#michael Clifford imagine
valentiyne · 1 year
𝖺𝗉𝖺𝗋𝗍𝗆𝖾𝗇𝗍 716 ❀ 𝗅𝗎𝗄𝖾 𝗁𝖾𝗆𝗆𝗂𝗇𝗀𝗌
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Luke Hemmings x Fem!Reader Summary: Paper-thin walls and numerous noise complaints.
FULL BOOK: MIDNIGHT | L.R.H Warnings: None! Slight swearing if you squint hard enough Word Count: 2.8k Copyright © 2023 Valentiyne. All rights reserved. This original work is not allowed to be reposted on any platform in any format.
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Game Night was hosted every third Friday of the month. Cramped in the new tiny apartment, 7 friends and their significant others wound up on my shitty couch shouting nonsense at each other.
The living room consisted of the old couch, my TV on top of a cardboard box I hadn't quite unpacked yet, and numerous card games.
Holding the slip in my hand, I eye the timer in front of me on the makeshift coffee table My eyes scanned the paper quickly before jumping up and snapping my fingers, "Okay okay, it's born in the water but moves onto land when older."
My friends stare at me dumbfounded, their minds elsewhere as I furrow my brows and tap my feet numerous times. "Come on guys, it's what a tadpole turns into when it's older!" I'm practically yelling now, eyes darting between my friends sitting down and the tiny timer on the table.
"A baby turtle?"
"Andddd time"
I groan in annoyance, dropping the slip of paper while walking back to the spot on the couch, and plopping down with a huff.
"A baby turtle? Seriously?' I scoff, rolling my eyes at my friends who couldn't contain their laughter at my obvious annoyance.
"Okay I'll go nex-", My friend Abby was cut short by a knock on the door. It wasn't necessarily a pound, but it definitely made all of us go silent.
We all look at each other quickly, almost mentally counting everyone to make sure it wasn't an expected visitor.
I slide off the couch, my eyebrows raised for a moment before I walk towards the door. Standing on my tiptoes, I look through the peephole to see my next-door neighbor, Lucas, standing there with an annoyed expression painted on his face. I sigh and unlock the door, poking my head out with a smile.
"Are we too loud?", I ask with innocent eyes, my bottom lip tugged into my teeth as I speak quietly. Lucas gave a friendly smile, his eyebags hidden behind his eyeglasses as he turned to point at his door, "I know it's a Friday night but I'm really busy in the studio tonight... kind of hard to concentrate when there's a bunch of girls next door squealing over....?"
I finish the sentence for him, "If tadpoles are baby turtles." I rub the back of my neck shyly, laughing almost to myself.
"Right yeah, is there any way to keep it down just a tad?"
I give him a thumbs up before we part ways- him rubbing his eyes and kicking his door shut with his bare foot and me turning around and closing it softly. My friends all huddled up behind the door, eavesdropping on our conversation, and as soon as the door shut, they all squealed quietly.
"Oh my gosh! Y/n!", My friend Abby gushing, nudging me with her shoulder harshly. "You never told me you have huge chemistry with your neighbor?"
My eyes grow wide and my hands shoot up in defense, "Oh no- Lucas? He's just a neighbor"
All of my friends' eyes were on me now, and an awkward silence fell upon us. I give a mere shrug before walking back over to the coffee table to scoop up all the cards spawled across it.
"Game night at mine next time?", Abby asks from beside me, picking up the numerous cups with mysterious liquids in them with a disgusted look on her face.
I just nod in response, shoving the cards in their rightful places before sighing softly. We said our goodbyes with platonic kisses on the cheeks and dramatic waves before I was left alone in my apartment again.
It was cold, empty, and dead silent in here- completely opposite of the neighbor beside me I'd assume. My bedroom was similar to the living room- a tiny mattress rested on the floor and my toiletries were packed away in numerous boxes I was too lazy to unbox. My head hits the stiff pillow below me and I could hear Lucas in his bedroom strumming his guitar, humming to himself lowly.
It was a little after one o'clock in the morning, but he seemed to be wide awake singing.
"some things are meant to be secret and not to be heard"
It had officially been two weeks since the game night and two weeks since he came to my door. Lucas and I would occasionally make eye contact on the way to the mailboxes or even hold the elevator for one another- but not a single word was shared between us. He was always in his own world, his head bobbing to an imaginary beat inside his head.
Every night I could hear him singing to himself softly, the wall dividing our bedrooms was as thin as paper. The occasional groan and the sound of notebooks hitting the wall distracted me on nights I needed to sleep, but I never once said anything to him. He was a musician- and a very good one to say the least. I didn't want to be the annoying next-door neighbor.
I swing my door open, looking out into the hallway and scanning each door before finally averting my eyes to his own. The wrench in one hand was held on with a tight grip while the other hand carried the TV mount at my side. I could hear the sounds of various instruments being played from behind his door, his voice clearing every few moments to restart a lyric if it didn't sound right the first time.
The hand that held the wrench swung up, knocking on his door a few times before I took a step back and awkwardly looked around the hallway once again. The sounds from behind his door abruptly stopped and I could hear his heavy footsteps making their way towards the door now. Taking one more step back, I watched as Lucas opened the door and looked down at me,
"I'm sorry, am I being too loud?", He cheekily asked, a smile painted on his lips.
"No no, you're fine.", I laugh at his innocent teasing, quoting our most recent encounter. "I was actually coming over to see if you knew how to mount a TV", I poke my head around his figure and motion towards his apartment, "but seeing as you're busy-"
"I'm not busy." He corrects me, leaning inside his door to grab his keys before turning back towards me and grabbing the box from my hand. "Let me help you out, it'll take 10 minutes tops."
It didn't take 10 minutes. Hell, It didn't even take 30 minutes.
There Lucas and I both were, tools of various shapes and sizes sprawled out across my apartment floor and a cheap bottle of wine I found at the back of my fridge.
"Lucas are you sure you know how to-"
"It's Luke and yes, I know how to do this", he grumbles nonsense to himself as he flips through the instruction manual for the third time tonight. I sighed to myself slightly, trying to keep myself from laughing by taking a swig of the wine.
"Could always just use thumbtacks"
This makes Luke laugh, his eyebrows relaxing on his face and cheeks going bright red. He tosses the manual at me, and I put my hands up to defend myself.
"I'm pretty sure some thumbtacks couldnt hold a 35 pound Tv," He holds his stomach as he rolls around my floor, laughing loudly. I roll my eyes at this, groaning and tossing the screwdriver on the floor.
"Look, it's getting late. I'll just have you come over and do it another time.", I point towards the clock, which was held up with thumbtacks, that read two o'clock in the morning.
"Oh shit, sorry I totally spaced it," Luke stands up now, gathering up his tools quickly and giving me a crooked smile. "I'll swing by sometime this week to help you, I promise." I'm smiling now, shooing him out the door quickly.
"Yeah yeah see you later, rockstar", I tease and close the door abruptly, only to be stopped by a foot in the way.
"What are you doing tomorrow?", The way his eyes glimmered in the hallway light, his hair slicked back from sweat and cheeky dimples appeared as he smiled at me.
"I have finals tomorrow morning, and I'll probably be dead by the time its over- anytime after that I'm free.", I groan dramatically and push my palm into my forehead.
Luke just nods, freeing his foot from the doorway, and gives me a thumbs up, "I'll be sure to be quiet tonight so you can get your rest." I thank him kindly and give him a soft wave before closing the door behind him.
Luke was anything but quiet. I tossed and turned throughout the night, pushing the pillow closer to my ears as I heard him attempting to sing a lyric he wasn't even finished with. if there's one thing I've learned about him in the month and a half I've known him- he was a perfectionist. He sang the same things over and over countless times making sure it was absolutely perfect.
"Cause all these bodies are hoping to get addicted-"
I swing my arm up, smacking on the wall a couple times before groaning and letting it fall to my side once again. His side of the wall went silent immediately, the shuffling of papers and a small mumbled "sorry" was heard.
Luke had avoided me from that point forward: he didn't hold the elevator for me nor did he come and check his overflowing mailbox.
I found myself at his door once again, knocking in one swift movement before clearing my throat. I could hear him shuffling around his apartment, a loud thud followed by a "shit, one second!".
The door opens and a dripping-wet Luke is before me, a towel tightly wrapped around his waist. I blink a few times, holding my gaze above his shoulders out of respect.
"Why are you avoiding me", I ask in a monotone voice, cutting straight to the point. He raises his eyebrows at this now, one hand sassily on his hip.
"Who said I was avoiding you?", He chuckles lightly and opens the door wider, motioning for me to enter. My nose is filled with the smell of the oven baking something sweet mixed with his charcoal body wash. I step inside with a smile, closing the door behind me.
Luke wipes the water from his face and turns away from me, entering his bathroom for a split second, leaving me standing in his kitchen.
I glance around his living room: Pictures of his friends and family are hung up neatly on the wall, his instruments are laid out on the floor around his couch, and his bookshelf is overflowing with numerous copies of musical books.
He emerges from the bathroom once again, now clothed in a sweatshirt and basketball shorts and the towel that was once wrapped around his waist was now encased in his curls.
"I was just going to invite you over actually," He laughs again, flashing me his million-dollar smile before pointing at his dining table. It was decorated with a lace tablecloth, a small bouquet of flowers sitting in a glass-decorated vase, and a plate of steaming hot pasta was laid out. I smile to myself slightly, looking back up at him before taking my seat at the table, he rushes forward, scooting my chair in for me before taking his own seat across from me.
"What's the occasion?" I ask while picking up my fork, poking at the seafood pasta that was professionally plated. If you would've told me he hired a chef to make dinner- I would've believed you.
"I was loud on the night of your finals and I felt horrible knowing I kept you up all night", He picks up his napkin and places it neatly on his lap, "I wanted to make it up to you after I mounted your TV buttt you showed up a little early", He teases.
I take a bite of my food, groaning into the fork with a muffled giggle as my eyes look up at his. The food was amazing, and the flavor was intricately picked out to perfection.
Going back, this perfectly proved my point that Luke was a perfectionist.
We found small talk, conversing over what I was majoring in and what he was busy working on.
"So the album is almost done, I just need to finish this last song," He shrugs his shoulders and scrapes at the remains off his plate. I smile to myself, looking up now with innocent eyes, "Maybe I can help?"
He stands up abruptly, turning around and opening the oven to reveal the freshly baked brownies he had made- from scratch may I add. I groan in anticipation and rub my hands together dramatically. He grabs the brownies with oven mitts, turning around and facing me.
"If you want to help me, I'll allow it", he laughs and places the pan down gently and walks towards his living room, picking up a notebook that was previously thrown across the room.
"Here", he places it in front of me, removing my empty plate and walking
The notebook was written in barely eligible handwriting, with numerous words crossed out and mental notes scribbled on the sides.
Some things are meant to be secret and not to be heard so if I tell you, just keep it and don't say a word. when the doors are all closing.....It's bound to get ?? all these bodies are hoping to get addicted to
The rest of the page was scribbled out, lyrics that never made the cut. I snatch the pen from the metal spiral holding the pages together and click it once.
"it's bound to get.... loud?" I scribble it down next to the question marks and look up at him, scratching his chin with a nod. His cheeks were red now, the wine flushing through his body.
"What rhymes with loud?"
I look up at him now, as he scoots his chair right up next to me to the point our legs are touching.
"Cloud, hmmm,"
"Sound," we both say in unison.
Luke claps his hands together and grabs the pen from my hands, opening the notebook to a new page and scribbling down the new and improved lyrics. I watch him closely, the way his eyes twinkled and dimples poked through when he was concentrating.
I was so screwed. I was falling for my next door neighbor.
I didn't see him for another two weeks, his side of the wall seemed eerily vacant and completely silent. I even knocked a few times in hopes he'd knock back in some sort of rhythm, but there was no response.
Hearing the knock on my door shot my body out of bed, sweat dripping down my neck and sides. I groan and tap on my phone to check the time, blinding myself in the process. The pounding never stopped, not until I stumbled out of bed and opened my door. My heart skipped a beat, praying that the blonde would be on the other side with that cheeky smile I adored.
"Hello?", I ask in a groggy voice whilst rubbing my eyes and squinting up at the person who disturbed my slumber- at 2 a.m. may I add.
Instead of a person, I was met with an empty cold hallway. I avert my gaze down and towards my door mat. There, set up neatly was a bouquet of flowers with a note tied to the front with white lace.
I smile at myself and crouch down, picking up the thoughtful gift and looking down the hallway one last time before kicking my door shut.
I'm sorry I didn't see you before I left. Our album releases at 2:30am today and I was supposed to leave at 2... I just knew I had to leave you something on my way out. I hope you like the flowers I picked out my mom helped me.
