#more than a little jealouus
mysageukinbio · 3 years
JHB '81 Episode 24 as a series of incoherent Discord messages
Episode 24
📷Meao :P — Today at 8:12 PM @VelumMortis Can I join the live watch?
📷VelumMortis — Today at 8:12 PM Sure!
[8:13 PM]Narrator decides to narrate for some reason
[8:13 PM]Inhyeon's cocurt maids see Sukjong
[8:13 PM]Sukjong wants to know why Ok Jeong is rying
[8:13 PM]Ok Jeong: I can't tell you
[8:13 PM]Sukjong: I'm losing patiencec here
[8:13 PM]Lady Oh finds out what's going on
[8:14 PM]Ok Jeong: Donn't ask, please
[8:14 PM]Inhyeon finds out
[8:14 PM]Inhyeon blames Lady Oh for ascting reashly to Ok Jeong and Lady Cheon
[8:15 PM]Lady Cheon tells what happened but spins it to make her look like the vitim
[8:15 PM]Sorry, Ok Jeong told hom
📷Meao :P — Today at 8:16 PM (i finally know how it feels like when international viewers ask for subtitles T_T I should really start studying korean)
📷VelumMortis — Today at 8:16 PM Completely leaving out how Ok Jeong's court ladies beat the Queen's ladies first
[8:17 PM]Ok Jeong: The Queen's court lady is still just a court lady, how could she offend me lke this?
[8:18 PM]Sukjong: I know it seems like the Queen instigated this ubt I know her, sh'ed never do that
[8:18 PM]Ok Jeong (passive-aggressive): YEah, it's all my fault right?
[8:19 PM]It's all because I'm the cocncubine and she's the legal wife
[8:19 PM]Sukjong: That's not what I meant
[8:19 PM]Just that you both are good people, so she'd ever be involved in this
[8:20 PM]She doesn't spread rumors about you, but even if she did, you can just give birth to a Price!
[8:20 PM]Ok Jeong: You can't say that so loud
[8:20 PM]Sukjong: Yeah I can - I hope you give birth to a Prine
[8:21 PM]Inhyeon finds out about the entir ocnversation
[8:21 PM]Rumrors in the Palace now have it that Sukjong wants Ok Jeong to give birth before the Queen
[8:21 PM]Lady Oh: This may be Jang Suk Won's scheme, getting me involved
[8:21 PM]Inhyeon: She'd never do that, she's a good person
[8:22 PM]Lady Oh: No, she's not??
[8:22 PM]You're just so good that yo can't imagine how evil she is
[8:22 PM]But it's okay, the King trust you
[8:22 PM]But she's trying to break that trust
[8:23 PM]Inhyeon: I trust Jang Suk Won, she prmosed never to come backc until I bear a Prince
[8:23 PM]I'm the one who pressured her to come backc
[8:23 PM]Inhyeon's sad that she doesn't have a chcild yet
[8:23 PM]LLady Oh: Don't worry, you're only 22
[8:24 PM]Sukjogn and Ok Jeong' sfirst date since she came back
[8:25 PM]Inhyeon: I want to go to the garden
[8:25 PM]Lady Oh: Not a goo didea, The King and Jang Suk Won are there
[8:25 PM]Inhyeon: I know
[8:25 PM]Lady Oh: They're so lovey-dovey
[8:25 PM]Doesn't that make you mad?
[8:25 PM]Inheyon: no
[8:25 PM]Lady Oh: Won't you feel jealouus?
[8:25 PM]Inhyeon: recites rules from Insntructions for Women
[8:26 PM]Lady Oh: let me tell you a story
[8:26 PM]Story's about a woman who made monk robes to warn her husband not to take concubines
[8:27 PM]Lady Oh: In summary, a little jealousy is good, it keep the husband on his feet
[8:27 PM]Jang Suk Won is evil, but she knows these things - you'd better learn from her
[8:28 PM]Lady Cheon hearing from her court maids
[8:28 PM]JAng Suk Won hearing from Lady Cheon
[8:28 PM]It's dinnertime for the King
[8:29 PM]Lady Oh made sure he goes to the Queen's Palace
[8:29 PM]But! JangSuk Won has a stomachache
[8:29 PM]She didn't call a doctor because she wants the King at her side
[8:30 PM]He's gonna eat at her chambesr instead
[8:30 PM]Lady Cheon 1: Lady Oh 0
[8:30 PM]Inhyeon: Why'd you come back alone? What happened?
[8:30 PM]Lady Oh tells Inhyeon what happened
[8:30 PM]Lady Oh: God I hate her so much, she's so evil
[8:31 PM]Inhyeon: She has a stomachache, it's not her fault
[8:31 PM]Lady Oh: Why do you beloeve her over me?
