#michael madsen fanfiction
nephrosoupp · 5 years
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headoverhiddles · 4 years
Visiting Mr. Blonde In Prison Would Include
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-It had been three and a half years, and you’d been visiting Vic off and on. He had taken the heat for Joe, and did his time without squealing. You were proud of him, but you missed him every day.
- you wear something extra gorgeous to see him, or something he's told you he loves on you
- the minute he sees you, he'd forget his words for a second. "...Wow. Babygirl. You're a sight for sore eyes." You smile under his fond scrutiny. "Eddie been taking care of you?"
- "Yeah."
- "Good. Cause if hasn't been, when I'm outta here I'm gonna beat his ass," Vic chuckles. You smile.
- "He's been an angel."
- "Good to hear. Need my baby taken care of."
- You'd lean into the glass, putting your hand up and ignoring the fact that you're separated. "I miss you, Vic."
- "Yeah? What do you miss?"
- You'd smirk, and slide him a pretty folded pink paper. It has your scrawled handwriting on it with a kiss of lipstick: To My Daddy, With Love. "Read it later, when you're real lonely."
- He smiles in adoration, and shakes his head, taking your smaller hand in his and squeezing. "Aw, I wish I could kiss you, angel. Feel that... body on mine."
- You'd lean forward. "Once you're out, Joe's gonna throw a party. A big fucking party. All the guys and their girls are invited. Then we'll get a motel room somewhere near Hollywood, break the bed in a little, and go for a drive. How'd you feel about that?"
- He grins, which turns into a chuckle. "Honey. I'd feel great about that."
- when the visit is over, you can see the sadness in eyes, but he tries to keep it light, sniffing any visible feelings away.
-"You tell Joseph I'll see him soon. And give Eddie and the boys hell for me." He looks up at you with that one raised eyebrow, that handsome look that always makes your knees go weak. "And remember... you go to sleep in lonesome town, just think of me. I'll be thinkin' of you."
- You wink, blowing him a little kiss. "You bet, daddy. See you soon."
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wordfighter · 7 years
All around the world, chapter 17
Summary: It has been ten years since Emil saw his friends and he decides to take a vacation to see them. Type: fanfiction/chapter story Words: 907 Category: Stand Still Stay Silent Genre: Friendship, hurt/comfort Rating: Teen Characters: Mikkel, Michael Warnings: Graves, sad people
Read it here or at ff.net
Mikkel and Michael followed Emil and Lalli to the boat, to make sure they got on the right ship. Mikkel said there wouldn't be any quarantine to enter Dalsnes, but Iceland was still strict on the quarantine rules. Emil discussed it with Lalli and decided they would skip Iceland this year. Then the two of them was off. Mikkel waved after them from the harbour and Michael put his arm over Mikkel's shoulder.
”You miss travelling, don't you?”
”I do miss it, yeah.”
”You know, there's not much to do with winter here, and since Malthe is staying for a while you could take some time off. Go to Norway and meet your old captain or something.”
”I am too old for travelling.”
”You're too old for everything, live a little!”
”Are you perhaps trying to live through me?” Mikkel smiled at his brother. ”Do not worry, I am quite content with life on the farm, I have had more adventures than anyone my age should have lived through.”
”Yeah”, Michael smiled. ”I've heard about the list of things Mikkel Madsen is not allowed to do. Is even half of the things on there true?”
”I am not going to answer that question, I do like keeping the mystery alive.”
They started walking away from the harbour, Michael placed his hands behind his head and looked at the sky.
”So, those 'Chinaboxes' from last month...”
”I am not going to answer that.”
”Admiral Olsen also said pizzaboxes are forbidden.”
”You can not hide much troll in a pizzabox though, it is an unnecessary saftety rule from him.”
They stopped by the grocery store, exchanged some words with the owner and a few other people they knew. After having gotten the groceries they hurried back home, Michael took care of the groceries and Mikkel settled down in the living room. He found the toy Lalli had carved under the table and picked it up, looked at it. Maiken smiled at him.
”It was nice having them here.”
”Indeed, this place have not been this lively since...” Mikkel fell quiet.
Maiken settled down next to him, placed a hand on his knee.
”I know, Mikkel.”
Mikkel leaned back, gave the toy to Maiken and looked into the ceiling. He let out a sigh and massaged his forehead. Maiken rested her head against his shoulder.
”I'm here, Mikkel. Michael too. And with the kids we'll soon have this place filled again. Maybe you should get a couple yourself.”
”I am afraid I would not make a very good father.”
”Well, you're going to have to make a good uncle.”
”I do believe I am already succeeding at that, she still is not chewing any trollclaw or anything.”
”Well, do you have any idea about where your other niece is?”
Mikkel tensed up a little.
”Not here?” he tried.
”I'll give you half a point for that. He's with my brother, they'll be stopping by next week.”
”Emil would have liked him.”
”I'm certain he would. Maybe they'll meet later.”
Michael came into the living room, looked at them.
”You making up plans without me?”
”Not exactly”, Mikkel answered and Michael tilted his head.
”Happy about everything being back to normal?”
”What if I told you I was?”
”Little brother, I can see right through you, I know you're not. They made you forget, didn't they?”
Mikkel got up from the couch, went up to Michael.
”I'll never forget.”
Michael placed a hand on his shoulder.
”But they softened the pain. Go, take the boat.”
Mikkel pulled free from Michaels grip.
”Even if I wanted to, we can't afford it.”
He walked past his brother, put his boots on and left the building. Malthe came out from the barn as Mikkel exited the house, waved at him, but Mikkel ignored him, heading back towards the town. He walked along the outskirts of it, even though it was a detour, reach the cemetery and walked along the rows of graves, like he had done so many times before. He knew the road by heart and didn't need to look at the names on the stones to find the one he was searching for, and he sank down on the ground infront of it.
”It has been a busy couple of week”, he said. ”We got guests, Emil and Lalli came over for a visit. I have told you about them. Maiken gave birth to a baby girl. She has gotten her mother's looks, thankfully.”
He fell quiet for a while, looked at the wiltering flowers in the earth around the Madsen family-grave.
”I will see if I can find you some winter-plants. Maybe even a black hellebore, would you like that?”
The ground was getting cold and Mikkel got up, let out a sigh.
”I miss you. I'm sorry I couldn't keep you alive... I'm not a very good doctor, am I?”
He straightened up, looked around in hopes that no one had heard him slip into such common language. The cemetery was empty and he relaxed again.
”I don't know what to do. It gets hard sometimes.”
Mikkel closed his eyes, allowed himself to remember the battle for Denmark for five excruciating seconds, then opened his eyes again.
”I'm sorry I couldn't protect you, Mille... I'll come by later with some flowers, okay?”
He left the cemetery, started walking towards the farm. Half-way there he turned and headed to the harbour.
