#monalisa instagram account
lonelyharmonies · 1 year
out of the blue
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When Huang Renjun enters his classroom on a Friday morning, he expects anything but a cryptic note with a math equation placed on his desk, addressed to him.
pairing: art teacher renjun x math teacher reader. word count: 4.5k warnings: one student has a crush on a teacher (?) a/n.: i love renjun and i love this silly little story 💖
Out of the blue, notes started appearing on Renjun’s desk. 
At first, he thought it was a prank. He was used to it, after all, the staff at Dream High is playful and Lee Donghyuck is particularly fond of pulling pranks on Renjun. That’s why he made nothing of the silly note that read:
Roses are red,  violets are blue,  DaVinci painted Monalisa, ‘Cause he didn’t meet you.
Renjun just put the note aside and moved on with his classes. On the following day, however, the same blue post-it could be found on his table in the art room. This one said:
Is your dad an art thief? Because you are a masterpiece.
He chuckled to himself, in disbelief, and threw it inside one of the drawers of his desk before class started, and just moved on. But the cheeky slash flirty notes didn’t stop there: Renjun spent days finding silly pick-up lines written on blue post-its.
You must be an artist, because I find myself drawn to you.
On the day his class was discussing surrealism, there was even one referring to it:
You must be Salvador Dalí because you are persistently in my memory.
What confused him the most is what’s the reason for it? It wasn’t Valentine’s Day for Donghyuck to be doing something like that and Renjun was sure this is all Donghyuck’s doing (he is the only teacher who is overworked yet acts idle enough to come up with this kind of nonsense just for fun). Confirmation of his suspicions came on a Friday morning when he found the blue post-it on his desk, but, this time, it had an equation.
9x-7i > 3(3x-7u)
During recess, Renjun walked to the teacher’s office stomping his feet as he made his way to Teacher Lee’s cubicle. Today was the last straw, especially because one of the students found the previous notes in his desk’s drawer and the whole class started talking about his ‘secret admirer’ (and Renjun hated being the center of the student’s gossip. When they found his Instagram account it had been enough attention for a lifetime).
“What’s this?” he crossed his arms, wearing a scowl. 
“Damn, not even a ‘hi, Hyuck! How’s your day?'” Donghyuck turned to his coworker with a raised brow. 
"Cut it, Lee Donghyuck, you know what this is about.”
“Do you want me to teach you basic algebra?”
“I want you to stop sending me these ridiculous notes!" 
"What notes, man?” Donghyuck was both confused and curious about how the situation was going to unfold. “I really don’t know what you’re talking about.”
“I have been finding these cheesy pick-up throughout the whole week and just today i see this studpid equation.” Renjun pointed aggressively to the note on the desk. “It’s obviously you!”
“What does the note say?” Jeno, biology teacher, also got invested and leaned into Donghyuck’s cubicle to take a look at the note. He snorted at the sight of the blue post-it “There is no way.”
“Yeah, I can’t believe it either!” he fumbled with the pockets of his pants, trying to find the other note. “You even left this one about Dalí on the day I was teaching surrealism.”
“I’m sorry, who? You’re teaching what?” Donghyuck scratched his head as Jeno peeked at the other notes thrown on the desk. 
Donghyuck’s genuinely disturbed reaction made Renjun rethink his accusations. When the pick-up lines started getting too art-related, Renjun should have questioned if it was really Donghyuck’s doing. The math teacher was smart, but Renjun doubted he had enough knowledge of European painters to come up with such a specific pick-up line. But if it wasn’t Donghyuck… Well, he could have googled them, right? I mean,The Persistence of Memory is a very famous painting, you don’t need to know that much about art… right?  Because,well… If not Donghyuck, then, who?
“I don’t know why you keep leaving notes on my desk, but please, stop. The students are gossiping already.”
“Do you think I have the time to leave you notes? I have a student to tutor, Renjun.”
“Then what’s this equation?” Donghyuck sighed and rolled his eyes. “You are the only person who loves making fun of me and my limited knowledge in math.”
Jeno, who was beside them holding his laugh, chimed in. "Did you try to solve it?”
“Why would I?”
“It’s because the answer is this,” He grabbed a pen to write ’ i<3u ’ at the bottom of the post-it. “It’s a confession, Renjunnie." 
When the word 'confession’ came out of Jeno’s mouth, Donghyuck was not the only one to stop his activities to pay more attention to the post-its thrown at the table. A little crowd started to form around Donghyuck’s desk, who was laughing at the note. You were one of the teachers that eventually got closer to his desk and as Donghyuck’s fellow math teacher, you silently inspected the note as well. Renjun asked again if the math teacher wasn’t the sender, getting more and more frustrated by the minute with his friend’s negative response.
"If it wasn’t you, who sent this?”
“Your secret admirer,” Jeno smirked and Renjun felt like punching his face.
“Considering how childish this is, probably one of your students.” Park Jisung, P.E teacher, spoke, munching on his kimbap.
“15 year-olds love a reserved and mysterious artsy man who seems to hate everyone.” He continued, making Renjun scowl and Jeno laugh. “After Jeno, you’re probably the most popular teacher among students.”
“Do you want me to break your other arm, Jisung?” Renjun challenged, making the younger teacher close his mouth and pretend to zip it.
