#modern retirement au
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shadow0-1 · 17 days ago
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pachimation · 2 years ago
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they lost focus and had a consensual workplace relationship 😔
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kittykattropicanna · 1 year ago
Okay new Simon Riley AU but i need everyone to stick TF with me here
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Retired!Reddit!Simon anyone????? NO BC HEAR ME OUT I PROMISE
Imagine Retired!Simon. his served for decades, in that time he meets reader, gets married, had kids, ect, ect, ect.
After he retires, his completely lost and out of his element. he cant work anymore due to his chronic back pain from year of service and integrating back into society permanently turns out is a lot harder then he originally anticipated.
he starts getting really, really depressed. Days start blending into each other and his three sons start to notice their dads is doing it really tough.
SOOOO they decided to make a reddit account for him. they make him join a bunch on military sub-reddits, maybe askreddit and things alike just so he can have something to do that isn't watching the football all day
he actually turns our to really, really like it. he can post all about this crazy military carrier, maybe even a little about this childhood (which he feels comfortable with because its all anonymous) and maybe even shares a little about his wife (reader) and three boys.
i can imagine after a while he starts gaining A LOT of popularity because holy shit his stories are so interesting and his lived such a crazy and inspiring life.
it becomes his way to connect with people that aren't just his wife and kids and he starts getting so much support from other people it really starts to boost his mood again.
i also imagine people start asking for dating advice and stuff from him because his always boasting about reader on his reddit. he kinda becomes an internet dad in some way 😭😭😭😭 like people genuinely trust him with their LIVES and i'm imaging some of his response are so fucking funny 😭😭😭😭😭
Maybe take it a step further and his sons create a youtube channel for him that he can make videos about this interests such as guns, car repairs, motorbikes, ect and the internet EATS THAT UP AS WELL bc absolutely massive hot ex SAS DILF that is obsessed with his wife and kids wearing a skin tight black tshirt and a balaclava while talking about this interests 😭😭 everyone loves him sm
like imagine his boys showing him tiktok edits of him and poor Si is so confused bc why is he watching himself get thirst trapped over on some strange app he had never heard of before 😭😭😭😭😭😭 his like 50 leave him ALONEEEEE
if this goes forward i plan to write a big chuck of it in a reddit sort of format almost like you were scrolling through the app and seeing him post. Readers would be Si's wife, so even though you would be reading the text in the third person, every time Si would mention his wife, he would be referring to you if that makes sense???????
idk please tell me if this is a little to niche 😭😭😭😭😭 am i cooked or a creative genius???? ill let you decided
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beescrafting · 1 month ago
Through heaven and hell...
Price is now retired... Living in a slow town with a small population further up in England's more rural area.
During one night at the pub and a near PTSD attack, he finds himself talking to a gentleman named Nikolai.
Life was slow now. With creaking old joints, pains from active duty, John found himself in a small little town far out into the country side of England.
It was quiet.
It is nice.
It was boring.
Compared to the normal loudness of a battle feild, the gunfire, the yelling, the bombs... Then again those silent missions... Either way John found himself bored out of his mind.
Theirs only so much a man can do with gardening or trying to learn how to knit.
So alot of the time, he found himself jogging and working out, doing small jobs with helping the community, and then drinking.
This is where John found himself every Friday night, at the pub at the edge of town. It's not the most popular pub, but its a good one.
That's where John found himself right now. Sitting in a corner of the bar, cradling a whiskey to drink.
The bar was briming with life, from workers taking a moment to calm down for the week ended talking with friends and watching sports, to some young men on a few dates with their girlfriends or boyfriends.
This town truly was something else.
Drinking his whiskey John sighed. The noise in the background was slowly startling to frazzle out, sounding like background noise as he more focused on the tv. It was a program about a war going on...
John tapped his finger against the table slightly, taking a deep breath. He was starting to hear the voices of the men he failed to keep alive... The men who died by his side due to his faults.
Their screams of pain over the coms as they suffered and died by the enemies hands.
The sound of gun fire and bombing ringing in his ear it was-
"are you an angel, because I want to pray to you~" A thick russian accent suddenly broke his train of thought from such a wild thing to say.
John turned to face the man only to be met by a older gentleman with a smirk amongst his face. His stuble was nice it really brought out a strong mans exterior if you were to ask anyone.
"pardon?" John said raising a brow as he studied the man.
"ha sorry, just trying to get you out of that head of yours мой друг" (мой друг = my friend) the man said while taking a seat next to John. He was wearing a dark brown leather jacket with some jeans and a nice random t-shirt from something John didn't know. "My name is Nikolai, friends call me nik, and you are?" The man- no... Nikolai asked.
"John... John Price" john replied back, he found himself smiling slightly, he had been lacking a bit with human connection lately after all... And John had a feeling Nik understood him more then he let on.
"well John, care to explain what's got you stuck in that brain of yours?" Nik asked leaning a bit closer after ordering for another round for the pair. Another Whiskey and a cherry vodka.
