#michiko x reader idv
rosemaze-reveries · 7 months
― enclosed with love
spending valentine's day with you eli, mary, michiko, naib, norton, percy, philippe
i adored this year's vday café designs so i wrote some hcs for them ^^
⚠️ modern AU
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♡ Mary
With a delicate and highly sophisticated palate, Mary is always searching for something new to satisfy her. For Valentine's Day, she books a private tour at a high-end champagne house.
Her driver is scheduled to pick you up in the early afternoon. She arranged your date so “late” to give herself ample time to settle on an outfit. Her room is littered with hat boxes and empty hangers and piles of ‘maybes’. Everything must be perfect for you. But, every second without you feeds into her restlessness, and she ends up calling you to fill the time. Hours go by on the phone & she still refuses to hang up until she pulls outside your residence.
When she first greets you from the backseat of her car, her hands are on you immediately. She smoothes out the collar of your jacket and peppers a couple of warm kisses all across your face, somehow never quite landing on your lips. She quickly dabs away all the lipstick stamps she left with her handkerchief and apologizes for being so forward,,, only to end up doing it again.
Mary takes high pride in her outfits and never compromises on looking classy. But somewhere in the back of your head, you think: All white? To a wine tasting? What if she gets red stains on her dress? From anyone else, this comment would insult her ― she doesn't take kindly to the insinuation that she's a klutz. Coming from you, she laughs it off saying she's always looked better in red anyway.
She waits until arriving for your tour to present her gifts. Mary gives VERY generously. There's an entire table prepared for you. Mountains of roses, desserts, tickets to that trip you've always wanted to take, luxury spa packages -- she has everything.
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♡ Norton
This Valentine's Day is the first Norton will be spending with someone. He'll act like he's not that invested in it, that he's just indulging you.
He keeps up a haughty smirk when you first meet for your date. You had a love letter delivered to him that morning, and he's 100% taking the opportunity to tease you about it. You wrote some pretty embarrassing things about him. How's the real deal living up to your expectations? Dying to bring some of those thoughts to life already? Unfortunately, you insisted on having a traditional date for Valentine's, so you'll have to keep yourself in check until tonight. ← He knows he makes you crazy & he loves having that effect on you.
He gives you chocolates as a gift. They're clearly homemade, shaped like rocks of various sizes with a little gold-dusted heart hidden among them. But just in case you wouldn't be able to recognize them as rocks, he also provided a little toothpick "pickaxe."
Presenting something homemade is a little embarrassing, even if he hides it with that big grin of his. He gives your present a little too fast before switching back to teasing you again.
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♡ Philippe
As a perfectionist, Philippe starts planning for Valentine's Day very early. He experiments with all sorts of gift ideas. You're not sure what's going through his head, but he has a highly specific vision and won't rest until he achieves it. He seems to find it important that he gives you something handmade.
Matching photo lockets? A decoden case (if you're into fun phone cases)? Not meaningful enough. A flower vase modeled after his own hand, to sit on your desk? Too tacky. A wax figure? Maybe, but that's too predictable on its own. Maybe he should learn guitar to serenade you.
His final choice is ambitious, but Philippe always is. He builds a little table out of resin, and preserved inside it are your favorite flowers, with detailed wax figurines of you and him dancing among them. It sits in a corner of his favorite room, where he often does dance with you ♡
On the day itself, Philippe would prefer to stay home. It's one of the rare times he gets to have you to himself free of work constraints.
He's the type that always needs to be doing something with his hands. He'd enjoy making chocolate sculptures together -- it's a cute idea, he thinks, to watch you make something so passionately. Whatever your skill level, he loves anything you make.
In the evening, he'll take over all the cooking. A quiet night with steak and good wine (or your preferred drink) is a little cliche, but you both deserve it. Plus, he loves nothing more than casually chatting with you while he works in the kitchen.
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♡ Naib
Naib isn't really into the idea of Valentine's Day. He might not even realize it's coming up unless you tell him about it. You'd have to be explicit that you're looking forward to spending the day with him, and even then, he's totally unprepared.
Gifts have never been his forte. Neither have grand romantic gestures. But he's good at working his pragmatic side into the little things: so rather than push himself to be this lovey-dovey, chocolates-and-roses type of lover for the day, he focuses on being 'present' for you.
He brings you breakfast in bed. He's a mean cook, and knows all your favorites. Everything he makes tastes like home, warm and full of love.
Most couples give each other flowers, he knows that, so he goes shopping for one. You're surprised when he presents you with a bouquet of lemons. In his mind, they're cool and refreshing like you, everyone could find a use for some lemons, and personally he finds the colors to be appealing. It doesn't occur to him that lemon bouquets might be an unusual thing to give.
He relies on you to direct the date. Whatever you say, he'll agree. In public, he never leans in for kisses but wouldn't oppose yours. You can try to stand closer to him & he'll slink an arm around your waist briefly, as if to reassure you that he'll always have a secure hold on you, but he'll pull away again before long.
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♡ Percy
In spite of all of his eccentricities, Percy is surprisingly traditional when it comes to romance. He invites you to a nice dinner date & arrives much earlier than you, waiting with a bouquet and chocolates. When he first sees you, he wraps a secure arm around your shoulders to tenderly kiss your forehead.
Getting to see this side of him is the payoff of building such a deep relationship with him. Percy is a difficult person to get through. He's obsessive to a fault and cloisters himself away in his studio for days at a time ― no one else would have been able to breach his heart like you have. He will take proper measures to express your importance to him.
His first real kiss leaves tiny particles of something on your lips, but they're sweet in taste. He laughs at the startled look on your face and reassures you it was just a sugar cube. At first he says he was just fishing for a reaction, but later confesses: he was afraid the lips of an undead man might have an odd taste, so he crunched a sugar cube to sweeten it.
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♡ Eli
Eli spends the morning delivering roses to other couples on his bicycle. People tend to get especially flattered when their flowers arrive via owl, so his services are very popular this time of year.
He enjoys the little bouts of happiness he can bring to others, but of course you are the one he wants to spend this day with most. With every bouquet he delivers, his mind wanders to you, imagining your reaction when he finally gets to deliver his gift.
He asks you to meet him at an ice cream parlor when his shift is done, around noon. Before you even see him, Brooke Rose flies over to tuck a thornless rose behind your ear, and you turn to find Eli already waiting at a table.
He gives you a small homemade cake and a letter he won't let you read until he's gone. He's a pretty sappy guy even in person, so you aren't sure how his letter will be much different. But having something to be excited about, even after you have to say goodbye, makes it worth it.
His bike rides have left very familiar with all the best spots around town. After splitting ice cream, he takes you for a ride to all the little places he thinks you'll love. A flower meadow, a bridge with a superstition attached: if you whisper the name of your love while crossing it, you'll be bound for life. Part of you suspects he made that up, but the way he says your name over and over makes your heart skip a beat.
Once the sun goes down, he brings you to a forest. Somehow he manages to time it just right. He gestures for you to stay very quiet, gently takes your hands, and suddenly you're encircled by hundreds of fireflies.
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♡ Michiko
Since losing her ex-husband, Valentine's Day has become a bitter thing for Michiko, especially since it's so close to their anniversary. She has treated it as a day of mourning for some years. Of course, she keeps up a smile for you ― it's not in her character to impose her struggles on others.
The morning goes by slowly and comfortably. You wake up to a gentle massage and the smell of fresh baked pastries. She writes you a sweet letter in her neat script, and she adorns her letter with pressed flowers & a mini bouquet of your favorite candy.
She makes sure to get you a proper gift, too. She follows a rule of getting 1 indulgent and 1 practical thing: a box of luxury chocolates alongside a fine new coat.
Her ideal date would be something intimate and relaxing. Maybe the theatre, in a box reserved for two, or a shaded flower garden where you can enjoy a cup of tea.