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headoverhiddles · 5 years
My Michael Madsen Smut Masterlist
Michael Madsen x Readers
Crack Of Dawn
Help Me Out
Howdy Stranger 
Dear Michael 
Reservoir Dogs: Mr. Blonde x Readers
You Started It 
The Gift - Part I (Ft. Nice Guy Eddie) 
The Gift - Part II (Ft. Nice Guy Eddie) 
Kill Bill: Budd x Readers
Sidewinder - Part I
Sidewinder - Part II
The Hateful Eight: Joe Gage x Readers
Hiding Something
Comfort (fluff)
My Michael Madsen Ao3 Collection
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headoverhiddles · 6 years
Sidewinder: Volume I - Budd (Kill Bill) x Reader [Smut]
Synopsis: You’re a member of the Deadly Viper Assassination Squad. Budd is just what you need, but do you need more?
Notes: This is part one, and there will be a part two! There's brief smut in this one, there'll be more in the next. This has most of the action :)
Part Two Here
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You enjoyed the name Bill had so fondly picked out for you. Taipan. The world’s deadliest snake.
You had only been working with the Vipers for about a year, but it was a seamless incorporation into the team. You got along well with each member—especially Sidewinder.
Budd could never keep his eyes off you. You were talented at knowing exactly when a man was picturing you taking off your clothes, but with Budd, it was all the time. The looks he gave you-- like he wanted to devour you, just like his snake of calling would prey-- intrigued you.
See, the first thing you did when you joined the team was assess who you would sleep with, and who was off limits. A girl's got to have limits when travelling in a close knit pack of attractive assassins.
O-Ren? Attractive, but too dedicated to her work to probably notice you in any other way than a confidant.
Vernita? Straight. She's made it clear.
Elle? A fucking knockout, but a dangerous one. She's OFF limits.
Bill? Well. We won't go there yet.
Bea? She's different.
And then there was Budd.
Although he came off as a tough guy, he got some of his older brother's charm with his own little twist. He was different, and frustrating-- serious when things were light, and funny when things were serious. He didn't take himself as serious as the others, but you got the sense he was dumbing himself down so he wouldn't stand out as the best.
Tonight, Budd runs a damp cloth down his arm, where a deep gash runs down.
"Fuck," you hear him grit out, and stop on your way by.
"Be grateful it wasn't a Hattori Hanzo. You would've lost your arm.” He looks up, and huffs.
You stare at him a while as he switches to stitching, and he looks back up, staring back.
"Why do you do that?"
"What?" he hesitates expectantly. You fold your arms.
"Let yourself fall into those situations. You could get out of them."
"You think I wanted someone to tear my arm to shreds?" he scoffs, going back to his work, "You are one crazy bitch."
"Hey," you stand square in front of him, "You're not the fucking palooka Bill and the others think you are."
"Thanks. I'll remember that next time I'm crying alone in my room, sweetheart."
You roll your eyes, and brush past him, knocking the previously-sterile needle out of his hands. "Fuck," he repeats gruffly, and you feel his eyes on you as you walk off toward the pit, where you know Beatrix is.
"Hey," you say, opening the door. The blonde whirls around, nearly kicking you in the face, but you grab her by the shin, twisting her. She lands on the ball of her foot, spins, and kicks again, twice to your knee. As you fall, you flip her, and the two of you crash to the floor.
"Draw?" she croaks out, reaching behind her. You shake her hand.
"Bill's best assassins," she huffs, taking off her gloves and laughing. You help her up. 
"Ruthless trained killers."
You go over with her as she sprays herself with a bottle. "Sorry about that. Thought you were Vernita. We've had this thing..."
"Yeah, where you try to kill each other every time the other one enters the room? We’ve all noticed. That glass table in the living room didn't shatter itself."
"The carpet's still covered in her blood," Bea grins in sadistic satisfaction, and you raise an eyebrow, handing her a towel.
"Which O-Ren practically had a meltdown over when she had her new slippers on, let me just point out. But I have to admit, the red goes with that vase on the mantle.”
“What can I say? I have an affinity for decorating,” Bea smirks, and you two walk out together into the long hallway of the flat. The penthouse suite here in Shanghai that operated as the main digs for the seven of you was the most expensive property in the city, but Bill didn’t care. The luxury was worth it, he said, as he loved to spoil his girls.
“Aw. Does that make you my sugar daddy, honey?” Budd had joked, and Bill had resisted the urge to whack his brother upside the head and settled instead for a long, annoyed glare.
"Watch this," O'Ren stops you two, "Elle's got a dime coming my way in fifteen seconds."
"Like, a 10/10 girl, or an actual coin?" you joke. O'Ren cocks her head.
"I could slice both in half, so it doesn't really matter." A coin whizzes by her face, and in the matter of a split second, she slices the dime in half with her
"Did it work?" Elle asks, sauntering in around the corner. O'Ren smirks, opening her palm to reveal two halves. The two do a secret handshake, and you and Bea keep going.
"Did you see what happened to Budd?" she asks, shaking her head.
"Yeah," you mutter, "He's slow on missions."
"I'd say he's just clumsy."
"That too."
That night as you go to sleep though, staring at the shadows of the skyscrapers outside on your wall, you think of Budd. His deep, drawling voice... the way he looks at you. Your hand slides down between your legs, and you close your eyes.
"That was a shit show!" Elle announces, and you all collapse back into the flat. Two weeks from where you started, you'd just acquired the head of a crime boss... who knew you were coming. While you had succeeded in killing him, his hundred other acolytes had definitely run you out of there fast. So, somewhat of a success. Somewhat of a failure. Two guesses as to which one Bill considered it.
"Fuck," Budd huffed, using his gun to support him. A bullet had grazed his knee, and while it tore open his pants and skin a little, he was okay. Vernita had gotten one in the shoulder... Bea had taken it out, with your help. You had knife slashes all over your neck-- but at least you're still breathing.
"Taipan," Bill says, nodding to you, "Good job." You look down at Bea, who gives you a reassuring smile. She knows what's coming for her, the usual chat.
While the others are recovering, and Bill is giving them a calm 'talk' about the importance of working together, not going rogue (this last anecdote was directed solely at Beatrix) you slip away.
Walking fast, you get to an empty corridor, and close your eyes, resting your head back against it.
Fuck. Sensory overload-- assassins got it too. You just needed to breathe.
"You okay?"
You open your eyes, and see Budd blocking the light from beside you.
"Yeah," you answer, too quickly. "What makes you think I'm not?"
"Don't fuckin' shoot me, but uh... you just seemed a little off your game."
"I am not off my game," you growl, cocking your handgun, "If I was, I'd be dead." He chuckles, putting his hands up.
"Okay, wrong words. You checked in on me the other day... this is me, checkin' in on you, angel." You sigh through your nose, and glance over.
"How are you?"
"Fine. Just a couple scratches." You laugh. It's actually funny to you how this life teaches you to pass these injuries off. "What's so funny?"
"Nothing. We're just fucked up."
He smirks, sliding in closer to you. "Well, we... knew that, didn't we?"
You breathe in his scent-- cigarettes, leather, gunpowder, and liquorice aftershave. It's all too much-- he's too close, and you have too much pent up energy. Your skin is positively electric, so is his, and Budd's lips are so fucking there--
"Go ahead. Kiss me," he groans, and you do, pressing your lips forward. Your hands go to his chest, and you push him against the opposite wall. The two of you make out like that for a few minutes, before he lifts you up. You wrap your legs around his hips, and reach down to unbuckle his torn up black dress pants in a hasty rush.
