#mouth gore
pmpwbrrs · 2 months
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princeshilo · 8 months
do you think when rolan got his wisdom teeth out in galloway it was actually mandibles growing in. imagine going in to the dentist and theyre like Welp. its bugs in there
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abhainnwhump · 7 months
If someone's mouth is frozen/stitched shut, how do they eat so they don't starve to death? It's for hypothetical reasons of course. Shush, that's not Whumpee screaming, I have no idea what you're talking about.
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chainandfeather · 5 months
“They love me, they love me not” but pulling out ‘their’ teeth instead of flower petals
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just-horrible-things · 10 months
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I drew this prompt by @painsandconfusion
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phoridae273 · 2 months
There will be gore, continue on if you DARE >:D
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This is my third submission for gore week!
Date: 28th of April, today’s subject: Mouth gore
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Since I’m basically using different digital art techniques for every piece at this point I decided to use real pngs of flowers for this one. Not a fan of the face but it’s whatever. I also embossed the image and added noise to make it look like a vhs or something. I’m loving gore week that goes a bit over a week so far, good luck to all my friends participating!
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attex · 11 months
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inherent memeability
bonus fun gore nonsense under
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f2ucharacters · 3 months
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on one hand, you can act like nothing's wrong. sure. eschew your morals or your spoken word. sure. does it mean anything if people want you to come back? and what are you posturing for?
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sunshiline-writes · 10 months
Drabble: Good Dolls Don't Dream
More fucked up Drabble time from Sunny!!! uhh yeah this one's rough stay safe and heed warnings. CW: DEAD DOVE DON'T EAT, GORE, noncon body modifications (so so many), wire's through hands, stress positions, mentions of kidnapping, broken legs, whumpee is thought of and called a "doll" and "thing", stitching a person's mouth closed, some mouth gore I THINK I GOT EVERYTHING but if I didn't just let me know!
Eyelids fluttering, breaths came in short gasps as whumpee slept. Whumper always enjoyed watching Whumpee sleep. They were always so beautiful. But today they were immaculate, strung up against the wall like this. Hands above their head held up by the wire through their hands. The sight was beautiful, the wire wrapping from the hole in their palms between each finger, creating an intricate pattern as it weaved in and out of their hand. 
Whumper had worked very hard to get the designs just right. The carvings in their skin, the wig stitched on, through their scalp. That was the worst part getting them to stay still enough to let them move the needle through the scalp. Then they had to start over because Whumpee had moved so much that the wig had gone on crooked. 
They always knew how to make things so difficult. Whumpee made a noise as their eyes fluttered open. Their eyes looked at them blearily. Whumper carded a hand through the fake hair on their head pulling the stitches lightly. They were a bit angry and red at the edge of their scalp, Whumper would fix that later. 
“Are you ready to be let down now darling?” 
Whumpee let out a choked whine before answering. “Please.. I’m so tired.” 
Whumper unhooked the chain that held the wires through Whumpee’s hand and let whumpee fall into them. Gently picking them up bridal style and carrying them to the bed. A mattress in the corner of the basement, and lays them down. They whimper as their legs are straightened and the blanket is put to their shoulders. Whumpee’s legs still look wrong after the last time Whumper broke them. They hated to do that, it ruined the perfectness of their little doll. But it had to be done after they had tried to escape a third time. They had let the legs heal the wrong way. Making sure there was never an attempt like that again. Dolls didn’t need to run or walk anyway. Dolls just needed to sit there and look pretty. Boy, was whumpee pretty. They had big brown eyes that shone when they cried, beautiful skin, their hair was the only thing that had been awful when they acquired the little thing. It used to be dyed a bright green color, now they had the beautiful black wig that was connected to their scalp. They were nearly perfect now. So close. 
“Can you tell me what you did wrong? Why you were punished?” Whumpee whimpered as Whumper gave a little tug on the wig, again pulling at the stitches on their scalp. “I-I.. said.. I wanted.. to go home..” they answered between sniffles and sharp breaths. 
“Mmhmm, and why was that wrong?” “Because… Because I am home..” “Good. Good. You know you’re nearly perfect,” Whumper, rubbed light circles on Whumpee’s back, sighing. “Just one last punishment. It’s not forever. You just need to learn not to say those types of things to me.” Whumpee stared up at them with wide eyes, tears filling them again. God they were so pretty when they were scared. 
“It.. It was just a stupid.. a stupid dream..” Whumpee tried to bargain with them. Whumper smiled softly, a finger placed on Whumpee’s lips. “Good Dolls don’t dream love.” 
