#milk me bebop
elfbingo · 2 months
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Done as a commission for vhstve591 They wanted a fun little crossover meeting between Izuku Midoriya/Deku from My Hero Academia and Spike Spiegel from Cowboy Bebop. The dialogue and idea belong to the commissioner. The art is by me.
(Insert comparisons between Midoriya and Spike's hair here. Could Spike really be Hisashi Midoriya, Izuku's long-lost father, who went out for milk and cigarettes when Izuku was an itty bitty baby and never came back???)
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fabuloustrash05 · 1 year
My Review of Mutant Mayhem
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The animation was AMAZING!! From the colors to the facial expressions to the fight choreography, it all looks so good!
It took me a while for me to get used to the Turtles designs and voices but after finally seeing the movie and watching them talk and move, I can say now that I do love them, though I'm still not crazy about Raph's design…
If you know me then you know I'm not too big of a fan of the idea of Splinter not being a human at all, but for this movie it makes sense as to why he was always a rat and never human. Him being a rat from the start and hating humans ties in with the movies message about being accepted and even has a little connection/parallel with the main villain Superfly. I am still kind of upset that Splinter has no connection to Hamato Yoshi (that we know of rn).
Another reason why I don’t like the idea of Splinter never being a human or Hamato Yoshi is because I feel like it takes away the ninja aspect of their story, but the way they explain why they’ve ninjas was actually hilarious. Splinter and the boys learned how to be ninjas through YouTube tutorials, which makes so much sense for this day and age with how many people claim they are experts at something simply because they read or watch something online. 
Leo was my favorite turtle in this movie, I loved his personality/character and how serious but dorky he was. He’s trying so hard, I love his hopeless romantic side, and how he wants to listen to his dad but also have fun with his brothers, so he’s stuck in a tug or war with himself. He was precious and I love him.
Leo having a crush on April actually wasn't as bad as I thought it was going to be. His crush on her was genuinely sweet and it wasn't shoved down our throats like in other versions *cough* 2012 & Bayverse *cough* I like that he asks her to prom, which I thought was very cute and a nice ending for Leo.
I'm surprised how quickly they killed off Baxter Stockman, but his "son" Superfly was a really cool villain to take his place. Ice Cube did an amazing job! But I’m not full convinced Stockman is dead. There’s no evidence that he’s still alive but knows. Maybe they’ll pull an 03 Stockman and make come back as a robot in the sequel.
The other mutants were also really fun, but I wish they had more screen time. And truth I felt like they added too many Mutants and I felt like a few of them could've been removed from the film but overall they were a fun cast!
Mondo Gecko and Mikey instantly becoming besties was nice. And I loved Bebop and Rocksteady's Bromance.
Mikey twerking was NOT needed in this film.
I like how the "milking" joke actually came full circle when the turtles were kidnapped by Cynthia.
Splinter vs the TCRI soldiers was my second favorite part of the movie, The animation was so well done in the choreography of the fight was amazing and had great detail.
My overall favorite part was the sequence of the Turtles confronting each one of Superfly’s leads. How the scene would sync up and cut back-and-forth to each brother fighting different gang members. The music during the scene was so well done and the animation with how it tied in with each brother was peak cinema. 
April’s little arc of getting over being camera shy was cool and actually helped save the Turtles and NYC. But the April puking joke went on for too long. The fact they showed it longer than I excepted felt wrong.
I’m happy that Splinter got a girlfriend by the end but please don’t ever show us him making out with Scumbug ever again. *flashbacks to 2012 Raph making out with an ant*
My favorite joke was when the Turtles were like “Eventually Superfly will run out of cars to throw at us, right??” *Superfly turns to see he’s right new to a parking garage* LMFAO XD
There was a lot of modern day references and slang in this movie and a lot of people say this movie is gonna be outdated in 5-10 years but I feel that’s gonna be part of the movies charm. We’ll have to see in 5-10 years…
Superfly’s mutant army (Mondo Gecko, Bebop, Rocksteady, Leatherhead etc) got redeemed way too quick. All it took was one heartfelt speech and suddenly they weren’t down to kill all humans. Like they seemed really excited about it during the bowling scene?? Gave me Shrek 3 vibes. I was confident that Mondo Gecko was gonna change but all of them was unexpected but I’m happy regardless by the end that the Turtles have a bigger family.
I loved the sequence of the people of New York helping the Turtles and their mutant friends stop Superfly. I feel we’ve never seen that done before and in truth, New Yorkers ramming their cars into a giant kaiju Superfly IS something New Yorkers would do! XD
The ending I did not expect, the Turtles actually being excepted by all of New York, and actually getting to go to high school. This was so new and fresh, and I absolutely loved it and I can't wait to see more of it in the TV show and the sequel.
Also there’s a mid credit scene.
It starts off very cute with the Turtles doing high school shenanigans: Mikey in joining improv, Donnie with his “people” (lol), Raph joining the wrestling team, Leo and April starting a conspiracy vlog, and finally them at prom, but then it cuts to Cynthia, who it’s revealed she is secretly watching them. She talks to her second in command about wanting to catch the Turtles and get revenge. She then basically says that she “knows a guy” that can help and it cuts to a shot of someone outside the city….
But sadly no Casey…
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misterfeller · 3 months
the cryptic asks are fun :)
you'll never know who i am
mainly because we're not mutuals and i dont follow anyone, so i'm invisible to you
so uh
you can call me whatever you want
ohhh okay!!!! i thought you would be one of my mutuals. you kind of remind me of faggot mouse. i am okay with more cryptic asks this is so fun yay! deciding what to call you is going to be really hard bc i barely know anything about you. i have this stupid thing in my phone where it gives me cats and i name them. maybe you could look through them and see if any names feel like you. i would put screenshots of all the names here but there would be too many. i will copy and paste some for you. under the cut bc there are 5 million even with some taken out
a kiss without the moustache is like an egg without salt
al crane
alexandra vondude
arnold babatunji
baas kwaadwillig
bat masterson
beach ball
big audrey
big louise
billy brown
billy the phantom bellboy
bobo botn
bora karaca
bruce bunyip
cab calloway
captain buffalo birnbaum
carl azuz
chick the cherub
chicken nancy
chris harrington
clarinda quackenboss
clive montague
colonel ken krenwinkle
darlin companion
davy jones
deady bye bye
dirty bobby
dr. charlotte
electric larry
elizabeth van vreemdeling
fats waller
flying saucer
frosted mini spooners
gee wilikers
go to bed
goopy bloppy drippy sparkly
gwendolyn marshrat
hammersmith odeon
harold boonstangle
her majesty
horatius birnbaum
hot dog supper
iggy birnbaum
jurgen leitner
k spar
kitty nebelstreif
little bunny foo foo
live at the beeb
maple leaf rag
minnie the moocher
molly o'malley
moly b. denum
monkberry moon delight
mr bloodvessel
mr moon
mr moonlight
mr. plumbean
mrs. wimpydimple
ms. magistra
muffin man
neddie wentworthstein
nick bluegum
odds bodkins
nick bluegum
odds bodkins
orthoclase feldspar
percy "thrills" thrillington
pickled pepper
pizza pie
plagioclase feldspar
polly pocket
potassium feldspar
prairiedog birnbaum
prime meridian
professor tag
rex the wonder horse
rip van winkle
roger van tussenvuxel
ronnie wolfspit
samuel klugarsh
sandor eucalyptus
sargent caleb
satin spar
seamus finn
serutan yob
sholmos bunyip
smokey joe
space station level 7
stella octangula
steve craft
strega nona
suzie bunny boo boo
the baritone buckaroo
time machine
tough bananas
uncle borgel
wah watusi
wicked anabella
wing ding
woofy davis
woopty doo
yggdrasil birnbaum
zaphod beeblebrox
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hood-ex · 1 year
How did you like mutant mayhem? who was your fav
Loved it!! I had SO much fun watching it!!
The turtles getting their groceries from shipping containers/trucks?? Brilliant! Love that take!
I was pressed when I read that Leo was going to have a crush on April, but I actually didn't mind it in this case. (Even though I 100% prefer for them to just be best friend's/family and would never want to see April with any of them). Like Leo being such a nerd made it work plus April didn't show any interest in him, so it didn't bug me like I thought it would. Now if they try to turn that into something in the future then we're gonna have a problem, but it being a one-sided thing that Leo will hopefully grow out of (quickly!) is fine.
Speaking of April, I LOVE this version of April, and I love how they switched up the reporter thing a bit with her being super anxious to be on air bc it made way for some character progression. I do tend to prefer her being quite a bit older than the turtles, but I feel like her being a teen like them works in this universe.
Also, I love it when Leo is characterized as a nerd who says cringey/nerdy things sometimes and they delivered on that beautifully here with his speeches. It's veryyy 2k12 Leo vibes. Fucking loved it. Especially loved it when Leo actually had an amazing rousing speech during the Superfly fight scene and then after Raph complimented him on it, Leo started geeking out about how cool he sounded LOL. Obsessed.
"GO NINJA, GO NINJA, GO!" I started screaming when this started playing!! Secret of the Ooze reference let's gooo!
The milking... THE MILKING... the nipples and the milking!! Mikey and Raph got milked!! That running joke killed me. Also, since Mikey got milked first, I couldn't help but compare that to 2k3 when Bishop was going to use a saw to cut into Mikey's carapace while all the other bros had to watch. Althouuugh... ngl, I kinda wish Raph had gone a little more berserk over Mikey getting milked since he's so protective, but I understand they were trying to keep the mood light even though... it was... a torture scene... so uhhh... anyway.
