#mi gazelle
mutant-distraction · 2 months
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Gazelles and their shadows, galloping over the Namib sands
📷 Solly Levi Photography
The Namib (/ˈnɑːmɪb/ NAH-mib;[1] Portuguese: Namibe) is a coastal desert in Southern Africa. According to the broadest definition, the Namib stretches for more than 2,000 kilometres (1,200 mi) along the Atlantic coasts of Angola, Namibia, and northwest South Africa, extending southward from the Carunjamba River in Angola, through Namibia and to the Olifants River in Western Cape, South Africa
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Say Hi to the Spotted Hyena
The spotted hyena is also known, perhaps most famously, as the laughing hyena (Crocuta crocuta). This species once ranged throughout Eurasia, but following the end of the Ice Age was restricted to sub-Saharan Africa. Today they can be found in many types of dry, open habitat, including savannah, semi-desert, and mountain forests. At times, the spotted hyena may also enter urban areas in search of food.
Unlike other hyenas, Crocuta crotuta is a predator, not a scavenger. They most commonly prey on wildebeast, but they may also hunt zebra, gazelles, Cape buffalo, and warthog. In addition, desperate times may cause packs to hunt on more dangerous prey such as young hippopotamus, giraffe, and rhinoceros. Spotted hyenas have incredible endurance, reaching speeds of 60 km/hr (37 mph); a single chase can last over 24 km (14 miles). When live prey is scarce, the laughing hyena can also turn to carrion, as well as snakes and ostrich eggs. In turn, this species may be killed by lions, though this may be motivated more by competition than prey drive.
Spotted hyena females are typically larger than males, weighing 44.5–67.6 kg (98–149 lb) to the males' 40.5–69.2 kg (89.3–153 lb). The height range for both sexes lies between 70–91.5 cm (27.6–36.0 in). In addition, female laughing hyena are somewhat famous for their masculinated genetalia; the clitoris is enlarged, resembling a penis, and is accompanied by sacs filled with fibrous tissue that resemble a scrotum. As the name implies, the coat is light brown with darker spots over most of the body. Because the species has such a wide diet, it has was is considered to be the strongest in relation to size of any mammal. The bite force is stronger than that of a brown bear, and can exert a force of 4,500 newtons-- enough to crush bone.
The laughing hyena is a highly social animal, and individuals live in communities up to 80 strong; size largely depends on prey availability and whether or not the group migrates. A clan territory can be anywhere from 40 km (24 mi) to 1000 (621mi) squared. Females dominate the males, and a pack is usually led by a matriarch. Hierarchies are strictly enforced, and positions are primarily inherited through birth and transferred through death. In addition, one's rank is maintained and recognized through social alliances and their contributions to the clan rather than size or dominance displays. The entirety of the clan comes together most often when defending a territory, gathering at the communal den, or at a kill; however, these kills are more commonly produced from smaller offshoots of the clan.
Crocuta crotuta can breed year-round, though mating is at its peak during the wet season from April to June. Members of both sexes pair indiscriminately with multiple mates, both within their clan and without. To offer himself, the male performs a mating ritual in which he lowers himself to the ground before the female, and retreats if any aggression is shown. Once impregnated, the female carries for about 110 days before giving birth to two cubs-- three is fairly rare. Weaning takes another 14 to 18 months, during which time cubs learn to hunt and defend the clan, as well as establish their place in the social hierarchy. Sootted hyenas reach maturity at about 3 years old, and can live an average of 12 years in the wild, though individuals as old as 25 have been recorded.
Conservation status: The spotted hyena has been determined Least Concern by the IUCN. However, outside protected areas the population is declining due to deforestation and hunting as a nuisance species.
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Augusto Bila
Elise Pianegonda
Evie Davidian
Art Wolfe
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chicknstripz · 1 year
I would like the prompt "I dare you to fuck Wolffe." 😌 i'm being a thot tonight
∘₊✧ The hare and the Wolffe ✧₊∘
Pairing|| Fem!Reader X Wolffe Word Count|| 1621 Tags|| Accepting a dare, UNHINGED FILTH, Smut, Implied penetration, dirty talk, Wolffe being Wolffe Synopsis|| You should have known that accepting a dare from your trouble making friends was a bad idea, a very 'bad' idea indeed , but how can you say no when it involves a certain commander?
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You exhale a sigh as you examine your makeup in the mirror, the faint beads of condensation mocking your calm exterior.
It’s been months since you’ve had a girls night out, the long nights and even longer days sapping your energy to such an extent that getting out of bed was a challenge. Even now you can feel the ache in your shoulders, the muscles tense from hours of wielding heavy blasters - so tense you imagined you could see it if you looked hard enough! Maker, you looked tired! The lines that crinkled your eyes deepening with your sigh as you splashed water to your face.
You needed a drink!
With any luck your friends would have one waiting for you, the dimmed lights of the ‘fresher giving way to the neon of 79s. You’d never been one for clubs, the pulse of the bass vibrating most annoyingly in your back teeth, but you’d put up with it if it meant hanging out with Sella and Tri’ya. They always knew how to make you smile, their antics washing away the worst of the way, and tonight was no different, their bright faces greeting you as you returned to the table.
