#mika's rambling again oh no
glacialheart · 1 year
i'm so boreeeddddd
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fakemagicjaye · 9 months
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glitterguts13 · 3 months
Father's Day special delivery coming right now! Part 1 is all about the Genshin boys having their babies! Enjoy!
Albedo The candlelight is dim, casting a soft orange glow in the dark room. Hunched over next to his bed, Albedo gasps, one hand clutching onto the bed-frame, the other guiding his unborn child into the world.
“Come on, come on, just-” muffling a groan into his forearm, Albedo cries out at his child drops into his waiting hands. Pulling them up to his chest, he weeps softly upon hearing their soft cries.
“Good girl...oh sweet girl, I’ve got you.”
“Oh- oh!” sobbing weakly, Bennett reaches under his heavy belly, fingers grazing over the legs dangling from his burning hole. “N-no, baby, no-wrong way-!” he sucks in a breath, crying out as he bares down with what was left of his waning strength. He stretches open, screaming, a suddenly rush of fluid falls onto the floor as his hands grasp around his squalling newborn.
“Oh-Archons thank you...you’re safe, you’re safe now.”
Nails digging into the wooden counter tops of his bar, Diluc roars in agony. Legs spread apart, deep into a low squat, he bares down, cursing under his breath as his newborn slips onto the piles of towels he’d had the forethought to place down.
“Fuck-Oh fuck.” quickly lifting them from the floor, Diluc cradles them to his chest, marveling how just how loudly they cried.
“That’s it, good...cry, just keep crying for me.”
Groaning loudly, Kaeya rolls onto his side, lifting one leg into the air. A slow trickle of fluid running down his thighs, the head bulging against his tight rim of muscles.
“Just. Come. Out!” he groans again, burying his face into his pillow and pushing. All at once, the head pops free, the shoulders turning and slipping out with one final effort.
“Shit,” bringing them to his chest, he strokes a finger over their ruddy cheeks as they wail, “I’m sorry, I’m sorry, forgive me.”
Mika “Push, Mika, you have to push.” the midwife busies herself between Mika’s trembling legs, giving the head dangling from his hole a gentle tug.
“Stop-Stop, don’t pull it!” he sobs, pushing despite the pain coursing throughout his aching stomach. All at once, the pressure ends, a screaming little boy placed to his heaving chest.
“Thank you...Archons thank you…”
The howl tears from his throat, raw and primal as another contraction rippled through his belly. A few wolves poked about, watching curiously as Razor bore down, bringing his pup into the world under the moon and stars. They plops onto the ground, bawling furiously, and Razor quickly brings them to his chest.
“Good pup...good lungs, cry...let the forest hear you.”
The scream tears through the tranquil night, shattering the peace. Naked and alone, Venti lets out another ear-splitting shriek as his child tears from his narrow hips and into his shaking hands. They flail about, crying and whimpering as Venti cuddles them close, singing a lullaby into their ear.
“Oh, Archons, have mercy-” skin ghostly white, hands clenched around his ankles, keeping his legs spread best he can, Baizhu struggles to push. His belly quivers with another contraction, sending him into a frenzied scream, his baby finally popping free.
“Dearest one- Oh, my little star,” he rambled, bringing the newborn to his chest, and wiping the muck of birth from their face, “Mother is here...I’ve got you, I’ve got you.”
“Just...a little...more-!” voice muffled with the rag stuffed into his mouth, Chongyun groans loudly. His fingertips graze of the top of the head, pushing with all his strength and gasping as the head crowns fully into his palm. One last push, and it’s squalling loudly, coming to be held tightly in Chongyun’s arms.
“There...there you are, welcome home baby.”
Gaming “You’re so close darling, hang there a bit longer.” Gaming sobs, clutching his mother’s hand tightly.
“Push, push, you’ve got the head out, push Gaming.” she soothes, watching as her grandchild comes into the world with a loud wail, flailing arms and legs. She places the newborn to Gaming’s chest, and he wraps around her instantly,
“Daddy’s here, I’ve got you, Daddy’s here…”
The storm rages just outside the cavern. Spear in hand, Xiao anchors himself to it, stabbing the blade into the dirt and holding tight as he bore down. His belly tightened, legs quivering, a strangled gasp leaving his mouth as he feels something large slide from his body. Swiftly, he lifts the child to his arms, marveling at their beauty.
“You’re safe, I’ll protect you, forever.”
“Don’t stop, keep pushing!” legs held back by the midwife, Xingqui wails, clutching at his belly. Each push brought him closer and closer to being done, but doubled the pain. He feels them ripping him open, forcing their way into the world, ready or not.
“Push!” she orders once more, and Xingqui does, mind going blank for a moment before he realizes there’s a squirming newborn on his chest.
“You...little brat...that hurt-”
Slow, heaven breaths, eyes closed in deep concentration. The feeling of his muscles contracting, inching his baby closer and closer to the world, his entrance opening wide, burning as the head starts to peak through.
A soft gasp, hands quivering ever so slightly as he reaches between his legs and lifts his offspring into view.
“What a powerful little one you are,” Zhongli chuckles, exhaustion seeping into his bones, “I’m so very proud of you.”
Arataki Itto
“Ah- fuck!” moaning deeply, Itto gives one last solid push. The tiny pointed horns of his newborn dragging along the tender skin as it emerges, ripping it open. Blood splatters onto the ground, but Itto pays no mind, bringing his precious little treasure to his chest.
“That...was one hell of an entrance kiddo..but didja have to hurt Daddy like that-”
Ayato “Breathe, brother, slow, deep breaths...in and out...yes, like that.” Ayaka presses a damp towel to her brother’s cheek, mindful not to peek under the sheets where the midwife was at work.
“Push, one last push!” closing his eyes and pressing his chin to his chest, Ayato bares down, crying out as the baby enters the world with an indignant warble.
“Give her to me.” he orders, uncaring of the mess left behind, snuggling them into the crook of his arm.
“Welcome…Mommy is so glad to meet you...”
“Good job Gorou, just one more push!” two pups already latched to his milky breasts Gorou groans, barely giving any effort before the third of his litter drops into Kokomi’s eager hands.