"He's molly-whopping me!" LMFAO I was wheezing
All the bros singing BTS for Donnie's sake, and Donnie being like, "You guys don't even know the words..." HAAA
I love it in every iteration when Splinter gets involved to save his boys and this time was no different. Hell yeah feral rat dad!!
Mikey and Mondo Gecko, hell yes!! Bro, when the explosion rocked all the turtles and Mikey was disoriented?? The way his eyes looked after that?? Yeees!
THEIR SHELLS CRACKED 😱😱😱!! That "I'm gonna crack you like pistachios" joke killed me though
Mikey or whoever telling Raph he needed therapy ALSKDJA
All the mutants living in the sewers with the turtles?? Full House vibes!! With Bebop and Rocksteady there idk kinda weird but I guess it works for this version of them.
I could not with their high school fits like 😭 April please take them shopping 😭
All in all, I thought it was super fun and I couldn't stop laughing the entire time. There was still kiiinda more of a Leo focus this time around, but it wasn't nearly as much as the Rise movie, so I'm glad it felt more balanced between each brother (and thank god we didn't have to sit through another Leo vs. Raph type of beef thing).
I think in terms of characterization, Leo was definitely characterized the best and felt IC. I feel like there could've been a bit more development for Donnie, Raph, and Mikey. Donnie had his anime/kpop thing, Raph had his love for violence, and then Mikey... there wasn't anything super defining about him other than maybe the fact that he signed up for the improv team try outs. But honestly, I'm not that mad at it because I'm sure they'll get more fleshed out in the TV show that's coming in the future. Now that they're attending school, I do kinda hope that Donnie takes some kinda robotics/woodworking/science classes because I'd love to see him develop the skills he's always depicted with.
As for my fav, I mean, it should be noted that Mikey is always my guy and that I'm usually going to focus on him the most in every scene, but other than him, I'd say Leo. I also really enjoyed April, Splinter, and Superfly though.
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shootybangbang · 1 year
[Arthur Morgan/Reader vampire/vampire hunter AU]
[tagging @cowgirl---bebop!]
In his hand, the silver dagger. Slender as a maiden’s wristbone and yet it weighs in his palm now heavy as an iron club. Arthur turns the brass knob of the bedroom door and steps over the threshold, peers into that shrouded chamber with its windows constricted by black sheets of muslin and velvet. 
Outside, beyond the tomblike shutter and rotting grandeur of this house, the orchard and garden are joyous with noonday sun, bright and lovely as a churchglass vision. But within this stifling dark that holds within it the sonorous silence of a catacomb, there burns but a single candle whose withered glow serves only to intensify the gloom. It has an unearthly flicker that pulses as though underwater, the same murky film of fluorescence that is equal parts shadow and light, and it stretches his silhouette monstrous across the curtain wrapped around the bed as he grasps it in his unworthy hand and drags it open with a rustle like stirring silk.
Within its confines, you slumber with the leaden-limbed stillness of the recently departed. Nightgown buttoned up to your throat, its mother-of-pearl buttons gleaming opaline in the momentary flare of candlelight. Scarcely any rise and fall of that breast, and he would be forgiven for believing he beheld a corpse. 
Yet it had been just three days prior that he had attended you in the greenhouse that lay in the cold shadow of the manse, still masquerading at fieldhand as he watched you twine a fall of night-blooming jasmine through your fingers and breathe in their funereal scent. You crouched among trumpets of datura white as snow and strands of wisteria that hung like flowering willow. Things which, like yourself, unfurled only under the pale suspension of the moon, and with the intrusion of day hid themselves away, curling inward as all things that have spurned the condemnation of light must. Shunning that which men revere as sacred in its clarity, and which banishes the liminal to pockets of shadow and derelict crevices that crack deep into the very bowels of the earth, where no holy trace can penetrate. As such is the sanctuary of creatures who dwell in the twilit transition between certainties, and who live with the cold ichor of death bluing their veins.
I suppose there’s no way I can persuade you to extend your contract, you’d said.
Afraid not.
Probably a rather futile question on my part, considering the way you drifter types operate. Eyeteeth sharp as knives in the reveal of your smile, but the soft, wistful turn of your lips had nearly made him recant. Still, I figured I may as well try.
You cupped the head of a gardenia in your hand, and caught in lunar shine its petals seemed wrought of milk glass, or bone. It’s too bad, you continued, drawing a pair of shears from the pocket of your dress. Your eyes fixed upon your task as his fixed upon the curve of your neck, noting the faded pucker of its perforated scar. The twin blades snipped, the gardenia’s slender stem cleft twain. I’ve enjoyed your company, Mr Morgan. So do me a favor, will you?
He nodded, against his better judgment.
If ever you find yourself back in this corner of Lemoyne… your palm briefly cradled the decapitated rosette before you proffered it to him, and the exchange had something in it the flavor of transgressed folklore. A mouthful eaten at the fair folk’s table, a pomegranate seed accepted from the king of the depths, a flower gifted from a woman who imbibed men’s blood as wine. Come see me again.
In a way, he reasons, tightening his fingers round the dagger’s hilt, this is but the fulfillment of his promise.
(Does the heart beneath that gown yet beat? If he were to unbutton it and press his hand to your unmarred breast, would it warm to his touch, as marble to flesh? And if he had instead stayed, if he had cast off his vows, if he had turned from duty—)
You sigh, and he stiffens. Nearly drops the knife when you flash him a baleful, exasperated glance with one eye open and say, “You know you’ve been standing there now for about five minutes now.”
“Jesus fucking christ, how long’ve you—”
“Been awake? Only since you climbed in downstairs through the parlor window.”
He can only stare, dumb as an ox. From the yard outside, a thrush trills a few cheerful notes that seem to emanate from a layer of reality both worlds away and perilously close. 
“Having second thoughts?” Both your eyes are open now, pinning him in place with irises the same dire, arterial hue as sunset. “Or maybe you think I’ll kill you for trying? Or maybe…”
You lift your hand, and as his arm jerks crosswise to defend himself the blade glints like a star swiped sidelong through the dark. But it is useless; he has miscalculated your route of offense entirely. For you raise your fingers not to his throat but to the lace collar of your dress, pinching its topmost button through its eyelet. Then the next, and the next, and the next, until the garment separates like the shores of a linen wound, and the slow window of skin that you reveal is as disconcertingly intimate as a view into the red mechanism of your entrails. You may as well have reached through muscle and bone to show him the blooded core of your very heart.
“Maybe,” you say. “You’re in need of some assistance.”
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popculturebuffet · 11 months
Sam and Max Beyond Time and Space Retrospective: Night of the Raving Dead
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Happy halloween all you happy freelance police. I"m jake and my Sam and Max Beyond Time and Space retrospective continues as Sam and Max fight a guy who sucks just in time for spooky season.
Chapter 3 gives us a fun spooky good time as we have zombies, frankenstines and vampires as our dynamic duo have to beat a club hopping german vampire before his army of the undead conquer the world. So a normal tuesday really. Can our heroes save the world.. again? Will we have to see a lot of pierced vampire nipples? Is Lincoln still the worst Short answer, of course, just look at the article image, and i'm still in cringing agony so.. can confirm. Long answer is under the cut!
Night of the Raving Dead begins In Media Res and milks it for all it's worth: Sam and Max are in a soul sucking machine, at the mercy of Jurgen, a european vampire who never wears a shirt but does gladly show off his pierced nipples. Still better than bebops. Firm 6/10.
At any rate pierced nips aren't the issue as the threat here is your old fashioned spike wall style trap I know just the man for the job but sadly he's was a bit busy with his own spiked wall issues
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So instead we flash back to the start of this tale.
And to my delight our heroes continue to pile up junk in their office. Sam has now added a holy urn and is still high priest seperation of chruch and state kneels before god emperor priest president Max!
Our heroes have a bit of infestation though in their office there's something all too familiar
These are not greasy teen zombies or greasy gnomes or even the dreaded Crombie, but European Zombies! So it's up to us to talk to everyone and find out why. In an intresting reversal this time it's Bosco whose closed, while Sybil's reopened her place, because we psychologically tortured him into disappearing.
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Sybil meanwhile is looking for love in all the wrong places as after her relationship with Abe Ended she's restarted her dating service.. but just for her. After the obvious sex work joke because this is the 2000's, Sybil is basically screening dates... and is currnetly screening a moleman.
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But after he failed we're left with Harry Moleman. Whose back for some reason. Gotta reuse those models I guess. He has aboslutely no shot and Sybil is being just polite. He also has a choclate heart we'll need later and a fear of zombie's we'll exploit later
Moving over to Stinky's her latest special is a gooey cake/chekov's gun, while her latest item we can grab is a sunlamp bulb since even she has no idea why it's there, but the plot does. The plot sees all.
Anyway abe's also there.. .and still the worst as he blames Sybil for the breakup, is stalking her and won't shut up
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Yeah I liked Abe at first.. but in a record TWO episodes he's gone from endearing into the hall
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It's a shame too as I really DID like abe in season one and the first episode of this but this gag, ESPECIALLY wiith how the sybil plot concludes, really dosen't work.
Thankfully we move on to our boys the C.O.P.S. who have decided to captalize on this to sell internet to zombies, via online trial discs. For those too young to know what those are
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For now though we can't get any of those future coasters, but we do found out poor bluster has some brain damage which was also funnier at the time. We do find out the source of the ZOmbies: the zombie factory in Stuttgard, Germany. And to my shock Stuttgart is a real place. I would've asked my german friend , but she needs sleep and isn't awake till midnight like moi.... am I a vampire? ... no. No I love garlic bread too much to make that sacrifice. Then again It'd also make it easier to meet Matt Berry.. dammit this is a dillema.
