#mulan's experiences in the sleeping camp make me grateful I don't have a roommate tbh
Thoughts on Mulan (2020)
Ok so I had heard some stuff beforehand about this movie, but I didn’t wanna let that tint my experience too much, though it kind of did in the form of noticing western influence on certain things. Here’s a list of thoughts more or less in chronological order.  First I wrote these in a notebook, and now I’m putting them here.
The beginning sequence reminds me so much of Kung Fu Huslte
though honestly it might just be that stephen chow’s movies are pretty much the extent of chinese-made media that I watch
Rosalind Chao is here, I’m a Keiko O’Brien stan so she reminded me of DS9
Fa Zhou saying something about “emissary” also reminded me of DS9
The music where the rourans first attack is cool I guess
idk if the brass made the music of the imperial city sound kinda western or what, but it certainly did sound militaristic (which I guess it’s supposed to)
Why does mulan have a little sister instead of a little brother? to add more female characters to the story? she doesn’t really do much though
After mulan’s whole childhood sequence, it cuts to a shot of the witch in the desert, which if you didn’t already know the story, might make it seem like mulan grew up to be the witch
although this makes some sense too bc the movie likes to compare them
the witch twists into a hawk (?), neat!
I saw people earlier comment about both men and women in china (and other parts of the world) keeping their hair long, so when mulan’s hair fell out of place in the matchmaker scene it made me notice that both the men and women also wear their hair up, which in turn causes the part of the movie later when mulan emerges after the avalanche to make way less sense since how would they know she’s a woman?
ok this is the thing I’m upset about, its a small thing but still, Why don’t we get to see the sword form?? If you remember in the animated version, her father does this straight sword form. (It’s a real form, not just made up for the animated movie). So I was like “ok maybe mulan will do it later” and then it NEVER HAPPENED. (possibly she did it during the “make a man out of you” training sequence, but the odd camera angels and quick cutaways make it impossible to tell)
I also had heard earlier that the script was not subtle at all,,,y’all were right
oh look, a phoenix
mulan: “the phoenix”
yes, we know
Commander Donnie Yen Tung’s entrance is iconic
BAHAHFHDSK mulan’s reaction to seeing naked men skjfdk
uh oh,,only 40 minutes in and the forced romance is already upon us
although, in retrospect, the way they resolved it at the end didn’t make me cringe that much
I’m a slut for butterfly kicks
the scene where mulan bathes in the lake has a much more predatory undertone now, especially now that Ling, Chien Po, and Yao are missing
the trio made the scene funny in the animated movie
can the not-Li-Shang-love-interest Honghui please leave Jun/Mulan alone?? ffs
speaking of no Li Shang, I liked the Donnie Yen mentor character half better than the Honghui half
Honghui kind of comes off as a simp ngl
what’s with the witch’s makeup/outfit? are they based on something?
speaking of outfits, awhile ago, I saw a really cool doll alteration video for mulan 2020
Commander Tung’s monologue/ mulan’s and the army’s training sequence about Chi where the words “Tranquil as a forest, but on fire within” are spoken is actually my favorite part of the whole movie. As much as I would have liked a musical remake, I think they translated the visual elements and the words together well in a way that was different enough from the animated version, but still satisfying to watch (at least for me).
They also integrate the music of Reflection here really well imho.  In the animated version, there’s a point where mulan modulates to a higher key, but the live action version doesn’t do that, which further pushes it away from sounding like disney’s classic musical theatre style.  They also changed a few of the notes, and I think the overall changes to Reflection in this part of the movie really improve this montage.
Compared to the Spiderman where they changed the notes from harmonic minor to (normal) minor (idk if that’s the real term I’m not actually a music major) in the MCU opening sequence, the note changes in Reflection don’t actually upset me.
my brain: oh look!! flowers!! cool! whooshhhh (honestly I couldn’t even tell if she was doing flowers right in the first part of the movie until here)
Mulan/Jun is gonna marry Commander Tung’s daughter? Yeah girl!! Get it!
oh look at me I’m a rouran and I gotta turn around on my moving horse to shoot arrows let me just swoOP
1:01:56 WHY ARE YOUR FINGERS IN FRONT OF THE HILT oh ok they fixed in the next shot but its still annoying
Unsubtle phoenix imagery not subtle
I guess I was warned about it :/
oh look its my fav interval a major 7th, I wonder if that’s supposed to be like “the last step before rebirth/the octave” bc of how Jun “dies” after the witch throws a weapon that gets stuck in her chest binding
at least she’s not using ace bandages or smth but idk much about binding
ok I know it was so she would be visually distinguishable from the other imperial soldiers, but still
the soldiers doing the turtle thing with their shields reminds me of the “we irritating 😂😂😂” meme
brass to signify that mulan is going to have a heroic moment (causing the avelanche) seems western to me. Idk much about traditional chinese instruments but it seems like they could use more of those.
Guys,,,I’m so fucking stupid I- .... it took me an hour and ten minutes to register the Lucky Cricket stand-in character,,,excuse me,,,,
the scene where mulan saves hongui and puts her hand over his heart gives me r*ylo vibes and I hate it
the witch, 1:14:40: “🎵yes I~ am a girl like you~🎵”
damn the music even reminds of the barbie movie a bit
The emperor’s voice reminds me of the mentor character from Kung Pow Enter the Fist which in itself was a western guy making fun of old cheesy martial arts movies (and how movies sometimes have a white male protagonist when they’re deadass set in asia and everyone else is asian)
the mentor characters voice was dubbed into english (and you can tell) but to me the emperor’s voice also kinda sounds like that
I’m disappointed that we didn’t get some kind of scene like the part in the animated verison where Mulan leads Ling, Chien Po, and Yao to cross dress to help save the emperor.
to me, that scene in the animated ver. is a reminder that it isn’t shameful for men to act/dress feminine
in general the animated version, to me, sends the message that it is ok to have both feminine and masculine traits, and that they don’t undermine each other or your identity, so they should all be embraced as a part of one’s personality (which tbh really helped me as a young kid)
the 2020 ver,, just doesn’t really send that message, instead its more broad like “be true to yourself”
I’m a slut for butterfly kicks
the witch taking an arrow for mulan really didn’t do it for me tbh, it made her seem a little wishy washy
like, I get that she wanted acceptance/validation, and that a part of her was glad that mulan found that for herself, but what about the rest of her motivation? Isn’t a desire for power or something what separates her from mulan?
Unsubtle phoenix imagery and dialogue is unsubtle
The music playing during the Mulan v. Khan duel reminds me of Duel of the Fates
actually the setting of the duel and other things really remind of of the Maul v. Ahsoka duel from Clone Wars s7
damn I really wanna watch the Maul v. Ahsoka duel cause the fight choreo is just,, so much more interesting
aww! Cricket is alive!
Around 1:34:39 , the music does not feel like it should be building up to Reflection here.  At this point, I think the melody had been reprised too many times and was getting to be overused (I still like it in the training sequence though).
I was happy to see Ming Na Wen!
Mulan is going home and ugh! Honghui! Don’t you know she’s betrothed to Commander Tung’s daughter? smh. homewrecker simp.
the matchmaker reminds me of Baron Harkonnen (Dune)
cheezy credits song is cheezy, even cheezier because they reprised reflection again
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