"Fuck, daddy," you moan, finally receiving him. He groans something similar, burying his face in your neck, and you're pinned against the wall, bouncing with every rough thrust he gives you.
"Daddy's got his girl. That's right... fuck, mmm, baby girl..." He's big, and everything you had imagined. Each and every pound of his dick erases one kill you made that night, one target, one bullet, one slash.
Forget it, forget it, unffff...
Your blood hums in your ears, heart pumping. You're still feeling the adrenaline from today, and you need this, you fucking need to come so bad, god Budd is so good...
"Come on, angel," he rasps, holding you tight, "You're perfect. Be a good girl and come for me."
You cry out, grasping his big shoulders, and he fucks you through it, rocking you. He pounds in a few more times, then pulls out, coming against the wall.
A few seconds of silence pass, the dull chatter of Bill's passive-aggressive admonishment still floating from the living space. Budd looks like he's going to try and say something. You want to hear it, but you don't allow yourself to.
Budd cleans the wall, and rubs a hand up your inner thigh. You grind your hips a little, and stretch.
"I needed that." It was your version of thanks. He nods, smiling softly. Then you walk past him, back to your room, and curl up, hugging a pillow.
"Budd. Sit."
"What's up, big brother?" Budd asks, slouching on the couch. He's got a lot on his mind, but he never lets it affect his work. He had a lot of problems with what he did, and not much of an outlet for the pain of it except you. He'd be lying if he said he wasn't a little nervous... his brother was good at finding out about things, and with Budd and you right now, there was a lot to find out.
"Black Mamba."
Budd relaxes a little. "Mm? What about her?" he asks, lighting a cigarette.
"She needs to be taken out."
Budd gets serious, leaning forward. Normally, he would never ask questions, but he knows how close you are to Beatrix... and how close Bill is himself.
"Can I ask why?" Budd asks, voice barely above a whisper.
Bill doesn't turn around. "No, you may not."
You and Beatrix sit by the campfire. It's the Mojave Desert nighttimes that get you sentimental, and right now, you're feeling it under the stars.
It's about two months since you and Budd started sleeping together to help beat stress after missions. Each time, he'd find you, in the kitchen, in your room, in his room, in a closet, on the balcony, wherever, and fuck you until you sobbed. It's always hot, and it's always satisfying.
You always want more... but each time he asks what you can become, with those hopeful, lovesick icy blue eyes, you respond with the same thing:
"It's not personal."
You hate the crestfallen looks more than anything, but it's self defence. It's probably best for him, as well.  What good did feelings ever do you? What good would they ever do? It's a weakness you both can't afford to harbour.
"Hey," Bea interrupts your deep thoughts, poking the fire. You look up at her through the orange sparks. "Is there something going on between you and Budd?"
Your defences go up. "No."
She just smiles. "I had a thing with Bill once. It's okay. They're attractive brothers. Can I ask you a question?"
"As long as it's not that one."
"How many scars you have? Physical scars."
You smile. "A lot."
"I mean... ones that aren't from this."
You feel your wrist deftly. "I fell when I was six, split my thumb. Fell when I was 10, split my knee. Fell when I was 13, split my elbow-- see where this is going? Then Bill came along to get me, I met you, and hell-- I'm one big walking scar now." She laughs.
"I only have one from before." She reaches down to her wrist, and clears her throat. "Tai, I've... (y/n). I've been meaning to say something."
"Yeah?" You take a swig from your beer bottle, setting it down. You wipe the dust from your hands off on your low rise jeans.
"I wanna say... I know friendship is discouraged in this line of work. But you're the closest thing to a sister I've got. And I wanted to say thank you."
Your mind stalls a little. You don't say thank you in this business. You just don't. But this is different, you can tell. No snarky jabs. No teasing. Just...
"You're welcome," you answer, and the two of you clink your beers over the fire. She looks down.
"I'm pregnant."
"What?" you choke.
"I want you to be the godmother."
You stay silent. If you even mentioned this to anyone else, you'd both be dead. But despite all warnings, you can't help but nod.
"Listen to what I'm telling you, honey."
Your tears fall silently on your hand, and you wipe them off before Budd notices them. "I don't want to hear anything you have to say. Or Bill."
"If you don't do it..." he murmurs desperately, "He'll kill you. He'll make me kill you." You know this. You know it plain as day.
"You're going to betray her."
"I'm doing my job. You do yours, and we come out clean. We can..." he sighs, holding you closer to him, "We can even get away for a while. You and me."
You calm yourself down, and let Budd kiss you down to the pillows. Don't make attachments. There's no reason why you can't carry this out. Every snake for herself.
Beatrix stands in the middle of the circle, looking around.
"What is this?"
You try to look her in the eye. She glares dead ahead at Bill. You're all standing in the middle of the desert, by a church.
"Has to be done, Bea," Bill says, and everyone gets out their guns.
"You know I can tear through each and every one of you," she snarls.
"Not her, honey," Budd speaks up, looking at you. "You two are matched. If you tear through all of us, you've still got her." The blonde looks at you, hurt evident in her eyes.
"You may call me sadistic," Bill continues, "But I'd argue that right now, I'm at my most... masochistic."
Budd rubs your back softly, and you squeeze your eyes shut.
"Bill--" Bea tries to plead. "It's your ba--"
Unable to bear it, you turn your gun on Bill, and start firing before he can shoot her. You know Budd will help you. There's a flurry of bullets, and Budd looks over at you. You look at him, and he goes to make a jump for you... you think you see his gun pulled, and you're stunned. Would he really do you in for Bill?
A bullet clips you in the back of the ribs, just grazing vitals, and you fall over.
O'Ren stands over you, and prods you with a grin.
"It appears the Taipan can be outmatched."
"You sick pieces of shit," Budd whispers under his breath, turning away.
Beatrix screams, Budd drops his weapon, and the guns are turned on the Black Mamba.
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headoverhiddles · 6 years
Sidewinder: Volume II - Budd (Kill Bill) x Reader [Smut]
Synopsis: Four years after you “died”, you realize you can’t keep up the charade alone. 
Notes: Second and last part! Budd, my sweetheart. Ahh. This isn’t my best work, buuut it has all the feels. Hopefully you enjoy! 
Part One Here
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You slam another beer down in the country dive bar, just outside of El Paso.
"And then I got him in real close. I pulled him right to my face, and he knew what he'd done." You wipe your mouth, drunk out of your mind. "And then... and then he tried to tell me he still loved me, that he was sorry, and you know what I did?"
The young guy bartending raises his eyebrows. "What'd you do?"
"I stuck my knife right into his heart," you sniffle, and take another sip of beer. The bartender spends a long time staring at you, then sighs, leaning forward.
"Shit, honey. You ain't seen him since that day, have you?"
A single tear rolls down your cheek.
Driving down the desert highway, you start to feel nervous. It had been four years since you had seen any of them. They all thought you were dead, and you had remained under the radar. You still hadn't let anyone get too close to you over this time-- maybe because your training was so heavily ingrained in you, or maybe because of Budd.
