#midcentury leather lounge chair
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#137 vintage falcon chair
Sigurd Resell
Norway for Vatne Mobler
circa 1970’s
An Original, vintage mid-century modern, low-back Falcon chair. The Falcon chair is a design classic, manufactured in Norway in the 1970s, upholstered in the original, supple, black patinated leather with a matching black canvas harness.
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The Desert
A/N: At the end of the first season on Succession Logan tells Kendall to "go to the desert" to "dry out." I took this as Logan referring to an earlier time when Kendall was in rehab. Upon rewatching the show, I observed a very keen bond Jess had with Kendall without much dialogue. She says so much with her eyes. I wanted to dive into that bond. What shaped it?
Jess jabbed her thumbs furiously on the screen of her phone as hunger pangs reminded her of the smoothie she’d left on her desk. Six hours ago. It had been her own fault. She hadn’t grabbed anything on her way to Teterboro. The jet had its usual Royco provisions, but at the time she hadn’t been hungry. Her stomach had been turning all morning. The flight hit turbulence over the Rockies. Jess had anticipated this; this was normal. It would mean they would land at Van Nuys in another two hours or so. Once she landed in Van Nuys, she’d have a car waiting to bring her to Malibu. She didn’t know she’d be his contact. She didn’t know—until that morning—that she’d be the one to fetch him. She didn’t know that his family had not responded when he had reached out. She only got the call from on high that she was to clear her schedule for the day and have her go bag at the ready: a change of clothes, toiletries, pajamas, and her laptop. Every other assistant that had worked under Kendall had either been fired or had quit before he’d entered rehab. She, somehow, had been reassigned elsewhere. But now, sitting in the leather-clad jet, Jess had been pulled back in. She gripped the armrests as they hit an air pocket and then closed her eyes. They opened again as the landing gear touched down on the runway. The ride to Malibu was thankfully bearable, but the emails and news alerts hadn’t stopped. Of course, the competing tabloids would get wind of this, and her job would be to ensure the most private route to the most private location in Los Angeles county. She had settled on a cool minimalist residence on the Pacific Palisades. The perfect place for him to decompress and get ready to return to New York. There was only a small pause at the front gate, but then the SUV whisked her right up to the entrance. She had expected him to be waiting; though she didn’t actually know what to expect. She had never picked anyone up from rehab before. When Jess realized he wasn’t just coming out to the car, she swung the door open with one hand while emailing Karolina with another and sprinted inside; there would need to be a statement given as the media onslaught was already beginning. Pierce would have a field day with this. She entered, distracted by a new email regarding a particularly nasty rumor that had just popped up: Kendall Roy apparently had a relapse. A relapse? Already? The man hadn’t even been checked out yet. Passing those waiting in the lobby, Jess approached the front desk and asked for Kendall. “Mr. Roy?” The attendant called to a hunched figure that sat in the waiting area—someone Jess had flown past without a thought. She whipped around, momentarily embarrassed for not recognizing her employer. “Hey.” Kendall had gotten up and, with a small duffel bag swung across his shoulder, walked up to the desk. He met eyes with her only briefly. “Thanks for…coming.” “Are you ready?” Jess cleared her throat uncomfortably; maybe a straightforward hello would have been better. Gone were the tailored suits and the large headphones. He stood before her in jeans and a hoodie. The circles under his eyes were dark and cavernous. The level of unabashed sadness he exuded in front of her made her shudder. “Yes,” the attendant cut in with a clipboard, “he is. Sign here, please.” Jess grasped the pen and scribbled quickly. She was realizing that she had been the one to release him. Up until that point, the most intimate thing she had known about him was his coffee order. The details of a follow up dentist appointment. He wrote for the Lampoon in college. The only concrete facts she knew about him were things he allowed her to know; but she had started to become good at picking up facts in other ways—mainly through merely observing him. His downward spiral and rehab