#mission to make gunslinger brother's day accomplished
shouga-nai · 2 years
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I'm a magnificent brother..! :D
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zenyattayatta · 6 years
I have a fic idea! Blackwatch Mcree is secretly dating another overwatch member who just so happens to be Jack Morrison's little sister (reader) then one day Jack and Gabe catch them making out in the supply closet!😂
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McCree worked as an underling of Commander Reyes whereas youwere the Strike Commander Morrison’s babysister. Although, your position wasn’t so much in the high ranks, it didn’tstop many from treating you like a superior. 
Many except for McCree.
You’d like to think that was one of the things that you’dlike about him. He was respectful yet playful all the same. The first fewinteractions he’d been all smirks and flirts and -when he found out who youwere- it did not deter him at all. The cowboy Casanova flirtingshamelessly in an attempt to sweep your off your feet. 
It wasn’t long before you put your foot down and made him yours. The confession having skyrocketed his heart in glee. Yet, as of now, that was a while back. From the standing point, you two already shared a fewmonths to your relationship together in bliss. Though, no one at the base really knew.
McCreedidn’t necessarily like the secrecy of it but he understood the trouble that could unleash if anyone found out. Jack was under constant stress and the last thing you needed was for him to worry about you as well. He could be overprotective and you weren’t quite sure how him nor Reyes would react to the fact of two of their pupils dating someone from each sister organization. So, as a safety measure, you two kept it hush.
“I’ll fight him if I have to.” He told you one evening, his hand holding yours as the moonlight bristled through window of your bedroom. You pat his chest in all its hairy glory.
“He’ll kick you ass.” You plant a kiss at his bare shoulder. “But I appreciate the sentiment.” The cowboy grunts a response, thick lashes flickering down like sandbags until he falls asleep.
You’d like to be thankful the past few weeks had been pretty easy. McCree was gone ina mission somewhere out South which left the two of you to chat through texts andsuch. Sometimes at night he’d call you with a roguish whisper and sweet wordsof how wants to be back with you. He knew all too well how to get youflustered and it tortured you to be away for so long.
However, one afternoon, your brother had noted thatReyes and his team had returned early that day. Jesse had yet to message you, soyou’d made a mental note to seek him out when there was a chance.
For now, you walk the halls after attending a meeting. Your mind wonderingto the work that awaits you at your office upon arriving back. Those thoughts,however, are interrupted when a low whistle peaks your interest. Your boyfriendwalks opposite of you, a swagger to his step which makes you smile. The hall isempty save for you two as you greet Jesse briefly. Yet, as you pass him, hishand locks onto to your wrist with a firm grip. Before you know it, he wranglesyou into a supply closet and shuts the door.
“I’ve missed you like something crazy.” He hums, handsgripping at your hips the minute the door settles closed. “Reyes was on my assthe entire time back. I couldn’t find no space to sneak you a call or nothin’.It had me antsy like hell.”
Your fingertips graze over the bandage at his cheek. “I readover the reports but Jack wouldn’t let me get too into them. What happened toyou, baby?” He merely grins, the look on his face softening as if to warrantyour worry away.
“Nothing a little tender loving care can’t heal.” He remarksrather cockily. In seconds, the quick fingered gunslinger captures your hand inhis. His eyes remain glued to yours as a blush spreads the across your cheek.Gentle chapped lips kiss the sensitive skin, moving ever so slowly up andtowards your wrist. You, however, get impatient watching him do so. His teasing while away had left you much too flustered.
With a pout, you pull away. “My lips are over here, cowboy.”
“Oh, I’m aware.” He taunts before tilting his head to meetyou.
The kiss is tender at first. The scruff of his beardtickling you into light giggles as he pecks you over and over. Your arms cometo land across his shoulders as his hands on your waist slide to your back,pulling you snug against him. The kisses become heated when he opens his mouth.His tongue licking your bottom lip before you open to accept it. Jesse gruntswhen you suck on it, a small step having you pinned against the wall easily. Hesmiles when you respond with a moan, pulling back to nibble your bottom lip.
However, the moment the door is pulled open, you shoveMcCree away. Both of your hearts jumping at the sudden intrusion. The fear ofbeing busted already setting in. The lip that had been tugged between his teethstings at the action. Immediately, you wince and bring a hand up while lookingto the two men before you. Your brother stands shocked. His jaw is loose as hesquints still processing what he’s just seen.
“What are you two doing?!” The Reyes commands with the crossof his arms. Though, his face struggles to remain stern. The tips of his lipstwitch in ache to smile at the discomfort that paints Jack’s face and the smuglook McCree gives him.
