#moxley madness
questintheskies · 2 months
Eddie Kingston on his relationship with Jon Moxley: “That's my brother that I chose. Not by blood, like I have to love him. We always look out for each other. That's my man. I do a lot of things just to bust his balls.”
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orange-catsidy · 1 year
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anime schoolgirl mox running out of the house with toast in his mouth bc he's late for bcc training, trips slightly and starts bleeding profusely
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plentyoffandoms · 6 months
Look, I love Jon.
He is a great wrestler. He is fantastic on the mic.
Eddie deserves to win this all. I feel like Jon wins everything, and Eddie doesn't. Eddie is also fantastic on the mic. Eddie is also a fantastic wrestler.
He is our Mad King, and I will forever be apart of the court of the Mad King
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penguinseathearts · 2 years
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the autistic murder family are gonna see barbie
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bloodycowboyclub · 1 year
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racerchix21 · 2 years
I’d be freakin honored to have Eddie ✨ growl ✨ at me 🥵🥵🥵🥵
@sunnyfleur23 @tomhardydallasstarsgirl @gobbersworld
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houseofpunk · 2 years
of course I want my boy mox to beat sammy into a fine powder but the chaotic bastard in me kinda thinks it would be hilarious if sammy actually won
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violence-uncut · 2 years
does Mox and Eddie have a ship name??? I'm new to them and I needa knowww! Started my Jon x Eddie a night ago so hold onto your hats kiddos!
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questintheskies · 10 months
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plentyoffandoms · 2 years
Who loves to fight more than Jon Moxley?
Eddie...Eddie Kingston does
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kael2450 · 2 years
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BCC Madness
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girlboydotjpg · 2 years
what is moxley mancunt monday? :o
well it started because i tagged a pic of jon moxley with “i’m SLURPING his mancunt” and then it slowly snowballed because then monday rolled around and someone said “happy moxley mancunt monday” and now it’s a national holiday every monday
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kostecko27 · 8 months
Can someone in the pro wrestling fandom explain to me why people (read: wrestling twitter) Absolutely Hate David Finlay?
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bijouxcarys · 17 days
Prove It (Roman Reigns x fem!Reader)
Description: They work together, they travel together, they're around each other almost 24/7. So, why is it so damn hard for them to be alone when they need it? Oh, that's right... it's a secret.
Warnings: NSFW, MINORS DNI, smut, fingering, dirty talk, semi-public escapades, Roman being a lil menace, secret affairs, fluffy undertones...
Word Count: 4.6k
A/N: I have used everyone's real names (apart from where Sasha references Ambrose). The superstars included are Roman, Becky Lynch, Seth Rollins, Dean Ambrose/Jon Moxley, Sasha Banks, and Liv Morgan.
Tags: @trippinsorrows @empressdede @thetribalqueen (if you'd like to be added to the tag list for any future Roman fics, just let me know in the replies/reblog!)
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The door to the hotel room swung open, a chorus of laughter and chatter spilling out into the hallway. It had been a gruelling week on the road, and the whole lot of them were ready for some much-needed relaxation. Thankfully, a majority of the rooms down that particular hallway were occupied by WWE Superstars, so noise complaints were a slimmer chance than usual.
Using her and Gionna’s hotel room as a gathering spot wasn’t on Y/N’s to-do list, but when conversation struck up in the car about having a night of relaxation, to let go a little, Gi was more than eager to offer up the room. That was Gi for you; more like her Liv alter ego than even she cared to admit.
Not that Y/N was mad of course; these people were practically family.
“Someone get the drinks?” Gi called out, scrunching her nose up to push her clear-framed glasses further up as she plopped down on one of the beds, her blonde hair splayed out behind her.
“I got ‘em, relax,” Colby replied, holding up two six-packs with a grin. He cracked one open and handed it to her, settling onto the floor next to Jon, who was already mid-story.
“So, there I am, right? Middle of this tiny-ass town, and I can’t find the damn gym anywhere,” Jon was saying, his voice animated. “GPS is telling me I’m there, but I’m lookin’ at a freakin’ cornfield!”
“Classic Ambrose move,” Mercedes laughed, shaking her head as she leaned against the wall. “A terrible sense of direction.”