had put that into overdrive. She had been the one to find him. “Can I get that for you?” She indicated the bag as her phone pinged. “No…” he answered softly, “I got it.” “All right,” she nodded, “let’s go.” Jess trotted back to the car as her heart raced—what was the protocol for this? She had no idea. She glanced at her phone again. Just another email from Karolina—no check ins from the Roys. None of them. As he watched his assistant climb back into the SUV, Kendall exhaled and tried to ignore her familiar scent as it washed over him as she brushed past. That warm, comforting rush—he welcomed it after two months of patchouli and sandalwood and whatever the fuck else they had been burning at the “resort.” “Back home, then?” Kendall muttered as he tossed his bag into the trunk behind him. “Uh…no…” Jess quickly glanced at him before deciding not to make full eye contact, “I’ve been told to set up a place—” “Where?” “Pacific Palisades,” she responded, ready with a visual, but he held up his hand before she could pull it up on her phone. “No. I need a change of scenery.” “Where?” “I don’t know—” he cut himself off as he thought. The fucking moon, maybe. “—The desert.” “The…desert…” She repeated as she mentally ran down the list of cancellations she would have to make within the next ten minutes. “Yeah. Joshua Tree or something. Not more cliffs.” “Certainly.” Kendall tried to exhale steadily to quell the shaking inside of him; her obedient, quick response made his adrenaline surge after two months of doing nothing but following directions. They sat in relative silence for the next three hours of the trip. The Los Angeles traffic delivered in spades, and Jess trained her eyes on her phone. “All right. Everything set.” She declared in a low voice as they finally pulled onto the 10. “Meals all—” “Done, yes. Chef is en route now.” “Pool--?” “Yes. I couldn’t find Olympic—” “Mmm. And amenities? Gated?” “It’s…remote. No gate. It’s last minute so—” “—Fine, fine.” He said. “It’s remote you said—but we’re plugged in for conferences?” “It will be.” She lied. “Perfect. Thank you.” Kendall relaxed and leaned back, and watched the urban sprawl give way to bare mountains.
It was just past six o’clock when they arrived at the house. A small midcentury bungalow, the house was lit up in an orange glow, waiting for them. The chef could be seen through the kitchen window putting the finishing touches on what would be a whole food, pescatarian meal. Insisting on carrying his own bag, Kendall trudged into the house with Jess at his heels. She felt weirdly light not carrying anything for him. Jess nodded a greeting to the chef, who was plating the meal, and went to the refrigerator for sparkling water. Three kinds, as she had instructed. Aqua Panna with a twist of lemon would surely be his preference at this time of day. She prepared it swiftly and delivered it to Kendall, who was out on the deck surveying the sun dipping into the horizon. “Thanks.” He muttered, “And my phone?” “I was told—” “Just—I just need my phone.” “I know, but—” “Jess, come on.” Kendall let a weak smile flit across his lips. “They told me no.” She shook her head slightly. She followed his gaze as he took a swallow of water and turned back to the sky. “I’m sorry.” She whispered before going back inside. Kendall sat with his fizzy water as the sun disappeared into purple darkness. He heard Jess say goodbye to the chef. He heard the clinking of utensils against a plate. He felt her behind him. That familiar scent threatened to envelope him. “Do you want me to—” “Yeah, outside is fine.” He heard the plate hit the table behind him. Kendall kept his eyes ahead as he felt her pause for instructions. Always anticipating him; it made him deliciously weak. She waited a bit and moved to go back inside. “Hey, Jess,” Kendall called over his shoulder, “you want…to join me?” “Oh—I—” He heard her put her bags down. The stars had started to come out. “Hey, you’ve got to be hungry.” “A car is coming for me,” she said, “I’m going back to LA. Your recovery coach is on his way—” “No…no.” Kendall jumped from the lounge chair, “You don’t need to bring him here. I’m good.” “But they said—” “No, I can handle myself. I can handle it.” Jess stared at him as she clutched her phone to her chest. “Cancel him. He’s coming here? Cancel it.” Jess did not take her eyes from his as a way to plead with him, but Kendall held firm. She nodded uncertainly and looked up the phone number to make the call. Kendall sat down to dinner and called back into the house, “Come on, Jess. Join me.” He only started to eat when he was certain she