“There you are! We were about to send out a search party!”
You rolled your eyes at Sella’s joke, the lilt of her voice merging perfectly with the music.
“I wasn’t gone that long, honestly.”
Sella and Tri’ya shared a smile, the kind that told you they were up to no good.
“Long enough that you almost missed your turn”
“My what now?”
Tri’ya pointed to the half empty pitcher in the center of the table, the tips of her lekku catching the light as they danced about her shoulders.
“We decided to indulge in a game of truth or dare, and it’s your turn.”
You scoffed as you settled into your chair, the glow of the alcohol only adding to the fizzy feeling in your gut. It was never a good idea to share your secrets with the girls, their big mouths spilling every story you told regardless of their intentions. It wasn’t a good idea to accept a dare either, their ideas growing more outrageous with every year that passed, but it was admittedly easier to deal with momentary embarrassment - so dare it was.
“Fine, fine! Dare!”
“I dare you to fuck Wolffe!”
Wolffe? You follow the length of her arm, the slender tips of her fingers guiding your gaze toward the corner of the room. The trooper that stood there was dark and brooding, the set of his brow so intense it made you wonder why he was here in the first place. Even his lips had that disapproving look, the tight press growing all the tighter as he watched a brother clamber onto a table. Perhaps a brother had dragged him here? It was certainly the most logical explanation, your heart skipping a beat as you watched him cross his arms over his chest.
“You want me to do what now?”
“Fuck Wolffe.”
“But I don’t even know him!”
“That doesn’t stop Sella, and besides ... you could use a good fuck.”
You still don’t know how you’re supposed to ‘fuck him’, especially when he doesn’t look the ‘meaningless fuck’ type. It’s in the eyes you decide. The soft glint in his mis-matched eyes betraying a man who appreciates deep loyalty. He’d want someone to share his pains with, to talk with in the long hours of the night when everyone else was asleep. To guard his secrets and protect his brothers. A fierce soul who more than matched his gruff outer, and maker if you wished you was it - your throat constricting as Tri’ya shoved you in his direction.
“Go on, off you go!”
You stumble forward like a newborn gazelle, your legs at odds with your body as you dance around a laughing trooper. It’s hardly a great first impression, but it’s not like you’re not looking to make one, your indignation growing as you flash a sour look over your shoulder. You’ll get Tri’ya back for this one day! As the maker is your witness you’ll make her pay for this crazy dare! You swallow as you move close to your target, noticing more and more details as you do so. He’s broad, impossibly so, the cut of his gray uniform making your mouth water as the man beside him looks your way.
“Sir, we’ve got company.”
Wolffe doesn��t turn as he looks your way, the bored side eye turning inquisitive as he gives you a quick once over.
“Can we help you, neverd?”
You’re not familiar with the term, but you are familiar with the tone - the low husk he rounds his consonants with making your legs quiver with anticipation.
“Actually, yes you can. I was wondering if I could borrow you for the rest of the night”
The man beside Wolffe elbows him in the side, his eyes dancing with delight as he heckles his commanding officer.
“Borrow him? Why? He’s no fun at all. Me on the other hand ... ”
The low growl cuts off Sinker’s attempt to seduce you, his casual stance snapping to attention at Wolffe’s interjection.
“Right sir, sorry sir! If you need me I’ll be at the barracks.”
Wolffe watches him with an unbothered look, the dancing lights reflecting in his cybernetic eye. You hadn’t noticed it from afar, far more distracted by his looks. But now? You’re in awe of it, the way the purples and pinks flash across its milky surface near hypnotic. He exhales a huff, rolls it - the shimmy of dancing light broken by the movement - and turns away, the action more frustrated than annoyed.
“You got me alone nerved, now what?”
Quite honestly you hadn’t expected to get this far, your disbelief only matched by his magnetic aura. Stars he was attractive! The subtle lighting highlighting the soft line of his jaw, and the scars that peppered his dark skin.
“I was thinking we could have a little fun, spice the night up a bit?”
He gives you a measured look, then quirks the corner of his lip - a little side smirk that makes your stomach slip as you realize he’s on to you.
“And which friend put you up to this?”
“The pretty Twi two tables over”
He averts his gaze with a hum, his expression unimpressed as he examines your friend. The sane part of your brain reminds you you’ve interrupted his night, that he’s likely not interested in childish dares. The other? It delights in the idea that he might think you're prettier than your friend, your face burning red hot as he extends an arm toward you.
“Can’t disappoint now, can we?”
If you didn’t know any better you’d say he was trying to save you the embarrassment of walking back to your table. His teasing tone at total odds with his stern expression.
“It’s not her you'd disappoint if you said no.”
Wolffe clucks as you slip your fingers into the crook of his arm, the muscle beneath flexing at the contact. He’s well built, sturdy, everything you could ever want from a man, and you wish this was real - the thrum of the music mixing with your arousal as he guides you through the bar. At first you’re not quite sure where he’s taking you, having never been to this part of the building before, but the more you look around the more you realize he’s taking you to the rumored back rooms.
“Is that so? Well, we can’t have that either.”