Mhm very nice.
Maybe this truly is what he needed, someone to talk to and drink with. He hadn't had much contact with anyone from his job in a bit, Ghost and Soap were still in the army serving under a new captain now no doubt, and Laswell had her wife and job in the CIA...
"Well, I use to be in the army" John mumbled before talking more to Nik about what it was like, he and nik both learned a few things from one another. They truly had alot in common.
This is just the intro for what's going to be started, its not very long but its a ground breaker for what I have planned. Thank you for reading, and if you wish to be tagged for me updates to this, then please let me know, and if you have any questions my ask's are always opened! Their will be other updates too other then short little writings such as art, thoughts, and chapter idea's. I do hope you enjoy this project among the many more I'm work on. - Bee
but i do think i know of two people who'd like this, @panchulien and @hexxedghost ,w,
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lefttoesucker · 1 year ago
Not much for the beach, Johny?
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Turns our he doesn't mind the beach when Ghost is around...
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My babies for real <3
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blaithnne · 1 year ago
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The first Heron design I showed off was from before Confidential Casefiles, so I thought I’d show you guys her look after she gets her new arm. Plus a few changes I made to her character for this AU! Just realised the way I placed my signature makes it look like I’M her worst enemy, whoops.
Meet the Cast!
╰┈➤ Canon ☄. *. ⋆
→ Scrooge McDuff → Matilda McDuff → Hortense McDuff → Qalhata Duiker → Goldie O'Gilt → Jack Duckworth → Bentina Beakley → LÙ Huifen (pre-caseflies) → Ludwig Von Druska → Bradford Butcher
╰┈➤ OCs ☄. *. ⋆
→ Lucrais NicRiada
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toucandrawz · 7 months ago
So, I may or may not have done a litttttle bit more world building, at least in art, for the retirement AU i mentioned on this commission post
So the first one was a piece I was Doing, and decided to add to Krupnyy‘s ref! And then I finished it because I found an amazing rake brush for Csp and OMG! It’s amazing, I love it so much. I think it was called the cherry brush where I got it?? But if you search rake brush you should find it!!
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The second is Nik’s ref for it, they’re not really very different from their canon, I just use refs a lot and like to be really consistent with my colors. I might edit it a little, which would just be information like she n‘ stuff.
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Then this is Krupnyy! One of the stallions he owns! I got really fixated on horses again, so the autism made me shove both hyperfixations together. They have a couple other named horses, but they don’t have intense designs.
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sarahowritesostucky · 1 year ago
Modern Stucky and Howlies AU
The Fic:
What if when Steve came out of the ice, all the Howlies were still alive and living together in one retirement old folk's home? And Steve, having no connections with anybody in the modern world, spent tons of his free time visiting them and playing poker, sneaking them liquor, and just generally creating a headache for the semi-amused retirement home staff?
And Bucky is the care worker who grows to have a crush on Steve.
(**Bonus points if you name the Nursing Home "Shady Acres Care Home" , like where Loki stuck his father in Thor: Ragnarok)
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luna-andra · 1 year ago
The Shadows Return | Simon 'Ghost' Riley x OC | Retired AU | Chapter 6: The Cage
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Summary: Ghost and Andra's first not-date
Author's note: This chapter was so fun to research and write, I hope you guys enjoy! ✨️
Content Warning: slow burn, eventual smut, 18+, fluff, mentions of mental health
If this is the first time you're seeing this, Chapter 1 is here. You can find the rest on my masterlist! Next chapter is here!
Word count: ~6k
The ideal way to see Andra bright and early in the morning would be with a smile on her face for once. Ghost was just relieved that he wasn’t the cause of her anger this time. His truck rolled to a stop in front of her house, and he could see her pacing back and forth on her front porch, her phone pressed against her ear. He couldn’t help but smirk at the sight of her in black sportswear, her hair pulled up in a hair tie with spindles of curls flowing from the pony and two free curls framing each side of her face.
She noticed his arrival and gave him a subtle “please wait” gesture to him.
Ghost sat tight in the truck, tapping a finger against the steering wheel nonchalantly. He observed her body language as she strolled down the 3-step landing, taking slow steps to the front of the truck. He wasn’t that good at reading lips, but he didn’t have to be to know that she was saying ‘no’ venomously. Everything else was lost on him, and her voice grew loud enough for him to realize she was yelling in Spanish.
Andra approached the passenger door, her last words being “Good luck figuring it out” before hanging up and slamming the door behind her.
He took the risk of trying to lighten the mood. “Got a habit of slammin’ doors, do we?”
Andra groaned as she scrubbed her clean face with shaky hands. “Sorry, my mom knows how to push my buttons.”
This is the first time he’s heard her talk about her family since they met. “That bad?” He also realized since it’s crack-of-dawn early here for them, it was late over there in the states.