was making herself a plate. She slipped into the seat next to him, and they ate in silence. Coyotes howled in the distance. Jess jolted slightly at the sound but recovered quickly. Her nerves had been high all day. She paused briefly before continuing her meal; she had been starving. Fifteen minutes went by before he spoke. “Compliments to the chef, then.” Kendall murmured. “You can give them to her when she returns for breakfast tomorrow.” Jess collected the plates and brought them into the kitchen, “she’ll be here at 7 A.M.” This time, instead of staring off into the distance, he followed her back into the house. “You’re headed back to LA?” He watched her put the dishes in the dishwasher. “Yeah,” she responded as she began to wipe down the kitchen island, “that was the plan. I would drop you off, wait for the coach, and head to The Freehand.” “Ooo. The Freehand.” Kendall said under his breath as he traced a vein in the marble counter. He paused for a moment, and then found a new vein. “Why don’t you just crash…here?” Kendall watched out of the corner of his eye as Jess paused in the cleaning of the counter. He watched as she weighed the possible outcomes of the answer to his question. She threw the dishtowel over the lip of the steel farmhouse sink. “I—I can’t—” “Come on… there’s more than enough room here—” “Kendall, I shouldn’t—” The doorbell. With a quick glance to her watch, Jess moved toward the door, “that’ll be the driver.” “No,” Kendall made a momentarily frantic move in front of her so that he blocked her way. “No, come on. You can stay.” She eased around him and opened the door. The driver cleared his throat and offered to carry her bag. “No, she’s not leaving.” Kendall cut in, going so far as to grab her bag before the driver could receive it. The driver looked at Jess, bewildered. “She’s not leaving,” Kendall repeated, and then, with a firm nod to the driver, “thank you. You may go.” Jess brought her full attention to Kendall. His eyes were watery. Red. “Yeah, I’m sorry,” she turned to the driver with a sigh, and produced several bills from her bag, pressing them into his hand, “I am staying.” With a thin-lipped nod, the driver turned and left. Jess closed the door and exhaled; the weight of responsibility for Kendall now burdened her—and it would have whether she had gone or not. She flipped the dead bolt and turned to him. He stood in the foyer of the tiny house, inches from her, holding her bag still. His eyes were redder, and they didn’t meet hers. “Hey.” She said softly. He looked toward the floor and didn’t respond. “Hey,” she said again, and stepped toward him, her hand daring to reach out to him. “You…OK?” “Yeah,” the word passed through his lips almost soundlessly. Tears started to pool on his lower lashes. She stepped closer. After a frozen moment, she took her bag from him and set it down. Jess stood squarely in front of him. She was wearing heels, and they were the same height. She tried to coax him into meeting her eyes, but he would not and instead trained his gaze on her collarbone. His family hadn’t reached out to her all day to check on him. She’d turned his phone on and kept a close watch on hers all day. Nothing. A wave of resolve hit her in that moment, and the barrier between them dissolved. She stepped even closer to him, inches away now, and placed her hands on his shoulders. Kendall squeezed his eyes shut and allowed a tear to escape down his cheek. “I’m…I’m glad you’re OK.” She whispered, and before she even finished her words, he threw himself against her shoulder; she could feel his warm breath through her blouse as he struggled to hold back a sob. Kendall slid his hand around her back and clung to her, there in the foyer. His other hand slid up her arm, and he gripped the silk of her top tightly in his fist. She was shocked for a moment; when she had taken the job just a year before she never would have remotely imagined she’d be where she was then. But Jess pushed past the shock, and she wrapped her arms around him in a firm embrace. Other duties as required? She set a mental reminder for herself to laugh at that later. For that second, he forgot who she was. She was now a person. A body. A warm, soft, body that he wanted to curl up against. For all of the spa treatments, the yoga, the therapy, the meditation of the past two months, being embraced was exponentially more powerful to him. “Thank you.” His voice was quiet and shaky, “thank you for staying.” He hugged her tighter. “Of course.” Was all she said. “I didn’t want—” he gulped his tears like a child, “I didn’t want you to—I didn’t want to