#military components
nocternalrandomness · 4 months
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Belgium Viper Driver
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imsodishy · 2 years
man Billy and Max really should have been military brats. It would have slotted them so cleanly into the narrative.
The government beefing up the military presence in Hawkins, Neil being brought in to oversee operations (maybe utilize Will Chase instead of giving him scraps?)
An organic way to insert Max into the plot without it being cuz the boys like her and creep on her. It even gives Mike a good reason to be a little bitch about her hanging around, since he has good reason to not want the government anywhere near them.
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tlaquetzqui · 8 months
Near as I can figure, a laser’s effective range varies linearly with its frequency (or inversely with the wavelength). So if your Luke Campbell heavy laser has a range of 350 meters in 1064 nanometer infrared (the wavelength of a neodymium-doped yttrium aluminum garnet—Nd:YAG—laser), it will have a range of 700 meters in frequency-doubled 532 nanometer green. And a range of 1050 meters (!) in frequency-tripled 335 nanometer UV.
You might say atmosphere is opaque to UV, but nope, that’s only UVC (100–280 nanometers). UVB (280–315 nanometers) will stick around till it hits ozone, and UVA (315–400 nanometers) is basically visible light, as far as air is concerned. (It’s UVA that marsupials and diapsids can see and placental mammals can’t. No real point in their being able to see a wavelength that air is opaque to, now is there? There’s also a reason sunscreen only rates for UVA and UVB; UVC is stopped on the other side of the entire sky.)
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historyherstory · 2 years
Chapter Ten References
For a short chapter, there’s a lot of things mentioned in passing here that I think are worth bringing up in further detail, so here we go!
The fun I had researching rations! Also, can I point out that some sources consistently write “k-ration” whereas others say “k ration”? Don Malarkey’s book used without the hyphen so I followed his lead. 
The US Military had multiple types of rations. K rations had 3 separately boxed meal units (one for breakfast, lunch, and dinner). Combined, one day equaled about 3,000 calories. This may sound like a “high” calorie intake but a few things to note: certain items were considered virtually inedible (the fatty pork loaf was a consistent miss from my research, and the lemon powder was too acidic to consume) and subsequently thrown away. As a result, the calories consumed would often be less than the intended sum and even at 3,000 calories a day, men who subsisted solely on k rations would still lose weight and condition. It was especially prevalent in areas with extreme weather (extreme hot or extreme cold). As a result, k rations were only meant to be used for a few days. That’s not how it played out in many circumstances though, as men would be stuck eating k rations for a week or more. You can read more about them on the wiki page, it’s a bit introductory but you can get an idea for the components.
(Other rations like the c ration or 5 in 1 ration seemed a little more palatable than the k ration but the k ration was the most compact, so. Lucky paratroopers.) 
If you’re particularly curious, there’s a gentleman on youtube who ate a few items out of a k ration. Disregarding the age component, you can get an idea of the packaging and actually see what some components of this particular meal looked like.
Dick Winters’ memoirs note that while the men were sleeping (so June 6th into June 7th) he had trouble doing so himself and went out to scout. He encountered a contingent of German soldiers, which he heard coming due to their hobnailed boots. The American boots (mentioned by brand name in this chapter, corcorans) by comparison, did not have nails affixing the sole to the shoe so were silent on the cobblestones. Dick mentioned that he could smell the distinct German tobacco as they passed. He didn’t engage and no one saw him, and he returned to Easy without issue.
His memoirs actually mention a specific memory of seeing Harry Welsh walking among the men, checking on them, that night. I wrote that into this chapter. Harry and his absolute devotion to Kitty warms my heart and I enjoy him a great deal.
Random date mention in this chapter: 1939. If you ask someone “when did WWII start?” the answer is really going to vary depending on where you are. Many Americans might say 1941 with Pearl Harbor (though the European answer of 1939, with the combined German and Russian invasion of Poland, is also pretty commonly accepted). If you are asking this question in Asia, you may get 1937 which is when Japan began its invasion of China (July, ‘37). Again - WW2 was a global war and while in the West we often focus on the European theatre (or American involvement in the Pacific), the war in the Pacific as Japan moved to establish itself as the region’s imperial power (kicking out European powers from their colonies in the area as Europe was focused on dealing with the German threat in Europe, as Japan wanted the raw materials from those territories) is complex, significant, and still impacts regional politics to this day.
