aeide-thea · 2 years
have vaguely been thinking it might be good for me to try running again ever (my deeply beloathed) but since whenever the fuck the last time was that i engaged in it at all i seem to have misplaced basically all my winter running gear and also acquired Convictions abt polyester &c, which is making it difficult to figure out how to outfit myself :/
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purbiworl · 3 months
It's both funny and annoying to me that I cannot seem to find a photo of the exact flip flops that I own, because these are great but they're starting to come apart. It's really seeming like these things never truly existed and simply materialized in the corner of the Cabela's Bargain Cave for me to find.
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notwiselybuttoowell · 2 years
Called Infinna, the fibre is already being used by global brands including Patagonia, H&M and Inditex, which owns Zara. "It's a premium quality textile fibre, which looks and feels natural - like cotton," says Mr Alava, rubbing his own navy blue tee between his fingers. "And it is solving a major waste problem."
Around the world, an estimated 92 million tonnes of textiles waste is created each year, according to non-profit Global Fashion Agenda, and this figure is set to rise to more than 134 million tonnes by 2030, if clothing production continues along its current track.
To the untrained eye, samples of Infinited Fiber's recycled fibre resemble lambswool; soft, fluffy and cream coloured. Mr Alava explains that the product is produced through a complex, multi-step process which starts with shredding old textiles and removing synthetic materials and dyes, and ends with a new fibre, regenerated from extracted cellulose.
This finished fibre can then simply "hop into the traditional production processes" used by High Street brands, replacing cotton and synthetic fibres, to produce everything from shirts and dresses to denim jeans.
Much of the science involved in making the fibre has been around since the 1980s, says Mr Alava, but rapid technological advancements in the last few years have finally made large-scale production a more realistic possibility.
In parallel, he believes High Street brands have become more focused on "really honestly looking for changing their material usage", while millennial and Gen Z consumers are increasingly concerned about shopping sustainably. "They are different animals, different consumers, to people my age," he laughs.
The company has already attracted so much interest in its technology that it recently announced it was investing €400m (£345m; $400m) to build its first commercial-scale factory at a disused paper mill in Lapland.
The goal is to produce 30,000 tonnes of fibre a year once it's operating at full capacity in 2025. That is equivalent to the fibre needed for approximately 100 million T-shirts.
"I think the impact could be quite big, if you think about the whole textile system, what exists currently and how much textile waste that we have," argues Kirsi Niinimäki, an associate professor in fashion research at Aalto University, a few blocks away from Infinited Fiber's headquarters.
"It's a really good example of actually how we can 'close the loop'… really begin to move to a circular economy."
Infinited Fiber's growth is tied into a wider vision in Finland, which wants to become Europe's leading circular economy, with a focus on reusing and saving resources. In 2016, it became the first government in the world to create a national road map designed to help reach its goal.
Several other Finnish start-ups are looking at ways to produce new textile fibres on a big scale, while also cutting down on harmful emissions and chemicals. These include Spinnova which, from its textiles factory in Jyväskylä, central Finland, transforms cellulose from raw wood pulp into ready-to-spin fibres.
Spinnova's yarn is attracting plenty of global attention and has so far been used by brands including upmarket Finnish clothing label Marimekko, and outdoor wear firms North Face, Bergans and Adidas, which recently used it in a limited edition midlayer hoodie designed for hikers.
Elsewhere in Europe, there are a range of other companies developing technologies to create more circular yarns, including Swedish startup Renewcell, and Bright.fiber Textiles, which plans to open its first factory in the Netherlands in 2023.
But experts say there are a range of challenges facing these new fibre brands as they plot their expansions.
Ms Niinimäki underlines that the clothing manufacturing sector has, until recently, been slower than many other industries when it comes to embracing sustainability, which could set the tone for a slower transformation than companies like Spinnova and Infinited Fiber hope.
"It has been so easy to produce the way that we have been producing, and just to move towards more effective industrial manufacturing on an increasingly bigger scale," she says.
"There hasn't been a big pressure to change the already existing system." However, she is hopeful that, in the European Union at least, new rules aimed at ensuring clothing manufacturers focus on more sustainable and durable products will speed up "a change in mindsets".