“Hey, it’s not my fault! Technology hates me,” Jon shot back, taking a swig from his beer.
Leaning over the group from her place on the bed, Y/N accepted a can from Colby, her eyes involuntarily capturing those she knew would be hard to refrain from the entire night. Gazes locked with the man standing just behind where Colby sat, arms folded; his tank top allowed for a perfect view of his tensing muscles under the gorgeous tan of his complexion. It was a look that spoke volumes—intense, secretive, and heavy.
Considering the close-knit nature of the wrestling world, it was an impressive feat that Joe and Y/N had managed to keep their affair under wraps.
“Who knew we’d all end up here tonight?” Mercedes said, her voice cutting through the din as she reclined on the floor, back pressed against the side of Gi’s bed.
“Yeah, thanks a bunch for lettin’ up the room, Y/N,” Becky added, raising her bottle of water in a mock toast.
“Don’t be thanking me, thank Barbie over there,” Y/N nodded towards Gi, who simply shot a thumbs up in her direction as a response. “But yeah, I mean it’s nice to have a moment to just… be.”
“Amen to that,” Joe said, his deep voice rumbling as he grabbed a drink from the pack Colby brought.
Jon snorted from his spot on the bed. “Yeah, because being crammed into a tiny hotel room is so much better than our own rooms.”
“Hey, at least it’s free entertainment,” Colby retorted, tossing a pillow at Jon, who caught it with a lazy grin.
“Free entertainment, huh? Guess that makes you the clown,” Jon shot back, eliciting laughs from everyone.
“Better than being the guy who gets thrown out of bars,” Colby quipped, throwing his arm around Becky with a cocky grin towards Jon. Colby and Becky were truly in the throes of a honeymoon period. It was a task just getting him to own up to the fact that he liked Becky in more ways than one, so when they finally decided to screw everything and officially become a couple—PDA and all—it was a relief. Finally, the two people who practically pined over each other for at least a year, had gotten their shit, and themselves, together.
The night wore on with more stories, jabbing at one and other, and moments over the last week that were becoming fond memories. At some point, pizza boxes were ordered and devoured, and the room’s occupants settled into various positions of comfort—or as close to comfort as they could get in the cramped space. Joe had claimed a spot on the floor near Y/N’s bed, leaning back against the wall with a relaxed posture that belied what was going through his head.
“Man, I could get used to this,” Mercedes said, stretching out on the floor. “Better than passing out alone in my room.”
“Yeah,” Becky agreed, earning an offended glance from Colby. “We should do this more often, is what I’m sayin’, babe, relax.”
“Just as long as he,” Jon pointed directly at Becky’s boyfriend, “promises to keep his snoring to a minimum.”
“I don’t snore!” Colby protested.
“You absolutely do!” Gi pointed out, honestly scaring the crap out of everyone since they all just assumed she’d passed out across her bed.
Y/N found herself increasingly distracted by Joe’s presence. Every laugh, every shift of his body, every low rumble of his voice seemed to pull her attention like a magnet. She could feel his eyes on her intermittently, a silent conversation playing out between them that no one else in the room could hear.
“Y/N, remember that time we got lost tryin’ to find that diner?” Becky asked, breaking Y/N’s reverie.
“Oh my God, don’t,” Y/N laughed, recalling the memory. “We ended up in the middle of nowhere, and you were convinced we were gonna end up on an episode of Unsolved Mysteries.”
“I was being cautious!” Becky protested, lifting her hands up. “You never know with those back roads, they’re frickin’ dodgy!”
“That’s why I always use GPS,” Joe interjected smoothly, and deeply, sending a wave of chills over Y/N’s body, though she did a damn good job at hiding it.
“Excuse me, did I not just tell you about my cornfield trauma as a result of GPS earlier?” Jon called out.
“You made it eventually, man, calm down,” Joe chuckled with a roll of his eyes.
As the night wore on, the energy in the room began to wane. Conversations quieted to soft murmurs and the occasional chuckle, as everyone started to feel the weight of the week on the road.
“Alright, I’m calling it,” Colby said, stretching out his arms and yawning. “I’m too beat to head back to my room. Mind if I crash here?”