I'd have probably sent you the link to the album by the time you finish reading this note.
I'm going to be all over the world, touring and doing what I love. I can't wait to be back home and see you again, i'll make sure to facetime every change I get.
your rockstar
I could hear the familiar ringtone from my bedroom, alerting me that Luke was a man of his word. I wipe a few stray tears and make my way to the bedroom, snatching my phone up with my free hand and clicking the link he had sent me.
This is the song I spent the last 3 months working on, keeping you tossing and turning until finally you perfected it.
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ameliora-j · 10 months
— fame f❊cker 𐐪𐑂 michael clifford
𐐪𐑂 summary -> the four times you fucked a different member of the same band, and the one time they all found out 𐐪𐑂 A 5 PART SERIES
𐐪𐑂 content -> part one!, alcohol, bar meetcute, reader not rlly having boundaries, tipsy sex, non australian implied reader, tons of pet names (kitten, pretty girl, my love, etc.), unprotected piv, soft dom!mikey, stranger sex, degradation, praise, humiliation, slight feelings of insecurity (mikey), daddy kink, choking, oral (f!receiving), masturbation (m!receiving), slight size kink, creampie, THIS BLOG IS 18+ MDNI
𐐪𐑂 words -> 4.01k
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Michael sits inside the dingy city bar, beer bottle in hand. The rest of the band are all strewn about the bar, having their go at girls, dancing and chatting them up—but he sits alone. Michael always was the least approached of the band members. Though, he didn’t mind—he liked being alone. He sits at the corner of the bar, his leather jacket hanging off the chair beside him so no one would attempt to sit with him.
That’s why, when you walk up to the bar and sneak right in between his legs, Michael is shocked. “‘Scuse me” you murmur to the man quietly, setting a hand on his thigh as you fit yourself between him and the bar. “Peach margarita please” you smile at the bartender.
By this point, he senses you’re already nearing drunk, the hand on his thigh being used to stabilize yourself rather than invade his personal bubble. He sets a hand on your hip to aid in your stabilization. His hand is large, warm and igniting a fire in your belly as he squeezes lightly at your hip.
“Sorry hun we’re out of peach flavor. I can do raspberry, strawberry, mango, or watermelon” the bartender smiles apologetically at you. You pout a bit, your shoulders sinking slightly in disappointment.
“Well… Can I get the most non-alcohol tasting drink with alcohol in it?” You ask, causing the girl to laugh a bit.
Michael’s interest is piqued further now, he thinks you’re just about the prettiest thing that’s ever come and forced itself upon his lap—and he’s thanking all his lucky stars you had. “She’ll take a tequila sunrise” he speaks up, smiling at the bartender, then you. “Put it on my tab” he adds.
At this, you turn to the mystery man who’s buying you alcohol—and whose lap you’re practically sat atop of. “If you think this means you’re getting your dick wet tonight, you’re insane… I hope you know” you hum softly.
Michael smirks a bit as he eyes you up and down. “Let me get this straight… You invade my personal space… practically sit on my lap… and then I’m insane for wanting to get my dick wet?” He lets out a genuine belly laugh at this, gazing at you.
Your face heats with embarrassment, finally realizing the position you’re in as you pull back and sit in the seat beside him. “I’m sorry, I hadn’t… Uh…” You stammer, shaking your head nervously.
He smiles at this, gently tipping your chin up. “I didn’t say I didn’t like it” he mutters lowly, kissing the corner of your lips. “To answer your question,” he sips his beer, “no hun, don’t wanna get my dick wet” he shakes his head. “I’d like to chat a bit if that’s alright?” He tries. “If not, you can just take the drink and be on your way.” He nods.
You smile softly as you finally get a good look at him. He’s cute… Sweet. He kinda reminds you of a kitten. “Well… I suppose you did just buy me a drink” you smile softly. “And I could never in good conscience sit on a strange bar man’s lap and not offer him something in return” you joke softly as you make yourself comfortable.
The bartender brings your drink over quickly and you smile, thanking her as she sets it in front of you. “So… What brings you to this skimpy little dive bar?” You ask Michael.
“A beer” he smirks, holding up said drink. “And you?” He reciprocates.
“Apparently a tequila sunrise, Mr. Mystery Man” you giggle softly.
“Mr. Mystery Man?” He raises a brow—questioning, curious. In truth, he’s a bit shocked you don’t know who he is—but simultaneously thankful that he can just be himself. “I like that, Tequila Girl.” He jokes back.
“Tequila Girl is a new one” you hum softly, sipping your drink. “WOW! That is really good” you emphasize as you look over at him.
“Well I’m glad you like it, Tequila Girl” he smiles—soft but prideful as he lifts his glass bottle and tips it towards you. You clink your glass against his botte and smile.
“Thank you, Mr. Mystery Man” you say genuinely.
° 𐐪𐑂 ♡ 𐐪𐑂 ₒ 𐐪𐑂 ♡ 𐐪𐑂 ₒ 𐐪𐑂 ♡ 𐐪𐑂 ° 𐐪𐑂 ♡ 𐐪𐑂 ₒ° 𐐪𐑂 ♡ 𐐪𐑂 ₒ°
Mr. Mystery Man—Michael, you had learned to be his name—was an excellent conversationalist. Not only that, he was easy to talk to. Charming, funny, smart—and extremely good looking.
The two of you fell into an easy conversation—about video games, cars, hobbies, music, your dreams, his dreams, you even delved a bit into each other’s backgrounds. The two of you became so absorbed in talking to each other that your drinks were long forgotten—until the bartender was telling you it was last call.
“Would you like to come hang out at my hotel?” Michael asks as you lift your purse onto your shoulder. “It’s been amazing talking to you, and I… Don’t want the night to end yet” he smiles—shy for the first time that evening.
That seals the deal for you—this guy could absolutely not get any cuter. You hum, pretending to think for a second before offering him a cute smile. “Only if you let me borrow more comfortable clothes” you nod, looking down at your short, sparkly sequined black dress and high heels.
“It’s a deal” he smiles back, nodding as he takes your hand. If you weren’t so infatuated with the man’s scent and eyes, you’d have noticed him hiding your face as he leads you out of the parking lot and up to a big black Range Rover. You’d been swooning over Michael all night, but when he opens your door and holds your hand to help you step into the truck, you downright fall in love on the spot.
The drive to his hotel is short, only about 15 minutes from the bar. When he opens your door for you and helps you out, you finally realize that for some reason or other he’s still hiding you in his jacket. You let out tipsy little giggles as you stumble a bit over your stilettos, walking so close to him. “Why am I hiding in here?” You whisper.
“I’ll tell you in the morning… Deal?” He hums softly, rubbing your back as you get into the elevator. “Just keep your head down, pretty girl” he hums, kissing the back of your head as you two step into the elevator.
For the moment you’re thankful your head is down because if you think your face was warming up as he calls you ‘pretty girl,’ then it’s damn near on fire as his lips press to your head. “Okay…” You whisper in a slight daze, your head swimming with lust and attraction. The two of you stand in the elevator for what feels like eternities, and when you step off, you see that you’re on the 60th floor.
“Room 60-304, love. Here we are” he smiles as he unlocks the door with his key card. You hold in a gasp as you step into the room, stilettos clicking against the marble floor.
“It’s beautiful” you whisper, spinning around slowly as you glance at everything. He smiles softly, watching you twirl around the room. “Oo, Krispies!” You exclaim in excitement, rushing over to the mini bar. You reach forward, but pull your hand back a bit, remembering hotels charge for practically everything you touch.
“Go for anything you want, beautiful” he smiles softly, nodding in reassurance. You squeal in excitement, reaching forward once more and grabbing the Rice Krispies Treat. If he had to, Michael would pinpoint this moment in time as the first time he truly fell in love. “I’ll be right back hun, I’m gonna get ya some comfortable clothes.”
You smile softly around the treat in your mouth, nodding as you look at him. He then retreats to the bedroom, and you walk to the couch, making yourself comfortable. Michael was back within ten minutes, now shirtless and wearing a pair of sweatpants. He held a pair of basketball shorts and a large t-shirt in his hands for you, neatly folded as he held the stack out to you. “Thanks Mikey” you smile softly, wiping your Krispies crumbs on your dress as you take the clothes and go change in the bathroom.
He sits on the couch, flipping through for a movie as he waits for you to come back. Michael begins to worry when you take longer than ten minutes, and just as he’s about to go and check on you, you come out—hair wet, face cleaned and refreshed, and body swimming in his clothes. Michael never in his life would have imagined that the sight of a woman wearing comfortable clothes would turn him on this much.
He’s unsure if it’s because it’s his clothes, or if it’s because it’s you in his clothes… Or maybe it’s just you. But no matter, he’s fighting for nearly his life to hide the large boner straining against his sweatpants as he watches you walk over and sit on the couch. “Sorry… I felt sticky and wanted a shower” you explain shyly.
“Don’t apologize” he smiles softly. “Feel better?” He asks, smiling again as you nod. “Here, love” he hums, passing you a water bottle.
“Thanks, Mikey” you smile, taking a sip of your water. “So the accent tells me you’re clearly not from here… What brings you to town?” You ask curiously as you sit criss-cross applesauce and turn to face him.
“Would you believe me if I said vacation?” He asks, humming as he turns to face you.
“Honestly, not really. But mainly cus I live here so it’s so boring to me” you giggle. “How’s your vacation so far?” You smile.
“It’s only day one but I’d say it’s going really good so far” he smiles. “Have you lived here your entire life?” He asks you, causing you two to delve into your backgrounds and a bit of family history. It’s then when you realize you could listen to Michael speak for hours, even if he just spoke in circles.
You don’t even realize you’re not paying attention to him until a smirk begins to play on his lips. “What?” You whisper, blushing as you finally make eye contact with him.
“I asked you a question, pretty girl” he hums softly. “Or… Were you not paying attention?” He taunts.
“I… No I was paying attention” you pout softly. “I was just… thinking” you mumble lamely, biting your lip and racking your brain for what question Michael possibly could have asked you. Going with the safest probability you hum and look up at him. “Yes” you nod.
Michael’s smirk widens, and he snorts a bit over an attempt to bite back a laugh. “Yes?” He asked softly, raising a brow.
“Don’t laugh!” You insist, crossing your arms with a frown. “What’s so wrong about it?” You huff.
“My love…” your face burns in embarrassment at the nickname, forcing back a smile. “I asked you what you like to do for fun,” he hums softly. Your face burns hotter now, realizing you’d been caught not paying attention. Maybe he doesn’t know why you’re not focusing on his words. This thought saves you from your embarrassment untill he proceeds to ask: “What’s got you so distracted, kitten?”
You whine softly at the petname, your hips shifting. “Mikey…” You whisper softly, looking up at him with wide, dazed eyes.
“Oh baby… You want it, don’t you?” He mocks, moving closer to you as he pushes your hair behind your ear. You nod, pouting at him as you reach to touch him. He tuts softly, shaking your head as he holds your wrists. “No my love… tell me what you want” he smirks.
You whine again, frowning at him. “Mikey…” You insist, trying to wriggle free. Michael, however, is having none of it. He raises a brow, doubling down as he stares at you with a fiery gaze. You get lost in the green of his pretty eyes, tugging your lip between your teeth as you whine a bit. “Want you, please…” you whisper.
“Awh honey… Just a few hours ago you were calling me insane for wanting to get my dick wet and now you’re practically begging for it” he mocks, pinching your cheek tauntingly. “You’re so cute” he murmurs, leaning in and kissing up your jaw.
“But you need to be louder” he orders. A gentle one, but assuring you knew that he was in charge, and you’d follow his orders for the night. Not that you had any qualms about that… This beautiful man that you’d met no more than four hours ago could throw you around like a ragdoll and you’d sing praises to his name without him having to ask.
“I want you… Mikey, I need you. Know you can make me feel really really good… Want it pretty please” you look up at him with a cute pout. The innocent look in your eyes has Michael’s cock twitching in his pants, biting his lip and groaning at your pathetically cute whiny voice.
Michael would be lying if he said watching you beg for him didn’t inflate his ego just a bit. There was a ton of guys in that bar tonight, hell the rest of his band was in that bar… but you chose him. You went home with him. He was the man you were about to spread yourself out for, give your body to. The man that you were begging to touch you and make you feel good.
The knowledge of the power he currently holds over you makes his cock even harder in his pants. He groans, giving up on his attempt at keeping composure as he pushes you back against the couch cushions, enveloping your mouth in a deep and passionate kiss. You moan against his mouth, arching your back as his hands run over your body. “Pretty little thing” he mumbles as he pulls your shirt off, immediately kissing across your chest.