Andra set her phone to vibrate and shoved it into her back pocket. “She tried starting with the whole ‘hi, mija! How are you doing? We miss you!’” her voice went up a few pitches to reflect an imitation of her mother, “And here I am thinking ‘it’s eleven at night over there, why is she calling that late?’ so I let her play her little game until she finally came out with it.”
She took a breath along with a hand gesture as if she’s trying to compose herself in front of her face. “She asked me to help her bail out my cousin Andrew.”
Ghost, focusing on the road, felt hesitant to ask anything about the situation, but he took the bait. “Are you close with your cousin?”
“No!” Andra exclaimed. “I don’t talk to that side of the family because they deal – “ she interrupted herself to omit a bit of information. “They run the streets with the wrong people, and I told her several times before that I couldn’t care less about that side of the family.
“And does she ever bother my brothers with that bullshit? Oh no, never,” she sneered, “Not her precious mijitos.” Andra crossed her arms over her chest and let out a heavy sigh, followed by a sarcastic chuckle. “I’m only family when they need something.”
Ghost sympathized with her, but he didn’t know what to say. What was that part about them dealing? Dealing drugs?
Andra melted into the passenger seat and eyed him. “I’m sorry, I shouldn’t be dumping this on you when we’re supposed to be having a nice day out.”
All he could do is play it off. “I think I have to draw the line at family baggage.”
A silent snicker had her shoulders bobbing. “That would be my hard limit, too. So tell me now if I have anything crazy to look forward to so we can call it quits now.”
He knew she was joking back, but he couldn’t help but think how she had no clue.
Her head relaxed against the headrest as she looked out the windshield to the morning sunrise melding with the skyline. “I guess I should be thankful that she bothered me early in the morning rather than in the middle of our not-date.”
Ghost shook his head at that with a hidden grin. “That’s one way to look at it.”
“Speaking of, where are we going?” Andra turned to him again.
The truck stopped at the next stop light and took a left, taking them away from Disley and the little civilization they lived nearby. “A park.”
“A park?” she questioned. “We passed up plenty of other parks.”
Ghost eyed her for a quick second before looking back to the road. “This one’s different.”
“Is this a park where notorious killers dump the bodies of their victims? Because that’s the vibe I’m getting.”
He rolled his eyes. “If I was a killer, don’t you think I would’ve done it a long time ago?”
Ghost could feel the grin she was trying to suppress. “That was honestly my first thought when we met.”
“Gee, thanks.”
With the sun only halfway peaked over the horizon, the truck drove down a narrow, one-lane road lined with beech trees shedding their red and yellow leaves. The wind was mild, and with each passing breeze the leaves were picked up in a wistful, arbitrary direction, creating flurries of autumn colors.
Andra looked out the window with a young, whimsy sparkle in her beautiful browns, and the sight of an ancient and well-maintained estate came into view. Ghost wasn’t sure if she even knew that she whispered a ‘whoa,’ but he wouldn’t ruin the moment.
The road split off into two directions, and Ghost made a right turn to the near-empty parking lot.
“The estate is closed until 0900, but the grounds are open to the public to roam about.” Ghost shifted the gear into park and killed the ignition. Behind him, he reached for a small pack that he prepared with a few water bottles and some protein bars in case they were peckish on the trail. “Ready?”
Andra was already opening the passenger door to hop out. “Absolutely.”
From the parking lot, they took the trail that would lead them directly to the front gates of the estate. The weather was mildly cool, but Ghost was wearing a jacket in case he found Andra feeling cold. Her skintight, long sleeve athletic zip up looked thin, but so far on the stroll she was managing.
The front gates to the estate were closed, but a quick cross over the road would lead them onto another trail. Andra observed the castle-like mansion. “Why does this place look familiar? I swear I’ve never been here before.”
Ghost stepped up to her side. “BBC’s Pride & Prejudice was filmed here.”
“No shit.” Her eyebrows shot up. “You watched it?”
He shook his head. “You?”
“Nah, just seen a few minutes here and there when friends would watch it.” Andra turned to continue the trudge along the trail lined with aged half-walls of cobblestone.
Ghost followed in tow. “I figured that would be your type of thing to watch.”
She snorted. “Why, because I read the occasional romance novel?”
“Romance? You read downright smut.”
Her face blazed crimson at his retort. “Jeez, thanks for saying it out into the wind.”
The wind was fresh and crisp every time it blew through the fabric of his balaclava. It had been a while since Ghost had been out on a nature hike, probably since the last time he and the lads went camping. This trumped staying home all day doing annual house upkeep or working out for a few hours.
The manor faded beyond the rolling hills, and further they followed the trail. Ghost knew exactly where this trail would lead them, high up on a hill overlooking Disley.
The silence between them was comfortable, Ghost didn’t feel the need to fill the time with talk. Andra was enthralled with the scenic tour of the countryside. Yet, Andra found herself being disrupted by the occasional vibration from her phone. Alerting her to unwanted messages by the expression darkening her eyes.
“Still getting loving messages from mother dearest?” Ghost assumed.