“It’s not childish,” you butted in, sheepishly smiling at the note. “I think it’s adorable.”
Donghyuck snapped his head towards you and scoffed, “Yeah, for 15 year-olds, not grown ass adults." 
"I think it’s sweet and I’d love to get one of these from a secret admirer too.” you said, feeling the blood rushing to your face and a little self conscious about everybody’s judgmental remarks. 
“I told you to stop projecting your high school dreams onto others,” he singsonged, while twirling the pen in his hand.
“Oh, shut up, Donghyuck!”
“And you make it pretty obvious too.” Donghyuck,who always sees right through you, giggled as you punched his shoulder.
“What?” you and Renjun asked at the same time
“Your crush on Renjun,” he muttered absently, scanning the exams he is grading.
“What- I don’t know- You-" 
You staggered, trying to form a sentence but failing miserably. Your brain was too slow to process any words at the moment and the whole room seemed to move in a slow motion. Renjun, who was on the far left side of Donghyuck’s table, lifted his eyes to meet a very flustered you. Jeno, who was sitting right in front of you, turned his chair to see your reaction and even Jaemin and his student who were entering the room, stopped at the entrance when Donghyuck dropped the bomb. 
"Mrs. Y/N has a crush on Mr. Huang?” Jaemin’s student asked, baffled by the math teacher’s confession and Jaemin intervened:
“Yah, Cha Yuna-”
This seemed to wake up Donghyuck’s senses, who realized he had slipped something he definitely shouldn’t have. The way your colleague had his cheeks painted in pink and his mouth ajar are enough to let you know that his thoughts were probably faster than the words his mouth could filter.
“I mean, we all have a crush on Renjunnie, don’t we?” Donghyuck tries to cover for himself, chuckling nervously. "Jeno buys him lunch every other day, simp behavior."
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The thing about school is that it is one of the first and sometimes only socializing spaces for many, many students. Which means that their relationships usually revolve around the school grounds. Their conversation topics regard gossip about school events, the student body and the staff. And boy, these kids do love to talk.
You and Mr. Huang had the silent agreement of not mentioning what you called to be ‘just another Donghyuck joke’, so you have both led your routines just like you always had. The only difference was that you actively avoided Renjun for around 4 days after The Incident. You were too embarrassed to face him. Even though Donghyuck apologized profusely, saying how he really didn’t think he had said that out loud, and, somehow, managed to make everyone believe it was a joke, you were still unsure. Everyone could be pretty much pretending not to know the truth and your true feelings towards Renjun were just out in the open.
But while the staff seemed to have forgotten about it a couple of days after The Incident, the students didn’t. After that disastrous recess at the teacher’s office, the rumor about your crush on the art teacher spread like wildfire and it was especially fueled by the sight of you leaving Renjun’s car. 
It was a particularly rainy Monday morning, when Renjun was driving to school and passed by you at the bus stop. Being the kind gentleman he is, he offered what was the most awkward ride ever, but you were thankful nevertheless. It’s better to stay in a warm car than in the freezing cold, even if it means having the shortest and most awkward conversations of your lives. The only problem was that ever since then, for the students, you became Renjun’s girlfriend. 
Well, some theories said you were dating, some others said you were actually engaged and Mr. Lee had accidentally exposed your secret relationship and there were Renjun’s fangirls who would get into arguments to deny any alleged relationship between you and Renjun.
You really didn’t mind it because you knew soon the students would find a new target and the rumors would die. Eventually. But Renjun was most definitely not enjoying all that gossip. Not at all.
He looked visibly frustrated as you approached his desk, placing a cup of black coffee on it. You frown at the sight of a box of heart shaped chocolates at his table.
"Can you believe Cha Yuna just confessed to me?” He sighed and took a sip of the coffee you gave him. “First it was Jeno’s student, now this. What the hell is going on with these girls?”
“Oh,” you gave him a sympathetic smile. “You know how it is…Teenages tend to have a crush on people older than them.”
“I didn’t!”
“You didn’t have an impossible crush as a teenager? Not even a celebrity crush?” You raised a brow at him who just chuckled.
“The worst is that she even wrote this note asking me to break up with you and to wait for her. Can you believe that?” He scoffed and you took the seat beside him.
“Well, will you?” you asked playfully and he frowned in confusion “Will you break up with me and wait for her?”
“Should I?” he joked. “No, seriously, I’ll talk to Mrs. Kim today about this, I’ll ask her to talk to Yuna and give her the chocolates back.” 
“Mrs. Kim won’t be coming to the school this week,” you said apologetically. “Didn’t you get her email about the conference?”
“I guess I’ll have to give it back to her myself…” Renjun groaned, making you feel bad about the situation he’s in.
“Is she leaving you uncomfortable?” he nodded.
“It’s not that… I just worry because I have been the most assertive I can to make sure she understands that I’m her teacher and over a decade older than her, but she doesn’t seem to take it seriously.”
“Do you want me to do it?” You asked, making him look at you with hopeful eyes. “I’ll talk to her.”
You should have not offered to do that. Honestly, you didn’t think straight, it just sucked to see him frustrated and pouty Renjun was too much for your heart, so you just blurted that out. Maybe a part of you also felt very guilty because part of his stress comes from the gossip running around the school about your non-existent relationship.