be—" “It’s OK—it’s OK,” Jess pulled back and looked at him, her heart racing into something of a minor panic. Who could she sneak off and call for support? Karolina? Geri? She was coming up short. Kendall nodded quickly and sniffed, “yeah.” “How about you sit on the couch? Um…I can get you tea? What about a fire?” “That’s…nice. That’s really nice.” He ran his hand through his hair and tried his best to saunter casually over to the couch. There was a wood burning fireplace. It took about five minutes for Kendall to get it going at steady roar. By then, Jess presented him with a hot mug of oolong tea. “Thanks,” he said. She sat at safe distance on the opposite corner of the couch and sipped from her own mug. “The desert was a better choice,” she admitted, staring into the fire. “Heh.” Was all Kendall could muster. He felt stupid for saying it. “I’d never been here before. It’s beautiful.” “Yeah, I hadn’t either. Maybe that’s why I wanted to come.” Jess nodded in the silent pause between them. “Thanks again—for staying.” “Don’t mention it—” “I mean—” “It’s not a big deal—” “I mean, it is,” Kendall countered, “my family has you on the clock 24/7 and now they’ve tasked you to come and release me.” “It’s my job—” “It’s your job,” Kendall nodded, visibly stung, “right—” “Well, it’s not my job,” she knitted her brow, fumbling for words, “but I work for you.” “Ah, yes, you do.” He nodded again, reminded of how the people closest to him were the ones who were paid handsomely to do so. “I’m—sorry—did I--?” Jess held her hand against her heart. “No, you’re fine—” The flickering light of the fire before them only seemed to emphasize the lines in his face. She slid across the couch and laid her hand on his, which made him jolt in a small surprise. “I made the choice to stay.” Jess asserted. “You’re very convincing, but I was the one who made the choice.” She kept her hand on top of his, even going so far as to give a squeeze as something of an emphasis. “Yeah.” He responded, keeping his eyes on the curve of her knuckles. Something was missing. She followed his eyes to what he noticed: the absence of the yellow gold 3-carat east-west emerald-cut ring that had been on her finger two months ago. Jess pulled her hand back and tucked it into the crook of her opposite elbow. Kendall watched her as she took a sip of tea. He had never been one to notice something like that. But on the day that it appeared, glinting brilliantly alongside his cup of morning coffee that she always had greeted him with, it made some sort of imprint on him, like a part of her had been taken away from him. Now, that part was back. There they were, alone in the desert. No fucking ring in sight. Except, of course, for his. Jess finished her tea, stood from the couch and sighed, “I think I’m going to turn in.” This was weird. She felt nervous. But not in the usual Waystar Royco way. Not like when she had booked the wrong Ritz hotel room—Paris instead of London--on the second week of her job. This was different. She felt him staring at her. “I’m just really exhausted,” she exhaled and rubbed her forehead with her unringed finger. She rose from the couch, grabbed her bag and headed down the hall. Kendall’s heart leapt as he heard her come back to the bedroom. Maybe it was going to be the Ritz mix up. “What’s up?” He asked. “There’s…there’s only one bedroom.”
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Lounge chair by Kristian Vedel for Søren Willadsen for sale #loungechair #kristianvedel #sorenwilladsen #denmark #scandinaviandesign #rosewood #leather #black #vintage #midcentury #interior #design #furniture #interiordesign #interiordesigner #designfurniture #losangeles #newyork #london #paris #berlin #rotterdam #1stdibs #pamono #tanteeefdesign #tedgallery (bij Rotterdam, Netherlands) https://www.instagram.com/p/B3z3Pl0Hm4J/?igshid=1q0yssundxch8
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Coming Soon | MAX 33 Lounge Chair | Solid American white oak and Grade A Teak option| upholstered in retro Teal Leather | Modern furniture with a splash of retro | www.monsoonblue.com | #furniture #interiordesign #design #homedecor #interior #modern #midcenturymodern #midcentury #leather #sofa #upholstery #home #seating #interiors #wood #handcrafted #chair #loungechair #newhome #vintage #decor #livingroom #retro #interiors #homesweethome #plaid #interiorstyling #craftsmanship #housedesign #interior_and_living (at Naperville, Chicago, Illiinois) https://www.instagram.com/p/B7Jy_RxBy1f/?igshid=11k0owa1h1n8l
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Top 6 Benifits of Buying an armchair ?
