#michael really went ''oh buddy here's a comforting hug for u''
calumsash · 2 years
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and what if i cry [x]
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imaginedeux · 8 years
Knight (Single Dad! Calum Hood AU) 5
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A/N: I got some inspo from reading “The Perks of Being A Wallflower”, I couldn't come up with anything to write, and reading helps me write. So because school is starting on the 18th, so this might be the last one for a while. I hope you all enjoy. It’s over 3k words holy...
Parts: 1, 2, 3, 4
���It’s so good to be back in Los Angeles!” Michael yelled into the warm L.A. air as everyone got off the plane. After the conversation you had with Calum, it only took you a couple more days to completely get over the bug you caught, much to Aurora and Calum’s relief. Since then you’ve been flying to the last couple of shows in the US, seeing that they were all a right after each other, it only made it easier on all of you.
“Have you ever been to Los Angeles, (Y/N)?” Aurora asked from here you held her on your hip. Since you got better, she almost never left your side, and recently neither had Calum.
“No, i’ve never been so this is going to be an adventure.” You smiled adjusting the bags you had on your other shoulder. You still only had your one suit case, but now it was second nature to carry ‘Rora’s with yours, which you didn't mind. Until she started getting more things to take home at the end of tour, which was in a week or two, and it honestly scared you how close it was.
“Here, let me help you with that!” A familiar voice sounded from behind you, before you could protest, Calum came in and took both of your bags. “Im sure James and the rest of the security have told you how bad it gets, especially here in L.A.”
“I was told yes, which is why I was going to give the bags to one of the guards so they could put it with the rest of the luggage, but thank you.” You smiled walking ahead of the guys, starting to get ‘Rora distracted.
“You know she barely takes orders from James, much less from you right? The only one she listens to is Aurora” Ashton laughed as the rest of the group entered the airport.
“Yeah...” Calum chuckled adjusting his grip on your luggage along with ‘Rora’s.
“She has you wrapped around her finger mate.” Luke teased waving one his own. Calum would never admit it but, he was, he didn't really know what it was about her, but he couldnt help but smile when she was around, or when she was with Aurora. He felt like (Y/N) was able to complete the picture that he and Aurora were able to start. The times she wasn't able to help him tuck ‘Rora in bed because she had to do security detail with the rest of the guards, ‘Rora would ask him if (Y/N) was going to stay with them forever, like the way her Uncles are. He would tell her the truth that he wasn't sure if she was going to be on tour with them forever, but that she was going to be in their lives no matter what.
“GRANDMA!?” Aurora’s voice took Calum out of the trance he was in, to see the his family, and the guys’ waiting for them. Everyone went towards their respected families as he jogged over to his own and to (Y/N).
“Mum?” He asked giving her a hug as she hugged ‘Rora.
“Didn't expect us to be here did you?” His dad asked as he got ahold of his granddaughter.
“Seeing that there was a week between this leg and the last couple of shows in Oz, we thought we would pay you a visit.” His sister, Mali-Koa said bringing him in for a hug as he let go of his mom. “Oh, I'm sorry, I didn't mean to be rude, i’m Calum’s sister, Mali-Koa, and you are...?” She asked seeing you stand off to the side awkwardly.
“Oh, um, I'm (Y/Full/N) I work as Security for the guys. Its finally nice to put some faces to the names Aurora talk about.” You said holding out your hand for a hand shake.
“Oh YOU’RE THE (Y/N), AURORA AND CALUM ARE ALWAYS TALKING ABOUT, ITS SO NICE TO FINALLY MEET YOU!” Mali gushed letting go of her brother to bring you in for a hug. You blushed at what she said, but gave her a hug nonetheless.
“Yeah! (Y/N), this is my Aunty Mali, and my Kuia, and Koroua!” Aurora said taking your hand before pointing at Mali-Koa, then Calum’s mom and dad.
“Kuia means grandmother and Koroua means grandfather in Maori.” Calum explained kneeling down to grab ‘Rora. “Since the family’s here why don't we all go out to eat? Do you like the sound of that baby?” He asked looking at his daughter, a huge smile on his face.