Another issue is whether clothing brands will be able to pass on the additional costs of their new high-tech production techniques on to consumers, especially at a time when the cost of living is spiralling globally.
Adidas' latest limited edition hoodie produced with Spinnova fabric costs €160 (£137; $160) to buy online in Finland, at least €40 more than most of its other technical hoodies.
"Fashion is a complicated area, because even if people are saying that they are environmentally aware, they don't always act rationally," says Ms Niinimäki. "There's also this kind of emotional side when you talk about fashion consumption, and of course, the price is also linked to that."
While both Infinited Fiber and Spinnova insist their business plans look holistically at all aspects of production - for example using renewable technologies to power their factories - climate campaigners argue it is still too early to accurately estimate the net effect of these new techniques on carbon emissions.
"Pulp and other alternative fibres can provide diversity for sourcing textile materials and therefore lessen the burden caused by production of more traditional textile raw materials such as cotton," says Mai Suominen, a leading forest expert for WWF. "However it depends on the use of energy, all the processes they use and how they use waste materials."
Most importantly, she argues, simply slotting more sustainable fibres into the multibillion dollar fashion industry won't be enough to combat climate change, if we keep making and buying clothes at the current rate.
There is no sustainable development unless the overall natural resource consumption is radically decreased to a level that fits within planetary boundaries," she argues.
But within the Finnish fibres industry there is a sense of boomtown optimism that the increased use of recycled or reimagined fibres could be an important part of the jigsaw in the battle to limit climate change.
"The fast-fashion companies who have been kind of creating certain parts of the problem are highly interested in new technologies," says Infinited Fibers chief executive Petri Alva. He believes that if investment continues, the recycled fibres could become mainstream within ten to 15 years.
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merulanoir · 9 months
I give up I tried to wear one of my nice cotton shirts today and I have been freezing my nuts off all day. Apparently the second it's below freezing I need to wear wool or be miserable. I'm knitting myself woollen midlayer pants and a pullover.
Also my car broke down again so can I get a wa-hey.
(also it was like -24°C today)
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squids-comics · 10 months
For this weeks writing post, have the first chapter of Supernova, a novel I started writing over the summer.
Chapter One: A Plan Comes Together
The gentle morning sunrise cut through the thick orange smog, shining brightly against the wall of Reva's cramped living quarters. "The sunrise was to die for". That's what they've told the underground workers on the planet for generations. But most of them died before they could judge for themselves. It was sick. 
Reva peeled the sweat soaked blankets off her bronze coloured skin and climbed out of bed. She took a deep breath, before doing some morning stretches. She couldn't do anything fancy, as her room was rather small, but she managed to work in a few different yoga poses. She threw some clothes on and tied her hair up. She was wearing her uniform, a light beige-y brown with green highlights. On the chest of her button up shirt was a tree with bright red leaves. Her wavy hair was a dark green. 
She walked out of her quarters, and down the hall past several other rooms, all packed closely together. She could hear noises inside from people shuffling around, going about their daily routine. Freshly awoken citizens groan and stretch, children run around playing, practically bouncing off the walls. She could hear singing and yelling, laughing and crying. The place reminded her of an anthill, extremely well organized and filled to bursting with people. She hated it. 
She walked down a few flights of brightly lit stairs, leading to a heavy metal door. She put her ventilator on. It was a cold metallic device, covering her entire face. It kept the toxins out of her lungs and the dust out of her eyes. But it limited her vision and made a funny sound when she breathed. She hated it. 
She slowly creaked the door open as she stepped out, onto the street of the underlayer. Above her were the buzzing electric lights of the city, underneath the midlayer, where the wealthier citizens lived. The roof of the underlayer stood about fifty feet in the air, and was made of welded sheet metal, supported by large concrete beams and buildings. Large brick buildings stood on each side of the street, reaching up to the roof. The walls of each building were graffitied, with most of the windows smashed. The air of the underlayer was thick. It smelled like burning brimstone, even with the ventilator on. The ventilator was uncomfortable, but it was a necessary evil. Thanks to the heavy mining operations on the planet, each breath of air was ripe with toxins. Breathing it in, even in small doses, was enough to take you out of the workforce for days. And on this planet, that was practically a death sentence. 