Armchairs are undoubtedly among the greatest types of furniture available. They not only come in a number of styles that can fit any type of décor, but they also provide excellent comfort and support. Armchairs should be at the top of your list if you’re looking for a new piece of furniture for your home.
We’ll look at 6 advantages of owning an armchair in this blog post.

1.) Enough Assistance
The fact that armchairs provide a tonne of support is one of their best qualities. Armchairs might be a fantastic alternative if you experience back pain because they offer additional lumbar support.
This kind of assistance is particularly
The Wallace chair has a standard seat depth and high armrests to prevent hunching over. If you require a more formal office chair to work in, the tufted back cushions maintain an impression of grandeur.
From its midcentury design to its rust-orange upholstery, the Harold accent chair is completely fashionable. The low armrests allow you to lounge in luxury while the barrel back offers a cocooning effect. Anyone who enjoys making a statement with their house furnishings and seeks to provide some sturdy support while doing so will adore this chair.
2.) Comfortable and Cozy The fact that armchairs are incredibly comfortable is another fantastic advantage. There is nothing better than being able to relax in a chair after a long day at work.
The double-chambered pillows and large cushioned seats of the Track armchair. In essence, this implies that the track armchair’s design provides excellent support and all the comfort you could want.
The Austonian features one of our deepest seats, so there is lots of space to spread out and unwind.
If you couldn’t tell from the picture, the pillows on the Austonian are huge and hand-stuffed, making it an armchair designed for rest and relaxation.
3.) More compact than sofas Don’t be concerned that armchairs take up too much room in your house. Because of their relative compactness, armchairs are ideal for households or apartments with little space. Also, they are available in a wide range of sizes and designs, so you can select an armchair that is appropriate for any room.
4.) Include a small accent item Don’t undervalue the influence of a couch. They can add flair to a room’s corner or work in unison with your sofa and other furnishings for a more polished appearance.
Orange accent chair by Koenig
The metal base of the Koenig Orange accent chair is complemented by leather straps on the armrests. It’s distinctive and gives the space a little “Western” character.
Accent Chair Abelia
Look at this interesting chair. The barrel shape of the Abelia Accent Chair assures that you will fit comfortably into its curves and that it swivels as well. Get an armchair with a striking shape like the Abelia if you want a chair that people will compliment right away.
5.) Excellent For Pets and Children If you have kids or animals, armchairs are a terrific alternative as well. Armchairs remain longer in your home than couches because they don’t reveal deterioration as quickly. Armchairs are unquestionably the way to go if you’re seeking for durable furniture.
6.)mid-century contemporary sofa The Lamar chair is shown here in Sugarshack Onyx, one of our Performance fabrics. When your pet (or youngster) extends their nails for the best possible scratching, this particular fabric won’t easily tear. A stunning mid-century contemporary armchair for your house is the Lamar chair. It adds style to any home with its low profile and angled tapered legs.
