so foolish? Even he is a little surprised.
He wants to do better, of course he does. And maybe this time he’ll really try. He doesn’t mean to let you down so often, it’s not like he wants to do it.
That’s just the type of guy he is.
The type to make promises he can’t keep.
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© 2024 rinhaler
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anon: okay but imagine ino sneaking in your bedroom every once in a while and fucking you into forgetting he's an absent boyfriend, he's always smoking with his friend (plug! sukuna *cough cough*) he's a trust fund baby, and the worst boyfriend ever but dick game is so good he has you thinking you can fix him, so every time you let him hit you are looking at him with heart eyes and it almosttt makes him want to do better
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daisynik7 · 10 months
to all the boys who live next door - masterlist
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Hello friends! Wanted to do a fun little anthology series imagining some of our faves as our next-door neighbors. All fics will contain smut, therefore are rated explicit. MINORS DO NOT INTERACT. Specific content warnings will be listed per fic.
If you'd like to be tagged on any of the upcoming fics below, please let me know in the comments or in my inbox! Thanks in advanced for reading! Divider credit to @/cafekitsune.
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Extra Smooth - Suguru Geto
Your next-door neighbor is loud, inconsiderate, and unfortunately, very hot. No matter how many times you bang on his door with another new noise complaint, he’ll continue to repeat his offenses nearly every weekend. You’re too timid to submit a formal complaint to the landlord, so you shrug it off, hoping that one day, he’ll suddenly become nice. That day comes sooner than you think, when he unexpectedly makes a visit to your apartment, discovering the real reason you need your peace and quiet.
2. A Helping Hand - Kento Nanami
You’re so completely insatiable that you’re going a tad bit insane. You enlist the aid of your next-door neighbor Nanami, who you know is more than willing to help. It's almost too good to be true.
3. Cure for a Hangover - Kishibe
Kishibe is your mysterious, brooding, and significantly older next-door neighbor. You’ve lived beside him for a while now, only exchanging basic pleasantries out of politeness, never anything more. One night, he comes home drunk, or so he thinks. It’s not his door he’s slumped against; it’s yours.
4. Double the Fun - Eren + Reiner
You’ve been having a bit of a dry spell recently with how busy you’ve been at work. When you finally manage to snag a date through one of your matches on a dating app, you’re unfortunately stood up, leaving you in a worse mood than before. Lucky for you, your two hot himbo neighbors are more than willing to cheer you up.  
5. What Are Friends For? - Takuma Ino
Ino is the cute guy next door that you’ve befriended ever since you moved in. He’s been nothing but kind to you, and sure, there’s attraction there, but you’ve never acted on it considering you’re already taken. When you find out your long-distance boyfriend has been cheating on you, you turn to your friend for comfort, and maybe something more.
6. Make Me Sweat - Aoi Todo
With the start of the new year, you make it one of your main resolutions to become more active. You begin at your apartment's fitness center, where you run into your musclehead, loud-mouth next-door neighbor, Aoi Todo. He offers his gratuitous advice, annoying you at first. But when he suggests a particular kind of workout, it piques your interest enough that you can't refuse.
7. Rub You the Right Way - Choso Kamo
You've always been cordial with your shy next-door neighbor Choso Kamo. One day, you receive the package you've been expecting, finding out a little too late that it isn't your package at all; it's his. What you find inside makes you think that maybe he has a wild side, one you want to see for yourself.
8. A Helping Hand Part 2 - Kento Nanami (coming soon)
After being caught calling out his name during a sex-filled dream involving your neighbor, you try your best to do some damage control to save face from utter humiliation. Nanami, on the other hand, isn't going to let you off the hook so easily.
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Do not plagiarize any of my works or translate without my permission!
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zeroreasonstocare · 29 days
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Daily clicks!! Brother’s Babysitter AU Masterlist
Help if you can Trouble Masterlist
A little intro: Hi! I’m Zero, I write jjk! My fav men are Geto, Choso, Ino, Megumi, Yuji, Yuta, and Inumaki! I love all the of girlies too! (excluding mei mei (_ _;)) If you want, you can tag me in any posts with them! I’ll definitely appreciate it <3
If you ever want to request something or just chat, my ask box is always open for whatever you lovelies wanna say! <3
I also made a panel post …Or 2 of them
☆means personal favorites
Fluff and Angst (and Hurt/Comfort):
☆Yuji adores you (fluff)
Babygumi threw up on Toji’s shirt (fluff)
You’re gone for three days (Toji fluff)
☆Megumi loves sleeping with you (fluff)
☆Sukuna doesn’t love you (yes he does) (fluff)
Megumi feels bad (268 spoilers) (hurt/comfort)
Itafushi hurt/comfort (sort of spoilers?)
☆☆Shoko is reminiscent (angst)
NSFW: (usually f!reader)
Silent Treatment (sub!Suguru Geto)
Challenge (Takuma Ino)
After work (Takuma Ino)
☆Waking him up (Takuma Ino)
Ino-Nanami threesome
Dad’s Best Friend (Kento Nanami)
Making You a Mommy (Choso Kamo)
☆Stress Relief (sub!Choso Kamo)
☆Sleepy (Choso Kamo)
Ftm ino
☆Strongest Sorcerer Virgin (Satoru Gojo)
In progress:
Queen Of Curses (Female!Sukuna x Reader)
Date pt 2 (babysitter au)
Sit On It (Hiromi Higuruma x Reader)
Shorter fluff/angst prompts and whatever you guys request!!
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nikkento-writes · 1 month
Your older brother's best friend Ino Takuma, who you've always had the biggest crush on. You weren't very confident and often had a hard time standing up for yourself whenever you needed to. But thankfully, you always had your brother and Ino to help you. Jocks obnoxiously blocking your locker? When you didn't have the strength to ask them to move, your brother and Ino would tower over them, scolding them about how they shouldn't loiter in front of your locker. Scared of going home alone after a creepy middle-aged man started following you? Once you told your brother, both he and Ino would walk home with you, keeping you close to let other creeps know that they shouldn't mess with you.
While your brother took care of most things for you (which you absolutely adored him for), there were certainly things he could not do for you. That's where Ino would come in.
One summer night, you can't sleep. Your best friend suddenly got herself a boyfriend, and of course, you're ecstatic for her. But you can't help but feel sorry for yourself for being a late bloomer. You sit on the couch, eating an ice pop, cherry-flavored. Ino, who's staying over, comes out of your brother's room, hair ruffled from sleep. He smiles as soon as he spots you. "Can't sleep either?"
You shake your head, wiping your mouth with the back of your hand, sticky and sweet from the melted pop.
He smirks, taking a seat beside you. "What's up?" He's only a year older than you, but he seems so much more mature, so much cooler.
You shrug, comfortable enough with him to share your inner thoughts. "I feel like a loser."
"What do you mean?"
"Everyone is getting boyfriends or girlfriend and I'm just...I don't know. I feel like I'm falling behind."
He scoots closer to you, his gaze on yours. "First of all, you're not a loser. Second, just because you don't have a boyfriend doesn't mean you're falling behind. You should go at the pace you want to."
"But I haven't even had my first kiss yet! At this rate, I'll be a kiss-virgin by the time I graduate."
He doesn't respond right away, contemplating what he wants to say next. You stare at him, belly fluttering, anticipating.
"Do you want to try kissing with me?"
You're stunned by his suggestion, though you'd be lying to yourself if you said you weren't secretly hoping for it. You like Ino, you've always liked him as soon as your brother befriend him. He's always been so nice to you, so caring. But you always tried to deny yourself of those feelings, certain it would never be reciprocated. "Do you mind if I try kissing with you?"
At this, he laughs softly, leaning in closer, eyes focused on your cherry-stained lips. "I wouldn't offer if I did."
It's just a kiss, you remind yourself. It's for scientific purposes, and that's it. So, you close your eyes, pouting your lips slightly. You don't see his reaction, too scared that he'll chicken out at the silly face you're making. But he's on you now, his mouth gentle against yours, careful and intentional. He knows you're nervous, knows you're inexperienced. And that's okay. Because you know Ino is going to take care of you.
His kisses grow more intense, his lips slipping past yours to lick into your mouth. His hands are on you now, fingers smooth across your cheeks and neck. A small moan escapes you as his thumb hovers a sensitive spot on your throat. It spurs him on, kisses sloppier, as if he's wishing to draw out more embarrassing noises out of you.
Before you know it, you're laid out on the couch, him on top of you, fulling making out now. He's heavy above you, though you don't mind it. In fact, you feel safe like this. You feel safe with him.
He's out of breath now as he pulls away from you, panting as he rests his forehead against yours. "Wow," is all he says.
You swallow thickly, the mix of cherry and his saliva sweet on your tongue. "Was I...okay?"
He laughs, nuzzling his nose to yours. "Yeah. You're perfect."
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sugusatosluut · 9 months
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Megumi Fushiguro and Ino Takuma x female!reader
Heads up: characters are aged up in this one {18+} Smut, poly, reader has different dynamics with both men, sub!reader, sorta dom megumi, sorta dom Ino. Enjoy!
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Megumi and Ino enjoyed your presence. Your calm demeanor and sweet smile reminded them of Utahime in some weird way even though you were her student. It made sense. Your constant efforts to protect them never went unnoticed. They watched you get praised by Nanami and Gojo constantly and to be honest, both of them felt a little jealous. Not because of the praise, but because of how you reacted to it. Gojo’s version of praising you was different than Nanami’s. Gojo would always lean slightly down to your level and get right in your face to tell you things that only the two of you could hear, making you nervous as he smiled at you, his minty breath hitting your face. That always made Megumi itch. He’d always thank you for protecting his students. Nanami on the other hand exchanged his praise in cordial dinners and expressing his gratitude towards you by making small talk and flashing a soft smile, ending in him paying the bill *literally every time*. Both men knew you weren’t materialistic, but wanted to give you something to always remind you of their gratitude, and that was the only way they knew how. You were always thankful.
You’ve known Megumi and Ino for a while.. your relationship with them was extremely private, the only rules were no pda outside of the privacy of your own homes. Megumi and Ino also agreed not to talk about it to anyone else either. The sorcerer world is hard enough being judged by higher ups and classmates alike.
Your relationship with both men were of different worlds. Outside of home, Megumi was very quiet and independent. He sometimes can be found by Itadori or by himself. Rarely he’d be next to you or gojo. It’s just a thing he has. The people closest to him, he’s rarely around. Megumi in private was very passionate and vocal about making you feel good, you’re his princess. His need for you to be on top riding him and to make love to you was very clear. Don’t get me started on after sex cuddles.. you need to be laying on him or under him. No in between. Ino on the other hand, in public he’s always got his eye on you, observing you like Nanami does. He’s always by your side and happy to stay there. He’s very puppy-like. In private, ino was very attentive to your moans. He hates when people outside the relationship touch you. Once Yuuji had given you a hug that lasted a little too long for Ino’s liking, he punished you in private for it, edging you the whole night while he came several times. Megumi and ino took all your social and emotional queues more serious after they further figured out how certain things made you feel.
This one night in particular really had both of them heated.
After a long mission lasted a couple weeks of tracking down and exorcising a special grade curse, you guys checked in with your mentors and shoko. The boys weren’t hurt too badly and you refused to let anyone touch you the whole ride back to Tokyo. It was a traumatic experience, but instead of confiding in your boys, you had become excessively and exceptionally difficult to them. Gojo sat next to you, dropping his blindfold. “You okay?” He asked.
You stared at your feet.
“It’s okay to not be okay sweetheart. Why don’t you let Ino and Megumi take you home huh? Maybe you just need a couple days off to rest. My office is open anytime.” Gojo said playing with some of your long hair.
“I usually don’t agree with Satoru, but Ino and Fushiguro are the most responsible for this task. You clearly need some proper care and your friends are the best people to give that to you. Please, if you understand, just nod love. I know it’s hard to speak and right now it’s hard to understand, but having a scar is better than the latter of your options right now.” Nanami caressed your hands, kneeling in front of you.
You nodded, internally biting your lip.
“Megumi, you guys can head home. Text me when you’re safe.”
Megumi nodded.
At home the boys hopped into the shower with you, washing the stained blood off of your skin carefully.
“Not so hard Fushiguro. She still needs her skin.” Ino hissed at him.
“What do you think I’m doing Ino?” Megumi asked rolling his eyes as he washed your skin.
“Being an idiot.” Ino smirked
Megumi stopped all his motion in a sarcastic manner. It made a small smile and a short giggle come from your soft lips. They both froze in place, looking at eachother with wide eyes.
“D’you hear that?” Ino smirked.
“Little angel’s got her laugh back. There’s that pretty smile.” Megumi sighed in relief.
You leaned into their touch, relieved that you were home safe with them. As they showered off with you, everything that happened felt like a blur.