The way his voice dips makes you combust on the spot, the firm press of his hand guiding you into a room that might be called romantic if it wasn’t for its gaudy decor. Deep red paint lines the walls, the hue interrupted by scrapes and stains - reminders of the couples who’ve spent their nights here. Against one wall, a leather couch, its cushions suspiciously clean. The other is a bed, it’s proud posts also showing the marks of previous conquests, and you might have made a comment about it if Wolffe hadn’t pulled you to his chest.
“I -- You don’t have to do anything -- it was just a dare.”
“Never accept a dare if you can’t handle getting caught, little hare.”
You inhaled as his teeth brushed your skin, the hot exhale of his breath soothing the sharp pain that tingles its way up your neck.
“Mmmmm, I could just devour you whole. You smell so good!”
The flat of his tongue follows, the euphoric sensation drawing a moan from your lips as he slips his leg between yours. It forces you to widen your stance, the subtle hem that decorates his pants barely enough to rouse your arousal. It doesn’t stop you from rocking against him like a horny teenager, the desperation growing as he splays his warm hand across your stomach.
“That’s it mesh’la, rub your gorgeous scent all over my thigh.”
His other hand explores your body with the patience of a saint, the slow sweep following your dips and curves. Your shoulders, your breasts, your waist, then back up again, each touch purposeful as he maps your erogenous zones. You gasp when he ghosts your fingers along your neck, his teeth taking their place as he sweeps his hand downward. You shiver and moan when he tweeks a nipple, the sensations making it harder to control your breathing. You whimper when he manhandles your waist, the wet patch you’ve left on his pants chilling his skin as you gyrate against him.
“Please ...”
“Please what?”
“Fuck me.”
He barks out a laugh, the sound muffled by your heated skin.
“Well, Since you asked so nicely.”
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layezalll · 2 years
Bir hikâye söyle bana hiç dile düşmemiş
Unutulmus misralarinda gizli bir şiirin.
Bir varoluş göster,
Titrek tebessümünde gizli güzel yüzlerin.
Kalpleri kim döndürür, söyle!
Kimdedir mülkiyet, ferman kimde?
“Birini sevmek isteyip de sevemiyorsan,
onun için dua et ve onun için güzel isler yap,
Yüreginin yumusadigini göreceksin.”diyen
Kimdedir o gönlün ipleri?
Hûdanin huzuruna çıkana değin,
Kime kenetlenmistir iki gözüm, tek gönlüm?
Ey ziyalarda kalan göynüm
Yıldızları indirsem gökten senin için,
Nice nakkaslar getirip, işleten ismini
harfi harfine bir nehrin üzerine…
Nasıl bir ilhamdir o, Nasıl bir letafet?
Nefes almak Nasıl da zordur o anda bilir misin ?
Sana bir sır versem, beraberinde
götürebilir misin?
Büyükçe bir kapı açılsa önümde,
Sonra her birini toplayıp sana sunsam ben,
Gene de “Yetmez!” diyebilir misin?
Tüm sözlerin ortasinda susuvermek,
“Bilmem ki!” deyip kaçıp gitmek varken,
Nedendir bu amaçsız memnuniyet?
Hem buradaymış, hem değilmiş gibi,
Hem duyuyormus, hem duymuyormus gibi…
Hem duyuyormus, hem duymuyormus gibi…
Hem her şeyi biliyormus, hem…
Aynı anda burada ve orada ve…
Bu ne sancidir Ya Rab?
Kondu da göçtü mü aşk kervanı?
Aşk kapısı mı?
Kapı açıldı ve kapandı, kervan göçtü.
Sen ki…
Nakış nakış nakış  arz eyledim halimi,
O derinliği, yüksekliği ve genişliği akla
zarar göklerin ortasında …
Kan gibi damlıyor iken renklerim senin için,
Kim gelip kuruldu gönül tahtına?
Ben mi olmalıydım, bakmadan giden ardına?
Sensizligi isliyordum, nakkas değil miydim?
Şiirler yazıyordum, şair değil miydim?
Divane olmuştum uğrunda, aşık degil miydim ?
Sonsuzluk dilerken, onsuzluk düşmüştü bana da
Umut dilerken, cılız bir kurtuluş çaresi bile yok !
Titrek bir kandil ışığı misali,
Bir görünüp bir kaybolan sönük bir veda,
Ateşi yakan bir ateş vardır elbet,
İlk defa başlarmış gibi devam eder hayat bazen
Bir damla gözyaşında boğulmak,
Sevda deneni en geç yaşamak,
Umutsuzca çırpınıp, karanlıkta kaybolmak…
Tüm bunları neden yaşar ki bir insan?
Aşk, he mi, aşk için… Ask hû!
Nasıl denir,
Nasil anlatılır bir kementler boğazı
sıkıyormuş gibi bu boğum boğum acayip his?
Sanki yarım kaldım
Aşk nedir ki sanki?
Söz biter, arılar ayrı bir zarif konar
çiçeklerin üstüne.
Yüreğe ne olur ki, dil tutulur,
Şiirler söylenir, türküler okunur,
Kalp Nasıl çarpar çaresizce!