That day, you interrupted Mr. Na’s class to ask for Yuna and give her chocolates back. She’s Donghyuck’s student, but you like to think you have a good relationship with the student body in general, so you don’t worry too much about the situation. You waited for her to come out of the class and as soon as she saw the chocolates and the note in your hands, you realized you should have thought this through. You — whom she believed to be her crush’s girlfriend — were going to reject her on behalf of Renjun. Of course she was not gonna take it lightly.
She didn’t wait for you to open your mouth, grabbing the chocolates from your hands and stomping on the heart-shaped box until the floor had a mixture of chocolate, paper and broken plastic. When there was nothing else left to destroy, she looked at you with fire in her eyes before walking away and going back to class, silently.
You seriously thought this could unfold into a bigger problem in the future, but after that day you haven’t seen Yuna anymore and Renjun didn’t touch the subject either. Everything seemed fine,so you just assumed his student just needed to let her frustration out and some time to understand her feelings.
Oh, boy, how wrong you were… 
A week or two after the rejection, Mr. Kim assigned some of Donghyuck’s classes to you to balance the teachers’ workload and that was when weird things started to happen to you.
First, your markers started to disappear, leaving you in a very disconcerting position when you looked for them in your bag, didn’t find them and had to go to the nearest classroom to borrow one from another teacher. You have never been the type to lose your personal belongings like that, but you guess you have been just forgetful lately.
Then, the air-conditioning starts acting up. On a particularly cold day, you called maintenance to turn it off since some students complained about it, but it would suddenly turn on in the middle of the class again and again. 
The third situation made you become more alert and realize someone was probably messing with you. It was exam week, so you sat on your chair and just waited until the students were finished. When you stoop up, you feel something on your pair of jeans and see the gum glued to your clothes. Gum. Funnily enough, all of those only happened on Thursdays, in Cha Yuna’s class. No that it mattered, right? Coincidence.
Despite these three "accidents”, you were still reluctant to talk to Mrs. Kim because you didn’t want to sound crazy. How are you going to explain to her the situation? 'Oh Mrs. Kim, someone’s been turning on the air conditioner and I sat on gum the other day. I think the student who has a crush on Renjun is messing with me.’
It would just sound like a conspiracy theory, wouldn’t it? But after exams week, you couldn’t really avoid the situation anymore. 
“What did you call me, Cha Yuna?” you slam the book on your table, making the whole class startled. 
“Bitch,” she spat, “I called you a bitch.”
“Enough. Principal’s office.” you pointed to the door and she raised a brow, as if challenging you. “Now.”
“Or what?”
You feel your blood boil, and the urge to scream, grab the teenager by her hair and drag her to Mrs. Kim’s office was becoming tempting, but you kept your composure. “This is not a request, Cha Yuna.”
Her friends started to hush her to stand up, probably desperate to avoid getting their friends into any more trouble, but Yuna didn’t falter. She didn’t break eye contact with you. 
After about 10 excruciating seconds of pure silence, she stood up hastily, making her chair screech, and grabbed her water bottle. You walk to the exit of the classroom, opening the door and before walking through it, she opened her bottle and threw the water on your face.
“BITCH!” She screamed and the whole class gasped. “YOU GIVE ME BAD GRADES, YOU STEAL MY-”
“CHA YUNA!” You and another voice screamed at the same time. In the hallway, you see a disheveled Renjun holding a box full of art supplies walking in your direction.  
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Needless to say, you became the talk of the school for a while. Yuna was suspended for three days, got a month of detention, and was transferred to another class. But Mrs. Kim didn’t let you and Renjun off the hook easily. 
You talked to her separately about how this all started, from the rumors about you and Renjun to the day Yuna disrespected you in front of the whole class. And even though she managed to sort things out in a way neither of the parties involved would be uncomfortable (or have to deal with each other), the principal was adamant about how you dealt so poorly with the situation, starting by not telling her any of what happened before things went downhill. Considering you were both teachers and the situation was not entirely in your control, she just decided to give you a warning in the form of a task: tidying up the teacher’s office with Renjun for a month.
“I have a feeling they are using even more plates and cups now that we have to do the dishes,” you said drying the plate Renjun just handed to you.
“I’ve seen Jisung using three different knives today to make a simple peanut butter and jelly sandwich,” Renjun sighs looking at you defeated. “He blames his broken arm but I can see right through him.”
“I’ve seen Donghyuck using all his four mugs to drink coffee and leave them unwashed on the sink before going to his tutoring class." 
"They’re definitely doing it on purpose.”
You chuckled, finishing up the rest of the dishes that are on the counter. “You know, this is my first time in detention.”
“Yeah, I never got into detention in high school. I’ve always wanted to know what it was like.”
Renjun laughed wholeheartedly “So you’re saying this is our detention? As teachers?” you nodded and he smiled at you. “Well, I can’t say this is my first time though.”
“Ooh, so Mr. Huang Renjun was a bad boy in high school?” you joked, narrowing your eyes at him.
“I only got in trouble once, actually. Graffiti on the school’s wall." 
"No way.”
“Yeah. It was a dare. I felt so cool as if I was a Bansky of sorts,” he said and you leaned on the kitchen sink, standing a little closer to him than before.