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redmodern Custom ordered Eames 670 lounge chair and ottoman. #eames#hermanmiller #rosewood #leather #1960's #interiordesign #design#midcentury #midcenturymodern #redmodernfurniture
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The Best Club Chairs For Home Décor
Club chairs are one of the most popular furniture items whether used as the focal point of a home bar or as an interior decorator delighting in the romance of a long evening. Though there are many types available, it's best to get something custom made that fits your personality and your home décor needs. Here are the top three choices for the Best Club Chairs for Home Décor :
Mid-century club chairs or modern Club Chairs are the best choice if you want to turn your living room or family room into an a recreation room. They come in a variety of materials such as leather, vinyl, metal and plastic. Some of the most popular choices include Windsor style, wingback, upholstered, deep seated, recliner or wing back options. To achieve a more classic look Club Chairs for home décor, made with original material such as leather, can add depth and character to a room while still maintaining a modern touch. Just type Midcentury or Modern Club chairs for sale and you will get a list of club chairs for sale, if you love to buy furniture online.
English leather club chairs are usually made out of a blend of leather and fabric and come in either a black or brown leather. The most popular choice of fabric used to make them is corduroy, but you can also find them in denim and cotton as well. As with most leather products the biggest difference between English leather club chairs and traditional ones is the material. The traditional chairs are made from cowhide, though corduroy or other leathers are also gaining popularity.
If you have a desire to create a look that is futuristic or even futuristic style then Club Chairs for home décor which comes in metallic frames are the best options for you. This kind of chair gives you the same feel of comfort as a leather lounge chair without the cost. You can find these in various designs such as the cylinders with sleek metal legs or curved chrome metal legs. Other kinds of frames include the pentagonal frames giving a futuristic look or the octagonal frame giving a classic look. They are available in different styles and designs and also in different sizes.
One last and the most important thing is that You should be careful of the price tags and go for the one that is within your budget and suitable to your home décor.
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There is no denying that mid-century modern chairs vintage décor is here to stay. This timeless design style is characterized by organic shapes, clean lines, and impeccable workmanship. The iconic pieces of the mod style include tulip tables, low-profile credenzas, and lounge chairs.
The leather Eames chair is a perfect example. The midcentury modern aesthetic has become mainstream thanks to the television show “Mad Men,” but you don’t need Don Draper’s salary to fill your home with ’50s- and ’60s-inspired furnishings that radiate effortlessly cool vibes. You can find beautiful options that are under $350 that are affordable, stylish, and comfortable.
Here are our picks for the best mid-century modern chairs vintage lounge chairs.
list of Mid Century Modern Chairs Vintage USA 2021
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Just in, a pair of these striking Gio Ponti D153.1 lounge chairs in the most soft and supple two tone leather. Made by Molteni & C these are extremely comfortable chairs which rarely come to market. Not original 50’s Distex / Cassina chairs, but not £30,000 each either! Please DM if interested #gioponti #molteni #molteniandc #distex #cassina #midcenturymodern #midcenturydesign #midcenturyfurniture #midcentury #ponti #italianmidcentury #italiandesign #fiftiesdesign #italianfurniture #loungechairs #chair (at Acme inc) https://www.instagram.com/p/CQrDSFTn0_Q/?utm_medium=tumblr
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#132 vintage Danish falcon chair
Sigurd Resell
Norway for Vatne Mobler
circa 1970’s
An Original, vintage mid-century modern, high-back Falcon chair.
The Falcon chair is a design classic, manufactured in Norway in the 1970s, upholstered in the original black leather with a black canvas sling set on dark timber legs.
Heavy patinated leather on the base.
We have a matching pair available.
Price is per chair.
