#mohammed abdul majid
catdotjpeg · 11 months
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On 26 October, the Palestinian Ministry of Health released the list of names of Palestinians killed since 7 October. Among them, from the Abu Shammala family, are:
Basimah Abdul Rahim Mahmoud (51);
Hana Abdul Qadir Mohammed (50);
Jawad Hassan Ali (49);
Bassel Hassan Kamil (49);
Fatima Fawzi Abd (39) and her children Tasneem Ibrahim Saeed (15), Mahmoud Ibrahim Saeed (13), and Yasmine Ibrahim Saeed (8); 
Samir Hussein Akl (63);
Samir's son Ayman Samir Hussein (40) and his children Yamin Ayman Samir (12) and Abdel Rahman Ayman Samir (7);
Samir's son Isma'il Samir Hussein (37), his wife, and most of their children, including Zeina Isma'il Samir (4);
Samir's son Ahmed Samir Hussein (31), his wife, and most of their children, including Amir Ahmed Samir (8), Youssef Ahmed Samir (6), and Lara Ahmed Samir (3);
and Samir's son Ibrahim Samir Hussein (26), who was a lawyer; along with his wife and most of their children;
Haifa Saeed Ahmed (37);
Walaa Talal Hussein (31);
Heba Nabil Abdel Rahman (29);
Tasneem Bassam Abdullah (28);
Naderin Bashir Mohammed (28);
Sharifa Ghaleb Mohammed (26);
Mahmoud Khaled Abdel Rahman (23);
Bayan Munir Abdel Rahman (17);
Maha Iyad Ahmed (16);
Shahd Majid Ismail (14) and her sister Dalal Majid Ismail (3);
Karim Mohammed Samir (9), who told his cousins and aunts that he wanted to have a party with everyone for his 9th birthday; 
Sham Ayman Ismail (8), who was named after the Levant, and her brother Adam Ayman Ismail (4);
Hadi Rami Salah Al-Din Ismail (5) and his sister Aisha Salah Al-Din Ismail (3);
Suhad Hani Iyad (4);
Nayef Mahmoud Hussein (78) and his children Zuhair Nayef Mahmoud (51), Dawlat Nayef Mahmoud (50), Aisha Nayef Mahmoud (48), Muhammad Nayef Mahmoud (40), and Umaima Nayef Mahmoud (30);
Nayef's son Mahmoud Nayef Mahmoud (33) and his children Musab Mahmoud Nayef (3) and Marah Mahmoud Nayef (1);
and Nayef's son Hassan Nayef Mahmoud (38) and his children Isma'il Hassan Nayef (2), Salma Hassan Nayef (4), and Muhammad Hassan Nayef (6);
Beirut Mohammed Iyad, who was named Beirut because she was born the same day as the tragic 2020 explosion in Lebanon (3);
'Abla Ibrahim Saleh (66) and her brother Imtiyaz Ibrahim Saleh (53);
and 'Abla's brother Taysir Ibrahim Saleh (57) and his children Hana Taysir Ibrahim (23), Islam Taysir Ibrahim (30), Ahd Taysir Ibrahim (15), and Raghad Taysir Ibrahim (13);
Muhammad Khalil Ibrahim (26);
Qasim Ayman Ibrahim (25);
Hadil Ibrahim Bahjat (28);
Nur Asim Nabil (2) and their brother Nabil Asim Nabil (4);
Isma'il Abdel Rahman Aqilan (42);
Aziza Abdel Fattah Ahmed (63);
Lama Abdullah Nayef (11) and her sister Hind Abdullah Nayef (14);
Nayef Ibrahim Nayef (12);
Mona Ahmed Musa (36);
Maryam Muhammad Taysir (3) and her sibling Dana Muhammad Taysir (1);
Mahmud Marwan Abdel Rahman (23) and his siblings Ayah Marwan Abdel Rahman (19), Muhammad Marwan Abdel Rahman (16) and Shahid Marwan Abdel Rahman (9);
Raghad Asaad Abdel Rahman (21) and her siblings Maram Asaad Abdel Rahman (26) and Husayn Asaad Abdel Rahman (17);
Nada Abdullah Jabr (91);
Najat Abdel Rahman Hussein (50);
Aisha Mahmoud Hashem (37);
Suhaila Muhammad Ismail (47);
Akram Saleh Saeed (2);
and Fathia Muhammad Hussein (70).
You can read more about the human lives lost in Palestine on the Martyrs of Gaza Twitter account and on my blog.
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top 5 artists??
english lang singers: olivia rodrigo, melanie martinez, arctic monkeys, ariana grande, louis tomlinson
arabic lang singers: majid al mohandis, mehad hamad, abdul majeed abdullah, mohammed abdu, and idk hussain al jassmi
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🍃🥀🍃 History of the Cemetery Of Jannat Al-Baqi 🍃🥀🍃
Where Imam Hasan Ibn Ali (2nd Imam), Imam Ali Ibn Al-Husayn (4th imam), Imam Muhammad Ibn Ali (5th imam), & Imam Ja'far Ibn Muhammad (6th imam), peace be upon them, are buried
On 8th Shawwal, Wednesday, in the year 1345 AH (April 21, 1925), mausoleums in Jannatul Al-Baqi (Madina) were demolished by King Ibn Saud.
In the same year (1925), he also demolished the tombs of holy personages at Jannat al-Mualla (Makkah) where the Holy Prophet (s)'s mother, wife, grandfather and other ancestors are buried.
Destruction of sacred sites in Hijaz by the Saudi Wahhabis continues even today. According to some scholars what is happening in Hijaz is actually a conspiracy plotted by the Jews against Islam, under the guise of Tawheed. The idea is to eradicate the Islamic legacy and heritage and to systematically remove all its vestiges so that in the days to come, Muslims will have no affiliation with their religious history.
The Origins of Al-Baqi
Literally “Al-Baqi” means a tree garden. It is also known as “Jannat Al-Baqi” due to its sanctity, since in it are buried many of our Prophet's relatives and companions.
The first companion buried in Al-Baqi was Uthman Ibn Madhoon who died on the 3rd of Sha'ban in the 3rd year of Hijrah. The Prophet (s) ordered certain trees to be felled, and in its midst, he buried his dear companion, placing two stones over the grave.
On the following years, the Prophet's son Ibrahim, who died in infancy and over whom the Prophet (s) wept bitterly, was also buried there. The people of Madina then began to use that site for the burial of their own dead, because the Prophet (s) used to greet those who were buried in Al-Baqi by saying, “Peace be upon you, O abode of the faithful! God willing, we should soon join you. O' Allah, forgive the fellows of al-Baqi”.
The site of the burial ground at al-Baqi was gradually extended. Nearly seven thousand companions of the Holy Prophet (s) were buried there, not to mention those of the Ahlul Bayt (a). Imam Hasan Ibn Ali (a), Imam Ali Ibn Al-Husayn (a), Imam Muhammad Al-Baqir (a), and Imam Ja'far Al-Sadiq (a) were all buried there.
Among other relatives of the Prophet (s) who were buried at al-Baqi are: his aunts Safiya and Aatika, and his aunt Fatima Bint Al-Asad, the mother of Imam Ali (a). The third caliph Uthman was buried outside al-Baqi, but with later extensions, his grave was included in the area. In later years, great Muslim scholars like Malik Ibn Anas and many others, were buried there too. Thus, did al-Baqi become a well-known place of great historic significance to all Muslims.
Al-Baqi as viewed by historians
Umar Ibn Jubair describes Al-Baqi as he saw it during his travel to Madina, saying “Al-Baqi is situated to the east of Madina. You enter it through the gate known as the gate of al-Baqi. As you enter, the first grave you see on your left is that of Safiya, the Prophet's aunt, and further still is the grave of Malik bin Anas, the Imam of Madina. On his grave is raised a small dome.
In front of it is the grave of Ibrahim son of our Prophet (s) with a white dome over it, and next to it on the right is the grave of Abdul-Rahman son of Umar bin Al-Khattab, popularly known as Abu Shahma, whose father had kept punishing him till death overtook him. Facing it are the graves of Aqeel bin Abi Talib and Abdullah bin Ja'far Al-Tayyar. There, facing those graves is a small shrine containing the graves of the Prophet's wives, following by a shrine of Abbas bin Abdul Muttalib.
The grave of Hasan bin Ali (a), situated near the gate to it's right hand, has an elevated dome over it. His head lies at the feet of Abbas bin Abdul Muttalib, and both graves are raised high above the ground, their walls are paneled with yellow plates and studded with beautiful star-shaped nails. This is how the grave of Ibrahim, son of the Prophet (s) has also been adorned. Behind the shrine of Abbas there is the house attributed to Fatima, daughter of our Prophet (s), known as “Bayt Al-Ahzaan” (the house of grief) because it is the house she used to frequent in order to mourn the death of her father, the chosen one, peace be upon him. At the farthest end of al-Baqi is the grave of the caliph Uthman, with a small dome over it, and there, next to it, is the grave of Fatima bint Asad, mother of Ali b. Abi Talib (a)”
After a century and a half, the famous traveller Ibn Batuta came to describe al-Baqi in a way which does not in any way differ from the description given by Ibn Jubair. He adds saying, “At al-Baqi are the graves of numerous Muhajirin and Ansar and many companions of the Prophet (s), except that most of their names are unknown.”
Thus, over the centuries, al-Baqi remained a sacred site with renovations being carried out as and when needed till the Wahhabis rose to power in the early nineteenth century. The latter desecrated the tombs and demonstrated disrespect to the martyrs and the companions of the Prophet (s) buried there. Muslims who disagreed with them were branded as “infidels” and were subsequently killed.
The First Destruction of Al-Baqi
The Wahhabis believed that visiting the graves and the shrines of the Prophets, the Imams, or the saints was a form of idolatry and totally un-Islamic. Those who did not conform with their belief were killed and their property was confiscated. Since their first invasion of Iraq, and till nowadays, in fact, the Wahhabis, as well as other rulers of the Gulf States, having been carrying out massacres from which no Muslim who disagreed with them was spared. Obviously, the rest of the Islamic World viewed those graves with deep reverence. Had it not been so, the two caliphs Abu Bakr and Umar would not have expressed their desire for burial near the grave of the Prophet (s).