Reva walked down the street, passing dingy looking street markets selling whatever they could get their hands on. People ran up and down the street, from building to building, on errands or for jobs. Armed Phonocoptrian peacekeepers kicked down doors and arrested people for even the slightest grievances. The peacekeepers were the galaxies security force. Wearing laserproof red armour and armed with automatic laser rifles, civilians were just as scared of them as criminals were. They served the law, and the law served them. But this was nothing new for Reva. That's how the underlayers were on most planets. 
The smog was so thick Reva could barely see, but she knew the route to work well. She could walk it with her eyes closed if she wanted. Or at least, she thought she could. She walked directly into a Phonocoptrian peacekeeper on patrol. Reva hit her face off the cold metal of his chest plate. He shoved her back before raising his rifle at her. Her nose stung from hitting him. She stumbled back as she was pushed.
"Watch where you're going civilian!"
Reva looked him over. Only the skin around his mouth was visible. It was a pale pink, almost like the skin of a pig. He licked his lips with his long, slimy tongue. Reva gagged a little. She looked up into his big, bulbous eyes, puffing out of his skull like the eyes of a frog.
"I'm sorry Sir," Reva muttered. "I'll be more careful next time."
The Phonocoptrian scoffed before lowering his gun and turning away. He kept his gun in his hand, perhaps because he liked the feel of it, or the way it made him look. He walked away, as did Reva.
"@$$hole," Reva whispered under her breath. 
Reva continued walking until she got to work. She reached a large, glass wall extending up to the midlayer, with a metal door built into it. She opened the door and stepped into a cramped, metal airlock. She drained the air out of the room and opened the far door. She removed her ventilator and breathed a deep sigh of relief. 
Reva stood in one of twenty nature domes on the planet. Each one was a safe haven from the pollution and smog ravaging the planet. It was a small dome of glass reaching up past the midlayer of the planet, past the upper layer, past the top layer. Inside the glass, which was about the size of a soccer field, stood a clearing with tall trees reaching up to the sky. It was the only spot in the lowerlayer with natural lighting and vegetation. It was also the only spot with fresh, unfiltered, unpolluted air.
Reva was the ranger. Her job was to ensure all the plants were growing the way they were supposed to. She grabbed a watering can and got to work. There were all different plants of all different sizes. There were trees that looked like great blue coral reefs, huge blades of grass reaching to the sky, multicolored flowers that only bloom on the bottom of lakes. There were stone pathways throughout the dome, lined with a glowing blue moss. Reva walked down the path, stopping to smell some brightly coloured mushrooms giving off a rather sweet smell, like that of chocolate.
Reva loved her job. The nature domes were the only place she felt at peace.  She loved the natural light streaming through the leaves, the fresh air, the plants. It was the only place she'd ever felt like she belonged. Some days she would get visitors, but today didn't seem like one of them. Reva was completely alone, or so she thought.
Reva walked past a tree when all of a sudden a man came swinging down from a tree branch. He had black skin, with long dark blue hair tied in braids and hanging low. He wore a flashy yellow jacket and purple visor sunglasses. He was upside down. 
"Boo!" The man yelled. 
Reva jumped back, raising her arms in front of her, before lowering them and clutching her chest. 
"Vee! You scared me..." 
Vee leaped out of the tree, laughing and brushing his hair down the left side of his face. 
"Just keeping you on your toes!" Vee said with a smile. "But I got them!" 
Reva's face lit up. "The plans?" 
"Yeah! Looks like those four months incognito were worth it!!" 
Vee pulled a small metal disk out of his pocket and pushed a button in the center of it. A blue light streamed out of the disk, creating a hologram of buildings. A spot between the buildings was marked with a red dot. 
"That's where our gateway to the mines is," Vee calmly explained. he pointed at a small, rundown brick building next to the door. "Security is rotated at 3:14 am. That's our window in! We'll meet at this building here. We can storm tonight if you're ready." 