“You can take the floor, Rollins,” Jon muttered from his foetal position in the armchair, his eyes half-closed. “Ain’t no way I’m movin’.”
“Yeah, me too,” Mercedes chimed in, curling up in a corner with a pillow Gi threw at her. “Too tired to move.”
Becky looked around at the group, her eyes landing on Y/N. “Looks like we’re all stopping in here. Hope you don’t mind, love.”
“Not at all,” Y/N replied with a smile. “It’s nice having everyone here, and I’m sure that one doesn’t mind.” She glanced over at Gi, who was already on the precipice of slumber.
“It is kinda nice,” Becky nodded. “Feels like a big ol’ sleepover.”
“Except with more muscles and less gossip,” Colby quipped with an amused chortle.
Joe had stuck to the spot on the floor near Y/N’s bed. He glanced up at her as she climbed into the sheets, their eyes meeting once again in the dim light.
As the others began to settle in, finding whatever space they could to lay down, the room slowly descended into a comfortable silence. The soft hum of the air conditioner and the occasional rustle were the only sounds that broke the silence.
Y/N laid back against her pillows, her thoughts drifting. She felt Joe’s presence nearby like a physical touch, a comforting and exhilarating reminder of their secret. She turned her head slightly, catching his eye in the dark.
“You okay?” Joe whispered.
“Yeah,” she whispered back, her lips curving into a smile. “You?”
“Better now,” he murmured, his gaze lingering on her face.
Her pulse quickened. They were surrounded by their friends, all blissfully unaware of the silent conversation happening right under their noses. The thrill of the secrecy only made the moment more intense.
“Think they have any idea?” she asked in a hushed tone, her eyes twinkling with mischief.
Joe smirked. “Not a clue. We’re good at this.”
“Guess we are,” she replied, her heart pounding against her ribcage.
A quiet laugh escaped Joe’s lips, and he shook his head slightly. “You’re trouble, you know that?”
Y/N grinned. “You love it.”
“Damn right I do,” he said softly, eyes glued to her.
They shared a long, meaningful look, the best they could in the limited light. They both knew the risks of being discovered, but in that fleeting moment, it didn’t matter. They were together, and that was enough.
“Night, Y/N,” Joe whispered, his voice barely audible.
“Night, Joe,” she replied, equally as gentle.
With a final lingering look, they both turned away, settling into their respective spots. The room was filled with the quiet sounds of their friends, but for Joe and Y/N, the silence couldn’t be louder.
She woke up around 3am, the room shrouded in darkness save for the faint glow from the streetlights outside. She shifted slightly, trying to get comfortable, when she felt it—his gaze. Slowly, she turned her head and found Joe propped up on one arm with his phone in his hand. His face was illuminated only by the device.
Seriously? You couldn’t have just stayed asleep? She thought to herself, a mix of amusement and frustration bubbling up inside her. Here they were, in a room full of their sleeping friends, with Joe looking like a whole meal doing the bare minimum. The absurdity and excitement was so much for her to handle.
She gave him a pointed look when he finally took a peek over in her direction, her lips quirking up in a half-smile when he noticed she was awake.
“What are you doing awake?” she asked as quietly as she could.
Joe’s lips curved into a slow, lazy grin, with a bashful undertone. “Couldn’t sleep,” he practically mouthed, his eyes glinting with mischief.
“Sure,” she rolled her eyes. “You just want to make this night more interesting.”
Joe shifted quietly on the floor, his movements careful and deliberate. He glanced around the room, ensuring everyone else was still sound asleep, then slowly moved to sit up. Y/N’s heart raced as she watched him, every nerve in her body on high alert.
Sliding onto the bed beside her, he moved with a careful grace that belied his size. The mattress dipped under his weight, and he settled beside her, his body warm and solid against hers.
She bit her lip, trying to suppress a giddy giggle that threatened to escape. “We’re gonna get caught one of these days, you know.”
He brushed a stray lock of hair from her face, his fingers lingering for a moment longer than necessary. “Maybe,” he conceded. “But that’s what makes it fun, right?”
“Oh yeah, tons of fun,” she replied sarcastically. “Nothing like the thrill of getting caught by our friends to spice things up.”