Her ponytail whipped around as she turned to look at him. “Yeah, at this point I’m realizing I should’ve left my phone in your truck.” Her finger held down the power button, and the phone’s screen went black.
“Did you leave the states to get away from them?” It was not like Ghost to go prying into people’s personal life, but he had always been curious about what brought her all the way over here in his own backyard. Or rather, next door down the road.
Andra slowed down to a sloth’s pace before she sat upon the cobble wall beside the path. “That’s not the entire reason, but it’s some of it.” She looked down at her dusty shoes. “I lost my scholarship. I had a four-year ride to Texas State, and a year in I blew it.
“My mother was pissed.” Andra’s gaze lifted to stare aimlessly amongst the fields of yellowing grass. “Not because I squandered my future, but because she thought she would never get rid of me. She didn’t want a daughter, just boys. And I worked my ass off all throughout school to make sure I had a way to leave home as soon as possible.
“So, when she found out that I was getting kicked out of the dorms, she told me I wasn’t welcome to come back.”
Ghost clenched his jaw. “And your dad? Was he present?”
Andra’s hands rubbed the tops of her thighs as she swung her feet. “He was, but he was completely oblivious to my mother’s vitriol.” Her eyes met his, that sadness he couldn’t bear to see swirling in the mocha of her irises. “My dad was at work the day I came back home, I’m sure if he was there, he would have opened the door for me and asked if I was hungry.”
A flash of his mother’s face manifested in his mind, her kind, ageing face opening the front door to his childhood home to greet him. He couldn’t fathom anything but love from his own mom.
Ghost had to look away from Andra and blew out a breath. “What happened after that?”
“I couch surfed while working multiple jobs.” Andra leaped off the cobble wall. “I got fed up one day, bought a world map, darts and a bottle of tequila,” Ghost shuddered at the mention of tequila, “Got piss drunk, and threw some darts at the map. That part was true, and that’s why I had lousy aim. The other two landed on Australia, and I wasn’t about to move there, scary ass bugs and all. And the other one landed on Russia, and I didn’t feel like learning a new language so Disley, England it was.”
Ghost couldn’t help but be amused by how cliché the decision was. “Safe to say you did good for yourself by moving.” The two of them continued their walk on the trail.
“Oh yeah,” she vehemently agreed. “I got a chance at life again and I don’t have to see my family? Win fucking win.” Her grin fell once more. “I miss my brothers and my dad. But I know Ivan is doing well for himself in the Marines, and Orion will be graduating high school next summer.” Andra’s eyes narrowed to the building in the distance. “What is that?”
Ghost looked at what Andra was questioning. “That’s The Cage.”
“The what now?”
The hill was getting steep, and Ghost noticed how Andra was struggling to trudge up the slope. He took her hand and led her to the smaller stone keep.
The Cage sat atop of the highest hill, looking over groves of shedding trees and endless, quiet pastures for kilometers. The closer they got to the Baroque-styled standalone structure, the louder the wind blistered all around them. A heavy, iron gate locked with chains and a padded lock restricted access to the three-story keep. Iron bars were installed on the first floor windows to keep visitors and vagrants out. And the windows on the floor above are too frosted with age to get a look of the interior of the building. Thin patches of moss speckles over the bricks and archway of the entrance, giving it color and character. The bricks have been discolored by centuries of rain running off its surface.
“It’s a historical landmark, built sometime in the 1500s.” Ghost assisted Andra as they reached a leveled out plain of gravel path, holding onto her hand even while they approached the keep. “It was originally a hunting lodge, and the wives or ladies of nobility would sit inside to watch and observe the hunters nearby.
“It was actually part of a larger structure, but they built this part of it a couple centuries after the original keep was demolished.”
Andra gave Ghost an astonished look. “I didn’t take you for a history buff.”
He laughed. “I took a field trip out here when I was still in primary school. I remember a few of the details from pamphlets we got. We were expected to take an exam on the history of the landmarks, and this one was the more interesting one to me.”
Andra pulled her hand away from Ghosts, leaving an absent sensation in his palm, to touch the withering stone. “1500s you said?” he hummed in response, and she was in awe in a way he wasn’t expecting. “Wholly shit, this might be the oldest piece of architecture I’ve ever seen in person.”
“This is nothing.” Ghost stepped closer until he was a step behind her.
She scoffed. “Yeah, that’s easy to say when your country is over a thousand years old.” Her surprised expression when she turned to face him, hand pressed firm on the wall, told Ghost that she didn’t know how close he was. She had to tilt her head up to meet his eyes.
Ghost fought the urge to place his brawny hand over hers. The air felt thicker than it has all day.
“Should we start heading back?” Ghost suggested. He figured by the time they got back, the estate and other shops were open to the public now; there was so much left he wanted to show her.
Andra nodded and followed Ghost carefully down the steep hill. “I realized something.”
Ghost hummed, “And what is that?”
“I don’t even know your last name.”
