#mod miko
sumeru-academy · 2 years
Delivery girl.
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synopsis: you’re the cute delivery girl they have a crush on.
character(s): hu tao, yae, ei (seperate).
warning(s): suggestive flirting (yae).
note(s): female reader, second POV, modern AU.
P.S: this prompt was inspired by my hunger and overwhelming desire to order food at 11 pm.
—mod angel 🎐
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Hu Tao was one to order takeout often, however in all her years of ordering from this one specific chain, she had never met a delivery girl as pretty as you before.
Lounging around in her PJs while chatting idly with a phone lodged between her cheek, she made her way over to the door and was barely even paying attention when your voice short-circuited her brain.
“Delivery for Hu Tao!”
She nearly dropped her phone at your voice, body frozen stiff as she shakily ended her call to put her focus on you. ‘Holyyyy crap is this the new delivery girl??? I’ve never seen her before…!’ She was practically gawking at the sight, drool building up in her throat as she struggled to find her voice.
“Wow, I heard our food was pretty good but I didn’t expect you to salivate that much upon arrival,” you teased. “Do you…need a tissue?”
“No! It’s okay!” That was a lie, Hu Tao was in fact not okay. “I just— I’m just hungry!”
“(Chuckle) I can see…”
Hu Tao was internally cursing herself for wearing such unflattering PJs. Why in the everliving heavens did she decide to wear this of all things? Especially her ghost slippers! The ones that had the derpy looking faces on them! Agghhh what must you think of her now?!
‘She must think I look ridiculous!’ Hu Tao grimaced.
‘Cute slippers. I want them.’ You smiled and kept on staring.
‘She’s staring at them! Oh noooooo!’ Hu Tao screamed.
“As cute as you are staring at me, can you take these inside, please? They’re really hot and kind of burning my hands.” Hu Tao snapped out of her panic and realized that you were still holding the food she had ordered. Cursing herself even more as you must’ve stood there waiting for her to take them for god knows how long.
“Right, let me just get these off your hands…” Hu Tao shivered when her hand brushed against yours, noting how soft and warm they were as if you weren’t just scalding your hands moments ago. “This is everything, right?”
“Mhm! Everything you ordered is here.” You wiped away some sweat with the back of your hand and Hu Tao swears she saw god for a moment. “Now for the bill…”
“Oh, yeah! Let me just go grab my wallet.” Hu Tao stiffly walked back inside with the grace of a nutcracker and exhaled sharply once her back was turned to you. Has– Has the house always been so warm? Hu Tao pulled at the collar of her PJs and fanned herself as she went to go find her bag. Or was she cold? It feels like her heart is pounding right out of her chest! Good gods she must be possessed!
After paying you the bill –as well as a very generous tip may I add— Hu Tao shut the door with a quiet thud and practically raced to her upstairs bedroom. Launching face first into her pillow and screaming as loud as she could muffle without disturbing the neighbors. 
‘AAAAAAAAAAAAA-’ She kicked her legs up and down and had long forgotten about the food she had left in the kitchen. Her mind instead flooded with thoughts of you, your pretty smile, your face, your whole…everything! 
“She must be a fiend…” Hu Tao murmured, sinking her face into her pillow as heat began to pour from her cheeks. “What a devilish restaurant, using such a temptress to get me to order again next time…I’ve been bewitched…”
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Miko in a modern setting would totally be a Starbucks kind of girl. Ordering it every chance she gets and even having her name spelled correctly as she was a frequent customer.
However, as frequent as she may be, there are times where she is simply too lazy to drive there herself. So, she settles for delivery whenever she couldn’t be bothered to.
Though, after this one occasion, it seems like Miko will now be ordering delivery every time she gets…
Halfway through with getting her nails painted, Miko’s ears perked up at the sound of the doorbell as she remembered that she had ordered drinks twenty minutes ago. Blowing profusely on her barely even dry nails, she struggled to even open her door as she didn’t want to ruin her tedious hard work. ‘I really should’ve thought this through…’ Miko seethed, fumbling with her elbows of all things to twist the knob open. ‘At least the only person seeing this would be the awkward little delivery boy—’
Miko’s eyes widened when she saw a newer, cuter, more prettier face than the one she was already used to. Instead of some awkward teenage boy that could barely look her in the eye, a more attractive, pretty-faced woman stood in their place instead. “Starbucks delivery for Miss Miko?” you smiled sunnily. 
Of course the one day Miko wasn’t looking her best, a hot girl decided to show up. Great. 
“Yes, that is I,” Miko instinctively took up a flirtatious pose, even though it lost its effect as she was wearing pink fluffy sweatpants. “And who is the pretty lady if I may ask?”