Even whispering his name made you want to cry.
All he'd been was a fuck buddy. But there was definitely something more there, something you hadn't left behind that day. You feel the sharp pain in the right side of your ribs where the bullet had gone through as you turn to get your sunglasses from the compartment.
You had blamed him for a while-- for turning on you. Now, the heat of the day in your memory blurred the lines. You weren't even sure if he had turned on you or not. It just made you feel better to tell yourself you found him, and took your revenge.
But you couldn't ignore it any longer. You had to find him.
The place you had tracked him down to was almost impossible to pinpoint. He was living in a trailer, just off the highway by the mountains.
After driving a day and a half, you finally see it in the distance. A fire crackles in front of it, and you pull over. Closing the door, nobody makes a move to exit the trailer, so you walk closer to it.
Just as you're getting up to the front door, it blows open, and the door hurtles past you. You look at it, then inside, where Budd's sitting in a lawn chair with a shotgun, a cowboy hat hanging low on his head.
Your heart hammers in your chest, as you two look at each other again. He stands up, stunned, and you gasp a little, remembering to breathe.
"So," you laugh weakly, stepping one cowboy boot up onto his doorstep. "I take it you've quit the life too."
He pours two margaritas, and holds one out. "There you go. Wrap your lips around that." That sends shivers through you.
"You've changed," you mention, accepting the drink with a good glance to his biceps.
"Yeah," he nods, "Guess so. Not for the better, I'm told. Nice boots."
"You still talk to Bill? ...You too."
"You know I'm not gonna rat on ya."
"I just mean, do you still talk as brothers?" Budd looks down. Must be a sore subject now, so you change it. "Where do you work?"
"Titty bar."
"Oh," you smirk, "That's nice. I'm a stripper."
He looks up. "No shit." He shakes his head. "Always had the ass for it."
"I'm fucking with you," you mutter, rolling your eyes, "The day I become a stripper is the day I'll wish I really had been shot." You shrug. "Just me, though. Nothing wrong with other girls making honest money... from not killing people."
"Cheers to that," he mutters, and you clink your little jars of ice and tequila, "I'd even become a fuckin' stripper if it meant erasing the messy shit I've done." You look at him for a while, and he feels your eyes on him. After a second, he taps his glass. "You can say it, honey."
"Say what?" He gives you a look, and you shake your head. "Budd, I'm not gonna say shit." You take a long sip of your drink, and look at him, your heart beating faster. He definitely has changed, from a clean cut, sharply dressed suit-wearing assassin to a drunk cowboy, jeans, dusty wifebeater and all. But as much as you denied it, you wanted him to be your drunk cowboy. Even after all these years of fantasizing about killing him for what he did (or was made to do) one thing was still painfully clear.
"What is it?" he asks, voice barely above a whisper. Those icy blue eyes are searching, and you feel a lump in your throat.
"I still love you."
You lean forward, and pressing a hand to his chest, kiss him. He accepts your kiss, wrapping his arms around the back of your head, and you straddle him, the two of you kissing like you'll die without each other. When you pull away, he looks down, laughing a little. His brown hair falls in his eyes, and you brush it back as he looks back up.
"What do you mean 'still'?"
You push him a little, smirking. He was right-- you had never said it before, but the both of you knew. It was unspoken, each time he'd slept with you, but the feelings grew each time.
You hug your arms around yourself. "I was vulnerable. You know I couldn't admit it to myself. Especially with Bill."
"I understand, honey. You don't gotta explain it." He sits back, obviously relieved. "Hell. I thought you'd take one look at me now, and high tail it. That is, if you ever came back."
"You glad I did?" you ask, laying him down.
"Yes," he groans, and you grind down onto him, kissing again. His hands wander up your ass, squeezing you, and you shudder. It's as if no time has passed.
Tears gather in your eyes as you lift yourself up onto him, and he moans your name softly as he pushes in.
"I missed you," you whisper, cradling his face, and he squeezes his eyes shut.
"Missed you too, honey."
You rock down onto him, every emotion you'd felt toward Budd through the past 4 years coming to the surface. As your anger bubbles up, you ride him harder, and he clutches your hips.
"Why'd you help him?"
"He's my brother."
"Kiddo was like a sister to me. They would have killed me. All of them. For all you know, I was dead for four years."
"And I blamed myself for all of 'em, you better believe I did. But I went for you. When they all started shootin', I protected you."
"Really," you breathe, lifting up your shirt to expose your breasts and the scar that ran down your rib cage, "Then how did I get this?"
"I'm sorry," he mutters, "I'm so sorry, angel… I couldn’t stop that."
You wish you had a gun, a sword, anything to hold to his neck and demand he tell the truth. But you can see in those eyes, that always showed what he was thinking, that he was.
You fall into him, laying over top as he fucks you to completion. You both gasp each others' names, and he sighs, holding you in his arms in that little desert trailer.
You listen to the sound of distant coyotes, and the rare rattle of a passing snake. Budd kisses you lazily, and you kiss back with soft, sweet moans, making up for time lost. Surrounded by predators instead of preying yourself, you've never felt more at ease.
Budd kisses your temple, sighing. "She's still alive, you know."
You hold your breath. You don't know how to respond.
"All the others are dead... and she's coming for us too."
"...For you."
He looks down at you, and you stare straight ahead at that door. If Beatrix came through that door right now swinging a Hattori Hanzo, you don't know which side you'd pick.
Or maybe you do. You just don't want to say it.
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headoverhiddles · 6 years
Being Shared By Bill and Budd Would Include
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You start out as Bill’s new squeeze after Bea is out of the picture
He’s seen you and Budd making eyes at each other
Bill is a ridiculously possessive man, but the only person he doesn’t mind sharing you with is his brother because he knows how insatiable you are
So one day, he has a heart to heart talk with you, as he does frequently, and asks you to be honest with him– do you want the relationship to include Budd?
You smile, and tell him yes please
Bill says Budd can do almost anything to you, but there won’t be any threesomes unless it’s just the two of them watching you or one watching the other two (it is after all his brother) and Budd can’t leave any marks of any kind on your body
You tell Budd, and you two make out.
The sex is very different; while he is very affectionate outside of the bedroom, sex with Bill is a steamy power struggle (a hot one, but still) but sex with Budd is carefree and loving
Both involve heavy praise, though. They both love seeing their girl happy and appreciated
The positions are different too– you like to ride Bill’s thigh, ride him, and you love receiving oral from Bill because hooo damn that man can work his tongue inside you like no other.
Budd on the other hand, you love blowing, cause his cock is so big and you always love hearing him groan above you. You also prefer doggy style here, but missionary can be amazing too with him
One night you’re really horny, and you’re masturbating on your bed when Bill and Budd come by. They’re talking, but stop as they hear you
“Well… lookee here, Bill,” Budd would smirk, “Look what we found.”
“I think our girl wants something… a little more tonight,” Bill would whisper, trailing his fingers up your legs, and the two would sit back, watching you keep going.
Generally, it’s a very healthy and sexually beneficial love triangle!