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eunxhan · 4 months
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Ꮺ Anon Requested ⨾ Hiya! I just wanted to know which killers in IDV you head cannon as just like contrasting yanderes? (Basically when you behave they pepper you in kisses gifts until you disobey them and then.. well, you imagine 😞😞) Have a good day/night!
Ꮺ Eun Replies ⨾ Oh I love this idea, I had to read each and every Hunters Wikipedia.. And I can't seem to find more explanations about 'contrasting yandere'. Some characters I don't really know quite alot about and I'm sorry if these are rushed and little, I ran out of ideas for most. I just noticed that all of the yanderes I've picked have one thing in common.. Is they love music:'))..
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Words used ⨾ 1,583 words 8,824 characters
Links ⨾ My Navigation and Mandates
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She's a dangerous, sympathetic and terrifying at the same time. She's a faithful and devoted follower of a Hunter, whom she regards as her God and savior. Though, she's a dangerous and sadistic individual who relishes in punishing and torturing those who defy her God. Now she expects you to do the same, she wants you to be disciplined uand do nothing but to listen to her. It's on her name.
She worships her darling by being overly devoted, possessive and loyal. She will do anything to make her darling happy, including stalking and isolating you from other people. She will also be very attentive to your needs and wants, and will always try to anticipate your wishes.
Now if you obey her? Oh she'll reward you with her love, affection, and protection as usual. She will do everything in her power to make sure her darling is happy and content, and will go to great lengths to please you. This might include cooking their favorite meals, planning activities they enjoy, or even sacrificing her own needs and wants. That's how she express her love to you.
But on the other hand, if you ever disobeys or betrays her, she will not hesitate to use her violent and vengeful nature. She will stop at nothing to make sure her darling is hers and hers only, even if it means using force and intimidation to keep you under her control.
Now after her horrible punishment as trapping you inside a small dark room with nothing. Expect for her cat to be following you whenever you go, The cat is a way for her to monitor and control your behavior, as the cat can act as a spy and snitch on you whenever you behave in a way that is not approved by Ann. The cat is a good a tool to punish you if they disobey or betray her. Now say goodbye to your privacy...
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Like I said on my last headcanons about him.. He's not nice even in the beginning. He's a violent and unhinged type of yandere who takes great pleasure in causing pain and suffering to others. His sadistic nature, he's obsessed with his darling and will do anything to make you happy.
Jack's love to his darling is such that he'd go to great lengths to keep you close and under his control. He'd stalk, isolate and even kill anyone who stands in his way. His darling is his everything, his reason for existing, and he'd do anything to protect you.
He'll showers you with love and affection, just like the last yandere. He will do anything to make you happy and fulfilled, oh he's so proud of his darling! He'll be more attentive to your needs, spoil you with gifts and attention, and make sure you feel safe and protected in his presence. Now you understand why he's doing all of this for you!
He's not surprised if you disobey him, Jack shows no remorse and use violence and intimidation to keep you in line. To let you know who's the one being in charge here, don't even think about trying to escape from his presence again. You'll never see the outside world again if you did.
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Please, I have a soft spot for this man. He's a musician who's deeply in love with his darling, but who's also capable of resorting to extreme measures to protect and possess his beloved. I hc him as a yandere who likes a darling that appreciate on what he do..
There's a gentleness and sensitivity to him, which makes him complicated. Unlike other Yanderes, who are often motivated by fear or hatred, he seems driven more by love, and is capable of displaying affection, tenderness, and even compassion towards his darling. He actually loves it more when you're comfortable with him.
So when you obey him, he showers you with love, and will do anything in his power to keep it that way. Playing his violin for you (not in a hurtful way—), singing to you, and even composing new pieces to express his love.
If your obedience was just an act in order to keep him blind just for you to escape or seems to be distancing, he can become overbearing and controlling. He'll get frustrated on why you had to do that for, he have given you all, was he not enough? He'll be more strict and give you the cold shoulder.
And if you still continue? He does not hesitate to use his terrifying melody on you. He'll continue to play as your ears are bleeding, throwing up, crying hysterically, having the biggest migraines known to man until you apologize to him and promised to not do it again. Don't worry though, he'll treat you and shower you with affection as if nothing had happened.
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He is a skilled and talented photographer who is always ready to capture your perfect moment, though he is also a master of deception and manipulation, using his charm to lure unsuspecting victims into his web. He is obsessed with you, your charm and he will go to extreme lengths to keep you under him, going to an extent to isolate you from anyone.
It's not common for you to obey him, so when the time you suddenly obey him or satisfy his every desire.. He was skeptical, as if it was a trap.. Or a sign that you're giving up and giving yourself to him. Though he rewards you by giving his time and attention.. If you're patient enough and continue to be obedient, he'll be giving whatever you ask.
but when you go against him or betray his trust, he can become cold, cruel, violent. Not hesitating to use his powers to get rid of any obstacle that stands between him and his darling.
He'll be using your insecurities and your past against you as he punishes you by geing trapped in a picture, he'll use manipulation, guilt-tripping, and even stalking, to keep you under his control. To physical or emotional abuse as punishment.
We both know what he's gonna do to you in there. You'll come out with a couple bruises.. And will he help you? No, he's still disappointed of you trying to escape from his grasp.
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I actually see her as some mother loving yandere, with so many people that have mistreated her. You manage to catch her in the eyes, usually she hates it but something to you made her want to take care of you, treat you like you need help and guidance from someone bigger.
Deep sense of love and loyalty towards you, whose behavior are often driven by her desire to keep her darling safe. She's not driven by hatred, but by a deep-seated fear of being alone and of losing the person she loves.
It'll take long for her to notice your sudden obedience towards her but once she got to it, she's so happy that you're listening to her! she showers you with more affection, and keep you obedient. Spoiling her beloved with expensive gifts, taking you out on lavish adventures, and using her charm and beauty to make you love her.
If you ever disobey her, she let's it slide twice or thrice.. But if it keeps going and using her kindness to your advantage. She'll be angry, she can't manage to hurt you as it hurts her more but she had no choice.. She's manipulative.
She's more on scolding you with her words, the same as Joseph, she'll use every single flaw that you had against you until you fall back. It hurts more than it hurts you, yknow?
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Ꮺ XIE BI'AN & FAN WUJIU ⨾ ( a bit ooc? )
Xie Bi'an is a quiet and reserved individual, who's deeply in love with his darling, and will do anything to keep you safe. He's the type to use manipulation, guilt-tripping, and stalking to keep you on his grasp. He's also capable of resorting to physical or emotional abuse as punishment just like any other yanderes.
Fan Wujiu, on the other hand, is a fun-loving and playful individual. He's the type to use charm, wit, and humor to distract you from doing something ridiculous. He's also capable of using manipulation and gaslight to ensure that his darling remains loyal to him.
Once darling get so obedient, both of them might view the sudden obedience of you as a sign that they are finally getting through to you, and might feel a sense of satisfaction and relief as you're finally accepting them as a part of your life. Fan Wujiu would be more touchy while Xie Bi'an continue to whisper sweet nothings against your ear.
They have all the patience in the world no matter how many times that you disobey them, they understand that it's suffocating to have them by your side most of the time so they give you space..as long as you're still in their sight.
But once you try to escape or do much worse.. They see it as disloyalty, you have no choice but to accept them being next to you at all cost. Taking turns to keep an eye on you, keeping you under their umbrella.
