#my arm and wrist hurts a bit so idk if I'll get any art really done
ghcstcd · 1 year
Gives Dewdrop a little waveyness to his hair...beach waves, even...
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lost-inthedream · 3 years
Steamy rushed with Youngbin! Steamy rushed with Youngbin!!!
I can imagine that no one knows about your relationship yet. Maybe you two just didn't want the attention of the 8 others yet because you know how much mr leader will get teased and mocked for fun. Or more logically, the longer you keep it a secret the less likely it is to come out as a scandal that could hurt sf9s publicity. For now, it isn't a big deal to keep it on the down low. That is, for now.
You don't know how you got here, pushed up against the wall with Youngbin pressing himself against you... It was probably the hushed whispers and moments of eye contact that screamed, "I want to kiss you right now" even in the midst of conversation with others. You two try not to make it obvious, especially when around the members. However it becomes too difficult to resist the natural pull, the want to be close to one another and the feel of his presence and warmth beside you. You start to think that if you try to act natural around him, the members will still see right through you. At this point, you feel that the loving stares and overwhelming want to embrace or have his arm around you is too strong to suppress, so your mind chooses the best form of survival- Avoid.
This does not work out well. Your heart is on your sleeve when it comes to Youngbin. Acting otherwise just brings more attention to you, even though it is exactly what you were trying to avoid.
Youngbin stares at you from across the small table that you are standing around in a practice room. Rowoon to your left, Jaeyoon to your right, and Youngbin across. You break the eye contact to look at Rowoon, who is talking about his new favorite place for lunch that he found during the filming of his last drama. ".... I'll try and bring some to practice one day", you hear Rowoon say as you focused on the conversation. "Ooh sounds good!" You reply in a voice that is slightly too enthusiastic for how the tone of the conversation sat. Jaeyoon and Rowoon look at you with a small raise of their eyebrows. "Sorry, was a little distracted" you say to ease the awkward moment, "but it does sound good! I really want to try it." You only hope Youngbin doesn't notice how you are avoiding his glances and how it results in your awkwardness.
To your dismay, Youngbin speaks up, "Yeah it would be nice if you treated us since we missed you during your filming". A sly smirk appears on Youngbin's face as Rowoon looks down and scoffs with a smile. That one little remark beautifully lifts the tension and focus off of you and the mood of the table is now brighter.
The heads at the table turn to the door as someone walks in, Inseong. You see the rest of the members file into the practice room after him. That is your cue to leave so they may practice without any distractions. "Ah, I see it's time for practice. I'll see you guys later." You say to the room with a smile before you start making your way to the door. "I'll walk you out" Youngbin declares as he walks towards you, "I have to use the bathroom before we start anyways." The rest of the members wave and say their goodbyes with a hug here and there.
As soon as you and Youngbin exit the room and walk down the hallway, he looks behind him at the door of the practice room and sees that no one else came out after you two. Youngbin's hand gently takes yours. You look at him the moment of contact and stop walking, taking a look up and down the hallway you're in to make sure no one else is there. He tries to center you with his other hand on your cheek and says, "Hey I don't know how long I can do this anymore". You look at him with a confused expression and your eyebrows scrunched. He takes one look at your somewhat pouty face and turns around to pull you in another direction, hand still holding yours.
Your mind is scrambling as he's pulling you through the halls. You don't know what he is talking about. Does he want to break up? Is he upset? Doesn't want to do what anymore? As he stops walking, in another hallway that faces zero doors, you breathe out as you pull on his arm to face you, "Wait, Youngbin what are you talking about?" You look up at him, with confusion on your face and just the want to understand. He takes a step towards you. He brushes his thumb over your temple and his hand glides down to hold your chin, tilting your face up a bit. He looks from your eyes to your lips and says, "I don't know how long I can go without kissing you every time that I want to." He takes another step towards you that results in your back against the wall and little space between you and him, faces centimeters away from each other. "So this is why you dragged me through the halls of this building?" You question him with a smirk as his forehead meets yours and both of his hands now cradle your face, "I thought you had to use the bathroom". He lets out a soft chuckle, "Hey, no making fun of me. Little 'I was distracted' back there." he mocks you from the conversation earlier. Damn, you think, he did notice. You roll your eyes as you hold one of his wrists that are holding your face. "I just didn't want to make it obvious," you plead, "but I think, I overthink too much. It backfired on me." He smiles and as his lips are a breath away from yours, you hear, "then just stop thinking."
Then he kisses you, gentle and soft at first. It quickly turns into something with more heat as one of his hands goes to the wall and the other goes to your waist. What started as sweet kisses became warm and wet from the desire to feel each other. Not being able to hold one another or kiss throughout the day makes for steamy private sessions.
You're now holding his face with both hands trying to bring him as close as possible. Your body is tight against the wall as he presss his hips into you with every kiss. In the short instances taken for air you say mindlessly, "don't you have to be at practice". Kiss. "Yeah, I don't care." He replies with a kiss. You counter, "You should," Kiss, "you said you were just using the bathroom." Kiss. At that he breaks with his forehead on yours, both of your breaths labored. "Just a little more" he whispers as his hands go under your shirt and tease the skin at the waistline of your pants.
The kisses become hard, mouths just trying to devour each other's. Your desire to feel every part of him becomes a need. Youngbin begins to undo the front of your pants. You pause and your hands fly to his as you breathe out, "we are in a hallway." Your eyes close as you rest your head against the wall behind you. He litters kisses up your neck and works his way near your ear to whisper "I know, but we can hear if someone's coming and if a door opens," your hands relax against his as he sucks on the skin just beneath your ear. His hands firmly grip your hips as he slowly grinds against you, "No one walks through here a lot." That must be why you were dragged through multiple hallways before this started. You pull him back to you for a kiss before you agree, "ok but be quick. You have to get to practice."
Omg you wilded on my inbox. I'm freaking out. This was so hot. When will you create your own blog and grace fantasies with your art??? Omg!! Now I want a secret relationship. Buddy!! Youngbin playing with the skin at the waistline of the reader's pant!! Idk why I'm screaming abt it. Okay, that's because I love suggestive touches
Aaah thank you for this ask
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