#mildly considering renaming whispers' ego butttttttt not rightnow ^_^ heehoo.
trainingdummyrabbit · 13 hours
you have abnos???? ooooooo......
pelase elbrate....... if not an isue....
i have beasts !!! :] idont talk abt them very much but ilike them a lot.. one day i might write a full thing for all of em but ican give a rundown hwehe ^_^
This Place Won't Stay - [EGO: With The Tide] Duty and Inevitability; Thankless Jobs. A mostly humanoid abnormality with the exception of having the head and tail of a fish. appeared to me in a dream. takes heavy inspiration from salmon, but looks more like a rainbow trout. very no-nonsense and constantly at work; it is Deathly serious despite the way it looks. the idea of responsibility-- jobs that only you can do. tied inextricably with death, yet working for the benefit of many. the greater good. living, working; not for any personal gain, but simply out of obligation, habit, nature. equal parts resentment and pride, it toils in an endless cycle; laying claim to none of the fruits of its labor other than the cold satisfaction that its served its purpose.
Pious Nightingale - [EGO: The Fool] Well-Meaning yet ultimately Self-Centered Hubris. A small, plain bird adorned with a lavish red cape and jeweled gold crown. draws from The Nightingale fairytale. it sings of tales of grandeur and eclectic feats, sparking inspiration in any that hear its voice. lands from afar and things beyond the imagination; it can show you all of them. a silver-tongued creature of many stories-- however, it is still simply a plain, ordinary bird. it insists it can solve any problem, lead everyone to true freedom; yet all these experiences it claims to know are naught but stories. its never lived them itself. it insists it can save anyone and everyone; yet cannot talk itself out of the gilded cage where its lived its whole life. the blind leading the blind.
Whispers of Another Life - [EGO: Hiraeth] Misplacement; Yearning for that which doesn't exist. A vaguely humanoid shape that takes the form of a rapidly shifting child's drawing, hastily cut out of paper. the elusive desire to Belong, rapidly changing the self in order to fit into a perceived 'gap' in the perfect image of How Things Should Be. it riles itself into hysteria searching for something it sorely misses, yet never truly had. yet, in trying to change itself so rapidly, it can never truly fit in anywhere. all it has to do is get it right. all it has to do is keep trying. the pieces will surely fit together next time. or the next, or the next, or the next.
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