“Oh, I’m just the delivery girl,” You chuckled bashfully. “Here’s your order by the way, Sorry for the wait, it appears that lots of people wanted to order from home.”
“D’awww, I’m not your first customer?” Miko jabbed playfully. 
“No, I’ve actually been working as a delivery girl for a week now. So of course you wouldn’t be my first.” Miko frowned at your blunt response. “Here are your drinks. Better take them fast or else they’d melt.”
“Hmm. Fine. But can you be a dear and put them on the counter for me? My nails aren’t done drying you see,” she presented them to you proudly and gestured for you to follow her inside. “Wouldn’t want them to smear after all.”
“Of course!” You slipped off your shoes and stepped inside to set the tray on her countertop. “There you go. As for the bill…”
“Oh! The bill…” a devious smirk made its way onto Yae Miko’s lips as she had an excellent idea to make you blush. “I’m sorry dear, but I seemed to have misplaced my bag. Perhaps…I could pay you in other ways…?”
That sultry tone in her voice implied something seductive. However, you didn’t comprehend it as such as you only assumed she wanted a different payment method. 
“Yeah we take Apple Pay.” You beamed innocently. “Would you like to–”
“No! That’s not what I meant…”
“...We take CashApp too.”
“No no no–!” 
Miko groaned inwardly. Her attempts thwarted by your obliviousness as she turned to not spare you another thought. “I’ll…I’ll go find my bag…” 
Sighing defeatedly, she paid you and sent you on your way. Plopping down at her kitchen counter and staring at her Starbucks drinks chilling in the tray in front of her. Damn, has her game been that bad lately? Miko wanted to bury herself in her hands in pity. In front of a pretty girl too… 
She set her head against the cool countertop and thought about how she could woo you over to make you hers. Her drinks long forgotten about as they melted under the fiery blaze of her longing for you. 
‘Looks like I’ll be ordering from home more often…’
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Since Ei can’t cook at all, takeout and delivery is basically all she eats. She’s a frequent customer of pretty much every fast food chain you could think of, yet the one chain she orders from the most is a certain bakery she loves for their sweets. 
Most often than not, the delivery drivers for that certain bakery have all delivered to Ei’s place a numerous amount of times. However, since you were a new hire, this was the first time you’d be delivering to the well-known customer, and boy was it rough.
To put it short, you got lost.
Ei was getting impatient as she had ordered her boba and sweets over half an hour ago. What was the delivery driver doing? She was getting hungrier by the minute and her craving for sweets got much stronger with each passing minute. The moment the doorbell rang, Ei ran like lightning. Nearly tripping over a couch cushion as she stumbled to reach the doorknob in time. 
‘Finally! I can see the person responsible for delaying me of my desserts–’ Ei flinched when she was greeted with a young woman breathing heavily while holding up a box of her delicious freshly-baked desserts. The smell wafted up to her nose and instantly calmed her down as she took in the appearance of the disheveled woman. Who, despite being completely out of breath, had a very pretty voice Ei noted. 
“Your…Your order…miss…” you wheezed weakly. Clutching your stomach and presenting the box of goodies like it was the head of a monster you had just slayed. “Sorry for the delay. I got a little lost around the…the neighborhood.”
Your arms shook and Ei took it as a sign to grab the box before you could drop it. Watching as you picked yourself up painfully and analyzing your features as she had realized that she had never seen you before from the bakery. 
‘So they hired a new girl to deliver to my house…’ Ei let her eyes wander across your face and took note of how oddly cute you were despite being all hot and sweaty. ‘Very pretty. Though punctuality is not her forte…’
“You were awfully late still.” Ei spoke bluntly.
“I know. I’m sorry. Please don’t tell my boss!” You winced. 
“I won’t.” Ei murmured, grabbing the hilt of your chin and tilting it upwards to make you face her. “I quite like having you deliver to me, so I want you to keep your job.”
Unintentionally, the loser Raiden Ei had made you blush. Who would’ve thought?
“I-I…erm…” Ei watched as you fumbled over your words, heat radiating from your cheeks as she still hadn’t let go of your chin. 
‘Not good with words either.’ Ei noted, ‘And her face is all warm. She really must be out of breath…’
“I will go grab my wallet,” she murmured quietly, letting go of your chin to go back inside the house. “I will be ordering from the bakery a plentiful amount of times. Expect to memorize my route by then, understood?”
“Yes ma’am…”
And as Ei sent you off with the bill and your tip, she sat back in her kitchen and pulled out a pastry from the box. Chewing on a mouthful and letting her thoughts drift to you once more. Thoughts wandering as a blush suddenly spread across her face.
