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Bobby East ft. Kayz Adam - Mwari
XYZ Entertainment’s very own CEO and hip-hop sensation, Bobby East, discharges his freshest release, and the song is called, ‘Mwari‘ Finally, this track, serving as the strong opener of his highly anticipated album ‘Rob Art‘, on this he decided to join forces with the talented Kayz Adam believe me the combination is phenomenal. Audio Bobby East ft. Kayz Adam – Mwari Mp3 Download Available For…

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Basicamente, tá frio. Tá vento. Vindo de um país tropical e tendo visto neve pouquíssimas vezes na vida, Kudzai não consegue dar dois passos para fora dos aposentos sem que esteja todo coberto do pescoço para baixo. Mas isso não significa que abandonou seu senso de moda, oh, não. Apenas teve que adaptá-lo para as novas ocasiões.
Noite do Pinheiro, dia 23 + outros dias
Da mesma forma que a maioria dos outros dias, o casaco de pele grosso o acompanha por cima de uma roupa social de tecido mais grosso e botas. O tempo todo fica apoiando a cabeça no tecido perto do pescoço para aquecer as orelhas, já que acha que fica ridículo com os protetores. Esse é o seu estilo também para sair nos outros dias, sempre mudando o casaco escolhido e adicionando óculos de sol quando sai de dia.
Baile do Natal, dia 24
O natal não é celebrado em Rozvi, sendo a tradição oficial o Festival de Mwari; mas já que está em terras estrangeiras, resolveu aderir à comemoração em respeito aos anfitriões. O terno fino de corte italiano all-black com certeza não é o que chama mais a atenção, e sim a capa volumosa e pesada que parece duplicar o seu tamanho. A peça é decorada com tecidos ricos costurados em pedras preciosas nas duas cores do evento, vermelho e verde, com detalhes em dourado. Definitivamente não é um acessório que consegue ser carregado nos ombros de qualquer um. Para completar o look já chamativo, carrega na mão direita uma luva decorada com as mesmas pedras preciosas, e sapatos vermelhos.
Dia da foto, dia 29
Como ainda não recebeu o título de Changamire, o imperador, sua intenção nas vestes tradicionais foi exibir as vestes militares tradicionais de Rozvi do mais alto escalão de guerreiros, ao qual ele e seus irmão todos fazem parte e é uma grande honra para os Dombo. Uma armadura de couro reforçado e chapas de metal moldadas exatamente às suas medidas. O uniforme é complementado com as peles de urso utilizadas em missões em países frios.
Ano novo, dia 31
Seu último ato de bondade do ano foi alugar um belíssimo terno para Thierry (@tiodalimpeza) como pagamento por consertar o climatizador de seu quarto; e para combinar com as vestes azuis do mais velho, o próprio Kudzai está com um terno azul royal em detalhes do mais fino veludo na cintura, nas mangas e na gola. A capa azul é segura por uma caveira dourada; talvez simbolizando a rebelde que ajudou a prender? Fica o mistério.
#o homem nao consegue ver uma capa q ja quer colocar é o inimigo da edna moda#elysianhqslooks#elysianhqsnatal#𓏲 ⤲ . ` 𝘧𝘪𝘯 𝘥𝘦 𝘢𝘯𝘦𝘦#𓏲 ⤲ . ` 𝘦𝘷𝘦𝘯𝘵
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Wreckage of the U.S. Marine Corps F-35B jet is found in South Carolina
Service decreed temporary suspension of flights.
Fernando Valduga By Fernando Valduga 09/18/2023 - 23:26 in Aeronautical Accidents, Military
U.S. authorities found on Monday a wreckage field of the U.S. Marine Corps (USMC) F-35B poacher that crashed in South Carolina after the pilot safely ejected.
The wreckage field was located in rural Williamsburg County, according to the Charleston Marine Corps Joint Base. The field is about two hours northeast of the base, and residents were asked to avoid the area while the recovery team worked to protect it.

Authorities have been looking for the jet since the pilot, whose name was not disclosed, parachuted safely in a neighborhood of North Charleston around 2 p.m. on Sunday (09/17). He was taken to a hospital, where he was in stable condition, said USMC major Melanie Salinas.
The Marine Corps announced on Monday that it would stop operations for two days after the fall of the fighter - the third expensive accident in recent weeks.