While I mull this over we move on to Stuttgard. I didn't ask said friend, @galaxysupernaturalstuff because again, asleep.. and because I forgot earlier. Though I probably DON'T need an actual german to tell me "yeah Stuttgart isn't a small villiage with a giant castle in the middle of it. "They thankfully don't do too many german stereotypes about the country as a whole, the only gags they do being the fairly innocent beerstein and the fact Midtown Cowboys is big there. It's done more in a tounge in cheek way than anything genuinely offensive.
Turns out the Zombie Factory is both your standard spooky hammer horror style monster castle.. and a club, and to get in we need to get past the bouncer, good old superball.
Yeah like the Bosco scremaing thing this is a runner nad a truly great one. Also unlike that one it's both nonseical and you can't get punched for it. He's working for Jurgen, our big bad, because his doors are rich fine mahogany.. and he needs SOMETHING to do after the divorce. He was married. I'd.. genuinely forgot that.
To get past him we once again have to do something that's likely to get me sent to hell for playing this game: take a brain from a fresh corpse
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Then we throw it to a gargoyle which suprisingly ISN'T alive, nor voiced by keith david despite it being night, allowing us to cut the line.
It's inside we get a ZOMBIE DISCO BITCHES. We meet our arc villian and the mastermind behind this half baked scheme, Jurgen. Jurgern.. is a deliglight: he's basically every 20 something trying to seem cool by clubing distilled into a vampire and given a german accent and nipple rings. And he is glorious. The fact his plan is just "Conquer teh world with zombies" jah helps. our heroes just try to go for the head.. but Jurgen can teleport so we need to take the source of his powers: his...
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And it's fun too as each one is simply hitting him with his vampire weakensses.. and the how, as usual is fun and redicuous. That being said actually solving these puzzles.. is a lot. I ended up hitting a dead end: I figured given the tropes at play that the key was to trigger some type of hidden entrance to get up to the balcony to replace the bulbs in the spotlight with the sunlamp. And it is.. btu the how is INCREDIBLY overcomplicated. While the writing couldn't be stronger this chapter and where your supposed to go MOSTLY straight foward, the actual puzzles are often overcomplicated. The ones in the Zombie Factory itself rely HEAVILY on a dj soundboard , which you have to put the right words from one of jurgen's poems into, without it being clear which words in the poem are a clue. Also solving the spotlight DOSEN'T fix the problem and you still have two other things to do to him, only one of which is pretty easy to figure out since after Jurgen mentions he's a huge midtown cowboys fangboy, a new area unlocked announcment shows up. As it did with the COPS when this castle unlocked. Both a great gag and a nice bit of gameplay magic to make this easier.
So yeah.. I used a guide for most of this. This is one of the trickier ones gameplay wise and if you don't adventure game often or have a lot of patience
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It can be maddening. There's also another "pick a random dialouge option fo ra song" puzzle like last season, which just.. isn't fun. Picking various options is only funny if there's multiple jokes, like the cooking without looking segment from last game. Basically asking "PICK RANDOM DIALOUGE FOR US FEASANT" isn't fun it's just keeping me from having fun with the part of the game I actually like.
So with that we an shine a little sunlight on Jurgen's life, causing him to freak out and loose a little respect of his fanbase. Like any influencer in embyro, just one stab to his rep isn't going to do it but it's a start. Next it's time to return to Midtown Cowboys! Their probably hiding a cow. Midtown Cowboys have been saved from cancelation baby! See back then Networks actually.. payed attention to things like audience numbers or dvd and digital sales instead of guarding the numbers like a cave troll so they can cancel whatever they want whenever they want. Gee I wonder why the actor's strike has taken 105 days with that kind of job security.
As it turns out Midtown Cowboys is HUGE in germany, with WARP having converted to just shooting Midtown Cowboys and spinoffs. Hey at least they beat Disney+ to the punch with that model. Turns out the statoin lady's been TRYING to get our heroes back in they've just been busy and such.. and max also deleted her messages because he be like that.
We also reunite with my boy Mr. Featherly, who legally changed his name from Philo Pennyworth. While he DID go back to theater even he can't resist the siren call of "buy your own private island fortress" money. Max naturally signed away those rights without thinking. They lost 4 executives that day..so you know it's not all bad.
We can still use the broadcast to our advntage though, stashing some garlic cigarettes from outside the castle in Featherly's bag as a prop. What follows.. is comedy gold. While we sadly don't get a cookin without lookin sequel, I wanted to use baboon hearts, what we do get is just as funny as we get a very special episode, the kind sitcoms used to do to tackle the heavy issues instead of just weaving them in if it fits the tone.
The cowboys hold an interviention for mr. featherly, who finds out they were indeed hiding a cow but he has his own cow.. a smoking addiction. Even Bessie is disapointed. It then quickly turns into an add for smoking and why it's totally rad and you should all do it as their sponsor.. is garlic clove cigarettes. It's so fucked and I love it. IT's a simple idea i'm genuinely suprised I haven't seen elsewhere and genius.
So with that we just have one last thing to destroy this man's career: we need a man of the faith to bless some water bottles we got at the club. But since Shelby isn't around, we'll have to make do with max, dunking the water bottles in his sacred urn while he gives us the sacred rites
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The problem is as seen with the cigs, while Jurgen is many things, a hipster, a scene kid, a goth, a tool, a vampire, a mild german sterotype, a dracula, an emo, a direct to video sequel to Dracula 2000, a nipple piercing sorta guy, european, german, big dicked, bad at poetry, a plagarist, a mad scientest, an outer god... he is not dumb enough to let people carry in his weaknesses. Dumb enough to keep some of them in his private lab as we'll see, but still not dumb enough to let vampire hunters right in.
So to get it past we have to have max drink the holy water. You'd think this would mean max would get set on fire, another vampire weakness but it just give shim a halo. I guess his own religion can't cast him into the firey depths.
It's a once again limited time thing.. though I don't get WHY in this case. I get having it wear off to show it has to be used IN the castle.. but why does it wear off on the dance floor.
Anyways to beat jurgen we have to out out emo him with lyrics about darkness, no parents, continued darkness, and of course
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We DO basically win, but normally jurgen would copy us. I know because I did this puzzle before knowing the solution. He drinks max. Thankfully his drinking Holy Water makes him need to go potty. You know if I had a nickle for every time we had to defeat one of our foes by making him need to go to the bathroom i'd have three nickels.. which isn't a lot but it's weird it happened thrice.
So we follow Jurgen to his lair but given we've only done three puzzle's we're not done yet, two act structure and all as SAM AND MAX ENGAGE IN THE MOST THRILLING BATTLE OF THEIR CAREERS... bringing them to the trap.. which thanks to Sam being busy recapping, works and swallows our heroes souls. Jurgen goes.. somewhere, leaving us in his study. We find some useful junk, including a stake, and a monster.
This is Jurgen's Monster, who like his master I dearly love, a poetic beast whose mad you brought him to life as he's so lonely. Can relate dude, can, relate.
Helping him win a date with Sybil is our main quest from her eon out as she has a soul mater, a weird horrifying eldrich device she dosen't know how to use, so her finding her soul mate means we can have it. Which is good because Sam and Max's souls don't want to go back after how their bodies have misused them, waiting to go to the next life. To put a stop to our souls going to hell a few chapters early we need that soul mater.
What follows is a LOT of stuff since we don't have just 7 days to make jurgen a mannnnnnnnnnnn. We can't get him pink and quite clean but we CAN get him a brain via our old friend Flint Paper and the Zombie of Abe LIncon. Yeah turns out Abe was buried in Stuttgart and thus we meet the real abe whose loyal to his dead wife and actually likeable. Sadly he's brutalyl murdered because Flint Paper is on the warpath. He wants to kill us because "THey'd rather be dead than undead!" Sam and Max don't remember making him promise that and thus use another hidden passage to knock him out and get the brain.
Next we need a proper hand. Thankfully the zombie from the intro stole jessie james hand, which is now alive and holding up girl stinky. To get it we need to trick it and this puzzle is clever: the hand hops every time it shoots. So we simply have to make it get all the way to girl stinky, then put his attention her so it goes the other way.. straight into the goey cake. We got our HANNNDDD BACCCKKKK.
We now need to give him some heart. This one's a tad overcomplicated, even by this chapter's standards: first we need to play the cops game for this chapter, distrubing internet demo disks paperboy style. This game is tricky, but unlike the difficulty in this chapter, it's a fair kind once you figure it out. You have to move your car to be in the right position to hit the zombies with a disk. It's still hard, but it's the fun kind of hard
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With that we have a big anetna we can bolt cutter off the car and use to power up Jurgen's alchemy machine.
To get our final body part though we need to play the dating game against featherly and harry moleman
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Harry is just hopeless and Featherly is pretentious: LIncoln's brain is the only thing Sybil liked about him, and the hand has jurgen spell out I love sybil. Awwwwww. We just need a heart of gold as the ones we have are a clock and plants that make us into mr. van dresen. I mean .. you'd think playing a good rendention of lesbian segull would woo her but I guess it's not her thing.
No we need a heart. Luckily Harry takes his time answering a question and has a choclate heart, and even more luckily this time ruining his life dosen't feel bad as he's tried to murder us, sybil and really had ZERO chance before shouting at us.
With that we can be in it to win it, using the science and the alchemy to give us a gold heart and winning Sybils. Unfourtnatley the game then makes a pretty bleh error in judgment, as Sybil realizes she still wants abe and.. runs off to apologize to the bastard
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Yeah this joke is all kinds of messed up. I get her going back IS the joke, that he's bad for her.. but it just comes off stupid, and mildly sexist as it feeds into the old "oh women like jerks" sterotypes instead of "abusive relationships happen". I mean it's a lot to ask sam and max to be realistic, so i'm fine with that but it's not a lot to ask them to actually be funny if their going to do something this annoying.