However, for context of this story in particular: 1939 obviously, is the “before/after” for Europe. Germany invaded Poland in September. The following year would be a busy one for Germany: in April of 1940, Germany would invade Denmark and Norway, and the following month would be their invasion of the Netherlands, Luxembourg, and France. The Battle of the Atlantic however, began with the initiation of hostilities in September of 1939. This is when you begin to see the German u-boat threat make itself known, though it would skyrocket exponentially in 1940 and 1941. One of the first ships sunk at the outbreak of war in 1939 was a passenger ship, the SS Athenia. Among the casualties were some US and Canadian civilians, the media of both nations covered the incident. The Germans covered up their involvement in the sinking (some even asserted it was a UK propaganda effort) but despite the Germans modifying official documents to conceal their responsibility, a majority of Americans did believe the Germans had done it, irrespective of what other conversations were happening. (The truth was revealed post-war at the Nuremberg trials).
While not mentioned by name in this story, the sinking of the Athenia (and subsequent Battle of the Atlantic) is a significant component in the plot’s backstory for reasons that will be revealed in an undetermined number of chapters.
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Army brat magic
“DO IT!”
^^^ energy raising towards intention, followed by confirmation and release. Could be done solo, works best as call-and-response.
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manasastuff-blog · 2 months
RANK IN INDIAN NAVY #nda #army #navy#trending #viralshort Secrets to Rank in Indian Navy Revealed! If you're aiming to rank in the Indian Navy, this video is your ultimate guide. We'll uncover the most effective strategies, tips, and secrets to help you achieve your dream. Learn from experts who have successfully ranked in the Indian Navy and gain insights that can fast-track your career. Whether you're just starting your journey or looking to boost your current ranking, these proven methods will give you the edge you need. Don't miss out on this comprehensive guide to ranking in one of the most prestigious naval forces in the world. Subscribe now for more expert advice and stay ahead in your career!
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defensenow · 5 months
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aeriinc1 · 6 months
Military Electronic Components Distributor & Supplier
AERI is a distributor supplier of obsolete Military electronic components from major brands like Burr Brown, Fairchild, National Semiconductor, Texas Instruments, and Vishay.
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resionllc · 6 months
A Guide to Aerospace Electronic Components & Suppliers
In the vast world of aerospace, every second is precious, and accuracy is critical. Electronic components play an important part in ensuring this accuracy. These small but potent parts are integral to modern aircraft and control everything, including communication and navigation systems, monitoring equipment, and management controls.
But where do these critical parts come from, and how can aerospace companies ensure that they receive the best? In this write-up, we travel through the world of aerospace electronic component suppliers.
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simplifiedpurchasing · 7 months
Simplified Purchasing is a certified distributor that provides a digital platform where aerospace & aviation professionals can source products and have 24*7/365 day support with same-day shipping and delivery. ASAP Semiconductor prides itself on providing both civilian & military nose to tail components, sub-assemblies, and completed assemblies for fixed-wing and rotary-wing aircraft.
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metamorphiisis · 7 months
moira's 'powers' is, in essence, biotechnology stitched into her. there are cybernetic implants installed upon her head to allow her ease of control to when to activate and when to shut off certain functions. the tubing that wraps from the hardware on her back into her arms utilizes pre-existing arterial structures, hence the 'veiny' look that we see on her purpled arm where the path of the biotic energy can be observed (and also thus the eventual decay as repetitive use occurs).
the backpack along with external tubing can be easily removed without much fanfare. shutting the hardware off is as simple as 'thinking' it, and can thus be disengaged after this thought. its primary function serves to create a 'vacuum' force that allows moira to take in biotic energy and thus convert it into energy that can be used to heal. its secondary function is, then, to act as a vessel to hold these energies until she can utilize them.
the orbs are self-explanatory 'condensed' versions of these functions. whatever this biotic energy is that she utilizes, it naturally carries a 'floating' property, 'elastic' enough to bounce off of walls. i like to think of them being condensed in a way similar to spider eggs are stitched together by the nanotechnology threaded through her palms.
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opencommunion · 5 months
"US" locations of weapons and surveillance companies that supply "Israel" "US" locations of the "big six" military corporations producing most of the weapons "US" locations of corporations with active military contracts with "Israel"
"Canadian" locations of weapons and surveillance companies that supply "Israel" German weapons manufacturers supplying "Israel" (list on pages 54-57)
"UK" locations of manufacturers of "Israeli" combat aircraft components
More corporations invested in the genocidal Zionist colonial project
Nonprofits that fund the genocidal Zionist colonial project
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zvaigzdelasas · 20 days
[Haaretz is Israeli Private Media]
[According to] a senior [IDF] air force officer[...]
[M]ost of the air force's equipment in the war so far was bought from American companies using U.S. military aid.[...]
With Congress' approval, the Biden administration has sent over unprecedented emergency military aid of $14 billion, on top of the regular annual U.S. military aid of $3.8 billion. Washington has also sent another $500 million for Israel's air defense systems – Iron Dome, David's Sling and Arrow.[...]
The senior air force official told Haaretz that without the Americans' supply of weapons to the Israel Defense Forces, especially the air force, Israel would have had a hard time sustaining its war for more than a few months.[...]
