#movement by david
inspector-fox · 8 months
I think adults should be given playgrounds, with a track for runners, and drinking fountains and monkey bars that can support a tall adult person. I'm so serious because we talk about how there is a crisis of health in America, that, to an extent, could be mitigated through exercise, but access to space is difficult for some folks to find and I think we put too much pressure on the "go to the gym" version of exercise over the "Please just move your body sometimes like in any way that feels good!! Just get up and move and play for like 20 minutes!" Version of health- which arguably is more accessible and less overwhelming to consider (that "stay flexy" guy, Movement by David, is big on just improving mobility and I think he and creators like him are changing the zeitgeist of how we talk about and view exercise.) And, like, adult playgrounds in this form do already exist- they've got pull up bars and weird metal benches, they're designed for anyone to pull up and use for working out (my town has them at least.)- but I'm talking about PLAYgrounds a place to solely encourage play (and give access to other equipment) that would just be a space for adults to like, have fun and remember what it was like to just be given time and space to run around.
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Every trans child deserves a parent like David Tennant and I'm so serious about that
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croakerobserver · 4 months
the muppet joker timeline
hey y’all i’m planning to create a timeline of Important Canon Events for when i torture my irl friends with info about the croaker. can you guys lmk if i’ve missed anything significant? or if i’ve gotten any dates wrong (i’ll be periodically updating this post)
Current list (not necessarily in chronological order):
reddit post(s)
creation of the rival blogs (gonzobatman first, then piggy and denise)
creation of the fan blogs
foreshadowing for the vriska kinshift event (April 29, 2024)
stealing ethan’s hair
running away from home (April 27, 2024) and discovering his biblical adam kin (April 29, 2024)
first mention of the muppet transformation caves (May 1, 2024)
start of relationship with number four
messy break up with number four (part one)
attempts to curse the pope (parts one & two)
strange aeons video and involuntary vriska kinshift
meat not bugs saga
messy breakup with number four (part two)
olipop soda posting (June 5, 2024)
david karp accusations (June 5, 2024)
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theamazingsaraman · 1 year
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They look familiar…
I have a card with this image on it from the National Gallery of Ireland which I definitely didn’t buy solely because it reminded me of Crowley and Aziraphale 😅 now that we’ve seen them both in angel form together it seems particularly perfect. The Crowley one even has a plant 🪴😌
‘Two Winged Angels in Profile’ 1924, Harry Clarke, Oil on canvas
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stormofdefiance · 3 months
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I wanted to share some wee thoughts about Ratio’s E6 art & why I believe it is a symbolic parallel to Michelangelo’s David. This speaks to both Ratio’s humanist beliefs and possible future plot points.
Ratio’s E6 is Vincit Omnia Veritas or Truth Conquers All. I’ve heard it claimed (although I have no idea if it’s explicitly stated anywhere?) that the character’s E6 art represents them at their innermost core, an honest and deeply vulnerable shard of themselves. Evoking David here is an interesting choice; the biblical figure who, using nothing but a stone and sling, took down the tyrannical Goliath. The parallel is perhaps as simple as this: Ratio views himself - and by extension the truth - as the underdog, someone never accepted into the Genius society, forever to be kept from Nous and THEIR gaze, but nonetheless will, in the end, prove himself the final victor. Truth will topple the seemingly unconquerable, whatever that might be.
But I also think Michelangelo’s David is a specifically interesting parallel to draw on from a historical perspective. Ratio is pretty much the textbook definition of a renaissance man - he is a philosopher, a scholar, interested in medicine and science and the vast array of human achievement. He speaks in Latin (the language of education during the renaissance in Europe that allowed the transmission of information without having to rely on translation) while heavily styling himself on Ancient Greek symbols and drawing from Greek philosophy (often seen at the time as more ‘sophisticated’ and interested in ‘wisdom’ than the contemporary ‘militaristic’ Romans).