Michael’s hands are quick, but skillful as well. His fingers calloused due to the years of guitar playing, and you moan as the rough pads pinch at your already hardening nipples. You whine again, your hips bucking, causing your pulsing pussy to grind against his thigh as he fits himself between your legs. “Michael…” You breathe, moaning quietly.
“You make the prettiest noises baby” he murmurs softly, nipping down your neck. “‘Specially when you’re moaning my name” he mumbles, trailing kisses and hickies down your neck, to your chest. “Do it again” he growls quietly.
You gasp softly, arching your back a bit as you follow his orders, moaning his name once more. This time when you do, you lean up directly into his ear, breathing his name quietly as you tug at his hair. Michael groans at the sound of your voice, wrapping his hand around your neck. “Are you a virgin, pretty girl?” He teases.
“No, Daddy” you breathe softly, flushing in complete embarrassment as the honorific easily slips from your lips, your mind slipping quickly into a submissive haze. “I-I’m sorr-“ Michael stops your sentence almost as soon as it starts, squeezing a bit harder at your neck.
“Don’t apologize… Just keep saying it, Kitten” he smirks, leaning down and swallowing the moan that slips past your lips as he kisses you. He runs his hands down your sides, squeezing at your hips before sneaking a hand beneath your basketball shorts. “Did you leave your panties off?” He smirks, rubbing his thumb over the bare slit of your pussy. “Naughty, naughty girl” he tuts softly, shaking his head.
You whine as the pad of his thumb circles your swollen clit, unable to help the jerk of your hips as you grind against his hand. He sucks in air through his teeth as his middle finger pushes into your slippery hole, grunting as he presses down on your tummy a bit. “That’s a tight little hole, baby… Dunno if my cock’s gonna fit in it.” He mocks.
“No… No can make it fit” you moan louder as he pushes another finger into your cunt. “You can make it fit I need it” you whine loudly, arching your back.
“You’re so adorably pathetic” he laughs, crooking his fingers up to hit your gspot. “Keep making those pretty noises for Daddy ‘n maybe I’ll get you nice ‘n wet with my mouth before I split you open on this big cock.” He chuckles.
“Yes” you moan, nodding. “Yes, please,” you whine, fucking yourself on his fingers. “Oh fuck Daddy, please” you moan, circling your hips on his fingers. “Y’make me feel so good… Stretching me so good” you moan. By this point, your moans have become practically incoherent, stringing any word you could think of together in an attempt to form a sentence as you fuck youreelf on his hand.
Michael can’t take it anymore. Your whines and begs nearly have him busting out of his pants before he’s tearing off your’s. He groans at the sight of your bare cunt, pushing your legs up to your chest before diving in. He moans, spitting on your cunt before licking a bold stripe from your weeping hole up to your pulsing clit. You whine, your hands flying to his hair and pushing his face impossibly closer to your cunt.
His beard drags against your sensitive pussy lips as his mouth envelops your cunt. You’re whining out his name, leaking into his mouth as tears of pleasure leak from the corner of your eyes. You’re nearly sent over the edge as his lips wrap around your fat clit, puckering as he roughly sucks at the sensitive bud, his tongue swirling circles around it.
You whine loudly as you feel his fingers push into your entrance once more, a moan from him sending a shockwave to your cunt and igniting each nerve in your body causing your toes to curl and a loud moan to spill over your kiss-swollen lips. When you look down, you see Michael’s left hand wrapped around his thick cock. The head red and angry, dripping precum down onto the cushions of the couch as his hand strokes over it in quick motions. He’s grunting and groaning into your pussy, getting off on the taste of your and the sound of your moans alone.
Both of your heads are swimming in lust, Michael lost in his head as his ego inflates like a balloon hearing the amount of pleasure he’s causing you. The sound of him eating your cunt is filthy, making you impossibly wetter as you hear Michael’s slurps and grunts as he drinks from your cunt as if it’s a fountain of eternal youth. You tug at his long pink locks, the whiny little ‘Daddy’s spilling from your lips spurring him on as he moves faster. “Oh Daddy… Daddy please ‘m gonna cum” you whine, arching your back as you push his face even closer.
Michael chuckles as he pulls back, causing a perturbed whine to spill from your lips as you pout at him. “Oh baby… As much as I'd love to lick this little pussy until you cum… I wanna feel you squeezing my cock while you cum for me” he growls in your ear as he runs his cock through your slit.
Your hips buck as the head of his leaking cock nudges against your clit. Mikey pulls his lip between his teeth, taking a breath to calm himself as he pushes the head of his cock into your tight cunt. You whine at the stretch, pouting at him with wide eyes as your legs spread. “Please, Daddy…” you gasp.
“Fuck, Kitten” he groans as he slowly pushes his dick into you. “This tight cunt is gonna make me burst…” he grunts. “Gonna fuck this little pussy raw… Fill you up with my cum, pretty girl. Would you like that?” He taunts, moaning as he bottoms out, pressing down on your tummy.
“Yeah” you whimper. “Yeah, I like it a lot. Please” you breathe. Mikey’s awestruck at how quick he’s reduced you to nothing but moans and whines—soft cries of his name spilling from your lips as he fucks you slowly.
“You feel so good baby” he mumbles, his thumb coming to stroke against your clit. “Tightest little pussy I’ve ever had” he groans, pushing your leg up over his shoulder. You whine loudly as he pulls out and thrusts in once more, his cock kissing your gspot as your hips twitch.
“Big” you moan back, arching your back into him as he pulls your nipple between his lips. “Big-biggest… Big” you whine dumbly as your eyes roll into the back of your head.
Michael chuckles at how pathetic you sound, squeezing at your throat as his hips pick up the pace, chasing his impending orgasm as he licks, sucks, and bites at your nipples. “Whose pussy is this baby?” He teases, smoothing your hair back as he holds you close to him. “Tell Daddy who you belong to ‘n I’ll let you cum.”
You whine, clenching tightly around him as more arousal spills from your cunt, making your opening more slippery and allowing Michael easier access to fuck you as he pleased. “I know you want to, baby… I feel your little cunt squeezing me… Tryin’ to milk me dry” he groans, his forehead falling to your shoulder as sweat drips off of him. “All you gotta do is tell me who you belong to, Kitten, Daddy’ll let you cum” he cooes mockingly, gently stroking over your clit.
Your voice is stuck in your throat, your jaw dropped in pleasure as you practically fight to breathe. You choke over a loud moan, your nails clawing down his back as you look into his pretty green eyes. Then and only then do you finally find a voice as his cock presses to your gspot. “You” you finally choke out loudly. “It’s yours… Your pussy I… It belongs to you!” You whine. “Oh fuck please let me cum, please!” You beg, your legs shaking as you try to hold off for him.
“Only because you beg so so pretty, Kitten” he smiles softly, pressing a gentle kiss to your lips as you moan. He holds your hip with his hand, keeping you pressed against his chest as he strokes over your clit. “Come on baby… Cum for Daddy ‘n I’ll fill you up” he whispered softly. “Keep your eyes on me baby, don’t close them” he hums, his hips stuttering as you squeeze around him.
You nod dumbly, your forehead pressed against his as you blink slowly. You swallow hard, your jaw dropping as your eyes roll back. “I’m… I’m… Cumming, ‘m cumming” you gasp around whines, your body shaking as you cum around Michael’s cock.
He groans as he feels the way you squeeze him, your cunt becoming impossibly tighter as he ruts into you. A cacophony of whines, moans, cries, and whines spill from your lips—your eyes never once breaking contact with Mikey’s as he fucks you through your orgasm. “Th-thank…” you gasp, your eyes rolling as you feel Mikey’s hips stuttering, his cock twitching against your gspot a few times before he presses his hips to your’s. His pelvis kisses your clit as the head of his cock kisses your cervix, spraying his cum deep into your awaiting womb as he lets out a symphony of moans.
He holds you to his chest as he cums, leaning in to press a passionate kiss to your lips. You let out soft whimpers and whines against his lips as your body twitches against his. He pulls back slowly, smiling lovingly as he smoothes your hair back. “Such a good girl, baby” he whispers, pressing a gentle kiss to your head.
You hum softly as you smile lazily at him. “Thank you, Daddy…” you whisper quietly, looking up at him with glossy eyes.
“You’re so welcome, pretty girl” he smiles, kissing your nose gently as he pulls out slowly. “Now, let’s get you a bath.”
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[follow my library blog and turn on notifications to be notified when i post a new fic!]
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getsojaded · 2 years
you don’t go to parties || calum hood
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word count: 2.3k+
warnings: ALCOHOL!!!! pls continue with caution if triggering. + swearing, and a fuck ton of angst. like a stupid amount. calum x she/her reader, lowercase intended!
a/n: guess what my fav song off 5sos5 is lol. i am so in love with this album so i quickly wrote this up xoxo
i still think about the times we were heavy
racehorse trippin' on the dirt that you got on me
vultures spinnin' up above of what's left of me
we go stupid every night, what a tragedy
“you are not about to take another shot,” calum’s slurred voice laughs at the girl beside him, as she attempts to make a clean pour into the small glass in front of her. needless to say, she didn’t do such a good job. that’s what happens when you’re one too many drinks in.
“you smoked four joints outside. i’m allowed to take as many shots as i want!” she responds, tilting her head back as the liquid runs down her throat, resulting in a sour face from y/n as she reaches for the closest bottle of coke.
a red, puffy eyed calum stumbles closer towards y/n and embraces her in a hug, kissing her temple. “we do this too much, don’t we?” he asks, as he sways their bodies back and forth.
“yeah, way too much..” she trails off, as the two get lost in the moment of each other, standing in the middle of the overcrowded kitchen.
the music is loud, the room is hot, there’s too many people, and there’s too many coloured lights flashing everywhere.
but calum and y/n didn’t care. staring into each others eyes with the widest grins plastered across their faces, they both knew that they wouldn’t have wanted it any other way.
when you’re young, the number one rule you’re always told is have fun, you’re never gonna get these years back.
the pair made sure to do everything possible to make sure they wouldn’t regret it.
but being young doesn’t last forever.
in the blink of an eye, life changes and the real world is in front of you.
no more college parties getting absolutely shitfaced every weekend. no more spontaneous adventures in the middle of the night because you have nothing else to do. no more doing things that you shouldn’t be doing. no more distractions.
no more young love.
calum and y/n couldn’t have seen it coming at all.
but when you’re having as much fun as them two, who would’ve?
calum realized that school wasn’t for him, and started pursuing a music career with him and his friends that he met in college, who felt the same way as he did.
y/n on the other hand, was determined to earn her degree and make her family proud.
despite their differences, they had no doubts about keeping each other around. they loved one another, and that’s what truly matters, right?
so calum didn’t think too much of it when he started going to parties alone, when y/n declined because of her loads of homework piling up on top of another.
he always made sure to come back to her at the end of the night, holding her tight while she slept, burnt out from the thousands of words she read just hours before he came back to her dorm — he had practically moved in, although he wasn’t even in school anymore.
and it worked for them.
until they got older.
still so in love, they managed to get a place together after y/n graduated. and while y/n was out and about hunting for jobs, calum was in the studio with his band.
and whenever calum was in the studio with his band, it led to a party at the end of it. and he always made sure that his y/n was on his hip, as they drank and danced the night away together.
“they’re so cute,” luke chuckled as michael was pouring himself another drink, as they watched the two hold each other as they drunkenly sang the words to some old chris brown r&b love song — of course calum knew every word.
michael turns his head to the couple standing in the middle of the living room, and even though there’s a countless amount of people beside them, it feels like they’re the only two people in the room. “they’re forever. no doubt about it.” michael responds to the blonde boy sitting next to him, a little smile curved on his face.
i’m still here in the darkness
back where we started
you made me a heartless monster
i’m caught up in distractions
fatal attractions
i’m starting to come undone
it was so good.
it was so good, until it wasn’t.
when y/n started working full time, calum and his band still had nothing else to do. i mean, an album release and a world tour just before, you need some sort of a break.
y/n started working 9-5’s and calum was still showing up to functions without his plus one. one party turned into fifty parties, and next thing you know, it’s a surprise it calum makes it home before y/n goes to bed. y/n was so busy, she couldn’t even tell that calum had been going out so frequently until her first day off rolled around the corner.
and there she was, sitting in the middle of their shared apartment, watching tv and waiting for her boyfriend to come home.
she knew that she should go to bed; she had work the next day. but she’s never spent a day without at least knowing where he was. at least that’s what she thought.
calum rolls in around 3:00 am, stumbling into their home and kicking off his shoes. y/n rushes towards him to make sure he doesn’t fall, her arms wrapping around his body as he clutches onto her shoulders. “baby, you’re awake. it’s so late!” he slurs, kissing her on the cheek.
