#missing out on some characters but thats because i've drawn them maybe like. one or twice
animation-is-my-jam 2 months
Hey ! I meant to send this a long time ago when you were taking asks, but I left for vacation so i never got to. I watched Wordgirl again recently and I have been obsessed with Becky and Tobey !! I saw that you have older versions of them and that's my favorite part of the Ship you made(I love domestic AUS)
How would you imagine a Becky and Tobey wedding? Who do you think they would invite? The best man? Maid of honor?
Where would they get married? Who would be crying the most? Lol (sorry if thats a lot of questions)
Ah, thank you, that's sweet!! (I live for post-canon Tobecky dynamics, too) And don't worry. Yeah, I'm incredibly busy now, but I'll still take asks. And this one is a very good one, Thanks!!
How would I imagine their wedding?
Besides some ideas of what they would wear/outfits (that I've drawn before, but I might redesign again, ha). I actually haven't given it much thought beyond some things I think would occur. And I'm mostly talking about my future AU versions of Tobecky and characters since that's literally my staple canon here, but that can generally apply to my perspective Tobecky since future au is literally just a time skip story.
So basic ideas. I think they would have two different areas for their wedding. One is inside for it being private with family and another outside for the public or general invited guest. I mostly say this because I think it was a compromise of Tobey and Becky wanting a more occasional smaller wedding versus their family urging for a bigger event. And also for Wordgirl/Lexiconian related reasons. As I think by this point, all her closest friends and family would know her identity and would probably like some Lexiconian traditions applied to the marriage (at this point, she's been wanting to connect to her original planet, but not by much). But where would they actually get married at?
I know it's a bit of a joke to say the city's library, but I think that would be cute since they have a lot of memories with the location. Where they could ask in a favor for miss Dewey and the city to rent out the space and make room enough for a small venue and get legally married. And the bigger outdoor wedding could be in the park or a rented garden venue.
The main colors would be white, gold, blue, and scarlet. (Becky wanted some green in there, but the planner refused--saying the greenery of the plants and outdoors would be fine enough). I have no idea what the dress code or coloring would be on the guest outfits/groom mates. But I could see the bridesmaids having golden/yellow dresses.
Maid of honor for Becky...like if it isn't Violet, then what are we doing!! So yes, of course it's Violet.
For Tobey's best man...I know some would say its Scoops, or Two-brains, or Rex (depends on who they would see as Tobey's best male-adjacent friend), but what if I totally go in the bold direction of saying TJ. And yes--it's mostly because in Future AU, I'm the only one who plays with the idea of TJ and Tobey's brotherly-in-law dynamic to the point where they do see each other as close friends despite how opposite they are and how often they get into conflict. And I could definitely see Tobey only asking TJ to be the bestman for the sake of Tobey not wanting to give Scoops the satisfaction of admitting he's his best male friend, LJDJSSJ (I really gotta make that dynamic/relationship chart).
On who would they invite? Besides already the close friends and family attending (like the Botsfords, Mrs. McCallister (+other family), Violet, Scoops, Rex, Rose, Victoria, Johnson, Bob, and Ect). I think for the public wedding they would extend it to the villains. Becky would be a bit conflicted on it, but hey--if they're all at her wedding, then she can make sure they don't commit a crime during her special day. And idk maybe besides DTB, it wouldn't be strange to only have them invited under the guise of Tobey doing the inviting because of his former status/relationship with them. Like the villains being at the wedding would mostly be a Becky idea (bc wahh I'm still a sucker for her and them getting along 馃ス, even if they don't know she's Wordgirl). Other than the villains...idk like the recurring characters that we see? Maybe the groceries store clerk, exposition guy, Tubing, Reginald (I mean, they are going to use his jewelry for the rings). Aside from Tubing, they weren't personally invited, but eh, Becky is happy enough to let them be there.
Other details: Who would do the catering? Well, not wanting there to be a war. Tobey and Becky probably just let both Butcher and Chuck do it. Mostly to help with Bob's appetite. And the baker and candlestick maker provide the cake.