Olsa olsa sana atar bu kalp su saatten sonra
Gün bir başka doğar. Gece gündüz dua etmek
Ama gece gündüz…
Korkunun sesini duymak, kısacık bir an için ümitlenmek.
Aşktı neticede, aşk bu!..
Birimizden biri ölecek ya, kim belli değil!
Zindan sen söyle kimi beklersin,
mezar sen kimi?
Kimi seçersen gelecek lakin ben zaten ölüyüm!
Yasamak nedir ki yardan başka?
O olmadan,
Ne zaman zamandır canım, ne mekân mekân…
Olmazı bilmez bu illet, olacak!
Baş isterse vurulacak.
Yürek nereye döner peki ya, dönse dönse nereye?
Dedim ya, bir sana atar kalp denen şu saatten sonra
Her şeyi yapar da sevme diyebilir mi sana?
“Dur, alma nefes!” demekten ne farkı varki?
Bir fidan gibi yüklenmistim seni oysa
Sesim ayyuka çıkardı kötü bir şey olmasın diye!
Eyvah ki aşk!
Ne aşk
Acı ki aşktır,
Hem var hem yok ya, tadı acıdır.
Kurumuş dudaklara değen tek damla su kadar,
Yürege düşen bir damla alev…
Nefesin tıkanıp da yığılıp kalmak,
Ümit kırıntılarını avucunda toplamak kadar nazenin
O kadar güzidedir aşk dediğimiz.
Aşk he mi?!.
Aşk hû!
Ben bilmem öyle süslü gazeller,
Bilemem ki sonu mutlu biten hikâyeler…
Ama tek bir şey dileyebilirim,
Adı aşk olunca bir hikâyenin,
Ben orada biterim.
Nurdan doğar
Canda biterim
Ki Adı Aşktı bu hikâyenin,
O bitti ya, ben de bittim.
Aşk için he mi, aşk?!.
Aşk hû!
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felidae-abyss · 9 months
AKA: spotted one (indian original name)
Acinonyx jubatus
Felidae family, acinonyx genus
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Ultimate Infodump Sheet
General description
Cheetahs have pale yellow, grayish or fawn coats, covered in tiny black spots. The belly fur is lighter than the rest, while the color tends to darken on the back. Cheetahs have distinctive markins under the eyes that go down the muzzle, called a tear mask. They have black rings around the last third of the tail.
The cheetah's paws are long and narrow. They have semi-retractile claws on the front paws, and non-retractile claws on the hind paws.
Cheetahs' head-body length ranges from 112 to 150 cm (44 to 59"), and they are 67 to 94 cm (26 to 37") tall at the shoulder. Cheetahs weight between 21 and 72 kg (46 to 158 lbs). Males are usually larger than females.
They live 6 years on average in the wild, and 19 in captivity.
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King cheetahs
The patterns of a king cheetah are caused by a slight melanism. Overall, the spots are bolder, sometimes even forming stripes. They have large stripes along the entierty of thair back, and rings are present on most of the tail.
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Physical aptitudes
Cheetahs are the fastest land animal. The highest speed recorded for a cheetah was 113 km/h (70 mi/h). They are the only big cat able to turn in the air while sprinting. They use their tail for steering while they are running. They are bad tree climbers.
Contrary to members of the panthera genus, they do not roar: instead, cheetahs can purr, meow, chirp and yeep.
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Cheetahs live in savanna, shrublands, grasslands, wetalands, rocky areas, and in the desert. Due to their light weight, they are capable of living in dunes.
Cheetahs present in several small areas of Africa, in countries such as Algeria, Angola, Benin, Ethiopia, Tanzania, Uganda... They are extint on an alarmingly large portion of Africa.
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Cheetahs are carnivorous. Their diet includes gazelles (especially the Thompson's gazelle), impalas, as well as other small ungulates. They also prey on hares, birds, and other small animals.
Cheetahs charge from 70 to 100 meters (27 to 40 feet) away from the prey. They strangle the animal with their jaws. The chase can only last 500 meters (196 feet), and cheetahs can only maintain their top velocity for a few hundred meters.
Contrary to most felids, cheetahs are diurnal and hunt primarily during the day.
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Cheetahs reproduce year-long, but mostly during wet season. Makes provide no parental care, and only interact with females during mating. If the female encounters a coalition, she will most likely reproduce with several males.
Gestation lasts between 90 and 95 days (about 3 months). Cubs open their eyes 4 to 11 days after birth, and start walking after 12 days. The litter size in the wild is 1 to 6 cubs, with an average of 3. In captivity, litters with 8 cubs have been recorded. Cubs are weaned between 3 and 6 months, and become independent between 15 and 17 months.
Cheetah cubs have a long, blue-ish gray mane along their head, neck and back, called "mantle". They gradually lose this fur until they reach adolescence. A study suggests that the mantle makes cubs ressemble honey badgers, which aids them to survive as a lot of animals avoid honey badgers.
Predation is the highest on cheetah cubs. The survival rate in Serengeti National Park, where several large carnivores live, is of only 17%.
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Cheetahs are classified as vulnerable in the IUCN Redlist. The population is fragmented and keeps on decreasing.