It was an innocent inquiry, one that Ghost felt comfortable sharing with her. “It’s Riley.”
Andra made an interested murmur. “Simon ‘Ghost’ Riley.”
She said his name like she it was an answer to one of life’s many questions. His name rolling off her lips made his knees weak. The way she held so much power over him should scare him. His feet began to carry him at a slower pace, walking a few meters behind that swaying ponytail, the breeze carrying the jasmine and vanilla essence that once haunted him.
The estate had groups of people filing into the entrance, and the discomfort was apparent through Ghost’s body language. “It looks like the café is separate from the mansion, let’s hit it up first and get something.”
Andra’s suggestion was a relief. Ghost didn’t feel like bringing attention to the both of them and potentially ruin the experience for her. It would have been less packed if they had shown up on a weekday, but what could he do now?
The gravel crunched beneath their shoes as they approached the café. Andra hesitated, then turned to Ghost, blatantly looking at his masked face in concern.
Before she could say anything, he shook his head. “Don’t worry about me.”
“Are you sure- “
“What do you think I do when I gotta eat on my lunch breaks?” He opened the café’s door, the bell over the threshold chiming to announce their arrival.
Andra didn’t say anything else about it, yet Ghost was moved from her worrying about him. The café barista greeted them warmly, fighting the urge to give Ghost a questionable look. He let them know if they had any questions, they just needed to ask. Andra tilted her head up to look at the menu displayed on the wall. “What are you getting?”
“Just tea.” Ghost answered.
She scoffed. “Typical.” Before he could quip back, she started ordering for the both of them. “I’ll have a flat white and a tea.”
“Cream and sugar for the tea?” the barista asked politely.
Andra looked to Ghost for the answer, and he nodded. “Yes, please.” She chirped.
The barista announced the total, and before Andra could fish her wallet out of her pocket, Ghost handed payment over. He wasn’t about to let her pay for anything today.
A bashful grin crossed her mouth and she muttered a thanks.
With coffee and tea in hand, Ghost led Andra out of the café and chose a table with an opened umbrella shading them from the morning sunlight. Its vinyl material whipped and cracked with the wind. Ghost took the seat giving him the advantage to see anyone passing by and Andra sat directly across from him. She clasped the warm to-go cup in her hands, gauging the temp of the coffee with a gentle sip.
Ghost took the lid off his cup and dunk the tea bag a few times in the milky water and watched Andra’s satisfaction at her hot drink. “You cold?”
She waved her hand in a so-so gesture. “I’ll be fine after the coffee.”
“Here.” Ghost shucked off his jacket, leaving him in his black long sleeve shirt. Andra tried to protest, but stopped after he draped the jacket over her shoulders and returned to his seat. It was too big on her, but she didn’t complain.
Her cheeks went carnation pink. “Thank you.” Her attention turned to their surroundings, observing the other buildings nearby. Ghost took this as a chance to lift his mask up enough to drink his tea, gulping nearly half of the small cup. Shit, it burned going down.
With how Andra’s pupils flared, Ghost knew she was fighting the urge to look his way. Not that she had to; he made the choice to reveal a bit of his face, yet it was endearing. After concealing himself once more, Ghost broke the silence with more questions to ask her, such as what she was majoring in college, which led to her asking if he went to school before joining the military.
“No,” Ghost answered, “We were just required to have high marks on our assessments.”
“Oh.” Andra nodded; her eyes glanced down at her coffee. “In the US you have to complete college in order to be an officer.”
“Is that what you were trying to do?” He continued.
She glanced back up at him once more. “Yeah, I was in their ROTC program and was going to join the army after graduation.”
There was a thick energy around the topic. She was only giving out information that he directly asked her for. “Even though you lost your scholarship, you didn’t want to try enlisting afterwards?”
Her body went rigid, he didn’t know if it was from the cold wind blowing through or from his prodding. “I couldn’t.” A forced, halfhearted grin tried to conceal her sadness.
Ghost wanted to know more, but he was all too familiar with avoiding certain topics. And it probably had been years since she talked about this with anyone. He might be the wrong person to be asking forward questions about her past, but as much mystery as he gave off, so did she. And he wasn’t used to being in the dark about the people in his life.
With another lift of his mask, her eyes darted away, only to look back at him again as he finished off his tea. “There’s a second-hand bookstore nearby, wanna check it out?”
Andra’s eyes brightened. “For sure.”
There was a particular smell about second-hand bookstores that Andra always enjoyed, a scent that she never gets anywhere else. It’s the telltale sign that these books were loved by all different kinds of people, and they were waiting to be taken home to its new owner to take them on a new adventure.
The bookstore was warm and inviting, and so was Ghost’s jacket. Andra had to fight the urge to lean her face into the lapels of the jacket to inhale his scent. Gods, she was a creep. She had done it once when he draped it over her and a second time when he walked ahead to open the door of the bookstore for her.