From 1205 AH to 1217 AH, the Wahhabis made several attempts to gain a foothold in Hijaz but failed. Finally, in 1217 AH, they somehow emerged victorious in Taif where they spilled the innocent blood of Muslims. In 1218 AH, they entered Makkah and destroyed all sacred places and domes there, including the one which served as a canopy over the well of Zamzam.
In 1221, the Wahhabis entered Madina to desecrate al-Baqi as well as every mosque they came across. An attempt was even made to demolish the Prophet's tomb, but for one reason or another, the idea was abandoned. In subsequent years, Muslims from Iraq, Syria, and Egypt were refused entry into Makkah for Hajj. King Al-Saud set a precondition that those who wished to perform the pilgrimage would have to accept Wahhabism or else be branded as non-Muslims, becoming ineligible for entry into the Haram.
Al-Baqi was razed to the ground, with no sign of any grave or tomb whatsoever. But the Saudis were still not quite satisfied with doing all of that. Their king ordered three black attendants at the Prophet's shrine to show him where the treasure of valuable gifts were stored. The Wahhabis plundered the treasure for their own use.
Thousands of Muslims fled Makkah and Madina in a bid to save their lives and escape from the mounting pressure and persecution at the hands of the Wahhabis. Muslims from all over the world denounced this Saudi savagery and exhorted the Caliphate of the Ottoman Empire to save the sacred shrines from total destruction.
Then, as it is known, Muhammad Ali Basha attacked Hijaz and, with the support of local tribes, managed to restore law and order in Madina and Makkah, dislodging the Al-Saud clansmen. The entire Muslim world celebrated this victory with great fanfare and rejoicing. In Cairo, the celebrations continued for five days. No doubt, the joy was due to the fact that pilgrims were once more allowed freely to go for Hajj, and the sacred shrines were once again restored.
In 1818 AD, the Ottaman Caliph Abdul Majid and his successors, Caliphs Abdul Hamid and Mohammed, carried out the reconstruction of all sacred places, restoring the Islamic heritage at all important sites. In 1848 and 1860 AD, further renovations were made at the expense of nearly seven hundred thousand pounds, most of which came from the donations collected at the Prophet's tomb.
The second plunder by the Wahhabis
The Ottoman Empire had added to the splendor of Madina and Makkah by building religious structures of great beauty and architectural value. Richard Burton, who visited the holy shrines in 1853 AD disguised as an Afghan Muslim and adopting the Muslim name Abdullah, speaks of Madina boasting 55 mosques and holy shrines. Another English adventurer who visited Madina in 1877-1878 AD describes it as a small beautiful city resembling Istanbul. He writes about its white walls, golden slender minarets and green fields.
1924 AD Wahhabis entered Hijaz for a second time and carried out another merciless plunder and massacre. People in streets were killed. Houses were razed to the ground. Women and children too were not spared.
Awn bin Hashim (Shairf of Makkah) writes: “Before me, a valley appeared to have been paved with corpses, dried blood staining everywhere all around. There was hardly a tree which didn't have one or two dead bodies near its roots.”
1925 Madina surrendered to the Wahhabi onslaught. All Islamic heritage were destroyed. The only shrine that remained intact was that of the Holy Prophet (s).
Ibn Jabhan says: “We know that the tomb standing on the Prophet's grave is against our principles, and to have his grave in a mosque is an abominable sin.”
Tombs of Hamza and other martyrs were demolished at Uhud. The Prophet's mosque was bombarded. On protest by Muslims, assurances were given by Ibn Saud that it will be restored but the promise was never fulfilled. A promise was given that Hijaz will have an Islamic multinational government. This was also abandoned.
1925 AD Jannat Al-Mu'alla, the sacred cemetery at Makkah was destroyed along with the house where the Holy Prophet (s) was born. Since then, this day is a day of mourning for all Muslims.
Is it not strange that the Wahhabis find it offensive to have the tombs, shrines and other places of importance preserved, while the remains of their Saudi kings are being guarded at the expense of millions of dollars?
Protest from Indian Muslims
1926, protest gatherings were held by shocked Muslims all over the world. Resolutions were passed and a statement outlining the crimes perpetrated by Wahhabis was issued and included the following:
1. The destruction and desecration of the holy places i.e. the birth place of the Holy Prophet [s], the graves of Banu Hashim in Makkah and in Jannat al-Baqi (Madinah), the refusal of the Wahhabis to allow Muslims to recite Ziyarah or Surah Al-Fatiha at those graves.
2. The destruction of the places of worship i.e. Masjid Hamza, Masjid Abu Rasheed, in addition to the tombs of Imams and Sahaba (Prophet's companions).
3. Interference in the performance of Hajj rituals.
4. Forcing the Muslims to follow the Wahhabis innovations and to abandon their own ways according to the guidance of the Imams they follow.
5. The massacre of Sayyids in Taif, Madina, Ahsa, and Qatif.
6. The demolition of the grave of the Imams at al-Baqi which deeply offended and grieved all Shias.
Protest from other countries
Similar protests were lodged by Muslims in Iran, Iraq, Egypt, Indonesia, and Turkey. All of them condemn the Saudi Wahhabis for their barbaric acts. Some scholars wrote tracts and books to tell the world the fact that what was happening in Hijaz was actually a conspiracy plotted by the Jews against Islam, under the guise of Tawheed. The idea was to eradicate the Islamic legacy and heritage and to systematically remove all its vestiges so that in the days to come, Muslims will have no affiliation with their religious history.
A partial list of the demolished graves and shrines
• Al-Mualla graveyard in Makkah which includes the grave of Sayyida Khadija bint Khuwailid (a), wife of the Prophet (s), the grave of Amina bint Wahab, mother of the Prophet (s), the grave of Abu Talib, father of Imam Ali (a), and the grave of Abdul Muttalib, grandfather of the Prophet (s)
• The grave of Hawa (Eve) in Jeddah
• The grave of the father of the Prophet (s) in Madina
• The house of sorrows (Bayt Al-Ahzan) of Sayyida Fatima (a) in Madina
• The Salman al-Farsi mosque in Madina
• The Raj'at ash-Shams mosque in Madina
• The house of the Prophet (s) in Madina, where he lived after migrating from Makkah
• The house of Imam Ja'far Al-Sadiq (a) in Madina
• The complex (mahhalla) of Banu Hashim in Madina
• The house of Imam Ali (a) where Imam Hasan (a) and Imam Husayn (a) were born
• The house of Hamza and the graves of the martyrs of Uhud (a)
🍃🥀🍃 al-Islam.org 🍃🥀🍃
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goldpeninsula · 5 years
Perak Heritage Society committee member Mohd Taib Mohamed said there was no sense of belonging among the locals as they did not appreciate the World Heritage status recognised by Unesco (United Nations Educational, Scientific and Cultural Organisation) for Lenggong Valley. “We can lock down the caves to safeguard them or have money to develop this but there’s no pride and ownership among the locals. “They are like ‘I don’t own it – who cares about what happens to the sites and the recognition’,” he said here yesterday. “It is one thing to put the blame on the lack of allocation but to remain sustainable, there needs to be more awareness and understanding among the folks there. “I wonder now how much engagement was done before and after the recognition was given by Unesco.” It was reported in The Star that the archaeological sites in Lenggong Valley could be in danger of losing its Unesco World Heritage status as they were not properly maintained and in woeful condition. Mohd Taib said he understood that it was a huge task to manage the place as the sites were scattered within the valley but the lack of leadership or vision to run the place was regrettable. He said instead of collecting statistics on the number of visitors to the Lenggong Archaeological Gallery, there should be more programmes to encourage researchers to find new discoveries. “It should really be about the former civilisation there. I don’t really know about the jurisdiction, whether it belongs to the Federal Government or the state. “But the government needs to act fast,” he said, urging for more engagement with the locals as well as the possibility of creating a voluntary group responsible for any issue in the area. “I do know that a new management team is needed – not just qualified people but also those dedicated and who know what they are handling. “The government needs to bring in people like former Heritage Commissioner Emeritus Prof Datin Paduka Zuraina Majid, Universiti Sains Malaysia Centre for Global Archaeological Research director and archaeologist Prof Datuk Dr Mokhtar Saidin and the original team to salvage whatever is left.” Perak Tourism Association president Datuk Mohammad Odzman Abdul Kadir said the local community did not know what to expect after gaining Unesco’s recognition. “I don’t think the locals know what is to happen or the plans for the area. If they feel they are involved, they will support and help. “But if they see outsiders coming in, making money without them, they will feel left out and no longer care,” he said. Odzman said people with passion and interest in the development should handle historical sites such as those in Lenggong Valley. “The government should consider getting people with passion to help out, including the non-governmental organisations. The relevant agencies need to collaborate with all parties who have interest in the sites. “I think they are more than willing to volunteer if they are provided with the opportunity,” he said, urging the government not to wait until it was too late. “They need to see what is still lacking and provide solutions. There should no longer be any finger pointing but to make this a collective responsibility if we do not want to see the status revoked.”
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amina-mohd · 2 years
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On The Wall
 Exhibition "Middle colors" in the Holocaust exists in the area of Seef Mall, the first to view the national platform and marketing fine arts, this exhibition special artists Bahraini.
  Participate in the exhibition of many Bahraini artists known like Abbas Musawi, Balqees Fakhro, Zahid Saeed, Lina Ayoubi, Jaffar Al Oraibi, Mehdi Algelaoa, Omar Al-Rashed, Ahmed Anan, Adnan Al-Ahmed, Mariam Ali Fakhro, Elias Rstei, Marwa Rashid.
  And also involved a group of young Bahrainis such as Mariam Abdul Karim, Zuhair Mohammed Fadel good, safe Almalod, Ghadeer Majid, Mariam Abdul-Zahra, Alaa Abdullah, Nebras Ibrahim, Noor Adel, Raghad Yousif, Kassem, Danhsfi Nora Al-Nasser, Rahma Ahmad
 The exhibition also features wooden sculptures by artists such as Abdullah Hayki Mehdi Banai, Dr. Osama Alsroe.