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headoverhiddles · 6 years
Having A Kid With Mr. Blonde Would Include
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Wow. It’s a little hard to imagine him being a good dad but here we go lol
Vic would be fiercely loyal to his family, and overprotective over you and the kid. He would literally kill for the both of you. He would kill for you both, do jail time, anything to ensure your safety. 
Let’s say it’s a girl. She would be daddy’s little girl, always following him around and doing whatever he says 
Of course, as she grows into a toddler, she becomes quite the troublemaker. You teasingly blame it on Vic-- “It’s your influence that she’s like this.” “What? Like daddy like daughter,” Vic would grin, scooping her up into his arms. 
He has this way of making her behave though, this quiet stern air he has about him when he’s not playing around anymore. When she takes a tantrum or misbehaves, he’ll give her a look, cross his arms, and say: “Be cool, baby.” And she’ll stop right away, because she wants to be cool just like her dad
You fight sometimes with Vic over his job working for Joe Cabot, telling him that it’s dangerous and your daughter won’t have a positive career model. Vic tells you there’s nothing to worry about, that he always has everything under control and that Joe takes care of you guys well  
You can’t help but worry every time he works a job that he might not come back, due to his unpredictable nature. You love him with all your heart, and couldn’t handle it if something happened to him
Vic likes to carry your daughter on his shoulders, call her ‘princess’ and ‘sugar buttons’ and all these adorable names that make your heart melt. The way he looks at her, like she’s his world, just makes you love him that much more
When he works a particularly risky job or when you two want a night for some adult times, he suggests she stay at Uncle Vinnie’s. 
“You can’t be serious,” you hiss, “Vincent is a hitman. She won’t be safe there!”
“C’mooon, hun. Uncle Vincent and Uncle Jules love the little bean, and they’ve been asking for a visit for forever. Besides...” he snakes his hands down to feel your ass, “I want you so fuckin’ bad.” 
You eventually give in, because sure, your brother in law Vincent is a bit of an airhead, but he’s a lot more mild-mannered than your husband, and your daughter really does enjoy going to stay with the two guys (”They always take me to Big Kahuna Burger, mommy!”) and because you miss your husband’s big dick ahem
He never tells you the details of his jobs, like any of the psychotic stuff he does. He feels it’s justified, and doesn’t want the argument with you about it. 
Vic and your daughter have the exact same big blue puppy eyes, that they both frequently use on you. It always ends up working. 
When Vic goes to prison for 4 years after getting caught in a warehouse full of hot items, you tell your daughter that daddy’s gone away for work for a bit. Vic is close to tears when he kisses you goodbye, but he makes you promise to stay strong. You’ve never seen him this emotional, not since the first time he held his daughter
Your daughter gives him a big hug around the knees, and he scoops her up, kissing her cheek. 
You work a lot to support the family while Vic’s in prison, so your daughter spends a lot of time with Vincent and Jules. She still stays with you most of the time though, and frequently tells you how much she misses daddy. You stare at a picture of him, and tell her you do too
When he’s let out, he hasn’t changed a bit. He’s still as fun as ever around her, and when she asks where he was, he makes up the coolest story about travelling the world and wrestling sharks and climbing mountains. He even bought a shark tooth from a local pawn shop to give her for effect.
You and Vic spend the entire night cuddling, and your daughter joins the cuddle as well, the family finally together again 
You’re wary when Vic goes back to work another job with five guys and some diamonds for Joe again, but you trust him, so you don’t stop your husband. He promises he’s doing this one to fill your daughter’s college fund. 
He spends the morning with you both before he goes to the job dressed in his suit and sunglasses-- he gets fast food for everyone, and promises his little princess he’ll come back and wake her up that night. As he walks off to the car for the heist, he blows a kiss to your daughter, winks, and says: “Be cool, baby.” 
Oh wow I have proved my initial statement wrong and made myself cry ahaha
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headoverhiddles · 6 years
Comfort - Joe Gage x Reader [Fluff]
Synopsis: Reader is on her period, and Joe takes care of her.
Notes: @this-is-mysuperwholockd-design FOR YOU 😘😘😘😘😘😘 Enjoy!!
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You moan softly, turning over. Beside you, your husband takes notice of your discomfort. 
"Whassa matter, sweetie?" he asks in that deep drawl, his voice vibrating through his chest as he hugs you from behind. It's the middle of the night, and the snow blowing around your little house is all you can hear over the fire. 
Your husband Joe had been away on a job with the gang, but he had returned this morning, with (stolen) jewelry from the last town they sacked and both of your favorites, a bag of peppermint sticks to share. You had tried to keep the discomfort over your time of month from him, but it was getting extremely painful at this point. 
You whimper softly. 
"Hey... hey, little darlin', what's got you down?" he whispers, brushing hair from your neck and kissing it. 
"'M really hurting," you reply, whimpering again.
"Lemme guess... you, uh, dropped the axe on your foot choppin' firewood while I was gone."
"Okay okay, you, uh... you were out making a snowman, and you fell in a ditch?"
"Joe..." You roll your eyes. "It's my time of month."
He looks genuinely caught off guard. "Oh. Yeah?"
"Hm, my time of month coming once every month... imagine that!"
He laughs gently into your hair. "Sorry. That was stupid. How bad's it?"  
You curl in a little more, wincing. "Remember that time Pete accidentally shot you in the stomach? And you came home and basically felt like you were dying, and we both didn't know if you would make it through the night?"
He huffs. "How could I forget? That English idiot..."
"Well, that's how it feels."
Joe stares at you incredulously. "You're telling me that every month, you feel like you got shot in the gut?"
You turn to face him, your noses touching. "Yep."
"Shot by Pete, goddammit?"
"Oh yeah."
He blinks. "Hell, honey. Never knew it was that bad. Let me, uh... try and make it feel a little better, okay?"
"How?" you pout. The pain is terrible, and all you want to do was scream into the vast mountains of Wyoming behind your little cottage about it.
"Let me start by doing this..." He starts to rub your stomach gently, his warm hands heating the area pleasantly. By no means does it help all too much, but it's comforting.
"Mmm... keep doing that," you smile hazily.
"Yeah?" he murmurs in your ear, "Does my honey like that?"
"Yeah, your honey sure does, now get back to the place where you... mm, yeah, there, baby."
"You know something?" he whispers, moving his hand in slow, soothing strokes up to just barely graze your breasts before bringing it down to sweep your underclothes.
"I thought now would be a good time to tell you this. You being pretty... laid up, and moany, y'know, moody... and you can't get up it leave cause I'm being too sappy..."
You give him warning eyes, and he chuckles, putting his other hand up in surrender.
"What is it?" you repeat softly.
"Well (y/n), I... just thought I'd tell you how much you mean to me. Life wouldn't be nearly as precious without a feisty girl to come home to... go out with... cuddle up by the fire after a long day with..." He frowns a little. "I guess... what I'm trying to say, and I'm not doin' too well at it, is, uh... I love you, honey." He stares into your eyes. "I really do. So much. For ever and ever. You're my girl, and I'll always look after my girl."
You feel tears gather in your eyes as you let out a whine.
"Baby, you can't tell me stuff like that right now."
"O-okay, why not?"
You grin. "Because I'm very emotional right now, and I'm going to bawl my eyes out."