The causes are all human: climate change, energy production and mining, urban development, agriculture, roads, hunting, human intrusion, modification of natural systems, invasive species....
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Extra links
An interesting, well illustrated informational website that I wish I'd found earlier in writing this
Amazing footage of a cheetah hunting a wildebeest
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louisupdates · 1 year
@fashionlouist bracket winners! all the looks
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26 May - Mohegan Sun Arena, UNCASVILLE CT [Vetements shirt] [Lacoste shoes] [Lacoste polo] [Lacoste track pants]
27 May - Bank of New Hampshire Pavilion, GUILFORD NH [Marni x Carhart shirt] [Adidas shoes]
29 May - Place Bell, LAVAL QC [Palace x Adidas t shirt] [Ahluwalia shirt] [Adidas shoes] [By Parra shirt]
30 May - Budweiser Stage, TORONTO ON [A Bathing Ape shirt]
1 Jun - Blossom Music Center, CUYAHOGA FALLS, OH [Calvin Klein tank top] [Stone Island pants, Adidas Osweego shoes]
2 Jun - Michigan Lottery Amphitheater, STERLING HEIGHTS, MI: [1017 Alyx 9SM T-shirt] [Axel Arigato shoes]
3 Jun - The Icon Festival Stage, CINCINNATI: [Fred Perry polo] [Adidas Osweego shoes] [424 shirt] [Nike shorts] [Nike slippers]
6 Jun - Kemba Live! Outdoor, COLUMBUS OH: [Calvin Klein tank top] [J. Lindeberg pants] [Axel Arigato shoes] [28 OP hoodie] [28 OP shorts] [Adidas Osweego shoes]
7 Jun - TCU Amphitheater at White River State Park, INDIANAPOLIS: [Paul Smith T-shirt]
9 Jun - Saint Louis Music Park, SAINT LOUIS: [Obey knit polo]
10 Jun - Starlight Theatre, KANSAS CITY MO: [Raf Simons t-shirt]
13 Jun - BMO Pavilion, MILWAUKEE: [Fred Perry shirt] [Adidas Samba Og shoes]
15 Jun - Huntington Bank Pavilion, CHICAGO: [28 OP hoodie] [Sergio Tacchini jacket] [Lacoste pants] [Lacoste shoes] [Calvin Klein tank]
16 Jun - The Armory, MINNEAPOLIS: [Vintage Umbro England football shirt] [Pangaia hoodie]
17 Jun - Harrah’s Stir Cove, COUNCIL BLUFFS, IA: [Lacoste shirt] [Adidas shoes] [Y-3 hoodie and shorts] [Adidas shoes]
19 Jun - Denny Sanford Premiere Center, SIOUX FALLS, SD: [Umbro 2004 vintage home shirt]
21 Jun - Red Rocks Amphitheatre, MORRISON, CO: POSTPONED [Nike t-shirt] [Sergio Tacchini shorts] [Nike shoes]
24 Jun - Wamu Theater, SEATTLE: [Calvin Klein white tank top] [Grand Collection pants]
26 Jun - Doug Mitchell Thunderbird Sports Center, VANCOUVER BC: [Burberry shorts] [Ksubi shirt]
27 Jun - Mcmenamins Edgefield Concerts, TROUTDALE OR: [Adidas Jamaica jersey]
29 Jun - The Greek Theatre, BERKELEY CA: [ERL t-shirt]
30 Jun - The Hollywood Bowl, LOS ANGELES: [Stone Island jacket for Hollywood Bowl ad] [Adidas x Wales Bonner jacket] [black mesh tank top]
1 Jul - The Chelsea at the Cosmopolitan, LAS VEGAS: [Palace Skateboards t-shirt] [Adidas Gazelle red shoes]
3 Jul - Arizona Financial Theatre, PHOENIX: [Black Sabbath vintage t-shirt] [Calvin Klein white tank top] [Rick Owens x Champion track pants]
6 Jul - The Pavilion at Toyota Music Factory, IRVING TX: [Devá States t-shirt] [Stone Island swim trunks]
7 Jul - Moody Amphitheater at Waterloo Park, AUSTIN TX: [Tom Ford vest] [Lacoste pants] [Salomon shoes]
8 Jul - The Cynthia Woods Mitchell Pavilion, WOODLANDS TX: [Saul Nash matching set] [Axel Arigato shoes]
11 Jul - St. Augustine Amphitheatre, ST. AUGUSTINE FL: [Burberry shirt] [Umbro vintage shorts]
13 Jul - Hard Rock Live at Seminole Hard Rock Hollywood, HOLLYWOOD FL: [Casablanca Paris polo]
14 Jul - Yuengling Center, TAMPA FL: [Alyx 9SM AAUTS0393FA01BLK0001 ARCH LOGO t-shirt] [Soon To Be Announced t-shirt, Mastermind pants]
15 Jul - Cadence Bank Amphitheatre at Chastain Park, ATLANTA: [soundcheck: Mastermind pants] [Casablanca Paris t-shirt] [Adidas Sprinter shorts]
18 Jul - Ascend Amphitheater, NASHVILLE: [Stone Island sweater for Australia announcement] [28 OP track pants] [Celine polo]
19 Jul - Charlotte Metro Credit Union Amphitheatre, CHARLOTTE NC: [Lacoste pants]
21 Jul - Red Hat Amphitheater, RALEIGH NC: [28 OP pants] [Paul Smith t-shirt] [Stone Island shorts]
22 Jul - Merriweather Post Pavilion, COLUMBIA MD: [Nike England jersey] [Sergio Tacchini shoes]
24 Jul - MGM Music Hall at Fenway, BOSTON: [Stone Island pants] [Salomon shoes]
25 Jul - MGM Music Hall at Fenway, BOSTON: [Andersson Bell t-shirt]
27 Jul - TD Pavilion at the Mann, PHILADELPHIA: [Prada tank top], [CP Company pants], [Thames MMXX polo]