Even the darkness couldn’t prevent her from seeing his pearly white grin. “Admit it, you love the risk.”
“Maybe I do,” she admitted with a gentle sigh, relaxing into his warmth as his hand slid up her arm, leaving a trail of goosebumps in its wake.
They laid there for a moment in the snore-filled room. The tension was palpable, a taut wire strung between them that could snap at any moment.
“So, what’s the plan?” she whispered up at him.
“Plan?” he echoed, feigning innocence. “I was just thinkin’ we could enjoy each other’s company.”
She rolled her eyes, positive that her cheeks flushed a deep pink, and despite the darkness, covered her face with her hand anyways. “You’re terrible.”
“And…? You love it, babygirl,” he shot back, his hand moving down to rest on her hip, fingertips teasing the space between her tank top and her shorts. “Remember that time we almost got caught in the locker room?” he asked with an audible smirk, his calloused thumb tracing circles on her exposed skin. “You nearly blew our cover with that yelp.”
“You’re the one who made me jump!” she protested, swatting him lightly on the arm.
He laughed softly, a rich hum that sent sparks straight to her core. “Sure, blame it on me.”
“You really don’t think anyone suspects anything?” Her question came as a small mumble, lost in the shadow of his form practically hovering over her at this point. And he was so close to her. She could feel light tickles from his beard on her cheek.
“Nah, baby,” he confidently reassured her. “We’re too good at this shit.”
“Famous last words,” she chuckled, though she couldn’t help the grin that spread across her face.
He leaned in closer, his lips brushing delicately against the shell of her ear. “Don’t worry. I got this.”
“Yeah?” she challenged, sliding her hand up to rest on his shoulder. “Prove it.”
With a smirk, Joe shifted, rolling over so he could press his body entirely on top of hers. The bed creaked slightly, and they both froze, glancing around to make sure no one had woken up. Satisfied that their secret was still safe, they relaxed.
“What was that about ‘I got this’?” she lightly scolded, emulating his voice the best she could in her whispered tone.
“Shh…” With that, he pressed his lips down against hers, the hand that rested on her hip coming up to hold the side of her neck. He kissed her with a hunger that spoke of all the nights they had to keep their distance, the desire that had been simmering just below the surface finally boiling over. She returned it with equal fervour, trailing her fingers up to his man bun and feeling where the couple of hours being laid down had taken a toll on its usually pristine quality.
“Take this out,” she mumbled against his lips. “I like when your hair’s down.”
He didn’t need to be asked twice. It was a relief to take it out, to let it fall down and create a protective shield around their faces as he went back in for another kiss. It deepened, tips of tongues prodding against each other until they were fully entwined in an intense dance. Her hands roamed over his broad shoulders, feeling the ripple of muscle beneath his skin, the same way Joe traced the contours of her curves with a reverence that made her feel like a Goddess.
“God, I’ve missed this,” he breathed out in a gravelly whisper.
“Me too,” she admitted.
They were lost in each other, the world outside their bubble of desire forgotten. Joe’s hands slipped under her shirt, the heat of his touch against her bare skin making her gasp softly. He paused, his eyes searching hers in the small beams of light from outside, asking for silent permission.
She nodded, her breath hitching as his hands continued their exploration upwards. He pushed the fabric up, exposing her round breasts to the cool air and his heated gaze. Following the path of his hands, Joe’s lips made a tender journey down her neck, nipping and sucking lightly, before they stopped at her chest. Pressing kisses to her skin. Tip of his tongue tracing slow patterns along it until one of her hard nubs made contact. Thick lips wrapped around, kissing and suckling like he’d never get to again. Branding possession and desire.
“Joe,” she whispered, her voice trembling with need.
“Shh, we gotta be quiet, sweetheart,” he reminded her, words muffled against the supple skin as he moved to pay the same exquisite attention to her other breast. “Don’t wanna wake the others.”
The reminder of their precarious situation only added to the intensity, causing her to unintentionally roll her hips up towards his. His hands were everywhere, mapping her body with a familiarity that was both comforting and thrilling. Her own hands were just as eager, exploring the hard planes of his chest. His heart pounding beneath her palm, a mirror to her own racing pulse.