“Angel, you did such a great job today. Let us spoil you.” Ino suggested.
You nodded your head in agreement, but Megumi decided he wanted to start off. He roughly kissed you and felt you up. It was thrilling. He traveled down to your waist, but since you were all naked anyways, he decided to get right to work. He sucked on your clit roughly, small moans escaping your lips as he made out with your lower ones. “Be more careful out there with us.” He said pausing for a moment. You whined.
“I’m not giving you anymore until you say yes.” Megumi stated at you.
“Fushiguro- come on that’s just cruel!” Ino cried out as you removed his dick from your mouth.
“Yes-mmph” you moaned.
“Yes what?” He said kissing around your puffy clit.
You couldn’t take it anymore, you were about to cave.
“C’mon princess just let him have it. You know he wants it bad.” Ino smirked, grabbing your face.
“Yes daddy.” You sobbed as Megumi finally let you get close on his tongue. The noises were too much for you, too overstimulating as the two men stopped their pace so you could sink down onto Ino first.
“Nice work Fushiguro, you got her all nice and wet for us. There’s no way our precious Angel can’t take us both at the same time.” Ino smiled while caressing your face.
“Calm down Ino, you’re too riled up, you’re gonna end up hurting her.”
“Oh you’re one to talk skin scraper.”
“C’mon, knock it off.”
“You know she likes it a little rough. Why don’t we just give her what she wants?” Ino said.
“Are you stupid? We need to take our time. She’s hurt.” Megumi argued
“Megs- I can take it. I want it. If it hurts too bad I’ll use the safe word.” You pouted at him.
He sighed and both of the men positioned your hole over their throbbing cocks. Megumi was the one that had your legs in the air, so he let Ino slide into you first.
“Fuck- so wet for us baby.” Ino whined.
Ino helped position you up so you could take megumi’s swollen cock as well. The two men bounced you up and down on their hard lengths, making you a moaning whimpering mess.
“God- don’t squeeze me like that.” Megumi grunted between his teeth.
“You trying to make us cum early baby?” Ino smirked at you.
“N-no! Please just keep fucking me!” You screamed out.
They obliged, bouncing you up and down on their lengths, making you their own personal flashlight in that moment. You felt them throb inside you simultaneously.
“M’so close princess.” Megumi panted, biting your neck in places you didn’t even know could feel so good.
Ino’s lips and tongue traveled all over your breasts, latching onto your right nipple. He was careful, only nipping you once or twice. He couldn’t help it.
“God you’re so tight. Isn’t she Fushiguro? She’s perfect.” Ino praised you.
Megumi grabbed your hair, balling it up in his fist as he pulled your head back to him.
“You’re so tight, I think we might cum inside- is that oky with you princess? Do you wanna be filled up with our love?” Megumi groaned in your ear.
“Gah- yes please I want it all.” You screamed out.
The two men continued their pounding on your swollen pussy, you squirted and they came right after, panting hard. You were all filled up, they were all out of breath.
They pulled out and sandwiched you in between them again as they started your aftercare routine. It wasn’t often that you three were able to have moments like this. Even though you were hurt, you still wanted every bit of this with the two of them forever. They kissed your forehead, giving you sweet words and love even though you were falling asleep fast.
“We love you, princess.”
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delzinrowe · 5 months
WORD COUNT: ~1.4K WARNINGS: Mentions of alcohol, idk. F!Reader
Bartender!Takuma Ino has been rotting my brain so here's a little something.
Bartender!Takuma, who is one of three bartenders in a local pub. He’s known for his mixing skills and his moves, constantly getting the highest tips due to his level of wit, skill and his handsome face.
Bartender!Takuma who always has a keen eye for guests and listens attentively when he notices someone with worries. He has a special drink for each occasion that he gives a concerned guest. For a broken heart he has a soft pastel blue coloured sweet cocktail meant to heal. For financial trouble he has a clear drink with green syrup that brings fortune. For family struggles he has a pink cocktail, supposed to lift all the worries and help rekindle.
Bartender!Takuma who gets in trouble with his boss for giving out those cocktails for free (one per guest though) but always gets off the hook cause he brings the most business into the pub and is well liked by all locals.
Bartender!Takuma whose eyes are immediately on you when he sees you walk in. He doesn’t say a word about it but he notices the tear stains on your cheeks, the chapped lips from biting them nervously, the unfocused gaze in your eyes. He’s immediately in front of you when you sit down at the bar, ready to take your order.
Bartender!Takuma who mixes you a special and unique sweet cocktail after you tell him you don’t have the mind to choose from a long list of drinks. He serves you the cocktail with a reassuring smile.
Bartender!Takuma who is known as the one to always make a show but tonight he didn’t perform a single move because all his attention is on you. He keeps coming back to you and asks you if everything is okay, but he never comes across as pressuring or pushing.
Bartender!Takuma who doesn’t give you advice because he knows advice from someone else might come from a good place but mostly falls on deaf ears until the person actually learns the lesson on their own, so he settles for listening to you instead.
Bartender!Takuma whose shift ended half an hour ago, yet he still stands behind the bar, talking to you about mindless stuff until you cheer up a little more because he can’t leave without seeing you smile.
Bartender!Takuma who asks if he should call you a taxi or bring you home himself when you tell him it’s time to go but he knows you’ve had a few drinks. You reassure him that your friend will pick you up and you won’t drive yourself, which has him visibly relieved.
Bartender!Takuma who watches you leave with the sour taste of regret in his mouth that he didn’t ask you for your number or at least gave you his. But he knows it would be unprofessional, and despite everything you (and other locals) share with the bartenders you’re still all just paying customers.
Bartender!Takuma who leaves that day with the least tips he ever got because most of his attention was on you but he really doesn’t care about that because as long as he made you smile it was all worth it.
Bartender!Takuma who spends his shifts during the next few days watching the door almost obsessively in hopes to see you walk in again but he’s disappointed every time it’s someone else. He’s waiting to see you again.
Bartender!Takuma who always gives up on seeing you again and tries to forget you by doing his job extra well, performing different bartending moves and throwing bottles and glasses in the air, effortlessly catching them all and putting on a show for all the guests. He’s so immersed in the show that he only notices the wave of new customers when he approaches them from behind the bar.
Bartender!Takuma who is absolutely elated and immediately has a bright smile on his face when he realizes you are among the wave of customers. He does his best to cater to everyone’s wishes but his attention is still mostly on you as he asks you about stuff related to your first night in the bar. It makes you blush that he remembers even small details.
Bartender!Takuma who doesn’t seem to notice the glances your friends give you whenever he performs a trick just for you. He still performs for other guests too but it’s obvious that he’s putting much more effort into the moves he makes for you.
Bartender!Takuma who slowly but surely gets to know you more, your full name and zodiac, as you tell him happily, your profession, your worries, your hobbies, your likes and dislikes. He’s happy you’re talking to him so much and he’s opening up to you just the same.
Bartender!Takuma who once again forgot to ask you for your number when you leave but it’s okay because he has the strong impression that you’ll visit the pub again, and he hopes it’s because of him.
Bartender!Takuma who is smiling like a little kid on Christmas when he sees you again because he was right that you’d come back. His two colleagues are happy you’re back too because if they had to listen to him talk about you any more they would have punched him.
Bartender!Takuma who builds a solid friendship with you over the course of weeks. You don’t know it but his colleagues tell him when you come in on his days off and how your happy smile always falters when they tell you he’s not working. His heart always skips a beat when he thinks about it
Bartender!Takuma who gladly caters to all your wishes in everything cocktail-wise and always knows which moves to make to get you to laugh. Everytime he succeeds his heart makes a little jump.
Bartender!Takuma who gets urged by his colleagues to finally make a move and ask you out because now that you frequent the pub they have seen many guys looking at you. He gets visibly upset when they tell him that men have bought you drinks on his day off.
Bartender!Takuma who is immediately irritated when a guy on the other side of the bar buys you a drink and tells him to give you a message. But it’s his job, so he has to do it. Instead of making the drink and giving it to you right away however, he asks you if you want to accept it.
Bartender!Takuma who smiles a little too happily when you ask him if it’s impolite to reject the drink from the guy. He reassures you that it’s not impolite and takes care of the guy, in a more or less polite manner because he’d like to keep his job.
Bartender!Takuma who scowls the immediate moment a stranger approaches you and asks if they can buy you a drink. It’s different when someone is standing right next to you, so he knows you’re likely to accept just so you don’t anger the stranger. He takes the stranger's order, internally rolling his eyes at the bitter drink he ordered for you because he knows you don’t like bitter cocktails.
Bartender!Takuma who nonetheless mixes the drink and even performs some of his skilled moves to get you to look at him. When he serves the drink he accidentally spills it, making sure it stains the stranger’s pants. Of course he apologizes, but only you know that it’s a half assed apology that he doesn’t mean
Bartender!Takuma who swears the entire pub can hear his heart leaping when you thank him for saving you with his little stunt. It’s the first time he’s actually blushing and you think it makes him look even more handsome.
Bartender!Takuma who finally has the guts to ask you if you want to go out with him after weeks of pining for you. He’s not as smooth when he asks you, almost a little clumsy with his words but unbeknownst to him you think it makes him seem even cuter.
Bartender!Takuma who can’t hide his relieved and happy smile when you agree on a date. He’s so happy he completely forgets to ask for your number or when you have time. When you leave he wants to kick himself because how can he take you out on a date if he doesn’t even have your number.
Bartender!Takuma who almost breaks out in a happy dance when one of his colleagues hands him the napkin you purposely left behind with your number on it. He’s so happy he seems to be floating and beaming, brighter than the sun itself. All because he’s soon taking you out on the best date you ever had.
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kamiversee · 5 months
Upcoming Works! :)
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This an official masterlist for my upcoming works!
The F*ck List was a wonderful story to complete & I’m excited to write another sooo, take a look through these & lmk which one you’d like me to focus on next! :3
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My Love Note (Choso x f!reader vs Gojo x f!reader)
In which your innocent crush on the cheeky cashier Gojo Satoru slowly swirls into something more complicated as his feelings for you are never clear. Then, in the midst of your complications, there’s your hating best friend Choso Kamo who also beings to act differently toward you.
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F*ck The List (TFL Sequel) (the title is subject to possibly change)
A continued tale in which the truth of why you were forced to be a whore comes into the light.
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The Better Brother (Guitarist!Choso x f!reader vs Boxer!Sukuna x f!reader)
When a night of drinking with your friends turns into a conversation about your nonexistent sex-life, you say you slept with the most random name to come to mind-- never expecting him to walk through the door moments later. Naturally, things only worsen for you when you eventually learn that this man is connected to your longtime unrequited crush.
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Be My Cowboy (Cowboy!Gojo x f!reader)
A love story in which you fall for the infamous cowboy Gojo Satoru whose job was to protect you.
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Sex For Business (The “Office” men of JJK x f!reader)
When you’re the epitome of sex-appeal, it’s easy for you to dominate the business world. Or at least, that was until you come across a specific company harder to climb to the top than others. Man after man– you know how to use and seduce them no problem. But for some reason, the men here are a bit more challenging than ones in the past. Especially the man whose position your arrival threatens; Nanami Kento.
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Chase The Thrill (Geto x f!reader & Toji x f!reader)
By your senior year of College, you come to the realization that you’ve yet to experience even half of what you wished to within your College experience. This is to blame of your toxic older ex-boyfriend Toji Fushiguro, who was your first and only ever boyfriend that stripped you of all fun you wished to have. So when you decide to go out one night to live it up a little and somehow end up playing seven-minutes in heaven with some hot stranger, you don’t expect the name to show you an entirely new world in the most cliche way imaginable.
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Not My Resident (Vampire!JJK Men x f!reader)
A JJK fanfic that takes place in the alternate universe of “Not My Neighbor”-- you knew they were doppelgängers but you didn’t care, they were hot. Plus, their human forms never batted an eyelash at you so, what’s so wrong with letting a few of them inside… of you.
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No Strings Attached (Ino Takuma x f!reader)
According to others, fake dating your best friend always leads to a real relationship and eventual heartbreak but, you and Ino swore you two could pull it off with no real feelings involved.
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Petals to Thorns (R. Shidou x f!reader & Sae x f!reader)
From young and innocent love to something complicated and ugly, Shidou Ryusei takes you to hell and back just to say those three stupid words to you. Then there’s Itoshi Sae who sweeps you off your feet the very second Shidou fucks up; who would you pick in the end?
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Suck or Fuck (Vampire!JJK Men x f!reader)
They don’t call you the best detective around for no reason. While your methods may be a bit… unorthodox, people can’t say they don’t work. Human or Vampire, you always get your job done. So when crime rates in your city skyrocket; murders occurring around you, kidnappings, theft, and blatant Vampire attacks threaten your job– you make it your mission to get to the bottom of things... even if that involves sleeping with your suspects.