“i was waiting for you,” she whispers in response, assisting him in going upstairs. “does this happen every night?”
“only the nights you don’t come with me.”
“so… every night.”
calum’s never felt more pain in his life. yeah, he’s felt like shit when he’s throwing up outside some random person’s backyard, or when he loses his balance and falls face first into the pavement, but nothing could’ve prepared him for the moment that y/n walked out on him.
coincidentally, calum had no intentions of staying out past his studio session today. walking into their abode before midnight was now a rare occurrence, and it felt refreshing to calum as he drives home, the sky painted a pink and orange shade as the sun started to go down.
walking into his apartment and being greeted by duke — which hadn’t happened in quite a minute — the house was quiet.
i mean, when calum goes home, it’s always quiet. y/n’s always sleeping. but this silence felt eerie. from what calum was aware of, y/n had always liked to keep some music on throughout the house while she did her activities — work, cooking, showering, anything.
“y’know where mama is, duke?” calum asks the little dog in front of him, getting up from his knees and making his way up the stairs, duke following behind him as he opens the door to their bedroom.
there y/n is, sitting at her desk, with her laptop and various notebooks spread out. but her laptop isn’t turned on, and it doesn’t look like she’s doing anything. she’s just sitting there.
walking towards his girlfriend, he takes notice of a suitcase placed beside her desk, he dismisses it, and greets her with a kiss on the cheek. “hey baby, how’s your day been?”
she turns her chair to face him, getting a clear look of him before she starts to speak. “you’re here early.”
“yeah, nothing to do after the sesh today.”
“hey calum, let me ask you something.”
calum should’ve known something was off the moment she called him by his first name.
“yeah, what’s up?” he responds, throwing himself onto the bed and getting into a comfy position.
“when was the last time you actually bothered to have a conversation with me?”
“what?” he confusedly asked in response. “where is this coming from? i literally had one with you yesterday morning.”
“you said good morning to me, and proceeded to tell me that you were going to be home late. that’s not a conversation. in fact, that’s all you’ve been saying to me for the past four months.”
it's safe to say that y/n wasn't in the picture anymore.
after countless of apologies and promises from calum's side, she knew what was best for her – she knew that he was too late. so a few days after what y/n felt like the hardest, but at the same time, easiest breakup that she'd ever have to do, she gathered all her things. from the bedroom, to the bedroom, to the fucking kitchen, and left.
the fact that breaking up with him felt easy broke her heart in two.
she loved him. she loved him so fucking much. and he let her down. he disappointed her to a depth she would've never thought he would reach.
so she said her goodbyes to the fluffy little dog following her, kissing his soft head and whispering, "take care of him, okay?" with duke barking in response as she made her way towards the front door.
"goodbye, cal."
when calum came home to dead silence, he knew what had happened. doesn't mean he liked it, though.
rushing up the stairs to see an empty half of a bedroom and a cleaner, less product filled bathroom, he knew what she had done.
and there's nobody else to blame but himself.
and now it’s 5 am clinging to my couch
and everyone i ever knew is standing in my house
oh, i’m wondering who i’m looking for
cause you don’t go to parties anymore
i got the last five years running out my mouth
always stay too late, i should kick me out
oh, i'm wondering who i'm looking for
cause you don't go to parties anymore
describing calum as a fucking wreck was an understatement. all that man did was party, after all. but this was getting out of hand.
luke, ashton, michael, and even their fucking partners tried talking to calum to try and get him out of this excessive phase. "there's better ways to handle this," michael would tell calum when he catches him in a sober state.
"she's gone because this was all i did," calum would respond. "i have no reason to stop now."
and everyday, you would catch calum at some random los angeles party. it could be a distant mutuals, a random person's, or even his own.
sometimes it would be his own house a little too much – he couldn't handle the loneliness.
which explains calum's extreme lack of sobriety in his backyard, going on a tangent about the mistakes he's made.
the poor, unlucky guy taking a seat next to calum on the couch was not prepared for calum's behaviour.
"is she here?"
"who's here?"
"y/n, my ex."
"sorry dude. don't think so."
"we were together for five fucking years. five years and i fucked it all up. it's all my fault, and i'm never gonna get her back. i miss her so much, i'm never gonna be the same without her," calum pours his heart out to the complete stranger sat beside him, taking another swig from the bottle of tequila he was holding.
the backyard is filled with so many people, and it's almost a challenge to walk around, yet his eyes are still looking for the girl that got away, while he continues to talk about her.
luke walks over to the couch that calum and the unfamiliar person are seated on. "hey, is he bothering you?" luke asks, earning a chuckle from the guy. "nah, at least not yet. he's just been.. talking about his ex."
luke sighs, rubbing his forehead. "yeah man, i'm sorry you had to hear all that. he's been like this for way too long now, doing the same shit every night. i've had to drag him out of people's houses in the middle of the night a couple times 'cause he had no other way home."
"damn.. she really did a number on him, huh?" stranger responds, luke nodding. "i understand why she left, and i think he does too," he points to calum. "he's just having a hard time accepting it."
calum turns towards both boys sitting beside him with an upset expression plastered all over his face. "of course i'm having a hard time accepting it! it's all my fault! i drove away the only girl i'd ever been in love with and i'll never be able to get her back!" the drunk, heartbroken boy explains, finishing the last of his bottle before kicking it onto the ground, away from him.
as the early morning creeped up and his house got more and more empty, the three boys decided to stay back and help him clean up, knowing that the host himself won't be able to.
"feels like we've been cleaning forever." luke mindlessly says, checking the time. "holy shit. 5 am."
"we need to do something about this, he can't keep doing this to himself." ashton frustratedly stats, picking up what felt like the 500th solo cup on the ground.
"what's it gonna take for him to listen? we've tried so hard." michael says, gathering all the empty bottles of alcohol and throwing them into his recycling bin.
"we all know who he's gonna listen to. but i doubt that she'll ever want to speak to him again."
as the trio take a look at the man currently sprawled against the now empty couch, he begisn to stir, and slowly opens his eyes.
"this," ashton points to the situation in his backyard, "needs to fucking stop. i don't know how many times we have to tell you this."
"i know man, i know. i'm sorry. thank you for helping me clean." calum sheepishly says, now feeling embarrassed at his three best friends stand in front of him in disappointment.
"did, did she show?" calum speaks up again, the tiniest glimmer of hope laced in his voice.
"no. you should know this. she doesn't go to parties anymore."
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ughkat · 1 year
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ur camera roll if michael was ur boyfriend ❥
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bartxnhood · 1 year
lover of mine | m.g.c
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michael clifford x reader
summary: after a long day, you just want to be wrapped in his arms.
warnings: none !
wc: 532
requests open
not proofread
Copyright © 2023 bartxnhood. All rights reserved. This original work is not allowed to be reposted on any platform in any format.
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michael opens the door to your shared home, he slips his shoes off and drops his keys on the table next to the door. “babe?” he calls out as he walks through the empty house.
usually, you’re in the kitchen or on the sofa binging a new tv show you found, and inevitably get michael hooked on it as well.
but it was dark and quiet with you nowhere to be seen.
he walks through the house, peeking his head in a few rooms as he heads upstairs. just to see if you were maybe in the bathroom or laundry room, but still no sign of you.
as he opens the bedroom door he is met with your figure curled up underneath the duvet with southy and moose at your feet. he sees how your chest is rising and falling steadily so, he assumes you are asleep.
michael walks to his side of the bed, taking everything out of his pockets and resting them on the bedside table, he gingerly raises the duvet and lets himself under.
“mike?” you hum feeling his side of the bed dip. you hear him shuffling on his side thinking he was getting comfortable.
“i’m home..” he says softly, you hear the rasp in his voice and know he was tired. “mm” you sing finding his body heat and curling up by his side. “missed you” you say into the fabric of his shirt.
he pulls you close to his side, wrapping his arms around your figure. you feel his hand come to your back and he draws shapes, “you okay?” he asks, but you only hum in return and then fall silent for a bit.
“bad day, work was rough. i just..don’t know” you sigh. you weren’t good with your words, you could never explain how you felt so oftentimes you’d just keep everything bottled up. “it’s okay..” michael could feel your frustrations and then tension in the air, he was always a good listener but more importantly he could understand your emotions without you even uttering one word.
“im just so burnt out. needed a break” you add. michael is still rubbing your back, then he presses a kiss in your hair. “we all need a break here and there” he reassures, offering some comfort. “mm” you reply.
for a while the both of you fall quiet, listening teach others and breathing with your eyes closed. you never had to say anything sometimes, just being wrapped in each other's arms was enough.
“how was the studio?” you ask, wanting some insight on his day. “good” he answers, but you hear his tired he sounds. he was probably drifting off. “we finished mixing the album, so it won’t be much longer till it’s completed.” you smile, knowing how hard they had been working on this album and how much it meant.
“had i known that i would’ve made dinner to celebrate” you chuckle quietly. “nah” he replies, “this is enough. just having you in my arms is enough for me..” he adds, then proceeds to squeeze you as you laugh.
“i love you, y/n” he says, kissing you softly. “i love you too, michael.”
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riya-kaur · 10 months
michael gordon clifford.
summary: michael being pampered with love on his birthday
birthday boy.
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"wakey wakey, birthday boy!"
you take light footsteps into your bedroom, watching your boyfriend stir in your bed as he taps beside him, hoping to find you laid there.
"over here" you giggle as you stand beside the bed, hovering over him as you hold a wooden tray in your hands.
"good morning" you coo as you watch him sit up on the bed, his back against the head rest. he lets out a yawn as his hands reach up to his eyes, rubbing them open.
"happy birthday, my love" you smile, settling the tray onto his lap.
on the tray displayed: a card, a cup of coffee, a stack of pancakes - which were drenched in butter and maple syrup.
"c'mere" he glows as he reaches for your hand, tugging it lightly. you giggle before walking over to the other side of the bed, slipping back under the duvet and cuddling into his side.
"thank you, baby," he smiles before leaving a kiss on your head. you wrap your arms around his bicep as he goes to pick up his cutlery. "want to share?" he asks. "please" you grin, batting your eyelashes as him.
he cuts a piece before feeding it to you. his fingers soon come up to your lips, wiping up the syrup that had spilt from your mouth. he licks his finger clean before cutting a piece off for himself.
"these are fucking delicious, baby" he lowers his lips on yours, placing a lingering kiss. your hand rises to his cheek, as he deepens the kiss.
the taste of the maple and butter can be sensed from our tongues, as they move together.
you pull away slowly before setting your forehead against michael's. you let your hand stay cupped on his cheek. with placing one more kiss to his nose, you drop your hand back around his arm.
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after the breakfast in bed, the both of you had changed into your day outfits, getting ready for the day ahead.
holding michael's hand, you lead him downstairs to the little display you had made earlier on in the morning.
twenty-eight balloons hung from the ceiling, each one tied with photos of michael, some with you, his bandmates, his family, and with the dogs. as well as that stood an illuminated, neon '28' sign. besides that on the kitchen counter sat his birthday cake and an overflowing basket of presents.
"you can open your eyes now, baby," you squeal, waiting for michael's reaction.
you watch as micheal's eyes widen as he takes in everything.
"you're amazing," he coos as he presses his chest against your back, wrapping his arms around your front.
you tilt your head to the side, leaving behind a kiss on michael's jaw. "i want you to see this" you leap forward to the balloons, showing michael the pictures that hung on the ballons.
michael's lips turn to an upward smile as he shuffles through the ballons, scanning the pictures. "this one's my favourite." you look over at him, his lips now turned into a smirk as he holds up a picture.
you walk over to him before looking at the picture, a giggle escapes your lips as you look up to your boyfriend.
it was a picture of you both in bali, laid in the white sheets of the bed, the duvet was half thrown over, michael's head was resting on your stomach as he hugged your lower half whilst you laid there in a set that matched the color of the sheets, your arms stretched out in front of you as you took the picture off.
"we have to go back there one day" you smile as the memories of the trip come flooding in. you rise on your tiptoes as you let your arms fall around his neck. his hands fall around your waist as you both stand there in silence.
you peer over michael's shoulder, your eyes falling onto your apple watch, you scrolled through, and went on your voice memos, you clicked play on the most recent recording and it started playing through the speakers.
you feel michael smile against your shoulder. biting back a smile, you pull your head back slightly, michael's head turns to you. he places a kiss on your forehead.
the recording that was playing over you both was the first draft of 'bali', the song michael had written, and the song that held a special place in both your hearts.
michael swayed you in his arms as his eyes fell close, yours doing the shame.