The Iranians thus made clear [in their attack] that they intended to very seriously damage the Nevatim Air Base in the south, where Israel's F-35 squadrons are based. Iran also launched a number of surface-to-surface missiles at the Mount Hermon base in the far north as a deception, but they missed the target.
Thus, the air force's planes and air defense systems inflicted a serious defeat on the Iranians. But this was also done with the vital help of American, British and French planes, and reportedly also from Jordan and Saudi Arabia, and with the coordination of radar and warning systems between Israel and those five countries.[...]
The Arab and wider international cooperation with Israel remains the most important component of the defense of Israel's skies – and this happened at a time when some government officials were disparaging our friends. This cooperation provided the most important contribution to the Iranian failure. We can safely estimate that many of the interceptions were done by foreign militaries.
"What do you even expect Biden or Kamala to do? Israel doesn't even need the US really" [2 Sep 24]
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cathkaesque · 6 months
Relentless direct action has secured another victory in the fight against Israel’s arms trade, as Elbit Systems are forced to sell their ‘Elite KL’ factory in Tamworth.
The company had previously manufactured cooling and power management systems for military vehicles, but was sold on after stating that it faced falling profits and increased security costs resulting from Palestine Action’s efforts. 
After the sale was completed last month, Elite KL’s new owners, listed as Griffin Newco Ltd, confirmed in an email to Palestine Action that they will have nothing to do with the previous owners, Elbit, and have discontinued any arms manufacturing:
“Following the recent acquisition of Elite KL Limited by a UK investment syndicate, the newly appointed board has unanimously agreed to withdraw from all future defence contracts and terminate its association with its former parent company”.
This victory is a direct result of sustained direct action which has sought, throughout Palestine Action’s existence, to make it impossible for Elbit to afford to operate in Britain. Before they sold the enterprise to a private equity syndicate, Elbit had reported that Elite KL operating profits had been slashed by over three-quarters, with Palestine Action responsible: Elbit directly cited the increased expenditure on security they’d been forced to make, and higher supply chain costs they faced.
And these actions did, indeed, cost them. The first action at the site, in November 2020, saw Elite KL’s premises smashed into, the building covered in blood-red paint. Between March and July 2021, the site was put out of action three times by roof-top occupations – drenched red in March 2021, with the factory’s camera systems dismantled, before again being occupied in in May. Another roof-top occupation in July, despite increased security, saw the site forced closed – once again painted blood-red, and with its windows and fixings smashed through.
In February 2022, activists decommissioned the site for weeks – closed off after an occupation that saw over £250,000 of damages caused, the roof tiles removed one-by-one. After this, Elbit erected a security perimeter around the site – but to no avail. One month later, six were arrested after Palestine Action returned to Tamworth – again taking the roof and smashing through, preventing the production of parts for Israel’s military machine.
Elite KL is a ‘specialist thermal management business’. Since the sale, the company focuses on cooling systems for buses and trains, but it had, under Elbit, manufactured these systems for military vehicles. Until December of last year, Elite KL’s website was advertising its military and defence products, and it was known to provide parts for Israel’s deadly Merkava tanks, with export license records demonstrating its provision of ‘ML6a’ components for military ground vehicles to Israel. The company was also known to manufacture crew cooling systems, for the military vests of tank operators.
Elbit Systems itself provides 85% of the drones and land-based military equipment for the Israeli military, along with a wide range of the munitions and armaments currently being used against Gaza’s beseiged population. Its CEO, Bazhalel Machlis, has claimed that the Israeli military has offered the company its thanks for their “crucial” services during the ongoing genocide in Gaza
A Palestine Action spokesperson has stated:
“Each activist who occupied and dismantled Tamworth’s Israeli weapons factory did so in order to bring an end to Israel’s weapons trade, and to end the profiteering from Palestinian repression. Every defeat Elbit faces is a victory for the Palestinian people.
Kicking Elbit out of Tamworth shows once again that direct action is a necessary tactic. It is one which must be utilised and amplified in the face of the Gaza genocide.”
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vyasmeghna · 1 year
Enhancing Aircraft Operations with Quality Aircraft Spare Parts AR Sales Pvt. Ltd.
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At AR Sales Pvt. Ltd., we cater to the diverse needs of the aviation industry, serving as a dedicated supplier for commercial aircraft, helicopters, military aircraft, and general aviation. Our team of experts works closely with customers to understand their specific requirements and provide tailored solutions. Whether it's sourcing a specific part or assisting in large-scale maintenance projects, we are committed to delivering exceptional service.
With our user-friendly online platform, customers can easily browse our extensive catalog of aircraft spare parts, access detailed specifications, and place orders conveniently. Our efficient order processing and global shipping capabilities ensure timely delivery, minimizing downtime and optimizing aircraft operations.
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