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teabreakpancakes · 2 years
hello!! i absolutely love your writing and cant get enough of it!! the fics with jack is so cute ;;!! is it okay if i request norton, jack, michiko, joseph (or anyone else!!) with an energetic s/o being able to shrink like the explorer and it gives them a heart attack like “oh my god where are they—WHERE-“ “STOP DONT JUMP OFF THE SHELF-“ “ARE YOU INSANE I NEARLY STEPPED ON YOU-“
Fun-Sized Ball Of Energy Norton, Jack, Michiko, Joseph, and Antonio with an Energetic S/O
Genre: Fluff
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often times, he finds it hard to keep up with your energy
luckily, you like it when you're smaller, and it's much easier to catch you when you're smaller
"Not another peep out of you" the prospector chided, covering your mouth with his finger. You squirmed in his hand, attempting to break free, earning an eye roll from your lover, he had enough of your energy for today—he wasn't going to chase you around again.
he's considered purchasing a tiny bed for you, along with more tiny furniture
one time, the hunter almost stepped on you, but before they could, he pulled them away
oh boy, you were in for a scolding
"Idiot!" Norton yelled out, forcing the hunter to collide with the church's walls. He vaulted over the open window, picking you up with one of his hands before running off to the open exit gate. Onyx eyes glared daggers into your tiny form as you tried getting away from his sight, burrowing into yourself.
Your heartbeat raced, not because of the hunter, but because of your lover. You pressed your body up against the kitchen island, hoping that he wouldn't see you at all costs. An angry Norton was a scary Norton after all.
"(Name) come out! i'm not that mad anymore, probably" he hollers, a somewhat eerie smile plastered on his handsome face. He roamed the halls, entering the kitchen. Where were the others you ask? well, they all had a match, you simply had to hide until your boyfriend hopefully stopped.
he's asked miss nightingale to design costumes and clothes for your tiny form despite knowing that your clothes will shrink down with you in matches
he thinks it's pretty interesting, a pain in matches though
he likes putting you in his breast pocket
Jack hummed, roaming the manor with a small smile. He steps outside, taking a seat in the garden on one of the many garden benches. The smell of earth soothes you, coaxing you into leaning into the soft material of his suit.
He brings out a book, flipping it to where his bookmark was fixed at. Your arms hang outside his pocket, reading along with him and listening to his hushed voice. He truly was an excellent narrator.
please stop climbing up shelves or walls without him watching over you
"Dear!" the hunter exclaimed, visibly alarmed. You had almost fallen off the shelf you were climbing up. A small pout graced your face as he told you off, "I promise to not climb anything without you around, can I go now?" you whined, nearly laughing when he lets out an exasperated sigh at your antics.
he tends to caress you as if you're a little doll, you sure are as fragile as one
he likes dressing you in doll's clothes
"These types of clothes suit you" he crooned, smoothing over the fabric of the tiny apparel. He picked you up gently, placing you in front of his vanity mirror. You stared in awe—you truly did look like a tiny doll. "I look pretty" you whispered to yourself, bashfully twirling around in a small circle. Jack chuckled softly, "You always do darling" he spoke, smiling down at you.
you're so small he's actually afraid of accidentally crushing you
he asks you to be his muse often, your small size adds a touch of surrealism to his paintings after all (i'm well aware that surrealism began in the 20th century and that the ripper is from the 19th), roses held nothing against your beauty.
she thinks you're even more adorable when you're tiny
she often worries about the chance of you getting hurt when you're shrunken down, so you tried lessening your tiny adventures
"Please be more careful about roaming about while not being your normal size, you could have gotten seriously injured" she spoke, sounding very disappointed and worried. You couldn't bear to look at her, not when she already sounded so upset.
Noticing your downcast gaze, she approached you, embracing your smaller form. "Don't be upset, I only worry because I care about you deeply" she soothes, rubbing your back gently.
you remind her of a cute little porcelain doll
she enjoys crafting clothes for you: regular sized or doll sized
Michiko appears to be engrossed in her sewing—making sure to pay a great deal of attention to every detail on the miniature clothing. Various types of fabric surround her, along with mini and regular sized tailor's mannequins.
she has a small chair for you that's always on her coffee table for when you and her have tea parties
"It seems that it's taking you a while to finish your cookie, would you like me to make it smaller?" she inquired with a teasing smile. You shook your head vigorously, turning away from her while still munching on the large cookie in your lap.
you like playing hide and seek with her in her room
you are going to be the death of him
the amount of heart attacks this man experiences within a day is outstandingly concerning
"Honey! catch me!" you shouted from above the staircase. Joseph looks above him, onyx eyes widening upon landing on your figure. Just as you jump off, he rushes to catch you, making sure to not scratch you with his long nails. "Ne refais plus jamais ça mon amour!" he scolded, holding you to his chest. Inky tears trickled down his cracked porcelain-like cheeks as he pressed a small kiss to your small head. That was the moment you vowed to no longer put yourself in any kind of danger.. outside of games of course.
you are cute but troublesome.
Joseph chaired the gravekeeper, the last survivor before getting sent back to the manor. Whilst walking down the halls and towards his quarters, he hears a soft yet familiar giggle coming from inside the inner pocket of his coat. He pauses, placing a hand on his temple and closing his eyes in preparation for the upcoming headache.
Using his other hand, he gently fishes out your figure from his pocket. You wave at him, kissing his hand with a sweet smile. Good god, how was he going to get mad at you if you were this unbearably adorable.
you have taken a liking to hiding in cookie jars
The photographer reaches for the cookie jar in his bedroom, opening it to be greeted by the sight of you nibbling on one of the cookies. "My, and what is this delectable treat doing amongst these common pastries~" he teases, picking you up with a smirk. You freeze up, avoiding his gaze. A deep and rich chuckle was drawn from his lips as he closed the distance between you and his face,"Why don't I give you a taste then?" he whispered.
tiny doll's clothes—not including your normal clothing—fills up the drawer of his bedside table
he likes taking pictures of you, he always brings a camera with him in order to document your tiny adventures: walking through the garden's flowers and even on the kitchen cupboards, you can have an adventure everywhere if you're tiny!
antonio is amused by your ability to shrink, seeing as he literally examined you from head to toe the first time he witnessed it... he deadass held you in front of his face by your ankle.
he adores you both ways
he babies you when you're shrunken down, treating you as if you were made out of porcelain
"Name! darling! don't lift anything larger than you in that form, you'd likely injure yourself!" Antonio berated, lifting up the teapot, peeling away your tiny limbs from the ceramic. His chucked the crockery behind his head, cradling you in his hand. You blinked owlishly upon hearing the porcelain shatter, opting to instead lean into his touch.
he lets you sit on his head when you're in your smaller form. it sure is nice to have a tall lover, unless you have a fear of heights
he gets you a tiny violin it's just a violin that was shrunken down mysteriously
"'TONIOOO! is this for me?" the survivor questions, shooting an expectant starry-eyed look towards the hunter. The violinist nods, lifting the tiny survivor up to his face using one of his hands. "You seemed rather interested in one and since you're often in your smaller state, I decided to get one appropriate for your size—of course, it can grow to back to it's regular size" he spoke in a hushed tone, not wanting to be too loud because of your close proximity. You squealed happily, hugging his face. "Thanks Toni" you whispered, kissing his cheek.
he accompanies you on your tiny adventure, playing music so it seems like you're in your very own show. he actually enjoys listening or even joining you in your monologues
"As the brave adventurer wanders through the gigantic forest," you monologue, weaving through the tall grass. Antonio played a piece suited for adventure, adding more drama than necessary; his playing was more gentle—telltale sign that it was you he was playing for. A soft smile branded his face as he watched you pretend.
"But alas, the adventurer had to stop midway, for their beloved waited patiently for them to come home from their journey" Antonio butted in, gesturing towards the food spread out on the picnic blanket. They gasped mutely, growing to their regular size before lacing their arms with their lover. "Let's take a break, adventuring can be done later—after we eat!" they beam, causing the violinist to chuckle, amused by their quick change.
of course, you guys don't get back into adventuring after since you both end up taking a nap. always
when you sleep next to him in his bed in your tiny form, he swaddles you in his hair so you don't fall off the bed
you aren't able to wander off this with man, his hair is wrapped around you at all times as long as it's outside matches
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oletus-manors-log · 2 years
could I also ask for some general relationship/romance hcs with michiko & norton?