“What did you draw?" 
"Oh, it was very cliché,” he shook his head, smiling sheepishly. “Anyways, I think we’re done, right? Do you need a ride?”
“Come on, Renjun,” you whined, pouting at him and stretching the last syllable of his name. “Tell me.”
“I don’t know, I can’t remember it was ages ago,” he tried to brush it off and walked to his desk.
“How come you can’t remember it? You just said it was cliché!”
“Y/N,” he warned, making you whine again. 
“You’re embarrassed because it was a confession, right?” you beamed with his annoyance. “Oh my god, did you confess to your high school crush through graffiti on the wall? That’s so cute!”
“And you get mad when Donghyuck jokes that you project yourself into the high schoolers." 
You looked at him unamused. "Yeah, my high school years sucked but I don’t project myself into the students. It would be a cute confession, though.”
“Well, it wasn’t a confession.” Renjun zipped his messenger bag and put it over his shoulder. “It was a factory named ‘school’ with people coming out of it and the lyrics of Another Brick in The Wall next to it." 
"Are you joking?” you asked and he shook his head. “Why are you embarrassed of that?”
“Because it’s only cool and revolutionary for a sixteen year old who had just found a Pink Floyd disk in his mother’s basement,” he shook his head fond of the memory. “Now, I know smarter and less cringey ways of criticizing and fighting against the alienating educational system we live in.”
You laughed as you followed Renjun outside. The “detention” definitely played a part in making you become closer friends, which felt great. Renjun has always been nice and polite, but he was equally reserved to people he was not close friend’s with. And you did have to acknowledge that, before getting to know him, you felt silly at how your heart would beat faster just at the sight of him in the teacher’s office. You were like a high schooler who got a crush on the cool and popular guy but barely knew him, it felt ridiculous (Donghyuck made sure to point that out a couple of times. And call you a coward too for taking too long to approach him).
But as you get to know Renjun better, you realize he is so much more than that. He is kind, gentle, and hilarious. He might not crack a lot of jokes or be goofy all the time, but he has an impeccable comedic timing, he delivers the funniest lines ever, not rarely leaving you with tears in your eyes. 
And wow he’s so intelligent. It’s unbelievably attractive how smart he is and the way he utters the words in a discussion is so elegant that you cannot not stop and listen to him. He could talk for hours and hours and you would never get tired of it because that’s just how compelling he is.
I mean, you like him a little (too much).
That’s exactly why on the last day of your detention, you find yourself in Renjun’s car heading to a restaurant: because you can’t say no to him. “It’s to celebrate that our detention is over,” he said, but you felt that there was something different going on. Or were you reading too much into this?
“I was surprised that other day,” he said, looking at the road ahead.
“By what?" 
"You,” he smiled and you turned your head to him. “I was talking about that painting the other day and you immediately guessed Monet.” 
“To be fair you mentioned Impressionism.”
“Well, I didn’t expect you of all people to know painters’ names.”
“I only know the famous ones,” you scratched your head sheepishly, smiling at him. “And why the surprise? Can’t a math teacher enjoy visual arts too?"  
"It doesn’t really match with the stereotype, honestly,” he said playfully, making you punch his shoulder lightly. “Hyuck didn’t know who that was.”
“Hyuck is more of a music type of guy, though,” Renjun hummed in agreement, stealing a glance at you. When the car stopped at a red light, he turned to you. 
“I’ve been meaning to ask you something,” you turned your head to him again, signaling you were paying attention. “Was it you?”
“The notes on my desk, was it you?” you stopped breathing for a couple of seconds as the question caught you off guard. Why was he asking about that? Everyone had forgotten about that thing ages ago, why now?
“Why are you bringing this up? It was months ago,” you laughed awkwardly, looking nervously at the traffic light that didn’t seem to be turning green anytime soon.
“Because I never got to know who sent them.” He leaned his body into the console, while you moved closer to the door. “Was it you or not?”
You heard cars honking behind you and Renjun went back to driving the car, not before giving you a look you couldn’t quite read. The question still hung in the air while an indie song played softs on his radio. You didn’t dare to speak a single word anymore. 
“You know, I think the Dalí one was my favorite, but I wouldn’t have written it that way,” he glanced at you, who was suspiciously interested in the road ahead of you and refused to look to your left. 
“What would you have written?”
“Wouldn’t you like to know?” he teased, parking the car in front of the restaurant. 
You both entered the restaurant and Renjun started a conversation about how that became his favorite restaurant in town, seeming to forget all about the question and how you left it unanswered. If it were for you, it would remain like that for the rest of your life. However, after drinking a glass or two of wine and a very exhausting week of work, you can’t expect much from your brain, can you?
As Renjun pays the meal (after you almost got physical for wanting to pay the bill, arguing that he spent with gas already), you take one of the paper napkins on the table and use the pen you keep in your bag to write him something. As he came back to the table to lead you outside, you stretched your arm, handing him the note and walking right out of the restaurant as fast as you could.