 This platform also joins several technical workshops such as painting and sculpture, and the formation or recycling or calligraphy and decoration, photography and cinema, and also includes exhibitions covered by some campaigns such as reforestation campaign, or may include educational courses and live show multiple works of art.
 The exhibition lacks History works of art, and the artist statement, when you see the paintings is not a condition that you understand what you mean by meaning, some paintings vague and difficult to understand, you need to History shows the content of the painting.
 The exhibition contains many different topics in all kinds of art, and this point may be positive for some, but may be negative for others, some have considered a point dispersed, when the viewer wants to feed his sight a certain kind of paintings can not in this exhibition, various The subjects placed next to each other, if there was more organization, and put all the subject of art in its own section was structured better.
 @ Uob-funoon
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xtruss · 2 years
Masjid-e-Quba: Islam’s First Mosque To Expand Tenfold, Says Crown Prince
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Crown Prince Mohammed bin Salman prays inside Quba Mosque in Madinah. (SPA)
— Tareq Al-Thaqafi & Mohammed Al-Kinani | April 08, 2022
New capacity for 66,000 worshippers, as part of plan to restore 130 ancient mosques
About 57 sites, including wells, farms and orchards, are to be revitalized under the King Salman development project
MAKKAH/JEDDAH: Madinah’s Quba Mosque, the first place of worship built by Prophet Muhammad (peace be upon him), will increase tenfold in size, Crown Prince Mohammed bin Salman has announced.
In 2018, the crown prince ordered the restoration of 130 historical mosques, which forms part of the government’s national revitalization program.
The crown prince believes in the importance of these ancient mosques, for their rich religious, social, cultural and architectural significance.
The structure will undergo the largest development in its history, expanding to 50,000 square meters.
Named after King Salman, the project aims to increase the mosque’s capacity to 66,000 worshipers.
Its current praying area is 5,000 square meters, with the building and facilities taking up 13,500 square meters. It has a total capacity for 20,000 worshipers.
The crown prince said the plan would ensure the mosque can cater for large numbers of worshipers during peak seasons.
It will preserve the architectural style of the mosque and other monuments close to it.
Shaded courtyards will be constructed on four sides, which will connect to prayer areas that are not structurally attached to the current building.
The crown prince said the revitalization would heighten the devotional and cultural experience for visitors.
It would further solve overcrowding and enhance the safety of worshipers. In addition, the road system would be revamped to provide easier access to the mosque.
As many as 57 sites, including wells, farms and orchards, are to be developed or rehabilitated as part of the project.
The crown prince praised King Salman for his commitment to these preservation initiatives, which forms part of the goals and objectives of Vision 2030.
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During his visit to Madinah, the crown prince prayed at the Prophet’s Mosque, including at the Rawdah, an area between the Sacred Chamber (known as the Prophet’s house), and the Prophet’s minbar (or pulpit).
He was accompanied by Prince Faisal bin Salman, governor of Madinah, and several senior officials.
He also visited and prayed at Quba Mosque.
At Taiba Palace in Madinah later, the crown prince met with prominent scholars and leaders, and a group of citizens who came to greet him.
Quba Mosque is located 5 kilometers south of the Prophet’s Mosque. It was the first place of worship in the history of Islam, and constructed in 1 A.H. (622 A.D).
It is believed that Prophet Mohammed used to frequently pray in Quba Mosque, especially on Saturdays. He also urged his companions to do so.
There is a Hadith about the mosque, with the Prophet reported to have said: “Whoever makes ablutions in this house and offers one prayer therein, will be rewarded the equivalent of one Umrah.” This is why the mosque remains of considerable religious and historical importance to Muslims.
The mosque was renovated during the eras of both caliphs Othman bin Affan and Omar ibn Al-Khattab. The latter was the first to add a minaret to the structure.
A number of benefactors over the years have renovated the mosque, including in 1057, 1177, 1293, 1355, 1462 and 1503. This includes several times during the Ottoman era, the last of which was during the reign of Sultan Abdul Majid.
During the Saudi era, Quba Mosque, along with other houses of worship, were regularly revitalized. In 1968, its northern side was expanded, and then in 1985 King Fahd ordered several enlargements, while maintaining the building’s historically significant architectural features.
Abdul Haq Al-Uqbi, an architect who specializes in mosque architecture in Madinah, welcomed the King Salman development project, which he said would not only increase the capacity for worshipers but also ensure that its cultural and religious significance would be enhanced.
An additional positive element was that the entire Quba complex and surrounding area would be revitalized. This forms part of the “exceptional” urban regeneration program that the government has embarked on throughout the country. Many visitors would now be able to learn more about the 57 historically significant locations around the mosque, he said.
Dr. Hamza Al-Muzaini, a writer and academic, agreed that the expansion was of considerable social and cultural importance, and was fitting for the city of Madinah, which is a center of such symbolism and history for Muslims around the globe.
He added that residents of Madinah would be able to comfortably attend prayers in the mosque during Hajj and Eid Al-Fitr, when there is normally an increase in the number of pilgrims visiting the city.
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rsmatnet · 3 years
Model : Mohamed Al Waily Script: Doaa Abdul Rahman Photography : Majid Khalid Edit & Graphics : Aws White Colors : Aws White Sound & fX : Ahmed Saeed Equipment : RSMAT Company Directed : Aws White . RSMAT Advertising Company All Rights Reserved @ RSMAT 2022 Turkey - Istanbul 00905396794053 009647811094053 [email protected] www.rsmat.net
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sarisuhaimi · 3 years
#Catatan—Agung Moehadji Soemo Soemadi
DAFTAR ANGGOTA ISLAMIC STATE‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬
Abu Bakr al-Baghdādi (Pemimpin)
Abu Ali al-Anbari (wakil pemimpin dan gubernur Suriah)
Abu Sulaiman al-Nasir (Kepala dewan militer)
Abu Muhammad al-Adnani (juru bicara resmi dan Amir Suriah)
Abu Umar al-Shishani (Komandan lapangan di Suriah)
Abu Wahib (Komandan Al Anbar, Iraq)
Abu Yusaf (pejabat senior keamanan)
Ahlam al-Nasr (penyair dan ahli propaganda)
Bilal Bosnić (dari Bosnia, perekrut di Eropa)
Denis Cuspert (Abu Talha al-Almani) (dari Jerman, perekrut)
Abu Ali al-Shishani, alias Anas Sharkas, alias Anas Jarkas (Komandan, mantan al-Nusra, istrinya ditahan di Libanon)
Abu Ahmed (pejabat senior yang diwawancarai ‘the Guardian’) "The Beatles"
Abdul Majid Abdul Bary (militan Inggris yang sebelumnya diduga "Jihadi John")
Mohammed Emwazi, dijuluki "Jihadi John"
Abubakar Shekau (Pemimpin IS‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬ provinsi Afrika Barat)
Rustam Asildarov (Pemimpin IS provinsi Kaukasus Utara)
Shadi el-Manaei (Pemimpin IS di Sinai)
Hafiz Saeed Khan (Amir Wilayah Khurasan)
Mullah Abdul Rauf (Wakil Amir Wilayah Khurasan; gugur 2015)
Hafiz Wahidi (Pengganti Wakil Amir Wilayah Khurasan; gugur 2015)
Abdul Rahim Muslim Dost (Panglima Operasi Khurasan - Afghanistan, Pakistan, Iran dan Asia Tengah)
Ahmed al-Ruwaysi or Abu Zakariya al-Tunisi (gugur 2015)
Selim Suleiman al-Haram (Pimpinan cabang Mesir, gugur 2015)
Abu Mus’ab al-Zarqawi (pendiri; gugur 2006)
Abu Ayyub al-Masri (gugur 2010)
Abu Abdullah al-Rashid al-Baghdādi (gugur 2010)
Abdelmajid Al-Atibi Al-Sabti, Amir agama (gugur 2014)
Abu Ala al-Afri (Wakil pemimpin IS; laporan belum jelas, beliau gugur 2015)
Akram Qirbash (Hakim tinggi IS; gugur 2015)
Abu Sayyaf (Pemimpin senior yang mengawasi operasi gas dan minyak IS, gugur Mei 2015 dalam operasi khusus Angkatan Darat AS ‘Delta Force’ di Suriah timur)