An orange tabby hopped down from its cat tree and approached the two of them as if to greet them, like it owned the bookstore instead of its owner. It chirped as Andra gave its back a gentle touch, earning her the honor of the cat rubbing itself against her leg. Sammy’s not gonna be happy about smelling cat on her when she gets home.
A woman in her late 30s peered her head from behind one of the many tall shelves with a smile. “Welcome, let me know if you need help finding anything particular.”
“Thank you.” Andra smiled back as she sauntered down the main corridor, scanning the aging labels for each genre.
Ghost followed closely behind her, hands at his sides. He stopped a few inches as he realized she had turned to face him. “I have an idea.”
An eyebrow disappeared beneath the fabric of his balaclava. “Should I be concerned?”
She grinned with an eye roll. “I promise, it’s not painful.”
Ghost stuffed a hand in his pocket. “Alright, I’m listening.”
“Pick a title that you would be interested in reading and I’ll have to read it, and I’ll do the same for your read. Nothing lengthy, something less than… let’s say three hundred pages.”
“That’s not lengthy to you?” Ghost retorted.
“I’ve read thousand-page books before, but I won’t make you endure that. You interested?” Andra rocked back and forth from her heels to her tip toes.
Ghost looked around and nodded his head. “Let’s see what we can find.”
“Great!” Andra left Ghost to search for his own book while she went scouring the store for some ideas.
From non-fiction to culinary, fiction to religion, the bookstore had variety. Andra went looking for the woman running the store, finding her behind the register counter. “Excuse me, do you have any American titles?”
The woman with blonde hair tied up in a bun looked at Andra with a friendly smile. “Yes, miss, it’ll be down that way.” She gestured down to the right of them. “On the lefthand side of the shelves.”
Andra thanked her and made her way to the section. From where she was at, she could see Ghost slowly stalking some shelves, his head was blocking the view of the sign that would have told her what genre he was browsing.
She didn’t know if it was the espresso in the coffee she had or excitement she felt from the day, but her heart warmed with joy. She didn’t expect the day to go the way it had. A walk on beautiful trails, sightseeing historical landmarks, coffee and books. Ghost was laying it thick, and she was eating it up.
It was enough to make her forget the morning call with her mom. Nearly enough. Andra knew she would have to call or message her brother to see if he got the same sob story from mom. It wasn’t a priority, but she hoped Ivan was smart enough not to lend the bail money.
Andra shook the thoughts away as she found the book she was looking for. The Outsiders by S. E. Hinton.
“Find your book?” Ghost’s voice penetrated her focus.
She nearly jumped a few inches off the floor. “Aye dios mio.” Her hand pressed against her racing heart as she took a breath as he chuckled. “Yeah, I found something.”
“Me too.” The book hung at his side in his hand, she could see the title in bold, capitalized letters. The Operators. “Want to exchange now?”
“Sure.” They handed off each other’s book, both a mirroring image of inspecting the cover of the books. His illustrated a man in a ski mask aiming a pistol at an unknown target with a helicopter flying over his head. “The Operators: On the Streets with Britain’s Most Secret Service.” Of course he would pick a book like this.
“The Outsiders?” Ghost turned the book over to read the backside of the book. “Didn’t they make this into a movie?”
Andra nodded. “I’ve read and watched the movie.”
Ghost narrowed his eyes on her. “You chose a book you’ve already read? That’s hardly fair.”
“We’ll call it even since you probably know half of the knowledge in this book.” Andra strolled up to the counter and laid the book gently on the counter, Ghost placing his on top of hers. “And I’ll pick up the bill this time-“
Ghost laid out a twenty-pound banknote, maintaining eye contact with her. “I don’t think so, doll.”
She felt the heat rising in her face, again. “I’m gonna get you back.”
The nice lady witnessing what might be the second most sexual tension they have had between the two of them slid Ghost’s change across the counter and bagged up the books in silence.
“No you won’t.” Ghost picked up his change and the bag, thanking her as he headed towards the front door.
Andra and the woman exchanged glances, the woman telling her get it, girl without ever saying a word. After a polite goodbye, Andra caught up with Ghost.
He was looking at his phone that was blaring an emergency alert alarm quite obnoxiously, and he muttered a curse under his breath. “A severe flood warning has been posted for our area; we better get home before we can’t.”
“Oh shit, yeah let’s go.” Andra was on Ghost’s heel as they both picked up speed to head back to the truck. The clouds were noticeably darker off in the distance, in the direction that they had to go. Wind was blowing fiercer as well, the temperature dropped a couple of degrees during the time Ghost and Andra were inside the bookstore.
Her hair whipped around her face wildly, and Andra almost wished she had a balaclava to keep the chilly air from hitting her face. By the time they arrived at the truck, cold droplets were falling onto the windshield.
The two of them slid into their respective seats, and the engine roared to life as Ghost threw the gear into reverse. Andra was turning her phone back on to check the local weather app to see how close the rain was. Her knee bobbed impatiently as the phone took its sweet time booting back up.