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The winning fic will be my next focus after I finish all the whatif’s for TFL.
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@KAMIVERSEE on tumblr. All Rights Reserved. Do not steal, copy, or translate any of my works.
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rieamena · 3 months
i dont care what ANYBODY SAY and if its self-indulgent but I KNOW that INO TAKUMA LOVES BLACK GIRLS i can feel it in my soul
contains: ino having a major crush on you, non-sorcerer au, black!fem!reader working at a cafe, nanami & ino are more friends than mentor/mentee
wc: 1.2k
part two: the first date!
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ino who is star struck when he walks into the cafe that he was meant to meet nanami at for lunch and sees you. your bright smile as you tend to a customer lights up the cafe, going beautifully with your skin. the way you move with grace and confidence behind the counter captivates him, making it impossible for him to look away. he’s completely entranced by the warmth you give in your interactions with everyone. he finds a suitable table and sets down his things, his eyes never leaving you. you finish up with your current customer and consider walking over to take his order but hesitate, noticing that he must be waiting for someone.
ino who's eyes accidentally meet yours and he starts freaking out. texts nearly every group chat he's in, frantically typing, "GUYS WHAT DO I DO!!! OUR EYES JUST MET..... GUYS??? HELLO???" his phone lights up with multiple teasing and encouraging notifications, but none seem to be helpful in the moment.
ino who musters up the courage to walk up to the counter and order a few things from the menu hanging above your head. he lies and says he's not sure what to get, asking for your input instead. "i recommend the vanilla strawberry trifle cake with our signature iced honey lemon tea!" you pointed to the cake in the display next to you. ino hums in approval, "i'll get that then!" you entered his order into the screen before you, looking up when you heard your name. "y/n? is that right?" ino tilted his head, eyes on your name tag. "yeah...!" you beamed before collecting yourself, signaling to the card reader at the edge of the counter. "it's pretty, just like you."
ino who immediately taps his card and runs away to his table, silently begging for nanami to come quicker, his heart dropping when he sees nanami's "i'm going to be late." text. his head goes straight into his hands, unbelievably embarrassed. you watch him retreat, a soft smile on your face and turn to start preparing his order.
ino who sulks for 30 seconds before realizing that this is the perfect opportunity to get to know you a bit more. he sends a picture of the menu to his colleague and within seconds got a reply. "i'll have a croissant with black coffee, thanks. be there in 15." taking a deep sigh, ino walked back to the counter, playing with his hands. feeling someone's presence, you yelled out "sorry! i'll be right- oh its you!" walking over to where he was, you continued speaking, "is everything okay? wanna change your order?" ino shook his head and signaled behind him, "no no! i'm ordering for my friend." friend?, you thought, eyes looking past him and at the table he claimed. "but there's no one there?" you looked up into his eyes and ino could've sworn his heart skipped a beat. looking back, as if he expected nanami to randomly appear, he laughed, "yeah, you're right. he's running a bit late, though it would be better to just not come at all." "why's that?" you continued preparing his order, pouring ice into a glass. "well our lunch break ends soon..." ino pauses, checking the time, "in like 20 minutes or so."
ino who tries his best not to laugh as you whip your head around to look at him. "20 minutes?!?! oh my god..." you finished making his tea and quickly moved over to the display to cut him a generous piece of the cake he ordered. slice of cake and glass of tea in hand, you walked back to the man, placing it in front of him. "here ya go... sorry about that. what would your friend like?" the man's gaze was directed slightly above your eyes. "your hair... it got out of place..." shuffling to find the nearest reflective surface, the man continued to speak "wait...! i got you. don't worry!" he pulled out his phone, opening the front camera and turning it towards you. peering into the device slightly, you fix your sections and the decorative scarf on your head. "thank you for that....." your voice trailed off at the end, needing something to complete your thought. ino took a few seconds but ultimately understood with a big smile on his lips. "ino."
ino who finds it hard to not self-destruct when he hears his name on your lips. "thank you for that ino, and for that compliment from before too." he chokes on his breath, violently coughing afterwards. "yeah...! uh, no problem! just calling it how it is..." he laughed awkwardly, rubbing the back of his neck. "if it helps, i think you're pretty cute yourself!"
ino who finds himself coming back to the cafe every day. never forgetting to order something extra for his friend. "let me guess, a black coffee and croissant for nanami?" ino softly laughs and nods, and you give him the pastry and drink that you prepared ahead of time. "yeah but im off today. i'll just be dropping it off at the office." "wait..., you're here on your off day? isn't your job super stressful? why dont you relax at home?" "being able to see you is relaxing. how could i miss a day of conversation with the prettiest girl in the world?" you stared at him, feeling heat rise to your face. "do i look good?" "good?" ino questioned. "baby, you're stunning." he pouted, thinking that you might be feeling insecure in the moment. smiling and letting out a sigh, you corrected yourself, "no i mean, does my hair look okay? my clothes look straight?" you gave him a quick 360 as you smoothened out your work uniform. ino silently ohhed as he searched your form for any imperfections. "nope! nothing out of place." "thanks, wanted to make sure before i do this." ino stayed silent and you took that as an okay to continue. "okay... i can do this... uh ino, can i... have your number?" you stared at his expressionless face before burying your head in your hands.
ino who thinks something is up when you give him that request. "y/n, did you read my mind last night?" "what?" your eyes met his and they widened when you found ino already looking at you. "last night, i told myself that i was finally going to ask you out but here you are beating me to it!" you let go of a breath you didn't know you were holding and giggled. "well, since i beat you to it." you unlocked your phone and created a new contact, handing it over to ino. he briefly poses for the contact photo and saves his number in your phone. giving your phone back, he speaks. "on one condition." "which is...?" you put your phone back into your apron pocket, smiling coyly. "i get to take you on a date?" ino's tone was soft, unsure if his advance was going to land the way he wanted. "of course you can."
ino who turns away from you and begins celebrating as if he's invisible. he does multiple yes! motions before abruptly stopping, collecting himself, and turning back to you. "so uh, your shift ends in 30, right?" ino glanced at the clock, his forearms resting on the counter, bending over slightly. looking at the small digital clock on your right, you nodded. "i'll wait for you then."
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first jjk post hello???!!! first post in a year hello?!?!? this is my first time writing in sooooo long i swear but i feel that i really needed that break and i think i got better (i hope i got better) as usual if you liked this let me know! likes, comments, + reblogs are ALWAYS appreciated. love yall <3
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ilythecolorpink · 1 year
The Drinking Game (Ino Takuma x fem reader)
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You and your best friend Ino Takuma decide to go drinking and while you both drink more, Ino slips up when he confesses a little too much.
You were brushing your hair in front of your mirror on a Saturday night. Your body yearns to sink into your cozy sheets and drift off to sleep. A ringing from your phone snaps you out of your thoughts as you walk over by your nightstand to see that the caller is none other than Ino Takuma.
Sighing in annoyance, you pick up the phone and ask, "Ino, do you know what time it is?" "Yep, it's 9 o'clock, why do you ask?," he says on the other end of the line. You give up and respond, "Never mind, so what did you want?" to the question. He says, "I was thinking that we should go out drinking?" "Seriously?" you ask as you lay your hand across your forehead. He exclaims with a smile, "Yeah, why not? Trust me, it will be fun." You sigh and mutter, "Oh what the hell, where are we going?" as you finally give in. He responds, "Atta girl, I'll meet you at your place and we can walk there together."
As soon as you're dressed and wearing your freshly designed dress. You move in the direction of the door when you hear a knock. When you open it, Ino is there wearing his typical black sweatshirt, black pants, and a beanie-style cap with his brown hair peeking out. "Wow Y/N, you look... beautiful" he adds with an expression of astonishment as he looks up and down at you and has a slight blush on his cheeks. His redness causes you to feel a flutter in your chest, so you approach him, place a gentle palm on his forehead, and innocently inquire, "Are you okay? You're all red." He timidly says, "Oh what me? I'm totally fine," and then steps back. He cuts himself off as he says "Come on let's just go." Your hands are entwined as you follow him.
You finally make it to the bar after some time has passed; Ino opens the door for you, and you enter to hear the loud music. Together, you two find a booth where you can sit next to each other. You turn to him and say, "Let's order the drinks, shall we?" "Now you're speaking my language, what did you have in mind?" he remarks while flashing a wide smile. As you respond, "I was thinking of having a few shots and you?" you give a small smile. "I'll get the same as you", he declares as he sits back in the seat and spreads his legs out in front of him. "I'll take 4 shots of sake, please," you remark as Ino gets up from his seat to take your order. He quickly replies, "You got it, mama," with a surprised expression on his face.
He returns after getting our drinks and sits down. He hands you your shots and says, "Here you go, my lady," and you thank him in appreciation. He asks the preposition "Let's play a game?" You raise one eyebrow as you inquire, "What kind of game?" "Let's play truth or drink," he adds, putting his arm around your shoulder. "Deal but know that I won't go easy on you", you shrug as you smirk and hold your glass in your hand. He replies with a chuckle and adds, "I'm counting on it." "Okay Y/N, out of all the teachers, who is the hottest?” he says as he poses the first question. Then you smirk and reply, "My my if I had to say, probably Nanami." His exaggerated gasp is followed by the words, "HIM? You can't be serious, but wait, you have to tell me why.” He notices your amused expression as you take the shot and says annoyingly, "HEY, that's not fair." You tease, "Remember, you can only ask one question."
Your faces begin to flush as you both continue to drink more. You respond by asking, "Ok, answer me this, who do you have a crush on?" You're not sure if the man's face is getting redder because of the question or the drink. The thought "Come on brain think what would Nanami do?" kept circling in his head. He pauses for a moment before saying, "I can't say it." He gets a teasing response from you, "Oh don't be shy now." He says "You" while covering his mouth with his hand. "I can't hear you if you do that", you said as you grabbed his hand and put it on his chest to fill the gap between you two because his hand was muffling the sound. He looks down and then away from you before he says, "It's you." You hold him by the collar of his sweatshirt while your faces are only a few inches apart, whispering seductively, "Tell me, what are you going to do now hm?" He tries to maintain eye contact while he hesitantly says, "I want to." Then, as he becomes more nervous, you say "I won't do anything if you don't use your words, darling." Then he says "Please kiss me." He moans a little into your kiss as you hold his hair to keep him close and you taste the alcohol on his soft lips.
A/N: I hope y'all liked this. I want him and Nanami ong, I love you all.
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kivrumi · 3 months
⭑ᡣ𐭩"₊SEVEN 𐙚⁺˚
chapter 1 - psycho
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ʚ PAIRINGS : Satoru Gojo, Suguru Geto, Choso Kamo, Ryomen Sukuna, Toji Fushiguro, Ino Takuma, Higuruma Hiromi, Kento Nanami, Naoya Zenin ɞ
{ it is not stated here who the reader ends up with, the story is to find out.. }
꒰ SUMMARY : How did you end up in such a mess with various guys? From strangers, friends, and crushes to ex-boyfriends and enemies. How did, what you thought was simple, life turn out like this? And who exactly were you to end up with?
꒰ WARNINGS : SLOWBURN - NSFW 18+ - mature & sexual themes - smut / lemon - language - violence - mentions of obsessive behaviour - sub/dom mentions - angst andd fluff :3
next chapt
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"Told you I'd win this time."
You snicker at Choso, who has now just shamefully lost at a mere game of Mario Kart.
"Doesn't make you better than me does it"
He then reaches out to your lap and grabs a handful of YOUR popcorn from YOUR bowl.
"Seriously? First of all, of course it makes me better than you. In fact, the BEST at Mario Kart worldwide. Second of all, I did not make two packets of popcorn for you to gulp all of yours down in 5 seconds to attack my bowl" You give him a cold, stern, serious look as he smiles with a mouth full of popcorn, slowly reaching out for your bowl again. You wack his hand out of the way, moving your bowl further from him as he chuckles whilst attempting to swallow. With your face glaring back towards the screen where it displayed your victory, he asks
"Do you have a third of all?" He then grabbed his Nintendo controller back to restart the match.
"Hmm, third of all..." You now face Choso, who still has his eyes glued to the screen.
"You like losing to me. "
Choso Kamo. Your best friend since you were only five. He knew every detail about you and vice versa. Growing up with him only drew you two closer, so here, you two were sitting on the floor of your dorm room, backs leaning onto your couch and Nintendo controllers in hands. If someone were to ask you to describe Choso, you would say how kind and forgiving he is and include his sense of humour. He knows right from wrong and is not afraid to stand proud of his beliefs. Many have framed him to be this extremely soft, introverted, shy man; they were along the right lines yet couldn't be more wrong.