“Two girls and a son! You did wonderful Gorou.” with a smile, she places the third babe between her siblings, snuffling and whining loudly at the lack of a teat to feed on. Laughing weakly, Gorou gives her back a gentle rub,
“One moment baby...Mama has plenty of milk for you too, don’t worry.”
“I told you, you should have stayed at the harbor!” Beidou cringes as Kazhua lets out another deep, guttural moan, and nearly drops at the sight of the head bulging between her friend’s legs.
“Oh Archons- I can see it!” a slow, even breath, and Kazuha moans loudly through the next push, sending his baby flopping out onto the bed below.
“What do I do with it-”
“Hand it to me.” Kazuha sighs, shaking his head as Beidou gingerly places the screaming infant to his chest. Brave as she is, nothing could have prepared her for witnesses her dear friend being split open.
“Hello little one, Papa is here…”
“Oh fuck just get out, please!” pressing his hands atop his heaving belly, Heizou pushes, legs kicking out as the head bursts forth with a spray of blood and fluid. Once more, and it drops onto the sheets between his legs, squirming and furious.
“You...troublemaker.” he pants, bringing them closer, and inspecting them closely.
“You aren’t getting siblings. Ever.”
“Oh- Archons- not on the floor-!” halfway from the bath to his bed, the urge to bare down overcomes him. Dropping to all fours, Thoma barely as the chance to reach around and catch the newborn as it plops right into his shaking grasp. Mindful of the cord connecting them, Thoma brings them to his chest, allowing them to latch right to his milk laden breast.
“Two minutes...just two more minutes and we wouldn’t have ruined the floor…”
“Enough, is enough.” a full day had passed, and the scribe was far past through. The head was crowning, snugly resting between his legs, and with one final effort, fully emerges. Gasping and clawing at the blankets under him, AlHaitham bares down again with renewed determination, relief flooring them him as they enter the world with a shrill cry.
“You certainly took your sweet time, didn’t you?”
Growling, deep and feral, Cyno braces himself against the temple wall. The floor under him damp with his waters, body soaked with sweat as he forces his unborn into the world. Sharp reflexes keeps the infant from falling to the ground, and Cyno carefully checks them.
“Ten fingers...ten toes...One whole baby.”
“You’re scaring the other patie-” another earth shattering scream fills the room, followed by a pitiful sob.
“Just get it out, I don’t want to do this anymore!”
“You have to push if you want it out, now, push!” the doctor was more than done with Kaveh’s noise, and was losing his composure over his unwillingness to cooperate. Kaveh does his best, struggling to sit up enough to leverage his body into baring down, screaming bloody murder the whole way.
“There! A girl!” the doctor puts her into Kaveh’s belly, drying her off as the architect babbles incoherently.
“It’s over-I did it-Oh Archons, oh-oh what do I do now-”
The desert was his home, and it was where he felt safest. Bringing his baby into the world surrounded by the sand had never been a question of ‘if,’ but ‘when.’ A strong push, a wild scream, and the baby is resting in his hands, bloody and wailing. Chuckling weakly, and falling onto his back, Sethos lie there with them wailing against his chest for a few moments.
“Good work kiddo...good work.”
“Come...on-!” three little big eared kits slept peacefully in their cots, while their Tighnari struggled nearby with the surprise fourth. Coming nearly six hours after the other, and certain he was finished, Tighnari squats next to the cots, groaning as his last kit slides easily into his hands. Panting, he brings them to his chest, wrapping them with a nearby blanket for warmth.
“Don’t worry little one,” he soothes, “I won’t let them tease you for being the runt, I promise.”
The water offers some solace as the baby begins to crown, the cool sea easing the burn. He pushes, groaning into the night air, relief flooding him as the baby slides into the water with a cloud of blood and fluid. Taking in a shaky breath, he brings them to his chest, pressing a soft kiss to the top of their head.
“Welcome to the world...Mama will keep you safe, I promise.”
“Almost there, just a little more.” Lynnette whispers to her brother, holding his hand tightly as he bore down. He cries out, startled at the sensation of his child leaving his body.
“A boy, you have a son.” she whispers, handing the newborn to Lyney’s waiting hands. He swallows thickly, throat tight with emotion.
“Daddy’s here...you’ll always be safe with us...no one will ever hurt you.”
Groaning, Neuvillette clings to the side of the tub with enough force to risk breaking the porcelain. His body felt as if it were being torn apart, and he’s grateful not a soul is around to hear the scream he releases as his child barrels into the world. With haste, he lifts them from the water, clutching their squirming form to his chest and nuzzling them gently.
“Don’t cry little one...You are safe and sound…”
“Just...a little...more...come on…” he mumbles under his breath, eyes closed in focus as another contraction tears through him. A high scream, and he feels the weight in his pelvis drop, landing safely on the mattress. Opening his eyes, he blinks through years and spies the bloody little thing his body had kept warm and safe for the last nine months.
“Hey champ...welcome to the world.”
“Shit!” being stabbed, beaten and nearly killed somehow didn’t compare to the sheer torture of having a baby push it’s way through his tight hole. Each push brings it closer to the world, and deepens the pain, but he doesn’t stop, not until he feels them slide careful into his bloodied hands.
“Gotcha...I gotcha kid, I got ya.”
Secluded and locked away from the rest of the world, he questions his own sanity. Why did he allow this parasite to grow off him? Why was he letting it torment him this way? Why was he pushing it out and screaming in pain and feeling all too lost and afraid.
“You...You…” he looks at the newborn's delicate face, screwed up and red as it wailed away, “What do I do with you...”
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rabbitsrams · 11 months
oh yeah i was really anxious last night so i slept horribly so like a deranged lunatic (affectionate) i thought of this scenario and it actually helped me sleep lol
schlatt coming home at like 2am ish after having a late recording session at the office. you're normally asleep at this point but tonight was a different case. you are wide awake, your brain going haywire as you shake with anxiety.
you're laying down and turned to the side so schlatt thinks you're asleep when he enters the room. he's surprised to see your eyes open and shaking a bit.
"hey, you okay?" he asks. you shake your head, unable to speak. he knows you get nonverbal when you're extra anxious, so he tries to speak for you.