Who would be the wedding planner? I would most definitely say Violet, but she's more of the designer than the planner. So...idk maybe Becky? Who would try to be organized and cautious to the point of a breakdown from the stress? Yeah, so it's her. Becky definitely will need all the reassurance in the world to get through the wedding. I don't think the whole event will go perfectly, when do they for their family? But stuff will work out in the end, and Becky's going get her dream wedding. (Even if Granny May was trying to steal the wedding gifts/lh)
Who would be crying the most? The easiest answer in my life, of course it would be Tim. I can imagine him also being in charge of the recording, but he's so filled up with tears that he didn't do a good job at it, lol. And, of course, he couldn't stop wailing when they exchanged vows.
Speaking of the vows. You better believe that Tobey probably would say a lot, but he managed to make it as brief as he could, while Becky will pull up a 20-page essay from out of where and start reading out loud. (Many are almost asleep when she's done with it) (Not Tobey though, he's just not trying to kiss her immediately when she's reading through).
And last thing. The person who would officiate? There were many contenders on the list... I would have said someone like Professor Tubing, or Leslie, or Beau Handsome, or the exposition guy. You know people who would just totally randomly have an officiant license. Another idea is Bob, but nobody besides Becky would understand him, and he's out there putting his heart out in a speech.
But I thought about it and just went with the idea of them getting ordained by one of Tobey's robot, probably made specifically for it. I say that because Tobey has to have at least one robot doing something significant in the ceremony, but also, it would be the ultimate call back to his drawing.
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That's all I think for now about their wedding. Maybe one day, I'll go into it deeper on another post. Thank you for the ask!
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dirtytransmasc 2 years
first off I want to say one thing. thrift responsibly, don't buy out a whole store, don't buy all of the good stuff the expensive stuff leaving nothing for people who really need it, and don't resell things for crazy prices. thrift stores are a mercy for some people, me included, I'm lucky to be able to thrift for recreation every once and a while. dont steal from the poor just you can have a good haul, be considerate. common sense is a key when thrifting, especially when you have money.
second of I would like to make it clear, I fully acknowledge my crazy, my oddity. I probably sound batshit insane, and that's ok. this is me as naturally as I come. I'm autistic and traumatized, I learned to empathize with the lesser and inanimate as a child to escape the horrors of my life. I talked plants and rocks, the wind and stars, words on the bound paper of books. I've always been odd, since birth I believe, but my mom has always said it began when I learned to read and discovered the mystical land of fiction. (getting poetic before the poetry even begins, I cant hold myself back)
now, onto the main event.
This is what my personal experience with thrifting is;
I've gone into long conversation with my grandmother while walking through thrift stores about how I always love the damaged pieces everyone avoids. she always scolds me for picking up objects that are scratched up or missing a piece, asking why I would want them, and I explain it simply has character and deserves a home. I see these objects as sentient beings, having soaked up their own lives from the homes they once resided in. they are their own creatures, deserving of love.
I thrift to give homes to the objects turned down and discarded for their scars and imperfection, the objects given away because they were deemed useless. where some see damage, I see worn beauty and character. I like to bring these objects home, make them feel cherished for what they are, not covering up their stories. I see myself in them.
I'm drawn to old pieces of woodwork, books, or other things of that nature. beaten and battered, littered in chips and nicks, the average person would pass them up for being too worn to be of any use. but if you look a little bit deeper you would find a warm hominess, the flickering of tired love and compassion, longing to be cared for by gentle hands.
these are the types of objects I would pick up with both hands and hold close to my chest, to handle with absolute care. they would be the type of objects I speak to gently as I wipe away the grime and dust, as I find just the right spot to lay them to rest in my home. they'd be the object I run my fingers over gently whenever I pass them, telling them of my day, asking how theirs was in return.
some objects need a purpose, a need to be used. their longing for a reason dripping from them so distinctly it's tangible. it would feel wrong not to give them a job, but also to make it clear they don't need to fulfill a purpose to be welcome. I thank them for the work they do, maintain their bodies, and retire them when they are ready.
others come home too tired to work. these are laid gently in a warm, safe place, cherished for their beauty and the comfort they bring. I speak to these objects the most.