“YES! (Y/N), are you coming along?” She asked clapping, suddenly all eyes were on you.
“Um, I think i’ll pass love. You haven't seen your family in a long time, I don't want to get in the middle of it.” You said softly grabbing your suit case from Calum.
“But you are family...” Aurora replied just as softly, before she wiggled her way out of her father’s grasp and hung onto you, making sure you didn't leave. “Like Lilo and Stitch say, Ohana means family, and family means...”
“Nobody gets left behind or forgotten.” Calum finished taking back your suitcase.
“Come, join us for lunch, you can tell us the other side of the stories Calum and Aurora have told us. I’m Joy and this is my husband David by the way.” She introduced herself before bringing you in for a hug.
“So you served in the Army?” David asked as everyone entered the thresh hold of Calum’s house. Since Aurora was born, Calum decided to buy a house in L.A. since he knew he was going to be on this side of the world more often than not recording with the rest of the band.
“Yes Sir.” You replied, at the restaurant one of your old platoon buddies recognized you.
“Staff Sargent (Y/Last/N), how have you been Ma’m?” One of the younger guys in your platoon came up to the table you and the rest of the Hood family was at.
“Nice to see you too Private Lozano, how have you been? How’s the girlfriend?” You asked getting up from your seat giving him a quick hug.
“She’s Mrs. Lozano now, we got married a couple months back, I would have invited you but no one could find you, its like you dropped off the face of the Earth.” He laughed showing off his ring, before he realized he was interrupting something. “Oh, I’m sorry...”
“No it’s alright, this is the family for one of the guys I'm working for, they invited me out to eat. Calum’s the one i’m working for he's one of the reasons why I dropped off the face of the Earth. I started working as security for him and his band.” You gestured to him, he got up from his seat giving Private Lozano a hand shake.
“Nice to meet you mate.” Calum greeted him with a handshake.
“You have no idea how lucky you are to have her working for you sir. She always treated us like family. Believe it or not, she actually saved me during one of the missions we were on, I had gotten shot in the knee and once in the chest, so I couldn’t move. She came up from the rear and made sure I made it back to base camp, she used herself as a shield to make sure I didn't get hit more.” He explained putting his hand on your shoulder.
“You know I made an oath to you and the rest of the group that I was going to bring everyone back home no matter what.” You replied, a small smile on your face.
“ Even if it meant getting shot in the back three times. If it wasn't for her I probably wouldn't be here.”
“You never told us that story (Y/N)!” Aurora exclaimed reaching the couch in the living room.
“Because I never thought it was important love.” You replied taking a seat next to her, then quickly sat on your lap, her back leaning against your front.
“Well now we can see why she’s taken such a liking to you (Y/N).” Joy said taking the seat next to you. “You’re probably one of the strongest women I’ve ever met.”
“Oh, no, I’m not strong. I signed up for that job and I did the best I could in it.” You explained you never wanted to be a hero, you felt as if it was your duty to protect those who could not protect themselves.
“You said your armor protected you, so why did the man say you got hit in the back three times? Did they hurt? Did you almost die?” Aurora asked from your lap, looking up at you, genuinely worried.
“Oh yeah, well um, I used the armor to protect Private Lozano, so I was in more danger, but I didn’t die, so there’s nothing to worry about.” You easily lied to the little girl, not wanting to scare her. “So what movie do you want to see?” You asked looking at the movie collection she and Calum had.
“Hey (Y/N), can you come help me in the kitchen? Mum, Dad, and Mali, why don't you help Aurora pick out a movie or two we can all watch together?” Calum asked sticking his head out from the doorway to the kitchen. After Mali grabbed ‘Rora you quickly made your way to the kitchen where Calum was grabbing a couple of things to drink and started putting bags of popcorn to pop. “You alright?”
“Yeah, didn't expect for Lozano to be there and bring up that story.” You sighed leaning against one of the many counters the kitchen had. 