General Eric Smith, interim commander of the Marine Corps, ordered the suspension while authorities were searching near two South Carolina lakes for the missing F-35B Lightning II aircraft.
It is the third event documented as a "Class A accident" in the last six weeks, according to an announcement by the Marine Corps. Such incidents occur when the damage reaches $2.5 million or more, a Department of Defense aircraft is destroyed or someone dies or is permanently incapacitated.
The commanders will pass the suspension reinforcing safe flight policies, practices and procedures with their marines, according to Monday's statement.
The announcement did not give details about the two previous incidents. But in August, three U.S. Marines died in the crash of a V-22B Osprey tiltrotora aircraft during a training exercise in Australia, and a U.S. Marine Corps pilot died when his F/A-18D fighter jet crashed near a San Diego base during a training flight.
Based on the location and trajectory of the missing plane, the search focused on Lake Moultrie and Lake Marion, said Senior Sergeant Heather Stanton at Charleston Joint Base. Both lakes are north of North Charleston.

Additional aircraft are researching northwest of the lakes, including a Cessna 182 with the Civil Air Patrol and a King Air 200 from the Department of Defense.

A helicopter from the South Carolina Law Enforcement Division joined the search after bad weather improved in the area, Stanton said. Military officers appealed in online posts on Sunday for any help from the public in locating the aircraft.
The pilot of a second F-35 returned safely to the Charleston Joint Base, Salinas said.
The planes and pilots were part of the Marine Attack Fighter Training Squadron 501 with the 2nd Marine Aircraft Wing based in Beaufort, near the coast of South Carolina.
Source: The Associated Press
Tags: Aeronautical AccidentsMilitary AviationLockheed Martin F-35B Lightning IIUSMC - United States Marine Corps/U.S. Marine Corps
Fernando Valduga
Fernando Valduga
Aviation photographer and pilot since 1992, he has participated in several events and air operations, such as Cruzex, AirVenture, Daytona Airshow and FIDAE. He has work published in specialized aviation magazines in Brazil and abroad. Uses Canon equipment during his photographic work throughout the world of aviation.
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16^12 Angora Civs "Roadmap" (0x12/?)
Welcome to the 16^12 referee guide...
Civilizations / cultures
Starting point in Azgaar (From their maximum of 32 vanilla cultures at once...) [Super, Major, Minor tier ranks for Civ & City-States prioritization for Civ 5 scenarios-sake]
Utchewn (Shoshone Super Civ, Moson Kahni)
Marsch (Austria Major Civ, Wien)
Chunhau (Yue / Cantonese? Minor Civ, Guangzhou)
Samas (Samoa Super Civ, Apia)
Talyian (Persian Iran Major Civ, Persepolis)
Cao (Vietnam Super Civ, Hanoi)
Hwatcha (Korea Super Civ, Seoul)
May (Mayas Super Civ, Palenque)
Eqalen (Inuit Super Civ, Ivvavik)
Matwa (Swahili / Carib? Major Civ, Zanzibar)
Zebie (Carthage Super Civ, Carthage)
Mersuit (Sweden Major Civ, Stockholm)
Hugues (Scotland Major Civ, Edinburgh)
Aberku (Aremorici Super Civ, Darioritum)
Eyn (Sumer Major Civ, Ur)
Tabar (Morocco Super Civ, Marrakesh)
Tersun (Poland Super Civ, Warsaw)
Ibrad (Huron / Blackfoot / Basque? Major Civ, Ossossane)
Temu (Angola Super Civ, Luanda)
Sasson (Burgundy Major Civ, Dijon)
Treano (Italian / Netherlands Major Civ, Amsterdam)
Ishtar (Babylon Major Civ, Babylon)
Turchian (Turks? Major Civ, Edirne)
Medran (Spain Major Civ, Toledo)
Arela (Portugal Major Civ, Lisbon)
Hangzhou (Manchu? Minor Civ, Shenyang)
Palche (Incas Major Civ, Cusco)
Mangapu (Indonesia / Indian? Minor Civ, Jakarta)
Rzhev (Czech / Moravian / Slavic? Minor Civ, Prague)
Troporea (Minoans Major Civ, Knossos)
Lueur (Nubia / Mongolia? Minor Civ, Meroe)
Syrus (Assyria Super Civ, Ashur)
To the 48 cultures excluding the future's otherkin sapient clades...