Reva smiled excitedly. "Let's do it!" 
Vee turned off the hologram and tucked the disk back into his jacket pocket. 
"Ok! Sounds like a plan! If you've got the weapons I can stash them near the entrance." 
Reva handed Vee a dirty, well worn shovel. 
"Of course I got the weapons! Follow me." 
Reva led Vee to a plot of freshly moved dirt. Vee started digging, eventually finding two pistols and two blade-less knives. 
"A laser pistol and a light knife for each of us?" Vee asked. 
"Yep," Reva responded. "Should be enough. We do have stealth on our side." 
"Yeah we'll be good!" Vee said, picking up the weapons. He pushed a button on the side of one of the knives. A bright red blade of energy shot out of the handle. He pushed the button a second time and it returned to normal. He hid the weapons in a pocket in his jacket. "I'm going to go stash these. See you tonight!" 
"See ya!" 
Vee left, leaving Reva to her gardening duties. Reva gardened for a few more hours before packing up. She took one last deep breath of air before putting on her ventilator and walking back to her living quarters. When she got there, she walked over beside her bed, to her projector alarm clock. She started programming it to show a sunrise at 2:30 am. This would be the last time she'd ever use it. By the end of the day, she'd be off world. She'd see real sunrises again.
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Some more Facility things
The Rh-08
Underneath the Admin and the Six, there are 8 officers. One for each of the Six and two for the Administrator, who act and speak in their stead and/or answer directly to them and/or act as personal guards. When being recruited or asking for audience with one of the Six or Garion, you're more likely to get in touch with their Rh.
Garion(Admin) - Rh-00 Dubois and Rh-01 Songbird
Father - Rh-02 Aggrotech (Vice Instance)
Mother - Rh-03 Meraki (Mizho Instance)
Weaver - Rh-04 Claw (Slow Instance)
Eyes - Rh-05 Kenji (Goge Instance)
Doctor - Rh-06 Koi No Yokan (Kiyose Instance)
Dove - Rh-07 Bilita Mpash (Desir Instance)
The Compounds and Gates.
The Facility tends to keep towards simple names, as is obvious with its own name. The ideas of quirky propaganda or copyright are far from their minds for obvious reasons.
A compound is any building The Facility has taken command of in a timeline. Usually very defensable places, typically reinforced with their own work.
Within the outer layers, compounds appear and function like a military base. Typically compounds in stable timelines function to ease new recruits into subdimensional structure and life and for strict enforcement and training for the rules when in other timelines.
The midlayers are more residential and relaxed, often for higher officers while they have duties in that specific timeline, usually very sparse in stable timelines and more occupied in active activity timelines.
The inner layers are lined with interdimensional holding cells, used to contain and interrogate instances from the present timeline, as well as any insubordinate new recruits. Masters and douji are treated with the same level of caution as if they were Milieu himself, simply because of what they know about other timelines.
Gates are a stabilized opening between dimensions, and while all of the Rh-08 officers and Administrator can produce them on their own, there is typically one active in most compounds with a hairtrigger shutdown and multiple failsafe on the Facility side to prevent invasion, infestation, or bleed from the timeline.
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thorn-amidst-roses · 2 years
Mushroom Lady Cosplay Status Update:
Underwear - Bustle is complete, may not be needed but exists just in case. Corset is mid-mockup, should be done in the next day or so and ready to go onto final build. Blue stockings and shoulder gloves ordered from WeLoveColors.
Midlayer - Waiting to mockup undershirt until corset is done. Ready to mockup underskirt/slip, possibly done with that within the week.
Blouse - Custom fabric swatches ordered from Spoonflower. Waiting on corset and underskirt.
Skirt - Ditto blouse, but since it’s a less intensive piece, this will use pretty much the same mockup as the underskirt/slip, sans ruffle.
Hat - Millinery wire ordered, most other materials on-hand (pending custom swatches). Heavy mockup work needed. This is going to be the hardest part.
Shoes - Ordered
Acceessories - Medallion modeled and printed, need to order some cotton twill tape for the belt, rig an attachment (easy), and paint - whenever the weather clears up enough for me to be able to prime it. Earring findings should arrive today. I have all the materials and patterns for the gloves, but am Intimidated.