Fadhil Ahmad al-Hayali (dikenal juga sebagai Abu Muslim al-Turkmani, Haji Mutazz dan Abu Mutaz al-Qurashi), Wakil pimpinan yang bertugas untuk Iraq; gugur karena serangan militer AS 18 Agustus 2015
Abu al-Baraa el-Azdi (Gubernur IS "Provinsi" Libya Timur)
Abu Fatima al-Jaheishi (Gubernur wilayah Eufrat ‘Selatan dan Tengah)
Abu Taisir (Letnan satu dari Al-Zarqawi, gugur 2003)
Abu Anas al-Shami (Penasehat strategi Al-Zarqawi, gugur 2004)
Abu Azzam (gugur 2005)
Abu Omar al-Kurdi (ditangkap 2005)
Abdul Hadi al-Iraqi (ditangkap 2006)
Sheik Abd-Al-Rahman (gugur 2006)
Hamid Juma Faris Jouri al-Saeedi (ditangkap 2006)
Abu Yaqub al-Masri (gugur 2007)
Haitham al-Badri (gugur 2007)
Khaled al-Mashhadani (ditangkap 2007)
Mahir al-Zubaydi (gugur 2008)
Mohamed Moumou (gugur 2008)
Huthaifa al-Batawi (gugur 2011)
Abu Abdulrahmān al-Bilawi (gugur 2014)
Omar al-Farouk al-Turki (Gubernur IS di Al-Hasakah, gugur 2014)
Douglas McCain (gugur 2014)
Abd al Basit (Amir militer Iraq, gugur 2014)
Abu Ahmad al-Alwani (Anggota Dewan Militer, gugur akhir 2014)
Abu Ayman al-Iraqi (Pemimpin Dewan Militer, gugur akhir 2014)
Radwan Talib (Gubernur Mosul, gugur 2014)
Hassan Hassan Saeed Al-Jabouri (pengganti gubernur Mosul, gugur 2014)
Hazem Al-Saeedi – wilayah Jarf Al-Sekhar, Iraq selatan (gugur 2014)
Haji Bakr (Kepala strategis dan wakil pimpinan di Suriah, gugur 2014)
Abu Maria – Komandan Tinggi IS di Tikrit (gugur 2015)
Tariq bin al-Tahar bin al-Falih al-'Awni al-Harzi (Amir bom istisyhād, penggalang dana, gugur 2015)
Abu Malik (wakil amir front Kharbadan, gugur 2015)
Abu Abdul-aziz (wakil amir front Kharbadan, gugur 2015)
Abu Abdullāh, koordinator media wilayah Mosul; gugur dekat Mosul karena serangan militer AS 18 Agustus 2015
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ijcnis · 3 years
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IJCNIS Vol. 11, No. 4, Apr. 2019
IoT: Application Protocols and Security
Derek Johnson, Mohammed Ketel
On the Impact of Perceived Vulnerability in the Adoption of Information Systems Security Innovations
Mumtaz Abdul Hameed, Nalin Asanka Gamagedara Arachchilage
A Feed-Forward and Pattern Recognition ANN Model for Network Intrusion Detection
Ahmed Iqbal, Shabib Aftab
A Novel Scheme for Isolation of Distributed Denial of Service Attack in VANETs
Palak Shandil, Rakesh Kumar
A DOS and Network Probe Attack Detection based on HMM using Fuzzy Inference
Mohsen Salehi, Jamal Karimian, Majid Vafaei Jahan
Intrusion Detection using Machine Learning and Feature Selection
Prachi, Heena Malhotra, Prabha Sharma
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herokita · 4 years
KUALA LUMPUR: Dapat Vista (M) Sdn. Bhd. menyasarkan seramai mungkin pengguna akan memuat turun dan menggunakan aplikasi pembiayaan dan pembayaran digital dan E-dompet (MyPay) dalam tempoh terdekat. Ketua Pegawai Eksekutifnya, Sabri Rahman berkata, ini kerana, sejak dilaksanakan enam bulan lalu, sambutan semua pihak amat menggalakkan khususnya dalam membuat pembayaran secara dalam talian. “Setakat ini, kita menawarkan 30 perkhidmatan antaranya pembayaran pinjaman Perbadanan Tabung Pendidikan Tinggi Nasional (PTPTN), saman Polis Diraja Malaysia (PDRM), Jabatan Pengangkutan Jalan, bil utiliti dan zakat. “Pada masa akan datang, kita akan menambah lagi perkhidmatan lain termasuk permohonan pembiayaan atau pembukaan akaun bank dengan Bank Islam,” katanya dalam sidang media di sini pada Jumaat. Terdahulu, Menteri di Jabatan Perdana Menteri, Datuk Seri Mustapa Mohamed hadir melancarkan aplikasi itu. Yang turut hadir Ketua Pegawai Eksekutif Fass Payment Solution Sdn. Bhd., Chris Leong; Ketua Pegawai Eksekutif Bank Islam Malaysia Berhad (BIMB), Mohd Muazzam Mohamed dan Ketua Pegawai Eksekutif Perbadanan Tabung Pendidikan Tinggi Nasional (PTPTN), Ahmad Dasuki Abdul Majid. Sementara itu, Mohd Muazzam berkata, perkhidmatan itu menyediakan kaedah pembayaran berteraskan teknologi yang fleksibel, mudah dan berkesan. “Kami giat membentuk sebuah ekosistem yang tidak memerlukan pelanggan mengunjungi cawangan untuk membuat permohonan terhadap produk dan perbankan. “Sebaliknya, transaksi dan permohonan dapat disempurnakan secara dalam talian dengan mudah dan lancar dengan adanya MyPay ini,” ujarnya. (function(d, s, id) { var js, fjs = d.getElementsByTagName(s)[0]; if (d.getElementById(id)) return; js = d.createElement(s); js.id = id; js.src="https://connect.facebook.net/en_US/sdk.js#xfbml=1&version=v3.1&appId=517691711979098&autoLogAppEvents=1"; fjs.parentNode.insertBefore(js, fjs); }(document, 'script', 'facebook-jssdk')); (function(d, s, id) { var js, fjs = d.getElementsByTagName(s)[0]; if (d.getElementById(id)) return; js = d.createElement(s); js.id = id; js.src = "http://connect.facebook.net/en_US/all.js#xfbml=1"; fjs.parentNode.insertBefore(js, fjs); }(document, 'script', 'facebook-jssdk')); HEROKITA.com | Digital Talents On Demand Source link
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majid almohandis - bdet ateeb
majid almohandis - tenadeek
majid almohandis - ameera
hussain aljassmi - habibi barsheloni
hamaki - baeit maah
adel ibrahim - ah ya london (ppl say this one’s overrated but idc)
abdul majeed abdullah - ya ibn alawadem
abdul majeed abdullah - enti wbas
abdul majeed abdullah - ghazal ma yensady
rashed al majed - ya sareq el-qalb (personally don’t like the version with the girl, but u can listen to that if u want)
shams - atoq esbaa
salim salem - al jassmi
salah al zadjali - ayyar
fadel shaker - maool
zekra - min natharta
mohamed alsalim - qalb qalb
hossam al rassam - ghalat omry
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upshotre · 5 years
Lawan, Gbajabiamila intervene in ex-legislative aides’ severance pay delay
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The leadership of the Senate and House of Representatives on Monday waded into the non-payment of severance allowances for legislative aides who served in the Eighth National Assembly between 2015 and 2019.   President of the Senate, Ahmad Lawan and Speaker of House of Representatives, Rt. Hon. Femi Gbajabiamila, met the relevant agencies of government led by the Minister of Finance, Budget and National Planning, Zainab Ahmed.   The meeting, which was held behind closed doors, was attended by principal officers of the Senate and House of Representatives.   Also present at the meeting was the Director-General of the Budget Office of the Federation, Ben Akabueze.   Lawan, while speaking on the reason for the meeting, said the essence was to ensure the payment of severance allowances for legislative aides who worked between 2015 and 2019.   “The tenure of legislative aides employed by the National Assembly Commission and posted to members of the National Assembly is tied to the tenure of the National Assembly. Therefore, they are entitled to severance allowance,” he said.   According to Lawan, prior to the intervention by both chambers on Monday, the Senate leadership last week had a meeting with the management of the National Assembly and the Revenue Mobilization Allocation and Fiscal Commission (RMAFC) led by the Chairman of the Commission, Engr. Elias Mbam.   The Senate President disclosed that following the meeting with RMAFC, the leadership identified some difficulties on who is supposed to pay the severance allowances to aides who served from 2015 to 2019.   Commenting on the development, Lawan said, “It is only fair that we give them what is due to them (aides).   “We realise there was need to bring on board for this discussion the Ministry of Finance, Budget and National Planning and the National Assembly Service Commission as well, so that in this meeting we are able to discuss and finalise where the source of the severance allowance for the legislative aides will be.   “And the presence of both chambers here tells us that this is a matter that affects the entire National Assembly.   “All the aides of the Senators and House of representatives who completed their assignment are affected on both sides. That is why the principal officers of both chambers are here,” Lawan added.   Principal officers from the Senate at the meeting include: Deputy Senate President, Ovie Omo-Agege; Deputy Leader, Ajayi Boroffice; Minority Leader, Enyinnaya Abaribe; Deputy Minority Leader, Emmanuel Bwacha; Deputy Chief Whip, Aliyu Sabi Abdullahi, and Chairman of Senate Committee on Finance, Senator Olamilekan Adeola.   From the House of Representatives are: Deputy Speaker, Rt. Hon. Idris Wase; Deputy Leader, Peter Apatason; Minority Leader, Ndudi Elumelu; Deputy Chief Whip, Nkeiruka Onyejeocha, and Deputy Minority Whip, Adesegun Adekoya Abdul-Majid.   Also at the meeting were the Clerk of the National Assembly, Alhaji Mohammed Sani-Omolori and directors of the National Assembly Service Commission.  