"Choso, what are you still doing here? It's nearly 1 am; go back to your dorm." Your roommate, Shoko Ieiri, insists as she walks from her bedroom door to the sofa and plops herself down on it. She then grabs your entire popcorn bowl and multiple handfuls of your popcorn, stuffing it in her mouth
"Shoko- are you serious, you know you can make your own packet." You get up and snatch your bowl back to see nothing but popcorn kernels. Choso stretches his hand to Shoko to pass her a Nintendo controller.
"Okay, one more game, and I swear I'll head back to my room," Choso claims ready to press play.
"finee" Shoko says as she stretches her legs across the sofa as you sadly place your empty bowl to your side and grab your controller.
"What the fuck?" Choso and you say in unison. Not only did Shoko win all 6 matches you guys ended up playing, but you and Choso always ended up around last place.
"ooou what can I say" Shoko giggles, then glances at the time. "Oh shit, it's really late. Get to your dorm Choso and you. " she slaps the top of your head. "You get your ass to bed. "
With a defeated sigh from both you and Choso, you get up and drag your feet towards your bedroom. "Night then everyone," you slowly close your door hearing the two individuals still in the living room say goodnight back to you.
Shoko Ieiri has been your close friend for about a year now since you started college. You remember her looking lost in the dormitory halls and asking if she needed help by guiding her to her dorm room, only to shock you that you guys were to share a dorm. Going into college, the only person you knew was your best friend Choso, and Shoko had two of her own best friends you had yet to meet. A white-haired boy and a black-haired boy, you don't think you have ever seen them, but you are very familiar with their names via Shoko yapping to you about their latest drama. Shoko never really bothered, introducing you to them, not that they interested you in any way, but this was because Shoko didn't think they were a very good influence and wouldn't bother to care. Utahime Iori and Kento Nanami are friends to both you and Shoko since Shoko was nice enough to introduce you to some of her friends on your first days. It's been a year now, and all of you are 19 now. Well. Not quite everyone.
Toji Fushiguro. 2 years older than you. He is in mechanical engineering. It was love at first sight for you. The first day you saw him his biceps had you choking on your water, his hair stuck to his forehead sweating, fixing something in the car, who cares about that? He wore a black compression shirt first, which nearly made you melt and wanna scream, his scar by his lip that you just wanted to- GOD HELP ME.
He was an attractive individual.
You have been crushing on this man ever since you've attended this college; you damn sure wanted to get into his pants. But not only you, he also had countless other fangirls. So thinking he wants you and only you, despite never talking to you before, is fucking delusional. Countless rumours of him playing girls, high body count, and being really good in bed were spread around. You did, in fact, believe these rumours, but you really needed proof...
All of your friends knew about your obsession with this older boy. Choso always mentioned how Toji is not someone I should go for due to his reputation as a player, and Utahime is always there to agree with him.
"I can definitely agree with you, girlie. Toji is one fine ass," Shoko exclaimed as Choso and Utahime stared with disgust.
"Stop encouraging this Shoko!" Utahime says as she facepalms herself with a twitching eyebrow.
"Kentooo" Shoko purrs as she goes behind him to place her hands on his shoulders. "What are your opinions on Toji Fushiguro?" she asks, rocking him back and forth.
"Never interacted with him before so, don't know and don't care."
"You're all haters," you said to all, apart from Shoko. Just then, you had seen Toji Fushiguro walk past your hangout spot window, an abandoned cafe behind your school, with a girl trailing behind him. She had the same hair type and eyes as you, but everything else about her was the opposite. Mainly her style. She had a huge smile plastered across her face as she followed the man you've been eyeing for a good 2 months now. Despite the man being a whore, you still hope one day you catch his eyes.
But it's been 10 months till that day you saw that girl trail behind him. After that, there have been numerous different girls spotted with the handsome compression shirt man, not really fighting his whore stereotypes. Do you want to be one of those girls? You say no, but if he ever went up to you, you don't think you can turn him down. But the idea of you being used once or twice disgusts you. Why would you do that to yourself? But the tiniest minute possibility that you can change him was always there.
"eugh- huh- Shoko, what the fuck.." You say as you slowly open your heavy lids from your beauty rest, and to your surprise, you see Shoko leaning over you, a glass of water in hand, tilted to your face.
"Seriously, girl? You ignored your alarm 5 times now. I'm leaving now for class and don't know how you're going to arrive at your class late. Especially with your mad teacher, " She huffs as she chugs from the glass of water, which originally was supposed to be poured on your face, but to your luck, you woke up.
You get up and look at the time. Fuckity fuck.
"Oh my god, Professor Yui will not back down to give me a crazy lecture of disturbing her class, despite me trying to be stealthy to not interrupt."
"All psychology professors are insane like that, huh? Also, you're only noisy because of the dingly dangly earrings you wear every day. "
"Okay, okay.. What are you still doing here? Sho, get your ass to your scientists class. "
"andd what are you still doing in bed girlie.. Don't come for me, I'm dressed up and about to leave. You can always come with me right now, but maybe your Hello Kitty PJs will be too distracting to your crazy psychology professor. "
"ah fuck" you jumped out of bed as you hear Shoko leave your room and the front door slam "fuuuuckkk" It hurts to not put on makeup or your 'dingly dangly' earrings but you were really in a rush. You throw on a random zip-up, over your pyjama top, and change into some loose sweatpants. Grabbing all needed essentials and having to forget breakfast.
"shit, shit-" lecture had started 4 minutes ago, and you had just made it to the double doors. Slowly creaking it open, sadly the door just has to be rusty; you got a few heads turned towards you. Your professor has noticed your presence but remains carrying out her lecture. Wow, those earrings were the problem. You scout the area, and once your eyes land on him, you walk over and sit next to your best friend, Choso. He looks at your face, examining your appearance in great detail. You can see his eyebags look heavier than usual, which is obviously due to hours of Mario Kart last night. he must've-
"You look.. different" Choso states quietly, still staring at you weirdly.
"Wow, you see me without makeup, and you think I look weird, thanks a lot, Cho," you say with apparent sarcasm and chuckle lightly at your words.
"No, no, it's not that - oh my god, where are your earrings? Wow, you look weird without th-"
"Choso Kamo," an erupting voice from slightly afar, shook both you and the boy beside you. Your dang professor. You give Choso a 'haha you're about to get in trouble' look, but her next words made you probably wanna shoot the whole school and then yourself, "Choso.. Why do you continue to let that troublemaker sit next to you? Poor you, you get so distracted in my lectures as soon as she arrives". What? What did this teacher have against you? You look to Choso, who smirks at you lightly before formally replying,
"Well, it's not my fault, she comes to me, and I don't like talking during your lectures, but she makes me feel obliged to.."
WHAT? This man will be the death of you; all you can do is stare at Choso, who is so desperately holding in a giggle to the point he has to cover his mouth with his hand.
"Out of my lecture hall." Well, what was the point of even coming in?
"Cho, where the hell do you think you're going?"
"huh- you've been waiting outside the hall this entire time?"
"No, I'm not pathetic like you. I just came back to diss you."
"diss? Did you not get thrown out right now out of the lecture in front of various other students?"
"That's just because she favours you Cho; she's on some pedophilic shit. I just know it."
"Well, I'll let her hit for better grades. I'm failing,"
"ew cho- what- I seriously don't get how people find you sweet and shy, your a disgusting fuck, annoying, bitch, mischievous, and evil man."
"I still can't believe you did that. What if she reports me for bullying or manipulating?"
"I think she was going to, but right after the lecture, I talked with her. Explained how we were friends, and it was a joke. "
"What? Thanks, but... Did you not get in trouble?"
"trouble? Nah, as you said, she loves me. Plus, if I were to get punished by her, all it would be is a lil spankin on the b-"
"Don't finish that sentence off."
All you get is a chuckle from him as he wraps an arm over your shoulder.
"I'll see you tonight, yeah? Kento needs me to help him build some weird shit for his front room. "
"Right now?"
"Yeah, you're dorm or mine?"
"Don't mind."
"mine it is," and just like that, his arm was off you as he started making his way to Kentos dorm.
You were just standing in a not-so-familiar hallway. Fuck, you were just following wherever Choso was going. Wait, this area was more where athletic students, engineering students, and law students were. Engineering? You accidentally found yourself looking around for a certain guy with a certain mouth scar. You moved around, peeping into classrooms and opening doors. One door caught your eye; you were sure that it was the one you once saw Toji enter, meaning that could be his class. Nearing the door, your heartbeat began to race. Just act like you're trying to find a friend if people get suspicious...
"Need something, sweetheart?"
"A FRIEND, I'M LOOKING FOR - I'm looking for my friend..." FUCK. You turn around to see a man you can't help but slightly recognize. He was no Toji, but you have seen him somewhere.
"And this friend of yours is in the Hunters soccer team? Since you know, that's our changing rooms"
You were in deep shit; you look like such a pervert. Mainly with your face turning a bright red from the embarrassment this alluring stranger has on you. You look back into his eyes nervously, but that's when it hit. This was no one other than Shoko's good friend.
Satoru Gojo.
"Girl, I hate Satoru. I think he fucked one of my friends," Shoko complained to you as she sat beside you on the couch.
"Again? Didn't he fuck your friends Keiko and Aiko?"
"Oh yeah, well, my point exactly. He is an ass hole, trying to get his dick wet. I need to hide you from him..."
"Damn, how good-looking is this guy?"
"I think he looks like a rat, but you know he has those deep, alluring blue eyes that everyone is so obsessed with. But apart from a pretty face, he can charm girls with his words. I'm completely unfazed by his words from being friends with him for so long. It just looks like a facade to me. "
Deep alluring blue eyes.. The man before you did fit Shoko's description.
It's not mistakable that it is Gojo, you've seen him around the college, not realising that this is the Satoru Gojo. His name is quite famous around here, known as the best football player at this college. Their soccer matches always make the headlines. Not that you were into soccer, but nearly every student knew there was the Hunters team, who wore blue eye-catching shirts, and there was an opposing team within the college. The Curses. Both teams are extremely popular and loved by fan girls, soccer wannabes, and, of course, the professors. You aren't sure which team is deemed better since your focus in life is not about your college soccer matches, but this is stuff you hear classmates rant about.
"You're not going to answer me? That's fine, sweetie. " You forgot said man remained in front of you, and that nickname nearly made you stop breathing. This guy has more than charm alright.
"I wasn't sure what class he was in... I'm sorry, I uh" fuck why are you stuttering? So what if this man was handsome, sexy and cute? You know what kind of man he is. He is just another college fuckboy. "I was just searching for my friend, but now I'm kind of lost."
"Lost? Are you new here? "
"No, but I'm not used to being on this side of college. I was following another friend, but he left my side now. I don't know how to get back to the dormitory"
"I see. Just wait up then. I came here to pick a few things from the locker room and was gonna head there too. You can follow me. "
"Oh really? thanks"
"Yeah, no problem, sweetie, just stay there," and with that, he went into the locker room. You waited outside, thinking back on that interaction. You don't want to be like every other girl that comes in contact with this man, not because you just want to be different but because you know what a real monster this blue-eyed freak is.
"Tojiii, you didn't call me back." You quickly looked to your right to see a girl, much shorter than the man she was confronting, cutely complaining to Toji Fushiguro.
"Lady, I said I WOULDN'T call you back."
"But that night was so.." she starts trailing her acrylic nails down his chest and then whispers into his ear. You see, his face turns into disgust as he slightly pushes her off.
"I said fuck off, no?" With that, the girl huffs as she whispers an insult, going away from the man. You watch her leave to the distance, and your eyes go back to Toji. But his eyes were already on you. From all the days he had a chance to notice you, it had to be when you're dressed down, with no makeup, and your hair looking shit. The eye contact was getting a bit too much for you but ended quite quickly when Gojo came back in sight.
"Okay! Follow me, " He says as you trail right behind him. "Must say it's a bit upsetting you don't go to this part of the college often, would be nice to see a pretty face like yours daily."
'This is just another one of his tricks', you remind yourself 'he just wants to get into any girl's pants'
"yeah, thanks"
'Fuck, did I just make it awkward?' you continued to walk behind him but he randomly came to a stop. 'Well we aren't at the dorms, why'd he stop' He then goes beside you, arm over your shoulder and then carries on walking.
"Don't walk behind me, makes you look like you're a fan girl" Oh you can see his game. He made you feel as if you were different from the other girls, and made you feel wanted and liked. You had the urge to tell him that you can see him right through.
"I know your game"
'Fuck I didn't actually want to tell him, that slipped out of my mouth'
"my game?" he asked, assuming you referring to soccer.
"You have fucked like half of the girls in this school"
'why am I blabbing on?' you get a chuckle from the white-haired man as his eyes remain looking forward.