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jaimee2001 · 3 days
Check out this listing I just added to my Poshmark closet: Tommy Hilfiger Women's Sport Full-Zip Fleece Sweater Jacket.
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aeide-thea · 2 years
the real problem with the midlayer i got for running is that it's so perfect and cozy and stretchily non-restrictive i now want 2 wear it constantly… very much including when i'm not running. which. makes me not want 2 wear it running so i don't get it too sweaty 4 normal purposes /o\
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dobroyeutro · 9 days
Check out this listing I just added to my Poshmark closet: The North Face Black Circaloft Snap-Front Jacket - Insulated.
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forloh · 10 days
These down vests offer category leading midlayer insulation and quick-drying properties, thanks to the DWR treated 650 fill organic duck down.
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elisemckenna1910 · 14 days
Check out this listing I just added to my Poshmark closet: PATAGONIA RE-TOOL SNAP-T FLEECE Women’s PULLOVER Size Large Deep Purple.
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scontomio · 16 days
Tumblr media
💣 Nike W NK Trail DF Midlayer Maglia Lunga Donna 🤑 a soli 19,56€ ➡️ https://www.scontomio.com/coupon/nike-w-nk-trail-df-midlayer-maglia-lunga-donna/?feed_id=271374&_unique_id=66d894bd831f5&utm_source=Tumblr&utm_medium=social&utm_campaign=Poster&utm_term=Nike%20W%20NK%20Trail%20DF%20Midlayer%20Maglia%20Lunga%20Donna Scopri la maglia da running Nike, realizzata con tecnologia Dri-Fit per una traspirazione ottimale. Comfort e stile per le tue sessioni di allenamento. La maglia da running proposta è una scelta eccellente per chi desidera unire funzionalità e stile durante le proprie attività sportive. Realizzata con un design moderno e accattivante, questa maglia è perfetta per le sessioni di corsa, ma si presta anche a diverse attività all'aperto. La combinazione di colori Ember Glow e Burgundy Crush offre un look fresco e vivace, ideale per chi ama distinguersi. La tecnologia Dri-Fit integrata nella maglia garantisce una gestione efficace dell'umidità, mantenendo la pelle asciutta anche durante gli allenamenti più intensi. Questo aspetto è fondamentale per chi pratica sport, poiché consente di concentrarsi sulle performance senza distrazioni. Indossare questa maglia significa godere di una sensazione di leggerezza e freschezza, anche nelle giornate più calde. Il logo Nike, ben visibile, aggiunge un tocco di autenticità e prestigio al capo. Non solo un elemento estetico, ma anche un simbolo di qualità e innovazione nel settore dell'abbigliamento sportivo. La vestibilità è pensata per garantire libertà di movimento, rendendo questa maglia ideale per ogni tipo di allenamento, dal jogging al trail running. Le recensioni di chi ha già provato questo prodotto evidenziano la sua capacità di adattarsi a diverse condizioni climatiche, rendendola un'ottima compagna per le avventure all'aria aperta. Che si tratti di una corsa mattutina o di una sessione di allenamento in palestra, questa maglia si distingue per il suo comfort e la sua praticità. Scegliere questa maglia significa investire in un capo versatile e performante, capace di accompagnare ogni atleta nel raggiungimento dei propri obiettivi. Con questa maglia, ogni corsa diventa un'esperienza piacevole e motivante, aiutando a superare i propri limiti. #coupon #nike #abbigliamentosportivo #offerteamazon #scontomio
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jesseka75 · 21 days
Check out this listing I just added to my Poshmark closet: Women’s Nike Pacer Half-Zip Running Top.
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loretperz · 1 month
Check out this listing I just added to my Poshmark closet: REI Co-Op Men's Sz M 1/4 Zip Pullover Midlayer Lightweight Fleece Top Blue EUC.
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jaimee2001 · 3 days
Check out this listing I just added to my Poshmark closet: Tommy Hilfiger Women's Sport Full-Zip Fleece Sweater Jacket.
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