Hittites (Hattusa, Minor)
Byzantium (Constantinople, Minor)
Brazil (Rio de Janeiro, Minor)
Hungary (Budapest, Minor)
Myceneans (Mycenae, Minor)
Argentina (Buenos Aires, Minor)
Dene / Cree (Mikisiw-Wacihk, Minor)
Croatia (Zagreb, Minor)
Prussia (Konigsberg, Minor)
Hanseatic League / Mecklenburg (Rostock, Minor)
Chile (Santiago, Minor)
Kazakhs (Almaty, Minor)
Lithuania (Vilnius, Minor)
Two Sicilies (Naples, Minor)
Oman (Muscat, Minor)
Songhay (Songhai, Minor)
Just noting down that the map fully wraps around the X-axis, like a globe. ;-)
Pohakantenna (Shoshoni pantheon, quirky thanks to their "Daughters of Utchwendira" communion with the divine)
Angakkunngurniq (Inuit pantheon)
Confucianism / Shinto tradition?
Al-Asnam (serving as Aremorica's Celtic druidic-like pantheon over there, inspired by the classical era Galatians)
Ba'hai (monotheistic non-exclusive syncretism)
Arianism (iterated from the defunct Christianity dialect)
Chaldeanism (Mesopotamian pantheon)
Calvinism (derived from the Protestant Reformation’s Huguenot Southern French, monotheism)
Tala-e-Fonua (Samoan pantheon)
Hussitism (central slavic dialect of monotheism)
Jainism (communal humility & individualized Ki monks culture)
Buddhism (inner way reincarnation & large monasteries)
Judaism (the theological foundation of which most of the monotheistic faiths in this world agree upon nowadays)
Zoroastrianism (Iranian religion)
Ibadiyya (their Ba'hai like Islam is a very minor religion with a outsized impact here, just like Judaism is in our world)
Canaanism (Carthaginian belief system)
Pesedjet (Numidan Hieroglyphics belief system)
Mwari (Carib religion)
Intiism (Inca pantheon)
Tzolk'in (Mayan pantheon)
Have a great day ppl!
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we wish you ar marry chrusmes we wish you a mery chriesmeas we eish you a mwary cwismis and a hapy new year :D

so holly jolly
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my God, please come find me. the walls are closing in on me, the weight of my sins is drowning me. Lord, please come save me - the wings you gave me I sold out of curiosity - to know what it's like to be without you, to be my own God. Mwari, I stole from my own soul and murdered my own flesh, the blood in my severed hands is all mine. What's the charge for a sin against oneself? Lord, God! i will treasure the wings and honor the soul - can you please... (oh that's my head in a silver platter)
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We’ve killed tens of thousands of gods. The total number of gods and deities worshipped throughout human history is vast, likely numbering in the tens of thousands or more, reflecting the rich diversity of human belief systems. Gods like Ra, Zeus, Odin, Jupiter, the Great Spirit, and Mwari were all once considered undeniably real and worthy of worship. Yet, they were all abandoned when they were no longer needed. This is a consequence of progress. As we learn more about our world and our role in it, we replace fiction with facts (or more fiction), and move on. There are many reasons why these gods prevailed for so long: those belief systems filled the gaps in our understanding of the world, helping us cope when things went wrong. With no clear understanding of what consciousness was, how the mind and body interacted, the nature of free will, intelligence, and emotions, along with a long list of other enigmas about the mind, there was ample room for made-up gods to occupy. Now that the language of consciousness has been decoded, we have answers to all those puzzling questions. It leaves very little room for superstition. We are entering a second enlightenment and will, again, adapt and move on. More gods will be relegated to mythology, but they never seem to mind. Find out more about the book here: https://www.flowmonics.com/theory
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Muparidzi 5:2 Usakurumidza nomuromo wako, usakurumidza mumwoyo mako kutaura chipi zvacho chinhu pamberi paMwari. Mwari ari kudenga uye iwe uri pasi, saka mashoko ako ngaave mashoma.