For the first time, Ghost turned on the radio and immediately a broadcast played on the speakers inside the cabin.
“A flash flood warning has been issued in the following areas…” the spokeswoman rattled off several town names, including Disley. “This development is uncommon for this season; we advise our listeners to seek shelter and stay indoors until further notice.”
Once Ghost was out of the parking lot, he punched the gas pedal, sending the truck careening down the road. Andra could see other vehicles behind them; they must have gotten the message as well and are trying to get back home.
“Just our luck, huh.” Andra murmured as her phone completed its boot-up, and opened the weather app. The radar showed a huge wave of orange and red and a small outline of green making its way south to Disley. They were going to definitely be pelted with some heavy rain by the time they get back.
“We’ll get there.” Ghost assured her, taking a sharp right turn onto the main road.
Andra gripped onto the hand rail as her heart leaped into her throat. “Hopefully with all our limbs and blood inside us.”
Ghost shook his head. “You gotta stop listenin’ to Johnny, I’m a good driver.”
“I mean, tell that to the speed trap you busted some tires on but I wasn’t there…” Andra braced herself once more as Ghost braked hard at a stop light.
The rain was pelting the truck hard now, and she was starting to worry about hail coming along with the rain. Did I lock up the chicken coop? Andra started to worry for her animals, going over her morning routine in her head. Yeah, the chickens should be okay, she prepared to be out for a good portion of the day.
Lightning streaked across the sky, earning a gasp out of Andra. It was never the lightning that scared her, it was the boom of thunder afterwards that bothered her. Well, no, that was a lie. She remembered watching her dad take off for work one time in the early hours, the car took off just in time to miss a strike of lightning. It hit the asphalt with a crack, and the thunder was so loud it rocked the house. She could not possibly imagine what could have happened if her dad hadn’t started driving away at that very moment. So yeah, lightning bothered her, but the thunder was worse, even at her adult age.
Andra started to recognize where they were through the torrential downpour as the windshield wipers worked double time to keep the view clear for Ghost. He took the turn onto Middleton Lane, their shared street. A breath of relief left the both of them as they realized the road wasn’t flooded nor blocked off by any debris. Ghost turned into her driveway, and got as close as he could to the front of the house without ruining any of her flowers.
As Andra was taking off his jacket, Ghost stopped her. “Give it back to me the next time we see each other.”
Andra beamed a smile at him. “You’re already sure that there will be a next time?”
His eyes crinkled at the corners; a smile was beneath that skull pattern. “If you’ll allow me.”
Another flash of lightning had Andra flinching. She pulled the jacket back onto her and lifted the hood. “Shoot me a message or a call when you get inside.”
Ghost grunted in agreement before she opened the passenger door and made a run for the covered porch, making it inside with minimal moisture. She watched the truck reverse and turn around, driving down into the brutal rain.
Andra closed the door, and a boom louder than just the thunder rocked the house. She fell to her knees and covered her head with a scream. Sammy ran up to her and licked her hands covering her head in a frenzy; she was just as afraid of the unforgiving weather outside those walls.
Andra gave Sammy loving rubs. “Poor baby, I know you need to go outside.” Sammy licked her face before Andra got back up onto her feet, heading to the kitchen storage to see if she still had leftover puppy pads. Thank gods, she saved them. Andra put a few down by the back door, and Sammy whined. “It’s just in case if you can’t wait, once the rain lets up, I’ll let you out babygirl.”
A heavy knock at her front door made her want to jump out of her skin. She could see the top of Ghost’s masked head through the frosted glass of the door. Quickly, she went to go open it and let him in. “Everything okay?”
Ghost was soaked. His long-sleeve shirt clung to his skin, leaving nothing to the imagination, and a black backpack was slung over his shoulder. “That loud bang you heard was a tree falling in the middle of the road. I tried to see if I could hook it up to the truck, but there’s no getting it out of the way by myself.”
“Shit…” Andra closed the door. “Well, obviously I don’t mind you crashing for the night here.” Ghost didn’t respond to that, and the air grew thick. “I have a spare bedroom upstairs; the couch also has a pullout bed so you have options.”
“I’ll stay down here.” Ghost declared.
Andra realized she was making him stand there with dripping wet clothes. “Oh my gods! Y-you can go ahead and use the downstairs bathroom to dry off.” She led him to the bathroom, forgetting that he already knew where it was. “It’s stocked with towels and everything else.” She assumed his bag had clothes in them, like an emergency bag she had stashed in her truck as well. Great minds think alike.
“Thank you, I won’t be long.” Ghost shut the bathroom door behind him, and Andra darted upstairs to her own bedroom. With the door closed behind her, she felt her heart racing in her chest.
Ghost is staying overnight.
Any interaction with my story is always appreciated! Thank you if you've made it to the end of this chapter 🖤
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thesexydancingcrepe · 2 years ago
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My LMK!OC x Retired!Sun Wukong
Crepe and Sun Wukong in modern day, retired and napping mid-day.
