#most technologies aren't even built from scratch but based upon other preexisting things
goatmilksoda ยท 2 years
Y'know it makes me really sad as I grow up and go into college to realize what STEM could've been or was intended to be.
So much of it was taught to me as just "here's some materials figure out how to build it" and repeating the scientific method every year when I could have been learning how to use technology and engineering to pursue interests like analyzing local owl population statistics or growing mycelium packaging as Styrofoam replacement or studying the orbital patterns of Jupiter with a simple tool from ancient times. But instead, every year, it was just "built a spaghetti tower" or "here's some markers and a cup. Make it into a doodle robot".
It makes me so angry how much science has been commodified to be so one note and one dimensional, only catering to such a small portion of learners and making such a broad field inaccessible to those who's brains don't work in such a specific way and then deeming those who can't connect like that a failure.
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