“You’re so beautiful,” he murmured against her skin.
She smiled, a flush of pleasure spreading through her at his words. “You’re not so bad yourself, big guy.”
He chuckled softly, the sound vibrating against her. “Glad you think so.”
Coming back up to her lips, she barely had time to readjust before his long, tepid fingers slipped under the fabric of her shorts and her panties. Another sharp gasp escaped her lips, internally cringing at how loud it was. God forbid, if anyone actually knew what they were doing…
“Easy, baby. Just let me take care of you.”
The pads of his fingers stroked over her slick folds, gently… teasingly. A moan rose in her throat, causing her to clamp her teeth down on Joe’s lower lip to suppress the sound.
“Damn, baby, you’re this wet already?”
“Yes,” she managed to breathe as he pressed heated kisses down the side of her neck. His middle fingers teased the smooth surface of her tiny, sensitive pearl, and she once again was forced to keep her noises to a minimum.
“Good girl,” he praised her efforts, rewarding her by pressing his fingers down firmer, further, until they slipped inside her with a smooth, practised motion.
The sensation was almost too much to bear. She clung to him, her nails digging into his bare shoulders as he began to move, digits sliding in and out in a slow and calculated motion. God only knew he wanted to finger fuck the shit out of her, but he knew that would cause unnecessary noise and a climax too short lived.
“God, how you always feel this good?” he groaned softly.
She whimpered, biting her lip to stifle it. His fingers curled upwards in their movements, pressing closer to her sweet spot. Driving her wild. Coiling her pleasure. Tighter. And tighter.
“Look at you,” he peered over her writhing form in awe. “So gorgeous… so ready for me, huh?”
Her response was a tight grip on the back of his head.
“Tell me what you want,” he whispered hotly against her neck. “Tell me how you want it.”
“M-more…” She pathetically sighed. “Please, Joe…”
He chuckled softly, feeling a familiar twitch between his own legs. “Anything for you, doll,” he obliged happily, fingers picking up speed and his thumb finding her clit easily to glide against it in tandem with the rhythm he had curated on her body.
A gasp, an arch, a flutter around his fingers, and he knew. “Feel that?” he whispered in a seductive, dark purr. “Feel how close you are?”
“Yes,” she nodded. “Oh, God, yes…”
“Atta girl,” he cooed down at her, propping himself up on his arm and pressing his forehead down on hers. “Cum, baby.”
Noticing her characteristic shudder, the way her eyebrows furrowed when a release was approaching, he took the initiative to manoeuvre his free hand to cover her mouth, baring down enough pressure for her to bite onto it as she rippled and arched into him. Her cunt throbbed and tightened around his fingers, and he watched with parted lips as she came so hard.
“That’s it,” he murmured in a soothing rumble. “Just like that…”
As she came down from her high, twitches and aftershock present, he carefully withdrew his fingers. He pressed a soft kiss to her temple, his hand smoothing over her hair. Another kiss came quickly, but not without Joe taking an expert taste of his own fingers, where Y/N’s honey coated him with a thick sheen. She tasted herself as he swirled his long tongue around hers, hand stroking back his hair to thread her fingers through the dark tendrils.
It was almost sad, kissing him in that moment. The way she gripped onto him as though she was solidifying how he felt in her mind, capturing the memory; they never knew the next time they’d get to be together.
“Joe…” Y/N whispered. “I need you… so bad.”
“I know, babygirl,” he sighed, peppering small kisses along her jaw. “But as much as I’d love for you to nut on this dick right now, it might be wiser to wait ‘til I can have you alone.”
She whimpered impatiently, making Joe stifle a laugh by burying his face in her neck. “Don’t make me laugh,” he murmured, clearly grinning.
“I’m not trying to…” she giggled softly, biting her lip. They really just did that, in the same room as their sleeping friends. Damn. “Fuck, Joe, we’re totally gonna get found out soon if we keep this up.”
“Yeah?” he asked, lifting his head to gaze down at her. “Ain’t nothin’ wrong with that, baby.”
“Yeah, I’m sure everyone would love to know that you just fingered me a metre away from their sleeping bodies.”