Be not rash with thy mouth, and let not thine heart be hasty to utter any thing before God: for God is in heaven, and thou upon earth: therefore let thy words be few. — Ecclesiastes 5:2 | Shona Contemporary Bible (SCB) and Cambridge Paragraph Bible (CAMB) Shona Contemporary Bible Copyright © 2005, 2018 by Biblica, Inc.® All rights reserved worldwide and the Cambridge Paragraph Bible of the Authorized English Version, by Scrivener, Frederick Henry Ambrose, 1813-1891. Published by Cambridge University Press. Cross References: Matthew 6:7; Proverbs 10:19; Proverbs 20:25
#God#heaven#earth#heart#humility#rashness#speaking#Ecclesiastes 5:2#The Epistle of Ecclesiastes#Old Testament#SCB#Shona Contemporary Bible#Cambridge Paragraph Bible#CAMB#Biblica Inc.#Cambridge University Press
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Bryan K featuring Tamy Moyo and Kayflow glorify the goodness of God in this heartfelt song titled, “Hakuna.”
If you’re looking for a heartfelt Christian song glorifying God, then this song is for you. The song, “Hakuna” was released on 25 September 2023. As mentioned by Innocent Veremu on the Zimsphere Website, Bryan K has always been vocal about his Christian beliefs and how they influence his music. Moreover, the song is inspired by the Gospel hymn that Bryan K grew up singing in church, which translates to “There is no one like Jesus.” Therefore, the beat is emotional showcasing the artist's lyrical prowess with Bryan K’s catchy chorus, Tamy Moyo’s soulful vocals and Kayflow’s heartfelt lyricism. From my point of view, the song is heavily premised on Psalms 42:5 GNT, “Why am I so sad? Why am I so troubled? I will put my hope in God, and once again I will praise him, my saviour, and my God.”
The music video begins by showing Bryan K singing the chorus accompanied by a hint of drums playing in the background. Moreover, it is interesting that the FLASH MOB DANCING GROUP (UFIC YOUTH) are dancing throughout the chorus that glorifies God. For instance, in the lyrics, Bryan K said:
Ndatsvaga tsvaga kwose / Hakuna akaita semi / Hakuna akaita semi / Hakuna / Ndatenderera kwose / Hakuna akaita semi / Hakuna akaita semi / Hakuna / Ndafamba famba kwose / Hakuna akaita semi / Hakuna akaita semi / Hakuna / Ndafamba famba kwose / Hakuna akaita semi / Hakuna akaita semi / Hakuna
Which means in English:
I have searched everywhere / There is no one like You / There is no one like You / There is none / I’ve been around / There is no one like you / There is no one like you / There is none / I have travelled everywhere / There is no one like you / There is no one like you / There is none / I have travelled everywhere / There is no one like you / There is no one like you / There is none.
Bryan K’s deep vocals highlight his Christian beliefs of having faith in God and since the chorus sets the tone throughout the track, Tamy Moyo follows suit with her soulful vocals highlighting the goodness of God. For instance, she said:
I’ve been looking so honestly / None can compare Your Majesty / No one like You Lord / None in this whole world/ Hakuna mumwe akaita semi / Saka ndichikudai nemoyo wangu wose / You never left me whenever I was broken / You will listen with your arms wide open (with Your arms wide open) Hukuru wenyu Mwari / I can’t describe it / Hukuru wenyu Mwari / I can't imagine / Ndatsvaga ndashaiwa / Your love is bigger love is greater / Ndafamba famba ndichiona / Pasi rose Hakuna / yeah
Tamy Moyo’s verse is premised in 1 Peter 5:6-7 GNT “Humble yourselves, then, under God’s mighty hand, so that he will lift you in his own good time. Leave all your worries with him because he cares for you.” She is thanking God for always being there for her when she was broken. First, she said, “Saka ndichikudai nemoyo wangu wose, " meaning “So I love you with all my heart.” In other words, no matter what challenges she faces, she can always rely on God because his love is greater than anything. Second, she said, “Hukuru wenyu mwari, " meaning “Your greatness God.” In other words, she is in awe of His greatness who loves her for who she is and will always be by her side. To add to the heartfelt vocals, the song then progresses to showcase Bryan K’s catchy chorus to highlight the goodness of God.
To finalise the track, Kayflow comes in with his lyricism highlighting the greatness of God. Before he starts rapping, he starts singing when he says:
Chero zvakamira / Mambo tenzi munouya munovhura nzira / Hamumbofuratira / Chero vanouya nekuseri / Munongondichengetedza nekusingaperi / Chero zvakamira / Mambo tenzi munouya munovhura nzira / Hamumbofuratira / Chero vanouya nekuseri / Munongondichengetedza nekusingaperi / Ndatsvaga ini / Ndatsvaga imi / Hakuna hakuna / Akaita semi (akaita semi) / Ndatsvaga ka ini / Hakuna hakuna / Akaita semi.