-📀 anon
“ Ooh, Michiko and Norton, hm? I see... I can do these two, no worries. They have been on my list, anyway. Hopefully this is up to your expectations, 📀 anon. I tried my best with these two. ♪
Oh, and I'm trying a new format. Hopefully this is more easier to read. The last thing I need is for this to look.. Clunky. ”
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General Romance HCs for: Michiko & Norton Campbell
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Romance? What romance? Norton had expected the concept to not be possible with him.
Because of his past, he actually thought that life would be cruel to him. He's lost his companions in the accident... Others thought of him as a scumbag... Why would you think that he would be blessed with romance of all things?
The biggest thing that had changed his perception was definitely when he came to the manor. Enduring night terrors wasn't the greatest, and because of the life-threatening and altering events he endured, he's built up walls to protect himself.
He actually had nightmares of it- the gnawing fear feeding into the trauma he endured, the many times he had pushed others away, even using them in the past as stepping stones...
Norton truly thought that he was the scum of the Earth. A dead man. He does not deserve something so... So foolish and sweet as love.
... And yet, when he does fall in love?
He falls hard.
Don't get me wrong: a man of his caliber and experience is not an easy one to romance. He's a stubborn soul till the end, and can even be spiteful, too. But during his time in the mines and even with others in the manor, he's learned a few things on romance.
He likes to take the matter slow. He rushed into a few things himself in the past, and it has cost him. Because of that, he learned to take his time and ease himself into the relationship.
He, like Grace, likes collecting things. However, he would only collect authentic and real gems and minerals, often showing it to his lover when he deemed them to be trustworthy.
Norton is a bit of a flirt, but not overly or over the top. He likes to take it on a subtle turn, making sure that only he gets to see his beloved flustered or act embarrassed.
Contrary to popular belief, he's actually touch-starved! The Prospector likes to hold his lover close and show his affection that way, often opting to kiss parts of their skin and even trace words on the palms of their hands. However, if his lover expressed that they want to hold him and do the same, he might act a little... Adverse.
Be gentle with the man, please. Even if he pulls away, he will secretly thank his lover if they insist and help him stomp out the uncertainty cropping up on his mind. Even when in a relationship, he has moments of self-doubt and self-destructive behaviors, so it would do some good if his lover is able to get him out of it.
He would sometimes toss a magnet to them if he sees them in a match, mostly to get them away from the hunter, or (if its a friendly match), just to hug them. What? Can't he do that?
Hehe, how cruel... Of course he would do that.
In special days and anniversaries, he'd even have some dates planned. Getting stuck in the manor doesn't yield much date plans and locations, but with his lover and in love, the Prospector will do anything to make it special.
God knows this man is protective, and to a bigger fault than people may think. If there is someone that would put his lover in harm's way or even something in the match going awry, he'd be there to shield them.
He may dislike getting hurt after, but seeing his lover safe, it felt like getting new scars is worth the effort.
A man with a streak of misfortune as Norton is, there's a lot of mystery behind the once greedy survivor. Although now that he's a lot more... Lax, he's able to show his love to his beloved if they stuck by his side for so long.
Despite seeing the prettiest of jewels and minerals, to him, his lover is the prettiest and rarest of them all.
“ ... Sometimes, I wonder what makes you attracted to me. We're both opposites, but I guess that's what makes the saying, ‘Opposites Attract’ true, hm? ”
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Oh dear... Michiko is probably not the best with romance. Or, at least, rekindling it.
Let's just say the Geisha has had her experience with love. She had fallen in love with Miles, after all, and after all that she endured, she has yet to return to it when she was still in grief.
Much like Norton, be patient with the lady. After her first time, she's a lot more wary and wouldn't want to hurt someone's feelings for her withdrawal nature.
She is a little avoidant of romance in this aspect at first, thinking that she herself did not deserve any sort of affection from others. Combine that with the prejudice in the past...
It is understandable on why she's too cautious of people, and especially to those who like her, yes?
Although she may be reluctant to start again in the aspect of romance and courting, she has her own ways to show she likes someone once she has fallen for the person in question.
It is a bit of a slow burn before she gets to really liking the person, considering the underlying trauma and fear she has in showing her vulnerability. She's still trying to recover through it, but sometimes, she would contemplate on what makes someone so... Special.
Although, when she fully falls for the person, that is where the actual healing path starts and her desire to love again.
She used to do performances due to her job as a Geisha, so she would often show said performances to her lover if they wish to see it.
A woman that respects tradition despite the prejudice she endures from Westerners, she would teach her beloved how some of them operate, just so they would know how things work and especially when a special occasion comes.
Michiko is a woman that values quality like most, but she does have a bit of a habit in tending to her beloved's needs like a quiet wife should. She would do it without even thinking much of it, giggling when she see the embarrassed look in her beloved's face.
What? It's cute, come on— admit it. It isn't every day you really get to see her smile now, is it?
She often likes to be the one to put on makeup for her and her lover, depending if they really want to dress up with her. She would also be the one to manage their outfits, sometimes having others help in tailoring specific costumes and keeping it hush-hush.
In matches, Michiko would often travel with her beloved around the map whilst speaking to them. She wouldn't mind having to listen to some stories with them, or even speak about her own tales. If they're lucky, she'd even put on a little show for them and the other survivors!
The butterfly she summons out of resentment seem to flock over to her lover, akin to a moth drawing itself close to a flame. It is interesting when this happens, because Michiko would swear that they like her lover more than herself.
It did came with a downside, in that sense that she would find herself dashing over to her beloved in her Prajna form when she wasn't feeling up to being nice.
Not that she minds, really— have you seen her grab emote? Yes. She'll do that to her lover if that was the case.
Speaking of her Prajna form, she would actually use that form around her lover rarely. Though, when they desire it, she will turn into that form and let them do what they wish.
She is a lot more unhinged when she's in that form, but miraculously, the lady would act like a domesticated beast and wouldn't even think of acting on her urges when she was not in her beauty form.
She does express her shame switching into it sometimes as she doesn't like to scare her beloved. The Prajna form is only reserved to matches and if there's people she really, really dislikes. Almost heavily so.
However, if her lover expressed that matter with an affirmative or a comforting statement, she will ease herself in showing that form more often.
Geisha is one of the few hunters that have experienced love, and although it left her with a bad experience, she is doing well and is healing through the love shared with her partner.
All it takes is patience and honesty— after all, she has endured so much in her time.
All she truly desires is for life to be kind to her, and to give her another shot of romance.
“ My beloved, it's a pleasure to see you again. I have something I wish to show you— a performance for you, as today is a special day. Would you like to see it? I'm sure you'll love it. ”
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© ᴏʟᴇᴛᴜs-ᴍᴀɴᴏʀs-ʟᴏɢ | 𝟸𝟶𝟸𝟹 ✧ ʀᴇᴘᴏsᴛs ᴀʀᴇ ɴᴏᴛ ᴀʟʟᴏᴡᴇᴅ, ʙᴜᴛ ʀᴇʙʟᴏɢs ᴀʀᴇ | ᴀʀᴛ ʙᴇʟᴏɴɢs ᴛᴏ ʀɪɢʜᴛғᴜʟ ᴏᴡɴᴇʀs
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xiaoyoa · 2 years
May I request romantic headcanons of Qi Shiyi, Fiona Gilman, and Michiko with an s/o who loves to pamper them ♥
If the amount of characters are too much/prefer not to write you can just choose whoever you want to write for :)
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warning - none! / gender neutral terms / romantic
note - i am SOSOSO sorry for responding to this ask so late! i've had lots of college business and it's all been so hectic...this is my first offical writing though!! hopefully i can look back on this and see how much i've improved.
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- fiona loves you so much, she cannot amount it into words.
- she could care less if you're distant, close, introverted, extroverted....if you managed to get her to love you, she'll love you for eternity
- fiona will never encourage you to spend money on her, or take time out of your day to fufill her needs - however if you DO carry out these activities, she'll fall in love all over again
- fiona's achilles heel is attention, if you give her gifts or massage her when stressed etc etc she will shut down...