“Is there something else to that story that he didn’t bring up?” Calum whispered, scared to see if he asked something wrong from how quickly you started breathing. “Y-You don't have to tell me, I'm sorry I over stepped my boundaries.” He apologized quickly coming to your side to comfort you, bringing you in for a hug.
“N-No, its fine. J-Just don't tell anyone what i’m about to tell you, no one outside the people who took me to the hospital, and the people who saved me know this. U-um, while I got Lozano back to base camp, I ended up getting shot 6 times, three in the back, once on each thigh, and once on my right shoulder. By the time we got back to base, I had lost almost three pints of blood and was going into shock. I was in the hospital for almost a month after that, I died on the way to the hospital but they brought me back before they took me into surgery.” You confessed, your face buried into his chest, tears streaming down your face, you hadn't told anyone what really happened that day, you told the rest of your platoon that one of the bullets hit an important blood vessel and because of that you lost a lot more blood than normal. “I-I’m sorry you have to see me like this, that was the one time I was scared I wasn't going to come back out alive.”
“You’re human (Y/N), and we all cry sometimes. Thank you for trusting me enough to tell me that. I won't see you any differently, but it’ll make me appreciate you more, and not take you for granted.” Calum murmured into your hair as he embraced you, you weren't much of a hug type of person, but on occasion Calum would bring you in for one after you helped Aurora with something important.
“I’ll take the floor.” You called grabbing an extra pillow and blanket from the hall way cabinet. After you calmed down from crying to Calum and watched a couple of Disney movies, the Hood family convinced you to stay there at Calum’s for the next week. You would have said no, but there was no way Aurora was going to let you go.
“No, you’re the guest, there’s no way you're taking the floor. I will.” Calum said going to the bedroom from the connected bathroom.
“You haven't been home in months, there’s no way I'm letting you take the floor in your own home. I shouldn't even be here, I should have gotten a hotel before we landed, but I didn't know any of this was happening.” You argued coming into the room with the extra blanket and pillow. “Fucking-a Calum, you could have warned me you were shirtless.” You blushed looking away from the half naked Hood.
“I always sleep shirtless.” He chuckled trying to grab the blankets and pillow from you.
“Well, I always went to sleep after all of you did and I would wake up before you all did so I never saw you.” You explained tugging them back from his grip. “I’ll take the floor.”
“No, I will.” He argued back.
“No, I will Hood.”
“No, I will (Y/Last/N).”
“JUST SHARE THE DAMN BED!” Someone yelled from the door way. The two of you turned blushing to see Mali, looking annoyed that she was forced to get out of bed. “Just share the damn bed please, I can hear the two of you argue from across the hall.”
“Sorry Mali-Koa!”
“Sorry Mal...” The two of the blushed apologizing, Mali shook her head and left back to her room.
“Fine, but fare warning, I toss and turn in my sleep.” You confessed giving the pillow and extra blanket to Calum. “Now if you’ll excuse me, Imma go change.” You said grabbing some sweats and a shirt from your suitcase. You quickly changed from your jeans and black under armor shirt to some old running shorts and an old t-shirt turned biker tee, you usually just slept in your shorts and a bra, but seeing you were sharing the bed with Calum, you opted for the shirt.
“Hope you weren't expecting too much Hood.” You said coming out of the bathroom with your clothing in hand, ready to put it away.
“I was actually expecting you in sweats and a hoodie, so this is a pleasant surprise.” He mused from his spot from his side of the bed, leaning against the headboard. “Is that why you always wear jeans and a longer sleeved shirt?” He asked so softly he wondered if you had heard him. There were scars scattered around your legs and arms, most of them were small, but there were a couple that were easy to see from a distance.
“Yeah, the bigger ones are from missions at the end of my contract, and some of the smaller ones were from bootcamp.” You explained putting your clothes away, your left hand instantly went to your right shoulder. “The lighter they are the worse they were, one of the ones from the mission with Lozano almost completely destroyed my rotator cuff.” You said moving your shirt a bit, as you went to sit down with Calum, to show him the scar. You’d never shown anyone any of the scars before, sure sometimes when it got too hot to wear a baseball tee or a long sleeve you were forced into a t-shirt and a couple of old scars from the past four years would show, but none of them were prominent enough to cause questions.