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Speaker of the House of Representatives, Rt. Hon. Femi Gbajabiamila (left); President of the Senate, Ahmad Ibrahim Lawan; Minister of Finance, Budget and National Planning, Zainab Ahmed; Minister of State for Budget and National Planning, Clement Ikanade Agba, and Director-General of the Budget Office of the Federation, Ben Akabueze, during the meeting by the leadership of the National Assembly with key government officials over the severance pay of ex-legislative aides on Monday, November 4, 2019
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Speaker of the House of Representatives, Rt. Hon. Femi Gbajabiamila (left); President of the Senate, Ahmad Ibrahim Lawan; Minister of Finance, Budget and National Planning, Zainab Ahmed and the Minister of State for Budget and National Planning, Clement Ikanade Agba, during the meeting by the leadership of the National Assembly with key government officials over the severance pay of ex-legislative aides on Monday, November 4, 2019 Signed:   Ezrel Tabiowo   Special Assistant (Press) to President of the Senate   Monday, November 4, 2019 Read the full article
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technologyinfosec · 5 years
Bon voyage: Things to check before leaving for Dubai airport
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Millions of travellers pass through the Dubai airport every year: Last year, there were 89.1 million. And out of this number, there were thousands who had unintentionally put some prohibited items in their bags. Have you ever been one of them? From August to September last year, at least 41,000 cases of confiscations were recorded by the Dubai Police at the airport, said Brigadier-General Mohammed Bin Dylan, Deputy Director of the General Directorate of Airport Security. In most cases, bringing the prohibited item - a pair of scissors in the hand luggage, a power bank or a laptop in the checked baggage - was an honest mistake and the traveller wasn't aware of the regulations. This is why this summer - when several residents are flying out of the country for holidays - the Dubai Police launched a campaign called 'Let Your Travel Be Fun', which focuses on reminding people about the things that they shouldn't bring with them when they travel, as well as some guidelines in packing certain items. It was kicked off on Wednesday and would run until August 31, targeting both local and international travellers on different platforms, including social media. The police have also partnered with the consulates of the Philippines, Pakistan and Bangladesh to disseminate the campaign messages to their communities. "The travel process starts right at the traveller's home, when he packs his baggage," said Brig-Gen Bin Dylan. Taking the extra minutes to check whether you have any prohibited item in your bag not only help the police maintain security at the airport, it will also speed up your journey and make your travel experience a lot smoother. Brig-Gen Bin Dylan said that if a traveller knows all the prohibited items; the right baggage allowance and sizes; and the items that must be carried in the hand bag, the process would be much easier for him, as well as the airport authorities. Sample cases There are items that a traveller must carry in his or her hand luggage, the officer said. These include power banks, laptops or other electronics. In other cases, some things - like knives, scissors or cutting tools - must be packed into the checked baggage. However, some others could be completely seized, and for those caught with illegal items, a case can be filed by the police. Brig-Gen Bin Dylan said some medicines are considered prohibited items, unless the traveller can present an approved medical prescription that clarifies he uses the medicine for treatment. Such prescriptions must be approved from the Dubai Health Department. Any other items, such as food, plants or antiques, would have to be examined by Dubai Customs authorities, he added. Dubai airport security tips 1-Make sure you're not carrying any prohibited item in your hand luggage. The list includes: hammers; nails; screw drivers; sharp work tools; scissors with blades longer than six centimetres; personal grooming kit; all types of swords and sharp objects; handcuffs; firearms; laser guns; walkie talkie; lighters (only one lighter is permitted); bats; martial arts weapon; drills; ropes; measuring tapes; packing tapes; and electrical cables (except for personal trip use) 2-Put 'loose' items - mobile phone, wallet, watch, keys, etc - in your hand baggage. 3-Place liquid containers in a clear, resealable plastic bag, within your hand baggage. Remember each liquid can't be more than 100ml. Exemptions will be made for: medication, baby milk/foods and special dietary requirements to be used during your trip. Personal allowances 1-Gifts not exceeding Dh3,000. 2-Cash above Dh100,000 must be declared. 3-Maximum of 400 cigarettes, 50 cigars, 500 grammes of tobacco. 4-Maximum of 4 litres alcohol, 48 cans of beer. 5Medication: A maximum three months' supply of medication for your personal use. Please include an original prescription from a registered medical practitioner. No psychotropic medicines are allowed without prior approval from the Ministry of Health. SOURCE: www.dubaiairports.ae Dubai Land Department begins smart home security drive The Dubai Land Department (DLD) on Wednesday (July 17) announced the start of the implementation of the partnership it had signed with the Dubai Police for the new smart home security system. Incorporating other parties, including major real estate developers in Dubai, the agreement aims to spread security awareness about the benefits of the new home security programme. The DLD will also be organising workshops for real estate professionals. "The primary objective of our meeting with DLD and developers is to encourage citizens and residents to utilise and instal the system to protect their homes," said Lt-Col Rashid Abdul Rahman bin Zabawi Al Falasi, Director of the Criminal Investigation Department. Owners and tenants can easily instal the smart devices. The new system is safe and authorises access to the landlord, not the police. Additional meetings will be organised with specialists, including owners' associations, registered developers, and registration trustees, among others. Majid Saqr Al Marri, CEO of the Registration and Real Estate Services sector at DLD, said: "The DLD is the main focus of this agreement, through which the police will spread awareness about the new system." Read the full article
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aftaabmagazine · 5 years
The Dreaded Devil's Spiral: Treaties & Events leading to the 1979 Invasion
By Mir Hekmatullah Sadat 
From the October - December 1999 of Afghan Magazine | Lemar-Aftaab
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"I feel the happiest when I can light my American cigarette with Soviet matches." 
-- President Mohammed Daud (July 30, 1973)
This December marks the 20th Anniversary of the Soviet Invasion; yet, many questions regarding the reasons for the 1979 invasion are still being debated. Whatever the reasons for the invasion, what remains clear is that 1999 also marks the 10th Anniversary of the Red Army's withdrawal from Afghanistan.
Many have addressed this issue. Unfortunately, due to emotional ties, views have become very untenable and highly biased. Moreover, individual viewpoints do not change the facts. The fact is that during the past two decades, thousands of Afghans have been buried in distant graveyards, while their homeland literally has become a graveyard.
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[caption: Amir Sher Ali Khan flanked by his “friends” the Russian Bear and the British Line. This cartoon is by Sir John Tenniel 1878 shortly after the outbreak of the Second Anglo-Afghan War.]
This article briefly reexamines Afghan-Soviet relations since Afghanistan's independence until it was suppressed by the Red Army soldiers. Following the summary will be a closer look at the chronology of Afghan-Soviet relations. Both sections contain historical importance. Hopefully, this presentation will be beneficial for those researching Afghan-Soviet relations. It may also help in the research of more sound conclusions for what lies ahead for Afghanistan.
The history of Afghan-Soviet relations reveals a pattern of persistent Russian expansionism. Soviet interests in Afghanistan can be traced back to the 19th century. Czarist Russia had strong diplomatic ties with Kabul and had promised Afghanistan military support against the British. In fact, when the British started the second Afghan-Anglo War in 1878 and advanced on Kabul, Amir Sher Ali مير شېر علي appealed to the Russian commander from Mazar-i-Sharif. The Russians were unable to send troops across Afghanistan's mountainous backbone, the Hindu Kush, to Kabul in the winter. (Adamec, 1991; Meyer, 1999).
After the October Revolution, the Soviet Union tried to exercise significant influence in Afghanistan, which has lasted up until today. The Soviets were the first to declare their all-round support for the 1919 National Independence of Afghanistan under Shah Amanullah. Moreover, the Soviet Union has been the first country to recognize every new government in Afghanistan, with the exception of the current regime in Kabul.
Vladimir Lenin wrote a letter to Shah Amanullah urging that Afghanistan take the great historic task of uniting around itself all enslaved Muslims and leading them on the road to freedom and independence. Although few Afghans have met with Lenin, the first encounter was an informal one. In the 1980s, a photograph at the Afghan Foreign Ministry revealed the image of the first Afghan to have ever met Lenin.
The photograph, taken somewhere in Russia before a crowd listening to Lenin. Abdul Majid Zabuli عبدالمجید زابلی lived in Russia at that time and was the young spectator in the crowd. After the Soviet Revolution, Zabuli زابلی established himself in Moscow as a trader when the Soviet New Economic Policy granted valued foreigners certain privileges in commerce.
In spite of the friendly rhetoric, differences existed between the two leaderships: Shah Amanullah شاه امان‌الله خان opened diplomatic relations with the emirate of Bukhara to afford them legal recognition as sovereign states from Soviet control. He hoped to incorporate the Islamic people beyond the Amu Darya into an Islamic Confederation. This hope soon became unrealistic after the fall of the emirate regime in Bukhara.
In December 1925, a severe crisis in Afghan-Soviet relations threatened Afghanistan's national sovereignty. Soviet troops occupied the island of Darqad (also called Urta Tagai and Yangi Qala) on the Amu Darya which Afghanistan considered Afghan territory.
After the Bolshevik Revolution, refugees from the Soviet Union settled on the island, including some freedom fighters called Basmachis. They used the island as a base for attacks on the Soviet Union. Since the USSR wanted to maintain good relations with Shah Amanullah's government, the Red Army soldiers evacuated the island and stopped raiding the Basmachis base.
Shah Amanullah شاه امان‌الله خان visited President Kalinin in Moscow en route to Afghanistan from Europe. When Shah Amanullah relinquished the throne in 1929, the Soviet Union maintained its embassy in Kabul. In 1929, when General Muhammad Nadir returned to regain the throne for Shah Amanullah, the USSR immediately recognized the new administration even though later General Muhammad Nadir was proclaimed king by his comrade-in-arms. The new king sent his half-brother Muhammad Aziz (father of Sardar Mohammad Daud سردار محمدداوود خان and Sardar Mohammad Naim) as ambassador to Moscow to indicate the importance of the post. His government also made some overtures to the Soviet Union by levying pressure on the Basmachi refugees whom Shah Amanullah had initially supported.
In 1931, under the command of Shah Mahmud شاه محمود خان, the Basmachi movement in northern Afghanistan was expelled and forced into Soviet territory where they were arrested and summarily executed. Furthermore, Nadir Shah renegotiated the Afghan-Soviet Treaty of Friendship and signed a commercial treaty. As a result, from 1929 to 1933, trade increased substantially between the USSR and Afghanistan.
After the 1933 assassination of Nadir Shah محمد نادر شاه‎, his son Mohammed Zahir محمد ظاهر شاه took what Eastern and Western aid he could get, milking both sides and attempting not to become too dependent on either side. However, this formula soon failed, and Afghanistan became aligned with the Soviets. The Soviets developed the country's infrastructure and trained young Afghans with an eye to strategic advantage. Moreover, as a result of the Pakistani trade blockade, the Afghans had to rely more and more on Soviet goodwill for their trade.
In 1953, when Sardar Muhammad Daud became Prime Minister for the monarchy, Soviet interventionism was bolstered in Afghanistan because of the Pashtunistan dispute; the dispute concerned the Afghans tribes trapped by the nominal Durand Line in the British created state of Pakistan. The tribes wanted to be given self-determination rights to choose their fate. As a result, 1955 The Afghan National Grand Assembly (Loya Jirga) showed their support by stating that the trapped tribes should be able to choose if they wanted an independent Pashtunistan, dependence on Pakistan, or to be incorporated with their motherland Afghanistan.
The Loya Jirga viewed the U.S. support for its rival's Pakistani military forces as a hostile maneuver and accepted Soviet arms. This strengthening of Pakistan was viewed in Afghanistan as a weakening of Afghanistan's power, which in turn reduced the possibility that Pakistan would come to terms with Afghanistan over border disputes. Afghanistan's willingness to accept large scale Soviet aid caused concern in the United States, however, the U.S. had limited direct interest because Afghanistan was not a significant trading partner, a transit route, source of oil or other minerals, nor was the U.S. obliged to Afghanistan because of any treaties. Also, early on from the Franklin Roosevelt administration until the Nixon presidency, Afghanistan's requests for arms were rejected. As a result, Loya Jirga decided to accept Soviet arms.
