haze22ana · 2 days
Could you give any advice on food and exercise when someone is on their period plz 🩷
Of course!! I need to live by these tips too!♥️
Adjust Caloric Intake: During your period, you might experience cravings or increased appetite. Focus on nutrient-dense, low-calorie foods like fruits, vegetables, lean proteins, and whole grains to stay full without consuming excess calories.
Stay Hydrated: Drink plenty of water to help reduce bloating and maintain energy levels. Herbal teas can also help soothe cramps and support hydration.
Exercise Modifications: If you’re feeling fatigued or uncomfortable, consider lighter activities like walking, yoga, or stretching. Gentle exercise can alleviate cramps and improve mood without putting too much strain on your body.
Listen to Your Body: Pay attention to how you’re feeling. If you’re more tired than usual, it’s okay to scale back your workouts and focus on rest and recovery.
Manage Cravings Wisely: If you have cravings, opt for healthy snacks like nuts, yogurt, or fruit. These options can satisfy cravings without derailing your diet goals.
Get Enough Sleep: Quality sleep is crucial for overall health and can help manage fatigue and mood swings during your period.
Low cal food that is good on ur period:
Greek Yogurt: High in protein and can be paired with fresh fruit or a sprinkle of nuts.
Fruit: Apples, berries, and oranges are really good.
Vegetable Sticks: Carrots, celery, and cucumbers with a low-calorie dip like hummus. Provides fiber and healthy fats.
Popcorn: Air-popped popcorn is a low-calorie, fiber-rich snack.
Nuts: A small handful of almonds or walnuts can help with cravings and provide healthy fats.
High-Sugar Foods: Candy, cookies, and sugary drinks can lead to energy crashes and worsen mood swings.
Salty Snacks: Potato chips and other salty foods can increase bloating and water retention.
Caffeinated Beverages: Excess caffeine can contribute to dehydration and worsen cramps.
Heavy or Greasy Foods: Fried foods and rich, fatty dishes can be harder to digest and may make you feel more sluggish.
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haze22ana · 8 hours
I’ve been feeling so lost, like I’m just watching my life go everyday. Every day is a blur, and my body doesn’t even feel like mine anymore. It’s like I’m stuck in this heavy fog, just going through the day without really being here. My ed makes everything worse, keeping me tangled up in thoughts about food, how I look and my weight. It’s so draining to wake up and feel like I’m fighting against myself all over again. I really just want to feel like I’m part of my own life again, to feel whole instead of so shattered.
Do you guys get it or am I just the only one?
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haze22ana · 1 day
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I broke my fast 40 mins ago and I’ve already eaten 600 calories. Someone come lock me up. That’s a crime💀
I’m trying to figure out how I’m gonna lose weight if I keep eating like a hippo and I can’t exercise and all I’m getting out of this is. Just end it. Literally just end it. I don’t want to go to hell tho so idk what to do. 😔🥲
I’m gonna fast for more than 46 hours from now till how ever long it’s gonna take.
I’m gonna avoid dinner so I already have a good start.
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haze22ana · 2 days
Guys I feel really sad.. 😔
I’ve “binged” all of these days and I don’t know what to do. I’m sooo exhausted. I don’t want to do anything. My mom took my scale months ago and now she’s taken my right to walk AND my waist trainer. This is not very demure and my waist is showing more than ever.
I really want to vent even more but I don’t even know what to say.
Last weekend I was at the mosque with my mom and a auntie asked me if I had been sick (cause I had lost weight) none of the aunties had seen me in months (I didn’t wanna be social and I still don’t but I was forced to go) but anyways when we came home my mom yelled at me cause about 3 aunties + the auntie that had asked me if I had lost weight. Asked my mom the same thing.
When the auntie asked me the question (in front of my mom) my mom chimed in a said “it’s cause she’s running and drinking some weird seed mix” and my hand literally FLIED onto my moms mouth and covered it cause she literally knows NO sense of privacy.
Anyway she yelled at me the whole weekend and kept calling me a mouse and made this hand gesture: 🤌🏽. Emphasizing how small I’ve gotten but like honest talk. I DONT SEE IT. I DONT SEE IT. I KEEP ON EATING AND EATING AND EATING. If u look at my calorie deficit app it’s like red alllllll over.
I’ve gotten to the point where I don’t see the point in this. I feel trapped. I don’t have the mental energy to fast anymore. I just feel so stuck and depressed.
I’m also going on a school trip next week and I’m gonna be gone for 5 days. The girls in my group have made a meal plan and it FFFFFUCKING sucks. I can’t eat that. I REFUSE. No. No. No. no. But it’s 5 days of me not hearing my mom yapping on about how I’m never gonna lose weight.