"Is that so? And you know this for a fact?"
"Well yes, thanks to our mutual friend Shoko"
"ah- I see. Shoko my good cockblocking friend" he didn't seem pissed at your accusations, but in fact, was surprised and thankful he didn't have to create a persona for you "But without Shoko, you would've fallen for me. Right sweets?"
"Who knows, and- you can stop with the nicknames you know now"
"Why? I didn't lie about you having a pretty face, was disappointed I hadn't met you earlier due to you being stuck in another area of the college. What course do you major?" ignoring everything else he said because if you replied, you would be a stuttering mess.
"ah I see, well I know where those lecture halls are so" he then stops to look at you, making you realise you two have found your destination "I will come to see you sometime, yeah?"
"Seriously? you haven't even gotten my name yet"
"Do I really need it right now? I'm fine with just calling you sweetheart" He then grabs a pen from his pocket, grabs your arm, rolls up your sleeve and jots down his digits. You didn't even get a chance to deny his number. "Don't wash this off before adding my number, text me as soon as you get to your room, okay?" Again not giving you a chance for anything, He leaves to go to the dormitory B building. 'Shoko is going to go feral and protective over me as soon as she finds out what just happened' You think as you walk towards your own dormitory building.
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just-jordie-things · 10 months
[part two] trouble - takuma ino
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word count: 9k warnings: swearing, drinking, slight harassment (a creep puts his hand on reader's waist for 0.2 seconds) summary: she's only agreed to one night out- and that doesn't mean anything at all. it also doesn't mean anything that a few drinks has her admitting that ino's eyes are actually quite pretty. contents: rivals to begrudged friends, gojo!reader, nanami leaves the function at his first oppurtunity, ino and (y/n) have an alcohol fueled breakthrough.
part two: "got so much to prove" ___
Gojo Satoru was nothing like his sibling counterpart, and she was dead set on keeping it that way.  Where he was overbearing, she was uninvolved.  Where he was obnoxious, she was reserved.  For most of her life she could recall trying to steer herself into the opposite direction Satoru was heading.  
That was, until it came to sorcery.
If it weren’t for him, she wouldn’t have needed to crawl up a ladder to claim the Grade One title.  If it weren’t for him, she could’ve made a name for herself rather than live in the shadow that was their family name.  If it weren’t for him, she wouldn’t be stuck in this too-loud bar throwing back too-weak drinks.
Nanami didn’t seem too thrilled about having his evening decided for him, either.  He was nursing his third beer and the alcohol still hadn’t loosened him enough to lose the look of pure disinterest on his face.  (y/n) couldn’t blame him, seeing as she didn’t want to be here either.
Takuma, on the other hand, was having the time of his life.  He’d eagerly ordered them a round of shots despite their protests, claiming it was a right of passage for their first outing together.
“I’m not taking a shot,” Nanami had pushed his glass to the center of the table, refusing it as soon as it was set in front of him.  “I have to be home by eight” 
“Eight?” Takuma gasped incredulously at his early retirement.  “But Gojo’s car won’t be here till eleven-” 
“Dibs” (y/n) plucks the extra shot off the counter, tapping it once against the table before throwing it back with ease.  
The other two are left to stare at her in shock, neither knowing how to react.  She’s quick to chase it down with her own shot in rapid succession, not a single flinch or twitch from the burning sensation left in her throat.  Nanami and Takuma share a quick glance, but it doesn’t go unnoticed by the young Gojo.
“What?” She asks innocently, propping her elbow on the table to rest her chin in her hand.  “Been a long week, no?” 
“It’s just… Satoru doesn’t drink” Nanami shrugs at the simple statement, leaning back against his chair.
(y/n) pauses, her brow twitching in the smallest of movements.
Even without him around, she was being compared to him.  And hearing it come from Nanami, whom she’d spent years looking up to, snapped her final straw.
“Right…” She drawls the word out slowly, and Nanami waits all too patiently for whatever she had to say next.  “Well since it is our first outing, let’s establish this once and for all, shall we?” 
And then she grins, which sends warning flags up in Takuma’s mind when she leaves the table and approaches the bar.  He turns back to Nanami with his worry evident on his face.
“That’s not good,” He says in a hushed voice.  “I’ve only ever seen her smile like that when exorcizing curses” 
Nanami only chuckles half heartedly, more than familiar with the way the Gojo siblings’ shared wicked grin.
Ino’s not so amused, but he does his best to get excited when (y/n) comes back with a stronger drink and another round of shots for the three of them.  Nanami refuses this one as well, and this time they let it sit on the center of the table unclaimed.
To his surprise, she taps her shot glass against Ino’s when he picks it up, eyeing the auburn liquid with uncertainty.  This would be his second shot in the span of only ten minutes, and it would be her third.  There had to be some ploy behind it, right? 
“Whatever it takes to prove to you both I’m not my brother, name it,” (y/n) announces before throwing back the shot.  “It can be like a game!” She decides, eyes lighting up with the idea.  If she notices the way Nanami and Ino seem unsure and uncomfortable with the sudden swing in behavior, she doesn’t show it.
“A drinking game?” Ino asks, not quite following her train of thought.
“Sure,” She nods at him.  “Like a truth or drink sort of thing? That works” 
“I’ve got one, then,” Nanami leans back onto the table, suddenly joining the conversation.  His pupils seem surprised, but both excited in their own way to have him participate  “That Grade Two at the playground, last week, did you lie in your paperwork?” 
A more authentic looking beam stretches over (y/n’s) face, and she laughs as she considers taking a drink, but she supposes he’d have his answer if she did, so she might as well fess up.
“About the swingset being torn apart?” She asks with a raised brow.  “Yes, I lied about that” 
“You lied in your report?” Ino gasps in shock.  “What’d you say?” 
“She claimed the swings had been torn away from their posts before she arrived on the scene” Nanami explained with a huff.
That earned another gasp from Ino before he turned back to (y/n) with wide eyes and an awkward sort of smile, like he was excited to have caught her in something, even though she’d admitted to it herself.
“You chopped down a children’s playground?” 
“It was a swingset,” She corrected.  “And it’s structural integrity was fine.  The city could afford to replace the swing itself.  It’s practically just rope” 
Nanami shakes his head, although he’d already had an inkling her report on that assignment was less than truthful.  He had stopped by to take account of the damage done, and it seemed to him like the scraped metal of the playset’s structure could have only been chinked up by a large blade.  Like an axe.
A few more random questions come up between the two, most of them work related.  The questions are all over the place however, with Nanami trying to get her to admit to more discrepancies in her paperwork, and Ino trying to learn anything and everything he could.  So she never quite knew what was going to be asked of her.
More often than not, Nanami’s questions led to her drinking.  Whereas Ino’s…
“Do you have any tattoos?” 
She wants to laugh, and ask him if he’s sure that’s what he wants to know.  But Nanami’s already got her another two drinks down, so she finds herself lifting up the hem of her shirt, just enough to put her hip bone on display, earning shocked looks from both men as they stared holes into the ink on her skin.
“When did you get that?” Nanami asks, his eyebrows nearly to his hairline when (y/n) looks up at him with a lazy smirk.
“I was sixteen, and you weren’t around at the time” She states matter-of-factly.
Ino’s laughing, and maybe cheering as he throws back the rest of his drink and makes his way to the bar for another.  (y/n) wouldn’t admit that she was having a good time, but it was quite entertaining to watch their reactions.
“That’s enough insight for tonight” Nanami sighs before getting up from his seat.  (y/n) watches as he lifts his jacket from the back of his chair, loosely shrugging it on.  A small knot forms between her brows.
“You’re actually gonna leave?” She asks, and if he didn’t know any better, Nanami might think she’s frowning because she’s disappointed to see him leave.  
“I’ve already stayed later than I planned,” He answers dryly.  “But you should stay, Ino too,” He adds, nodding to the sorcerer at the bar desperately trying to get the bartender’s attention.  “Make your brother pick up the tab” 
“He said it was on you” (y/n) replies with a shrug, before taking a sip of her drink.  
Nanami rolled his eyes as he turned to go, grumbling something about how a Gojo could be trying to pass off the bill.  (y/n’s) laughing as he leaves, and he’s almost compelled to stay, just for the sake of watching her open up more than he’d seen in years, but he supposes he’s not the one who needs that tonight.
Ino’s surprised when he comes back to the table with a fresh drink and hand, only to find Nanami missing.  He glances at the empty seat with a furrowed brow before turning to (y/n), who shrugs.
“Guess he wasn’t kidding about turning in early” She muses, pushing the ice in her glass with her straw.  Ino seems to pout at that.
“Too bad, I thought we were having a good time” He says as he takes his seat across from her.
(y/n) regards him with a slight tilt of her head, as if he were a stranger she were noticing for the first time.  As always, his mask sat on top of his head, posed as a beanie, and as he turned away to glance across the crowded bar, she’d never noticed before, but the curve of his cheekbones were defined.  Sharp, even.  Her gaze continued to linger, noticing the same detail about his jawline.  Had she really never noticed before, or was the dim lighting doing him a favor by putting his facial features on display? 
“Is this your idea of a good time?” She asks suddenly, and his attention is swiveling back to her.  Even with the lights shifting across his face, the defined features still stuck out to her.  “Going out somewhere crowded and noisy?” 
Ino laughs at that, every part of his expression lighting up with his delight, and once again (y/n) wonders if someone’s purposefully messing with the lights to put a spotlight on him.
Her brother’s words from their last phone call start to penetrate her thoughts against her will.  She tries to shake them off, but it’s hard when his brown eyes gleam like honey when he looks at her.
“Well, drinks are a pretty important part.  This wouldn’t be fun without ‘em,” He says, and she shrugs in non-committed agreement.  “But it is fun.  I’m having fun, at least”
“It’s not…” She starts to tell him this wasn’t her ideal night out.  In actuality, she was more of a stay in and relax on the weekend kind of person.  Satoru did enough partying in his younger years to turn her off from it early on.  But Ino perks up as he awaits her response, and it didn’t feel right to tell him the full truth.  So she changes direction and tells him a half-lie.  “It’s not terrible” She finishes.
He’s grinning again, as though she’d just told him she was having the time of her life, and she can’t help the confused knot in her brow.  Could he really be so pleased over simply having a few drinks together? 
“I knew you’d have a good time if you just came!” He cheered, reaching his glass across the table to tap it against hers.  “You should’ve just accepted the invitation months ago” 
She takes a long drink, stalling to try and find the right thing to say.  She doesn’t want Ino to get the wrong idea, she’s not about to make this a regular thing.  No, this was a one time occurrence.  She stood by what she said all those months ago.  It was silly to make friends in this line of work.  She’d witnessed first hand, one too many times, just what companionship could cost.  One night out couldn’t possibly change that.
Something twists in her chest before she can remind him of that, and it prevents her from saying anything of the sort.  Instead, she changes the subject.
“Can I ask you a truth or drink question, now?” She leans forward in her seat a bit, resting her elbow on the table once more as she studies his eager expression.
“Shoot!” He agreed excitedly, and she can’t help the short laugh that escapes her.  She blames the alcohol.
“How do you stay so positive all the time?” She asks the question that had been nagging at her for longer than just the past couple hours.  He shakes his head slightly, not quite following the meaning of her question.  “Even on assignments, and doing your reports, you’re always…” She wiggles her fingers in front of her as she tries to find the right word to explain it.
Ino chuckles, before full on laughter takes over and his shoulders are shaking as he grins from ear to ear, almost proving her point before he could actually answer.
“I love what I do?” He answers like it’s a question, like he’s unsure if that’s what she’s even looking for.  “I’ve been working towards one goal my entire life, I might as well enjoy it, right?” 
She’s stunned silent for a minute.  There was a time where she would’ve said the same thing, when she was young and naive and thought her and her brother would take the jujutsu world by storm, side by side.  Before she realized that her entire life would be spent under the shadow cast by him owning the family name almost all for himself.  It was a large, infinite shadow.  And the longer she’d lived in it, the more her joy for her work turned into a necessity.  Until now, she hadn’t even realized just how much she’d come to despise every step it took to move forward in jujutsu society.
Ino took her silence to mean she was thinking too deeply about what he’d said, and a question of his own came to mind.
“Do you not enjoy it?” 
Her gaze rises from where she’d zoned out looking at her dwindling drink, finding Ino across from her looking almost concerned.  The longer she didn’t respond, the more his expression reminded her of the night he’d found her injured.
She clears her throat before opting out of answering, instead drinking down the last of the contents in her glass.  He raises a brow at her choice.
“Did you not want to tell me your answer, or did you not know the answer?” He asks.
“Is that another question?” She asks, a small smirk forming on her lips.  “Because I’ll have to order another drink” 
Ino laughs, and despite her trying not to, she can’t help but laugh with him.