28 Jul - Stone Pony Summer Stage, ASBURY PARK NJ: [Maison Mihara Yasuhiro shirt] [Sunflower Mike shorts]
29 Jul - Forrest Hills Stadium, NEW YORK: [Tom Ford tank top] [Prada pants] [Axel Arigato t-shirt]
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outfits courtesy of lbfcult
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casual-asexual · 7 months
sangiovanni ultimo è giustizia
fred de palma 29esimo pure
e neanche i bnkr nooooo
renga nek meritavano di stare al posto della sad
maninni boh
clara piccina nu
rose villain... mi spiace
big mama ingiustizia
noooo i ricchi e poveri nooooo
per i negramaro... idc
pure i santi francesi potevano stare più bassi
idc about tre
no i the kolors bassi
idc about gazelle
emma poteva stare più su
il volo torna giù please
mentre alfa più giù honestly
diotato mi spiace...
la bertè giusta dai
alessandra idc
fanculo irama vai in fondo ugh
ghali deserved anche più alto please
angelina please vai su
geolier secondo me non primo ma merita di stare in alto
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diceriadelluntore · 1 year
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Storia Di Musica #277 - AA.VV., Romeo + Juliet (music from the motion picture), 1996
La serie maggiaiola di dischi colonna sonora volge al termine. Per mia scelta iniziale, non ho considerato i classici opere di quei grandiosi giganti che hanno fatto delle colonne sonore quasi un nuovo ramo artistico (penso a Morricone, Zimmer, Williams, Rota, Badalamenti per dire i primi che mi vengono in mente), ho considerato alcuni lavori dove l’uso del brano rock fosse alquanto innovativo, direi di costruzione delle scene e non di semplice accompagnamento, e che furono anche motore di successo sia per il film che per le canzoni che compongono la colonna sonora. La scelta di oggi è caduta sul film di Buz Luhrmann, Romeo + Juliet, del 1996, una ripresa quasi del tutto integrale del classico dramma di William Shakespeare: il regista utilizza in maniera quasi identica trama e dialoghi, cambiando solo l’ambientazione, spostando le vicende dalla splendida Verona italica a Verona Beach, sobborgo di Los Angeles, negli anni ‘90 del ‘900, dove Montecchi e Capuleti sono due potenti famiglie dedite al malaffare che si combattono non a colpi di spada ma di armi da fuoco. Luhramm affida i temi orchestrali a Nellee Hooper, Craig Armstrong e Marius De Vries e ad una serie di canzoni rock, che compongono il primo volume della colonna sonora. Infatti ne furono pubblicati due: il primo è il riferimento alla storia di oggi, il secondo uscì dopo il successo del primo, racchiudendo i temi orchestrali principali e alcune canzoni secondarie. Il disco racchiudi molteplici artisti e molteplici generi: la canzone principale, il tema d’amore, è la ballata pianistica, toccante, Kissing You di Des’ree, che in quei mesi aveva scalato le classifiche di mezzo mondo con il sound accattivante del suo singolo You Gotta Be. Hooper e De Vries remixano una b-side del primo singolo dei Garbage, #1 Crush, che inizia con i gemiti sensuali di Shirley Manson. I Butthole Surfers perdono buona parte della furia iconoclasta della loro musica, ma regalano un brano eccellente in Whatever (I Had a Dream), scritto per l’occasione. C’è molta musica indie: dagli Everclear con Local God, il duo degli One Inch Punch con Pretty Piece Of Flesh, una delle canzoni più famose di Gavin Friday, Angel, che verrà usata anche in molte pubblicità. C’è una parte che recupera due canzoni del passato: Young Hearts Run Free è una canzone scritta da David Crawford, che fu portata al successo nel 1976 da Candi Station, fino al numero 1, e che qui è ripresa da Kym Gazelle; Everybody's Free (To Feel Good) fu il brano più utilizzato nei club di Ibiza nel 1991, ed è il maggior successo di Rozalla, una artista dance dello Zimbabwe, ed è ripresa qui da Quindon Tarver, che ha pure un cameo nel film. C’è anche un trittico di canzoni di gruppi svedesi: la delicata Little Star di Stina Nordenstam, il più grande successo del gruppo The Wannadies, You And Me Song (del 1994), ma soprattutto Lovefool dei Cardigans di Nina Perssons, uscito poche settimane prima come singolo e che divenne un successo strepitoso anche per via del clamore del film. Rimangono una bellissima ballata di Mundy, un cantautore irlandese che diventerà un produttore discografico fondando una sua propria etichetta, con To You I Bestow, e una canzone dei Radiohead, Talk Show Host, una b-side del singolo Street Spirit (Fade Out), che faceva parte del disco dello