However, Afghans politicians such as Abdul Malik Rahimzai wanted to contain the presence of the USSR and U.S. in Afghanistan. Rahimzai and others favored taking one-for-one, meaning never take more equivalent worth rubbles than dollars, vice versa. Therefore before accepting Soviet aid, Prime Minister Sardar Daud made one final unsuccessful appeal for military assistance from the United States. However, due to the numerous U.S. rejections for political support and military aid requests by the Afghan government, Afghanistan turned out of necessity to the Soviets for assistance.
In December 1955, when Nikita Khrushchev and Nikolai Bulganin came to Kabul, the Soviets supported Afghanistan in the Pashtunistan dispute. Also, the Soviets offered massive aid to the monarchy in Afghanistan, which the United States was unwilling to match. The Afghan government turned to the Soviet Union for the weapons it could not obtain from the West.
In 1957, the Soviet military mission arrived in Kabul. In 1960, aside from other Soviet diplomats in Kabul, the Soviet military mission had swelled in number to 500 people. In 1955, an Afghan-Soviet Transit Agreement was signed between Kabul and Moscow allowing Afghanistan to move its trade with third-party countries through Soviet territory.
In 1959, as Afghan-Soviet relations proliferated and the Afghan government encouraged the removal of the veil, traditional leaders protested in Kandahar and were arrested. Between 1954-64, the Soviet Union assisted the Afghans to the tune of 527 million dollars, twice the amount as the United States. For example, in 1964, A. Kosygin and Soviet delegation arrived in Kabul to discuss expansion of Afghan-Soviet Economic Cooperation. During this time, Afghanistan signed more than 15 agreements with the USSR. As a result, Afghanistan became dependent on Moscow for foreign trade, petroleum, and arms. With the arms and weapons arrived Soviet advisors and experts and what followed were thousands of Afghans going to the Soviet Union for military training. Graduates from Afghan institutes of higher education won fellowships to foreign universities, including the USSR, and there emerged a growing cadre of military officers, students, and technocrats with modern democratic sympathies.
From 1957 until 1974, the Soviets trained more than 60,000 skilled Afghan workers and 5,200 technicians. By the early 1970s, about 90% of the Afghan armed forces were being trained by the Soviets. Also, about 1.5 billion dollars of Soviet military assistance was promised to Afghanistan.
On July 17, 1973, a coup staged by these segments of society declared Mohammed Daud as the country's first President and the Soviets immediately recognized the first new republican government. Two years later, the Soviets gave Afghanistan 437 million dollars in economic credit. Then in 1976, an Afghan-Soviet Trade Agreement was signed that called for a 65 percent increase in commerce by 1980. As a result, the new government continued a strong pro-Soviet orientation. In April 1977, President Mohammed Daud and NV Podgorny (Chairman of Soviet Presidium) met in Moscow. During President Daud's last year, his authoritarian rule alienated many people. In fact, within one week in 1978, the entire country underwent a change starting with the mysterious assassination of political ideologue Mir Akbar Khyber. "15,000 people turned out on the Kabul streets to march behind the casket in a disciplined crowd made up largely of what passes for a young middle class in Afghanistan" (The Economist, 1978). After the mass demonstration at Khyber's funeral, significant political figures were imprisoned because of fears created in President Daud's Cabinet.
The consequences were: first, the lack of a public statement in regards to his close friend's assassination cast doubt to his loyalty to his followers; second, imprisoning other allies confirmed the belief that President Daud must be part of the assassination plot and wanting to eliminate all political rivals. It was believed that the administration planned to execute these political figures. President Daud's sympathizers felt betrayed by him and participated in the coup against the Republic. The Shah of Iran tells a similar story, "My advisors built a wall between myself and my people. I didn't realize what was happening. When I woke up, I had lost my people."
As a result, within 24 hours of the incarceration, the only political figure not imprisoned, Hafizullah Amin, led the orchestration of the coup. The next morning, a new government with Nur Muhammad Taraki at the helms was declared.
Although the new government considered itself non-aligned, it was very much in alliance with the Soviet Union. According to Dobbs (Nov 23-29, 1992), the April Revolution of 1978 caught the Kremlin by surprise, and Moscow had even warned against the obstacles. Taraki instituted drastic social and economic measures, including land reform, women's rights, and education, thus continuing to offend those with vested interests in maintaining the status quo. The U.S. recognized the regime within a week and continued to send economic aid.
However, after the expulsion of their political rivals from the government, Prime Minister Amin launched a campaign of terror having opponents arrested and shot. 
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[caption: Taraki on right and Brezhnev on left signed the Afghan-Soviet Treaty of Friendship in Moscow, December 1978.]
As a result, the regime was losing ground; hence, in December 1978, Taraki and Brezhnev signed the Afghan-Soviet Treaty of Friendship in Moscow. So, when Taraki returned from Moscow, he planned to eliminate Amin. By ousting Amin, the regime hoped to end the terror and slow down the controversial reforms. As a result, they would broaden the regime's base.
When Taraki's secret plan to remove Amin leaked out, Amin seized power and executed Taraki upon his return from Moscow. Amin took the leadership (link to 15.mov) for himself because all of his political rivals were either dead, in jail, or exiled in European and regional countries. The Amin regime executed and imprisoned intellectuals and technocrats from all over the political spectrum, even his own party members such as Taraki.
How to stop the Pol Pot-style state-terrorist regime of Amin was on everyone's mind. Evidently, it was on the Soviet Politburo's agenda as well. Whatever the reasons were, Moscow legally explained their actions by referring to December 5, 1978, Treaty which President Taraki renewed. Furthermore, they also legitimized their actions by citing Article 51 of the United Nations Charter, which refers to the right of nations to individual and collective self-defense against external aggression. The 20-year military, economic, and mutual security treaty with Afghanistan further legitimized their actions. The Soviets described Amin as an imperial agent repudiated by his own government when he tried to initiate a purge of the politicians, army personnel, and intelligentsia. Amin found himself confronted by a widespread revolt by the entire country.
Although the final decision to invade might have been formulated within only a week, the Soviet invasion was the outcome of a systematic process spanning many decades. Afghan-Soviet relations evolved through different stages: commercial, technological, cultural, political, and finally direct military integration. Strong economic and military ties between Afghanistan and the Soviet Union had developed in such a way that they created a dependency relationship with obvious political implications, and complete dependence on the Soviet Union. The increasing dependence of Afghanistan on its largest trading partner, the Soviet Union, in the different stages of integration ultimately laid a logistical infrastructure for invasion.
From this overview, it is obvious that at every stage of Soviet integration, Afghanistan's involuntary dependence was becoming more irreversible. As a result, the direct intervention of the Red Army soldiers in Afghanistan was the culmination of all prior stages. According to Adamec (1991), "the fact that the experiment with democracy in the 1960s ended in failure, war, and foreign intervention should not be surprising."
Unfortunately, hindsight is never available until an event transpires, or the prevailing circumstances of the 1940s-1970s were not different. One is reminded of the famous saying, "The road to hell is paved with good intentions."
It is understandable that no administration would have ever predicted that their collective contributions to Afghan-Soviet relations would bring such a day when Afghanistan would become so integrated with the Soviet Union. Similarly, no current politician would have ever envisioned that their collective role during the last seven years would have brought Afghanistan to the lowest point in the history of civilization.
Chronology of Afghan-Soviet Bilateral Relations
April 21 - Newly-independent Afghanistan's friendly message to the Soviet Union is received.
May 27 - Soviet Union formally recognizes the sovereignty of Afghanistan.
July - N.Z. Bravin (1st Soviet Official representative) arrives in Heart.
September 4-12 - Bravin arrives in Kabul to start negotiations between the two countries for coexistence and good neighborly relations.
October 10-14 - Shah Amanullah's trusted Advisor, Mohammad Wali, leads a mission that arrived in Moscow. There, both Lenin and Chicherin (Commissar for Foreign Affairs) met the mission.
February 28 - First Treaty of Friendship between G.V. Chicherin and L.M. Karakhan for the USSR and Muhammad Wali, Mirza Muhammad, and Ghulam Sadiq for Afghanistan signed between the two countries.
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[captionL Lenin’s personal letter to Shah Amanullah. In 1919, Lenin wrote to Shah Amanullah that Afghanistan is “the only independent Muslim state in the world, and fate sends the Afghan people the great historic task of uniting about itself all enslaved Mohammedan peoples and leading them on the road to freedom and independence.” ]
April 20 - Personal letter from Lenin to Shah Amanullah.
June 24 - Afghan-Soviet Treaty of Neutrality and Mutual Non-Aggression signed
July 6 - Fedor Raskolnikov, Soviet Ambassador, arrives in Kabul.
August 14 - Afghan government ratified Afghan-Soviet Treaty of February 1921.
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[caption: Newly formed Afghan Airforce, note Shah Amanullah’s emblem.]
October - Soviet Union supplied five airplanes to Afghanistan.
October 23 - the Soviet Union provided trade concessions to Afghanistan.
December - Afghans accuse the Soviets of invading their territory northeast of the Panjdeh district near the Amu Darya (Oxus) River.
August 15 - Protocol regarding the question of Utra-Tagai Island signed by M.B.P. Postnikoff for the USSR and Mirza Muhammad, Ghulam Yahya, and Ali Akbar for Afghanistan.
August 31 - Afghan-Soviet Treaty of Neutrality and Nonaggression signed by Afghan Foreign Minister Mahmud Beg Tarzi and L.H.Stark for the USSR
October - Afghan-Soviet negotiations for the supply of ammunition to Afghanistan.
November 28 - Afghan-Soviet Agreement regarding the Kabul-Tashkent air route signed by Muhammad Ihsan (Afghan Air Force) and Charneyakoff for the USSR.
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[caption: Shah Amanullah in Moscow, 1928.]
May 3-18 - Shah Amanullah visits the Soviet Union en route to Afghanistan from his European tour.
June 24 - Afghan-Soviet Treaty of Friendship and Nonaggression signed by Foreign Minister Faiz Muhammad Khan and Leonide Stark.
July 6 - Afghan government shows his eagerness to conclude a commercial treaty with the Soviet Union.