"you want me to tell you about my day?" you nod. he gets into bed and holds you close, stroking your back as he starts to ramble a bit about the recording sesh. telling you that aztro and mika and pandah send their regards, how they played three games for three videos, et cetera.
"we finally played mario party again, i know how much you like that game."
this really soothes you, soon your heartrate slows and you feel more relaxed. schlatt continues to talk about his day, not noticing you were falling asleep. and when he does, he stops and smiles down at you, glad you were able to calm down.
"goodnight toots," he whispers, kissing you on the forehead. he holds you closer to him as he drifts off himself, happy to be able to help you out.
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leaderoffestivals · 6 days
Trip Down Memory Lane: MaM
Madara: Meeting Kuro-san, someone whom I can go all out with when we play, is such a stroke of luck for meee ♪
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Madara: Hmm, you’re asking about those days, huh… …? A lot was happening back then, and also, I’d been travelling all over the world, you knowww~
I returned to Yumenosaki in the Spring as a third-year student, carrying out activities as [MaM]. 
As you know, MaM is a Solo Unit, so I ended up collaborating with idols from other Units quite a lot!
Take WisteriaFes, for example—I had the chance to share the stage with Kanata-san, Souma-san, Chiaki-san and Shinobu-san, as well as aaall my adorable kouhais from the Track and Field Team ♪
Oh wow, sooo many things went down before we even hit the stage! Like me kidnapping Shinobu-san at the beginning, and then facing off Souma-san in that spinning top battle… …
In hindsight, I reeeally should have handled the situation better, but that was just my way of connecting with others at the time!
… … Oh, that’s right. I can’t forget the fun times during the Restoration Live performance with AKATSUKI, Tsumugi-san and the others!
I was grappling with own motives and issues back then, but when I look back on it nowww, all I can remember is purely “What a fun time that was!” 
Meeting Kuro-san, someone whom I can go all out with when we play, is such a stroke of luck for meee ♪
However, just like how Souma-san was, Kuro-san was super wary of me from the start too. I'm reeeally happy once again that we're able to get along so well now!
And after that… … Oh yeahhh! I can’t leave out the Live performance organised at Kanata-san’s Aquarium! That’s definitely one of my most treasured memories. 
Haha! I never imagined Kanata-san would take over the running of the place, but I’m sure the fishes are much happier having such a loving Manager take care of them, riiight? ♪
… … Whoops! Looks like I’ve been rambling on and on for quite a while, huh? 
There’s still a ton of stories to share about, like the time spent with the “Temporary Units” (1)—
It's such a shame to keep these vibrant memories hidden away in my heart, without revisiting them at least once.
That’s why I’ll share them now and then, when the time is right. After all, these are the youthful days I spent living life to the fullest, the way I wanted… …  ☆
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Translator’s Notes:
Madara belonged to 3 Temporary Units in !-era. First, Team Ushiwakamaru from WisteriaFes, made of Madara, Kanata, Souma and Mitsuru. Second, Traumerei made up of Wataru, Keito, Izumi, Madara (in Diner Live). Hibiki Wataru created the Unit to oppose the Unit Knights Killers. Third, Ba-Barrier made up of Akiomi, Madara, Mika and Sora (in Rainbows).
it's not proofed so if you have any feedback, please DM me.
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yandere-daze · 2 years
Hello! First, I wanna congratulate you for reaching 3k followers! You're writing is amazing and you deserve all the love 🥳 🎉 👏
For the request, may I request some headcanons for yandere Rei and Mika on how they'll react when their darling confesses to them?
Thank you! And congrats again on your milestone!
- 🌟 anon
Wahhh thank you anon! Honestly no matter how often I get them, little comments like this are still really encouraging! Hearing that people here like what I write really is so nice 🥺
Also oooh I feel like it´s been forever since I last wrote something for Rei so this should be interesting! I don´t think I even need to mention that I always cheer whenever I´m able to write something for Mika sjfs
gn reader
tw yandere, obsession, possessiveness, stalking, creepy behaviour, clingyness, manipulation
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Yandere! Mika reacting to his darling confessing to him
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Eyes wide, Mika almost doesn´t believe his ears when you earnestly tell him that you like him.
He stutters, his mind going wild when he realizes that you probably don´t mean that you like him in *that way*. Surely you´re only saying that you like him as a friend right?
You couldn´t possibly love someone as pathetic and creepy as him, right? He´s so presumptuous to get his hopes up like that!
Which is why his mind almost shuts down when you confirm that no, you *did* actually mean it like that. You love him
He just can´t help but think that he doesn´t deserve to be with someone as wonderful as you. And yet you still accept him for who he is!
He´s so giddy with joy that he can´t stop his body from shaking, there´s a huge blush on his cheeks and a scarily wide smile on his face as your words finally process in his mind
Something he had never thought possible has happened: His darling loves him! Oh, he will remember this day for the rest of his life!
Of course, he´s quick to admit that he loves you just as much, if not even more!
He´s stumbling over his words, taking your hands in his own clammy ones, shivering as he makes physical contact with you.
He sounds like a man possessed as he rambles about all the things he adores about you, how he can never stop thinking about you
Oh if only you knew how much Mika loves you... He loves you to the point of insanity!
I´m sorry to tell you though that things are only going to get worse now that Mika is assured that you return his feelings. There´s no need to hold back in fear of you thinking that he´s creepy
He´s your boyfriend now so he can be as bold as he wants with his affections, right?
From then on, Mika will be even more clingy, throwing angry glares at anyone that dares to speak with you and just openly being creepy
When earlier he would try his best to hide the creepy things he does from you, now it´s as if all his shame went away the moment you confessed to him
“´am sorry that I stare at ya so much but I just can´t help myself. Yer so beautiful, I never want t´ look away from ya. But it´s okay ´cause I´m yer boyfriend, right? Hehe”
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Yandere! Rei reacting to his darling confessing to him
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There´s a knowing smile creeping onto Rei´s face when you ask him to meet you somewhere private, where you can have an important talk with him
He´s very perceptive so naturally, he has noticed how your behaviour around him had subtly shifted in the last few weeks. You seemed kind of flustered whenever he got close to you, stumbling over your words and unable to retain eye contact
Of course, a reaction like that only made Rei want to tease you even more, he just couldn´t get enough of your cute expression!