‘Is it just me…or are these desserts even sweeter than before…’
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teyvat-airlines · 2 years
Things you pick up from them
Characters included: Dottore, Scaramouche, Yae Miko,
Can be read as /p or /r
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You pick up his observation skills. He notices when you two mention the same small thing. He doesn't talk when you're in his lab with him. When he does it's more of a grumble than actual words.
You also pick up his mumbling. So another harbinger will walk in and just see you both mumbling about something. When he notices he thinks it's adorable. He 100 percent teases you about it.
He asks you what your hypothesis is on a few experiments. It's a bonding activity... of Sorts...
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Scaramouche (The Wanderer)
You pick up his sharp tongue. You have to be very patient to be friends with Scara. So it's warranted that you snap back at him from time to time.
You two go back and forth pretty frequently. It's mainly light-heartedly. Scara just hovers around you like a cat. He's always there holding your hand. Or touching you in some way.
When ever you fight it's mainly just you two shouting insults at each other.
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Yae Miko
You pick up her smirk. You know the one she does when she's about to mess with someone? Yeah, that one.
Being around Yae has gotten you roped into a few funny pranks, mainly on Ei and random civilians. She always smirks when she's plotting something and you kinda mimicked her without noticing.
When she notices don't expect to hear the end of it. Even though she teases you she finds it endearing in an odd way.
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cruxsims · 8 months
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Yae Miko Jewelry
My second CC release! This time I thought it'd be significantly simpler than making a hair from scratch... but uh I underestimated how much I understood about textures before deciding to tackle this idea
This jewerly is made specifically to be compatible with @simandy's miko hair and thefallenraven's yae miko outfit! i admit i made this out of the selfish need to be able to use her jewerly with this specific hairstyle, but hey i figured i might not be the only one with that need so that's why i'm sharing it :)
And I've included a little bonus! there's an extra download file if you want to have her earrings fit any regular human ears and not just her fox ones!
I hope you guys like it!! and let me know if you find any issues
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feroshgirlsims · 2 months
Chapter 1.2 - Bad Dreams Are for the Birds
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The Art History department has two other TAs, but as far as Miko’s concerned, they’re both bullshit.
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They haven’t proven themselves incompetent yet, but it's only a matter of time before someone drops the ball, leaving Miko to pick it up. It’s how it always goes down, which is why, despite feeling like absolute crap, she’s organizing the art supply room by herself. 
Next week, the undergrads will start working on pieces for their first critical review. A lot of them are talented, but they’re also inexperienced. And as silly as it seems, having their supplies clearly labeled with helpful hints will be a gift from the Watcher when some professor is picking apart their work and demanding they make quick changes. 
You mean when some professor was picking apart your work because you’re incompetent.
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It takes everything to ignore the nasty voice in her head and her burning need to pee. It’s just stress, anyway. She slept like shit—horrifying dreams kept her up half the night—and she still needed to get here early to finish up before the other TAs arrived. 
Her nightmares made no sense. Miko is only 24; she shouldn’t be worried about running out of time. But the clock in her dreams filled her with terror, and she had the strangest sense that she never used to worry about time at all. 
In fact, she used to wield it. 
It’s the kind of bonkers thought she doesn’t allow herself to have anymore. 
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Usually, she was fine once she was on campus. It was where she could pretend she didn’t live in a tiny clapboard house in a Newcrest neighborhood the mayor swore would gentrify but hadn’t changed much since Miko was a kid. 
Not that gentrification was good. By the time they cleaned up the drunks in the park and picked up the trash, the cost of housing would be too high, and Miko and her grandmother would have to find somewhere else to live.
And your mother? Did you forget about her, or are you just extra delusional today? 
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Miko doubles over at the thought. The worst part is that she knows it's her. She’s being mean to herself and has no idea how to stop it. 
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Maybe it’s not the negative voice, you idiot. Maybe you really do just have to pee.
Son of a bitch. That’s probably right. Ignoring the implications of arguing with herself, Miko hauls ass up two flights of stairs until she’s on the second floor of the Commons. 
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“Watcher, give me strength,” she prays when she shuts the stall door. The Ojos aren’t religious, but spending primary and secondary school under the watch of cranky nuns gave her the habit.
Her prayers must be getting misdirected, though. While she’s hovering over the toilet seat, fighting for her life, the other two Art History TAs walk into the bathroom and start gossiping. 
“I just don’t understand why she would organize the closet when we already had a plan to work on it this morning,” Emmett says.
“Because she’s a bitch,” Hande laughs, “Seriously. You can’t take it personally. Some sims just don’t know how to act.”
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“I mean, but what’s the point?” Emmett continues. “We’re all graduating. Maybe someone will write you a good recommendation for the Royal Arts Fellowship if you go above and beyond. But you can do that without screwing everyone else over.”
