#michael caine when u said 'some people just wanna watch the world burn'. u were right sir.
shehungthemoon · 7 months
Gatekeep Ryan anon again sorry, so yeah I've seen people who are upset about Eddie's s7 love interest and anticipated storyline now implying Ryan had some kind of influence/power over the decision-making leading up to this and this is exactly what i meant when i said this fandom is perpetually hovering and waiting for any reason to turn on him. I thought it was clearly understood that actors have zero power in this regard, and Ryan especially never knows what's going on past this week's script (he thought s4 he was getting killed off!) why would it suddenly be diffierent now? Because a portion of this fandom is always looking for reasons to condemn him...
Also, just on a totally different vein, Ryan has been the BIGGEST buddie supporter for literal YEARS??? Like sorry buddie team if there's any actor that's gonna be on your side if given the chance it's going to be him. So either suck it up or not but don't go vilifying him bc he offends your delicate, black & white world view.
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