So even though Rei knows that you´ve grown feelings for him, he would still make you confess to him and actually tell him yourself because he wants to hear the words “I love you” spill from your own lips
And don´t expect him to have any mercy on you either in case you´re nervous, he *will* make you say it because he´s been desperate for it for so long
You telling him you love him... Oh, it´s simply fantastic!
He always hoped that things would turn out like this, he had spent so much time getting close to you and earning your trust after all. Helping you whenever you were in a time of need, words of advice carefully prepared in advance
Wasn´t he so helpful? Wasn´t he kind? It doesn´t matter that he had been the one pulling the strings all along, the one that got you into trouble time after time only to be the one to save you in the end
But you didn´t need to know that, did you?
Rei had put so much effort into making himself appear as charming as he can for you, presenting you with the image of the perfect boyfriend, so you would fall for him
And it looks like it all worked out in the end, now that you were standing right in front of him, shyly confessing your feelings for him
When you´re finally down, you can hear Rei chuckle lightly, an unreadable expression on his face as he takes your hand, once more laughing at the flustered gaze you send his way
“So you have fallen for this old man, have you? Well then, allow me to be your faithful partner until the end of time.”
You didn´t need to know the lengths Rei went to to ensure this desired outcome
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mamadarama · 2 months
Just unlocked Antique story idc if it cost me 400 gems I want my son anyways it broke me on so many levels I'm going to kill you Madara it broke my goddamn fucking heart the ending AUGH sobbing crying wailing. For once though Double Face operates like a normal ass unit by that I mean they don't try to break up for the third time. Having another duo unit face them was so important though, a senior member like Madara and Shu, and a younger member like Mika and Kohaku do so well to contrast each other and it also built the way for Secret Service and Shinsekai oh wait I just realized all the SS chapters start with S that's crazy anyways back to topic... Madara lecturing Shu about communicating with his unit mate (eye roll) yeah as if. Thing is both of the junior unit mates are ride or die for their leader in different ways, Kohaku aggressively keeping Madara tied down (in a good way) to remind that giant to stop looking at the lonely clouds and realize that just because he's high up, doesn't mean there's people who care about him at the ground. He quite literally needs to look down more (because everyone else is shorter except Kuro and Rei but you get it etc etc) and see the people who care for him. As impressive as they are they complete each other. I keep feeling like Madara is so much happier and lively in Double Face than MaM. I feel like that sheriff outfit is more himself than his own featured scout outfit... That's just me though. I am aware that the other two is just the idol he wants to he: jolly, festive and someone to liven up the party. But he feels.,,, more true to me as Double Face. That's why it's heartbreaking that they disbanded to me... Ough men will literally do anything but get therapy I hate him
Anyways I rambled again hope you have a good day fifjdkdjdkjd
- Madara yume anon 🍀
youre absolutely right and thats actually been acknowledged in canon too. when double face was first formed arashi said she noticed madara seems much happier now and shes glad hes finally joined a unit . (she was disappointed to find out about the darker side of the unit though, and later to hear about their disbandment)
mam is who he wishes he could be, double face is who he feels he really is.
ive talked before about how madara tends to run away from positive emotions because the feeling is so unfamiliar that its uncomfortable , and thats why he disbanded double face. its not that he doesnt notice all the people that care about him either, he sees them and feels that they dont understand because if they did they couldnt possibly love him . so the love looks naïve from his point of view rather than fully understood (even if it isnt), and being loved without being understood almost hurts worse than not being loved at all.
so he knows hes loved but he cant look the people that love him in the eyes and letting them love him blind to who he "really is" feels wrong of him, so his solution is to not let anyone get too close or truly love him at all. he keeps everyone that loves him at a "look dont touch" distance so if and when he self destructs, they dont get caught in the blast (which in theory would work, but in practice just confuses everyone involved) and unfortunately, he decided that kohaku got too close.
you ever heard the song shake the disease by depeche mode. you should listen to it
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shokobuns · 2 months
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ch 8. — radar!
ch. 7 — survive the killer! / masterlist
note: mixed media! (wc: about 900 words!!)
synopsis: writing songs about the fling that broke your heart catapults your band into fame. unfortunately, his bedroom won't be the last place you see him
ALTERNATIVELY — you and atsumu learn to get along for the sake of your best friends.
warnings: suggestive
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post game photos!
The stadium is crowded and roaring with cheers as you run down the benches towards the orange haired volleyball player on the court. The whole team, donned in black jerseys and sweat, excitedly jump up and down as a group while you and Kenma wait to greet him. You see him spot you, his eyes sparkling as he gives his teammates one last slap on the back before sprinting in your direction. He’s strong, lifting you and Kenma for a few seconds as he hugs the two of you tightly.
“You did amazing, Shoyo!”
“Thank you for coming, guys! I really appreciate all of you being here!”
He’s all smiles and giggles as he rambles to about the most anxiety inducing moments of the game, talking so fast all you can do is nod and congratulate him. Eventually, there’s more and more friends from Karasuno spotting him, waiting to greet and catch up. It almost makes you emotional seeing the boy this hyper and happy returning home to play volleyball.
When you turn, you see Wakatoshi on the bench trying to cool down with a towel hanging over his neck. He waves to you and you walk in his direction, holding your hand out for a high five. “Good job, Toshi! And nice to finally meet you in person!”
Your smile is wide as he grabs your hand and shakes it, “Nice to meet you, too. You were fun to play with!”
“Really? I was nervous the whole time…”
“What was there to be nervous about?”
“I just wanted to make a good impression on you, Tobio, and Kourai!”
“Oh… We went to a Fairy Fish concert a few months back and had a lot of fun. You were really great and we were excited to meet you. I don’t think you would have been able to have a bad impression on us even if you tried.” 
Your jaw is wide open as he stands to pat your shoulder. There’s a slight smile on his face while you thank him over and over again. “Can we take a picture together, please?”
He nods, taking your phone and posing like a father on Facebook with you at his side with a wide smile. Your heart is beating fast, ego inflating rapidly when it sinks in that your celebrity crush has been to one of your concerts. 