So on that sour note the climax. We get our souls back and fight jurgen, who has a plan.. of.. some sort. Anyways we can't stake him because we're too slow, so we toss the soul mater to jurgen's monster pull the lever kronk and swap bodies, using his to finally put this chapter to it's eternal rest... but not before flint comes in and tragically jurgen's monster dies.
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I'm.. still not over it but i've been asured he returns somehow. And there's no time to punch flint for this as it turns out the reason he dived in guns a blazing to see us earlier is that he needs our help: bosco isn't just missing... he's NOWHERE ON EARTH
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Night of the Raving dead is one of my faviorite chapters writing wise, with lots of clever jokes, an all timer villian and tons of my faviorite characters.. and abe. The abe stuff drags it down slightly, but everything else is so good this is easily my second faviorite chapter of the games thus far behind Save the World's The Mafia, the Mole and the Meatball.
It still suffers from some of this games overarching issues: the puzzles are more obtuse, the writing can be a bit mean spirited, and I don't have a third thing. Beyond Time and Space thus far isn't BAD, and has legs up on it's predecessor with gorgeous environments, but it still feels a bit of a step back from the previous one. It's got a bigger budget.. but it's just not as fun as the later chapters of save the world. It's not a bad game, the writing is as sharp as ever and most of your terrible actions are too over the top to not be funny, but it dosen't have quite the charm the first one did.
Next Time: I .. genuinely dont' know. The descrption for this one is more vauge. the only thing I know for sure is we'll finally meet THEM
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Thanks for reading
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madychi · 1 year
Okay so the rest of you that have seen it or don’t care if your spoiled…
First things first, Leo and April? Them? Hello?! Caught me off guard but I ended up shipping it so no complaints! I will now obsess over them because them.
Secondly! Mikey is best fucking boi and no one can tell me otherwise. He’s precious. Raph is loveable as hell he’s my spicy kitten blorbo and i live for it! Donnie is just chefs kiss
I loved how the movie focused more on teenager that ninja. A nice deviation!
… I will never think of milking in any other way now. 😓
I hope the talk of a mutant mayhem series is true!
Racism against humans? Fair enough as a human I’d hate me too. BUT ALSO THE PEOPLE OF NEW YORK ACTUALLY FIGHTING ALONGSIDE THE TURTLES??? HELLO?! Them being more than not looking fucks?! YESSS
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spishidden · 1 year
Rambling about Mutant Mayhem
Overall: AWESOME MOVIE! The animation and art style is to die for. If they release an art book I am preordering that shit asap. I was laughing so much throughout the entire thing. The emotional moments hit too (if yk yk). And the FIGHT SCENES. DAMN. The animators understood the assignment fr.
(Btw, there is a mid-credit scene that is veryyy important for the future of this universe. Don’t miss it.)
Highly recommend giving it a watch. Turtles fan or not
Spoilers under the cut:
He is so cringefail and lowkey pathetic (rizzless Leo is canon)
But at the end when he pulled through and he got all excited AAAA it was adorable
They comment a lot on how Raph is always angry, but he wasn’t rlly? It was more enthusiasm and aggression, not outright anger. Not a complaint just an observation
This guy can throw hands fr. Don’t mess with this Raph aksjsn
Mikey and Mondo are bestie goals you can pry these two from my cold dead hands
The boys(tm) aren’t traumatized yet enjoy it while it lasts
These voices are THE SHIT! Perfect cast for the turtles muah!
I have so many positive thoughts about the dialogue +dialogue delivery in this movie it needs its own separate post
I did not expect them to actually get milked. I thought it was a throw-away line but they COMMITTED TO THE BIT. RESPECT.
April is awesome. Just amazing. Took all the best aspects of previous April’s and combined them together. (That throwing up scene was not for me tho no ty)
I also was not expecting attack on titan to be crucial to the plot but here we are
Donnie’s weeb-ness saved the say
If there’s one rule that every reboot of turtles has to follow is that no matter what Splinter always solos. They understood the assignment
About Splinter, I rlly enjoyed his storyline. It’s made rlly clear how much he loves the turtles and how hard he’s trying. But the movie actively called out his behavior without making him a villain. Bravo.
Speaking of villains, Superfly slapped. Mans was intimidating, cool, smart. Rlly liked his and Splinter’s parallel arcs
The mutant crew rlly were just silly guys aksjsjhs
Kinda iffy on the whole ��they learned ninjitsu through media’ thing.
I hope that in the show they can touch on that. Maybe show that they’re training is incomplete and have them improve their skills with a proper teacher
But yea that didn’t rlly land with me.
I think my only other nitpick is that the other mutants don’t have enough moments to shine. They def make do with the time they have and it works, but I would’ve liked more ( Bebop and Rocksteady specifically)
Splinter making out with a mutant cockroach was not on my 2023 bingo card
I had tons of mixed feelings about that ending. But the mid-credit scene saved it
I think the turtles being “normal” kids has potential to be explored. I’m not against it
They’re still ninjas thank god
I thought when the mask came off they were leaving it behind
BUT NOPE they still kicking ass
That was my only problem with ending pre mid-credit scene
Wonder what they’re origins are gonna be aksjsj i crave new content
Does Hamato Yoshi not exist in this universe? Are they hiding him and are gonna do a dramatic reveal?? Questions questions questions
Also, Utrom?? KRANG??
Love the idea of all these mutants living in the same space
In Donnie’s clip, did that look like the purple dragons to anyone or was that just me?
Are we just not gonna mention that the TCRI technically has some mutagen blood from Raph and Donnie? No? Okay
Now lets talk about April and Leo
It’s not explicitly stated to be canon. April going to prom with Leo felt like it was framed to be a casual, just friends thing. And I rlly hope that’s what they were going for.
Do I ship it? No.
I’m glad that Leo and April didn’t rlly end up together. Because it would’ve been super unnecessary and forced. Nothing I got from the narrative or message suggests that a romantic pairing helps the plot. I despise the ‘girl is clearly not interested but ends up with guy anyways’ trope and I’m glad that it kinda wasn’t there?? Again, it wasn’t super clear. But nothing romantic between them was shown at the prom or anywhere else so I’m going to choose to believe it’s not canon.
IF THAT WERE TO CHANGE depends on the upcoming show.
If the show has a well written, healthy, and developed relationship. I’d be all for it.
Just please do not pull a 2012 again. I saw that meet-cute ik what you’re trying to pull writers you better tread carefully.
And speaking of 2012; when you’re gonna introduce Casey Jones (i say when because yes), if you’re going to try the whole April love triangle thing again, at least make it funny. You managed to make rizzless Leo entertaining I’m sure you can do the same here. Just don’t make it as annoying as Capritello was in 2012 learn from your mistakes
Better yet, pull a Spiderverse and subvert expectations by making Casey an absolute bro to Leo. Idk, be creative with it.
That’s everything for now. I’m optimistic for the future of this universe. Looking forward to that show even tho it could be effected by the writer’s strike but I don’t wanna think about that possibility rn please get ur shit together and pay writers and actors what they deserve
I’m gonna go make a Kpop playlist for Donnie. Ask box is open if anyone wants to add on or ramble about the movie. Have a good day!
(Tagging my bestie) @enlighten3d
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eriisaam · 8 months
You can probably guess what inspired this, but what I'm about to discuss talks about a pet who passed away, bullying and harassment, and fandom discourse esque drama. If you're at all sensitive to any of these, it may be best to just skip this post entirely. Don't worry about it. The long and short of it is I'm just venting. Hope you have a good day.👍
You've all probably seen what happened with that cat poll between Jellie and Nefarious Anglerfish by now. Even if it's been a bit since, with it coming up again, I still can't shake off some lingering resentments of this being one of many examples of something I've seen and bottled up for a while now.
What the fuck happened to us? To fandom lately? What the fuck made enjoying things and letting other people enjoy things and liking or disliking certain things that turned into some kind of fucked up litmus test of whether or not someone is an appropriate target to just turn off all senses and be a complete asshole to them?
And over nonsense things like liking something someone else didn't like, or thought cringe, or thinks is overrated, or whatever. What the fuck happened to "cringe culture is dead"? And when did it evolve into "This person is ok to completely shit all over cuz they like Roblox/Minecraft/Undertale/Among Us/whateverthehell and that's cringe"?
No, dipshit, you're still an asshole whether they or you like those things or not.
Like, I'm sorry. I hate drumming up this issue when at this point the issue is long since done, the dust had settled, and that OP of that poll straight up fucked off.
But what gets me is how easily someone can "unperson" someone else - just shut off their brains, remove all empathy and common sense, and say the most horrendously cruel shit without a second thought - treating them like they don't have feelings and it doesn't matter if they do anyways, and over what?
Cuz they play Minecraft and you don't? They like something you think is stupid?? And you make fun of their loss of their cat for "milking the attention away" with their death and derailing attention from another cat in a fucking poll nobody's going to give a shit about by the end of the week??? Cuz the "cringey minecraft player"s cat died at a time too inconvenient for your poll?!
Fuck you. I said it before and I'll say it again: fuck you.
Back when I was way younger, what's now happening to Minecraft used to happen to a lot of things.
Back then? It was liking cartoons in general.
Then it was liking anime specifically on top of liking certain cartoons.
Then it was liking the "lame" (read: "girly") anime like Cardcaptor Sakura, Fruits Basket or Sailor Moon over the badass ones like Dragonball Z, Gundam or Cowboy Bebop. There were constant rotating fights of which anime was "cool" enough not to get shit on for liking it. (And there's still that shit even to this day, let's be real.)