“Are the other ones just as bad?” Calum whispered scooting closer to you, this was another side of you he’d never seen before. He never knew of how much you were hiding, he had see a couple of scars that were across your arms when you wore t-shirts, but was always scared to ask you about them. He was scared that he would end up pushing you away from him.
“The ones on my thighs aren't too bad, they just look like dimples in them.”
“Luke dimples or Ashton dimples?” He chuckled seeing a bit of the scar on the outside of your thigh.
“Ashton.” You laughed.
“What about the ones on your back? Wait, no, I shouldn't have asked! You don't have to show them to me!”
“Someone might as well see them, and you’re one of the only people I trust enough to show them to...” You chuckled turning your back to him, pulling your shirt so your left shoulder was visible. “That one bounced off one of the cars I pulled Lozano behind and bypassed the armor the vest had by a couple of inches, and hit my shoulder. Since it wasn't at its full force that one wasn't as bad. After that happened, I gave the vest to Lozano so he could shield himself a bit more, a couple of blocks away from base another one...” You started before you started pulling the back of you shirt up, before Calum helped you keep it at the base of your neck. “Thanks, um the one on my right, gave me a collapsed lung.” You explained before you could feel Calum barely touch the scar, which showed from the bottom of the bra. “It doesn't hurt Cal.” You chuckled at how gentle he was being. “I’m not going to break if you touch it.”
“Still, you’ve been through so much...” He whispered finally touching the scar, he knew you wouldn't break, but he knew what was once here almost killed you, and that scared him.
“That one didn't really scare me, cause people can live with one lung, but the one thats at the base of my back is the one who gave me the run for my money.” You explained as you touched the nickel sized scar that was just above the waistband of your shorts. “A couple of inches to the right, and it could have hit my spine, and I could have been paralyzed.” You sighed remembering what the doctor said once you came too after the surgery.
“Jesus, (Y/N)...” Calum murmured gently allowing his finger to run over the scar. “I knew from the very beginning that you were one of the strongest people i’ve ever met, but this shows how brave and selfless you are.”
“It was a part of my...” You started before Calum took you off guard and hugged you from behind, his arms easily wrapping around your stomach bringing you closer to him.
“Don't say it was part of your job, its just who you are, you want to protect others, you want to make sure everyone is okay, you make people feel a part of a family. (Y/N), I want to protect you as much as I can, Aurora loves you, the rest of the guys see you as a sister, my family love you already, and you just met them not even 12 hours ago. I honestly don't want to think of you leaving ‘Rora and I after tour is over.” Calum confessed nuzzling his head into your shoulder.
“I already told you, i’ll still be in your lives no matter what.” You whispered holding onto the back of his hand, your thumbs ran over his knuckles, a gesture the two of you became accustomed too over the past couple of weeks.
“Let’s make it a bit more concrete.” He whispered before giving your shoulder butterfly kisses.
“And how would that happen?” You whispered shivering a bit, you weren't use to too much intimacy, over the past couple of months the two of you would share hugs, and a couple of cuddle sessions with Aurora, but this was a new level for you.
“Well, first I would ask you to be my girlfriend, then I would ask you if you wanted to move in with Aurora and I once the tour is over.” Calum explained bringing you to him so his chest was to your back.
“Is this your way of killing two birds with one stone?” You asked starting to lean against him a bit.
“Yeah.” He chuckled, his laugh causing his chest to vibrate against your back, making you smile a bit.
“Yeah, but let’s not tell anyone yet. I don't know how Aurora is going to react, I want to be able to tell her, and I want her to know that if she doesn't want me to be anything more than just (Y/N), I’ll be fine with that.”
“Okay, we’ll tell everyone when you want.” He smiled kissing the top of your head, happy to be able to call you his girlfriend.
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