When he goes to greet the rest of your team, you go with him, getting pictures with Tobio and Kourai before greeting the rest of the Jackals. Koutarou engulfs you with open arms, excitedly talking about trying Osamu’s food after the game. Kiyoomi is next, giving you a side hug and thanking you for coming.
The rest of the team is celebrating with Satoru and Suguru in the mix, probably trying to get Satoru a spot as a setter. Somehow, it looks like it’s working and with their heights and builds, they could probably blend in with the rest of the team given a jersey.
In the corner of your eye, you see Atsumu coming back after greeting his brother, heading towards the bench for some water. For a few seconds, you’re just standing at the edge of the court and you could join the group, but you’re still thinking about what to do next. You’ve been nice to everyone these past few months. You’ve been to brunch with Koutarou and Keiji, you’ve gone to a bar with Kiyoomi and Shoyo, Rintarou has joined you and Mika’s Love Island Marathons, and you’ve even been out to eat with Osamu a few times. These were your new friends and given their proximity, they might be your friends for the rest of your life.
Which means that eventually, you’re going to have to let go of whatever happened when you were just a stupid nineteen year old. 
Your feet take you towards the blonde’s direction and he seemingly doesn’t notice you at first, wiping the sweat off his neck and forehead with a small towel. It almost annoys you how pretty he looks right now with rosy face and big brown eyes and while you’ve seen his literal twin up close, you don’t feel the same when you’re looking at Atsumu.
When you’re directly in front of him, he finally looks up at you with a surprised expression on his face. You give him a toothy smile, “Good job, Miya! You did great!”
“Thanks! You did, too! Uhm, wait, that came out wrong, uh…” 
You try to hold in your laughter, patting his shoulder, “Don’t worry about it!”
“I mean… Thanks… For saving me all those times while we were playing Roblox.”
“Oh! Yeah, of course! You were really fun to play with, to be honest.”
Atsumu stops mid sentence when he notices a camera flash in your direction. You whip your head, seeing the photographer only six feet in front of you. He scratches his head quickly apologizing and you wave it off.
“This is good publicity, would you mind if you two posed for a photo?”
The blonde looks at you first and you give the photographer a thumbs up as you stand next to Atsumu, putting your hand on his shoulder. He’s sitting down, arm floating around your legs, trying his best not to touch you.
“It’s okay, Miya. You can wrap your arm around me. We don’t wanna look like we hate each other, right?”
He nods quickly, arm wrapping around your thighs, your hand gently placed on his shoulder. You give the camera a polite smile while he gives a grin. Then, the camera finally flashes once again. 
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fishy facts!
— wakatoshi's favorite fairy fish member is suguru purely because of aura. he seems calm, cool, and collected and he really enjoys suguru's style. every since he's been to a concert, he's always wanted to try eyeliner just like him.
— kourai and shoyo have started interacting a lot more on twitter after the stream and fans are going crazy for it.
— mika and keiji have started hanging out because they're both artists! she likes to draw and paint and since he likes to write, they've gotten the idea of co creating a webtoon for funsies.
— shoko became a huge schweiden adlers fan after the game and now has pictures with the entire team. she was actually kourai's celebrity crush, so those pictures have become prized possessions.
— utahime's favorite out of both the teams is kiyoomi because she thinks his flexible wrists are super cool. after the game, she actually tried to convince him to start playing piano!
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tags. @ris-krispie @reignsaway @dailyakira @diorzs @makeshiftproject @lovemesomehwa
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crunchy-criss-1 · 26 days
Thank you to the people who commented on my previous post [ x ] about the enstars siblings so I can ramble more !!!
Yes, I do realize that some of the character's siblings get a decent amount of mention like Midori's older brother in Ring.A.Bell and Adonis' sisters in a good amount of stories + that one 4koma comic along with Kanzaki's little brother and Kohaku's sisters who appear off screen in Secret Service and Last Mission (thank you to that person who reminded me of that !). And I'm pretty sure one of his sisters appear on screen to disguise as Kohaku (her model is just a copy of Kohaku 💀) and more etc, I'm just getting these from the top of my head.
Also, I forgot to mention Madara's little sister even though I was really interested in her when I learned about her. She's the best fr fr. We should get a model of her and more stories with her and Mitsuru, they're really cute <3 (can't you see I'm really sane about them). She's probably the most interesting out of all the npc siblings in my opinion.
Also I never knew Sora had a younger sister! Again, thanks to the person who commented that !! Never mentioning her in the game feels like a VIOLATION. Sora would be a good and sweet older brother 😭❤️
I also forgot Tsumugi had an older brother 💀💀💀 In the wiki, it says that Tsumugi rarely sees him to the point where he forgets he exists, which is funny because I forgot he existed too lol. (I HAD TO SEARCH TO SEE IF HE ACTUALLY HAD AN OLDER BROTHER)
So about Suzu and Mika....THEY REALLY NEED TO MEET AGAIN. LIKE COME ON HAPPYELE YOU CANT JUST DROP "OH YEA SHES MIKA'S LONG LOST TWIN SISTER" AND EXPECT US TO BRUSH IT OFF . No, we need more. Engirls and Enstars take place in the same universe make them interact again PLEASE 😢😢😢😢😢😭😭😭 character lore drops are my favourites. And as a lore player, I'm desperate.
There's also Nagisa's younger sister and brother, I've been thinking about them a lot ever since I went on his wiki to research more about him. There was nothing about them on the Family page on the wiki. It's most likely they aren't related to him but what if they're also children taken in by Godfather that have been isolated from humanity like Nagisa???? Idk lol I'm gonna have to go on the wiki again to make sure that can be a possible theory. Happyele should also mention them...it's so mysterious and gives me the chills every time I go on their empty page on the wiki. (Most average lore player)
As I type this, I realize that happyele has something against siblings. Like come on if you can change artstyles 3 times, and add new characters, then you can at least make models for the character's siblings and mention them/make them appear in new stories 😢😢😢😢
Anyways that's it for today I kind of want to say more but idk what to type, bye bye !!!
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dragon-queen21 · 14 days
you love Seraph Of The End too??:0 I have the first two books actually!