"we'll definitely go back" he hums as he hides his face, nuzzling into your neck.
the two of you sway in each other's embrace for a short while before you remembered that michael still hadn't opened up his presents.
so the two of you were now sitting on the couch, michael was opening up his present, and you watched as he was doing so.
"thank you, baby, i loved everything" he beams as he reaches out for you, gently sliding you over to his side. "you're welcome" you smile placing a kiss to the side of his neck. "i do have one more suprise, it's just a small one," you beam before you take your phone out of your pocket.
michael watches you as you pull up to your messages app, pulling up calum's contact.
the last message he had sent was a video attachment. you clicked on it and turned to michael, shuffling closer to him. you stretched your arms out in front of you both before clicking play.
as the video starts, you can feel michael already smiling, a small giggle leaving his lips as he watches his four best friends lined up on a couch.
"happy birthday, mike!" the four of them say collectively. each one of them have around thirty seconds to give a happy birthday message to michael, some of them reminiscent of the past- bring up their shared memories.
and at the end, they finish off with their 'i love you's'
you looked over at michael, who was grinning like a chesire cat.
"you've outdone yourself, this time" michael beams. he pulls you on his laps, your legs now straddled around him.
"i love you, michael."
"i love you too, baby, so much." he places a kiss on your lips. "thank you for everything," he finishes off.
"you deserve it"
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happy birthday to michael!
↪ wanted to get this out earlier :/
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juke-is-a-penguin · 2 years
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Literally no one asked but here’s Luke Hemmings as Arthur Pendragon. Why? Why not.
New pendragon sibling anyone?
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lovebombs4life · 1 year
been thinking a lot about emo era mike and his red hair 🥵🥵🥵🥵
sex ed - m.g.c.
requested: yes. i have like three other michael requests and im so excited to write them!!
a/n: work and school are lowkey kicking my ass!!
cw: i think yall know it’s SMUT already. high school AU!! reader and michael are both seniors in high school (both 18), a bit of rough sex
it was no secret that michael clifford was attractive. and it was even less of a secret that we both liked each other, but simply denied that we did.
he’d wink at me in the halls, making my stomach erupt with butterflies. any class we had together, he’d try and sit close to me, whispering to me the whole time, flirting with me.
“oh come on y/n, it’s so obvious that he likes you, there’s no way you can still be denying it!” my friend exclaimed while we sat together at lunch.
“shut up! he could hear you!” i hushed her, looking for his flaming red hair. she only smirked, knowing what i was doing.
“not only does he like you, but you like him. he flirts with you constantly dumbass, ask him out already.” she poked at me, making me turn back to her.
“i can’t do that. he’d laugh in my face.” i said, running my hands through my hair. my friend laughed, looking across the cafeteria.
“the way he’s staring at you over there doesn’t seem like he’d laugh.” she kept laughing. i turned my head around, spotting him.
he smirked at me, winking. i blushed, waving at him. he returned the gesture before i turned back around. i put my face in my hands, trying to hide my blush.
my friend rolled her eyes at me. “and you’re still gonna deny that?” she spoke, getting up as the bell rung.
my stomach did flips as i realized my next class was with michael. i walked into the health room, seeing todays topic written on the board.
my eyes widened. why did we have to talk about sex ed? we talked about it last year. i sat down in my seat, my head resting in my hands. i took a deep breath as i saw michael walk in the class.
he sat next to me, reading the board. he threw his head back, and i couldn’t help but admire him. “you’re staring, y/n.” he chuckled.
i quickly faced forward again, my cheeks turning bright red. “i’m sorry.” i said softly, embarrassed that i was looking at him for so long.
“don’t be, it’d be a lie if i said i didn’t stare at you before. hard not to.” he said, smiling at me.
i widened my eyes at him, making him laugh. “you seem so shocked. you caught me earlier, imagine how many more times it’s happened, babe.” he said. i blushed harder at the name.
“i guess i never realized.” i said, turning my head away. i could feel his presence tense up. “am- am i making you uncomfortable? i can stop, im sorry.” he said, worried he did something wrong.
i turned my head straight back to him, grabbing his hand. “no, i’m not uncomfortable. just, i don’t know, didn’t think you saw me like that.” i spoke softly.
it was his turn to blush, seeing as i grabbed his hand, squeezing it tightly. “i thought i made it obvious. i’m sorry, i know you don’t feel the same.” he said, biting his lip while looking down.
i moved my hand to his face, making him look at me. “who said i don’t feel the same?” i questioned. his face went red. he shrugged his shoulders.
before either of us could say anything else, the bell rung, signaling that class was starting. “alright, i know you’d talked about all this before, but it’s mandatory that grades ten through twelve talk about it once a year.” the teacher groaned.
michael smirked slightly, placing his hand on my thigh. i sat up straight, looking at his hand. he drew small patterns on my leg, still looking forward.
our teacher turned out the lights, playing random videos that he was assigned to play. i spaced out, not caring to watch the videos.
i only snapped back when i felt michael’s hand move farther up my thigh. i bit down on my finger, looking over at him. he glanced at me quickly, smirking when he saw my reaction to his hand trailing up.
i squeezed my thighs together, trying to focus on the videos now. i didn’t want to, but i needed something to distract myself. i gasped quietly as his hand made its way between my legs, gently rubbing over me.
every movement he made quickly stopped when the lights turned back on. i blinked my eyes, turning my head to look at him. he was staring straight forward, biting his lip.
“alright guys, i want you to talk with your table partner you’re next to. i’m assigning you a project to draw a poster of the reproductive system of both male and female parts. it will be due next monday, so i suggest working out a way to meet after school.” the teacher spoke blandly.
“wanna come to my house after school?” michael questioned, looking at me. i nodded, biting my lip as i looked at him. he smirked, giving me his number.
“meet at the main doors after our last class. i’ll give you a ride there.” he said.
“o-okay, sounds great.” i breathed out, the events of what just happened playing through my head.
the last few classes of the day droned on. i couldn’t sit still in my seat, thinking of what would happen at michael’s house.
i was definitely overthinking it, but i let my mind wander and race anyway. i tapped my foot, waiting for the bell to ring.
once it did, i shoved my things into my bag quickly, and hurried to the front of the school. as i made my way through the crowd, my phone buzzed.
waiting outside, sweetheart
it was michael. i blushed at the name, putting my phone away, shoving through people. i made it out the door, instantly seeing the red haired boy.
“ready?” he asked once he saw me.
“yeah, let get out of here.” i smiled, following him to his car. he lead me to a black mustang, shining as if it were brand new. i gaped at it, adoring how pretty it was.
he opened my door for me, and closing it once i got in. i giggled at the action, watching him make his way to the driver side.
“i hope you don’t mind that my parents aren’t home. they’re both at work.” he said, starting up the car.
“not at all, that’s okay.” i said. my head started spinning. i laid my head back against the car seat, shutting my eyes as i took a deep breath.
“hey, you okay? we can always go to your place if you wanted.” i shot my eyes open, shaking me head.
“no! i mean, just too many distractions.” i said, lowering my voice as i spoke. he nodded, his eyes glued to the road.
we soon pulled up to his house, parking in the driveway. he got out of the car quickly, making it to the other side to open my door. i smiled at him as he grabbed my hand, helping me out.
he shut the door, leading me inside of his house. “so you want a house tour or-” he started.
“lets cut the small talk, mikey. we both know why you brought me to your house.” i cut him off. his cheeks turned a slight shade of pink.
“so? i won’t do anything you don’t want me to.” he said, scratching the back of his neck.
i stepped closer to him, leaning to his ear. “i’ll do anything you want me to.” i whispered. that sent him over the edge.
he gripped my wrist, pulling me upstairs, into his room. he pushed me to the bed, getting on top of me. he kissed me roughly, his hands in my hair.
i slipped my tongue into his mouth, twisting it around. he groaned as i unbuckled his belt, his black skinny jeans becoming tighter from his member.
i unzipped his pants, gently tugging them down as he kissed my throat. he sucked on my skin harshly, causing me to wiggle around under him.
“need you to touch me, mikey, anything will do.” i pleaded. he bit at my skin, pulling away to peel my shirt off my body.
he sighed at the sight of my chest, grabbing at my tits. he slid his hand under my back, unclasping my bra, and throwing it to the other side of his room.
he kneaded at my breasts, sucking on my nipples. “mikey, please baby, want your cock.” i whined. he chuckled against my skin, pulling my jeans and panties down.
“such a needy girl huh?” he taunted. i nodded my head, pulling his jeans down. he stepped out of them, his boxers following quickly.
he opened his bedside drawer, grabbing out a condom, slipping it on his cock. i licked my lips, bracing myself for his length.
he pushed his tip in slowly, making me gasp. “gonna go slow at first baby, just gonna need you to be patient. wanna make sure i don’t hurt you, sweetheart.”
i nodded, feeling him push farther into me. i cried out not in pain, but pure pleasure. “i’m not even fully in yet babe.” he smirked.
he slid the rest of the way in, earning a moan from me. “michael! fuck!” i screamed as he quickly started sliding in and out of my heat.
“look so fuckin pretty for me, sweetheart. always look so pretty.” he cooed, holding on tight to my thighs as he threw his head back.
“oh my god! michael, please, need it harder!”’i cried. he slowed his pace, pushing his hips into mine harder.
i gasped as he hit my g-spot, biting down on my hand. “fuck, babe, you gonna cum? already gonna cum for me? so fuckin good for me darling.” he praised.
i could feel that he was close too, holding out until i came first. “come on good girl, cum for me.” he said, pounding his hips harder.
i writhed my head around, feeling myself cum on his cock. he moaned at the warmth, soon after meeting his orgasm.
he pulled out of me, sliding the condom off. he laid back on the bed, looking over at me as i began steadying my breath.
“well i think we both know the reproductive system pretty well now, right?”
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crushon5sosss · 2 years
Can I pls request a smut where Luke ties Y/N up? Nothing major but tied hand or something. If your not comfortable with that maybe just trying out different kinks? Thank you have a great day! :)
luke is sweet and shy but really he’s secretly kinky. and for the longest time he’s had this fantasy of tying you up and just fucking you senseless. so one day he goes out and buys silky pink ribbons so he can make his fantasy a reality.
when he comes home, you’re in the bedroom watching a show and he walks in holding a shopping bag with the ribbons inside, smiling nervously.
“hi lukey,” you smile, “what’s in the bag?”
“um,” he blushes lightly and sits on the bed next to you, “something to, um..”
you take the bag, giggling, and peek inside. “ribbons?”
luke bites his lip and runs a hand across your chest, playing with the strap of your tank top. “i just thought….maybe it be kind of fun to, you know…use them to, you know, tie you up of something?”
your eyes widen. “like during sex?”
“mmhmm,” he murmurs leaning in to kiss your neck, “wanted to do it for the longest time….just tie you up and kiss you all over….i’d fuck you and spank you and lick you…”
at this point you were already soaking wet. the idea of luke tying you up was absolute heaven, you would love to give him complete control.
“luke…” you moan, as his kisses travel from your neck to between your tits. he starts to peel your clothes off with one hand, using his other to rub himself over his jeans. “please.”
“you have to earn it, though, baby,” he mutters. he grabs you and bends you over his knee, pulling your shorts down. “you gonna be my good girl?” he asks before slapping your ass hard.
you wince at the pain, but secretly you love the feeling. “yes lukey, you know im always your good girl,”
another slap. “you wanna take my dick, huh? feel me deep inside you?”
“yes, please.”
he spanks you yet again. “please what?” he doesn’t wait for you to answer before spanking you again.
you yelp, “please daddy!”
satisfied, luke pulls you upwards and gives you a deep kiss he then unzips his pants and pulls out his throbbing dick, pushing you down to your knees at the same time. “open,” he says guiding his cock into your mouth.
you bob your head around his length, eager for him to fuck you, and twist in your hand what you can’t fit in your mouth. luke watches as you gag and spit on his dick, completely in love. to him, nothing is prettier than you sucking him off.
he then remembers the ribbons, and grabs your hair, pulling you off his cock. “that’s enough, baby. wanna tie you up now.”
he grabs your hand and drags you to the bedroom where he pushes you gently onto the bed, slapping your ass when you get on all fours and crawl to the middle of the bed.
“get on your belly,” he says demandingly. “don’t move.”
you obey, and watch and he grabs your left wrist and uses one of the ribbons to tie it to the bedpost. he does the same to your other wrist, then smacks your ass. you’re impressed with how he seems to know exactly how to tie you, how tight and firm the knots are, and it turns you on even more. then luke spreads your legs and gets behind you, running his hand up your leg.