stesso anno, 1996, The Bends. Thom Yorke scrisse però per il film una canzone speciale, ispirata, secondo tutte le interviste che in seguito concesse, ad un’altra famosa trasposizione del dramma del Bardo Romeo e Giulietta, quella del 1968 diretta da Franco Zeffirelli. Exit Music (For a Film) fu usata per i titoli di coda del film di Luhrmann, ma non nella colonna sonora per precisa scelta di Yorke: la canzone diventerà poi leggendaria poichè è nella scaletta di Ok Computer, lo storico capolavoro dell’anno successivo, 1997. Luhrmman userà in tutti i suoi lavori brani rock in modo particolare, e massima testimonianza di ciò sono il musical Moulin Rouge del 2001 e Elvis del 2022, dove in entrambi i casi porta a casa una nomination all’ Oscar per la miglior regia. Il film sarà un successo al botteghino, e lo fu anche la colonna sonora: arriverà al numero 2 della classifica di Billboard, e venderà solo negli USA 3 milioni di copie, fu il trampolino di lancio per gli attori (Di Caprio l’anno successivo, nel 1997, era in Titanic), per alcuni dei protagonisti di questa colonna sonora (soprattutto i Cardigans) e per lo stesso Luhrmann. 
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siir-defterim · 1 year
Elde Var Hüzün
evvelce biz bu tenhalarda
ziyade gülüşürdük
pır pır yaldızlanırdı kanatları kahkaha kuşlarının
ne meseller söylenirdi mercan koz nargileler
zamanlar değişti
ayrılık girdi araya
hicrana düştük bugün
ah nerde gençliğimiz
sahilde savruluşları başıboş dalgaların
yeri göğü çınlatan tumturaklı gazeller
elde var hüzün
o şehrayin fakat çıkar mi akıldan
çarkıfeleklerin renk renk geceye dağılması
sırılsıklam aşık incesaz
kadehlerin mehtaba kaldırılması
adeta düğün
hayat zamanda iz bırakma
bir boşluğa düşersin bir boşluktan
birikip yeniden sıçramak için
elde var hüzün
Attila İlhan
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gecko-chann · 7 months
ora che mi sono seduta ed ho finito i miei duty in cucina posso lamentarmi:
voglio più cover degli Eurythmics grazieh
maaaa i tecnici che hanno buttato giù il microfono di Rose Villain o non hanno pensato di alzarlo visto che la Nannini urla hanno voglia che una stronza che ha fatto per tre volte in croce il tecnico audio gli dica come si fa il loro mestiere?
Gazelle vabbè sad man does a sad song
The Kolors con Umberto Tozzi si sono divertiti di brutto amoh sono felice per loro, però quello stronzo che ha messo il microfono di Tozzi così alto da farlo strozzare lo meno
che bello c'è vecchioni c:
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simbelmyneswriting · 1 year
Jour 3 - Bleu Lagon
Après ce qui lui avait semblé des jours de marche, Greda était arrivée à l’embouchure du fleuve, là où ses eaux tumultueuses et opaques se fondaient dans un bleu que l’orc n’imaginait pas si clair, si vif. Ce bleu si étrange, presque mystique, semblait à peine dérangé par l’afflux soudain d’eaux sombres. Un bleu si étrange, si vif comme un joyaux et pourtant, si l’on se concentrait bien dessus, ce bleu semblant devenir presque noir au centre, là où la profondeur était la plus grande. Un bleu lagon. Elle avait entendu cette expression avant, bleu lagon, probablement auprès des voyageurs dans les caravansérails que son clan avaient fréquentés… Ou peut-être dans la bouche de Sanni, lorsqu’elle racontait des histoires aux petits ? Ou bien les deux - sans doute les deux. Est-ce que cette couleur s’appelait-elle ainsi à cause de l’endroit, ou bien l’inverse, d’ailleurs ? Est-ce que c’était cela, même, un lagon ?
Est-ce que tout cela en valait la peine ?, se demanda l’orc en s’appuyant contre le rocher le plus proche. Son outre était vide depuis plusieurs heures et elle n’avait mangé que quelques myrtilles et poires de terre depuis le lièvre d’il y a deux jours. Elle qui avait toujours été une excellente chasseuse, toujours apte à ramener de la gazelle pour son clan, se retrouvait démunie, presque une enfant dans ces conditions. “Père t’aurait mis à mort, pour être aussi faible et ridicule…” marmonna Greda en se laissant glisser au sol, les yeux fermés sur ses larmes et son moignon râpant durement contre la surface du rocher. C’était un miracle que la blessure ne se soit pas infectée, mais heureusement la coupure avait été nette - un avantage précieux des armes de fabrication naine, car leur tranchant était inégalé. Pourtant, ce n’était pas un nain qui lui avait coupé le bras, mais un cavalier à cheval, portant cet étrange soleil comme blason sur ses habits luxuriants.