Do you have any hcs (agere related or not) of any of the characters?^^/nfta
Yes I do! Oh my gosh!!! This makes me so unreasonably happy /pos
I found the first three mangas at a booksale. Funny because I was just contemplating making hc’s for this series. Hehe >:3
Take my half ramblings half headcanons. Also I am not far into the series so apologies if anything is off
~This series gives off the vibes of Wind Breaker and The Promised Neverland /pos
~I got unfairly attached to Mika in the first 60 pages he was shown only to have my heart broken. My boy deserves better 💔 (I’m aware that he comes back later in the series but I didn’t know that at first and was heartbroken let me tell you)
~Also the found family vibes. I love it. Again everyone deserves better.
~People can fight me on this one but Mika and Yu are brothers I just don’t see them in any other way. Then again I just really like found family so (shrug)-
~Okay agere time now >:3
~Yuichiro is 100% a trauma regressor. Regressing to babyspace mostly
~I think before Yu lost his adoptive family Mika looked after him. I know he was very young at the time but he definitely would have regressed even if he didn’t know what was happening to him.
~Just little things like Mika coming back one evening with a stuffed toy or a special meal for them to enjoy, trying to make time spent small at least somewhat enjoyable
~Yu mostly regresses after nightmares once making it above ground. He’s small and just shakes under his blankets longing for Mika to come and comfort him though he never will
~In the back of the first manga under the character introductions it says that Yu gets lonely easily and now I’m only imagining him being so obstinate about never regressing with anyone around.
~Only to be little and cling to his new friends like the world would end a second time if they get out of his sight for even a moment
~Youchi definitely regresses as well. Probably tries to be a caregiver/older brother for Yu but they both are just too little
~Contemplating if Mika would be a regressor or not. Though both boys have been through enough trauma to justify it. Maybe an age dreamer. Hmm
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glacialheart · 1 year
guys ollypie wants to eated me can someone tell them that'd be a bad idea
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mikamikacookie · 11 months
(Just realized I have to put a TW for mentions of cults cuz yes.)
Oh no. Oh nonononono
Not again. Not again. NOT FUCKING AGAAIN—
Somebody in the Milgram fandom pls help Amane have the Innocent Majority! She had been voted as Guilty once and once voted guilty, she will had MORE STRAINS hung around her.
I understand ya'll opinions but...
She has been brainwashed by the cult yk???
So please help her out and give her a bit of therapy... Even when she is gonna be hostile to Shidou in T3.
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For those who followed me for my Bendy art and stuff.. ignore my recent ramblings I just hyperfixate on different fandoms sometimes. :> ))
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narwhalandchill · 3 months
(just my 2.3 pull / general hsr rambles/rant but i get negative abt fireflys characterization again so thought id hide it for all the fans sake. good for yall & good luck pulling her i just cant get into her)
welp got my e1 gallagher (+ e2 mika) in 30 pulls on firefly so thats it from me, ill get e2 from the character selector so at least thats sth!!! i have been playing him a bit even at e0 and i do overall like how he feels so getting him to that e2 breakpoint where he rly starts to thrive as a sustain pick is v nice
anyway no early firefly which is whatever i consider her in game writing an absolute failure anyway and havent cared enough to watch Any of the trailer stuff either bc like . they lost me in 2.0 im sorry girl no matter how hypothetically good those trailers could be the writing team lost me forever at the ayaka-teppei forced date arc and thats it lmao . she couldve been an actual character but oh well what matters is shoving how cute and perfect and sad and in love with TB she is down ur throat at every fucking moment . her idle animation is so fucking bad too it made me laugh irl at how awful and cheap the fanservice is w her like yeah alright navia idle (which is already the worst idle in genshin i hate it) 💀💀💀 how do you do a characters potential this fucking dirty holy shit . we havent shilled firefly self insert ship to players enough so lets upskirt her too uwu!!!!!
But uhhh yeah thats a me being a hater thing ultimately i just physically cannot stand characters like this and first impressions do matter . Dont let me ruin her for u. nothing but props to her VA too like as much as her general characterizations appeal has been unsuccessful on me still shes been giving it the Absolute most to try to make her feel real and sympathetic and i respect that a lot
Still tho only thing that rly sucks w not just getting firefly at 4 pity or whatever and being done w it is just the. Welp Guess ill proceed to be unable to full clear any of the next 7 AS or MoC updates bc i pulled the wrong characters instead of Good Meta Dev Faves acheron and firefly like havent rly been a fan of the way the shilling has been going recently . like i just have rly shit matchups into the weaknesses of most stages these days and idk i havent even felt like Bothering to do PF 4 bc i just. DoT PF is always the fucking worst and i genuinely dont know what the hell to try to slap at it for a clear. guess my bad for not pulling swan either like truly my mistake . whatever its just a game .
Actually am i getting like burnt out ? well tracks for a honkai game i suppose. ig it also has to do w just the absolutely abysmal luck ive had now like. ive lost LC 75-25 of the 3 times i went for it TWICE . ive lost 50-50 like 5 times in a row now lmao and fully expect to lose on jade too at this point 🙃 might not even manage to get her at all . Sigh guess thats gacha at its worst for u
Sorry this got way more negative than i thought HSJSKSKSKSKSKD i hope the 2.3 story ends up being good at least so theres Sth good about it . and its not like i will die not clearing endgame content w full stars or sth it just sucks bc the way its happening just feels bad
edit: yeah im @ coffee break at work and it took me this fucking long to realize i just casually typed mika instead of misha JSJSTUHTS8J5Z9 💀💀💀💀 im so sorry misha youre way better than that nerd 😭😭😭😭😭 esp at c2 w the def shred i might even build him who knows . So sorry for this
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lilysunarchive · 2 years
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first round of shuffle units is complete! because i actually don’t have a life, i wrote an entire essay on my thoughts about each one. warning: i really did just ramble on and on. keep in mind that this is just my opinion, i’m probably objectively wrong in all honesty. i think that overall every single one of the shuffle units were a lot of fun and i hope we get more of them in the future! 
AtoZ: song is a 10/10 banger, it’s probably still my favorite of the shuffle unit songs. all the members of the unit are so much fun and bounce off well with each other. if i had one complaint it’s that the outfit doesn’t speak to me very much.