July 8 - Afghan government declares its policy of neutrality and friendship towards its neighbors.
April 3 - Afghan-Soviet Postal, Telegraph, and Wireless Agreement signed by Rahimullah (Director of Posts, Telegraphs, and Telephones) and Soviet Commissariat of Communications, which helped in the development of more close ties between the two countries.
May 6 - Afghan-Soviet Agreement regarding the campaign locusts signed.
March 29 - Afghan-Soviet Mutual Assistance Pact for prolonging the Treaty (originally signed in 1931) was renewed by Foreign Minister Faiz Muhammad and N. Krestinsky.
May - Afghan-Soviet Treaty of Commerce and Noninterference signed.
September 27 - Soviet State Banquet in honor of visiting Afghan War Minister Shah Mahmud.
May - Afghan Air Forces officers sent to Britain, Italy, and the Soviet Union for training.
July 29- Afghan-Soviet Treaty of Trade signed.
June 13 - Afghan-Soviet Treaty of Boundary signed by Afghan Foreign Minister Sultan Ahmad and Vyacheslav Molotov for the USSR The Soviet Union got the Kushka River water rights.
June 14- Soviet Embassy in Kabul had about 600 personnel and Soviet officers.
April 24 - Afghan delegation arrives in Tashkent for Afghan-Soviet border demarcation.
September 29 - Afghan-Soviet mission complete demarcation of the border. Agreement signed fixing revised boundary.
July 18 - A four-year Soviet-Afghan Agricultural Agreement signed and a duty-free transit of Afghan goods over Soviet territory. After that, Afghan trade began to flow north.
January - Soviet announced a loan $3.5 million for the construction of two-grain elevators at Kabul and Pul-i-Khumri, and a flour mill and bakery at Kabul. Soviet technicians help carry out projects. It was at a low rate of interest, 3%, and a delay in repayment until the projects were completed in 1957 qualified it as foreign aid, even though not a gift.
July - An agreement worth $1.2 million was signed for construction of a gasoline pipeline across the Amu Darya and three gasoline storage centers.
August - The USSR scored a propaganda coup by agreeing to finance the paving of Kabul's streets, a project that the United States Import-Export Bank had rejected a year earlier. While the USSR was active with projects in Afghanistan, the United States was engaged in improving Pakistan's defense potential. By the end of 1954, the U.S. had committed 21 million dollars in arms aid to Pakistan.
June - Soviets made a new agreement for duty-free transit.
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[caption: Marshall Shah Wali Khan (Zahir Shah's uncle) on the left adds strength to Afghan-Soviet military relations.]
November 15 - The Afghan National Grand Assembly (Loya Jirga) viewed the U.S. support for its rival's Pakistani military forces as a hostile maneuver. The National Grand Assembly decides to accept Soviet arms.
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[caption: The Soviet delegation led by Khrushchev and Bulganin arrive in Kabul 1955.]
December 15 - Soviet PM Nikolai Bulganin and Party Secretary Nikita Khrushchev officially visited Kabul.
December 16 - Soviet delegation in Kabul publicly announce their support of Afghanistan in Pashtunistan dispute.
December 18 - On day three of visit, the Soviet delegation announced the granting of a 100 million dollars, long term development loan at 2% interest. They also announced 100-bed hospital to be built in Kabul and fifteen buses to run on its newly paved streets. Also, the 1931 Treaty of Friendship and Nonaggression was extended to 1965.
January 18 - Afghan-Soviet Economic Agreement signed.
January 30 - The Soviet Union present Ilyushin 14 "Crate" to Zahir Shah. The Il-14 was a twin-engined transport, development; performance still left much to be desired.
March 1 - Afghan-Soviet Technical Assistance Agreement signed which was for building hydroelectric plants, highways through the Hindu Kush, airfields, motor repair shop, and reservoirs.
March 31 - Soviet gift of 15 buses and equipment for the 100-bed hospital to Kabul municipality arrived.
July - Soviet give loan of $32.4 million for military aid.
July 26 - the Soviet Union agrees to carry out Nangahar irrigation project
August 25 - PM Mohammed Daoud announces military arms agreement with Czechoslovakia and the USSR.
September 27 - the First installation of arms from the August 1956 Agreement arrive.
October 17-30 - PM Mohammed Daoud visits the Soviet Union.
October 28 - Afghan Air Force receives 11 jet planes from the Soviet Union.
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[caption:  Mohammed Zahir Shah in Moscow July 1957.]
July -During Mohammed Zahir Shah's visited Moscow, $15 million funding an oil exploration team that found some substantial oil deposits and gas deposits is announced. The oil and the gas took a considerable time to exploit, but the output was committed in advance at a fixed price to the Soviet Union, the only market available.
January 8- Afghan-Soviet Trade Protocol signed.
February 10 - Radio Moscow inaugurates Pashtu program.
August 31 - Foreign Minister Mohammed Naim affirms about $25 million in military assistance under Afghan-Soviet Arms Agreement signed with the Soviet Union in 1956.
December 21 - Soviet Foreign Minister Andrei Gromyko meets Afghan delegation in Moscow to negotiate new Frontier Agreement.
January 8 - The USSR agrees to survey oil deposits in Afghanistan.
January 18 - Afghan-Soviet Treaty regulating border is signed.
October 1-5 - Marshall Voroshilov (Soviet President) visits Kabul.
January 1-6 -Foreign Minister Mohammed Naim visits Moscow.
April 23 - Afghan-Soviet Protocol of Exchange of Goods signed.
May 18-22 - PM Daoud visits the USSR
May 28 -Afghan-Soviet Agreement on the building of 750 km Kandahar-Heart-Kushka highway signed.
October 28 - Afghan-Soviet Friendship Society was founded.
December 1 - Afghan-Soviet joint survey of Amu Darya began for the construction of a dam to provide electricity and water for irrigation.
December 21 - Police and army suppress rioting in Kandahar. Traditional leaders were opposing government measures of allowing women to remove the veil since August and accepting Soviet assistance.
January 19 - Afghan-Soviet Agreement for construction of irrigation and power project on Kabul River signed.
March 2-5 - Soviet PM Khrushchev visits Afghanistan and signs Cultural Cooperation Agreement.
March 6 - The USSR announces the gift of 50,000 tons of wheat to Afghanistan.
May 13 - PM Mohammed Daoud meets Soviet PM Khrushchev while in Moscow for medical treatment.
July 2 - Jangalak auto repair shops opened, built with Soviet assistance.
July 15 - Soviet prospecting team announces the discovery of petroleum and natural gas deposits in northern Afghanistan.
August 10 - Afghan-Soviet Barter Agreement for a 2-year duration is signed.
August 18 - Darunta Canal opened, built with Soviet assistance.
September 16-20- Foreign Minister Mohammed Naim visits the USSR
October 11 - Soviet Army delegation arrives in Kabul for an 11-day visit.
October 16 - Afghan-Soviet Technical & Economic Cooperation Agreement signed.
October 24 - Soviet Deputy Minister of Public Works arrives in Kabul to inspect projects carried out with Soviet aid.
November 19 - Supplementary transit agreement, providing expansion of facilities for Afghan foreign trade signed with USSR.
April 5 - PM Mohammed Daoud confers with Soviet PM Khrushchev in Moscow en route from Rome.
January 23 - Four-year Afghan-Soviet Meteorological Service Agreement.
May 6 - Pul-i Khumri power station opened, built with Soviet assistance.
August 6-15 - Zahir Shah visits the USSR.
February 25 - Afghan-Soviet Trade and Assistance Agreement signed.
April 29 - Afghan-Soviet Cultural Cooperation Agreement signed.
September 6 - Afghan-Soviet Agreement for construction of an atomic reactor in Afghanistan and training of specialists in the peaceful use of atomic energy signed. In return the Soviets accepted a certain quantity of Afghan natural gas from the Shiberghan field, in Jowzjan Province, laying a 60-mile pipeline to the Soviet border which was completed in 1967.
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[caption: Soviet assistance went to building the new Polytechnic Institute in Kabul.]
October 12-17 - Soviet President Leonid Brezhnev visits Afghanistan and lays the cornerstone for new Polytechnic Institute in Kabul.
October 16 - Agreement signed with USSR for technical assistance in extraction and exploitation of natural gas in northern Afghanistan.
June 29-July 14 - Afghan military delegation visits USSR
July 4-5 - Deputy Prime Minister Anastas Mikoyan visits Kabul.
July 13 - the Soviet Union makes $25.2 million for Pul-i-Khumri to Mazar-i-Sharif to the Shiberghan Highway.
September 3 - Zahir Shah and Soviet Deputy Prime Minister Alexei Kosygin open Kabul-Doshi Highway over Salang Pass, built with Soviet assistance. The Salang Tunnel cuts a modern road from Kabul north to the Soviet Union
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[caption: September 1964. Soviet delegation being led by Kosygin and Afghan delegation led by Prime Minister Yousuf discussing Afghan-Soviet Economic Cooperation.]
September - PM Mohammed Yousif and Alexei Kosygin discuss expansion to Afghan-Soviet economic cooperation.
October 27 - USSR agrees to loan $6.2 million to build Polytechnic Institute in Kabul.
January 18 - USSR agrees to loan Afghanistan $ 11.1 million over three years for import of consumer goods.
February 15 - Afghan-Soviet Protocol on the exchange of goods and prices for 1965 signed. Increase of 20% expected in reciprocal goods deliveries.
March 11 - Zahir Shah and Soviet PM Dmitri Polyansky open Nangahar irrigation and power project, built with Soviet assistance.
April 21-30 - PM Mohammed Yusuf makes an official visit to USSR Gets the assurance of Soviet help with Third Plan.
May 23 - Ariana Airlines begins weekly flight to Tashkent, its first to the USSR
July 18 - PM Yusuf lays the cornerstone for Jangalak for 700 students being built with Soviet assistance.
July 24 - The USSR agrees to build a 97-km pipeline from Shiberghan gas fields to Soviet border and 88 km line from fields to fertilizer and powers plants in Balkh province.