Whumpee whimpered again, whumper stood up and left for a moment before returning with a shoe box. It was filled with different colors of thread and needles. They pulled out a needle and a purple thread. “I think purple would really make your eyes pop, don’t you agree?” They didn’t expect an answer as they set up the thread through the needle. “If you move I might rip more of your skin that what’s necessary, so try and stay as still as possible okay?” Whumpee pushed themselves away from Whumper as they straddled the younger person. Laughing a little, whumper shook their head. “You still need some work. That’s okay. I am very patient.” “No no no, please wait. I’ll be good. I’ll take the muzzle, I’ll wear the ball gag like you wanted earlier. Please,” a whimper as whumper brought the needle closer to their bottom lip. “PLEASE!!” They screamed out next. Whumper huffed and slapped Whumpee hard, “shut up and keep your mouth closed or I’ll make this worse. I’ll let you go a week with these in instead of just the rest of the day, understand? Nod if you understand.” Whumpee nodded slowly, sobbing softly as their lips pouted. Whumper laughed, tapping their cheek lovingly, “Just do what I say and you’ll be just fine love.” Then they pushed the needle through the bottom right corner of Whumpee’s mouth, and as the little doll cried out, Whumper grabbed their tongue with a gloved hand. Then they brought the needle through the tip of their tongue. Whumpee screamed and then quickly clamped their mouth shut as the needle was put through their upper lip. Whumper smiled as they saw blood drip down their lips and chin, gently wiping it away. “Good. Yes the purple looks very good on you. I should put you in purple more often.” Then they pressed the needle into their bottom lip again, repeating the process save for the tongue. They watched hungrily as Whumpee clenched their fists and sobbed quietly. By the time they had tied off the last of the stitch, Whumpee’s eyes had a glazed over look. “God you’re beautiful,” whumper whispered, pressing a kiss to Whumpee’s stitched lips, licking the droplets of blood that had collected on their lips. “The perfect little doll.”
Whumpee sobbed harder
Drabble taglist: @painsandconfusion ask if you'd like to be added or removed!!
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pmpwbrrs · 2 months
Omggg they should kiss :3 ❤️❤️❤️❤️💕💖💖💖💕!!!
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bloodandlaught666 · 2 months
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considerablecolors · 1 year
Spies Are Forever Fun Fact of The Day: Day #119
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During the original run of Spies Are Forever, Joe Walker would rip out an actual, real-life tooth from Curt Mega's mouth every night during The Torture Tango sequence. This resulted in Curt Mega losing most of his teeth by the end of the production, leading to many Starkid and Tin Can Bros fans affectionately referring to him as "No Molars" Mega.
Follow for more Spies Are Forever Fun Facts of The Day!
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abhainnwhump · 1 year
(Content warnings: Mouth gore, body horror, conditioning, infected wounds)
For every time Whumpee speaks without permission, Whumper pulls out one tooth. Now, a skull has 32 teeth, more or less depending on what species your Whumpee is. They twist their pair of dirty pliers in their mouth until the tooth breaks. It's not like Whumpee gets any medical care for the infections and bleeding this causes.
Whumpee is the defiant yet dense type. They can't stop themself from fighting back against their captor. Even as they lose more and more teeth and blood. Even as the infections worsen. Even as their mouth and body turn into a bloody mangled mess.
On mistake 33, Whumper cuts out their tongue. Slowly. They cut the blade through the muscle like a fine piece of cheese. Whumpee sobs until they're done. Now they couldn't throw insults and quips if they wanted to.
Their mouth has nothing left to give.
So that leaves . . . everything else.
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weirdweeb83 · 11 months
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Day 2 of gore
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guest666-art · 9 months
TW; Moderate Gore, specifically impaled parts, mouth horror (with a giant needle struck through it into the skull), and. Yea blood! Woo!
It only gets worse from here.
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Day 1 and I got inspired by HWR a bit. Fun! This is Blaine Elliott, use any prns but he defaults to he/him.
Please do not use this for personal use or AI art or anything of that sort. This is art of my OC and I'm not comfortable with that at all.
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scratchandplaster · 1 year
FEBUWHUMP DAY 22 - Can't scream
CW: mouth gore, teeth whump, tongue whump, gagged, knifes, choking, poisoning
Fun ways to shut your Whumpee up:
Nail their tongue down (to their jaw or a table)
Superglue their lips/teeth together
Knife blade jammed between their teeth vertically, holding their mouth open but depressing their tongue
Sew their mouth shut
Burn their throat with hot water
Zip ties tightly wrapped around their throat/windpipe, making it nearly impossible to breathe or talk
Put glass/splinters/acid/metal shrapnel in their food and make them swallow it
Dislocate their jaw joint :O
[Febuwhump 2023 Masterlist] → Make them communicate again!
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