“if i were an artist you’d me my muse, jun”
You reached Renjun’s car and leaned on the parked vehicle, wondering if only two glasses of wine were enough to leave you so drunk to the point of becoming this reckless. Can you blame the alcohol tomorrow? Renjun didn’t drink and he knew you weren’t drunk either,maybe just tipsy. You should have just ordered something else, just like he did, but nooo, it was Friday and it was a tough week, you deserved a little alcohol! Now, you had to spend twenty awkward minutes with Renjun, who now had probably connected the dots and knew you had a stupid crush on him. 
Okay, maybe it was time for a confession, but should you have done it through a note? Again? Like a stupid school girl?
You started to wonder if you should get an uber, because Renjun didn’t seem to be coming to his car. He was taking a little while. Maybe he was watching you from the restaurant’s window, hoping that you would go away and he wouldn’t have to drive you back to your apartment. 
Your mental rant stops when he suddenly leaned on his car, but stood very, very close to you. Your shoulders touched and you could smell his expensive perfume, making your heart beat even faster than it was before. He didn’t say anything, just kept smiling as he handed you a folded napkin, just like the one you gave him minutes ago. He motioned his head towards it for you to open the note. 
Are you Dalí’s painting? Because what I feel for you is surreal.
“I’m not as good as you, but-" 
You kissed him.
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"I think we make a pretty neat couple, don’t we?” you asked, linking your arms with Renjun’s. “I love colorful clothes, you’re into earthy tones. I teach math, you teach art. I hate spicy food, you love it. We’re living proof that opposites attract.”
“Oh, no, I can’t believe you’re saying we’re a cliché couple." 
"What’s so wrong with cliché?” you pout and Renjun fights the urge to kiss you in the middle of the art gallery. “Cliché is good.”
“Cliché is overdone and predictable. How can it be good?”
“If it has been done a lot, it means it works.Isn’t it good?” You smiled, sneakingly giving him a quick peck on his cheek. “And you’re the one to talk about originality. An art teacher inviting his partner to an art gallery date? Really?”
“Oh,shut up! You were the one who brought up this exhibition,” he clicked his tongue, making you laugh. 
“Just admit you want to dump random art facts at me so you can sound all smart and leave me hot and bothered,” you said jokingly, hoping Renjun won’t think much of the fact that you actually really get all hot and bothered when he is all focused and critical.
“Damn, you got me all figured out,” he huffed, faking annoyance and you smiled so prettily that he couldn’t resist kissing your lips.
On the next Monday, you both find out that one of your students was at the same exhibition and took a picture at the exact moment Renjun stole a kiss. When someone suggested in the comments that it could be you and Renjunon the background, thanks to his two-toned hair, it became chaos. Needless to say, you became the talk of the school. Again. And the most shipped couple in the school among students (a title that Jisung is fighting to revoke). What can you say, the opposites attract trope is really popular.
207 notes · View notes
cinemapremi · 11 months
Monalisa Stuns in a Black Saree: A Heavenly Beauty
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Monalisa, the Bhojpuri sensation and TV star, is setting the internet on fire yet again. Her recent pictures are turning heads and raising the temperature. From her ethereal black saree look to her captivating avatar as a Nagin, Monalisa has the audience under her spell. Her social media posts consistently deliver visual treats, and these images are no exception. In these images shared on her official Instagram account, Monalisa graces a black saree, exuding sheer elegance and sensuality. Fans have been swooning over this avatar, and it's no surprise why. Monalisa's internet-breaking appearance has made her the talk of the town. These pictures have taken the internet by storm, leaving everyone in awe of her beauty and grace. Her desi saree look is being hailed as the best, surpassing even Bollywood and TV actresses. https://www.instagram.com/p/CzXupMFydcJ/?utm_source=ig_web_copy_link&igshid=MzRlODBiNWFlZA== Known for her remarkable appearances in various TV shows, including 'Nazar' and 'Bekaboo,' Monalisa continues to be a crowd-pleaser. Her active presence on social media, where she regularly shares pictures and videos, has earned her the title of the "Internet Queen." https://www.instagram.com/reel/CzX-VrmowIA/?utm_source=ig_web_copy_link&igshid=MzRlODBiNWFlZA== Monalisa rose to fame with her stint on the reality show 'Bigg Boss,' hosted by Salman Khan. Her participation in the show catapulted her popularity, and she has since remained a beloved figure in the entertainment industry. Monalisa's captivating beauty and style are evident in these pictures, leaving no doubt that she is indeed a force to be reckoned with in the world of entertainment. Bold Title: Monalisa Stuns in a Black Saree: A Heavenly Beauty Who is Monalisa, and why is she famous? Monalisa is a renowned Bhojpuri actress and TV personality. She gained fame with her appearance on 'Bigg Boss' and continues to be a prominent figure in the entertainment industry. What is Monalisa's latest viral look? Monalisa recently took the internet by storm with her stunning black saree look, which has been widely praised. In which TV shows has Monalisa appeared? Monalisa has made notable appearances in TV shows like 'Nazar' and 'Bekaboo,' where she showcased her acting prowess. Why is Monalisa called the "Internet Queen"? Monalisa's active presence on social media and her engaging posts have earned her the title of the "Internet Queen" as she consistently captivates her fans. What role did Monalisa play in 'Bigg Boss'? Monalisa participated in 'Bigg Boss' and became a fan favorite, increasing her popularity in the entertainment world. Also checkout: Read the full article