August 3-14 - Zahir Shah and his wife visit the USSR Afghan-Soviet Treaty of Neutrality and Non-Aggression ( originally signed in 1926) was extended for another ten years.
January 14-15 - Soviet PM Alexei Kosygin visits Kabul for talks.
February 1-10 - PM Maiwandwal visits the USSR
May 10 - Afghan-Soviet Protocol on the export of natural gas signed. Afghanistan's expected to earn over $320 million in the next 18 years from the export of gas which to reach 3 billion cum. a year by 1971.
May 30-June 2 - Nikolai Podgorny (Chairman of Presidium of Supreme Soviet Union) visits Afghanistan.
January 31 - Soviet PM Kosygin stops in Kabul to discuss economic questions.
February 20 - Afghan Polytechnic Institute, built with Soviet assistance, completes the first year of instruction. Has 224 students in the first class.
April 22 - Shiberghan gas pipeline officially opened by Second Deputy PM Yaftali and Skachkov (President of Soviet Union's Council of Ministers Committee of External Affairs).
July 17 - A Soviet military delegation led by Marshal Ivan Bagramyan began a visit.
December 25- A Soviet military delegation led by Defense Minister Grechko arrived for an official visit.
January 21 - The USSR signed a protocol for the export of 2.5 billion cubic meters of Afghan natural gas in 1970.
June 13 - Zahir Shah ended a ten-day visit to the USSR with a joint communique reaffirming mutual allegiance to the principles of peaceful coexistence.
January 3 - The USSR signed an agreement for expanding natural gas refining and collection centers in northern Afghanistan.
April 5 - New trade and payments agreement between Afghanistan and the Soviet Union concluded after a visit to Moscow by the Afghan Trade Minister.
July 19 - Soviet assistance extended in the development of the Jarquduq natural gas field and oil exploration.
December - Ponomarev (Soviet Party Secretary for International Relations) returned President Mohammed Daoud's visit.
March 23 - A Soviet trade delegation began a trip to Afghanistan to hold talks on Afghan-Soviet bilateral trade.
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[Caption: President Mohammed Daoud (right) and NV Podgorny (left) the Chairman of Soviet Presidium in April 1977. It was President Daoud's last visit to Moscow.] 
April 12-15 - President Mohammed Daud visited Moscow.
September- Soviet presence in Afghanistan was greater than that of any other foreign power. About 37,000 Afghan officers and non-commissioned officers had been trained in the Soviet Union using the $600 million worth of military hardware provided by the USSR.
April 7 - According to Dobbs (Nov 23-29, 1992), the April Revolution of 1978 Caught the Kremlin by surprise, and Moscow had even warned against the obstacles. Taraki followed a non-aligned policy, but also accepted aid from whoever would supply it, turning closer towards the USSR, which initially embraced his regime with open arms. He instituted drastic social and economic measures, including land reform, women's rights, and education, thus continuing to offend those with vested interests in maintaining the status quo. The U.S. recognized the regime within a week and continued to send economic aid.
August - 30 aid and cooperative agreements signed with the USSR.
December 3 - President Taraki, PM Amin, Cabinet members arrive in Moscow for talks with Soviet leaders.
December 5 - Afghan-Soviet Friendship Treaty was extended for another 20 years by Taraki and Brezhnev in Moscow. At this time, more advisors came to Kabul.
March 28 - Former Foreign Minister Amin becomes Prime Minister.
April 5 - Soviet military delegation led by Gen. Epishev (Head of the Chief Political Directorate of the Red Army and Navy) arrived in Kabul for a "tour of inspections."
April 8 - Soviet Vice Minister of Defense Gen. Epishev meets with Taraki in Kabul.
July - A Soviet airborne battalion of 400 men was stationed at Bagram airport.
September 1 -En route home from the Havana Summit of Non-aligned States, Taraki visited Moscow where he met Brezhnev. Brezhnev advised Taraki on replacing Prime Minister Amin by a more pragmatic and preferable someone who had served in former regimes.
September 9 - Soviet forces gathered along the Soviet side of the Afghan border.
November - Warsaw Pact forces were placed on the advanced state of readiness.
December 8-9 - Soviet Special forces flew into Afghanistan
December 12 - Soviet Politburo decides to invade Afghanistan.
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[caption: USSR troops in Kabul]
December 25-27 - Soviet troops enter Afghanistan beginning what would be called the "Soviet Vietnam," a ten-year war with no victor.
Adamec, Ludwig. (1991). Historical Dictionary of Afghanistan. London: The Scarecrow Press.
Dobbs, M. (Nov 23-29, 1992). "The Soviet Vietnam." The Washington Post National Weekly Edition. Page 6.
Dupree, L. (1980). Afghanistan. New Jersey: Princeton University Press.
Ganjoo, S. (1990). Soviet-Afghan Relations. Delhi: Akashdeep Publishing House.
Gregorian, V. (1969). The Emergence of Modern Afghanistan. Stanford: Stanford University Press.
Meyer, Karl E.; Brysac, Shareen Blair. (1999). TOURNAMENT OF SHADOWS: The Great Game and the Race for Empire in Central Asia
Sadat, M.E. (1998). Afghanistan, sar Zamina Hamasa wa Fajaha. Germany.
About Mir Hekmatullah Sadat
Mir Hekmatullah Sadat has a BA from the University of California, Irvine and an MA the California State University, Fullerton, and a Ph.D. at Claremont Graduate University.
Other articles by Mir Hekmatullah Sadat
The Lost Treasures
Afghan History: kite flying, kite running and kite banning
From Aryana to Afghanistan: The Historic Role of the Afghan Flag
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risingpakistan · 12 years
Maulana Shaukat Ali
Maulana Shaukat Ali was an Indian Muslim nationalist and leader of the Khilafat movement. He was the brother of Maulana Mohammad Ali.
Early life
Shaukat Ali was born in 1873 - in Rampur state in what is today Uttar Pradesh or known as Lucknow. He was of Turkic descent, Turks who had settled in modern day Afghanistan, and Northern India. He was educated at the Aligarh Muslim University. He was extremely fond of playing cricket, captaining the university team.Mahatma Gandhi brought him into politics. Ali served in the civil service of United Provinces of Oudh and Agra from 1896 to 1913.
Khilafat Movement
Shaukat Ali helped his brother Mohammed Ali publish the Urdu weekly Hamdard and the English weekly Comrade. In 1919, while jailed for publishing what the British charged as seditious materials and organizing protests, he was elected as the first president of the Khilafat conference. He was re-arrested and imprisoned from 1921 to 1923 for his support to Mahatma Gandhi and the Indian National Congress during the Non-Cooperation Movement (1919-1922). His fans accorded him and his brother the title of Maulana. In March 1922, he was in Rajkot jail—Nehru Report--
Nehru Report
While still a supporter of Congress and its non-violent ethos, Ali emulated some of his colleagues in also providing support to the revolutionary independence movement. To this end, he supplied guns to Sachindranath Sanyal.[1] Along with his brother, Shaukat Ali grew disillusioned with the Congress and Gandhi's leadership. Maulana Md.Ali Jauhar was in jail, so Maulana Shaukat along with Begum Md. Ali led Khilafat Committee at All Parties Conference on Nehru Report with 30 representatives of Central Khilafat Committee which included Md. Ifran,Mohiuddin Ajmery,Yasin Noori,S.K.Nabibullah,Gulsher Khan,Md. Ibrahim,Manzoor Ali Taib,Musa Khan,Azad Subhani,Md. Jafri,Lal Badshah,Abdul Majid Daryabadi,Rauf Pasham,Md. Usman,Abdul majid,Doctor Maghfoor Ahmad Ajazi,Hashim Abdur Rahman,Khwaja Ghyasuddin,Elahi Bakhsh,Abdul Mohasin Md. Sajjad,Sulaiman Qasim,Ali Md. Jalaluddin,Abdul Rauf,Fateh Md.,Md. Jan,Ahmad Bhamriwala,Abdul Ahad Khan,Himaytullah,Md. Bakhsh and Zahid Ali. He opposed the 1928 Nehru Report, demanding separate electorates for Muslims and finally Khilafat Committee rejected Nehru Report. Attended the first and second Round Table Conferences in London. His brother died in 1931, and Ali continued on and organized the World Muslim Conference in Jerusalem.
In 1936, Ali joined the All India Muslim League and became a close political ally of and campaigner for Muhammad Ali Jinnah, the future founder of Pakistan. He served as member of the Central Assembly from 1934 to 1938. He travelled over the Middle East, building support for India's Muslims and the struggle for independence.
Shaukat Ali died in 4 January 1939. 
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colorsofsaudia · 11 years
The Makkah Province or Mecca Province  is the most populous province of Saudi Arabia. It is located in western Saudi Arabia and has an extended coastline. It has an area of 153,128 km² and a population of 6,915,006 (2010 census). Its capital is the sacred city of Mecca (also transliterated as Makkah) and its largest city is Jeddah, which is also Saudi Arabia's main port city.
Governors of the Makkah province since the establishment of the Kingdom of Saudi Arabia are as follows:[1]
Khalid bin Mansour bin Lowaay, (1924)
Mohammed bin Abdurrahman bin Faisal Al Saud, (1924-1925)
Faisal, (1925-1963)
Abdullah bin Saud, (1960)
Abdullah Al Faisal (in capacity as Interior Minister and deputy of vice king), (1963-1968)
Mutaib bin Abdulaziz, (1968)
Mishaal bin Abdulaziz (1963-1971)
Fawwaz bin Abdulaziz (1971-1980)
Majid bin Abdulaziz (1980-1999)
Abdul Majeed bin Abdulaziz (1999-2007)
Khalid Al Faisal (2007–2013)
Mishaal bin Abdullah Al Saud (2013-present)
The province is divided into 12 governorates (with 2010 Census populations):
Al Jmumum (92,222)
Al Kamil (21,419)
Al Khurmah (42,223)
Al-Lith (128,529)
Al Qunfidhah (272,424)
Ta'if (987,914)
Jeddah (3,456,914)
Khulays (56,687)
Makkah Al Mukarramah (1,675,368)
Rabigh (92,072)
Ranyah (45,942)
Turubah (43,947)
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