#mod: oh I hadn't missed that tag but here we are again
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curlygrant44 · 2 months ago
Hey. Felt something weird, wanted to check in. You alright? Spill something?
The message isn't one he expects to see; it's not typical for him to get any messages so 'late', but dutiful as ever, Curly checks. Because it might matter. It might be someone who's counting on him.
It's Jimmy.
Immediately, his blood runs cold, and he glances down at the doll held in his arms along with two others. Was he squeezing it too tight? Did he hurt him?
The light of the phone illuminates the darkened room just enough for him to see a faint shadow here and there on the fabric, and he worries for a second that he'd drooled on it in his sleep.
But no, with this pattern of splotches , dotted all over...
He knows what he was doing. He knows how he woke up.
I'm fine, thank you. I think I drooled on it in my sleep. I apologize for bothering you.
As easy as breathing, he lies -- he can't burden Jimmy with something stupid like this, can he? That wouldn't be fair, or reasonable. He's always troubling Jimmy, and even if they're friends, it's not right that the help is always going one way...
In the hopes of distracting him, he sends a second message as a follow-up.
Maybe I can make it up to you with something that feels nicer one of these days...
With any luck, Jimmy will latch onto that and not ask him any more questions. He turns his phone off and rolls over to hopefully get more sleep...but he makes sure to set Jimmy's doll to the side, tucked in neatly to keep him warm -- just to make sure he doesn't make a worse mess of him if the grief for a life he's never even had the chance to live, and possibly never will, hits him once more. At least he can't bother Sunshine or Jim if he cries on their dolls.
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aziraphales-library · 4 months ago
hey mods!!! I loveeee your taste in fics, you awesome ppl always have amazing ones on hand!! I was wondering if you knew any fics where Aziraphale and Crowley are just absolutely silly and ridiculous lol, it’s soo cute!! Thx for all the fics, and have a nice dayyy
Hi! You might like to check out our #humour, #humor, and #crack tags for silly fics. Here are some more silly ones for you...
You're Telling Me a Shrimp Fried This Rice? by absolutely_obsessed (G)
"A 𝘴𝘩𝘳𝘪𝘮𝘱?" "Oh, yes." "The little..." Crowley lifted his hand up and held his pointed finger and thumb about three inches apart, "little buggers in the ocean?" "The very same," Aziraphale confirmed. "𝘊𝘰𝘰𝘬𝘦𝘥 that?" "Quite right, my dear." "𝘙𝘦𝘢𝘭𝘭𝘺?" Crowley asked, 𝘢𝘣𝘴𝘰𝘭𝘶𝘵𝘦𝘭𝘺 baffled. "Really."
Fighting A Duck For My Pants And Winning by ineffablefool (T)
"Missed connection. You were the angel sitting on this park bench, I was the demon fighting a duck for my pants and losing. If you saw me, please call me. (PS. I got them back - let’s hang out!)" (Based on a Tumblr prompt. Human!Crowley is a disaster, but fortunately the very pretty angel he disaster'd in front of appears to think that's endearing.)
Dear Raphael by asideofourown (T)
The thing was, even after Crowley Fell, Heaven forgot to delete his login to their system. The only half interesting thing he had ever found in Heaven’s archives was their newspaper, even though it was a dreadfully dull rag. But even then, Crowley was never inspired to truly interfere with the Celestial Observer’s contents until the late 1600s, when advice columns were invented on Earth. As always, brilliant inspiration struck him like… like whatever inspiration strikes like. So Crowley resolved to meddle, just as a side project. Maybe if he got enough angels heated at each other, he could report it as a victory to Hell. Anyway, Dagon had always liked gossip, and the Celestial Observer’s new advice column was a ready source of that. It was pure genius. [Crowley, demon of Hell, becomes Heaven's foremost advice columnist]
"And I Would Never Say 'Pickle'!" by SanSanFanFan (G)
What if they hadn't been able to switch back again?
You Know the Answer (So Scream It Out Loud) by his_infinitevariety (G)
“Between us we have 12,000 years’ first-hand knowledge of all of human history. I think we can manage a few silly quiz shows.” This is apparently what happens when Crowley convinces Aziraphale to watch a bunch of British quiz shows with him.
Haunt Your Own House, Thank You by musegnome (E)
The line had at last dwindled to almost nothing when Aziraphale looked up with his best plastic customer-service smile and saw sunglasses. “Hi,” said Crowley with a grin. “Someone told me I needed to order something if I didn’t want to get tossed out on my ass.” “An excellent suggestion on Someone’s part.” Aziraphale’s exhaustion melted suddenly away. “What can I get you?” The grin turned wicked. “I want a footlong.” Aziraphale rolled his eyes. “Don’t we all.”   (Or: The story of how Crowley, and Ouija boards, got banned from Subway. Inspired by the famous Ouija Boards and Seances are Not Allowed at the Subway photo.)
- Mod D
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aziraphales-library · 2 years ago
hey, i am wanting as many fics as i can get my grubby little hands on where crowley (aziraphale optional) has to reconcile with and make amends for abandoning warlock. even if he hadn't been told all that antichrist business, losing the one real maternal figure he had, permanently and out of nowhere, would hurt and leave a lasting scar! i want to see this addressed. i've read several fics like this and i am a glutton and want hundreds more. any rating is fine.
Hi. We have a #warlock dowling tag, and specifically there is this post with fics where Crowley and Warlock reconnect post-almost-apocalypse. Here are a few more...
Warmth and Security by MikkMeek (T)
[...]The clerk gave him an uncertain look before handing over the pile of clothes. “Do you just have these laying around?” asked Warlock. Panic seemed to spread across their face. “I- Yes! Of course! Never know when you’ll need them!” he said rather quickly. Warlock raised an eyebrow “Alright?” he mumbled, looking over the light coloured clothes. “Thanks…” He trailed off, suddenly aware of how he had no idea what the clerk’s name was. “Sorry, what’s your name?” “You can call me Mr.Fell.” “Oh,” started Warlock. “like the shop’s name.” Mr.Fell let out an amused chuckle as his eyes began to twinkle. “Yes, like the shop’s name[.]" - Alternatively: Warlock seeks refuge in a bookshop during a downpour and runs into some familiar faces
Serendipity by phantomhivemast3r (G)
Seven years after Armageddidn't, a boy wanders into A.Z. Fell and Co. and finds something more priceless than a first-edition novel- a reunion he (and his childhood caretakers) never thought possible.
Find Me Somebody by raiining (T)
“You left me,” he said. “You both left me, for him. And I can’t even blame you, because I’d have left me for him too.”
At Least It's a Decent Shelf by dragonimp (T)
“Then why?” Warlock jerked back and struck at him. “I turned eleven and you were suddenly just gone. And then Megiddo happened—” Aziraphale caught Crowley’s eye. “Ah—” “Well—” “You see—” “Long story—”
what you feel is what you are by suzukiblu (T)
Nanny Ashtoreth and Brother Francis retire at the same time, without any warning or anything. Warlock doesn’t need a nanny anymore and it doesn’t matter who the gardener is, but . . .
But they retire without any warning, and they don’t even say goodbye.
Not to him, at least.
Finding Your Way Back Home by teardrops_on_ghostly_wings (T)
Living as the son of a diplomat is never easy but the world has been especially cruel to Warlock Dowling.
After missing his nanny and gardener for 6 years, he plans a trip to England with his family in the hope of finding them again and reconnecting.
- Mod D
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