He chuckles, hugging you to him.
"That wouldn't be so bad. Then I'd have more reason to hold you close, right?"
"You can hold me close whenever you so feel like it, Joe Gage," you slap him on the shoulder playfully.
"I think I'll take you up on that, Mrs. Gage," he winks, kissing your forehead and then your lips. As he continues to rub your aching stomach, you sober up a little, sighing.
"Honestly. You okay with it?"
"Okay with what?"
"...all of this bleeding of mine?"
He readjusts himself, fixing you with a stern look. "First of all... what I am or am not okay with... is pretty fucking far from what is relevant right now. Second..." He gives a big grin. "Since when have I ever been scared of a little blood?"
You giggle, and let him pull you back against his chest with the heavy blanket over you both for the night.
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wordfighter · 7 years
All around the world, chapter 15
Summary: It has been ten years since Emil saw his friends and he decides to take a vacation to see them. Type: fanfiction/chapter story Words: 954 Category: Stand Still Stay Silent Genre: Friendship, hurt/comfort Rating: Teen Characters: Lalli, Emil Warnings: Weirdly behaving Emil
Read it here or at ff.net
Emil and Lalli stayed at Egil's farm for another three days. Lalli learned to recognize some Danish words during the first day when Emil was still feverish and tired, but when Emil was feeling better he trusted the other to translate for him. Emil was different from Tuuri, tried to translate everything so Lalli could feel like a part of the conversation, and not just when someone needed Lalli to do something. Lalli even tried to take part in the conversation, but Emil always noticed when he was losing interest in it.
”Don't feel like you have to say anything”, Emil said, ”I can talk for both of us.”
Lalli kept a close eye on Emil while they stayed on the farm, determined not to let him get so sick again. Emil laughed nervously every time he noticed Lalli staring.
On the fourth day they left. Egil had told them Maiken had given birth to a girl the day before and since Emil was feeling well again they didn't see any reason to linger any longer. Emil wanted to see the baby and offer his help during their stay. Lalli didn't come with any objections, he was happy with following Emil. Lalli took the reins during the way back to Mikkel, even though Emil protested. It took them three hours to reach the farm and Lalli couldn't spot anyone. He slid down the horse, offered Emil his help, but the Swede rejected.
”I'm not sick any longer, Lalli, you don't have to worry about me breaking.”
Lalli frowned, but didn't say anything. It wasn't just the fever that had gotten him worried about the other, it was the dreams he didn't want to talk about and how he looked when he woke up from them. He had even gone to Emil's sanctuary, tried to get the other to talk there, but it hadn't worked. Whatever was going through his friends mind was hurting him badly and Lalli understood his need to shut it away, but knew it wouldn't help him. Emil didn't listen.
Lalli followed Emil to the house, and he knocked the door quietly, opened it. Mikkel, Malthe and Michael was sitting in the living room, playing a game of cards. Mikkel smiled at them when he saw them.
”We almost missed you around here! How are you?”
”Great”, Emil answered and settled down by the table. ”How is Maiken?”
”Tired, but happy”, Michael answered.
Lalli leaned against the wall, watched them interact. Emil tried to get him to settle down by the table as well, but he shook his head. He could see the other better from his position by the wall and maybe by observing him he could figure out what was bothering Emil. Emil laughed with the others, acted just like normal and Lalli almost convinced himself that he was being over-protective, but then he noticed Emil pulling away if someone came too close to his arms, his face scrunched up in pain for a microsecond if anyone touched him.
It continued for a few days, Emil avoided Lalli's questions, Lalli kept his eyes on Emil and the Madsen-family didn't notice it because Emil kept his mask up while interacting with them, only letting it fall in his dreams. One day after lunch Lalli followed Emil and Malthe outside to feed the animals while Mikkel cleaned the house and prepared dinner, and Michael took care of his wife. Emil moved slower than Lalli knew he could, and a couple of times he caught the other staring into the distance.
”Emil...” Lalli started one of those times.
Emil twitched, noticed Lalli and smiled.
”Hi Lalli. How are you? You've been keeping away these last days...”
Lalli stopped, looked at Emil and shook his head.
”Me? What about you?” He grabbed Emil's arm and Emil flinched slightly. ”We promised to talk, why are you hiding?”
”I'm not... I don't... What do you mean?”
”You know. I'll come this night, and then we talk.”
Emil continued working for a while and Lalli looked at him, crossed his arms over his chest. After a few minutes Emil stopped, nodded, and then went back to work. Lalli watched him for a few moments, then went back to work himself. Mikkel called them inside for dinner, and then the whole family gathered in the living room. Emil entertained the new-born, to allow Maiken to do other things. Lalli sat next to Emil, carving a toy out of a piece of wood and the baby watched him working. As the sun went down they got ready for bed, Lalli slid down under the bed Emil was sleeping in and woke up in his sanctuary.
Onni was there. The older man had his arms crossed over his chest, stared at Lalli and Lalli looked away, tried to figure out what to do. Onni came closer.
”We need to talk.”
”I don't have time.”
”That's what we need to talk about.”
Lalli cursed silently, Onni had found out.
”Tomorrow”, Lalli said. ”I already promised.”
”I can't let you, it's forbidden, you know that. What if the gods find out?”
”I'll risk it.”
The two stared at each other, Lalli started walking to the barrier, but Onni grabbed him.
”I won't let you, it's dangerous out there.”
”Don't get in my way.”
”I'm your teacher, Lalli. I'm stronger than you.”
Lalli looked away, then looked at Onni again.
”You used to be. But I have something you'll never get.”
Onni let go of Lalli, took a step back and crossed his arms over his chest. After a few minutes Onni looked away and Lalli walked past him, stopped by the barrier.
”We'll talk tomorrow.”
With that he left the sanctuary.
0 notes
wordfighter · 7 years
All around the world, chapter 14
Summary: It has been ten years since Emil saw his friends and he decides to take a vacation to see them. Type: fanfiction/chapter story Words: 1582 Category: Stand Still Stay Silent Genre: Friendship, hurt/comfort Rating: Teen Characters: Lalli, Emil Warnings: Fire, death, sickness
Read it here or at ff.net
”You must be Emil and Lalli.”
Emil blinked, tried to shake the tiredness off and focus on the person who was talking to them. It was an older man, around 60 years, with tiny glasses, lots of wrinkles and carefully combed white hair.
”Mikkel radioed me yesterday and told me you were coming”, the man held his hand out and Emil shook it. ”I'm Egil. And you are?”
”Emil, that's Lalli”, Emil nodded in Lalli's direction.
Egil let go of Emil's hand, held it out towards Lalli, but Lalli didn't take it.
”Ah, yes, Mikkel told me you were a peculiar one, I can see what he meant.”
Lalli slid down from the horse and Emil followed him, almost lost his balance, but Lalli's hands caught him and held him up. Egil pushed his glasses up and looked at Emil.
”You don't look very well. Come on in, I'll tell Thea to take care of the horse.”