“you look so pretty like this, baby,” he says. “you ready for my dick?”
“yes, daddy,” you pant, your legs already shaking with anticipation.
luke jerks himself off for a bit, then eases his cock inside you, moaning loudly. “you feel so good. all mine.”
“i want you to pound me, daddy,” you whine wiggling your arms helplessly in the ribbons.
“wait for it, baby,” he mutters, thrusting slowly inside you, kissing and licking your neck. “don’t wanna cum too soon.”
you whine, but allow him to continue fucking you slowly because it still feels so good. you love taking his bare dick, any way you can get it.
after awhile, luke pulls out, causing you to yelp. “please daddy don’t stop…” you beg.
luke slaps your ass. “be patient.” he slips his fingers in your pussy and curls them so he’s hitting all the right spots. he fingers you for a while before sliding his dick back in, this time fucking you hard and fast. you moan. wiggling your legs up so your bent over on your knees with your ass up so luke can get another angle.
he fucks you hard, slapping your ass repeatedly before grabbing a fistful of your hair and yanking it. “my good girl. mine.” he pulls your hair again. “say it.”
“im yours, daddy,” you cry, “im all yours.”
with that, he starts fucking you even deeper, deep enough to bring tears to your eyes and make you gasp and fall into your orgasm.
you cum around his dick as he pounds you, eventually reaching his own orgasm which you know when you feel a warm liquid filling you up.
“fuck,” luke pants, pulling out of you, “that was so good.”
you nod, still out of breath and tied up. “you can do that any time you want, lukey,” you say with a smile.
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5 Seconds of Summer
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How to Navigate:
❤ Heart = Fluff  ★ Star = Taylor Swift Song Fic  ⬥ Diamond = My Favorite
Luke Hemmings 
Better Man ❤ ⬥
Ashton Irwin 
Why Won’t You Love Me ⬥
I Love You 
Nails ❤
Moving Along 
Calum Hood 
Dad ❤
Shut Up 
Michael Clifford 
Hair Dye ❤
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valentiyne · 1 year
𝖺𝗐𝖺𝗋𝖽𝗌 & 𝗁𝖾𝖺𝗏𝗒 𝗆𝖾𝖽𝖺𝗅𝗌 ☆ 𝖼𝖺𝗅𝗎𝗆 𝗁𝗈𝗈𝖽
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Calum Hood x Famous!Reader Summary: Requested! After 4 years of agreed no contact, one phone call and song takes back all that you've worked for. Warnings: Mild Cursing, Slight of Explicit Content. Word Count: 1k (not rlly proofread lol) Copyright © 2023 Valentiyne. All rights reserved. This original work is not allowed to be reposted on any platform in any format.
.·:*¨༺ ༻¨*:·..·:*¨༺ ༻¨*:·..·:*¨༺ ༻¨*:·..·:*¨༺ ༻
"So, Y/n tell us more about Calum Hood"
A name I hadn't heard in exactly 4 years to the very date.
48 months, 1461 days, and 35040 excruciating long fucking hours.
My face immediately lights up at the name nevertheless, brushing my hair behind my ear nervously,
"Hood? I'm not quite sure what this has to do with my upcoming EP coming out at midnight", I breathlessly laugh out, my eyes locking with the interviewer in front of me. My new work titled, "Bittersweet" was launching at midnight, only containing 4 songs to go along with the 4 bittersweet years I've spent away from him. It was hopeless of me to write about him, but he was the only source of inspiration I could find.
"Well you two had a bit of chemistry as far as we know, is that right?"
Sure we did. We spent over 6 years together on and off, but always came back to each other. He was my rock, my everything, but ultimately we knew it wasn't going to work out.
"Sure we did, I mean it was nothing but a mere innocent crush", I cross my legs now, my shaky hands clasped on top of my knees. The crowd was silent as excited fans packed into the small room to hear the soft launch before midnight.
"Well it was surely more than innocent", she motions to the screen next to us. "This picture was taken four years ago in Bali during the second leg of their tour", I mentally roll my eyes but smile anyway. A few people from the crowd squealed as the iconic picture of us in cuddled up on the beach was displayed, the same one he posted himself as an excuse to have me on his page.
"Like I said- It was a small crush" I was trying to convince myself more than everyone else.
I watch as the slideshow continues on, the screen filled with every single moment in time that Calum and I were spotted together across the world. A few innocent ones of us walking next to each other, to one taken on the balcony of a hotel. We were just kids who didn't know what they were doing- lost in the moment together. He will always have a place in my heart. When things ultimately ended, we both agreed to never speak again- it was only weighing each other down.
"Well I thank you for your time, I hope everyone enjoys the album and finds some comfort in the chaos", I stand up abruptly, extending my hand to shake the interviewer's hand. The crowd cheered quietly as I walked off the stage with a slight wave. I needed to get out of here, I felt like a complete idiot working myself up over someone that I no longer talked to.
I slipped past the stage crew as I shuffled out past the backdoors and towards the parking lot, my fingers fumbling with my keys as I tore my driver's door open and plopped down dramatically. The door shut behind me and I sighed to myself loudly,
That was fucking ridiculous, they didn't even ask anything about me. Just about someone I never wanted to mention. Of course, I could talk about him until the end of time, but it wasn't my place to do so anymore. He was playing sold-out shows every other day and had no worry about a girl back home who happened to have matching tattoos with him, right? The tattoo we shared was of a small flower underneath our ribs, the same flower he gave me on our one-year "situationshipversary" as he called it. It was a silly gesture that I treasured, the California wildflower that he pulled over on the side of the Pacific Coast Highway to pick during peak traffic on the way to my house. It now lay inside a small glass bottle hung around my neck, all wilted like our history.
I pull my phone from my purse, scrolling down to the bottom of my contact list, and clicking on the "DO NOT CALL!!!!" number. I hesitantly dial his number and bring it up to my ear,
"Hey! You reached Calum, I'm away from my phone right now but leave a message!", He declined it immediately, either that or his phone was dead. Not quite sure which one makes me feel better. I roll my eyes at the stupid prepubescent voice and turn my phone off.
I tossed my phone down onto my lap and leaned my head against the wheel. I subconsciously wanted to log back into my Instagram and scroll down an update page to find out anything about him. I had no idea what he was up to or who he was with, it's been years since I've last heard his voice.
"You know this isn't good for either of us, Y/n", he rang through my head as I remember standing on his porch in late July.
"Calum, we've been through this so many times- why can't we just try?"
He runs his hand through his freshly cut hair and shakes his head, "It never ends well, I feel like a fucking lost dog who always limps its way back to you.. I just- Fuck- I can't do thi-"
The last thing I remember was the door closing in my face, leaving me all alone with no closure. I could hear him on the other side, a thump on the door indicating he was leaning against it. I tried for the handle, jiggling it a few times before banging on it, begging for him to talk to me. I couldn't stay mad at him forever, as much as I wanted to. I wanted to scream at him, slap him in his beautiful face, and kiss him all at once.
My phone vibrating snapped me out of my thoughts and I looked down,
My heart skips a beat, staring at my phone on my lap buzzing away. I bit my lip softly, pulling it closer to my face as I accepted the FaceTime call.
The camera was pointing to the ceiling when I answered, his voice booming loudly as he spoke.
I let let a breath I didn't know I was holding, trying to gather the right words to say. What was I supposed to say after all this time?
"Cal?", my voice is softer than I had hoped for, the word slipping past my lip like it's begging to finally be let out.
"Holy shit", the camera shifts and he props it up against the wall, waving at me with one hand. Calum sits in his studio chair with his old bass in his lap, headphones pushed back against his long curly hair. His eyes are wide as he raises an eyebrow, "Shit, long time no see."
I adjust the camera against my steering wheel and scoot my seat back, allowing for a better view of myself as I smile innocently with an awkward wave. "Hi Cal, how ya been?" I see his eyes travel down to the necklace around my neck, my fingers dancing around the bottle as I speak.
"Shit, Y/n if I'd known it was you calling I would've answered way faster, I just had deleted your number-", he stops himself, looking up with a sympathetic crooked smile before sighing. I raise a hand up to reassure him instead, "Calum", god saying his name tugs at my heartstrings, "It's okay, I get it... we don't have to dance around it.. now what are you up to?"
He was lying, Calum hood was bluffing to my face and I had no idea. After all this time, he still had my contact listed as "My wildflower", but he couldn't dare admit to me that he didn't answer sooner because he was scared.
Scared of what I was going to say
Scared id tell him I found someone new
Scared of seeing or hearing me again
"I'm actually working on a song right now", he laughs and holds the iconic bass up, a small spot right under the strings that once had a star sticker I placed on it- now scraped off.
I make a face, reminding myself that that was the past and I shouldn't dwell on it too much, but seeing him happier without me didn't make me feel like I thought it would. A part of me wished he was as miserable as I was, cooped up in my room writing stupid songs that were confessing my raw feelings.
"What's it about?", I chirp up as he bends down to play a few notes on the keyboard next to him, assuming it's the intro.
"It's about someone that was in my life, uh someone you don't know- she came around afterward", he says slowly, not meeting my eyes through the screen. I just nod in agreement, opening my mouth to speak.
"Would you like to come over for dinner sometime this week?", The words flow out before I had time to think about it. As I wait for his response, I pick at my nails- a habit he absolutely hated. He would smack my hand out of my mouth every chance we were together, telling me "I'd get worms in my belly" I did stop for a while, but my bitten nails were the only reminder he was actually gone.
"Yeah, I would love to!- Look I'll let you go but we'll keep in touch alright?", He speaks quickly, his hand flying down in one swift movement. With that, he ends the FaceTime call and I'm left looking at my reflection. I looked dumbfounded, smiling to myself as wide as I could.
I couldn't let myself fall for this again, for him- we both knew it wasn't going to end well for either of us. But hell it's been 4 years and I've changed as a person, and by the looks of it, he has too.
My phone buzzed once, twice, and then three before I looked back up at it to see three new messages from none other than Hood.
DO NOT CALL!!!!: I kinda lied, you do know the person I wrote it about
DO NOT CALL!!!!: mp3.wildflower.calumdemo.rec
DO NOT CALL!!!!: my wildflower ;)
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tuxxore · 4 months
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xore (zor-rae) • 18 • 🇫🇯🇧🇧
all lanes • gender-neutral writer • 5sos
tt: @tuxxore • wattpad: @tuxxore • twt: tba • ig: @tuxxore
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always looking for friends! FEEL FREE TO INBOX ME!!
ill probably talk abt subliminals and shifting on here sometimes
i love music so most fics are gonna be based on song lyrics
i like to write sadness with no happy ending sometimes
when i post my first few pieces of work my masterlist will posted here
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getsojaded · 2 years
you don't go to parties iii | calum hood
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i was in a bigggg writing funk before this and i’m glad i got it done. sorry for making u guys wait so terribly long for it. i love u
warnings: calum hood x she/her reader, lowercase intended, calum's a mess (slight alcohol tw) angst happy ending
calum ghosted himself from everybody since that encounter with him, y/n, and his bandmates.
the other three boys tried their absolute hardest to get a word out of him, making endless phone calls, sending texts every ten minutes, and they even tried knocking at his door. calum ignored all of them, and gradually, it all just stopped.
he didn't really know what to do with himself. he had been so used to an environment full of so many people around him, and now? only having, himself, his dog and a few guitars? this felt new to him.
he also hadn't touched a drop of alcohol since him and the boys' fight.
looking back at it, calum knows he might have not reacted in the best way possible. he was angry, he really was. seeing his ex-girlfriend leave michael's house with all three of his bestfriends there was almost the last thing he expected to see, and it took him aback. but he knows he had no right to start yelling at all of them.
he's tried reaching out. in calum's head, luke seems like he would be the easiest to talk to – they've known each other since they were sixteen ; they tell each other everything. so why couldn't calum just muster up some courage and call him? text him, even?
as he sits at his couch with his phone in his hands, he looks at the message he's typed out.
hey guys, i know this is kind of out of the blue but i wanted to say sorry to you guys in person. i did some really fucked up shit and i know you guys were just looking out for me. do you think we could all meet up?
he deletes it before laying on the couch and going to bed.
initially, calum's woken up by a ding!, indicating somebody's texted him. slightly suprised, but not awake enough to care, he ignores it and attempts to go back to sleep. that happens to be unsuccessful as his phone starts ringing.
sitting up from the couch slightly annoyed, he picks up the phone and rubs his eyes. "hello?" calum groans.
"calum?" a slurred voice rings through his ears, and that's all it takes for him to jump back into full consciousness. "calum! you answered!" y/n happily exclaims through the phone, and he already knows she's had something to drink.