0 notes
bollywood143114 · 1 year
Akshara Singh Makes Manolisa's Husband Her 'Janu', Then Beats Him Publicly, Watch Video
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Akshara Singh and Vikrant Singh Rajput video goes viral: Akshara Singh, the fashion queen of the Bhojpuri film industry, is in the news everywhere these days. In such a situation, on one hand Akshara is busy with the shoot of her upcoming film, on the other hand she is impressing her fans by uploading new pictures and videos with her 'Jaanu' on social media every day. Akshara Singh's new beau is none other than Bhojpuri film industry powerhouse Monalisa's husband Vikrant Singh Rajput, with whom Akshara has been sharing new romantic, funny and shocking videos every day. Akshara Singh publicly beat her 'Janu' This new video of Akshara Singh is going viral on social media. This video was shared by Akshara Singh herself from her official Instagram account. In the video you can see how Akshara Singh and Vikrant Singh Rajput are first seen sitting on the stairs. After this, Akshara tells her beloved that she enjoys fighting with her. After hearing this Vikrant replies to Tapok – But he doesn't enjoy at all… Hearing this Akshara gets angry and she beats up Janu. Also read- Yeh Rishta Kya Kehlata Hai 17 May Episode: Abhi did a small job to get her son, proving Akshara a bad mother in court This video of Akshara Singh and Vikrant Singh Rajput is going viral on social media. This video is flooded with people's comments. At this time, everyone is liking the pair of Akshara and Vikrant. A user wrote in the comment section – You both are married, but what about Mona Lisa? In the comment section of this video, everyone called Akshara and Vikrant the perfect couple. Akshara Singh and Vikrant Singh Rajput are currently busy with their upcoming film Jaanu I Love You. Apart from the shooting of the film, both are actively promoting on social media. That's why Akshara Singh is seen with her boyfriend in every video and picture these days. Not only that, he doesn't forget to shower his love in public. That's why fans are excited about this film. However, no release date has been announced yet. DISCLAIMER Thanks For Visit Our Site www.bollywoodofindia.com . We’ve taken all measures to insure that the information handed in this composition and on our social media platform is believable, vindicated and sourced from other Big media Houses. For any feedback or complaint, reach out to us at [email protected] Read the full article
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alquin2u · 1 year
How to piss haters off, and here they come, 3, 2, 1 go! ROTFLMAO 🤣
Via @#lightnlense Instagram Account
I saw @timtadder and @hersh.dhillon play with this concept of the Mona Lisa and wanted to put my own spin on it by animating it with different ethnicities. Which painting should I switch up next?
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latestupdates2022 · 2 years
A disappointed Monalisa Stephen reacts to senior colleague, Olaiya Igwe’s unclad video
A disappointed Monalisa Stephen reacts to senior colleague, Olaiya Igwe’s unclad video
A disappointed Monalisa Stephen reacts to senior colleague, Olaiya Igwe’s unclad video Actress Monalisa Stephen has reacted to a video of veteran actor Olaiya Igwe, unclad at a beach while praying for the victory of presidential candidate of All Progressive Congress (APC) Bola Tinubu. The video which was shared on Olaiya’s Instagram account, captured the naked actor whose butt was put on display…
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vilaspatelvlogs · 4 years
मल्टीकलर स्विमसूट में दिखा Monalisa का कातिलाना अंदाज, Bhojpuri Actress की अदाएं देख फिदा हुए फैंस
मल्टीकलर स्विमसूट में दिखा Monalisa का कातिलाना अंदाज, Bhojpuri Actress की अदाएं देख फिदा हुए फैंस
Monalisa मोनालिसा (Monalisa) एक बार फिर कातिलाना अंदाज में नजर आ रही हैं. मोनालिसा (Monalisa Instagram Account) ने अपने इंस्टाग्राम अकाउंट पर एक वीडियो शेयर किया जिसमें वो मल्टीकलर स्विमसूट पहनी नजर आ रही हैं. मोनालिसा (Monalisa Video) का यह वीडियो तेजी से वायरल हो रहा है.  फाइल फोटो Source link
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cjnationmedia · 3 years
Actress Monalisa Chinda Visits Ailing Mr. Ibu At The Hospital [Video]
Actress Monalisa Chinda Visits Ailing Mr. Ibu At The Hospital [Video]
Nollywood comic actor, John Ikechukwu Okafor aka Mr Ibu has received colleague, Monalisa Chinda at the hospital. Recall that the actor had today revealed that he’s currently being admitted at a kidney center in Abuja. The actor however revealed that his condition is not critical. He said reports that he is in critical condition and not walking are false. He added also that his Instagram account…
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sareideas · 3 years
Monalisa made the day of fans in a deep neck top, gave more than one pose, you too will be intoxicated!
Monalisa made the day of fans in a deep neck top, gave more than one pose, you too will be intoxicated!
