doodle-pops · 2 years
hi hello, just recently started following your blog and I love your writing! do you have any silm/lotr/Tolkien fic writers or blogs you recommend? thank you <3
Update: 27/05/24
Oh thank you very much for your kind words. There are tons of blogs I would recommend that have wonderful content:
New Blogs (27/05/24)
These other blogs have been inactive for some months, others years, but you can still pass through and view their content. It's great btw:
@icarus-fell-in-spring (moved to ao3 under eomer-eadig)
If there are any other blogs anyone would like to recommend, send in the ask or comment down below.
Edit: I realised as new blogs are popping up, I should keep track and put a time stamp for proper recording.
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