Emil pulled free from Lalli's grip, folded the blanket and put it back in the saddle bag. They followed Egil to the house, which was a lot smaller than the one on the Madsen farm. Egil told them to make themselves comfortable and Emil sank down in the armchair closest to the fireplace. Lalli settled down on the carpet infront of him, looked at him, and Emil leaned back in the chair and closed his eyes. Someone shook his shoulder and he opened his eyes again, looked at a woman around his age with brown, curly hair.
”Sorry to wake you up, but you should eat.”
Emil blinked, straightened up in the chair. A blanket slid off him and landed on the floor and he looked at it.
”I fell asleep, didn't I? I'm sorry.”
”It's nothing to worry about”, she held a bowl out to him. ”I made some soup for you. I know when I'm sick that's the only thing I can eat.”
”Thanks”, Emil accepted the bowl. ”I'm sorry about coming here like this.”
She shook her head.
”We don't mind, just take care and feel better soon.”
She got up, told Lalli dinner would be ready in half an hour. Emil smiled at the Lalli's confused look and translated it for him, explained for the woman that Lalli didn't understand Danish and she smiled.
”He's good at making himself understood in other ways”, she said. ”You have a good friend there.”
”I know”, Emil smiled. ”Oh, wait, I'm sorry, I didn't get your name.”
”I'm Thea, Egil's daughter. Make sure you eat up, you need the energy.”
She left again, Lalli got up from tha floor and put the blanket over Emil's legs again. Emil protested slightly, but Lalli gave him one of the typical Lalli-glances and Emil stopped trying to stop him and ate the soup instead. Lalli kept watching him in silence, and when he was done the other took the bowl and disappeared. Emil looked at the fire, pulled the blanket higher and closed his eyes again.
”Sleeping?” he heard after a while. Lalli's voice and he shook his head.
”Resting my eyes.”
A cold hand was placed on his forehead and Emil opened an eye, looked at Lalli. Lalli was frowning and Emil patted his arm.
”Fever”, Lalli said.
”Yeah, figured that out already. I didn't mean to destroy our vacation.”
”Not destroyed”, Lalli settled down on the floor again. ”Just a break from adventures. You're very hot.”
”I'm always hot”, Emil smiled, ”it's nothing to worry about. I'm sure I'll be up and running again tomorrow.”
Emil slipped into Swedish and Lalli looked confused.
”Maybe so, but I'll be keeping you here a couple of days”, Egil said. ”Thea is insisting and I agree with her.” Emil made a move to protest, but Egil shook his head. ”It's not just for you're sake, the Madsen family are close friends to us and since they're expecting I don't want to risk Maiken or the child to catch anything.”
”Has it arrived already?”
”Not yet, but Michael left to find a midwife this morning, so any day now.”
Emil sank back into the armchair and agreed to staying for a couple of days. Egil settled down in the couch and was soon joined by Thea, who told Emil and Lalli that the guestroom had been prepared if they were tired. Emil thanked her, asked Lalli what he wanted to do, but since Lalli wasn't tired yet they stayed in the living room. Thea settled down in the couch next to her father and picked up a piece of clothing she was working on. Egil told them a little about when he and Mikkel had met in the military, and Emil tried to keep up, tried to include Lalli in what they were saying, but after only a few minutes he noticed Lalli looking strangely at him and he realized he was mixing up words. He leaned back, closed his eyes and apologized to Egil. Egil assured him it was no problem, they could talk more the next day when Emil was feeling better.
Egil took out a piece of wood he was working on and Lalli moved over to see what he was doing. Emil listened as Egil slowly and clearly explained it to Lalli, and his voice blended with the sound of the fire and Emil fell asleep again. The sounds of the fire found the way into Emil's dreams and he was back five years in time. People were yelling orders around him, but his eyes were glued to the building they had gathered around. As the first order to throw the grenades echoed around him he started rushing towards it. Two seconds after he entered the building he heard screams from the second floor and he rushed to the stair, took four steps at the time. Fire was already spreading, but he could see a man in the middle of the flames and he rushed into them without thinking, tried to grab him, but he was panicked and resisted. The man managed to hit one of the fuel cans Emil carried, drenching Emil's coat in the fluid. Fire caught the man, made him panic even more and Emil threw his arms around the other, dragged him down the stairs.
By now the fire was everywhere, Emil's coat was getting hotter, caught fire, but he didn't let go of the other, even though he had gotten limp. Emil was sweating, coughing and he could hardly see through the smoke. He managed to find the door, fell to the ground. Voices was calling for him, tugging at the person he was holding, but he was unable to let go.
Emil had to save him. Voices said he was too late, but it couldn't be, it couldn't. Hands were pulling at him, at his clothes and pain surged through his body, he started shivering.
”Emil, wake up.”
Emil shook his head, felt someone shaking him and he shook his head again, blinked. Lalli was sitting on the armrest, shaking him with one hand and tried to detangle him from the blanket with the other. Egil and Thea was standing behind him and Emil closed his eyes again. A wet cloth was placed over his forehead, carefully wiped the sweat of his face. He tried to focus on Lalli's voice, grabbed his shoulder and hugged it. Lalli continued talking to him, tried to pull him back into the room and Emil coughed, still saw the flames towering around him.
”I think”, he said when he was able to breathe calmly again, ”I think I want to go to bed...”
”I'll show you to the room.”
Thea's voice. Emil was safe, there was no fire, no one was dying. He opened his eyes, looked at Lalli and then at Thea and nodded. Lalli helped him up, held his arm to stop him from stumbling. Thea gestured for them to follow her and Lalli said good night to Egil before leading Emil after the woman. She showed them the door, Emil settled down on the bed, leaned against the wall.
”Just call me if you need anything”, Thea said.
Emil heard Lalli answer her, couldn't make out what he was saying, and then the door closed. Emil looked around, couldn't see Lalli and felt panic washing over him. A minute later the door opened again and Lalli came inside, settled down on the bed next to Emil. He started pulling at Emil's clothes and Emil tried to pull away.
”You're clothes are drenched, you need to change.”
Emil placed a hand over his chest, shook his head and Lalli put the bundle of fabric he was holding on the bed, crouched infront of Emil.
”What did you dream?”
”There was fire...” Emil mumbled. ”I couldn't... It was my fault, I...”
”Emil”, Lalli placed his hands on Emil's knees. ”It was a dream. You need to sleep. Let's get you out of those clothes.”
”I killed him.”
”It was a dream. Please, Emil.”
Emil's hand fell down and Lalli got up again, helped Emil out of his clothes. Emil's hand traced over the burnmarks, and Lalli grabbed it, pulled Emil's pyjamas over his arms, his head. He settled down next to Emil, gently forced him to lay down, using Lalli's legs as pillow. He wrapped a couple of blankets over Emil, pulled his fingers through Emil's hair and Emil closed his eyes. Lalli was in his sanctuary when he fell asleep.