Then it was liking Pokemon. Then it was liking Digimon. Then it was Yugioh, or Beyblade, or whatever. Then there's being a furry. Then it was being a brony or even tangibly liking My Little Pony. Then Undertale. Then Steven Universe, or She-Ra, or whatever the fuck else. Sometimes it's just the one thing. Other times it's an entire genre.
On and on and on the goalpost will keep changing when the old "cringey" thing stopped being an acceptable target, and there's a new thing people completely unload on without a second thought.
Like I said before. I used to be a pet owner. I've had, and lost, pets over my lifetime.
Back then I would've also been in that camp of "easily acceptable target cuz people who like pokemon/digimon/anime are losers who deserve it", and I've been on the receiving end of that shit all my life in and out of fandom circles back in the day.
When I lost my cat, it already devastated me. And I can't imagine the kind of way that pain would've magnified if I was still trying to cope with that, tried to find escapism just hanging out online or browsing or whatever, and someone took my loss to make fun of me about it cuz I was some cringey loser who liked pokemon, so they felt I deserved the kind of words that they wouldn't dream to say to the face of someone actually "worth respect".
Because how dare my cat die on a date that inconvenienced them and ruined their good mood. Some cat nobody gives a shit about, cuz she belonged to a pokemon fan, and we all know pokemon fans are huge no-life losers who never get anywhere in their lives, amirite?
It didn't have to be specifically Jellie, or even specifically about Scar.
In that moment, I saw me, when I was younger, going through that shit that's the same bullshit then as it is now, and where kid-me would've broke down and spiraled worse than I already had, adult-me wants to drop a fucking meteor on a bitch.
I said unkind things and lost my cool and I'm sorry you all had to witness that. By virtue of this post, I'm sorry you're still witnessing it now.
But I'm just so goddamn tired of seeing it, and that's not even the only time I've seen that shit happen, time and again over similarly petty bullshit. It's Minecraft now for whatever the goddamn fuck reason, but it could be anything next once Minecraft and those who play it stop being cool to bully. I've seen it in public with strangers in passing just as I've seen it thrown in the face in private at people I know. I've seen this shit thrown at friends just as much I've still had it thrown in my face time and again.
It never fucking ends.
Why is the message always "it's ok to say whatever the hell I want, as long as they like something that's cool now to shit on them over"?
When did we somehow stop caring about "If you're being a thoughtless asshole, I don't care if they like [insert acceptable cringe target here], you're still an asshole."?
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medea10 · 9 months
My Review of GTO - Great Teacher Onizuka
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Oh, shit. Only now do I realize that I haven't posted an actual review since October and it's now January 1st. That is unlike me, but I guess there's been a domino effect of things happening one after another like a small vacation out of state, working through the holidays, and just general laziness. Okay, let me get back on track. Let's review, GTO!
Well, this has been a long time coming. This has been seen as one of the greatest animes of all time. I mean, “greatest” is in the title so it would be false advertising.
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Eikichi Onizuka is about to become a teacher. He’s 22, a virgin, and an ex-biker gang leader. Perfect qualifications! Onizuka has high ambitions of becoming the greatest teacher of all-time. Hence, the title of this show. Is it for his love of education? No, he just wants a high school waifu. Oh honey, that’s going to get you put right in the slammer. Don’t let this perverted side fool you, Onizuka has a lot of life experience that could set his students on the right path. Unfortunately, Onizuka is put in the roughest class at Holy Forest Academy. Could this be a test for him or is he the right person for the job?
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A lot of doubt has been thrown at Onizuka. He has quite the police record including more recent incidents and even more to come as you’ll see throughout this series. In his assistant teaching stint, he did some unorthodox methods of getting through to some students and parents. In the actual teaching interview, Onizuka punched and later body-slammed the vice principal. But, Onizuka wound up as an instructor. A middle school teacher, but a teacher nevertheless. These students are at the threshold of adulthood despite all the things they’ve gone through. I mean, these kids are dealing with shit like bullying, sexual assault, suicide, body issues, and trust issues. Mr. Onizuka might just be the right person for the job to help with these difficult pre-teens/teens.
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You know, when Onizuka isn’t doing something sketchy.
BETWEEN THE SUB AND THE DUB: Holy shit, look at all of these castmates on the dub. Everyone here has 2-5 roles in this anime. Shit, early 2000’s dubbing company, hire more people. You know how early this anime dub was? Steven Blum played the titular character and used a fake name for the credits. Wow! Come on, like we aren’t going to know that’s really Spike Speigel voicing this bro. Another amazing sight for this anime is the fact that they got the Papenbrooks to voice a couple of characters. That’s right, Debbie Rothstein and the late Bob Papenbrook. By the looks of it, Bryce wasn’t in this anime. I think this was dubbed prior to his anime debut.
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As for the sub…OH SHIT, SEKI-ALERT! Greatest seiyuu in the world, Tomokazu Seki! Yeah, this looks like Toji 2.0. And that makes so much sense because Tomokazu Seki does play Toji. Look at these two and tell me I'm not crazy. Anyways, here’s what you might recognize these folks from.
*Onizuka is played by Wataru Takagi (known for Wataru on Detective Conan, Kaiman on Dorohedoro, Tobi on Naruto, Ganju on Bleach, and Chudelkin on SAO: Alicization)
*Fuyutsuki is played by Fumiko Orikasa (known for Diantha on Pokemon XY, Riza on FMA: Brotherhood, Seras on Hellsing, Kyubei on Gintama, Rukia on Bleach, Shirley on Code Geass, and Lotte on Little Witch Academia)
*Yoshikawa is played by Kousuke Okano (known for Russell Tringum on FMA)
*Uchiyamada is played by Cho (known for Jaken on InuYasha, Brook on One Piece, Chobi-hige on Natsume’s Book of Friends, The Principal on Hidamari Sketch, and The President on Super Milk-Chan)
*Murai is played by Tomokazu Seki (known for Tracey on Pokemon, Gilgamesh on Fate/Stay Night, Kyo on Fruits Basket, Pucci on Jojo’s Pt. 6, Shuuichi on Gravitation, Itaru on Steins;Gate, and Meito Anizawa)
*Onizuka is played by Steven Blum (known for Spike on Cowboy Bebop, Orochimaru on Naruto, Shishio on Rurouni Kenshin, Roger on The Big O, Leeron on Gurren Lagann, Kadota on Durarara, and Tom from Toonami)
*Fuyutsuki is played by Wendee Lee (known for Faye on Cowboy Bebop, Konata on Lucky Star, Serenity on Sailor Moon [redub], Yoruichi on Bleach, Yahiko on Rurouni Kenshin, Yui on Fushigi Yuugi, and Haruhi Suzumiya)
*Yoshikawa is played by Kirk Thornton (known for Shirou on Blue Exorcist, Tanjiro’s father on Demon Slayer, Ougi on Code Geass, Klein on SAO, and Hotohori on Fushigi Yuugi)
*Uchiyamada is played by Bob Papenbrook (known for Nobuyuki & Katsuhito from Tenchi Muyo [season 3]) [R.I.P.]
*Murai is played by Tony Oliver (known for Lancer on Fate/Stay Night, Minato on Naruto, Soujiro on Lucky Star, Ulquiorra on Bleach, Simon on Gurren Lagann [finale], and Lupin the III)
DISLIKED CHARACTER: First things first, I will not hate on any of these students. A lot of these students like Miyabi and Anko (despite being absolute bitches) had some unfortunate things happen to them or to their friends. It’s not really their fault they were dealt a shitty hand in life. Especially when you have educators who you’re supposed to put your faith and trust in and they do something to you so unforgivable that you look upon every educator in a horrible light. Anko and the girls bullying Yoshikawa relentlessly is definitely something I dislike, but I’m going to stay focused on where I was going.
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The adults at the school however are fair game. Onizuka and Fuyutsuki are excused here to an extent. Onizuka has his demons and everyone knows it. He does get his point across albeit through unorthodox methods. Though he would totally be fired in real life! And Fuyutsuki has been nothing but kind and patient with her students. But I digress, many of these teachers showcased here are pretty bad. Especially the gym teacher and the English teacher Mr. Sakurada. The gym teacher reminds me too much of the gym teacher from Persona 5 and that’s a big strike. If you know, you know! Sakurada on the other hand, there’s no forgiving with him when he gets involved in trying to steal the third-year class trip money and would just sit there and allow Onizuka’s head be put on the chopping block. Never mind being blackmailed by one of his students, he did Mr. Onizuka dirty here. Now as for Vice Principal Uchiyamada…
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And the face he makes before…well, you’ve all seen the memes.
Every episode I tell myself that maybe there’s something deeper to this guy. That there’s some redeeming quality to this man and that he doesn’t deserve to be shit on episode after episode. I know there were a lot of shows and animes that would be mean to the vice principal or have them be the butt of the joke. Mr. Bone from Doug and Guber from Boston Public come to mind. Uchiyamada has definitely been the severe punching bag and butt of the joke in the series. I stopped counting how many times his car got destroyed because of Onizuka. To be fair, some of those were to stop a student from committing suicide. But then you remember his very first scene in this show was of him staring at and later sniffing Miss Fuyutsuki’s ass.
Hell yeah, I’m putting Vice Principal Uchiyamada on here!
…I do wane away from hating this guy later on though.
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SHIPPING: You know what? I was sitting here the several months I spent watching this anime thinking that this couple was going to happen. And when I hit the final episode. I’m shocked yet not surprised. I’m just going to crumple up this ship, throw it in the garbage and pretend I never thought what I thought.