“Some sims are unhappy. Like it's a trait,” Hande assures him, “Just ignore her.”
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Miko waits until she hears them leave before she limps out of the bathroom stall, bladder still burning and her cheeks joining in on the party. The old nuns were right: The Watcher was a merciless god, and Miko was clearly on her shit list.
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adventuresinteyvat · 2 years
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AiT Highlights: (4/?)
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moddieeee · 2 years
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Some Genshins for my WLW kiss collection
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kayanodaily · 1 year
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day 97 - i’ve been so focused on purge march so here’s something simple! also back from the dead :333
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shroomedits · 1 year
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꒰𑁬 : // anonymous requested: yae miko aesthetic with cherry blossoms, tea, and japanese architecture
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ctheathy · 1 year
Hi !! Im not sure if my request sent but is it alright if I could ask for a miko (fnf skyverse) with a fem reader thats addicted to tiktok??
Skyverse anon
Miko[Sidney] w/ Tiktok addict!Reader
Miko x Reader
Fluff Headcanons
Short Concept
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Author’s note: I appreciate seeing you back here, darling~!
Miko/Reader [Romantic//Platonic]
[Gender-neutral Darling|Female Darling|Male Darling]
Potential ⚠️TWs⚠️ :
Miko has her own guilty pleasures herself, so she’s absolutely not gonna be taken aback by how much time you spend on your phone, your eyes glued onto your screen and just scrolling through Tiktok with no care in the world. In fact, I can see her finding it rather cute and enjoying the fact that you have your own hobbies to be passionate about. I mean, she used to be so attached to Friday Night Funkin' and obsessed with the game before you came around and pulled her into a healthier mindset. As long as it’s not affecting you in a negative mannered way; she’s going to be right beside you, enjoying every second of it while supporting you with whatever you wanna do on it and in any way she can.
There’s a massive chance that besides the activities and interests she’s all over herself, she’s quite a massive fan of the app as well. She’s been there ever since the beginning and stuck with it as soon as it became popular over all platforms. Your own devotion to it catches her a little by surprise, but she has no bad feedback over it either. In fact, she enjoys it to severe extents more than anything. It gives her a sense of connection with you and something she’s able to relate with. Among the topic, you two definitely just grow accustomed to your little lifestyle of Tiktok in no time and with ease nonetheless.
The conversations you both hold on a daily basis usually just goes towards one direction, but it seems to make you happy; so Miko happily goes along with it. You two just talk about the latest trends you’ve crossed paths with, some small hacks and tips you’ve came across for your daily routine, some of the satisfying and comforting videos incase either of you are feeling down and much, much more. You are certainly also one to gossip over the newest popular feeds that popped up in your recommendations. All it takes is one glance and you two will have another topic to gabble about for the next week. Having all nighters together on call through the entire time you both should be sleeping is a must. Usually resulting in you just laughing and giggling the night away.
I guarantee you that you two have at least a weekly schedule about what you two are gonna be doing on the app together. One day you both do these dancy dances in front of the camera while on the other you two just spend your time by scrolling in your free time. You two are really just two dorks who spend all of your time online, blabbering with one another and just having the time of your lives. Something I can also picture is that you both kind of grow this secret communication speech with one another. Just due to how much you both spend your time on the app, you get a little bit too used to the mannerisms and ways of talking the other other online users utilize. It grows to a point where those around you have literally no idea what the hell you’re rambling about. But at this rate, you both are so deep into your lifestyles where nothing can pull you out.
And you wouldn’t want to have it any other way.
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twisted-lies · 1 year
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༊·˚ Day 5 of @multieditors-teahouse pride month challenge!
An L Edit :: Lesbian Eimiko Stimboard
♡ / ⇆ if saving | credit if using
x x x | x x x | x x x
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miko nakadai (transformers prime) & frankie greene (transformers rescue bots) friendship moodboard with scientific and punk rock themes and pink and blue colours
requested by: anon
- mod merida
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jibbly420impact · 1 month
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I totally forgot I made Yae into GODOKA while I was fucked up and I was so confused when she loaded up like this during the event
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tfp-miko-zine · 1 year
Wishful thinking...but would it be amazing to somehow contact Tania Gunadi (Miko's VA) to write a foreward for the zine??? 😁
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hazyaltcare · 2 months
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Moodboard for a Kirara (Genshin Impact) kin who remembers being in a relationship with Yae Miko. With themes of fireworks, starry nights, staying up late together, and cherry blossoms.
Mod Haze (🧨Tate)
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togos-oc-showdown · 10 months
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Miko card idea
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