#multichapter fics are always fun. that's why i'm kinda sad the mista fic is almost done
davyjoneslockr · 2 years
i don’t want to spoil the party has a special place in my heart and i wanna hear about it
I Don't Want To Spoil the Party also has a special place in my heart, because I had SO much fun writing it. It was my first ever multichapter fanfic, and I was holding myself to weekly chapter updates, which gave me something to look forward to (on top of the semester wrapping up + holiday season fuck yeah I love late November-early January so much). I was also just sorta winging it with a loose outline and the knowledge that it was, above all, just a fun fluffy fic, so. Yeah. I very much enjoyed the writing process :]
The idea actually came up as early as that summer, when I was working a factory job and spending all day listening to music. And every Beatles album. Chronologically. And then relistening. Etc. I Don't Want To Spoil the Party was a track I found super underrated on Beatles for Sale, already an underrated album, and it sparked a very vague fic idea - Fugo attends a party after rejoining Passione, ends up getting deep in the self-hatred sauce and storming out, and Narancia goes to find him. I even thought of having it be an actual, smaller party, like in the song. I'm not sure when I decided it'd be a big fancy Passione ball instead, but whatever. It made for a fun aesthetic. From there, I thought up the Fugio dance scene, the Fugo/Mista fight (because I guess I have to have at least one of those in every VA fic I write), and the little side chapter with Giorno and Mista. Everything else was sort of on the fly, which is why it's maybe a little disorganized and not a very Deep(tm) fic? But, again, was fun to write.
Also, this was one of the few fics I've written where I've had two beta readers. One was my partner, who reads like. Some of my fics before I post them? Not all, because they don't like angst, and tbh I don't think the stuff I write is all that interesting to them anyhow lol. But this was one that was Partner Beta'd :] And the other was a good friend of mine who I've always relied on for good writing criticism, but has never seen/read JJBA in her life. Everything she knows is from what I've told her, or what she's read in my fics (bc she's actually beta'd all of my fics, minus zine stuff, up to the first few chapters of YMYYYD) so it was a fun experience watching her form impressions of each character and the story just based on that. She told me Narancia was her favorite, but Fugo was the most relatable and she got very emotional over him multiple times (in this fic and YMYYYD, plus what I told her about canon). So there’s that
I was also super surprised at how well it was received. Especially since the first chapter is like. Kinda nothing? And there’s no dramatic conclusion where Fugio gets together (which is something I did decide from the start). But it’s my fic with the most hits, and the only one that’s gotten as many hits/kudos as my Jotakak fics (we don’t talk about those). At the end of the day, I don’t consider it my best fic or anything, but I do have a lot of fond memories associated with it, and I’m glad people found some sort of enjoyment in it, too :]
(Also, if you’re into meta stuff - I just threw a few songs I listened to a lot during the writing process into this playlist for funsies. Title track, Fugio dance, uhh Giorno in the garden I think? and Fugo + Narancia, in that order. This does not account for the several waltz compilations I listened to on youtube.)
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