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PREQUEL: A couple of years prior to the GTO anime, a five-part OVA series was released between 1994 and 1997 showing Onizuka and his friend Ryuuji in their high school days. This was during their middle/high school days where they were known as Onibaku. Just letting you know, nobody has licensed this in the states, it’s not streaming anywhere, there is no English dub, beware of shotty subtitles, and the Japanese cast is different from the television series.
MUSIC: I know everyone goes to the first opening theme by L'Arc~en~Ciel. And you should, it’s a great song. But if you want a toe-tapping earworm, the second opening Hitori no Yoru is the jam.
I swear, I always neglect Porno Graffitti. I need to stop, because they’ve been putting out good-ass bangers for the last 20 years.
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ENDING: The final arc just before the finale was the classes taking the big trip to Okinawa. This almost didn’t happen due to one of Onizuka’s students blackmailing one of the teachers to trick Onizuka and steal all the money for the trip. That was an ordeal. But they all made it! This trip showed more of Yoshikawa than I anticipated. Remember this kid? He’s the one that almost offed himself several times throughout the series and has been bullied repeatedly. The bullying continued on this trip. So Onizuka got the bright idea of changing the sleeping arrangements and having them become coed. The end result of having Yoshikawa and his bully Anko share the same room led to an episodes-long coming to terms for Anko having feelings for Yoshikawa despite all the bullying.
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Does it bother anybody else that Anko looks and acts too much like Asuka Langly Soryu? What is it with this anime and its characters looking like Evangelion characters? It can’t just be that they came out in the same decade. There’s gotta be like several animators that worked on both anime!
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The final two episodes answer the question of who the hell was the teacher before Onizuka. We got our answer when the dude (Mr. Saitou) ends up in the hospital after being stabbed nearly to death. The students loved their teacher. But he wound up in a relationship with another student in the class. And when found out, Saitou promised his class one thing, but turned around and did something else. The whole class felt betrayed by the teacher they once trusted. The end result of this ordeal was that Saitou left Holy Forest Academy and actually wound up working at another school despite what he did at his prior employment. The girl Saitou had an affair with wound up pregnant and later committed suicide. And the entire classroom of students was left with a severe distrust of educators.
It's no doubt that in these last 40 episodes, Onizuka has helped each and everyone of his students in one way or another. For many, they were able to put their faith in a teacher again. But one final holdout was still never going down. And that was Miyabi! She has been trying to get Onizuka fired at every given opportunity. These episodes, she switched gears to another target. One night, she visited Mr. Saitou and stabs him. Miyabi was on the run for most of the day until she was found by Onizuka ready to stab a member of the board of education. Onizuka had a few choice words for this guy. So, the board of education guy was like, “Imma end this man’s career”. The board has given the principal an ultimatum. Miyabi must surrender herself to the police and Onizuka must be terminated for “assaulting” a board member.
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Thankfully, the entire school was on Onizuka’s side. Despite everyone risking their own careers to support this guy, it is what it is. Even Vice Principal Uchiyamada! That was pretty surprising as Uchiyamada has been on a crusade since day one to get Onizuka terminated. The principal put her foot down with her decisions concerning Miyabi and Onizuka that it really ruffled the board members’ feathers. I should say so as they are some shady fucks. Murai and the other students do some sleuthing of their own and came across some interesting things. Mr. Saitou was really trying to do the right thing by his students. Miyabi didn’t stab him, Saitou stabbed his own damn self in a suicide attempt. And the school board is pretty much the bad guy in this situation.
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It all comes together when Onizuka enters the room, brings the press, and admits to everyone that he stabbed Mr. Saitou. This whole scene was just anarchy that it was hard for anyone to comprehend everything that’s about to go down. The anime just shows Onizuka leaving with the police…and then he tries to escape. All of a sudden, it’s two months later. Fuyutsuki and the principal are wondering if Onizuka will ever return. And at that same time, Onizuka’s on his motorcycle traveling the United States southwest until winding up in California where he’s going to be a teacher at a junior high.
Okay, sure anime! “See you soon”. Yeah, sure. I’ll buy that. THIS ANIME CAME OUT 25 YEARS AGO AND THAT’S STILL THE LAST WE’VE SEEN OF GTO. At least in anime form. The manga went on until 2002.
I’m sure this is another case for me to go to the manga and start digging around for answers if there are any. Yes, I enjoyed this one. Okay, yes. Onizuka is the…great…Shit, I can’t finish that sentence. I’m still on Team Koro-sensei from Assassination Classroom. I know both teachers are of different generations and their curriculum was hella different, but I still have to side with Koro-sensei.
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I think everyone here wishes they had a teacher like Onizuka. Well…a majority of people. You do have to admit, a lot of the things he did throughout the series would have gotten him fired, arrested, or deported. Going to a home and smashing a wall so that a father and daughter would be closer. That’s one way, but I’m surprised that family wasn’t pressing charges. The raucous behavior he’s had throughout the series. The perversion too! The numerous amounts of times he destroyed the vice principal’s car. And let’s not forget some of the things he did before he entered Holy Forest Academy.
Is there ever hope that this’ll ever see a revival? There’s always hope! Hell, Fruits Basket got a revival and exceeded expectations. And other anime revivals happened to…lesser expectations. Maybe one day, some crazy studio (maybe MAPPA) will do a service to the anime community once again, give us a new cast, have Aniplex pick it up, and have the whole story told. Or, we could just leave it be and have the classic remain a classic.
In the meantime, GTO is available on Retro Crush and Crunchyroll.
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tuesday again 10/18/22
look i originally typed "placeholder" which somehow typo'd into "placegilder" and now i'm fascinated by what that concept could possibly be
Romance Without Finance, covered? by? Charlie Parker. for something by one of the founding fathers of bebop it's remarkably difficult to find info on this song.
"wait a minute kay we didn't know you knew anything about jazz" i don't! just enough to be dangerous!
it's been stuck in my head bc of the lyrics
You so great and you so fine You ain't got no money you can't be mine It ain't no joke to be stone broke Baby you know I ain't lying when I say Romance without finance is a nuisance Please please baby give me some gold
cheers i'll drink to that bro
sat by a river and read one and a half chapters of Mervyn Peake's Titus Groan, bc people keep telling me i would like Gormenghast and this is the first book in the trilogy. after which i threw it in my bag and forgot about it for the rest of the week. this is not a dunk on the book this is just how distractible i am. the style/voice/etc of Mervyn Peake could diplomatically be described as an acquired taste. not sure if i've acquired that taste yet. not that i am unfamiliar with a longwinded fantasy, i've just been reading very short things lately and am experiencing some whiplash.
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god we love a font. GOD we love a series of covers that link together. these come to me courtesy of a very nice old man's moving sale, which i happened upon in august? early september? at the end of the day when everything was free. ended up dumping the milk crate of tools in my trunk into the trunk proper and carrying off an overflowing milk crate of paperbacks like this.
three! tv shows i like are dropping on a weekly basis im in hog heaven (andor, the vampires, chainsaw man)!!!
instead we're going to talk about Werewolf By Night, which was Fine. it's a little marvel halloween special starring one of the eleventy billion comics characters you've never heard of, directed by their longtime composer Michael Giacchino.
i am going to damn it with lukewarm praise and say it's Fine! it's automatically in the top tier marvel products for me bc the fact it is so clearly filmed on a soundstage works in its favor, bc it is one big nod to classic horror. not a pastiche, not a love letter, but many many many visual references. there was only one Joss Whedon Humor Marvel Moment (TM) which i appreciated. i have spent far, far worse hours with this franchise.
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excellent opening credits tho. not worth watching if you're a classic horror fan bc it will probably infuriate you, maybe worth watching if you've dropped off the marvel bandwagon and want to check and see if you still like it or not. this is up there with winter soldier for me as far as like. coherence of artistic vision and the ability to confidently tell one story, and it's still Just Okay as a whole.
this was originally going to be a diatribe about human experimentation in fallout 4. yes yes we all know the vaults are human experiments. that's not what i'm talking about. i would like them to connect the dots between pre-war people vanishing off the street for military human experimentation and post-war vanishing off the street for...industry? experimentation a little more explicitly.
INSTEAD, i did something i never do, which was look for a game to play specifically for the tuesdaypost bc i wanted to talk about something in this slot. so off i went to the New & Noteworthy page.
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i played The Looker, which is a parody of awardwinning but insufferable puzzle game The Witness. i have not played The Witness bc i find it insufferable, but i have watched roommates play through chunks of it. The Looker is insufferable in a different way, where (spoilers behind rot13)
vg vf na ubhe ybat ohvyqhc gb n pbpx naq onyyf wbxr.
some of the puzzles are genuinely clever. the laser unfolding in a long sequence that felt like a real life hour made me cackle.
i don't know who this streamer is, or if he's secretly garbage or anything, but this video does contain some of the best bits of the game
it's about an hour and a half and it's free, what more could you want? the way its mechanics unfold is a successful parody of the highbrow puzzle game genre as a whole (imo), not just The Witness, so if you play this without knowing anything about The Witness do report back in pls
making fallow week. lots of things simmering away in the background, not a lot of photogenic things happening, many things that are easier to explain as a whole once they're done.
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aegori · 1 year
remember this is all just MY OPINION. whether you loved the movie or hated it, great, just as long as you give it a chance then whatever you feel about the movie is valid.