In a perfect world my home would be filled solely with these objects, I'd take them in like strays. none of them would leave, even once they're broken, what I would do with those objects I don't know, but I've yet to part with something of this nature, so I'm sure I can figure out something by the time I have to.
thrifting is my way of caring for the lost and broken, to give a fraction of the love in my heart to something, to ease the pain in my chest that hurts for those who have suffered the same pain as me.
and if it makes me crazy, thats fine. if it earns me odd glances to soothe these objects, so be it. it is in my belief, as a witch and believer in the odd and mystical, objects can be alive in some distant sense, maybe not as you and me, but in spirit; ad if others disagree and think I talk to inanimate objects, that's alright. to me this is therapy, this is the good I can do for the world.
if this seems familiar, its because its recycled from my previous post.
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hopeididntscareyou 3 years
Chandelier girls
Since I was little, I've been always aware when my friends copy me. Its always annoyed me and it even caused a lot of fights because I felt like they were copying my persona. But then I realized maybe they really have that lil me inside them thats why theyre drawn to me.
Even today, I still seem to be an influential person to my friends even I don't have any intentions to make them do things. They're also attached to me for some reason. Now it doesnt irritate me that much but I'm just not happy about it.
I'm not happy about this because its always the bad side of things they pick up from me. Two of the closest girls to me have been recently displaying slutty girl behaviors and partying in the middle of the pandemic. It just shocks me how they went from introverted, shy girls to going to sex clubs kissing strangers and posting lewd pictures on social media. I mean, I've never even done those things. Also my niece is being involved in an affair. It shocks me. I kinda feel guilty because shes young and she looks up to me. I've been always the first person she seeks for advice and I'm the only person she fully opens up to.
I mean, I did remember i professed so many times that i would like to experience seducing someone and become a mistress just for the thrill but I would never actually dare because thats was a joke and I actually have morals. I also used to be proud of yolo life. There was no room for me for crying. I acted unbothered by what people has got to say, but thats something I can only pull off and I don't really know if these girls will be able to deal with the aftermaths without having a destroyed self-esteem and regret. They were so innocent and that impression just kind of stuck to me.
And now that I have retired from the urban nightlife, they somehow started to become wild which amused me a lot. The thing is, they associated me from that lifestyle so whenever they party, they tell me they miss me and how they wish i was there.
To be honest, I did not expect or want them to turn out like that. But you know what, I understand where they're coming from given their backgrounds. Out of all the people, I'm the one they trust and look up to, I know who they really are more than anyone, so I dont think its my place to criticize them. If that makes them happy right now then im happy for them for their new found happiness and freedom.
I just wish they see how these actions affect their relationships or other aspects of their life.. But, theyre grown ass adults who can make their own adult decisions. Its not my fault if something bad happens to them in case they get irresponsible. Thats totally not on me anymore. Actually, i'm just really bad in being an actual good influence. Its just that, I'm bad in manipulating people I care about, I don't really feel like controlling my loved one's actions even its for the good cause.
But still, I dont like to be refered as the bad influence, and for them to see me to be still a yolo, drunk, party girl. I'm not that person anymore and I can no longer relate. Sure I am still a fun loving person but I just dont want anything to do with being drunk and the stupidity associated with it. I found new things I can have fun with, and I will still continue bringing smile and laughter without being drunk, yknow? Plus, that wasnt even my real character to begin with. I may be always a sanguine person, but I've never been the drunk, party girl in my teen years. I just partied a bit for the experience but I no longer see the joy in alcohol and being drunk. In fact, I realize it wasnt that all fun. But thankfully I'm not stupid enough to get drunk with people who don't care about me. Sorry. Its just a phase and its over.
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