“They will know if you don’t keep it down,” he chuckled. “That bein’ said, we should probably try and get some sleep, huh?”
Y/N frowned, but reluctantly nodded, knowing he would have to leave her bed and return to his spot on the floor. “Where are we heading in the morning?”
“Uh,” Joe hummed, carefully pulling himself back up into a seated position. “Atlanta, I think.”
“Sit next to me on the bus?” she half-asked.
“You sure you wanna do that? Y’know… considering we’re ‘totally gonna get found out soon’?” He sent her a cocky smirk, silently moving himself back to the floor. She rolled over to the edge of the bed so she could still see him. 
“I don’t care… I’ve missed you,” she told him earnestly. It was true; they really hadn’t seen as much of each other lately, which is ironic when you consider the fact they were currently on the road. It just meant eyes were on them more than usual. 
With an understanding exhale, Joe reached over and held the side of her face, stroking over her cheek with his thumb. “I’ve missed you too, baby.”
“So sit with me tomorrow, please,” she practically begged, leaning into his touch.
“I’m not sayin’ no, am I?” he answered with a soft laugh. “Now, go to sleep, ‘kay? It’ll be more suspicious if we’re both tired.”
“Yes, Dad,” Y/N playfully retorted, rolling her eyes.
“I’ll remind you you called me that, as well.”
“I’m sure you fucking will, Big Dog.”
✦ .  ⁺   . ✦ .  ⁺   . ✦
Morning crept into the room with the soft glow of dawn filtering through the thin curtains. The peaceful quiet of the night gave way to the gentle sounds of stirring bodies and muffled groans of discomfort.
“Ugh, my back,” Jon complained, rolling over on the cramped armchair. “Why did I think sleeping on here was a good idea?”
“Because you’re an idiot,” Colby mumbled, pulling Becky closer to him. “Pass me that pillow, will ya?” Becky groaned, grabbing the pillow that had fallen off Gi’s bed in the middle of the night, and flinging it back in Colby’s direction.
Gi, still half-asleep, rolled over and bumped into Mercedes, who let out a sleepy groan. “Move over, you bed hog,” she muttered, her voice muffled by the pillow she hugged tightly.
“When did you get there?” Gi mumbled, squinting her eyes as she searched for her glasses somewhere in the bed, realising she must have passed out with them on. 
“When I decided the corner was too damn uncomfortable,” Mercedes bluntly responded.
Y/N slowly opened her eyes, the events of the night playing on a loop in her mind, extended into a pleasurable dream. She sat up, eyes adjusting to the daylight as she surveyed the room. No Joe, just a messy blanket and his balled up jacket from where he had slept. 
“Ahh!” Mercedes let out a yelp as the hotel door began to open, almost hitting her in the process. “Oh, it’s you—what the fuck, man?”
“Sorry, didn’t realise your stupid ass was standin’ in the way,'' Joe's sleepy, but cheery laugh echoed as he emerged, shutting the door behind him. He’d changed his clothes, now wearing his grey shorts and a hoodie, and his hair was back to its pristine nature, perfectly slicked back into a bun.
“Where the fuck did you come from?” Colby strained his neck from the floor to look up at him.
“My room? We have rooms, guys, did you know that?” he nudged Colby with his knee as he attempted to sit up. His next stop was Y/N’s bed, where he placed her keycard down on the table beside it, giving her a small smile. 
“You took my key?”
“I’ve been awake for, like, two hours. Needed to get out for a bit, take a shower, y’know,” he shrugged, sitting down on the edge of the bed to collect his stuff from the floor. He made a point to brush against Y/N’s arm as he did, making her bite back a smile. “You sleep okay?”
“Mhm,” she hummed with a nod. “You?”
“Better than expected,” he said, sending a smirk over his shoulder.
Across the room, Colby struggled to stand, stretching his arms above his head with an exaggerated yawn. “Alright, who’s up for breakfast?”
“Count me in,” Jon said, finally rolling off the armchair and onto the floor with a thud. “As long as it’s not cornflakes.”
Gi sat up, her hair a wild halo around her head. “Can we get coffee first? I need coffee.”
“Coffee sounds so good right now,” Mercedes agreed, brushing her fingers through her hair and rubbing at her neck. “And a chiropractor.”