(yes i do have a rottmnt pfp but rottmnt is not my first or favorite tmnt, and even tho i am salty that rottmnt is paused ik that mutant mayhem is not the reason why rottmnt got paused in 2020. anything negative i have to say abt mutant mayhem has nothing to do with rottmnt. also this is not the only tmnt i have negative opinions on so please dont think im trying to single this movie out)
the good
the soundtrack, animation, action and character design was amazing.
 i loved the dynamic between the turtles and splinter, they really felt like a family. 
there were moments that were funny. i tally marked the moments i thought were funny and got 12 tallies.
 i enjoy superfly as a villain. the voice acting for superfly was great, the movie really started to improve for me when he was introduced. 
the bad
pop culture references. too many of them. i couldnt help but roll my eyes by the 5th celebrity name drop. i actually tally marked how many pop culture references there were, i mightve missed a few, but there were at least 7 celebrities mentioned and at least 8 pop culture references. it was a bit ridiculous. 
a lot of uncomfortable jokes. things like them speculating what splinters rectum might smell like, talking about being milked and having nipples, the puking, when splinter kissed the roach woman.... yea moments like that that made me wince in the movie theater and while watching at home. i also tally marked this, i was made uncomfortable about 17 times watching this movie. 
the bayverse movies get criticized for having a shitty method of them learning ninjutsu, but i thought mutant mayhem was worse. they learned ninjutsu through youtube videos? i mean maybe its not impossible but it seems a little more silly to me than learning through a book.
the turtles, while yes they do have different personalities, i felt like they were the most similar in this movie, personality wise. it often felt like they were merging into one character, with them constantly talking at the same time, and none of them having much time alone on screen. i had a hard time deciding which turtle i liked the best in the movie, because well they just seemed so similar to each other. 
i have mixed feelings on april. i actually really liked her design. i guess my problem comes from her seeming distant, as ive seen another say. also i hated the puke jokes.
im not sure why, but i felt bored for the majority of the movie. it wasnt until superfly was introduced 45 minutes into the movie where things started to pick up. but i think im in the minority here, as ive only seen one other person say they were bored by the movie. 
the mutants besides superfly were very forgettable. i dont remember any of the new mutants names even after watching for a second time. ofc i do remember bebop and rocksteady, leatherhead, mondo gecko.... but they arent new characters. i also dont like how all the mutants besides superfly are now allies with the turtles. 
i dont like how they are not secret and they start going to high school. i guess theres nothing wrong with it, i just prefer when the turtles are secret. 
ik this seems quite negative, its just easier for me to talk about things i dont like vs the things i do like. 
i thought the movie was decent, i give it a 6/10
i get that a lot of people are protective of this movie, and i understand why. i think that as long as you give it a chance, any opinion you have of it is valid
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megahorous · 1 year
Sawr the Ninja Turtles Movie !  The Ninja Turtles were in it, and they played a role in the events that transpired
-- I liked the aesthetic; reminded me of the old Playmates figures [especially with Leonardo’s swords], or early Mirage comics !  
-- Except during the action scenes, then it was a little blurry and hard to follow
-- I would’ve had all their masks match, though [Raphael’s covered his whole head].  I think the only time I liked mismatched masks was The Next Mutation
-- Hey Arnold !  reference; wasn’t expecting that.  Kind of weird that they referenced Shrek and such, things from after Turtles times.  Or maybe not
-- So many mutants--you could say it was Mutant Mayhem !  Maybe too many mutants, in fact; it would’ve been nice for them to get more of a chance to shine  
--There’s Bebop and Rocksteady, but no Shredder, so Splinter’s origin is, naturally,  a little different
-- Him learning ninjutsu from TV is kind of like the Michael Bay movies, as well as the Turts being hooked up to the machine
-- Some of the Mutants were turned female to make it more even; you could say there weren’t very many [at least from the ‘87 show] besides Mona Lisa...
-- April was great !  It seems every incarnation, a different Turtle is the one to have a crush on her.  I tend to prefer a reporter April, like she is here.  I wondered if they’d get to save her at some point, but you might say she saved them instead !  What a nice April !
-- Turtles in high school, that’s like a fanfiction.  And then I think--isn’t every different incarnation of something kinda like a fanfiction
-- I wore one of my Turtles shirts; I look very hot
-- Oh, I wonder if Cynthia Utrom was an utrom; I guess she didn’t really come up again after the milking
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iloveutoodeath · 1 year
hiii for the ask thingy ☺️ 1, 4, 8, 15, 16, 21, 23, 27, 28; 30
omg sorry i totally forgot i reblogged the ask game a while back 😓 hehe.. thank you for sending these!!! this got long so i added a read more lmao
1 -3 things you wish for- that i stop procrastinating the projects i wanna work on, that i can find a better job than my current one sometime this year, that my dogs could have the same lifespan as me
4 -3 topics you’d love to learn more about- well currently i’ve been reading all about numerology and i rly want to learn more and more about it lmao. and cinema in general has been a current obsession for the past couple years for me, i didn’t watch movies much when i was younger but now i just really really love to watch a movie, then look up and read ppl’s thoughts about it, and any stories about the making of process whether it’s about the costuming, special effects, filming process, or writing process, read up on the subject matter whether it’s based on a book or a historical setting, or reading about any actors that stood out to me.. idk just like anything that peaked my interest or curiosity while watching the film, anything to have a more firm and in depth grasp about the story and the people who worked on it. i especially love to read about silent films!!! but yea it’s a very fun process and there’s always more movies to watch amd learn about!! and i guess the third topic i want to learn more about is doll making lmao
8 -3 tv shows you never get bored of- tbh for this i’m gonna answer with some of my favorite animes bc that’s what i have a tendency to rewatch the most lmao: mob psycho 100, cowboy bebop, death note
15 -3 quotes that have a special place in your life- sorry the only thing that’s coming to mind is “ask me if i give a motherfuck ?!!” -zayn malik
16 -3 drinks youconsume the most- omg definitely water, matcha lattes/milk teas w boba/smoothies (i consider those basically the same drink but with varying degrees of frozenness lmao), and mint tea. i wanna give a special shout out to any mango flavored drinks tho, which given the opportunity i will always gravitate to but like this is too broad a category to fairly consider it my most consumed drink u know?.. lmao ♥︎
21 -3 things you’re passionate about- i’ve always been and always will be obsessed with self expression and the infinite ways that can manifest through a person, but for me personally the 3 expressions that fill me with the most love, inspiration, and passion are fashion, home decor, and the creation and curation of art(visual art, music, film, etc).
23 -3 songs you listen to while cleaning- brand new start- little joy, rehab- amy winehouse, when i was your man- bruno mars (i don’t rly listen to him lmao but this song is imprinted in my brain bc it would often play on the radio at closing at my first job and idk something about sweeping an empty fast food restaurant after hours while this song played felt so right)
27 -3 thing you wish you did more often- travel, go out with friends more, go to more concerts
28 -3 things you love cooking/baking- omg my current favorite dish to make is.. well i don’t have a name for it but it’s like fried/sauteed diced potatoes and i usually improvise it depending on what i have in my fridge to go with it and what flavor i’m craving. so it pretty much always includes potato, onion, and tomato, but it can also have mushrooms, eggs, any plant based protein (my faves are soy chorizo, those like…. vegan chicken strips idk what they’re actually called, or just chopped up veggie patties), peas, lentils, etc. and it can be seasoned pretty much any way but my faves are a tomato based sauce or something like butter and garlic. lmao idk it’s rly good and highly customizable. oh and i guess my other fave dishes to make are ramen (again super customizable) and a frittata or quiche if i’m feeling more ambitious and have the time :-))))!!!!!!!!!
30 -3 moments you’ll never forget- when my sister and i were teenagers we were once reenacting the helena music video and my sister was doing the helena ghost dance and at the end she let herself fall back onto the couch and the couch literally broke lmaoooooooo, like the wooden beam that was holding up the seat cushions literally snapped in two rip she didn’t get hurt or anything and i literally can’t listen to this song without hearing the loud crack of the wood in my head and dying of laughter. also when my childhood dog (a small little white poodle) jumped onto the dinner table and gobbled up a whole block of cheese in the 5 seconds my family and i looked away to look at a bird that was outside our window lmaoo, AND OF COURSE the absolute hysteria of the beginning my mcr show where gerard walked out wearing the cheerleader dress and holding the blowtorch!!!!!!
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hi THIS IS ME ❗❗
18yo | she/her | ace | chilean | happi
my fav animals are: dogs, cats, birds, snakes, ferrets, bears n unicorns. •⁠ᴗ⁠•
im scared of rats
my fav color is purple, blue n green
im a bass player❗
i like listening to: metallica, pantera, misfits, led zeppelin, guns n roses, kiss, benighted, rhcp, the smiths n the cure (and other ppl)
my hobbies are: figure skating, skate (the 🛹 one), volleyball, paint, cook, and play cute games (like sdv or animal crossing)
simple things i adore
 ✧ hugs
☆ pats on the back
✯ look at the stars
✧ forests
☆ chocolate milk
my fav series: snk, cowboy bebop, malcom, the office, south park, family guy, monster, yo gabba gabba and bluey
fav games: stardew valley, animal crossing, minecraft, roblox, rhythm games, geometry dash, fnaf (specially tjoc and jr's)
streamers i watch: carre, vegetta, cristianghost
See you, space cowboy.
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A/n:Working tonight so send me things to write on break.
Picked a lot of my favorite prompts. All credit goes to the blogs I will ge tagging when I’m more awake.
|| really want to write some Cowboy bebop / Inyuasha / Naruto things { I’m still obessing of my boy Shikamaru }
though I’ll take anything I normally write for
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|tea prompts|
lemon tea; what are mornings like with them?
peppermint tea; what do they get excited about?
chamomile tea; what is their sleep schedule like? does it change around their s/o?
earl grey tea; how did they court their s/o?
milk tea; what are their kisses like?
coffee; do they get jealous easily? how do they show it?
rosehip tea; how romantic are they? how do they show affection?
black tea; what do they look for in a person?
pomegranate tea; at what point did they know they loved their s/o?
matcha tea; how and when do they propose to their s/o?
chai tea; how do they spice up their relationship?
hibiscus tea; what’s their favourite place to take their s/o?
green tea; how do they comfort their s/o?
russian caravan tea; how experienced are they with relationships?
english breakfast tea; would they want a family?
rooibos tea; what’s their favourite thing to do with their s/o?