I honestly love the idea of Wukong having a retired/dad bod
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voidcat · 5 months ago
omgggggg are you kidding, i think you doing ballet is so interesting!! it’s one of the things i wish i could do 🥺 since you did it for 6 years, do you have any fun or cool moments to share? i’m so curious 🎤
honestly i dont think, at least my experience of it was rlly interesting ykno? idk kjdgdhkj it probably plays a factor in it that i was basically a kid back then
idk abt cool moments but i def had stupid (and funny in a way) moments lol. i think my fav coincidence is that the year i began- the recital of that year had my grade's theme being like,, cats? and cats have always been my absolute favorite so it was p fun... our tutus had tails attached to them and ear headbands.... i think i still keep those
i do vividly rcall that right after warm ups- bc we all would be tired and thirsty already, we all would try to rush to drink water (again, a bunch of kids in the same grade) so to scare us off they'd tell us drinking water and then returning back to doing ballter/dancing right after would make our stomachs explode. a reeeeaaaally flimsy reasoning when you think about it even as a kid but to this day thats what pops into my mind instead of the logical/health based reasonings lmao
also it was like an enlightening moment to wear your first ever pointe shoes- breaking them yourself (with assisted help) and all. like just holding them, staring at them for so long and being like "so thats how they do iiiit!!!!" (wooden tips lol) i wish i could still fit into my pair but my feet are now one (1) size too big for them........... devastating i think
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saltycryptid · 2 years ago
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Ring Fighter AU Soap and Ghost!
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vaulttecexec · 9 months ago
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@janeyjhoward → ❝ don’t play the victim. ❞ the scene: they're talking abt the divorce w/young adult janey and someone did not react well. don't hurt me too much, mother. (x, accepting)
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don't play the victim.
"what do you want me to tell you, janey? do you want me to tell you that i fucked up? that i miscalculated? it isn't his fault, and he had no part in it? i don't know what it is you want to hear." she rubs her brow, easing a budding migraine.
she'd asked, and barb wasn't going to lie to her. she was old enough to know what happened and why.
"i didn't intentionally hurt your father. i didn't go out of my way to ruin my own marriage. i didn't plan to be doing this alone. i didn't want to keep fighting, okay?" there's a sincerity there. she doesn't want to keep fighting now, either.
don't play the victim.
"and that? the fighting? it's all we did. for months, we fought about everything and nothing, and the only thing we could agree on was you, because the best thing i've ever done in my life is you. i'm sorry if i ruined your life and if i made things harder. trust me, it wasn't my plan to." she needs out of that office. they're rehashing feelings she shoved in a box to keep going.
don't play the victim.
"so, yeah, kid. i don't talk about him. i don't pit you against him to have you like me better, and i don't tell you he's an awful person, because i don't know him anymore. i'm not exactly his best memory, am i? i'm just the woman he thought he knew and ended up hating by the end of it all. " she says. "and it's easy for you to hate me, because i'm the one giving you all the rules, and the structure, and i work too much, right? that's fine, janey. you aren't the first howard to hate me. but what we won't do? what we aren't going to do is sit here and claim is that i'm playing the victim in shit, because i've owned up to what i've done. every time. do you understand me?"
so, having a young adult was worse than having a teenager. who would've known.
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kitxkatrp · 10 months ago
Muse BIO: Kakashi Hatake
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BIO can be found here. A very well acclaimed Ninja and the sensei of Naruto, Sasuke, and Sakura. Kakashi is known as "Kakashi of the Sharingan" or the "Copy Ninja" because he uses the sharingan he received from his former teammate Obito in order to copy the moves of other Ninja and use them against them.
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brightblueflare · 1 year ago
So I’m guessing this au is the one where Rusty joins and creates skyclan… does that mean Rusty becomes firestar of skyclan?
Rusty is barely of apprentice age when he runs off to rebuild SkyClan.
While he did have a paw in their resurrection, it was Skywatcher who did the job of teaching the ways of the Clan to those that wanted to join.
Rusty is more of a "new member for a dying Clan" than a founder, since SkyClan hasn't completely disappeared from memory.
Leafstar is good at mediating and keeping cats together, so she's the one to become SkyClan's first leader after their resurrection.
It's possible for him to become leader at the end of the AU, though, if Leafstar dies/retires.
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toucandrawz · 6 months ago
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Im back at School, so more sketchbook doodles!!
Ive been seeing the sunglasses thing, so I had to do it with Nik and Price because it is VERY Nik coded lmao.
Im probably not gonna have as much energy to post, because I’m in Highschool now and it’s kinda busy, even if I’m a lot happier now than in middleschool!!!
Here’s some extra doodles too!! I Found some highlighters so I’m having fun and sketching with those, and I got my drawing tablet back up and running after moving my room around!!! I’m so proud of the sketch at the end, it’s the second page in my sketchbook and I can’t stop staring at it!!
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