Bhojpuri’s hot and bold actress Monalisa is very active on social media and keeps sharing posts related to herself on Instagram. Often she is also in the headlines for her posts. In such a situation, she has now shared some pictures on her Insta account, in which the actress is showing bold looks in deep neck top and everyone will go crazy after seeing her captivating looks. . Source link
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bunaboy · 3 years
I Dress For Myself Not For You — Plus-Sized Actress, Monalisa Stephen
I Dress For Myself Not For You — Plus-Sized Actress, Monalisa Stephen
Setting the record straight via her Instagram account, Monalisa Stephen stated that she does not to look good for fans or people but she dresses to please herself. According to the voluptuous socialite, a lady does not have to show skin to preach body positivity as she cited herself claiming that whenever she shows her skin by wearing a bikini or crop to, she does not wear it for the purposes of…
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bollywood143114 · 1 year
Who made Akshara Singh Saiya yesterday, today made him Bhai... Fainted after hearing 'Swami', watch video
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Akshara Singh's Marriage: Akshara Singh is called the fashion queen of Bhojpuri film industry. Akshara dominates the news corridors every day. Sometimes because of her movies, sometimes because of her album songs and sometimes because of her Instagram posts, the actress' name is in the news corridors every day. Recently, a new video of Akshara Singh is creating a lot of buzz on social media. In this video you can see what yesterday the actress called her husband, today she openly calls him brother. Vikrant Singh Rajput himself faints as soon as Akshara hears the word bhaiya for himself. What's the whole thing, let's get into the details… Also read- The hip surgery ruined the entire look of the actress, people taunted her after seeing the transformation Akshara Singh's new video has gone viral In fact, Akshara Singh is very active on social media these days. He shares his daily, every work with fans through social media. Recently, Akshara Singh posted a picture on her social media account, where she can be seen with Monalisa's husband Vikrant Singh Rajput. At that time both Vikrant and Vikrant were wearing garlands and Akshara also wanted vermilion. As soon as Akshara shared this picture, the comments section started pouring in congratulations. At this time, many speculated in their own style that Akshara and Vikrant got married. But please inform, this marriage is not offscreen but onscreen. Actually Akshara Singh and Vikrant Singh Rajput will soon be seen together in a film. The picture is from the shooting of that film. Yesterday's brother has become today's brother At the same time, Akshara shared another new video, in which she can be seen making out with her brother-in-law today. This video of Akshara Singh and Vikrant Singh Rajput is very funny. People are smiling and laughing at the fun acting both of them are doing in this video. However, at the end of the video, Akshara Singh herself is seen laughing at her anger. We tell you that Akshara shared this video few hours ago and within few hours this funny reel video has crossed 50,000 views mark. DISCLAIMER Thanks For Visit Our Site www.bollywoodofindia.com . We’ve taken all measures to insure that the information handed in this composition and on our social media platform is believable, vindicated and sourced from other Big media Houses. For any feedback or complaint, reach out to us at [email protected] Read the full article
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wallpaperpaintings · 4 years
20 Outrageous Ideas For Your Leonardo Da Vinci Most Famous Painting | Leonardo Da Vinci Most Famous Painting
POLDARK hunk Aidan Turner looks unrecognisable as he transforms on the set of his Leonardo Da Vinci drama.
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220 best images about Monalisa Art on Pinterest – leonardo da vinci most famous painting | leonardo da vinci most famous painting
The 37-year-old amateur will comedy the acclaimed Italian Renaissance artisan in the new series, and was pictured aback on set filming the appearance in Viterbo, Italy.
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Wien, 9 | leonardo da vinci most famous painting
Aidan has let his aphotic bristles abound continued for the role and sported a big bristling atramentous bristles as he wore his aeon costume.
In amid takes, the aggregation and account were apparent cutting surgical masks as allotment of post-lockdown regulations to ure everyone’s bloom and safety.
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20 Most Famous Leonardo Da Vinci Paintings and Drawings | Quadro .. | leonardo da vinci most famous painting
Leonardo will acknowledge the abstruseness of one of the best alluring characters in history, a man whose ability and ignment are accepted globally and yet whose accurate appearance charcoal an adorable secret.
A brain-teaser video ahead showed Aidan as a adolescent amateur who would afterwards go on to actualize the apple acclaimed works, Mona Lisa and The Aftermost Supper.