“Another round?” He asks, and she thinks about it for a minute, before nodding, and getting up from her seat.  To her surprise, he follows her up to the bar, even though there was still a good quarter of his drink left.  She doesn’t comment on it.
They have to squeeze between bodies to stake a place at the bar, the two bartenders already quite busy with the amount of people waving at them for their attention.  It’s bound to take more than a couple minutes before they would get to place their order.
“Guess everyone had a rough week” (y/n) mumbles absentmindedly, and Ino glances down at her.
This wasn’t the first time he’d taken notice of her height- or lack thereof- but with having her so close she was nearly pressed into his side, it was hard not to notice.  About a head shorter than him, he had to tilt his head down to properly look at her, which he was only doing now because the alcohol buzzing in his system lifted the barriers of his anxiety.  Had he been sober, he’d have been far too weak to stare at her so blatantly.
Luckily due to the drinks they’d both had, (y/n) didn’t realize he was staring at her for a whole minute or so.  She’d been too focused on trying to catch eyes with one of the bartender’s to feel his eyes on her.  Even without being caught, he felt a flush creeping up his neck.
In another life, or hell, another universe, Ino wonders if things could have been different between them.  If she would’ve been less closed off, or maybe he could’ve been more laid back and met her level of reserved.  He wonders if they would’ve been closer friends, or maybe even something more than that.
Truthfully, when they’d first met, he’d instantly had a bit of a crush on her.  He’d never met the younger Gojo before the day he started working with Nanami on his promotion, but as soon as he’d laid eyes on her, he thought his heart was going to go into cardiac arrest and he’d die right there.  She was quiet, but he could tell behind her calculating expression that she was thoughtful, and cunning.  And so, so beautiful, that he’d stuttered all the way through introducing himself, even his own name he’d struggled to get out.  Looking back on it, he still felt embarrassed, but he was sure she’d long forgotten the interaction.  It wasn’t long after their meeting that she’d made her disinterest in him explicitly clear, and the sparks of feelings she’d ignited in him were stomped out into ash.
He felt like a fool for feeling that spark ignite again just standing beside her in this congested bar, but he couldn’t be imagining that things were different tonight, right? He was sure that she was opening up more of herself than he’d ever seen before, and maybe the alcohol played a part in that, but either way, he couldn’t get enough of it.  She was giving him crumbs of her life- an impulsive tattoo, her hopes to have a pet some day, a few reckless acts on assignments- and he was eating it all up with gratitude.  He couldn’t help but want to learn more, wanting to press further until she couldn’t possibly deny that she enjoyed confiding in him as much as he enjoyed being in her company.
He knows he can’t be imagining things, because when she finally feels his stare and looks up at him, she doesn’t scowl, or spit out some cruel comment about it.  Her brows twitch slightly, drawing together in a confused expression when he doesn’t immediately look away like she would’ve expected.  He’s close enough that he can see the way a ghost of a smile hovers at the corners of her lips, and the way her cheeks warm up with color.  It makes that microscopic spark of old feeling in his chest burn a little brighter.
A nervous laugh falls from her lips, and it’s so uncharacteristically cute that he’s smiling now, and he feels like an absolute dope for staring at her and smiling like an idiot, but it can’t be helped.  He can’t be helped.
“What?” She asks, breathless and curious, her eyes shifting between his as though trying to find the source of this behavior, but instead she only finds warm pools of brown that almost resemble the rum and cokes she’s been enjoying all night.
And then all at once it’s almost too much.  She’s suddenly aware of how close she is to him, their arms brushing together, or if he tilted his head just a little further down he could easily push his nose against hers and-
Her eyes widen at the derailing of her train of thought, the soft expression of surprise on her face more recognizable than she would’ve liked, and she could tell that it doesn’t go unnoticed by Ino, as he’s now regarding her with intrigue, wondering what was going through her mind.
The idea of him knowing she’d nearly gotten lost in thought at the idea of kissing him made her chest ache, and she badly wanted to tear her gaze away from his, lean over the bar and demand to be serviced so they could get away from the crowded space as quickly as possible.
What an idiotic, drunken thought to have.  Kissing a colleague, how much more foolish could she possibly be? She tries to shake it off as a pesky intrusive thought.  Nothing more than the alcohol pressuring her into making a reckless decision.
But she’s frozen before him, her eyes locked on his like she was stuck in a trance, trapped by her own nerves.  The eye contact was going to kill her, especially with how soft his gaze was.  It wasn’t like anything she was used to.  It wasn’t setting her on fire from it’s heat.  The way he looked at her made her feel like she’d just cozied up in front of a fireplace after a cold day.  It almost scared her how warm it made her chest feel.
She’s opening her mouth before she even settled on what she needed to say.
“Takuma, we should probably get go-” 
She’s interrupted before she could finish telling him they needed to leave.  It almost saves her, seeing as she didn’t have a very decent excuse as to why they needed to end the night early, but there’s little time for relief when the unwelcome hand of a stranger settles on her waist, stealing her attention away from Ino’s.
“You waitin’ for a drink, sweetheart?” 
She vaguely registers that the stranger with the breath that reeked of booze was speaking to her, before she’s reacting on instinct.
The grabby hand on her hip is pried off with ease, her strength easily overpowering his in less than a second.  No amount of alcohol would be enough to hinder her reflexes.  The stranger cries out in shock and pain as she twists his arm back behind him, likely spraining his shoulder with how fast she pushes it into an uncomfortable position.  The sly expression on the man’s face is contorted into one of great pain, and only when he begins to cry out for her to stop does she stop pushing.  Her desire to feel the bone snap under her strength starts to melt away when she sees tears in his eyes.
“You’re lucky I didn’t break your hands so you’d learn to keep your mitts to yourself” She mutters, releasing him with a slight shove.  The drunken stranger stumbles backwards, still sniffling and gawking in shock from the whole ordeal.
The woman he’d tried to pick up is still scowling, and she looks like she’s still undecided in letting him go, the way her lip curls into a snarl and her eyes seem to pierce right through his soul.  The man beside her looks no different, rage evident in the way his brows furrow and his jaw is clenched, teeth grinding together roughly.  He has one hand on the edge of the bar, as close to where she stands as he could get without pushing himself against her completely.  His knuckles are paling by the second, gripping so hard one could almost assume he was about to rip a chunk of oak clean out of the counter.  His other hand is on his head, roughly grabbing at the edge of his hat.  
Even the non-sorcerer that was this stranger got a bad feeling emanating from the two, and he scurried off without another word.  (y/n’s) eyes rolled dramatically at the pathetic display, but as she turned back to Ino, she could almost laugh at the sight of him ready to pull his mask over his face.
“Are you alright?” He asks, and there’s not a crack in his expression as he glances over her with concern pouring out of every pore.  
He loses his grip on the bar, hand hovering over her shoulder but not quite touching her, not knowing if physical contact would be a comfort right now.  It’s odd, feeling like for once she was the Gojo with the shield of Infinity.
“I’m fine,” She tells him, and she means it, but she can tell he’s not so convinced.  “But just out of curiosity, what was your plan here?” She asks, cracking a smile as she flicks the edge of his mask, still bunched up at the top of his head.
“I- I don’t know,” Ino answers sheepishly.  “If he didn’t leave you alone I guess I was just gonna wing it” He admits.
She regards him for a moment, letting the answer sink in.  Her smile widens a bit when she laughs softly, almost fondly, as she really thinks about it.  She softens again, just like she had moments ago, before the creep ruined it.
“Well, for what it’s-” 
“Hey, you two need to leave,” 
The pair or sorcerers do a double take when one of the bartenders finally gives them their attention, but not for the reason they’d wanted.
“What?” (y/n) asks, certain they had the wrong patrons.
“We weren’t doing anything?” Ino’s brows furrow as the bartender looks them both up and down.
“I don’t care for the details.  We can’t have a commotion like that in the bar.  If you’re going to cause trouble, do it somewhere else” 
“But the guy was the one who-!” 
Before Ino could finish his explanation, the bartender was shoving a finger towards the door, an expectant look on their face that told them not to argue any further, unless they wanted to cause more trouble.
“Whatever,” (y/n) huffs.  “This bar’s a dump anyways” 
And before the bartender could react, she was grabbing Ino by the arm and pulling him away from the bar.  She was on a mission for the door, eager to leave a place if she wasn’t wanted.  All Ino could do was silently follow along, his mind barely processing the whole ordeal until they were outside, where it was significantly quieter.
It was darker than he’d expected, although he was well aware of the time, it was a shock to be out on the dark sidewalk with the stars on full display above them.  He glances up at the sky to admire them for a moment, until realization strikes him and he’s whirling around to look at her again.
“What about our tab?” 
(y/n) blinks back at him, her expression unwavering.
“Guess we won’t be welcomed back, either” She says, and Ino stares at her in shock as he processes the statement.
“Well then we better get moving” 
(y/n) hadn’t intended to end up at another bar.  In fact, before the handsy stranger made things weird, she’d been looking for an excuse to end the night early.  However, her words betrayed her when Takuma suggested another little dive not far down the street, and that’s where she found herself now.
This place wasn’t as crowded as the last, so she felt comfortable walking in and claiming a small corner booth.  By the time someone came by for their order, she’d already stretched out across the length of the leather cushion, back pressed to the window comfortably.  Ino had chuckled at how cozy she’d made herself, but didn’t comment on it.
Once their first round- at this establishment- of drinks came around, he’d excitedly started up their previous game again.
“Would you have really broken that guy’s hands?” He asks, and (y/n) doesn’t even lift her drink to pretend she wouldn’t answer.
“Without a doubt,” She hums, spinning the ice in her glass with her straw.  “Sometimes lessons have to be learned the hard way, right?” She asks him with a mischievous grin that tells him she might’ve done worse had the moment felt right.  “My turn?” She asks, and he nods, crossing his arms over the table as he gave her his undivided attention.  “Which little beast of yours would you have summoned?” 
He answers with so much bluntness she raises her brows at him, surprised by his complete lack of thought before speaking.  She hums, nodding her head in quiet agreement that impaling the stranger with one of those horns would have been the best method of defense.
“Has that… happened before?” 
“The random guy hitting on me part? Or the part where I threatened a man’s hands?” She asks, and Ino doesn’t seem to have the proper clarification for her question, so she shrugs, and doesn’t drink to the question.
“No, that’s never happened before” 
She takes a few sips after she’s answered, hoping to keep up the buzz she had going.  Ino’s fingers tap rhythmically against the table as he processes her answer.  He seems unaffected at first, but slowly, confusion begins to seep into his features.
“Wait, so you’re saying no one’s ever hit on you, either?” 
“You already asked that one”
“Well then I’m asking again” 
(y/n) begins to pull her glass towards her, ready to take another drink, but maybe the alcohol gets on top of her a bit as she answers the question before she could evade it.
“No, I’ve never been hit on.  I don’t think, anyways.  But I think I’d probably know if I was” 
It comes out like word vomit, babbled out like her thoughts were on a direct pipeline to being voiced.  She doesn’t mean to share so much, but she finishes with a shrug of her shoulders, and raises her glass to sip some more.
“You really never go out, huh?” He asks, taking a drink as well.
“What, getting hit on is the true price you pay for going out?” She asks with a short laugh, not following the connection between the two.  Ino nods his head from side to side, indecisive in his response.
“Not always, just, y’know, figured it’d happen a lot if you didn’t stay in all the time”
By the time he realizes the implications of that statement, it’s already too late.  Ino nearly chokes on his drink when (y/n) tilts her head at him, realization slowly flickering over her features.
“You’re saying people would hit on me a lot if I went out more?” She asks skeptically.
He considers pulling his mask over his face in order to conceal the growing heat in his cheeks.  Not that it would help, the damage had already been done with his loud mouth.
“I didn’t mean it like that-” 
“Well how did you mean it then?” She asks, suddenly swiveling her legs to sit upright against the table, plopping her chin in her hands to study him properly.  
She always had a way of looking at him with calculation in her eyes, as if she was sizing him up like a curse.  Right now, he doesn’t know what to make of the way she stares at him.  There’s that familiar look in her eyes that makes him wonder just what it is she’s looking for, but the softness in her smile was unfamiliar territory, and Ino didn’t have the slightest clue of what to make of it. Was it amusement? Did she take sick joy in watching him fluster and stutter? Or could it be the alcohol to blame? Perhaps it was loosening her up, and any semblance of delight was merely the booze entertaining her.  The most outlandish reason would have been fondness, but there simply wasn’t a chance in the freezing depths of hell that she was actually growing fond of his company, was there?