Which means in English:
Whatever it is / Lord, you come and open the way / You never ignore it / No matter who they come from behind / You will protect me forever / Whatever it is / Lord, you come and open the way / You never ignore it / No matter who they come from behind / You will protect me forever / I have searched for myself / I have searched for you / There is none there is none / Like you (like you) / I have searched for you / There is none there is none / Like you.
It just highlights Psalms 86:8-10 which says, “There is no god like you, O Lord, not one has done what you have done. All the nations that you have created will come and bow down to you; they will praise your greatness. You are mighty and do wonderful things; you alone are God.” From my point of view, Kayflow also seems inspired by his Christian beliefs as he goes on further to rap in the lyrics below:
I’m on a vibe see / NdinaJesu, I was lost / But he found me / Now I’m walking in the valley / Of the shadow of death / It cannot touch me / Blessed is the man on a search / To seek his loving / Ndafamba ndatsvaga / Ndashaya / Hakuna / Akaita semi / Manna mapakira / I was really hungry / Needed food for the soul / Mukauya mukandipa / Now I’m good ndiri bho
With his lyricism, this time he highlights the goodness of Jesus Christ who protects him wherever he goes. Moreover, from my point of view, it points out Psalms 23, “Even if I go through the deepest darkness, I will not be afraid, LORD, for you are with me. Your shepherd’s rod and staff protect me.”
Towards the end of the music video, ends with Tamy Moyo’s soulful vocals and Bryan K’s catchy chorus. They presented the goodness of God with their artistry with a beat that stayed consistent from start to finish. Moreover, with a mixture of a hint of drums, a violin and a moderate piano sound, the song was heartfelt to listen to. The music was also produced by Bryan K and Nasper Incoming.
In a nutshell, the song, “Hakuna” highlighted Bryan K’s catchy chorus, Tamy Moyo’s soulful vocals and Kayflow’s heartfelt lyricism. Each artist was given a chance to showcase their lyrical prowess and songwriting skills. Their vocals were on point, the music production and the music video were intriguing to watch as well. Therefore, I rate the track 10/10.
Spotify music link:
#Youtube#Spotify#musicjournalism#musicjournalist#africanmusicjournalist#musicreviews#i_am_music_criticism#musicblog#musicbloggers#musicreviewer#musicjournalists#zimbabwe🇿🇼#zimbabweans#zimbabweans killing it#zimbabwean#zimbabwe#zimusic
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Pindirai mambo
Ishe Jesu, mambo vanochema, chemai nesu. Mwari baba, pindirai, vana venyu vapara vana venyu vaparadza. Taremerwa, tabuda misodzi kunge dikita baba vedu. Baba kani, babawe.
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Democratic Republic of Congo orders Paramount Group’s Mwari aircraft
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Talking oracle mystery at the Njelele Shrine: Part One…understanding the Mwari religion - Celebrating Being Zimbabwean

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isn’t it weird, not celebrating with your family? (Ferdinand)
─ Sim, mas não pelo Natal, já que não celebramos em Rozvi. Nessa época temos o festival de Mwari, o Supremo Criador. Temos muitas cerimônias, rituais e danças em homenagem a Ele. Isso sim, é bem esquisito não estar celebrando ao lado de meus pais e irmãos de sangue, mas faço minhas preces todos os dias sabendo que Mwari está me escutando e me guiando nesta nova missão. E claro, aqui estou ao lado de Nayi, que também é parte de minha família, então me sinto honrado pela oportunidade em participarmos juntos das tradições dos nossos hóspedes. Tem alguma tradição daqui que me recomenda experimentar, meu caro? ─
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Su-34 fall in the Voronezh region
Diego Alves By Diego Alves 09/20/2023 - 13:00in Aeronautical Accidents, Military
A Sukhoi Su-34 fighter crashed in the Russian region of Voronezh, the Russian Ministry of Defense said in a statement on Wednesday (20).
Russian "propagandist" Ilya Tumanov confirmed on his influential Fighterbomber channel the crash of the Su-34 aircraft.
"There was a failure in the landing gear. After trying to solve it by all possible and impossible means, the crew ended up ejecting it from the aircraft," Tumanov wrote on Telegram.