#mid century swivel chairs#midcentury danish furniture#mid century danish chairs#mid century furniture for sale melbourne#mid century lounge chair recliner#mid century modern furniture sydney#mid century danish furniture#mid century chairs melbourne#mid century swivel chair#mid century lounge chair#mid century danish lounge chair#mid century lounge chair sydney#mid century furniture#mid century lounge chair australia#mid century furniture ingmar relling#melbourne mid century furniture#midcentury modern club chairs#mid century falcon chair#mid century leather and chrome chair for sale#mid century modern furniture melbourne#mid century italian furniture#mid century lounge chair melbourne#mid century leather chairs#mid century italian leather chair#mid century furniture sydney#mid century furniture fitzroy#mid century furniture brisbane#mid century bar stools#mid century modern melbourne#midcentury lounge chair melbourne
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redmodern Custom ordered Eames 670 lounge chair and ottoman. #eames#hermanmiller #rosewood #leather #1960's #interiordesign #design #midcentury #midcenturymodern #redmodernfurniture
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New development, late 2022. For a life less ordinary. | ISLA solid teak or in solid Mindi, wide lounge chair with woven full grain leather. 39W x 26D x 32.5H. | www.monsoonblue.com | #furniture #interiordesign #design #homedecor #interior #modern #midcenturymodern #midcentury #modernhome #upholstery #home #interiors #wood #handcrafted #chair #luxury #newhome #decor #livingroom #retro #interiors #homesweethome #livingroomdecor #interiorstyling #craftsmanship #seat #authentic #teak #romance (at Naperville, Chicago, Illiinois) https://www.instagram.com/p/CiiVcCQpMyI/?igshid=NGJjMDIxMWI=
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Designed by Moritz Kundig, This $1.1M Midcentury in Washington Is a Marvel
A modern home designed by the renowned midcentury architect Moritz Kundig in Nine Mile Falls, WA, has had only two owners since 1962: the original family and the home’s current seller, who bought it just two years ago. It’s now on the market for $1.1 million.
Kundig designed the 3,390-square-foot home for the Wallmark family on a wooded, 10-acre lot just outside Spokane, hugging Long Lake. C. Leonard and Mable Wallmark lived there with their five kids, who inherited the residence after their parents passed away.
Although they didn’t live in it as adults, two of the children—Carol Taggart and Joanne Wallmark—held onto the three-bedroom, two-bathroom home until 2018, selling to the current owner for $670,000.
“They were emotionally attached to this house,” says the listing agent, Alice Galeotti of Windermere North.
The current owners are having an equally hard time letting it go.
“They absolutely do not want to sell, but their life circumstances force them to,” says Galeotti.
The asking price reflects renovations made over the past couple of years. Original to the home—and in great condition—are custom teak cabinets in the laundry room and kitchen, terrazzo tile floors, and cedar ceilings.
A wall of locally sourced lava with two fireplaces divides the living room and den, and skylights coax in natural light. Walls of windows in the living room overlook the lake. The views can be enjoyed from two decks, as well as two new concrete patios.
The property has a private path to 700 feet of private shoreline, as well as access to boating.
Exterior of home in Nine Mile Falls, WA
Living room
One of the bedrooms
One of the bathrooms
Laundry room
Furnishings in the home, which is listed on the Spokane Register of Historic Places, can be bought by the buyer for an additional fee.
Included on an itemized two-page list are Eames-style vegan-leather lounge chairs with ottomans, a teak dining set by Dux, and another dining set by Niels Otto Møller. Also for sale are midcentury modern-style planters (including a macramé hanging planter), a George Nelson bubbly lamp, and an infrared sauna purchased new in late 2019.
At 94 years old, Kundig is well-known in Washington for his residential designs, says Galeotti. He’s also the father of the contemporary architect Tom Kundig, the owner of Olson Kundig Architects. The firm’s projects include Charles Smith Wines’ tasting rooms in Jet City and Walla Walla, WA, several art museums, and homes all over the country.
Items original to the design include floor carpeting, a blender with its motor embedded in the kitchen counter, and a lever in one bath that’s attached to a scale.
“You get that feeling like you’re walking into the era,” says Galeotti. “With homes like this, it’s the story that sells the home. It’s kind of a love story. They created their dream home and lived in it for decades.”
In 1973, the Wallmarks added a solarium after C. Leonard contracted multiple sclerosis and was confined to a wheelchair, sidetracking his dream to build an orchard on the property.
Galeotti thinks that for buyers who have “a previous love affair with midcentury modern design, this house is definitely in their sweet spot.”
“I can see someone coming in and, if they want new appliances, putting in new retro versions,” she says. “The spirit of the house is one where someone would buy it and want to preserve it.”
The buyer might also be drawn to a mid-sized city like Spokane.