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US $20.20 20% OFF|sell art online Bacchus circa by Leonardo Da Vinci most famous paintings High quality Hand painted|painting knife|painting .. | leonardo da vinci most famous painting
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Famous Artwork: Leonardo da Vinci Paintings – leonardo da vinci most famous painting | leonardo da vinci most famous painting
In one
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5 Mysteries of Leonardo da Vinci’s Famous Paintings – leonardo da vinci most famous painting | leonardo da vinci most famous painting
20 Outrageous Ideas For Your Leonardo Da Vinci Most Famous Painting | Leonardo Da Vinci Most Famous Painting – leonardo da vinci most famous painting | Allowed for you to our blog, with this period I am going to teach you in relation to keyword. And after this, here is the first impression:
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20 MOST FAMOUS PAINTINGS BY LEONARDO DA VINCI -.. | leonardo da vinci most famous painting
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The Most Influential Painters Of All Times! – WeTellYouHow – leonardo da vinci most famous painting | leonardo da vinci most famous painting
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Leonardo da Vinci – Mustafa M. – Mr | leonardo da vinci most famous painting
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Smaller and smaller – Maurits Cornelis Escher (1898 – 1972) – leonardo da vinci most famous painting | leonardo da vinci most famous painting
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Top 20 Most Famous Paintings in the World – leonardo da vinci most famous painting | leonardo da vinci most famous painting
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Louvre museum: Leonardo Da Vinci celebrated in new exhibit – leonardo da vinci most famous painting | leonardo da vinci most famous painting
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Leonardo Da Vinci – The Complete Works – leonardoda-vinci | leonardo da vinci most famous painting
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Most Famous Paintings – leonardo da vinci – leonardo da vinci most famous painting | leonardo da vinci most famous painting
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Paris, France, October 20, 20: Louvre Museum, world’s most known .. | leonardo da vinci most famous painting
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30 Most Famous Paintings by Leonardo da Vinci – Fine Art .. | leonardo da vinci most famous painting
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A Definitive Guide to Leonardo da Vinci’s Paintings and .. | leonardo da vinci most famous painting
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Tallenge Mona Lisa by Leonardo Da Vinci-“20 Most Famous Paintings .. | leonardo da vinci most famous painting
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20 Things We Learned From Famous Artworks – artnet News – leonardo da vinci most famous painting | leonardo da vinci most famous painting
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impactng · 5 years
Monalisa turns 45, celebrate her birthday via Social media
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Nollywood actress, Monalisa Chinda, turns 45 today and has taken to social media to celebrate with stunning photos of herself. Chinda who is one of the Nollywood divas started her acting career in 1996, and ever since, she has managed to build her career and create a successful brand name for herself. The beautiful mother of one took to her Instagram account to mark her birthday with her fans as well as share cute picture of herself. She captioned it: "Hey! It's my birthday and I'm gonna have fun and glorify His name." There is no doubt that at 45 she looks stunning and under 30. Read the full article
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bellus-spiritus · 5 years
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@AmoakoBoafo chosen by #Gucci as the only contemporary artist for @GucciBeauty Devoted to its vision of the world of beauty—guided by creative director @Alessandro_Michele @Gucci launches @guccibeauty w a series of artworks that traverse history as well as gender, culture & geography. Grouped together with such illustrious artists like #Raphael #vanGogh #AmoakoBoafo for “Men in Art Portraiture” - Men shown in a range of identities & aesthetics—feature in a selection of portraits from art across centuries on the #GucciBeauty Instagram account & on Gucci.com The subjects are captured through the artist’s perspective as well as the sitter’s in a selection of paintings fr different eras, places & cultures, present in galleries around the world including the #MoMA & the #Louvre, as well as private collections. Brushstrokes, poses & colour reveal a deeper story about the characters & charm of each man. A Kabuki actor masquerades as a samurai, a formal image of composer Franz Schubert is cast as a brooding young man & a portrait of Tamati Waka Nene, a Maori chief who fought as a British ally, is made even more distinct by his traditional tā moko facial tattoos. A crystalline image of the 16th-century Emperor Muhammad Akbar is meticulously poised, while British painter William Rothenstein self-portrait is incisive & pensive. #VincentvanGogh chose to depict the blue-collar workers around him w his portraits of the Roulin family fr 1888. The postman Joseph Roulin is at once stiff & serious, gazing on respectably, while also exploding into a riot of Post-Impressionist color & pattern. His beard is like a series of cascading fireworks. The act of depiction can also be an act of rebellion. By representing different bodies & fashions, the artists here break down our standard definitions of #beauty & #gender. There’s always something left to be revealed, just like the expression of Antonello da Messina’s portrait of a young man fr 1470. His twist of a smile precedes the #MonaLisa’s, but it’s just as luminous & charming. We feel we know him, even half a millennium later. @KChayka #wedeyin #AlessandroMichele #arthistory #artadvisory #joakimvonditmar @desti.knee (at Gucci) https://www.instagram.com/p/BywW8DBl_JM/?igshid=29titwhkpcus
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citynews360 · 4 years
A stunning black crop top and shorts, that’s how bombshell Monalisa is beating the summer heat!
New Delhi: Monalisa, who dominated the Bhojpuri film business earlier than taking her large leap into tv with ‘Nazar’ is a social media queen. She a large 3.Three million fan base on Instagram alone and frequently updates her account with recent posts.  In her current submit, Monalisa will be seen chilling on the mattress sporting […]
The post A stunning black crop top and shorts, that’s how bombshell Monalisa is beating the summer heat! appeared first on CityNews360.
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mehanstarknews · 4 years
A stunning black crop top and shorts, that's how bombshell Monalisa is beating the summer heat!
A stunning black crop top and shorts, that’s how bombshell Monalisa is beating the summer heat!
New Delhi: Monalisa, who ruled the Bhojpuri movie industry before taking her big leap into television with ‘Nazar’ is a social media queen. She a massive 3.3 million fan base on Instagram alone and regularly updates her account with fresh posts. 
In her recent post, Monalisa can be seen chilling on the bed wearing a stylish black crop top and a light military green shorts. Check it out here:
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supremebosslife · 5 years
Watch the embarrassing video Monalisa Stephen posted online that got people talking
Monalisa Stephen is not new to the entertainment industry, the extra curvy lady who says she is an influencer has been more or less representing a sex figure online and this has got many people talking.
If Instagram should regulate the usage of their platform they should tag Monalisa Stephen’s account ‘Parental Advisory” because she posts contents that corrupt the mind.
Video: God sent me…
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