Michelangelo’s David was the first colossal marble statue to be carved since antiquity, and it came to be a symbol of the renaissance itself. This is interesting to me for Ratio and what I believe are his humanist beliefs. Humanism was an ideal that propagated during the renaissance that championed the belief that man had beauty, dignity and worth that deserved as much respect and adoration as any deity. Keep in mind this philosophy was emerging following the Middle Ages and at a time where religious institutions across Europe held exorbitant and sometimes absolute power. David as a statue is an ode to the sublime beauty of the human body, completely unashamed and uninhibited in his gigantic nakedness (Doctor! You’re huge!) retaliating against the idea that prominent idea at the time that man’s body is inherently sinful. The humanists sought to recenter humanity, and David became a symbol of man’s independence against the seemingly unconquerable might of the Church.
Consider how Ratio centres humanity in his Simulated Universe project, how he values every life, how interested he is in constant self-improvement. How this symbol - of not just the renaissance but of the re-centring of humanity itself - becomes an echo of an effigy fixed in the centre of his soul.
Ratio has never - as far as I’m aware? - stated or hinted at any desire to overthrow the Aeons or even disparage or rubbish them, but it is clear to me that he believes in the strength man can draw on despite them, through sheer force of intelligence and clever planning and fiercely independent thought, the weak can ultimately overcome, or at least stand shoulder to shoulder with, the strong. Perhaps this will become a more pertinent plot point in the future - who knows? - but this was fun to chew through nonetheless 🫶
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rushinintolove · 3 months
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DAVID TENNANT in L.A. Without a Map (1998)
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gayiconwaluigi · 1 year
Watched Stop Making Sense in the theater tonight and now I have an understanding of David Byrne’s undeniable sex appeal that was previously unknown to me. I have exited Plato’s cave and seen the light
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chewbaxter · 10 months
Britain's Economy is bad;
David Cameron is in Government;
Tommy Robinson is inciting Racial Riots like a coward;
Nigel Farage is trying to become PM through right-wing populism (à la I’m a Celebrity, Get Me Out Of Here!)
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Hermann David Salomon Corrodi (1844-1905) "Camel Train in a Sandstorm" Oil on canvas Orientalism
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noosphe-re · 1 year
It moves, yes. It moves through its contradictions. Thought is essentially movement. It is only a limiting — thought which holds still, apparently still, is only a limiting case which holds only a little while. Thought cannot hold still; it has to be in movement.
David Bohm, interviewed by Maurice Wilkins, Session VI, https://www.aip.org/history-programs/niels-bohr-library/oral-histories/32977-6
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eucanthos · 3 months
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David Seidner (US, 1957 - 1999)
Dancers, ca. 1993. David Seidner Archive, International Center of Photography
Fragments, 1977–99 International Center of Photography  79 Essex St, New York
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magp1e-starl1ght · 9 months
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2 memes I made
(I used a translator for the German I’m rlly sorry if it’s not accurate)
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snarkylinda · 2 years
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I am very sure Spencer didn't turn to look at you because he was surprised you knew what GTA was, Gramps, that is Penelope. The boy doesn't know what the hell you are talking about.
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wokeuplaughing · 7 days
watching an old stream of jerma playing detroit become human and remembering how nearly every aspect of the plot of this game has the most insane implications
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dweemeister · 1 year
Harry Belafonte in BlacKkKlansman (2018)
Actor, singer, and civil rights activist Harry Belafonte died today at his home in New York City at the age of 96. Belafonte, whose acting career made him a contemporary (and the last surviving stalwart) of a generation that included Sidney Poitier, Ruby Dee, Dorothy Dandridge, Ossie Davis, and Diahann Carroll, often took long hiatuses from moviemaking to pursue his musical and political interests. Despite a breakout 1950s in his acting career, Belafonte acted in zero films in the 1960s, at the height of the Civil Rights Movement. He would no longer be interested in working on films that contained no elements of social justice.
In his final narrative film appearance (and first since 2006), Belafonte appeared in Spike Lee’s BlacKkKlansman (2018) as an elderly activist recounting to young black activists the 1916 lynching of Jesse Washington (while paralleling Adam Driver’s character working undercover within a local branch of the Ku Klux Klan in order to root it out). One of the catalysts to Washington’s lynching was D.W. Griffith’s seminal The Birth of a Nation (1915) - a cinematically important but virulently racist work that gave rise to the modern KKK - which appears in the second half of this clip. 
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Saul Leiter
* * * *
What is precious inside us does not care to be known by the mind in ways that diminish its presence.
~ David Whyte
[alive on all channels]
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