#might end up rewriting that snippet as I don't write Percy that often but I'm excited about this one <3
curseofdelos · 2 months
So this is an AU I'm still playing around with, but the basic concept is that Nico starts living with Percy, Sally, and Paul post-botl, and it would largely focus on him developing a sibling-like relationship with Percy <3
I've only written little pieces of this one so far so not a lot to say as of yet, but here's a little snippet (for context: Nico is in a sleeping bag on Percy's bedroom floor):
“Do you even want me here?” he couldn’t help but ask.  Percy was quiet for so long that for a moment, Nico thought he had misjudged, but an answer came soon enough. “I don’t want you living on the streets by yourself.”  It wasn’t a no, but it wasn’t an enthusiastic yes either. Nico huffed, and rolled on his side to face away from Percy.  Behind him, Percy let out a heavy sigh, and Nico could hear the sound of his bedsheets ruffling as he moved. “It’s not safe out there for people like us, and since you don't feel welcome at camp, this was the best way I could help you.”  “I don't need your help!” Nico hissed, glaring at the wall as he curled up into a ball.  “I know you're perfectly capable of looking after yourself, but that doesn't mean you have to.”  Nico clenched his hands into fists so tight his fingernails dug into his palms.  “Look. I know you're not the biggest fan of me, but give my Mom and Paul a chance. They're good people. They'll take care of you, and if you don't want to do it for yourself… do it for Bianca,” Percy said softly, “she wouldn't want you suffering out there alone.”  Bringing up Bianca was a low blow, and Nico was sure Percy knew that from how carefully he had said her name, but as much as it hurt, he knew Percy was right.  Bianca would want him to be safe (and happy, but that was asking a lot of him right now). He would be safe here, even if normalcy felt impossible after the year he had.  Bianca trusted Percy, even when Nico didn't. Maybe it was time he trusted him too. 
EDIT: you can now read the finished fic here <3
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