By the time breakfast was had and everyone had dispersed back to their own rooms, Gi and Y/N started the gruelling task of packing what little they took out of their bags and tidying the room of empty cans and pizza boxes.
“They could have helped us,” Gi sighed as she tried to clumsily shove a pizza box into a trash bag.
“Joe offered,” Y/N shrugged, working on picking up cans and any other scraps of trash. Gi glanced up at her, narrowing her eyes with a cheeky smile.
“Did he?”
Y/N met her gaze, raising an eyebrow at her friend quizzically. “Yeah, he did. But he still had a fuckload left to pack, so I told him we could handle it.”
“Oh,” Gi simply hummed, a grin spreading across her face, unbeknownst to Y/N.
Y/N tried her utmost hardest to avoid eye contact after that, knowing that if she looked at Gi for too long, it would be impossible not to spill everything that happened. And after complaining to Joe herself about the possibility of anyone finding out about them, it would seem somewhat counterproductive and ironic on her end.
When the pair was ready to leave, their WhatsApp group chat dinging with confirmations of the same, Gi leaned over to Y/N as she opened their door.
“Oh, by the way, Y/N, about last night,” Gi started.
“Yeah?” Y/N answered as she shut the door behind them, the two of them now standing in the hallway. She caught glimpses of fresh-faced superstars that weren’t in their room last night, who took more pride in their night routines on the road than anything else, greeting them from afar with a warm smile.
“The next time you and Joe fool about, make sure we’re all actually asleep before you do.”
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judgementdaysunshine · 8 months
Hook fic with this prompt "Even more beautiful than you were the last time I saw you" please?
Not me using friends to enemies to lovers tropes
I let fear change me and lost you
Pairing: Hook x Fem reader
Description: You come back from injury and switch from Impact to AEW where you reunite with your old friend and rival Hook
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Things felt like the world was lifted off your shoulders walking into the arena meeting with Tony Khan before your debut match with AEW feeling instant acceptance. You had gotten badly injured while wrestling for Impact as things slowly became too much in the months before you injury deciding the day after that you were going to switch brands spending the next few weeks deciding where you would go to deciding to go to AEW after getting a personal message from Adam Cole on Instagram leading to a phone call with tony who agreed to have you under the brand and allowed you to choose your debut match choosing AEW Rampage later that month, a smile grows on your face when tony has you and adam officially meet becoming friends off the bat meeting a few other wrestlers before heading to your locker room to stretch and slowly get ready for your match against Julia Hart looking up when you hear a knock turning to see a man with unusual makeup on his face learning his name was Danhausen noticing the man behind making your heart sink knowing that face anywhere but not by the same name AEW knew him as "Tyler?!". Looks of realization cross both your faces as mixed emotions form "What the hell are you doing here?" soon words are thrown around before Hook as he's known as is dragged out of your locker room by hausen and Sting explaining how the two of you were friends in middle school and not too long before you left for college abroad things changed and soured between the two of you but you still loved him hoping things could be patched up but you were close to losing hope for things ever being repaired between you and hook taking out your frustrations out in your match against julia winning the match earning compliments from sting, Moxley, and even MJF who had heard about you from adam after he came back to his locker room from talking to you stopping in the doorway of your locker room when you see hook in the room "I was never mad at you" you raise a brow as he standa up "What are you talking about?" he sighs as you stand on guard after what happened earlier "Everything I said to you before you left I didn't mean it, I let fear change me and lost you because of it" you feel your heart quiver as he walks to you seeing the tears in his eyes hugging each other before sharing a frantic kiss "God I'm sorry for being so fucking stupid". The two of you hold each other after you closed and locked the door talking over what had happened realizing it was due to the stress around the time and the fear of rejection between the two of you "I love you so much hon" you felt happier than you had in a long while that first night with AEW and finally having the feelings you kept hidden for hook on the line and that he returned them "I love you hook".
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A very chaotic end to this week's Dynamite, but in all the hubbub, my favorite moment: a returning Mad King shares a fraught faceoff with Jon Moxley. Was Mox dropping that defensive stance just as Matt Jackson charged in and attacked him?
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