- she always returns the favor tenfold though! you bought her a small teddy bear? she bought you twenty. LARGE ones.
- she LOVES pampering you, so make sure you pamper her back - she loves that even more!
- do try not to pamper her too much though, she may completely overload!
- qi, much like fiona is a very loving woman
- her love language, however, swings more towards the quality time side.
- her favourite things to do with you is to sit together, perhaps her playing the flute and you reading a book - or maybe you both go out to the garden and look at the flowers?
- either way, she will never pass up an opportunity to spend time with you
- if you were to pamper her, she might not know how to react at first
- she loves it, dont get me wrong! it's just not her style
- you'll find that if you give her gifts - she'll use them religiously
- you gave her a necklace, perhaps? she's wearing it for the next 6 months
- her favourite thing to recieve is hair accessories, or anything hair related! if you suggest doing her hair for her, she won't shut up about it until you do it (she'll only subtly mention it, but after the 50000th hint you'd probably get the point)
- OH. MY. GOD.
- she ADORES being pampered!
- you and her are a perfect match, even more so than you were when the two of you fell in love!
- michiko adores you, her favourite part of the day is coming back to you and seeing how you're going to pamper her this time
- do her nails? she'll do yours as well! you've brought her some gifts? she'll cherish these forever, thank you s/o! spa night? can't we just do a spa night 24/7, s/o?
- michiko will pamper you back, but she much prefers being pampered by you
- sometimes she'll even fake being ill or upset so you can dote on her....
- in conclusion, pamper michiko and shes never letting go of you, EVERRR
- one thing michiko can never turn down is when you offer to help with her makeup, she finds it so endearing that you want to help with a major part of her identity and culture
- in conclusion she is the BEST person to pamper
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momo-hearts · 2 years
Kinda dry in here so i want to request a hunter gn/nb reader who got bullied the whole match *cough* camping pallet *cough* dance emote
Idk how many character you accept it or I'm just blind but geisha, Mary and anyone who you feel like they also share this same issue.
Fluff please....after this happens
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Also HC please i don't want to request too much
(but what if yandere? Ok I'm sorry-)
requester, i dont mind many characters! 20 or something is alright with me but it will take a very long while!
Also massive ooc for mary bcuz i never played her
Dont be afraid to request much!
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Yandere! GEISHA
- In one of your matches, she heard one of the survivors were dirt talking you. Such thing won't pass her, sure, she usually remain peaceful after matches but hearing someone trash talk about you? You? Her love? That stood to low.
- maybe a little threat won't hurt? Maybe? But you are her first priority, so she came to you.
- you might be a little... Oh, who knew. You were clearly upset. She would sat next to you, holding your hand. Softly rubbing your hands in circles.
- ` its alright my dear.. Theyre just empty words. Don't worry too much. `
- atleast tries to comfort you, but her love langguage isn't words of affirmation but physical and acts of service.
- atleast expect some touch and surprise presents for a few days to make you feel better.
- will invite you (more like drag you-) to let her play the shamisen for you. Not going to lie, her skills are very impressive and the songs seems very familiar to you.
- she will also make paper flowers and gave it to you as a bouquet, if you still upset over it.
- genuinely cares about you, and will go out of her way to cheer you even a tiny smile will sent her to the hospital.
` The butterflies is setting this year, would you like to see them with me? `
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Yandere! Bloody Mary
- ` darling, whats the matter? Why are you so upset? `
- will ask if your alright. Are you upset, pouting or are you just tired? Countless possibilities that could be your mood.
- upon hearing that you have a bad match with a few survivors, she invited you to an afternoon tea party. Filled the brim with varies desserts and cream fillings that would make the mercenary water for all eternity.
- but these are just for you💕.
- doesn't pressure you to talk about it, but if you will. She will listen to your troubles and vent to the ears, despite her annoying mirror-
- ahem, will sing, touchy or have a simple lunch together to make you cheerful.
- her love langguage is acts of service and quality time, so shes best at comforting you at your lowest or baddest day.
- though, the survivors wont... be so good.
` my darling, the tea is ready. Wont you join me for abit in the garden? `
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dentiststoothfairy · 9 months
tׁׅᨵׁׅׅᨵׁׅׅtׁׅhׁׅ֮'ׅ꯱ ꪱׁׁׁׅׅׅ݊ꪀtׁׅꫀׁׅܻ݊ꭈׁׅɑׁׅᝯׁ֒tׁׅꪱׁׁׁׁׅׅׅׅ᥎ׁׅꫀׁׅܻ݊ ᝯׁ֒hׁׅ֮ꭈׁׅꪱׁׁׁׅׅׅׅ꯱tׁׅꩇׁׅ֪݊ ɑׁׅׅ꯱ ƙׁׅꪱׁׁׁׅׅׅׅ꯱ׅ꯱
℘ɑׁׅꭈׁׅtׁׅ ܻ⨍ᨵׁׅׅυׁׅꭈׁׅ
ᴄʜʀɪsᴛᴍᴀs ᴛɪᴍᴇ ɪɴ ᴏʟᴇᴛᴜs ᴍᴀɴᴏʀ ɪs ᴀ ᴛɪᴍᴇ ғᴜʟʟ ᴏғ ᴍᴀɢɪᴄ ᴀɴᴅ ᴡᴏɴᴅᴇʀ. ᴇᴠᴇʀʏᴏɴᴇ ᴄᴀɴ ғᴇᴇʟ ᴛʜᴀᴛ ᴛᴡɪɴᴋʟᴇ ɪɴ ᴇᴠᴇʀʏ ғʟᴀᴋᴇ ᴏғ sɴᴏᴡ ғᴀʟʟɪɴɢ ғʀᴏᴍ ᴛʜᴇ sᴋʏ ʟɪᴋᴇ ᴅᴇsᴄᴇɴᴅᴇᴅ ᴀɴɢᴇʟs ᴀɴᴅ ᴛʜᴇ ᴄʟɪᴘ-ᴄʟᴏᴘᴘɪɴɢ ᴏғ ʀᴇɪɴᴅᴇᴇʀ ʜᴏᴏᴠᴇs ɪs ᴛʜᴇ sᴏᴜɴᴅ ᴛʜᴀᴛ ᴇᴠᴇʀʏᴏɴᴇ ᴅʀᴇᴀᴍs ᴛᴏ ʜᴇᴀʀ.
ʏᴏᴜ ᴀʀᴇ ɴᴏ ᴅɪғғᴇʀᴇɴᴛ. ʙʏ ʜᴇʟᴘɪɴɢ ᴀʀᴏᴜɴᴅ ᴛʜᴇ ᴍᴀɴᴏʀ, ʙʏ ᴠᴏᴛɪɴɢ ᴏɴ ᴅᴇᴄɪsɪᴏɴs ᴀɴᴅ ʙʏ ɪɴᴛᴇʀᴀᴄᴛɪɴɢ ᴡɪᴛʜ ᴛʜᴇ ʙᴇʟᴏᴠᴇᴅ ᴄᴀsᴛ ᴏғ ɪᴅᴇɴᴛɪᴛʏ ᴠ, ᴘᴇʀʜᴀᴘs ʏᴏᴜ'ʟʟ ғɪɴᴅ sᴏᴍᴇᴏɴᴇ ᴛᴏ sʜᴀʀᴇ ᴀ ᴍɪsᴛʟᴇᴛᴏᴇ ᴋɪss ᴡɪᴛʜ.
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I shook my head a little, fighting off the smile on my face.
"I'm good thanks, I'm really just here for Ganji."
Demi gave a loose shrug before shifting her weight onto her hip as she adjusted her seat. "More for me then!" She hummed happily.
Emily was lightly scolding Ganji for what I can only assume was ten minutes straight as she patched him up. And soon, he rolled off the bed and rolled his shoulder blade.
"Alright, [Name]. Let's get out of here."
"Should we send Naib in now?" I looked over at Emily, as Ganji retreated to my side. Emily looked at her wine, then at Demi, back at me with a look of total exhaustion.