I wanna die so bad. The only thing that makes me happy is when u guys ask ME! The fattest of fat fucks to give you guys some advice about how to lose weight. ♥️
I know I can lose weight cause I literally did it like a WEEKK ago.. 😔 anyways guys I’m gonna fast for how ever long I can hold it up. ⬆️
Fuck my life.
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haze22ana · 23 days
Hi guys. Its me again and miss. Stick-bug/my ed is yelling and scolding me again. (I ate too much today) I just wanted to ask
How do you avoid food? Like at dinner because I’m forced to eat dinner and sit down with my family so there’s no way I can throw it out or anything. I don’t think I can do chew and spit with some tissues cause my family isn’t that dumb and I never bring tissues to the table- and also where and how do I hide it because if it’s on the table it’s easy to see that there’s food in side the tissues. ALSO. How do I avoid lunch my mom always brings me lunch and it’s not a problem for me most of the times to throw it out BUT my best friend who is EXTREMELY skinny and perfectly tall (who also happens to have a perfect relationship with food aka she’s a fucking big back) convinces me to sit down and eat with her. She’ll be like “Ana, come bring ur lunch box and sit down” or if I don’t have my lunch she’ll give me some of hers (dark chocolate and an oat snack) that her mom always packs for her even though she doesn’t like it. I just don’t know how to say no. Help. I feel really bad for throwing my food out and I feel bad for lying but I really need to lose weight and everybody won’t quit nagging me about how I don’t eat breakfast and that I need to eat something (I eat dinner and lunch) but I’m trying to go omad and only eat dinner if I have too. My family won’t let me go omad. Help guys I really need an Ana coach or something. I’m so fucking lost and I’m freaking out cause if I ate all of that today I could just binge. I literally lost 450-500 cals on a Liter of juice wtf. I HATE liquid cals.
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haze22ana · 7 days
Heyyy! Is it possible to lose two stones in two months? If so what do you recommend in doing?
To lose two stones in two months:
Create a Calorie Deficit: Eat fewer calories than you burn.
Healthy Eating: Focus on vegetables, fruits, lean proteins, and whole grains. (Honestly I starve/fast but when I need to eat I eat healthy foods)
Exercise Regularly: Combine cardio and strength training. try to exercise for 30 minutes or 1 hour when ur a beginner.
Stay Hydrated: Drink plenty of water and electrolytes. (You’ll need them)
Get Enough Sleep: Aim for quality sleep each night.
Intermittent Fasting for example (16/8): Eat during an 8-hour window and fast for 16 hours.
5:2 Diet: Eat normally for 5 days and restrict calories on 2 non-consecutive days.
Alternate-Day Fasting: Alternate between eating normally and fasting every other day.
I personally fast 20:4 where you eat during a 4-hour window and fast for 20 hours but honestly I fast for more than 20 hours. Right now Ive been fasting for the past 22 hours and I’m gonna fast until tomorrow evening.
DONT EAT UNHEALTHY: Snacks, drinks, fast food or a high calorie meal are a no go. DONT let ur stomach and mind get the best of you.
Don’t use laxatives since most calories and fat are absorbed before they get to the large intestine. It is mostly water and minerals that are emptied from the body at this point. The “weight loss” is actually just a loss of water. It’s just dumb and it takes time away from u exercising or doing something else that’s productive.
Things with low calorie like Diet Coke and gum are okay (as “snacks” ig)
Hope that helped you guys!! Please ask me more questions. They are really fun and get my mind off of foooood♥️🙄
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haze22ana · 4 days
IIIM MUSLIM TOO QKSJWKDJEIE I thought being there alone it makes me happy lmao...weird said like that but to meet a Muslim!!!
nice to meet u ! and i have my period right now, It’s really hard to be in a calorie deficit because I want to eat EVERYTHING!
You seem to be a really benevolent person and adorable heart on you!
I felt lonely too! But just know that we are out here and that this Ed sh!t is just a test from god. You’re so kind hearted and you really made my day! Thank u thank u thank u! ♥️🪽
I know how hard it is to be in a calorie deficit when ur on ur period but you’re gonna get through it. It’s at most a week of struggling with ur inner self but eat girl honestly it’s the best for u. I’m not saying eat snacks I’m just saying eat good food ur body. If u need something that could be seen as a snack choose dark chocolate!🍫
Alhamdulillah for everything tho!
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haze22ana · 6 days
Do you know any good podcasts that I can listen to for motivation in terms of fasting and keeping it up? You’re the best! Thank you.
Thank u and yeah I sure do!♥️ (Spotify)
1. “Fasting podcast” by a user named Rhio Kumi (it’s a playlist of different episodes from different podcasts) so if u like an episode u can dive more into that specific podcast it’s from.
2. “The fasting method podcast”
3. “The fastingwell podcast”
4. “Fasting for life”
5. “Intermittent fasting”
It’s ofc okay if u don’t like any of the podcasts I’ve mentioned or if u may find them boring but this is just a start on u finding what kind of podcast u like☺️
I hope I helped u and for all my followers please send in some more questions!