"are you okay, y/n?" calum softly asks while he walks to his bedroom.
"i'm okay! i'm at the bar alone and i had a few shots, and i started thinking about you. the boys told me that they haven't heard from you in about a week or so, and i didn't contact you because i was scared i was gonna make it worse. but i was thinking about you and i got really worried, so i called you to make sure you're okay," y/n rambles, sighing as she finishes closing her tab, picking up her bag from the table and walking towards the exit.
"you're – you're alone?" calum asks, concern laced in his voice and his face although she can't see it. "yeah, i'm just about to leave. anyways, thanks for answering. i'm glad to hear you're okay-"
"y/n i swear to god if you end this phone call right now," calum sternly tells her in response, picking up his keys and making his way to his front door. "where are you?"
"you know where i am," y/n responds softly. "you have to know where i am."
calum stops in his tracks for a brief moment before fully understanding what she means by that.
"stay there, please. i'm on my way."
she's sitting on the side of the pavement, a cig in her hand while she waits for him to get there. she doesn't smoke very often, but when she does, she knows her emotions are taking over.
after y/n heard from michael that calum hasn't spoken to him or the other boys in over a week, she started to feel stressed out. was the slight fallout between all of them her fault? should she have hung out that one day with michael, and maybe everything would have been okay?
she's clouded in her own thoughts, a hand on her head while she takes the last hit of her cigarette before throwing it on the ground and putting it out with the heel of her shoe. headlights start to approach her, and from the car model, she already knows that it's calum.
she gets up and lightly brushes off her body before walking towards his car. calum quickly puts his car in park before rushing over to y/n and helping her into the passengers seat of the car.
"hi calum! good to see you." y/n tells him with a lazy smile on her face, looking up at him. the happy feeling is not reciprocated, as he looks at her with a nonchalant face and nodding to adress her.
he's back in the drivers seat, putting the car back in drive when she starts to speak up again. "are you mad at me?"y/n asks softly, playing with her fingers and not making eye contact.
"i'm not mad," calum starts. "i'm just, a little disappointed. you know better than to go out alone. you know that's not safe. i was just worried about you." he breathes out heavily, focusing on the road.
"that's not what i'm talking about, y/n responds, looking at him with a sad smile. "i'm asking if you're mad at me for seeing michael, luke and ashton. i'm asking you if you're mad at me for.. for leaving you."
"y/n, i don't know if we should be talking about this, at least right now we shouldn't..." calum trails off, closing his eyes for a split second.
"you can tell me the truth, cal. you can hate me."
he looks to his right, just to see her face for just a second, and she sees her looking at him with watery eyes and a small frown. she's on the verge of tears, and he can't let that happen.
taking his right hand off the wheel and reaching for her hand, he grabs it and intertwines it with his, his thumb rubbing against the base of her thumb.
"i don't, y/n. i don't hate you. don't think i ever could."
she nods silently, and the conversation comes to an end before calum reaches her house. he exits his side and opens y/n's car door to walk her to her front door.
“thanks for helping me get home,” y/n whispers to the boy helping her stand up while he takes out her keys from her purse. not saying anything, calum unlocks the door and walks the both of them inside, shutting it behind him and helping her take off her shoes.
she’s in her change of clothes and the two of them are sitting next to each other when calum asks, “why did you go to the bar tonight?” y/n’s still kind of out of it, and she can’t quite yet process the entirety of her situation. so while she’s sitting on the edge of her bed next to calum, she does what she feels is best — pour her heart out.
“i told you earlier, i’ve been thinking about you. i’m worried about you cal.. i have been even before you stopped talking to your best friends. i know how you’ve been acting, partying and all. and i guess… i guess like i feel that it’s my fault? i never gave you a chance? i just, i just kind of got up and left without telling you.. i shouldn’t have done that. and now, the first time we talk to each other in months is a result of me getting too drunk needing help… you hurt me a lot but i didn’t realize how much i hurt you.. and i’m sorry. it’s long overdue but, i’m really sorry. if i could go back and do it over again i would.”
calum’s glassy eyes meet her sad ones as she shoots him a small smile. “please don’t be mad at them,” she finishes, talking about luke, michael and ashton. “they love you so much, and they want what’s best for you. they’re worried about you, just like how i am.” she takes her hand and gently cups calum’s face, leaning her forehead against his.
“you did nothing wrong,” he breathes out, his voice shaky. “nothing was your fault, y/n. i promise.” he can’t have this conversation. not yet. not while the girl in front of him isn’t sober, and not while his thoughts aren’t collected properly. hell, y/n might not even remember this the next day.
“y/n, i have to go. i’ll text you tomorrow to ask how you’re feeling.” calum states, getting up from y/n’s bed and beginning to leave, but she stops him by grabbing his hand. “no, it’s late. i made you pick me up. the least i could do is let you stay here,” she pleads softly, holding her grip on his hand tighter. “please don’t go.”
and while calum knows he shouldn’t do it, he sighs and enters the bed in the empty space that drunk y/n made for him. he makes sure to leave a good amount of space between the two, even if it means he's on the verge of falling of the bed.
calum's doing everything in his power to what felt like for once, to do the right thing. he's hurt her one, two, three many times before and he feels like he's walking on eggshells in this moment.
his back is facing hers and yet he still can't sleep. he can't stop thinking of all the mistakes he's made and how much pain he's caused to the one girl he's only truly loved. he also thinks about his bandmates, his brothers. how could he have acted so recklessly towards them? he knows that he knows better, and yet he still didn't show it.
despite his better judgement, calum turns around to face y/n, out like a light. she looks comfortable – she looks at peace. calum subconsciously forms a small smile, and moves the few hairs out of her face.
and in this moment, he vowed to do better. be better. not only for her, but his bestfriends, and himself.
he’s surprised when he sees the caller id pop up on his phone. not only that, but he’s kind of scared as well. after not talking to him for what felt like the longest they’ve ever gone without doing such, how do you approach the conversation?
luke picks up calum’s call on the third ring. “hey, cal,” he begins. “luke, i know i have a lot to explain and i just wanted to say that i’m sorry. but i think it’s better if i come talk to you in person, do you think we could do that today?” calum asks.
“i’ll be at your place in ten minutes.” and with that, luke’s out the door.
“you look like you haven’t gotten any sleep.” luke states the second calum opens the door for him. “i haven’t. i also haven’t changed my clothes in 3 days,” he responds, gesturing to the black hoodie and grey sweatpants he has on.
the two take a seat on the couch across from each other before calum cuts right to the chase: “i stayed at y/n’s house last night.”
luke looks shocked when the words leave his mouth, “what? how? why?”
“she called me, and she was at the bar alone. she said she was just leaving and that she called me to tell me she was thinking of me, but i couldn’t just let her get home alone so i drove to her and dropped her off. and she was saying… she was saying how she feels like it’s her fault i acted the way i did after our breakup. and, that if she could ‘do it all over again’ she would. i tried telling her nothing is her fault, but i don’t know if she took it. then she asked me to stay the night, and i did,”
“what’s the matter, cal? why did you not want to talk to us? what’s going on?”
it’s evident that luke’s concerned, and it’s written all over his face. he looks almost scared ; scared for his best friend — his brother who he loves so much.
“luke, i don’t know,” calum’s voice breaks, looking at him. “i saw you guys with y/n and it just - i just raged. i’ve never felt so mad in my life and i can’t blame anyone for it but me. and then seeing y/n act the way i did - do, i realized that the stress and hurt i was feeling was something that you guys were feeling about me, if not even worse. i didn't realize that i was ruining my life. with all the parties i threw and went to, all the fucking alcohol, i saw it as my way only out. but it wasn’t. it changed me, and for the worse. i’m so sorry, luke. i’m so sorry to you, and ash, and mike. i’ll apologize for the rest of my life if that’s what it takes,” tears are running down the both of their faces as luke pulls him in for a hug.
“it’s okay, cal. it’s okay. we know you’re in a tough spot, and we’re here to help you. we were just worried. we all are.” luke reassures calum as he sobs into his arms.
"i need- i need to call ashton and michael. tell them i'm sorry. i need to-" "hey, hey, don't worry. i'll tell them to come here. it's okay cal, we'll all be okay. don't worry." luke cuts him off, pulling away and walking towards the kitchen.
"hey, i know it's kind of early, but somebody's here to see us. and it's important, so you might wanna get here fast."
within 15 minutes both boys opened luke's front door, to be greated by their teary eyed bandmate. they're already struggling to contain their emotions, and they all pull calum into a group hug. countless confessions, apologies, and tears are shared, and at the end of it, all four boys are certain of one thing:
that it's gonna be okay.
calum doesn't receive a call from y/n until the evening.
she's nervous, she's so fucking nervous; she could barely click his phone number. she's worried and embarassed and all around scared. she barely even knows what she's going to say to him.
"hi." she simpy responds, breathing in deeply. "sorry for not calling you sooner, i just finished my shift. and, thank you for helping me last night. i know it was out of your way."
"don't apologize, it's alright. and it was no problem, i'm just glad you ended up home safe."
there's silence on both ends before y/n speaks up again. "are you busy right now? do you think, do you- can i come over?"
"oh i- oh yeah totally, for sure." what the fuck. calum feels like a thirteen year old boy talking to his middle school crush for the first time with the way he's stumbling across his words.
"okay, see you." and y/n abruptly ends the phone call before rushing out of her house.
calum's sitting and fidgeting with his hands when y/n knocks on his door. slowly walking towards and opening it, he's greeted by the girl with a small smile on her face, wearing pyjamas and one of his old tour hoodies. "hi."
"hi, come in," he holds the door for her and she walks inside, kicking off her shoes, then following calum into the kitchen where he's grabbing two glasses. "want a drink?" he asks, her nodding in response before filling the glasses with water.
"i know you're probably wondering why i asked to come over," she starts, taking a big gulp from her glass. "and honestly, i'm kind of, uh, scared. nervous. but i know we needed to talk, about a lot of things. about us. about, everything really. and, i don't know if i'll ever be brave enough to say this again."
calum can almost feel the nerves radiating from y/n. to calm her down, he walks towards her and takes a seat next to her on the island, lightly placing his hand on top of hers before gesturing her to continue.
"i.. i know i shouldn't have left the way i did. i left you with nothing. no note, no 'goodbye', no anything. and i've regretted it ever since." she confesses, closing her eyes.
calum turns to face y/n, sadness planted on his face. "i understand why you did. i fucked up, beyond compare.. and, you did what you felt was best." this was gonna be a hard conversation to have. "yesterday.. you said, that if you could do it all over again, you would have. what do you mean by that? our relationship? or?"
"no, i meant, the end of it. we didn't even have a breakup – i just took my shit and left. i should've given you a chance to explain, have a fucking conversation like adults and instead i just, i was a coward! i just fucking left you. how could i have done that?!" y/n's visibly starting to get upset, tears forming from her eyes as she tries to continue. "and then i kept hearing what you were doing, and i couldn't help but feel like i'm the one to blame for that. maybe things would have gone better if i just, let you say something, anything to me. but i didn't. and for that, i am so, so sorry. i'll never be able to apologize enough for that."
calum's about to speak up, to tell her that nothing was her fault, that she shouldn't have to apologize, but she keeps going. "and then, at michael's house. i never meant to hurt you. they were just, looking out for you and they wanted me to try and help you. when you came over and i saw the look on your face, i-i felt even more guilty, and then.. and then mike told me you went m.i.a on them, and i just - it's all my fucking fault, isn't it cal?"
y/n's in hysterics by the end of her sentence, and calum can't stand to see the sight of her in pain because of him again. he pulls her into his arms, stroking her hair while he whispers everything from no, no it's not to it's okay.
"it's not your fault, i promise, y/n, it's not," he tries to reassure her. "we both made a mistake. everything i did.. the way i acted, it's on me," calum whispers, holding her tighter, hoping that would help take all her pain away.
"i'm sorry i never realized i was leaving you behind. you're the most important person to me, and the one thing i thought i'd never do was hurt you. but that's exactly what i did. and for that.. i'm not sure i'll ever forgive myself. i lost the one thing i thought that i would have for the rest of my life, and there's nobody to blame for that but myself. not you. it was never you." calum confesses, his throat tightening up as he prepares to cry for what felt like the hundreth time that day.
she pulls away slightly, her broken, tear-stained eyes facing his soft brown ones. "i care, so fucking much about you. and knowing you were upset, and turning to alcohol, i just... i love you calum, okay? i'm not sure i'll ever feel the same way about anyone the way i did with you. i've been so fucking scared because i can't stand the thought of anything bad happening to you and i, i'm sorry cal. i'm sorry i wasn't there for you."