[8:31 PM]"She's getting mor arrogant, if you don't punish her you'll regret it"
[8:32 PM]Inhyeon: I can't punish her yet, or I could lose my dignity as Queen"
[8:32 PM]Sukjong is being cringey
[8:32 PM]"My hands are healing hands~~<3"
[8:32 PM]Ok Jeong: My stomachaches's all gone 📷
📷Meao :P — Today at 8:32 PM <3
📷VelumMortis — Today at 8:33 PM "Please don't levae me~~<3"
[8:33 PM]"I'd rather kill myself than be abandoned~~~"
[8:33 PM]Sukjong: Don't worry, I'm not going anywhere
[8:34 PM]Ok Jeong: I feel guilty, you were supposed to eat with the Queen
[8:34 PM]The Queen must hate me
[8:34 PM]Sukjong: The Queen is a good person, she wouldn't be jeallousy of you
[8:34 PM]Ok Jeong: Now I feel bad
[8:35 PM]Jo Sa Seok is here to see Ok JEng's mom
[8:35 PM]Jo SA Seok: All you have to do is help Ok Jeong give birth
[8:36 PM]"Any good news yet?"
[8:36 PM]OJ's mom; "Not yet"
[8:36 PM]Hee Jae: "We'll get news soon"
[8:36 PM]Jo SA Seko: "Don't lose hope, the Southerners are waiting"
[8:36 PM]A gift
📷Meao :P — Today at 8:37 PM (I'm going to leave the stream now T_T. I hope you have a splendid time finishing this episode. Thank you so much for translating everything, or i really won't know what i am looking at.)
📷VelumMortis — Today at 8:37 PM No problem! Thanks for being here!
[8:37 PM]Prince Dongpyeong and his mother visit Jangryeol
[8:38 PM]Prince Dongpyeong's mother: "You must be so happy to have Jang Suk Won back"
[8:38 PM]Prince Dongpyeong: "But you on't seem happy"
[8:39 PM]Jangryeol: "What are you two doing here"
[8:39 PM]Dongpyeong: We're visiting Jang Suk Won
[8:39 PM]Jangryeol: "You're teaching her how to get pregnant, aren't you?"
[8:39 PM]Dongpyeong: "And teaching her the geomungo"
[8:40 PM]DP's mom: "She wante to learn, can you guess why?"
[8:40 PM]Jangnryeol: idk but she's up to something
[8:41 PM]Lady Oh: The King said he's coming to the Queen's Palace, I've left her alone too long
[8:42 PM]She says he thinks the Queen is so stately, like an apricot in the snow
[8:42 PM]JAngn Suk Won is just an orchid in comprsion
[8:42 PM]Lady Oh: Please punish me
[8:42 PM]"I feel so much better now that she's no longer in favor"
[8:43 PM]"The good always win in the end, what fortune for the nation!"
[8:43 PM]"time to dress up and alert the kitchens, your majesty!"
[8:44 PM]Sukjong: I'm going to the Queen
[8:44 PM]Lady Kim: Good, she's waiting foro you
[8:44 PM]He's left hois Palace and is approaching the Queen
[8:45 PM]But he got detoured by Jang Suk Won's geomungo
[8:45 PM]Lady Oh: I am outraged, Jang Suk Won is a wicked woman!
[8:46 PM]Inhyeon: She learned the geomungo?
[8:46 PM](This is not appropriate for a concubine apparently)
[8:47 PM]Lady Oh: This is the third time she stole the King from you
[8:47 PM]"The more you hold out on punishing her, the more she'll do this"
[8:47 PM]"Remember, the legal wife is allowed to be a little jealous to keep concubicnes in line"
[8:48 PM]Inhyeon: i gues you're right, I'll have to scold her
[8:48 PM]"Playing the geomungo is inappropriate and has nothing to do with serving one's husband"
[8:48 PM]"I'll call her discreetly and admonish her"
[8:48 PM]Lady Oh: No, no, you need to shake her up
[8:49 PM]"She's spiteful! You need to-"
[8:49 PM]Inhyeon: "It's not a legal wife's duty to be jealous"
[8:49 PM]Lady Oh: recites story about a woman in King Munnjong's time who was "the right amount of jealous"
[8:50 PM]Sorry, she was actually too jealoys
[8:50 PM]Lady Oh: That woman wastoo jealous, but you're too not-jealous, you need to learn from her"
[8:51 PM]Lady Oh: The Queen is calling Jang Suk Won
[8:51 PM]Jang Suk Won: Why?
[8:51 PM]Lady Oh: She wants to warn you about playing the geomunngo
[8:51 PM]Jang Suk Won: I'm sick and can't come (she's still playing the geomungo)
[8:52 PM]Inhyeo: What? Send for her again!
[8:52 PM]Lady OH: It's strange that you're sick and playing the geomungo, the Queen asks that you come now
[8:53 PM]Ok Jeong: I really want to, but I'm sick
[8:53 PM]Inhyeon: brnig her here now, whether she wants to ornot!
[8:53 PM]Lady OH: You need to come now, or else you'll be arrested
[8:53 PM]Jang Ok Jeong: I reeally wanna come, but I'm so sick you know?
[8:53 PM]Inhyeon: Arrest her now
[8:54 PM]Sukjong and Jangryeon hear about it
[8:54 PM]Lady Oh: I've brought Jang Suk Won to the Queen's Palace
[8:54 PM]Inhyeon is mad, and ready to act
[8:55 PM]End of episode
[8:55 PM]What will Inhyeon do? You can wait until tomorrow, or just watch Ep 25 of the remake on youtube lol
[8:56 PM](the remake is subbed asdfg)
[8:57 PM]Anyways, until tomorrow!
0 notes