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|Seduction Starters|
( DOOR ) opening the door for mine to pass.
( STARE ) longingly staring at mine from across the room.
( WATCH ) watching mine while drinking their beverage.
( TOUCH ) “accidentally” briefly touching mine. (example: brief hand touch, knee under the table)
( HOLD ) holding mine’s hand.
( HAND ) kissing mine’s hand.
( GIFT ) giving mine a gift. (example: flowers, jewellery)
( FLOWER ) putting a flower in mine’s hair.
( LETTER ) sending mine a love letter.
( LOCK ) offering my muse a lock of their hair.
( LEAN ) leaning against mine’s side.
( FIX ) fixing or straightening my mine’s clothes.
( DANCE ) leaning in closer while they are slow dancing with mine.
( COMPLIMENT ) complimenting mine.
( STAR ) staring at mine instead of the stars while stargazing.
( PLAY ) playing with mine’s hair.
( BRUSH ) brushing mine’s hair.
( LIP ) biting or licking their lower lip.
( SING ) singing to mine.
( GRAZE ) grazing mine’s shoulders with their fingers.
( BECKON ) beckoning to follow them.
( SLIDE ) sliding down their hand down mine’s back.
( CHIN ) grabbing mine’s chin.
( SILENCE ) silencing mine’s by pressing their finger on mine’s lips.
( PUSH ) pushing against the wall. (example: rough or soft pushing against wall)
( SIT ) sitting on their lap.
( HIP ) pulling mine by the hips.
( FACE ) stroking mine’s face.
( HOVER ) hovering their lips over mine’s.
( NECK ) kissing mine’s neck.
( GRIP ) holding mine by the back of the neck.
( SURPRISE ) being found without an article of clothing (example: being found shirtless)
( SECRET ) arriving where they both agreed to
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Send me a Character x reader along with a number and I will Write a Kiss
…1:good morning.
…4:where it hurts.
…5:where it doesn’t hurt.
…6:on a falling tear.
…7:to shut them up.
…8:in secrecy.
…9:in public.
…11:in joy.
…12:in grief.
…17:to distract.
…18;as encouragement.
…19:for luck.
…20:on a scar.
…21:on a place of insecurity.
…22:in a rush of adrenaline.
…23:in relief.
…24:in danger.
…25:as a ‘yes’.
…26:as an apology.
…27:as a suggestion.
…28:as a lie.
…29:as a promise.
…30:as comfort.
…31:after a small rejection.
…32:to wake up.
…34:to pretend.
…35:to gain something.
…36:to give up control.
…37:without a motive.
…38:because they’re running out of time.
…39:because time’s run out.
…40:because the world is ending.
…41:because the world is saved.
…42:out of pride.
…43:out of greed.
…44:out of lust.
…45:out of anger.
…46:out of envy or jealousy.
…47:out of spite.
…48:out of habit.
…49:out of necessity.
…50:out of love.
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|| Acts of Intimacy - Select from the following and send me a pairing ||
♔ : Finding the other wearing their clothes
♕: Holding hands
♖: Having their hair washed by the other
♗: One falling asleep with their head in the other's lap.
♙: Sharing a bed
♚: Head scratches
♛: Sharing a dessert
♜: Shoulder rubs
♝: Reading a book together
♞: Caring for each other while ill
♟: Patching up a wound
♤: Taking a bath together
♧: One character playing with the other's hair
♡: Accidentally falling asleep together
♢: Forehead or cheek kisses
♠: One character adjusting the other's jewelry/neck tie/ etc.
♥: Reacting to the other one crying about something
♦: Slow dancing.
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|| Some height difference things for your OTP ||
The taller one sitting on the floor between the shorter one’s knees as the shorter one braids/plays with their hair.
The taller one using the shorter one as an arm rest and the shorter one complaining but secretly feeling honoured every time it happens.
The shorter one tackle-hugging the taller one when they come home from some sort of trip, hoping that they’ll both fall to the floor in a pile of limbs and cuddles/kisses, but unfortunately the shorter one isn’t strong/heavy enough and they both remain standing.
Bonus: to compensate, the taller one decides to pick the shorter one up.
The shorter one having to sprawl like half their body across the taller one whenever they ride the bus/train so as to give the taller one all the leg room.
Or, the shorter one sitting down and immediately noticing that their feet don’t touch the floor, becoming embarrassed by this, and then pretending that they’d rather just snuggle up super tight with the taller one.
Bonus: the taller one realises exactly what’s going on but says nothing. Or teases them endlessly about it, up to you.
The shorter one physically sitting in the taller one’s lap.
The TALLER one physically sitting in the shorter one’s lap and the shorter one practically dying but enjoying every second of it anyway.
The shorter one being light enough to literally sleep on top of the taller one in bed without either of them being uncomfortable.
The taller one standing behind the shorter one and putting their arms around their shoulders, then resting their chin on top of the shorter one’s head.
Bonus if they’re watching the stars/sunset/ocean together.
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send a word for a starter !  add a ♡ to reverse the role !  or add a + for the action to be more harsh/aggressive, for those who are interested !  you’re welcome to specify body parts where it’s ambiguous. ! ( all prompts are within a spicy setting, either during sex, or leading up to it, etc. ) 
[  BEG ] ;  the sender begs the receiver to touch them.
[  BEHIND  ] ;  the sender takes the receiver from behind.
[  BITE  ] ;  the sender bites the receiver somewhere on their body. 
[  BONDAGE  ] ;  the sender ties the receiver up. 
[  COLLAR  ] ;  the sender puts a collar on the receiver.
[  CUT  ] ;  the sender cuts the underwear off the receiver.
[  DENY  ] ;  the sender denies the receivers orgasm. 
[  EAR  ]  ;  the sender bites the receiver’s earlobe.
[  GAG  ] ;  the sender gags the receiver. 
[ GROPE ] ; the sender gropes the receivers breasts or crotch.
[  HICKEY  ] ;  the sender gives the receiver a hickey somewhere on their body.
[  KITTEN  ] ;  the sender calls the receiver ‘kitten’.
[  KISS  ] ;  the sender kisses the receiver somewhere on their body. { specify the where on the body }
[  MASTURBATE  ] ; the sender catches the receiver masturbating.
[  MORNING  ] ;  the sender wakes the receiver up with sex. 
[  MOUTH  ] ;  the sender slides their fingers into the receivers mouth. 
[  ORAL  ] ;  the sender performs oral on the receiver.
[  PET  NAME  ] ;  the sender calls the receiver a cute pet name during sex.
[  PIN  ] ;  the sender pins the receiver against the wall.
[  PRAISE  ] ;  the sender praises the receiver.  
[  PUBLIC  ] ;  the sender touches the receiver in public.   
[  PULL  ] ;  the sender pulls the receivers hair. 
[  PUPPY  ] ;  the sender calls the receiver ‘puppy’.
[  SCRATCH ] ;  the sender scratches the receivers back.
[  SMACK  ] ;  the sender playfully smacks the receivers ass.  
[  SOFA  ] ;  the sender hurriedly takes the receiver to the sofa. 
[  SPANK  ] ;  the sender spanks the receiver. 
[  SQUEEZE  ] ; the sender squeezes a body part of the receiver.  { specify the body part }
[  STRADDLE  ] ; the sender straddles the receivers lap. 
[  TIE  ] ;  the sender ties the receivers hands together using an article of clothing.
[  TOY  ] ;  the sender uses a sex toy on the receiver.  
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SENSUAL BITING  &  LICKING PROMPTS as always,  feel free to switch around sender and receiver as needed. 
1)  for sender to lick receiver’s lips before kissing them. 
2)  for sender to bite receiver’s lip before kissing them. 
3)  for sender to lick receiver’s throat. 
4)  for sender to bite receiver’s throat. 
5)  for sender to lick up from receiver’s throat to their chin and then their lips. 
6)  for sender to lick right where receiver’s earlobe meets their jaw. 
7)  for sender to bite receiver’s earlobe. 
8)  for sender to put receiver’s fingers in their mouth,  licking and sucking suggestively. 
9)  for sender to bite receiver’s inner wrist. 
10)  for sender to bite the side of receiver’s neck then lick the mark left behind. 
11)  for sender to bite the inside of receiver’s thigh and then lick the mark left behind. 
12)  for sender to lick the inside of receiver’s thigh to tease them. 
13)  for sender to bite and lick at receiver’s jaw. 
14)  for sender to teasingly lick receiver’s cheek. 
15)  for sender to lick receiver’s cheek in a possessive and lustful way. 
16)  for sender to lick and suck receiver’s nipples. 
17)  for sender to bite receiver’s nipple. 
18)  for sender to bite and then lick receiver’s nipples. 
19)  for sender to bite receiver’s chest/breasts and then lick the marks left behind. 
20)  for sender to bite receiver’s stomach and then lick the mark left behind. 
21)  for sender to leave several bite marks on receiver’s belly. 
22)  for sender to lick at receiver’s navel. 
23)  for sender to bite at receiver’s navel and then lick it. 
24)  for sender to bite along receiver’s hips. 
25)  for sender to lick from receiver’s hip to their navel. 
26)  for sender to lick between receiver’s breasts/pecs. 
27)  for sender to lick along one of receiver’s collarbones. 
28)  for sender to bite and lick at the edge of receiver’s ear. 
29)  for sender to lick along receiver’s spine. 
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Link to pregnancy prompts
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