“I just meant, y’know,” He gestures his hand towards her, pathetically trying to explain his thought process.  She shakes her head in a small motion, not understanding his poor attempt at reason in the slightest.  “Like, you… you’re… you know”
Ino would really rather be anywhere else right now, preferably somewhere that wasn’t so hot his collar was sticking to his neck and his throat was closing up, but then (y/n) begins to laugh, and he huffs out a sigh in aggravation, and ultimately decides to take a long drink.
“Fair enough,” She muses at his choice.  “It’s not a terrible assumption to make, I suppose.  My brother is acquainted with every eligible man and woman in the city, after all” She says, only half joking.  Ino seems to find a great deal of amusement in that, grinning and laughing, although he can’t say he’s that surprised.
“For the record, I wasn’t comparing you to him in that assumption,” He says.  “I just figured you’d… attract your own attention” He says.
There’s an undeniable flutter in her chest, and she wished she could say she hated the way it spread a tingle of warmth throughout her entire body.  It wasn’t like she’d never received that sort of attention from others, but it had been so long since she entertained the idea that it was starting to feel a little foreign.  And having Ino of all people assume that there were a line of suitors out the door waiting for her hand had her insides turning with the near unfamiliar sensation of butterflies.
Her silence is making him anxious, his fingers tapping against the table no longer playing a steady beat.  They mimicked the rapid increase in his heartbeat.  Wild and unsteady and with no sign of relaxing.
“That so?” When she finally does speak it’s soft, nearly a whisper, as if she didn’t quite believe him.  “Are you an expert in that field, then?” 
She catches the way his eyes land on his drink, which was now empty, so there wasn’t exactly an out for the question.  When his gaze shifts back up to hers, he finds she hasn’t looked away from him yet.
“What field?” He plays dumb, and her smile curls into a slight smirk.
“Flirting, courting, whatever you want to call it” (y/n) answers with ease, fiddling with the straw in her drink as she impatiently waits for his answer.  He eyes his empty glass once more.
“No, I’m no expert,” He huffs, a deep frown on his face for having to admit something so embarrassing.  “You timed that on purpose” 
“I did not!” She argues, but her nervous laughter gives her away.  She’s not as good at lying when she’s drunk apparently, and he might just have to store that information for later.
“My drink was empty! That was a trap!” 
She has to cover her mouth to try and suppress the giggles coming out of her uncontrollably.  He’s still embarrassed, but her laughter was contagious.  Anyone passing by or glancing over at the loud laughter pouring out of their booth would assume they were having nothing but a good time.  And for a few seconds at a time, Ino could pretend they were, too.
To keep things fair, (y/n) finishes the last few sips of her drink, before sliding both glasses to the end of the table.
“Alright, your turn then,” She says, a small hiccup punctuating the offer.  “You must have something good saved up your sleeve?” 
He thinks about it for a moment, folding his arms over the table and subconsciously leaning over it to get closer to her.  With his eyes wandering the bar as he racks his brain for a good question she couldn’t avoid answering, she was able to properly gaze at him without getting caught.  Just like at the previous bar, she gets a little lost in thought as she maps out every feature of his face.  There was nothing forgettable about Takuma Ino, but she found herself trying to commit it all to memory anyways.
That flutter in her chest hadn’t gone away, and the longer it prevailed the more she began to sink into the feeling.  It’s relaxing, the way time slows down, and the buzz sends goosebumps prickling up her arms.  She would have never thought she could find this much comfort in this setting, but to her, this booth was the only thing in her world.
“Would you do this again?” He finally settles on a question, and it’s clear that it’s not what she expected, judging by the way her eyes slightly widen from being caught off guard.
Her mouth opens, but nothing comes out right away.  It’s as though he’d wiped her mind completely blank, not even a weak excuse coming to mind.  The fuzzy feeling in her chest turns to static, sharp and cold before disappearing completely, leaving behind nothing but an emptiness that stings as it lingers.  Her smile slowly falls as reality begins to seep back into their booth, reminding her of why she’d kept him beyond arm’s length all this time.
Deep down, she wonders if she always knew this would happen.  She wondered if self preservation took over as soon as she met him because if it hadn’t, she would’ve let him get too close a long, long time ago.  Guilt claws it’s way up from her gut to her throat, strangling her to keep her from saying the wrong thing first.
Ino’s sure he already has his answer when she doesn’t say anything right away.  It’s written all over her face, the way she winces, and shuffles uncomfortably in her seat.  Disappointment doesn’t begin to cover what he feels as he looks away from her, trying and failing to keep his face neutral.
“Got it” He mutters, catching the eye of a passing server and signaling for the check.  (y/n) frowns.
“Takuma, I…” She starts, but her throat still burns, and she struggles to find the right thing to say that won’t make things worse.  “I tried to tell you that tonight was just-” 
“I know,” He replies.  It makes her blood run cold, the way his voice lacks it’s usual chipper tone.  Now it holds nothing.  He’s so painfully emotionless that she almost wishes he would just get angry with her.  “You made that clear” 
They’re completely silent when a server comes back with the check, the tension turning awkward as soon as another person enters their bubble.  They must pick up on it, because they’re quick to bid them a good night before rushing away.
(y/n) drops the money on the table, and Ino’s out of his seat and headed for the door before she could even stand.  She huffs as she follows after him, although he stops just outside the door.  His heart was too good to leave her completely stranded, even though he wasn’t sure he could take another minute of being around her.
“Takuma, look, it’s not like it’s personal-” 
He scoffs, his hands in his pockets as he looks down at her.  She’s shocked to see the glare on his features, and if he wasn’t so irritated, he might’ve noticed the hurt on her face from the sharp look.
“If you tell me one more time just how not personal it is, I think I’m going to scream, (y/n),” He snaps, and in all the times she’s had this conversation with him and butted heads, she’s never heard him talk like that.  All she can do is stand there pathetically and accept it.  “Because it’s bullshit.  You know it, I know it, shit, Nanami knows it” 
“It’s not,” She mumbles, shaking her head.  “It’s not bullshit, I just-” 
“You don’t care about anything but becoming Grade One, I know,” He finishes the statement for it.  “You don’t care about drinks, and you don’t care about me.  Trust me, I remember,” 
A pout settles on her lips, and for the first time in a long time, she wants to cry.
“You know I actually-” Ino pauses to let out a humorless laugh, eyes fleeting across the busy streets as he finds twisted amusement in the way he’d fallen for this whole charade.  “I actually thought you were having a good time, I actually, stupidly believed that maybe you-” He stops again, not wanting to sound more idiotic than he already did.  
After tonight, as soon as they part ways, things would go back to the way they were, and she’d probably pretend nothing ever happened.  He’s not sure he was going to be able to survive that, even after all of this time accepting that she had no interest in him.  Ino doesn’t think he could go back to the way things were.
But fuck it, if this was going to be the last time she talked to him, he wasn’t going to lay back and take it.  He was going to put all the cards on the table.
“You know I care about you, don’t you? You have to know that.  Even if you can’t be friends or partners you- you have to know that.  You’re not dumb, (y/n), so don’t act like it,” 
She has to curl her hands into fists at her sides to keep control of the tears in her eyes.  She couldn’t dare let them spill over.
“But you’re so so stubborn, I’ve never met anyone like you,” He huffs, and the smile on his face is conflicting with the way he spits the words out like poison.  “You’re nothing like Satoru.  I’ve never thought so.  All these walls you put up to keep people from getting close to you so you don’t happen to stumble on the same path he did- because that’s what it’s all about, isn’t it? You’d rather shelter yourself from everything than risk getting a little hurt?” 
Her bottom lip wobbles with emotion, and she turns away so she doesn't have to look at him.  She wished some mysterious force would suck her away from this moment and land her in the safety of her bed where she never had to face the consequences of her actions.  It was childish, but she couldn’t bear to argue with him right now.
“You’re drunk” She mumbles to the sidewalk.
“You’re drunk,” He repeats incredulously, his hands flying outward.  “You think I don’t know you because you won’t, just once, let someone get close to you,” He rants, “But you know what the worst part is, (y/n)? You’re only going to get hurt anyways.  And you have,” He gestures to her shoulder, making her defensively hold a hand over where the scars are hidden beneath her clothes.  Her brows furrow as she opens her mouth to argue, but he beats her to it.  “And then- while I was worried about you, because damn it there was so much blood, I thought you might die, you took it out on me! You got mad at me and pushed me away, again.  Do you have any idea how that makes me feel?” 
It’s only when his rant starts to die down that he realizes she’s barely looking at him because her eyes are glossy, and he knows damn well that she’s fighting every urge to cry.  He doesn’t know if she’s emotionally on edge because of him, or the alcohol making her sensitive, but either way, he sighs in defeat, and his shoulders slump from the weight of all of the thoughts he’d been carrying for the last few months.
“I- I know that you care,” She says weakly, her voice more strained than she would have liked.  “I just don’t get it, okay? It doesn’t make sense.  You don’t make sense.  I don’t- I- I can’t-” Her stutters come out in a whimper and she’s looking away again, desperately trying to compose herself before she could do something embarrassing.  
There were still people out and about even this late into the night, more than enough people to overhear their argument in the middle of the sidewalk.  Normally, she’d call her brother’s driver and leave without putting up with this argument.  But she can’t bring herself to do such a thing right now.  Not with the way he’s looking at her like she just destroyed the moon and all of it’s stars.
“My whole life has been wasted trying to prove something that I- that just isn’t possible,” 
The admission comes out in a shaky whisper.  She’s never voiced it before, but now is as good a time as any of he’s really so desperate to understand why she was wired this way.
“I don’t even understand why I was born, Takuma.  My parents had no interest in me.  They already had Satoru.  For as long as I could remember, I was only around to follow behind my big brother while the entire world bent over backwards to give him everything.  Attention, money, fame, candy apples- that’s what’s bullshit,” It comes out bitter and nasty, her nose wrinkling as she thinks back to every event she was forced to dress up and go to, only to be ignored, cast aside, and forgotten about completely while Satoru skipped around and received everything he could ever want.  “And I just can’t- can’t understand what anyone could ever want from me, I have nothing,” 
She hadn’t noticed the tears leaking from her eyes until there’s a pair of warm hands cupping her face, thumbs gently pushing them away.  She doesn’t want to look at him, not with all of the shame she felt just being comforted by him, but a stronger part of her can’t help but stare at him.  She hadn’t expected such sudden gentleness from him, and she hadn’t realized just how long it had been since someone had last comforted her.  When was the last time someone wiped her tears? Or touched her so softly that even in the frigid evening brought warmth to her skin? 
“Explain it to me,” She pleas quietly.  “Why- why would you possibly want to be around me?” 
Her eyes shift between his, but he’s too focused on clearing away each tear rolling down her cheeks.  She sniffles, and her hands reach up to grab his wrists.  Ino thinks she might yank him away, but she doesn’t.  She simply stands there with a solid grip on him.
“You are drunk,” He says quietly, just a hint of amusement in his eyes as he finally meets her sorrowful gaze.  “Don’t cry, (y/n), I didn’t mean to make you cry,” 
But it’s too late, she can’t stop the tears from streaming down her face now.
“I told you, I care about you, we’re partners, yeah?” He offers, but her expression is unrelenting.  “Have you considered maybe I don’t want you to get hurt, either?” 
Tears stick to her lashes when she blinks, and she has to bite down on her cheek to keep her lips from trembling.  He’s so close that he’d be sure to notice, but he also notices the clench in her jaw.
Every instinct she’d trained herself on is telling her to push him away.  Even if it meant physically shoving him off of her.  He’s too close in every sense of the word, breaching every wall she’d built brick by brick.
But something else nags at her, something far more sinister and cruel.  It pushes her forward, and has her clenching her hands around his wrists tighter as she stands before him in all of her pathetic glory.  Tears still pouring down her cheeks and her lower lip still wobbling, she swallows her pride.
“I’m sorry,” 
It’s quiet, but not because it’s ingenuine.  In fact it’s the opposite.  With a raw throat came a strained voice, so full of emotion she couldn’t possibly raise her voice any louder than the murmur that came out.
Ino blinks, his eyes widening in the slightest as he stares back at her in shock.  The entire night had been full of surprises, but now it had certainly taken a turn and set him on a path where he could see no clear ending.
“Takuma, I’m- I’m so sorry,” She continues, eyes glossing over again.  “I shouldn’t have pushed you away, I shouldn’t have said all those terrible things to you I- I didn’t mean any of it,” 
She’s shaking her head so rapidly it makes her a bit dizzy with the alcohol still in her system, but she doesn’t care if she sways a little.  She only wants to convey to him just how serious she was, and how important it was to her that he understood that.
“I think… I think you’re one of the greatest people I’ve ever met,” She continues, and slowly, the tears come to a stop.  “I’ve never known anyone as… as caring as you,” 
Her voice softens, a nervous shyness creeping in for admitting something so vulnerable.  But she wasn’t sure if she’d ever work up the courage to say something like this to him again, so it was now or never.