XXVeil: song is absolutely delightful to listen to, probably the third or fourth best. i think the concept is fun, i think that each member selected was a perfect choice. very solid all around.
Branco: song is definitely an acquired taste. i’m still flip-flopping on whether i really enjoy it or whether i find it grating and i think that tends to be the norm -- opinions on it get split down the middle. i think the concept is 100% perfect though, the winter frost fairies look is adorable on all four of these little guys. 
Ring.a.Bell: i’m so sorry but i sleep through this song every time. it’s definitely not my usual cup of tea (i actually don’t know why this song doesn’t speak to me, all the boys have such lovely voices). the same goes for the concept, even though i usually enjoy the bride aesthetic. i just think the outfits are a little too plain for a whole bridal theme. i would love to see happyele try the bridal theme again with slightly more creative/elaborate outfits.
Moonlight Disco: i know that’s not their unit name, it’s just always what i think of when this shuffle unit is mentioned. the song is iconic, i think just about everyone agrees. it is a lot of fun and each member of this unit is absolutely perfect, i would never want to switch them out for anyone else. i think that the shuffle theme is a *ton* of fun and not something i would expect from enstars, i really hope we get more unique concepts in the future. 
La Mort: song is a complete banger, i had it in my head for a solid week. each member of the unit is absolutely perfect, i couldn’t see any of them being removed from this shuffle. i also adore the concept, i love that there’s an extra bit of lore layered on top of our usual enstars lore, like a little bit of extra whipped cream on top. 
Puffy Bunny: oh i don’t know where to start with this one. i think that song is very interesting but it’s not something i would ever put into a playlist or listen to outside of the game. i think that boys in the unit are all very good vocalists but the song is definitely not to my taste. the concept is also not to my taste although they’re starting to convince me that hiiro and mika could pull off just about any look they’re given. 
Butou-Kai: according to the wiki, this is the shuffle name but my deepest apologies if i got it wrong i’m actually illiterate. i think that the song is pretty good, like very solid everyone has nice vocals. unfortunately this is just one of those concepts that would never, ever speak to me. i’m very very asexual i see one of these boys shirtless and my first instinct is you’re gonna get cold sweetie.
Blend+: i’m still sort of unsure about blend+ for a couple of different reasons. i think that the song is an absolute delight. it’s not the catchiest of the shuffle unit songs or the most creative but it’s still such a joy to listen to. i think that concept is adorable and cute and it suits a lot of the members really well (like koga?? what a surprise). i don’t know if it’s the other shuffle units coloring my opinion, but i think this shuffle might have been just too safe? there’s nothing bad about it, it’s just not as creative as some of the others we’ve gotten (no hate, it’s still so cute)
Flambé: there are so many things to say about flambé. i had a meltdown the day the concept was announced and then another one when the song was released, they’re both so good. the song is probably my second favorite of them all (might change the more i listen to it) and it has my absolute favorite concept. punk rock train conductors is just such an out there aesthetic but it really, really works. 
if you held me at gunpoint and asked me to pick my three favorites, it’d probably be flambé, la mort, and xxveil (it hurts my soul not to put atoz as one of my top three). i just love the creativity, the concept, the song. all three of them are so good!
i really hope that we get more really cool and creative shuffle events in the future, the first round definitely had some surprises. if you made it all the way to the bottom of my feature length dissertation hi! have a good day!
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starpros-sunshine · 2 years
hiii pokemon enstars au???? please
soooo what're the eccentric's teams like? type based probably, rei natsume and wataru seem obvious
*cracks knuckles* okay so this one's gonna get long-
I think Rei would have a mostly dark type based team for the champions league (Absol is definetly in there and UHaFnir (the uh. the big noise bat one) and a Zobiris maybe and an Amigento maybe as well those kinda pokemon at least!!)
but as a trainer I think he switches it up a lot because he tends to pick up stray pokemon that are injured or anything of the sort and he nurses them back to health and by then they kinda just got attatched to him so now he has quite the lot of pokemon that are just chilling around and he switches his team up a lot because he doesn't want any of them to feel neglected
As for Kanata, he gets all the Water type critters doesn't even matter which ones if it's a fish or a marine creature it is going into the team. he has an Aquana and a Wailord and a Lapras i think he would have a Lapras and he definetly has a shiny Garados , maybe also an Azumarill but that doesn't seem like a Kanata pokemon Oh or he could have an Octillery! But he's a water type trainer in the league and outside of it too!!
Natsume is a psychic type trainer and he has a Hypno and a Simsala I think and a Psiana and maybe also a Silembrim Ohhhh and I want him to have a Palimpalim on his team!!
And outside of his obbligations as a member of the top 4 he wanders around and reads fortunes and does the stuff he does in normal enstars as well except he has some pokemon with him now <3
So for Shu I wasn't actually all that sure because I wanted him to be an ice type trainer initially but then figured the ghost or fairy type would fit him better. So, this is something I Will not negotiate, he has a Banette and a Froslass, he has a Mimikyu (although I think that's more of a Mika pokemon) and a Skelabra and I could see him with a Floette and/or a galar-rapidash but I also want him to have the doll pokemon. And for some reason he has a Magearna. I don't make the rules he just has a Magearna. Magearna is a Shu pokemon.
Outside of the leage he, as well, probably just does all the stuff he does as usual in normal enstars as well but now he has some pokemon weaseling around in his atellier and sometimes he makes new costumes for his Mimikyu so Mimikyu can match with him and Madonee :)
Now last but certainly not last the light of my life Wataru the belomved mwah *I am yet again being removed from the stage*
I actually could not decide what type I want for him and I still can't really put my finger maybe the flying type but I'm not fully sure on that one so now I'm just gonna ramble a bit. I think Wataru would have all the pokemon you could bring to one of the contests. He has a Milotic and and Altaria and ik this is a leeetle silly maybe but I really want him to have a Lunala (because they would OWN the moon aesthetic SO hard) and I want him to have a Blacephalon and an Hisui Zorua maybe because it can shapeshift and I think they'd be a really nice team but no so far I have yet to manage to find a type Wataru can train. but tbh I'm quite content with what I have for him so far hehe
outside of the league he'd probs be a performer in the pokemon contests that got introduced in gen 3 or something of the sort
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i-love-you-all · 1 year
For the shuffle music ask: Breach x Sage (or alternatively solo sage)?