0 notes
wordfighter · 7 years
All around the world, chapter 10
Summary: It has been ten years since Emil saw his friends and he decides to take a vacation to see them. Type: fanfiction/chapter story Words: 1546 Category: Stand Still Stay Silent Genre: Friendship, hurt/comfort Rating: Teen Characters: Lalli, Emil, Mikkel, Malthe, Michael Warnings: Cows,
Read it here or at ff.net
Lalli didn't care much, and Emil knew he shouldn't since he had seen lots of farms both in Sweden and in Finland, but there was something different about the Madsen farm. To begin with, it was big, with large fields that laid barren for the winter. Cows were grazing in one field, getting what fresh grass they could before the first snow would fall. And in the middle of the whole place there was four buildings, all looking like they had been built by different people, and even those different people hadn't been able to agree about how their own house should look. Even though it looked like a place to try out new explosives there was  still something tranquil, something warm, over the place. It felt like home, even though Emil had never seen it before.
”It's a beauty, isn't it?” Malthe said with a laugh.
Emil wasn't sure how to answer, so he nodded. Malthe led them towards the houses and Lalli started pulling at Emil's backpack as they walked, handing Emil the three presents they had gotten for Mikkel. As they got closer Emil spotted someone near one of the buildings, trying to get a cow to go inside it. Malthe waved to the person.
”Yo, Mikkel!”
”Ah, the lost son returns”, Mikkel answered and gave up his attempts with the cow. ”And he brought company! You should have warned us.”
”Hi Mikkel”, Emil said, smiling stupidly at the older man.
Mikkel hadn't changed much during the years. A little bit thinner, but barely noticeable, still sporting the sideburns and his shoulder-lenght hair. As he came up to them Emil noticed the wrinkles in his face and as the man smiled at them he saw that there was something different over Mikkel's eyes that age alone couldn't explain.
”Sorry for not warning you”, Emil said, ”but I wasn't entirely sure if I'd even find you.”
Mikkel nodded towards what seemed to be the main building, told them to get inside and Malthe led them to the building. Mikkel joined them after ten minutes.
”Michael, we have guests! Prepare some food for them, they look like they're starving!”
He sank down in an armchair, gestured for Emil, Lalli and Malthe to settle down, which they did, and then Mikkel asked what had brought them there. Emil explained that he had wanted to visit the first people he could actually call friends and Lalli had been kind enough to offer to tag along. He told Mikkel a little about how life had been in Sweden, and then Michael came inside to tell them that food had been prepared. Emil's jaw dropped a little when he saw the second Mikkel entering the room, and Michael laughed, held out his hand to the Swede.
”I'm Michael, Mikkel's older brother.”
”Older only by about thirty minutes.”
”It's still older.”
Emil decided that Michael was a person he liked. He got up from the couch and was reminded about the gifts he was still holding and offered them to Mikkel. Mikkel raised an eyebrow, but thanked him and opened them. He laughed when he saw the potatoes and his laughter increased when he unwrapped the two books. They all went to the dining room, settled down  and ate dinner. Malthe told his brothers about what he had done in Sweden and how Emil had stumbled over him on the boat, followed by Mikkel and Michael telling stories about farm-work during the summer. Emil did his best to keep Lalli part of the conversation, but after a while Lalli patted his arm and told him to enjoy the conversation without translating. Emil smiled thankfully.
”So you've mastered Finnish now?” Mikkel asked.
”Only took me like 8 years”, Emil said, proud over his achievement. ”I decided to finish studying it when I got back home since I had already started. Was pretty good to have in work as well, made the Finns feel more welcome when they came over.”
”How about Danish?”
”Still sounds like gibberish”, Emil answered with a smile. ”So what have you been up to these years?”
”Little brother here is inbetween jobs again”, Michael said, ”so he dcided to help me and the wife out here. He's also bravely declining all attempts from the ladies who wants to court him.”
”I am too old to get married and have kids, Michael.”
”Don't try that one on me, you've been like this for twenty years.”
”Was that the reason you came to the Silent World with us?”
”They needed someone to keep an eye on you kids and since I was momentarily between jobs at that time I decided that I could just as well follow along.”
Michael leaned closer to Emil.
”Don't listen to him, it was his revenge for getting kicked off from the reclamation attempt.”
Emil laughed, but tried to hide it behind a cough. Mikkel glared at the two of them and they fell quiet as they finished eating up. Michael took care of the dishes while the other four continued talking. Malthe left when Michael came back and the four of them played some boardgames and kept talking for another two hours. Mikkel offered Emil and Lalli room on the farm while they stayed in Denmark, but warned them that there would be early mornings and that he had lots of work to do and wouldn't be able to entertain them much. Emil ensured him that it wouldn't be any problem, he and Lalli were able to entertain themselves.
Emil helped Mikkel with the cows the next day, with Lalli sitting on the fence to watch them work. Mikkel had to show him how everything worked, and he admitted that he was impressed that Emil was interested in learning it. Emil wasn't sure what to answer and instead asked Mikkel about what he had done since the expedition. Mikkel told the younger man that he had worked in Iceland for a couple of years, then returned to the Danish military, and was sent to Norway to work in Sigrun's division. A year later he returned to the farm as his mother had gotten ill, had found work in the town, but after six months she had passed away and Mikkel moved back to the farm to help his father, who was also getting worse.
”Michael and his wife inherited the farm, so I rejoined the Danish army”, Mikkel continued. There was a new attempt to reclaim former Denmark and...”
”Were you relocated again?”
Mikkel hook his head.
”I was in the first wave. We got further this time, but then... We got overrun. I almost died that day and when I was finally better Michael had gotten his first kid, so I moved back to the farm. I have been helping out here since then, I take care of the animals with Maiken, Michael's wife, while Michael handles the crops.”
Mikkel showed Emil once more how to grab the cow while milking it. Lalli also gave it a try, but the cow moved away from his cold hands, and Mikkel took over. Emil helped leading a few of the cows into the barn and at lunchtime Maiken came with food. She looked tiny next to Mikkel, almost a head shorter than Emil and very round.
”Eighth month”, she answered to Emil's unspoken question.
”And you shouldn't be out working”, Mikkel said and patted her head.
”I know, but I can't trust you two with the cooking.”
She settled down on a bench and Mikkel wrapped a blanket around her before he settled down to eat. Maiken told Emil about life on the farm and all the trouble Mikkel and Michael had given their parents when they were young. Maiken had lived in the farm next to the Madsen family and often snuck over to be with the twins.
”I had an older brother, but he was ten years older and me and didn't want to drag a kid along while he helped our parents. Michael and Mikkel let me tag along”, she looked at Mikkel, ”even though I didn't enjoy when they lured me into the bull's pen.”
”He wouldn't have hurt a fly”, Mikkel said in defense.
”Yes, but how would you expect a five year old girl to understand that? My parents forbid me to come over after that, so of course they found me here more often. Did you two have any pets?”
Both Emil and Lalli shook their heads, but Emil told her about the dog his family had owned when he was a child. Lalli had never had a pet, but Emil happily shared his plans about maybe getting a cat or something. Mikkel laughed, commented that Lalli should be quite enough for that and Emil shook his head.
”You can't own Lalli.”
Maiken gathered the bowls again and went back to the house, Lalli followed her and Emil continued helping Mikkel get the cows inside the barn. It seemed to go well, but when almost all of them were inside half of them escaped again and they had to start over. Gathering them took almost the whole day and when it was time to head to bed Emil fell asleep the moment his head hit the pillow.
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