“And I know you’d never hurt me, b-because I’m… I’m the one who was hurting you,” He opens his mouth, likely to argue with that statement, but she was quick to keep going before he got the chance to interrupt.  “But I don’t think you understand that… that losing you would mean hurting me, too” She finishes, brows pinched together as they both sit for a moment to process it all.
Ino sighs, his thumbs wiping away the last of her tears, yet he keeps his hands cupped around her face.  A part of him was paranoid that if he let her go now, she might slip away once and for all.  The other, louder part knew that with the grip she had on his arms, neither one of them were going anywhere.
And so he tells her just that.
“I’m not going anywhere,” He assures her, a confident smile stretching across his face.  “You’re not losin’ me.  Promise” 
She snorts at that, the tiniest of laughs escaping her in a mere breath.
“You can’t promise something like that,” She scolds.  “In this line of-” 
“Yeah, yeah,” Ino shakes his head dismissively.  “Too late.  Already promised.  So it’s set in stone,” 
She stares up at him with wide eyes, so lost in trying to understand him in his entirety that she doesn’t even know what to say next.  Had he forgiven her so easily? How could he say such a thing with as much assurance as he did? 
“As long as you can promise to drop the tough guy act and just… be the tough guy you already are,” He says, only half kidding, “Then I can promise that I’m not leaving you” He offers, tilting his head to the side as he gazes down at her fondly, admiring the way the corners of her lips begin to twitch into a smile.
“Okay,” She whispers, so quiet he only knew she said it from the way her lips moved around the word.  “I promise” ___
From that day forward, (y/n) worked more and more to loosen up around him.  It wasn’t easy at first, and the first day was the hardest.  The Monday back at work was a bit awkward, after she’d spent an entire weekend nursing a hangover, with an overbearing brother pestering her for the details.  Ino had brought her and Nanami coffee that first morning, and she’d made an effort to eat her lunch with him every day that week.
Then the week after that she began to accompany him on his coffee runs as well, spending the extra time chatting mindlessly and getting to know one another better.
A few weeks after that the two of them went out for drinks one evening, until that too became a part of the routine.  Once a month or so they’d go out to any new bar Ino could find and waste away as much of an evening as they could.
Slowly but surely, partnership grew into genuine friendship- something (y/n) hadn’t felt for a long, long time.  And Ino made sure to never let her forget it.  Whether it was remembering her favorite drink order, or watching an entire series she’d said she liked one time, he took her companionship seriously.  The more she got to know him, the harder he made it not to fall for him.
But, god, was falling for him one of the easiest things that’s ever come to her in this life.  It was unavoidable, unstoppable, uncontrollable.  No matter how much she tried to fight it, the way her heart raced whenever he was around was distinct to feelings only he could spark.  And the way her eyes searched for him first in a crowd was more than enough proof that her fondness for him had grown well past platonic.
It might have been silly to be surprised by her feelings when she’d finally realized that’s what the swell in her chest was all about.  After the incident that was their drunken night out where she’d torn herself apart at the seams before him- they don’t talk about that night, and she can’t help but wonder if he’s doing it out of favor for her, or if he’s just as embarrassed about it as she was- she found herself getting lost when thinking about him more often.
It ranged anywhere from how his eyes were their prettiest when they would leave Jujutsu Tech in the early evening.  With the sun low in the sky, rays of light caught them just right and made them appear to be the most brilliant, shining amber she’s ever seen.  
Satoru loved to brag about his baby blues to anyone who would listen, throwing his shades off with dramatic flare as he’d bat his eyelashes at unsuspecting victims.  Ever so full of himself, he loved the attention he’d get for the outrageously bright blue hue of his eyes.  When directed at her, (y/n) tended to scoff and tell him that his Six Eyes was far more worthy of bragging about than the damn color of them.
More recently, she’d shrugged her shoulders before directing her attention elsewhere.  “I prefer brown eyes” She’d told him carelessly.  At the time he’d pouted over it, whining about how his little sister thought he was ugly.  But ever since seeing her grow closer to her partner, he had a sneaking suspicion he knew who’s brown eyes she was talking about.
As much as she indulges herself in these thoughts- wondering how soft his lips were, remembering how gentle his hands had been when he’d touched her- she knows she can’t act on them.  Not after everything she’d already put him through getting their working relationship this far.  If she were to admit to him now that she was catching romantic feelings for him, it would be humiliating.  And she was humiliated enough as it is.  So she swore to herself they would remain hidden deep, deep down, under a lock and key- with said metaphorical key being thrown into a fire and melted down into a clump of misshapen chunk metal.   Then she threw that metaphorical chunk of metal into a metaphorical ocean. ___
xoxo ~ jordie
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toji-sweetheart · 7 days
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𓍢ִ໋ please be aware that all of these will be smutty and some will have dark content, make sure you curate your experience and read my tags and block as you see fit!
𓍢ִ໋ most of them will be longish fics 1-3k and some might be longer! I might do random drabbles from a kinktober prompt post though! these are subject to change at any given time with no warning! all characters are written to be over 21!
𓍢ִ໋ feedback such as reblogs & comments are always appreciated! please note that some or even all might not even get done or I might switch a few around, some of these were pulled from last year's lineup that I didn't get to also I know I said I wouldn't share this until September but I'm too excited and look how pretty it is!!
𓍢ִ໋ every single reader will have pubic hair and it will be described! and since I had a few things pop up this will extend into November..possibly December...
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hybrid - Toji x fem reader
synopsis: After your breakup with a long-time boyfriend who decided that stalking is the best way to get back to you it seemed that you needed protection and since you've heard good things about hybrids it was time to go adopt one, you just had no idea it would end up with him being more than just a protector. 
wife sharing - Ino x Kento x fem reader
synopsis: Takuma looks up to his mentor Kento more than anything, after all, he is his hero who just happens to be married to be his biggest crush as well, after one night and a spilled secret later Takuma finds himself invited into your shared bed.
roleplay & breeding & dubcon - Shiu x fem reader
synopsis: What was supposed to be a little bit of joking around about how your husband was the only one who found you attractive you both end up at the bar to see how many drinks you can get from random men while your husband watches acting like one of them. 
bdsm - Enji x fem reader
synopsis: What happens when a private recording between you and number one pro hero Endeavor goes viral the day after your honeymoon?
partner swap/orgy - SaShiSu x fem reader
synopsis: You and your wife wanted something different in the bedroom and bringing in her two best friends seems like a good idea to do so but what happens if you all fall in love?
threesome + breeding - Shiu x fem reader X Toji
synopsis: It wasn't something that he tried that hard to hide, being attracted to his best friends wife is a bastard thing to do but there's no way Toji can decline when you offer him a threesome that leads to more than any of you bargained for.
kidnapping - Touya x fem reader
synopsis: After finding out his dad has remarried and is happier than ever to have a second chance, Dabi takes it upon himself to ruin his father's happiness the same way he took his.
glory hole - Draken & friends
synopsis: Being with Ken means a lot of nights out filled with drugs and partying thanks to his friends, it truly was the best way to spend your life with the love of your life next to you and you were even talked him into going to a party where you're the main attraction.
omegaverse/hybrid - alpha! werewolf! Toji x alpha! werewolf! Shiu x bunny-hybrid f! reader
synopsis: You needed a week away from your house for a very intense heat, after running out of suppressant you knew you needed time alone but you didn't think that forging for food in the woods you'd come across two alphas who happened to be in their ruts. - this is for a collab!
virginty loss - Toji x fem reader
synopsis: Being the daughter of the only pastor in a small town you have a certain image to uphold, but the man next door to you is a temptation you want to indulge in. - this is for a collab!
bdsm - Toji x fem reader
synopsis: Your husband wants to show you off in the best way possible.
food play - Kento x fem reader
synopsis: After signing up for a bake sale for your neighborhood, Kento decides to help out not knowing how baking could turn someone on so much.
cucking - satoru x fem reader x suguru
synopsis: Satoru has always wanted to watch his best friend fuck you, it's always been a deep dark secret until you catch him jerking off to the thought of it and it's only fair to make his dreams come true since he's done it for you.
monsterfucking + knotting - alpha! Katsuki x fox! hybrid fem reader
synopsis: You've always assured Katsuki you could take his knot despite him always telling him no, you catch him in a rut and finally get what you're asking for.
makeup sex - Toji x fem reader
synopsis: With Toji coming home from a mission you were excited to see your husband but he has other plans to see his friend first.
rough sex - Sukuna x machoist! fem reader
synopsis: You love to push your husbands buttons to have him put you in your place, but what happens when you go a bit too far?
monsterfucking - dragon! Toji x fem reader
synopsis: It's always been a rumor of the dragon that lays on top of the mountain protecting it's treasure and you're a desperate thief wanting a better life for yourself so you sneak in to find the sleeping dragon, only to end up at his mate forever.
omegaverse - alpha! Toji x pixie! fem reader
synopsis: Toji video records himself fucking all sorts of toys but his fans request a cute little fairy so he sets a trap for his next toy.
bdsm + clicker training - dom! Toji x submissive! fem reader
synopsis: You've always been the perfect sub for John, always willing to go the extra mile even when he doesn't ask but yet there seems to be missing something.
free use - Katsuki x fem reader x Izuku x Shoto
synopsis: Playing seven minutes in heaven is childish to you until end up in the closet with the big three on campus.
stalking + kidnapping kink - Sukuna x fem reader
synopsis: Asking your fuck buddy to help you live out a fantasy seemed to good to be true and you didn't realize how good of an actor Sukuna is until you learn he isn't playing anymore.
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jwnzlvr · 3 months
enhypen as jjk characters
warnings : slightly nsfw in some parts (mdni), this is a word dump nothing makes sense, not proofread, i love nanami. i love jay. i love nanami and jay.
notes : as you can see with this list, i have nothing better to do. please send requests and give me something to actually write. also if you are offended by my comparison of engenes and sukuna towards the end, im sorry but you might wanna analyze urself a little. like if the shoe fits... enjoy yall.
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yang jungwon as fushiguro megumi
aside from the fact that i think megumi would look a bit like jungwon if he were real, they have very similar attitudes. you can’t tell me he wouldn’t punch someone if they got irritating. also megumi beating up all those bullies in middle school, that’s jungwon behavior. he didn’t beat up a bully but he showed them their place! they’ve both got strong moral compasses and are very mature for their age (due to events early on in life, my poor boys.)
lee heeseung as gojo satoru 
… MANWHORE. (sorry, love u hee.) i don’t really see heeseung as someone happy-go-lucky like gojo, but i think their confidence is basically the same. the same way gojo knows who he is and acts the part, heeseung is the same. he knows who he is and he’s definitely going to let you know. it’s honestly an admirable trait of theirs for me. also, hee would probably say some shit like “nah, i’d win.”
park jongseong as nanami kento
are you kidding me. ARE YOU KIDDING ME. they are the same damn person i don’t care. we all know jay is irritable (jokingly, i think) but he’s also extremely patient, just like nanami. i feel like nanami’s technique also matches with jay. he’s a smart man, of course he’d have a technique involving ratios and math and all that smart shit. they both carry themselves w confidence. they also radiate big dick energy…
sim jaeyun as ino takuma
it’s just vibes with these two. would jake wear a shiesty to fight cursed spirits? yes, yes he would! but back to the vibes, everytime i see ino i have california love play in my head. with jake, that matches him. jake is such a california boy along with ino. no i don’t care that jake’s from australia. if i say he’s from los angeles, he is from los angeles. i think the main thing here is that both jake and ino are sweethearts but if they wanted me to get on my knees and beg for them, i would.
park sunghoon as inumaki toge
in the wise words of ash, “few words but a big dick.” both are very quiet and always seem to be in their own world. also, you can’t tell me sunghoon wouldn’t be like “salmon” just to communicate. they’re kinda the “underrated” people of the friend group, the true introverts. i love them both so much though they’re so cute.
kim sunoo as kugisaki nobara
“oh rica, you can’t just compare everyone else to a man and then go and compare sunoo to a female character.” YES THE FUCK I CAN. the sassy man apocalypse is real and sunoo is the leader of them all. most definitely acts like nobara. he does NOT put up with anyone’s shit, much less the shit of a man. i think he’s also a little insane just like nobara and we love that about him!!! he loves cute things like pastries and cafes the same way nobara does. like that’s twin.
nishimura riki as itadori yuji
SWEETHEARTS. THE MOST ADORABLE BOYS. i think their determination is similar, with yuji and riki doing anything they can to help others, ignoring how they’re feeling. they’re so selfless yet they still carry a certain joy with them. that is, until people come and ruin it (engenes r sukuna with the way they fucked riki over.) and just take away that happiness. they both deserve the world, my best boys <3
pls send requests or asks i’m so BORED.
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