".. Might as well."
Ganji nodded, his curls bouncing with the movement. "Bet, we'll go get Subedar." He adjusted his shirt collar as the two of us set off to go fetch the Mercenary.
"Poor Emily. You two must drive that poor woman insane during Christmas." I laughed lightly, not even trying to hide my smile.
Ganji scratched the corner of his eye before responding with a sharp "Well, she can deal." And before I could even answer back, I felt a tap on my shoulder. As I looked, I spotted the gorgeous Geisha.
".. Michiko? What are you doing in the Survivor Manor?" I placed my hand on my hip as I spotted the large woman. Behind her, Memory was clearly hiding behind her back and was giggling to herself.
Ganji stiffened slightly and turned around, raising an eyebrow, he didn't greet her.
She gave a timid smile as she closed her fan, dropping it into her palm.
"Hello, [name] and Ganji. I hope you two are having a wonderful Christmas.." She began, a butterfly flying around her to match her movements that were smooth and graceful. Her eyes softened towards the Batter next to me.
"Mister Gupta.. Are you alright? You're not hurt, are you?" Her accent was as sweet as milk tea and as warm as a knitted sweater. Despite the warmth in her tone, Ganji didn't loosen up.
"Don't know why you care." He tarted, crossing his arms. I sent him a quick, disapproving look... He simply scoffed and rolled his eyes.
"Uh-.. Well, um.." Michiko's voice wavered from the embarrassment of that awkward conversation before Memory sneaked out from behind her.
"Would you guys like some gingerbread? Mrs Geisha and I made it for everyone!"
So that's where Ada and Emil had their gingerbread..! Memory and Michiko were handing it out to everyone!
"I worked really hard on it! I even did the decorations!" She raised a large tray that was attached to two straps around her shoulders. The icing was messy and the gumdrops were sliding off the front of the gingerbread.
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avinwrites · 1 year
Teatime Revelations || Michiko x reader
Synopsis: You're close friends with Michiko. Over time, you realize that your feelings are greater than you ever thought they could be.
As a naturally friendly survivor, you found it difficult to actually be upset with the hunters. You knew that, like the other survivors, they had a job to do and were, for the most part, forced to carry out their responsibilities without regard to who they were harming. However, there was one opponent that you seemed to connect with especially. Michiko’s reluctance to inflict injury upon others and her empathy initially drew you to her. Once, randomly, you decided to finally talk to her outside of a match. On a typical afternoon, you waltzed over to where she resided and asked if she would have tea with you.
This was months ago. 
Now, tea, snacks, and chats are, at the very least, weekly. You got along with her automatically and could talk about any and every thing for as long as possible. You finally got to see that not everything in the Manor was about competition and betrayal. Michiko was as sweet as can be towards you and the others, but no one wanted to accept it. You’re the first person to give her a real chance, and she couldn’t be more grateful, but as the months of friendship went by, something changed. 
It’s weird, really. You couldn’t pinpoint when your relationship with her changed. You can easily recall your first conversation with her, and when you became friends, but after a certain point, your feelings started to blur together and what you thought was turned into something you could not describe. It's just something you feel.
Every time you see her, you experience what it's like to be burdenless. Nothing matters except for being with her, and experiencing the good the world has to offer with her. You’ve gotten to a point where you only feel truly relaxed in her presence. All of this, you would never tell her. You couldn’t help from imagining the potential scenario over and over. Just like any other day, you would go to have tea with her, avoiding eye contact and stumbling over your words, and when you finally get it out that you think of her as more than a friend, she’d shun you, tell you that you’re in the wrong and that you will never be any more than friends, if you are even that anymore. 
The image sends chills down your spine. You can’t risk losing the only good thing that has ever happened to you, so, resigned, you watch her smile and laugh when she’s tickled, and sigh wistfully when she reminisces. You watch it all, feeling each pang of love that plucks at your heartstrings when you so greedily want more, but never express it. Oddly enough, you feel as though she has changed, too.
It’s now the middle of summer, the sweltering heat leaving survivors and hunters alike slow and impeded. You, currently stuck in the hottest possible place in the middle of a match, are already sick and tired. Unable to fight against the fierceness of the sun, you run to the safety and shade of the large circus tent on the match grounds. What you find there surprises you. The other three survivors, as well as Michiko herself, spread out across the tent, panting and fanning themselves to attempt to battle the heat.
“So no one was going to tell me you all were hanging out here?” You scoff, but there is no malicious intent behind the words. You sit yourself next to Michiko, thinking about something to say or a joke to make, but nothing comes to mind. Silent, she passes her fan over to you, which allows for a nice breeze to cool you down for a short while. You soon notice that even she has begun to sweat. You nudge her on the shoulder to get her attention, then direct the breeze of the fan towards her.
Finally, she breaks the silence. “Just wait a little longer for me to be able to surrender, then let us get something cold to drink together.” She grins towards you, her dazzling smile melting your heart quicker than the sun ever could. 
“Cold sounds nice,” You sigh in relief at the thought. Just as she said, it wasn’t much longer before the exit gates opened signaling the hunter’s surrender. You decide, instead of following your fellow teammates to your area of residence, you would follow Michiko to your normal meeting spot. Walking hand in hand, you find yourself comfortable with the silence. It's a nice feeling to know that you don’t have to be excitable or funny to make her happy, that you can just be together and that’s all you need. It brings to mind the thoughts you’ve been having recently.
“Michiko, maybe now isn’t the best time to say this, but there’s something-”
“Can you hold that thought, please?” She uncharacteristically interrupts, waving her hands as a blush spreads across her face.
So, this is how it ends. You continue to walk in silence, too embarrassed to say a word, taking her reluctance to hear you out as a definite rejection. You notice her looking at you a few times throughout the duration of the rest of your walk. You try to keep up a bright appearance so as to not make her any more uncomfortable, but it feels as though she can see right through you. The two of you approach the parlor belonging to the hunters, and you notice the usual, small tea table, set up with an extravagant placement. Fruits and iced drinks, flowers and a nice, cold serving of sorbet waiting for you.
“Sorry for making you wait, but I wanted to do something special. I think I know what you were going to say, and if I’m to be honest, I wanted to say it first.” She chuckles, allowing you to take your spot across from her before she continues.
“I know we've been friends for a long time, and you know that I value our friendship more than anything. You're always there for me, no matter what. You make me laugh, you make me think, and you make me feel loved…” You watch her pale face grow a deeper shade of red as she speaks from her heart, directly touching yours. 
“Michiko,” it’s your turn to interrupt, getting to the words before she does.
“Yes?” She breathes deeply in anticipation.
“I love you.”
“I love you too.”
If u read this, we did not actually match, it was all a dream
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mariewriting · 2 years
The perfect dream (Michiko x reader)
Female reader.
Warnings;possessive behavior, death, Nudity and kidnapping.
Notes: It's kind of short but good read (love the geisha so much omg)
Yandere! Michiko
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Michiko would definitely be very clingy with you, as a consequence of having lost her old love, being afraid that this would happen to you and she would lose you.
She would be the most capable yandere to kidnap you, because of her fear of losing you.
Michiko won't mind too much if you're a woman and many don't approve of this type of relationship. If she loves you, nothing will change, she won't even mind killing someone who dares to say prejudiced or fetishistic things about you two
Her favorite pastime is dressing up to match you, whether it's a kimono or even pajamas, she doesn't care, as long as you're together, it's fine.
She loves to brush your hair, no matter if it is short or long, she loves doing it so much. And if she is in a good mood, she hugs you from behind very tight, not wanting to let go, and whispers in your ear about how lucky you are to have her.
When she's feeling really jealous, she'll hug your bare back while you're in the bathroom, telling you about how cruel the world is and that she does it all for your own good.
Michiko is your #1 fan when you are sad for some reason, she will be on your side and you on her side, like a happy couple!