"no, y/n, please stop apologizing. i'm sorry that i wasn't there for you."
the pair let their emotions get the best of them, holding each other as fucking tight as they possibly could while sobs come out from the both of them. there was so many things left unsaid, and letting it all out – they both needed this. they needed each other.
calum thought that he'd never wound up in this position - doing everything in his power to reassure y/n that it's not her fault.
“i’m going to do better, okay y/n?” he quietly says to her, slightly pulling away from the embrace, taking her hand and intertwining it with hers. “i’m done with this shit, i promise. it’s not good for me - it never was. and i’m so sorry. for leaving you in the dust, and for making you worry. it’s not happening again. never again.” calum places a soft kiss to her hand while y/n wipes away her tears with her free hand. she nods in response, closing her eyes and leaning into his shoulder. she’s exhausted, but she’s happy they had the conversation. yeah, it might have resulted in choked sobs bouncing off every wall in the house, but’s it off her chest. it’s off his chest too. they’ve said everything they need to say.
“thank you, for, hearing me out. thank you for your apology, and thank you for.. everything.” y/n says to him, placing a small kiss on his cheek, before beginning to walk towards the door, and calum grabs her wrist lightly to stop her. “wait, you’re going?”
“yeah, what else would i do?”
calum’s so scared to ask this question, and he doesn’t know what answer to expect from her. but if he lets her walk out that door, he’s not sure if he’ll ever get the chance to ask her again.
“where does this leave us?”
“i don’t.. i don’t know,” she replies, as calum grabs her waist. “where do you want it to be?”
“i want it to be you and i.” he confesses. “what about you?”
“i’ve always wanted it to be you and i.” smiles creep up on both their faces, and y/n lets out a sigh. “but, things have changed and, and, i can’t just pretend like the past didn’t happen..” she trails off, a frown forming on her face.
she can leave again. she can leave, and he won’t be upset. but, calum has a chance at making everything right. with his friends, and with her. and quite frankly, y/n knows in her heart, she doesn’t want to leave either.
“sleep on it. stay the night with me. in the morning, if you don’t feel right about this, you can leave and i’ll forever be thankful we had this talk. if we hadn’t, who knows how’d i continue to act. and if you feel even the slightest bit right about this, i promise, i will never let myself hurt you again.”
as y/n looks into calum’s brown eyes, she sees a glimpse of hope lingering in them. and for once, she feels the hope between the two of them as well. relationships are bound to go through rough patches, and it’s safe to say that the two of them didn’t handle them in the best way. she knows calum. and when calum hood is determined to fix something, anything, he’ll do everything in his power to fix it.
so she grabs his hand and the two of them make their way upstairs, climbing into bed and falling asleep almost instantly.
and when calum wakes up to the girl he loves playing with his hair and kissing his forehead, he smiles, and makes another promise to himself: to never let her think she’s anything less than a stupid party.
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ughkat · 1 year
keep going | m.g.c
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smutty oneshot ❥
michael x fem!reader
smut, petnames, choking
you and michael are getting ready for a night out and he can't keep his hands off you
not proofread
I leaned closer into the large bathroom mirror in front of me, squinting as I perfected my eyeliner. I quickly checked the time on my phone, then back to the mirror, making sure I wasn't running behind.
Michael and I had planned for a casual night out. He rummaged through our closet for his clothing for night before placing the chosen articles on the bed. I remained in only my underwear in bra as I got ready, as a precaution to my messy makeup skills. My hair laid loosely curled down my back, un-styled.
I felt the presence of Michael behind me before I saw his cheeky grin in the mirror, eyeing me up and down. He came in closer behind me, wrapping two arms around my waist, his chin on my shoulder.
"Careful." I giggled, his head almost knocking the eye pencil across my face. He buried his face into my neck.
"I'm sorry, you just look so fuckin' good." He mumbled into my skin. His hands softly trailed along my sides, sending a chill through my body. He pressed his lips against my neck, kissing gently. I smiled at his affection, continuing my makeup in the mirror. I tried my best to ignore the touch of Michael behind me, remembering the ticking time, but his fingertips and lips against my skin weakened my care.
Michaels hands slowly came around to my uncovered bottom, groping and squeezing adoringly. He pressed his frontside against me, his hard bulge pressing against my rear. I sighed in pleasure at his touch, placing both hands on the counter.
"Michael, we gotta go soon." I smiled, my half-assed attempt going noticed by Michael.
"I never said stop." He muttered into my skin, referring to me getting ready. I let out a small chuckle, shaking my head before reaching for a lipstick. Michaels hand trailed back around my front, tracing his fingertips on my panty line. I continued to pretend to ignore his actions, intensely focusing on my objective in front of me. Michael let out a chuckle, meeting my gaze in the mirror for a moment before swiftly pulling my underwear to my ankles. I looked down behind me abruptly with a shocked smile, Michael crouched on one knee. He watched me closely as he spread my legs from my ankles, just enough for him to fit in between. I felt the heat between my legs begin to throb as Michael gaze burned into mine.
"Keep going." He spoke softly, motioning with his head to my products on the counter. I narrowed my eyes with a smirk, turning back around to the mirror. My breath shook as I continued my routine, awaiting Michael's next move.
Michael placed himself between my legs, facing the opposing direction of me. I gasped and gripped the counter at the sudden feeling of his warm tongue swiping once against my slit. I pulled back and looked down to reveal Michael's eyes looking back up at me. He smiled into my heat before continuing his tongue up and down my folds, flicking it quickly on my throbbing bud. My hips buckled and ground against Michael's mouth, my fingers grasping tightly onto the counter. He brought up two fingers to my dripping hole, inserting them slowly.
"Fuck." I whimpered, tossing my head back. Michael chuckled into my dripping folds, wrapping his free arm around my thigh and holding my shaking legs steady. He pumped his two fingers steadily, matching the rhythm with his tongue.
Before I had a chance to collect my thoughts, Michael stood up from his position, back to being pressed behind me. He placed a hand under my thigh, propping my leg up on the counter. I watched him behind me in the mirror. Impatiently waiting for him to unbuckle his pants. My standing leg shook as Michael readjusted his grip on my heightened one, lining his throbbing tip to my entrance. He brought his chest in close to my back and placed a hand on the counter beside us. Michael locked eyes with me in the mirror as he slowly slid his pulsating shaft fully inside of me. His mouth dropped into an "O" as I bit my lip, concealing a squeal.
"You look so pretty for me, baby." He cooed deeply into my ear—commenting on my interrupted makeup, beginning to pick up his pace. I let out a loud moan, dropping my head in ecstasy. Michael smugly pounded harder, gripping my thigh tighter
"You take me so good, princess." He looked down to his cock vigorously pumping in and out of me, letting out a growl.
"Fuck, you're so tight around me, baby." He groaned, burying his face into my neck. I watched him in the mirror as his muscles convulsed and flexed at each thrust, and the sweat beading at his shoulders. The way his head rolled back every time I clenched around his throbbing cock.
Michael pulled out abruptly, earning a whine from me. Before I could speak, he lifted me by my hips, turning me around and placing me to sit bare on the counter. I looked up at him through my eyelashes before he pushed me back by my shoulders, placing my head to the mirror, and scooting me by my lower hips to the edge of the counter with his hands. Lining himself back up, he wrapped a hand around my throat, gripping generously. With no warning, Michael began at his previous pace, pounding vigorously in and out of my sensitive hole. My eyes fluttered and rolled to the back of my head as I convulsed around his ramming member.
"You're so pretty when you're taking my cock." He smiled smugly, tilting his head. I looked at him with lazy eyes, holding myself up with my hands. Michael brought a thumb to my throbbing clit, beginning to rub small circles repeatedly. I shook at his touch, my toes curling. I began to convulse and my back arched, signaling my overstimulating climax.
"You gonna cum for me, baby?" He cooed, quickening his pace on my clit. "C'mon princess, cum for me." He breathed, his gaze burning into mine. My head rolled to the size lazily, repeatedly convulsing around Michael's still pounding member. I came hard around him as he continued his pace, leaning in closer to me. I shook with overstimulation.
"That's my good girl." He growled. He pounded vigorously, carrying out his own climax.
"Fuck, Y/n." He groaned, placing his forehead against mine as he finished.
We caught our breaths for a moment before I suddenly remembered why I had been getting ready in the first place. I turned to my phone beside me, checking the time. I threw a hand over my face, groaning at the amount of time that had passed. Michael's head perked up before he spoke.
"Oh... Whoops." He muttered sarcastically. I gave him a playful kick, staying optimistic.
"We still have some time. You just have to keep you hands to yourself." I giggled, poking him in the chest. He connected us for a kiss before cheekily replying.
"No promises."
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bartxnhood · 2 years
complete | m.c
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michael clifford x reader
summary: you surprise michael after his long tour, all he’s been wanting is you.
warnings: none
a/n: time for some mikey appreciation, i love him sm and i rarely see anyone writing for him :( this is also my application to become ur fave 5sos writer lmao. enjoy ! feedback is appreciated <3
Copyright © 2022 bartxnhood. All rights reserved. This original work is not allowed to be reposted on any platform in any format.
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as the tour officially came to an end and the guys went back home, it was days in the studio for michael writing and creating melodies for the guys. he loves it, sure. it’s his passion after all. making music people can enjoy no matter how high or low one is feeling, seeing fans across the world sing and dance along to their music is what kept him going. but it was draining. incredibly draining. sometimes he’d forget to sleep, it would be seven in the evening then the next time he looked at the clock it was already five in the morning. he would even forget to eat as well. but he missed you most of all, he was gone for months and all he wanted was to feel your soft touch and the sound of your voice.
you missed michael too, his dorky jokes whenever the two of you hung out. getting to hear snippets of their upcoming songs or projects. he was your soulmate, you hated being away but also it was the price of dating a very well-known artist. when you got the news your boyfriend and best friends were back you had cleared it with everyone that you’d surprise your boyfriend. you brought some of his favorite foods and a few sweet treats to congratulate him on the successful tour.
knock knock
michaels head lifted from the computer, he looked at the door and raised his eyebrows. he wasn’t expecting anyone. especially not at the studio. he pushed himself away from the desk and walked over, opening the door and revealing you. you had a wide grin and multiple bags in hand. “hi!” you cheered, michael chuckled in disbelief he stood to the side letting you come in. similarly to him, you were in a hoodie and sweatpants. “what are you doing here?” he asked, shutting the door quietly following you. you sat down the bags of food and turned to your boyfriend who looked awful. not in like an ugly way, but like ‘oh my god you look dead, why haven’t you slept’ type of way.
your grin went to a frown almost immediately. “babe, your eyes” the faux blonde shook his head, “i’m okay” he tried to assure you but it only made you worry even more. you wrapped your arms around his tall figure, holding him tightly. to michael this is all he wanted, taking in your scent again. he closed his eyes feeling at peace for the first time since returning home. when you pulled away he felt his heart skink a bit. he wanted to hold you longer.
“what did you bring?” his eyes flickered to the bags then back to you. “well” you started, bending down and fishing out a few products. “i have some of your favorites and a few sweets so we can celebrate your successful tour” the grin on your face made him smile. he nodded and led you over to his sofa where the two of you would sit and eat a little of everything while michael told you stories of tour life.
it was getting later in the night now, you two had been talking for hours. just missing each other. you stood up from the cushion and started cleaning up all the trash decorating the sofa. michael watched, you could be doing the most absurd thing and he would still think you were the most beautiful person on the planet.
gently he reached out for your arm, “could you hug me again? i think i need it” you turned to look at him, giving him a nod. “you didn’t have to ask.” you crawled back onto the sofa and held michael. “i missed you so much” he breathed, his arms resting on your torso. you smiled, kissing his forehead. “i know. but get some rest, yeah? you deserve it”
within minutes, he was fast asleep in your arms. soft snores escaping his lips. this was all he needed, you and your touch.
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irwinsblender · 10 months
hi everyone!! i’m 20, from the uk and my pronouns are she/her! i’m mostly new to tumblr, i’ve been on here more for reading other fics rather than posting/interacting myself. but i will hopefully be starting to write on here soon :)
a little bit about me:
i love to write and read. i like going to concerts and i love to travel. i also have just got into cross stitching which i’m really enjoying atm :)
i love music, a few of my fav artists are 5sos (of course), coin, ruel, louis tomlinson, niall horan, harry styles, jonas brothers, flor and måneskin.
i’m a marvel and disney fan too, my favourite disney movie is tangled and my favourite marvel characters are bucky and loki. when it comes to movies/series i do also love watching horror!
i’d love to make some more writing friends, so i’ll try and get some fic posted soon :)
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