tmntkiseki · 2 days
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I finally finalized my design for a 2003 edition of Mona Lisa! Originally, I was planning to make her green like her original 1987 incarnation, but the brown color palette ended up being so appealing.
General lore: Escaped genetic experiment of Bishop's whose DNA includes that of various lizard and salamander species (especially axolotls.) Originally wanted to be a fashion designer, although her mother was pushing her to study physics in college due to her good grades in science. (Unfortunately, this and that happened and she ended up being put on literal ice for two years until a lucky accident allowed her make her long-awaited get away.) Very much a fun-loving, mischievous, and occasionally rude party girl who, nonetheless, can be pretty scary when she's mad and utilizes a combination of guns, explosives, and her tail to great effect in battle. Owing to being an Australian immigrant, she comes with the associated accent and all the slang you'd expect. (Ex: Referring to friends as "mates.")
Smol bonus:
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I am... really, really attached to this ship HELP.
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tmntkiseki · 14 days
Greetings from the hiatus! Unfortunately, I am not back just yet--actually, I think this hiatus is going to be longer than I expected (which, I mean, I should take as much time as I need until I definitely feel like I'm ready to be active on mainstream social media again, but aaaaaaagh.)
Either way, have some illustration previews and doodles I've been working on while I've been away! (Something tells me when I get back, the quality of my turtle art will have jumped exponentially, haha.)
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