#mod doesn't like leaving things on a sad note for long periods of time >.< /gen /lh
I haven’t been paying too much attention to everything and all but hopefully after a good nights rest you’ll feel better
Just remember it’s a silly little poll, and it’s all fun no matter who wins :)
If that’s worded properly
Basically, what I’m trying to say is, release the fic, post what you want, do what you want! Your actions shouldn’t be defined to the results of a poll, nothing should. + polls are stressful and scary and that messes things up
Please get some rest <3
Also everyone on here needs to STOP BEING SO HARSH it’s a poll not the end of the world
No one’s going to explode if things go “wrong”
Thank you for the kind words ^-^
Mod is feeling better, they'll try to do better and reign themself in a little more :3 /gen
There's still a little less than 20 minutes left before mod checks the 'release the fic' poll, so they'll wait on that :3 /gen
Mod would've answered this earlier, but they had to go to school >.< /gen
If anyone wants mod to delete some of the posts/reblogs from yesterday, please let them know! /gen /nm /lh
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naruto-oc-critiques · 8 years
Thank you for reopening!! So, I wanna make an au where sasusaku doesn't happen. I wanna pair him with my oc, and I'm just wondering what to look out for? This is post manga pre baruto. I think Imma make her a civilian.
Ok well before throwing out suggestions for your OC how about we look at some of post-Manga AND pre-Boruto Sasuke’s personality.
When he leaves Konoha once again, this time for less power seeking reasons and more of the redeeming my past sins reasons, he tries to minimize his contact with people to the bare minimum. However he is more than willing to help if there are problems the villages’ have difficulties addressing, but if it within said villages expertise he more than likely turned down their request for help. In addition you’ll be more likely to find him helping from the shadows than in the heat of events.
Sense of Humor?
His self searching journeys are important for his development back into a healthy being before the Uchiha Massacre. You’ll find he’s showing a kinder side and shows a sense of humor, but you won’t find him actively admitting it. In his marriage with Sakura he’ll decline showing her affection to tease her. He continues to insult folks as an adult but it’s meant to be humorous and not cold hearted.
His self-proclaimed duties of protecting Konoha from the shadows stems from Itachi’s wish for Sasuke to live and protect Konoha, however he might take it a little too seriously to the point he didn’t recognize his own daughter Sarada from lack of interaction. In the end though he does take his role as a shinobi and father VERY seriously since he does spends most of Sarada’s childhood investigating potential threats, greater than Kaguya, to the village and his family. Even in his fault as a parent he shows strong parental skills, he believes in his daughter’s abilities and dreams and even tries to prevent her from making the same mistakes he did as a young shinobi. On a side note even though his presence is lacking, when he is around for Sarada he does his best as a loving and doting father to make her happy and to prevent her from being sad.
I’m not so much saying he’s loyal, since he switched affiliations so much in his youth but I’m more so saying loyalty is important to him even as a younger shinobi. The reason Sasuke came back to Konoha from his self-searching and new threat be gone journeys was the fact that Sakura had stayed faithful to him in their long distance relationship still had faith in him even after their slow burn, long distance relationship.  
How it could work?
Now here comes your oc, how it all rolls out to be in the end depends on you. One thing that I’m going to say is that reclusive trait of his may be a problem, you are going to need a reason for Sasuke to meet your OC and continue to run into your oc to build a relationship. However I think your civilian OC should not be a citizen from Konoha, especially since Pre-Boruto he’s having one big redemption journey. So here are some possible jobs/roles your OC could play:
OC works at an establishment (food, inn, entertainment, etc) that Sasuke favors when visiting x place (maybe a place that’s good for intel?), even though he visits once in a blue moon she enjoys every one of them and even knows his favorite dish (omusubi with okaka and tomatoes). Twist, she aspires to runs a sweets shop. 
Sasuke has got to stock up supplies somewhere on his journeys, maybe she can be part of a weaponry shop that specializes ninja tools, however lacks the proper training to wield them but geeks out over their make. Maybe have a cheesy plotline where oc gets in trouble because of some “LEGENDARY EPIC BLADE OF AWESOMENESS” that’s she’s rumored to have possession of and blamo got yourself a mini adventure that might give her some opportunity for growth as a character. 
In my opinion your oc whether she’s civilian (which would be cool) or not should be loyal, have a strength in mind or heart but not actual physical strength (Sasuke values power but doesn’t like people being stronger than him), shouldn’t like him for JUST his looks (remember his academy days? He hated his fangirls and had a strong dislike for Sakura for a while because she was so annoying about her approaches), and when the time comes for their relationship she might have to be the instigator I’m pretty sure Sasuke wouldn’t openly confess anything or be affectionate. 
Just because you don’t want the Sasusaku to not happen doesn’t mean you have to completely destroy all interactions between the two (I honestly don’t like Sasusaku). In most OC x married schmucks fanfics people tend to kill off, in this case Sakura, or have some kind of event like an affair that breaks of the relationship or rewrite the whole fact that there had been some kind of relationship. You do not have to do that. Especially the last one, not everyone ends up with their first partner. You shouldn’t have to worry about messing with Sakura too much since your target time period is before Sasuke uber realized that both Sakura and Konoha were his home.  
And remember Naruto was always about believing that you have the power to shape your own destiny. If you want to explore 12 different self growth lessons from Naruto check this out: Believe it!
If you’re having a hard time finding something right for you but love pressing buttons, check out Springhole’s Quick Character & OC Creation Kit to get started. There’s heck a lot of generators and even writing guides.
Hopefully this will help you get started. 
-Mod Kana 
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