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haze22ana · 8 days
Do you know easy ways (apart from throwing up and starving) for losing weight?
Well I would say a calorie deficit, exercising and just walking a lot. If u go to school and ur friends are siting down and talking say stuff like “let’s walk and talk instead” “let’s walk around the school while talking” and if ur school allows going to the stores around it when you’re having a break say “let’s walk to (stores name) I want to buy gum” or something else low in cal. If u have sports class in ur school, be active and run around doing activities. (At my school sports class is 2 hours so I manage to burn a lot) and it’s also really good for my grades since the teachers see me being active and engaging in their class.
Don’t use laxatives since most calories and fat are absorbed before they get to the large intestine. It is mostly water and minerals that are emptied from the body at this point. The “weight loss” is actually just a loss of water. It’s just dumb and it takes time away from u exercising or doing something else that’s productive.
If ur fasting or just ate a while ago and ur still hungry but u don’t have room for more calories in ur deficit. Take some salt and lick it, that should help. If ur hungry (doesn’t work for everybody, but it works for me) watch mukbangs.
I also started drinking water and 2 tablespoons of flaxseed everyday. Flaxseeds expand in ur stomach and they help ur tummy get slimmer and better since u don’t eat a lot (I assume) I had to stop tho since I got constipated bc of my restricting. (U can also use chia seeds)
Hope that helped.
Ask me anything if u guys want too! ♥️
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haze22ana · 6 days
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I finished a 46 hour and 19 minute fast yesterday. I’m sooo proud of my self. No urges. No food. I honestly did that. I would recommend fasting for u guys. I don’t have a scale (yet) but I can see a huge difference and so can my family🤭
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haze22ana · 19 days
Hi Guys!!
I havent done an introduction yet so here it is!
I’m a minor so please don’t be weird and dm me.
I’m a Muslim girl that has anorexic tendencies and maybe even has anorexia. (I’m not diagnosed so I can’t say that I have it for certain ) I call my Ana miss stick bug because she’s as skinny as a stick bug (I got that from a book I relate a lot to)
I’m not underweight. I’ve always been at a “healthy” weight but I simply don’t like how I look.
I’m trying my best to be sh free even though I had a relapse a couple of weeks ago. I have some depressive episodes sometimes but I try to keep my mind busy with thoughts about food.
I really hate going outside and I don’t have a lot of people I would consider a true friend.
I’m really good academically and I love trying my best in school. I want to be a lawyer when I’m older.
That’s it I guess? So bye guys take care! ♥️
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haze22ana · 9 days
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Im so f****** proud of myself!! I fasted for 26 hours and 31 minutes 🤭🤭🤭
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haze22ana · 9 hours
If you're skinny, people will always see your body as perfect. "Body positivity" is just an excuse for being fat, trying to make others accept it as "okay" or "beautiful" when it’s not. Deep down, most people will always judge you for being fat, even if they don’t say it. There’s no such thing as a fat model—real models that people admire aren’t overweight and aren’t at risk of a heart attack from walking up the stairs. Being skinny will always be seen as beautiful, fashionable, and desirable, no matter how much people push the idea that you can be fat and happy.
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haze22ana · 17 days
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Im soooo proud of myselfff!! No binges, no dinner, no lunch, no breakfast. Just some small mini meals to get me through the dayyy👏🏽👏🏽
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haze22ana · 10 days
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Im so proud of myself!!!
I’ve been binging a lot lately so I’m so happy. Im high restricting cause what was I thinking eating all of that the past few other days🤨 ive binged 4 times this month and i feel like a whale cause wtf was that about😂 and im so dumb that i dont purge when i binge🙄 My mom also took my waist trainer and i dont know what to do cause i literally eat and sleep with it. I only take it off when i need to do bodychecks and i OBVIOUSLY need it cause im so digsgusting to look at. Ive also been fasting since 4:30 pm today and im fasting until tmrw so wish me luckk♥️
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haze22ana · 19 days
Hi guys:(
Right now I’m trying to lose 2000 cals with exercise but it’s hard. I have done 250 jumping jacks and I have 550 more to go and 800 stomach bens, 800 burpees, 600 springs, 400 mountain climbers, and 200 crunches.
God pls 😣.
Im gonna do it all even if it takes the whole night but my stepdad just asked me what I was doing while I was jumping and I told him I was doing jumping jacks he asked me why and I answered “why not” 🤨 why tf did u do that? Am I setting myself up? I’ve managed to skip dinner cause I told them I was full bc of my snacks and my mom is at the mosque now so she can’t nag me about eating it. As if she could force me to eat it😂 my stomachs hurts guys why tf did I binge after days of eating almost nothing.
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