Michiko is capable of killing and manipulating for you.
If the situation demands it, she will kidnap you or make you depend on her, that's her definition. She doesn't mean to be mean, she just does it to protect you! She loves you too much to make you do anything.
If she kidnaps you, as I said, she would never do anything without your consent. She is aware of your personal space and would respect that.
Michiko is a good person, she just wants your love.
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red-stained-virtues · 2 years
A Tree Notices one of its Fallen Leaves
~Sypnosis: During a match, Michiko matched a survivor she wasn’t well acquainted with had a new companion running along her side, one that looks strikingly similar to her.
~Note: this is self-indulgent and I barely know anything about IDV so please bear in mind.
Characters mentioned: Geisha(Michiko), multiple survivors
Another day had come when a match was arranged, the survivors had to decode the ciphers and the hunters would hunt them down before they could escape, out of the many hunters chosen for this round the popular Geisha had been chosen; she was most often friendly with matches unless she really had to win the round.
And in this particular match, she was against one of the survivors she was not well acquainted with nor matched often with you. She was underprepared since she needed to win this match, and if not, she might get demoted in the ranks"Oh dear, hopefully, it’ll be easy to deal with them".
While waiting in the lobby, she went to visit them for a little while to see who she needed to deal with, aside from (name) she wasn’t bothered that much with the team, aside from the enchantress, it was enough for her to get a draw “Maybe this match won’t be so bad”.
Whilst out to look for at least two survivors she spotted (name) very easily, with her butterfly she was quick to dash over to you, your attempt at kiting was quite feeble, to say the least, and you were slow at climbing over windows and running wasn’t your strong suit either, which might have pointed her that you were a decoder, so it was easy to knock you down.
As she was about to grab you off the floor she felt a strong movement from her kimono, she turned to see what was causing it and saw a mini version of herself swinging her fan at her causing the mini to fall over itself and hit the floor. Michiko couldn’t help but giggle at the scene “haha, your attempt is admirable but futile so maybe you’ll stay with (name)”, noticing you were slowly crawling away, she scooped you up along with your doll to a nearby chair and locked you in “You should bring your doll more often when we match” she said before leaving to go hunt other survivors.
The coordinator was hiding nearby waiting for an opportunity to rescue you, as it finally came, she took the chance and healed you when you both got far enough “I know this isn’t the time to say this but we should really get the photographer to catch that scene” she whispered to you.
You were flushed when she said, as you start to recollect the scene that she was recalling “so you saw the whole thing?!!” you yowled at her, “please don’t, she might get nervous when someone brings it up” you sighed.
“You know about that?” the coordinator asked while she still healed you “no, I just assumed since I always see her covering her face” you replied but you were then interrupted by a red light shining your way, Geisha in her Prajna form left you both in shambles, running in the opposite direction where Martha did most of pallet dropping.
Luckily, in the end, it was a draw with you and Martha being the ones to tie the match and the enchantress and lawyer being sent back to the manor.
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acosmicblizzard · 2 years
"My Starlight" - Eternal Aurora Michiko x reader
Warnings: None
Story type: Fluff
Pairings/Characters: Eternal Aurora Michiko - “Geisha” x Gender neutral Reader (alr folks have some short horribly written filler while i work on the longer stuff)
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The buzzing sound of a radio being tunned in and out sounded throughout the room, channels being swapped back and fourth out of boredom as your hand stood stuck on the dial. You were waiting for your girlfriend to return from the concert she was hosting, as Metroplis's both number 1 idol and controller of this city, she's busy as hell almost all of the time. To the city she was known as eternal aurora, they only ever knew her by her stage name. Her real name behind all the glitz and glamor of the stage life was Michiko, you were one of the very few to know of the truth of this city. You knew everyone was slowly going to freeze to death, the only hope was the abyss. The abyss, a powerful unknown being which has the power to do virtually anything but at a cost. The cost could be whatever the abyss wanted at that moment, it could be control, it could be human lives, you didn't know what it truly wanted though. However all you knew is that one day this city would be consumed by the cold and too survive you must become one with the abyss. It's exactly what you and a few others including Michiko did. But can the abyss, a seemingly infinite source of power truly protect you from the natural order of the world? The sound of a door opening brought you out of thoughts as Michikos serene voice called out, "I'm back, my starlight."
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rosemaze-reveries · 2 years
IDV women of your choice: preferred places to kiss and to be kissed. Go. 🔫
😇😇 oops my hand slipped
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💉 Emily - Forehead kisses are her favorite. She loves their warmth and intimacy, especially if you cup her face while soothingly rubbing her temples. But while she enjoys your slow kisses, she tends to only give quick, haphazard ones herself.
🩰 Margaretha - Blows kisses at you regularly. It’s part of her gimmick. Loves to sit on your lap and let you brush your lips over her chest/collarbone area. She has conflicting feelings of shame and solace when you kiss her scars, but in the end she trusts you enough - it's very validating for her.
🔫 Martha - Often leaves casual kisses on the back of your hand. It’s a way to give you reassurance when words can’t. In private, your neck is her preferred place ♡ She isn’t fond of muffling your mouth as it detracts all the fun 😇
🍾 Demi - A sloppy kisser, tugs you close by your collar or your belt loop - whatever is the first within her reach. Likes to swing her arms around you and wind up shoved against a corner somewhere. Not picky at all about where you kiss her!
🪞 Mary - Kisses from her are always a reward. She tilts up your chin with her mirror shard and smirks at you before capturing your lips. On your end, she prefers it when you kiss the back of her hand .. or even the tip of her pointed shoe.
👘 Michiko - Rather vanilla. Still feels flustered just by staring at your lips for too long. She prefers to take it slow - a simple kiss on the lips is the most she will do for you. But she wouldn’t mind if you took it further, she has always dreamed of those elaborate, lingering sessions with someone <3
🐍 Yidhra - Very demanding with what she expects from you - she picked you out of everyone in the universe, after all. It’s almost like kissing the universe, or maybe a ghost. She leaves distinct marks all over you so you can’t forget her time with you by the next morning.
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zdux · 1 year
New Chapter!!!
I finally posted a new chapter of Sweet Melodies & Celestial Bodies on ao3!! Here's the link!
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aesopcatt · 4 months
Idv Characters I Write For
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Emily Dyer  Emma Woods Naib Subedar Martha Behamfil Tracy Reznik Fiona Gilman Vera Nair Kevin Ayuso Margaretha (Margie) Zelle Eli Clark Aesop Carl Norton Campbell Patricia Dorval Mike Morton Jose Baden Demi Bourbon Victor Grantz  Andrew Kreiss Luca Balsa Melly Plinius Edgar Valden  Ganji Gupta  Anne Lester Emil Ada Mesmer Orpheus Joker (Weepy) Luchino Diruse Qi Shiyi Frederick Kreiburg Alice DeRoss Lilly Barriere (Platonic) Matthias Czernin Florian Brand Violetta  Michiko (platonic) Wu Chang Joseph Desaulniers Mary Antonio Galatea Claude Grace Alva Lorenz Ithaqua Sangria Fools Gold Lady Truth Mr. Inference Siegfried Melodis (Noir) White Gatto Desire Melodis (D.M) Necromancer Narcissus Lady Bella Kroto Ronald Of Nice Paranormal Detective Lockheart Sway Tuberose Datura Rosemary Phantom Sail
I write ships and x reader
I also write for other skins for characters
I write Ada and Emil together and separate 
I write for any ship that isn’t a pro-ship!!!!