Thank you for the ask! I did Breach/Sage for this one, and I think I'll do Sage solo afterwards bc she does not get a large spotlight in this one as it's mostly from Breach's POV. It's a Nurse!Sage and Criminal! Breach. My choice to make Sage a nurse instead of a doc was because of how I see her. She's more hands on, nurturing, aka more likely to be at the patient's bedside instead of coming in to check every few hours and being the one to diagnose/order tests. Viper would be a doctor in this tho!
The song I got for this one is Mika's Dr. John. The full outline is below the cut. Bold parts are the actual lyrics, everything else is me :))
These are fun, so if anyone else also wants to send in an ask, please do! (Link here to the original post I made)
I look for joy in a strange place; From the back of the bar, from afar
Scene starts in a busy bar that belongs to Breach, or rather, his family, on a friday evening. Breach, still healing from wounds is seated somewhere shady and secluded to finish up “business”. Sage comes in with a couple friends.
Breach notices right away bc her style is so different from others. Wraps up his part as soon as he can and walks over.
“Strange, I walk into your place of business yesterday, and now you come into mine. Almost like fate or destiny huh?”
Sage is ready to leave the bar, remembering that she doesn’t like this guy
Viper gets along well with Breach, he handles her bluntness well, and he’s not put off by anything she says.
But how kind he is to her friends, and by extension Sage, maybe gives her doubts? After all, no one’s an angel when they’re in pain.
He leaves her alone, and for a bit, she forgets about him until they’re about to leave when he maybe sends them home w extra food or helps them call a taxi.
I see the look on my mama's face. When her son's in the corner, undone. She says that my life is over: "Boy, you don't know what you got till it's gone. Come put your head upon my shoulder” She gave me her hand, but I ignored her.
Breach has to reconcile with the idea that his business is not safe and so there’s no point in thinking about the nurse, and that he’s heard the stories and seen firsthand what people will do to hurt someone. Their aim often strays in their attempt to ruin their target.
His mother comes by his apartment to make sure he’s eating well and that he’s not taking the pressure from his father too hard.
She shows him a picture that one of his partners (Raze) took of him and Sage and sent it to his mom.
She asks him about his happiness and if this is what he actually wants to spend the rest of his life doing.
“Haven’t you ever thought about resting? Picking up from your fears and making something nice out of them?”
His answer is no, and when she asks if he wants help, again he refuses.
Oh, Dr. John, What am I doing, what am I doing wrong? 'Cause I keep on trying. Something ain't going, something ain't going on, Dr. John
A scene where Breach is rambling to Raze about his fears about what’ll happen to them if he can’t find a way out of this target on his back. She has complete faith in him and what he can achieve. Almost to a foolish amount, she truly believes that they’ll make it out of this war alive and well.
“Can we stop talking about this? It’s pulling down my mood, man.” (Raze) “What will you do after?”
Breach has no answer because he has no plans. This is all he’s known, one war to another. The opponent always changes, and sometimes, his allies too.
I see the look on my daddy's face. When his son's fallin' over, undone. Father, my life is over. I didn't know what I had, now it's gone Can I lay my head upon your shoulder? If I fall asleep, will it be over?
Breach gets bad news about his brother. He’s stable, but it’ll be a slow recovery. Like Breach predicted, the target widens every time they learn about someone he cares about. And this takes all wind out of his sails. He just wants this fight to end, even if it ends with his death.
He doesn’t realize that well, this is the hospital where Sage works until he talks with Viper (the Dr) and recognizes her.
Sage does come in later, covering for another nurse for the day, and she sees Breach alone, last of his family to leave the hospital, with his head between his knees as he’s trying to think about his next move.
Breach wants to end this as quickly as possible.
Sage gets him a cup of coffee and they talk
They talk about how he’s in the hospital quite often, and Breach divulges that it didn’t used to be like this.
They talk about family, and that his brother was his father figure for a long time and so if he lost his brother…
She makes the leap of assumptions and implies that Breach is part of a gang or some sort of organized crime, and she asks why
Family? It’s just what was expected.
“If you could do anything in the world, what would you want to do?”
Breach has no answer.
Sage might’ve wanted to be a gardener or a botanist. Hospitals can get hectic, and she loves her meditative activities.
First establishment of a connection of some sort until she needs to move on with her shift, and he goes home.
You say I'm a big heartbreaker, but Doctor, I'd never hurt you. Isn't it obvious?
This would come in much later in the story. Maybe they’ve been dating for a month or two. It’s a private dinner in the bar that’s been closed for the day. This is when the finale of the gang/crime war happens, and Breach needs to find a way to defend himself, protect Sage, call backup, and win. At the very end of it, when Sage finally realizes just how deep into all this stuff Breach is, they have a serious conversation.
Sage is able to protect herself and hold her own in a fight (martial arts if ppl come close to try and take her hostage but obviously, Sage doesn’t feel safe.
She knows how cyclical this is. Another group will want revenge on Breach, and then the next and the next, and that’s assuming Breach doesn’t die. She’s seen it too much in the hospital. She also knows that more than just the guilty parties get caught in the crossfire.
Also, Sage doesn’t want to patch up her partner after every fight.
Breach is falling hard for her and though he knew the answer, he doesn’t want to let her go either.
He promises things like he would never let anything hurt her, and that he never meant to wound her like this.
She admits that it feels a little like heartbreak, and he can do nothing but accept that.
How would I end this? I think it would lead to Breach dealing with the aftermath and the revenge plots like Sage predicted. I think she overhears something at the hospital and goes to warn him but arrives barely in time and it’s her, Breach, and Raze fighting their way out before a large event (explosion or something similar). Breach gets hospitalized and with some strings pulled with Viper and Sage, Breach and Raze are pronounced “dead”. They get their new start, and Breach moves on to his passion project, maybe something simple at first like mechanics, maybe car detailing, and Raze can help paint cars. Something simple.
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