“It’s attracting a lot of big-city workers who can telecommute,” Galeotti says. “It’s got this great balance of being in the middle of nowhere but also right there in the city.”
The post Designed by Moritz Kundig, This $1.1M Midcentury in Washington Is a Marvel appeared first on Real Estate News & Insights | realtor.com®.
from https://www.realtor.com/news/unique-homes/moritz-kundig-designed-midcentury-modern/
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Mid century modern steel rod and leather swivel lounge chair. For sale @omasa_projects . . . . . . . . . #midcenturymodern #midcentury #midcenturydecor #midcenturyliving #midcenturymodernfurniture #chair #style #design #homedecor #home #diningroom #homedecor #homedesign #livingroom #vintage #vintagehome #forsale #furnitureforsale #apartmentdecor #interiordesign #interiordecor #apartmentliving #modern #chairs #loungechair #armchair #steelrod (at Brooklyn, New York) https://www.instagram.com/p/CFideFjlJZs/?igshid=1gin99poszi8e
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For Distinct, Stylish Seating, Choose Thayer Coggin
Thayer Coggin is a name that you might not know if you are not familiar with interior design or with the history of high-quality furniture manufacturing in the United States. Those prerequisite facts would excuse the lack of familiarity, but you should do your best to correct that if you can. As you are about to find out Thayer Coggin manufacturers some of the most distinguished upholstery and seating arrangements that are currently made in the world today. Comfortable, practical, aesthetically beautiful, and adherent to a level of quality that is rarely if ever matched, they produce some truly unforgettable designs. Any room would be graced by one.

Since 1953, Thayer Coggin has produced some of the finest and most recognizable furniture in the world. Headquartered in and operating out of their location in North Carolina’s High Point, they have created classic furniture that is not only designed but intended to last a lifetime. Influenced by the vision and ambition of their founder, Milo Baugham, they have created furniture designs that have been touted as marvelous wonders of mid-century modern design. That being said, they possess a characteristic spirit that cannot be so neatly encapsulated with such succinct description.
A part of their distinction comes from the fact that they only use the finest of premium materials in the construction and in the finish of their furniture. Their catalog of swivel chairs, lounge chairs, dining chairs, club chairs, and other seats and sofas is held to the highest standard of quality and finished with the finest of leathers, fabrics, and other upholstery. In addition, their furniture is finished and accented according to the wishes of the customer. At the same time, their furniture is manufactured to high standards that all of the foams used in their seating is manufactured without CFCs and other harmful chemicals.
When it comes to the matter of quality, there is a lot more that can be said on the matter on top of the fact that their cushions are subjected to extensive testing to ensure that they are not only tough and durable but also extremely comfortable. The seating arrangements in your home are some of the most functional pieces of furniture in the setting. Whereas most furniture is for looking, seating is not only desirable for its aesthetics but also for the function of its comfort. If you can produce beautiful seating, you have one base covered. If you can produce seating that is also very comfortable, then you’ve covered the other, and probably the more important one.
If you’re looking for Milo Baugham’s furniture in midcentury modern design, you can find them at Ohio Hardwood Furniture. You can shop through their ready-made furniture at OHFInteriors.com, but if you really want to get acquainted with some of the beautiful furniture carrying the Thayer Coggin name, you should carve out some time to visit their showroom in Peninsula, Ohio. It’s a bit out of the way, but the trip will be well worth it. Check out their website above, or contact them by phone at 330-657-2095 to learn more or to plan a time to visit.
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This very handsome and super comfortable mid century lounge chair with ottoman came into the Abbot Kinney shop today! Its covered in it’s original cream colored leather. $545 for the pair. #vintage #midcentury #chair #midcenturymodern #designer #danishmodern #loungechair #madmenstyle #venicebeach #vintageshop #abbotkinney #venicevintageparadise #props #rentals #homestaging #homedecor #vintagefurniture #chairish #finditstyleit #mcm #leatherchair #apartmenttherapy #apartmentliving (at Venice Vintage Paradise)
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