The Ministry of Defense said that two crew members who were on board the $50 million fighter were able to eject themselves from the aircraft safely before it crashed, around 10 a.m. local time.

Supposed location of the SU-34 crash this morning (20).
Officials said that the supersonic jet crashed “during a scheduled training flight” without ammunition, and that the cause of the accident may have been a technical defect.
The two-seat Sukhoi jet crashed in the Voronezh region, adjacent to Ukraine's eastern border with Russia.
The accident occurs days after a Russian Su-24 jet crashed in the Kalachevsky district of the Volgograd region, allegedly during a scheduled training flight. The cause of this accident has not yet been determined. It is believed that the crew died in the accident.
“The plane crashed far from populated areas. There were no victims,' the Russian Ministry of Defense reported. Illustrative image.
In October 2022, another Su-34 fighter collided with a residential building in a small port town in the Krasnodar Krai region of western Russia during a training flight, killing 15 people, authorities said.
“While climbing to make a training flight in the military airfield of the southern military district, a Su-34 aircraft crashed,” the Russian Ministry of Defense said in a statement at the time. "According to the report of ejected pilots, the cause of the plane's crash was the fire of one of the engines during takeoff."
In March, another Su-34 crashed in Yenakievo, in Donetsk oblast, in eastern Ukraine, with reports indicating that Ukraine was not involved.
Tags: Aeronautical AccidentsMilitary AviationSukhoi Su-34 FullbackWar Zones - Russia/Ukraine
Diego Alves
Diego Alves
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16^12 Angora Summary (article '0x18/?)
In a distant future with a strong bronze Y2K & seventies retro-futurism theme was a planetary realm called Angora; [...]
Civilizations (~36-48 possible major linguistical groups?)
Cree / Dene
Regional powers?
Minor powers?
Czech / Moravians
Religions (~12 major religions)
Pohakantenna (Shoshoni pantheon)
Angakkunngurniq (Inuit pantheon)
Confucianism / Shinto tradition?
Druidism (serving as Aremorica’s Celtic pantheon with hints from the classical era Galatians)
Ba'hai (monotheistic non-exclusive syncretism, mostly dormant due to successor religions)
Arianism (inspired by eponymous defunct Christianity denomination, iterated as a Ba'hai dialect)
Chaldeanism (Mesopotamian pantheon)
Calvinism (derived from the Protestant Reformation’s Huguenot Southern French, iterated as a Ba'hai dialect)
Tala-e-Fonua (Samoan pantheon)
Hussitism (central slavic dialect of monotheism, iterated as a Ba'hai dialect)
Zoroastrianism (Iranian religion)
Ibadiyya (southern Swahili merchantile sect, iterated as a Ba'hai dialect)
Canaanism (Carthaginian belief system)
Pesedjet (Numidan Hieroglyphics belief system)
Mwari (Carib religion)
Intiism (Inca pantheon)
Tzolk'in (Mayan pantheon)
Key historical changes of this DR compared to our timeline (OTL)
(their 4500s equivalent to our 2000s...);
No Woodrow Wilson presidency in the Shoshone Union (eq. Theodore Roosevelt in 4412-4416, eq. Charles Hugues in 4416-4420);
Successful syndicalist revolutionary reforms in Vietnam, Samoa & Aremorici starting around the early-middle 4420s;
Strasserism phase in Mayas up to the early 4470s;
Androids tech industry reaching synthetic-tier servants manufacturing around the 4500 mark (mid-60s robots, 80s droids...);
Thriving female programmers industry using much LISP, fair share of Smalltalk, OpenDylan & Oberron tools;
DEC survives long enough to come back with more Alpha ISA computers as Intel Itanium fails on the market;
Copyleft GNU Hurd releases early enough to sanely compete with Linux as a monolithic kernel operating system;
Progressives party revival around the 4470s & 4500s leading to systemic intrigues in the 4520s... ; (Harmonists, Geocentrists, Syndicalists...);
The slow demise and collapse of the Unionist Party (Democrats, Libertarians, Republicans) in Shoshoni politics around the later 4510s & to the middle 4520s;
Bright, humane, comfortable yet grounded "cassette futurism" with a familiar yet realistic flavor of cohesion and historical emulation, aka not stuck in stasis for several centuries... ;
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