“You’ll be coming with me.” Jack tilts his head to side ofhim. Your cheeks puff in a pout but you give McCree your farewells as you exitthe door. He watches you until you stand close behind him before turning toGabe. Jack raises a hand as if to argue while his eyebrows pinch. However, thetug you give at his arm pulls his attention towards you. You motion down thehall with a tilt of head before delivering another tug. Defeated, the blondesags down and pulls his lips into a tight line. Promptly, he returns hisattention to Reyes.
“I’m assuming you’ll handle him?” He motions to Jesse, who’seyes still have yet to leave you. You smile at him lovingly from over yourbrother’s shoulder. The cowboy wanting nothing more than to pull you back andkiss you all over again.
“Yeah, yeah.” He waves him off. “I’ll deal with him.”
Satisfied with the answer, he begins to depart. You giveMcCree a small wave as you trail not too far behind. Jesse returning it withpucker of his lips as if blowing one last kiss. The two Blackwatch officerswatch the pair of you disappear around the corner. They wait until the footstepsclear out and there’s no one left, save for themselves and the occasionalworking personnel.
“Really, McCree?” Reyes places his hands on his hips. Thedusted pinks of McCree’s cheeks pulling laughter from the commander’s lungs.“Morrison’s sister of all people?”
The young man sputters slightly. Although a bit embarrassed,he shines through at the insulation of you and him. Yeah, he was dating you andhe was damn-well proud of it. “Well it wasn’t like I hounded them for thatreason.” He interjects shoving his hands into his jean pockets. “We just kinda‘clicked’, ya know? Been dating for a while now, can honestly I’m happiest whenI’m with them.” He looks to Reyes with a dumb smile. The grown man practicallyseeing how stunted you make the young cowboy.
He shakes his head with a sigh. “Well I’m glad you foundsomeone,” He cuts McCree off before he can reply “but next time can you twomaybe find a better place for your PDA. Two agents of two renownedorganizations and you both choose a supply closet of all places? I feel a bitinsulted.”
“I, ah,” McCree blinks a bit taken back before nodding, “I’llkeep that in mind.”
There’s a pause before Gabriel claps the smaller man’s back.Jesse stumbles a bit confused. That’s is, before noticing the small grin on theolder man’s face.
“Treat them well, kid.” He tells him.
McCree smiles. “Already do, Boss.”
Its eerily silent, save for those that salute your brotherwhile he walks by. His face remains stern but still a bit reddened with theprior situation. He begins the first pronunciation of your name before you doas well. Both of you promptly speak over each other. It’s quiet as you wait foreither one to talk, Jack being the first.
“Sorry.” He says while fiddling with the passcode of hisoffice. “You go.” The door swooshes open and he motions you inside.
“Please don’t be mad.” You plea, voice trailing while youplay with your hands. “With me or Jesse.”
“I’m not mad.” He interjects with a shake of his head. Hesighs to himself as he walks into his office after you. “I’m just…I’m your bigbrother and I will always want to look after you.” He takes a seat behind hisdesk and leans his head on a hand. “But you aren’t a baby anymore. You’re agrown up and who you date is not my decision. I just don’t want you to get hurtalright? Not you of all people.”
The sadden look in his eyes breaks your heart. “I know,butthead, but McCree genuinely cares about me. He won’t let anything happen tome. I trust him.”
“Yeah, I’ve seen his record.” Jack nods. “He’s cleaning hisact up. A good kid now, from what Reyes tells me.” He sucks his teeth for amoment. “Okay but seriously.” He leans in with a scowl. “McCree? Of all thepeople here, you picked McCree.”
You frown, reaching over to playfully punch his cheek. “Whathappened to ‘who you date is not my decision’, huh?”
He clutches at his face over-dramatically. “I was just asking,bully!” Despite the feign tone of hurt, the grin on his face gives him away. His job at being a big brother seemingly accomplished as if it was his goal to give you a semi-hard time.His crystal blue eyes soften as you give him an annoyed look. It’sobvious he’s trying to lighten the mood. Finally, you break yourglare to lean back on the chair and cross your arms.
“You’re awful, you know that.” You pout. “I’m so telling momabout how awful you are.”
“In all seriousness though.” He rests back into his plush office seat while ruffling his hair. Morrison brushes off your threat knowingits harmless. “If he hurts you, you let me know alright. I’ll make sure to-”
“Jack.” You roll your eyes.
He shrugs. “Right, not my business.” A pleasant silencefalls between you. Jack smiling when you look at him. He looks at you fondly towhich you squint your eyes back. He merely shakes his head. “Love you,kiddo.”
You crinkle your face and stick your tongue at him. “Loveyou too, Jackie.”
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