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akuma-tenshi · 9 months
so this is a big, long rant about sexism in the idv community bc it's been on my mind lately and i need to put it out there. this is what i've observed after almost four years in the fandom and been stewing on for a long-ass time. if you don't feel like reading an essay on how annoyed some random enby on the internet is, then don't click the read more and just keep scrolling. don't interact with this post if all you're gonna do is get mad; i'm not here to piss anyone off, just make observations. and if this isn't your experience, good for you and please direct me to whatever circles you run in because i need to be there.
so, i've noticed that the idv fandom is extremely shit when it comes to how they treat female characters, and nobody really.. talks about it?? the only person i've ever seen actually discuss it used it as a way to drum up sympathy for ada. which, if you know me, you know really fucking pisses me off. because there are SO MANY OTHER EXAMPLES of sexism in this community, but no, clearly because we have sympathy for a male victim of abuse we're being sexist towards his abuser.
the thing is. there is so much to point to when you talk about how the fandom is sexist. it's very common to see female characters boiled down to just a couple traits. mary?? hot mommy step on me. michiko?? soft and gentle and demure (don't think i won't notice the weird shit about how that's a very common stereotype of asian women btw i see it). demi?? hot and drinks a lot. emma and lily are "uwu mentally ill babies". annie is soft. emily is either an irredeemable monster or a bitch, depending on who you're talking to. patricia is scary and mean. sangria's a girlboss, grace is soft and gentle, martha is spunky. and if you ask anyone their thoughts / ideas on these characters beyond those short descriptors you get nothing. i'm starting to fucking hate the word "girlboss" because it's all anyone says in response to like half these characters.
male characters are given alllllll the nuance in the world you can't talk to an aesop fan without them going into their endless headcanons / theories on why he's the way he is or how he's not actually that bad of a person or how cute he is or whatever. look at norton, or eli, or orpheus, or luca, or edgar, or joseph, or ithaqua, or any characters in that vein, and look at how the fandom treats them. look at the endless fanfictions and character studies and ships and x readers and headcanons. and then look at what female characters get. nowhere near that much.
i feel like margaretha and emily are the ones who suffer the most from this male-centric view by the fandom. they're characters who are inherently intricate, whose actions can't be explained away as entirely good or entirely bad. but that doesn't stop people from actively trying. they're going to act like margaretha wasn't being horrifically mistreated by her husband and just decided to burn down the circus for funsies or whatever. they're going to act like emily isn't trying so fucking hard to help emma and repent for what she's done. neither of them are meant to be read as black-and-white, but people will try because if they have to use more than two braincells on a female character they're going to implode.
meanwhile you get paragraph after paragraph about the intricacies of the argument between luca and alva. you get so many people analysing the relationship between norton and orpheus and how they're both kinda dicks but also both kinda have points. you get endless people defending joseph's actions bc his brother's dead and he's terrified of growing old / forgetting the people he loved / dying. you get so many fucking stories about how y'know, edgar's not that bad actually.
AND I'M NOT AGAINST ANALYSING THESE CHARACTERS!!! idv, especially in recent years, has been doing some great things with character writing. like, fuck 'em, they've got their issues, but they're still really good with some stuff and deserve credit. but don't act like it's not obvious how so many people have overlooked women (and poc, don't think i've noticed people ignoring the intricacies behind william and ganji as characters as well in favour of "himbo" and "bastard who cares", but i'm white so that's not exactly my place to talk) in favour of their favourite skinny whiteboy of the week.
they're that way with older-looking characters, too. if an idv guy has facial hair, you bet your ass he's also getting boiled down to his base traits. jose's an alcoholic, kevin is self-sacrificing and likes women, kurt is a little guy, kreacher is Awful, charles basically doesn't fucking exist anymore. but again not the focus of the talk atm.
it's just. so upsetting. esp. since most of my favourite idv characters are women but everyone i talk to about them is like "oh yeah demi's hot" or "aww annie's such a nervous little baby" or "god patricia's such a cool girlboss". and even when the shit they say is positive in a vacuum it still makes me so upset bc THAT'S NOT ALL THEY ARE!! demi is kind and loving and hardworking in the face of a world that only ever hurt her. annie's life has been an endless stream of pain and heartbreak and the only thing she really wants is freedom. patricia is literally cursed and is trying to find her place in the world.
also. i fucking hate ada but she falls victim to this too. as much as i despise the "you dislike her just bc you're sexist" thing and as horribly uncomfortable as she makes me, don't act like you haven't seen how her entire character is boiled down to how much she "loves" this man. don't act like you haven't seen how her entire character, all of her promise and potential, is forgotten in favour of that fucking trainwreck of a relationship. i bet half the fandom can't tell me anything about her other than her relationship with emil. emil suffers from this too, with his backstory and personality and life of abuse becoming an afterthought, but again, not what we're focusing on.
this is not an isolated thing or confined solely to the idv fandom. this happens in fandoms everywhere. but because idv is so close to my heart i feel like i really need to talk about it. there's so little content of female characters when there's fucking daily content of male ones. and don't get me wrong, i do like male characters. norton is literally one of my favourite fictional characters and i love talking about / analysing him. but i can guarantee a lot of people wouldn't be so interested in him if he was a woman.
sorry, just needed to get that off my chest. mandatory "this doesn't apply to everyone in the fandom" and "if this doesn't apply to you then i'm not fucking talking about you". we were so against the ashley wood collaboration bc of how much he sexualised michiko (and women in general) but like. do y'all really care that much?? bc i really don't think you do.
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inferencesarchives · 3 months
「 Welcome to Inference's Archives. 」
"Good evening. What sort of case would you like to present to me today?"
ー Masterlists ー
identity v masterlist
○ im in an idv writers network!
genshin impact masterlist
danganronpa masterlist
wuthering waves masterlist
cookie run & honkai star rail masterlists
○ i no longer write for cr or hsr. please don't request for them!
ー Requesting Rules ー
no nsfw, no incest, and no yandere. platonic only for characters under 16.
be as specific/detailed as you can, it helps a lot! only one scenario per request please.
please specify if you want a gendered reader! non-specified requests will automatically be written as gender-neutral.
you can request for a maximum of 5 characters per ask (tip: if you want to see the same prompt for over 5 characters in different franchises, submit different asks for each franchise!). characters may be ooc if i haven't written very much for them, sorry! i usually get a feel for their character after writing for them a few times, though.
feel free to request character x reader x character polyamorous relationships! i love poly character x reader fics!
ー Accepted Requests ー
ー Requests Closed!
no accepted requests at the moment.
make sure that any characters you want to request aren't on the list below!
ー Who I Don't Write For ー
IDENTITY V: bonbon, joker, the will brothers, burke, leo beck, kreacher pierson, bane, hastur, michiko, emil, ada mesmer, violetta
DANGANRONPA: himiko yumeno, hiyoko saionji, chihiro fujisaki, any ultra despair girls or dr3 anime characters
any characters under 16. feel free to request a platonic scenario with these characters though!
keep in mind that this list will change in the future as i see fit.
ー Anons ー
💙 anon, 🧄 anon, 👾 anon, 🦎 anon, 🐇 anon, 🌷 anon, and 📡 anon have all visited the agency so far. care to join them?
ー Events & Extra ー
PAST EVENTS: the starlit sanctuary (july 1st-31st 2023), the first archiversary (november 13th-27th 2023), the philomena's propellente's countdown to valentines day (february 1st-14th 2024)
CURRENT EVENTS: there are no events currently. :(
FUTURE EVENTS: second archiversary (november ??-?? 2024)
MISCELLANEOUS HAPPENINGS: the fruity pebbles saga, i hit pitaya dragon cookie with a bus
ー About Me! ー
good evening, everyone, and welcome to the detective agency! my name is naib, and im the author running this blog. im trying to slowly but surely ease my way back into writing again, so i sincerely apologize if it takes me a while to finish any requests. im much more consistent on my art blog, @smokyinference , but im also on @wrioblurbs where i post small blurbs or ideas that i can't really turn into full fics as well as @asking-antonio which will become my identity v ask blog once i stop procrastinating and finish setting everything up the way i want it to. please do check out my other blogs if you want to support me! also, if you've been following me for a while, this blog has been previously known as both lostarchivesoforpheus and fish-bubble, so please don't forget who i am! :,,)
finally, please always remember that i love appreciate every single one of you. <3
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