A vrai dire, maintenant que Gerda y repensait, tous leurs attaquants portaient cette emblème sur leurs armures et chevaux. Une piste à creuser pour tenter de retrouver Sanni, la sauver des griffes de ceux qui l’avait enlevée. Libérée, avaient-ils dit, libérée de ces bêtes sanguinaires, ces sauvages, tels avaient été leurs mots exacts. Elle avait crié son nom, avec ce petit accent charmant même dans l’urgence et cela avait mis un peu plus de bravoure dans les gestes de l’orc. Un peu plus de désespoir aussi lorsque la jeune femme avait disparu de son champ de vision et que le cercle de cavaliers c’était refermé sur elle. Et beaucoup de désespoir, teinté de honte, lorsque tombée au sol et tentant vainement d’attraper une arme, on lui avait coupé l’avant-bras, avant de la laisser là, au milieu des cadavres. Le reste de son clan dispersé ou pire, capturé.
Elle s’était relevée après un moment, avait regardé son bras inerte, coupé net par l’impact de l’arme, pendant un certain temps, puis avait récupéré de quoi nettoyer la plaie. Elle avait ensuite déchiré une toile de tente qui tenait encore debout et l’avait enroulée autour de sa blessure, avant de ramasser quelques provisions et une lance et de se mettre en route vers leur destination : l’avant-poste du Bout du Fleuve, pour la Fête des Morts. Gerda n’était plus si loin, maintenant que l’océan était en vue et que le delta du fleuve s’étendait devant elle, pourtant elle n’arrivait pas à se relever. Elle était lasse, si lasse, de tout. D’avancer. De se battre. D’être forte. Parfaite guerrière mais qui n’avait pu sauver son clan, ni même son épouse. Ni même son bras, qui lui semblait maintenant irradier de chaleur - ou bien était-ce son esprit qui se perdait alors que les larmes s’écoulaient sur ses joues poussiéreuses.
Elle n’en savait rien. Elle ne savait plus rien, juste qu’elle avait lamentablement échoué dans toutes ses tâches de future cheftaine. D’un geste rageur, Gerda essuya ses larmes et força ses yeux ouverts. Gifla ses joues pour arrêter cette faiblesse indigne et plongea son regard sur la plaine qui s’étendait en dessous-d’elle, pour finir dans le bleu fascinant de l’océan. Un bleu lagon. Est-ce que cette couleur s’appelait-elle ainsi à cause de l’endroit, ou bien l’inverse, d’ailleurs ? Une ombre se posa sur elle et l’orc pria, en son fort-intérieur, pour que ce soit la fin. Et qu’elle soit rapide et sans trop de douleur. “Gerda ? Gerda Longstooth ? Par Uruk, qu’est-ce que tu fiches là ?! Qu’est-il arrivé à ton bras ? Oh par Uruk ! Oh Uruk ! Oh non ?! Oh gamine tu m’entends ?” tonna l’ombre en s’agenouillant à ses côtés, détournant de force son visage du bleu lagon de l’océan pour vérifier que la jeune orc était toujours vivante.
Gerda cligna des yeux et l’ombre se précisa un peu plus, un orc à la barbe tressée et aux multiples cicatrices se tenait à ses côtés. Par certains traits, il ressemblait à son père, en plus compact. En plus rond et doux, comme souvent ceux qui vivaient près des avants-postes. “… Oncle Roth ?”
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hamitbaydaroglu · 1 year
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Dervişe sormuşlar: Deve türkü söyler mi?
Derviş:“Dinleyen eşek bulursa değil türkü söylemek, gazel bile okur”
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ecologieeteconomie · 11 months
France-Afrique du Sud : une défaite au goût amer !
Des actions de grande classe, un suspense haletant, des joueurs exceptionnels sur le terrain, deux équipes qui se rendent coup pour coup, un arbitre à la ramasse et à la fin la défaite, l’amertume, les regrets. Décidément au rugby, la Coupe du Monde n’est pas pour l’hémisphère nord (sauf pour l’Angleterre, ne me demandez pas pourquoi). 
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Une première mi-temps relativement bien maîtrisée.
Nos joueurs ont démarré cette partie en attaquant pied au plancher et après quelque temps de jeu, il plante un essai dès les premières minutes du match, Cyril Baye concluant une belle action collective. Engagement des Sud-Africains et les Français repartent à l’assaut avec du jeu structuré, des passes au cordeau. Le danger est de nouveau dans les vingt-deux sud-africains, mais Etzebeth tente l’interception. Il commet un en avant et reprend le ballon sans que l’arbitre ne dise un mot. Quelques passes plus tard, les Sringboks inscrivent un essai en contre. Une action qui aurait dû nous rapporter 3 points minimum et qui nous en coûte sept.
Mais le XV de France a du caractère et il l’a prouvé à maintes reprises. Menés par un Antoine Dupont casqué, jouant sobre, mais juste, le XV de France continue à attaquer tous azimutsc et cherche à trouver la faille dans une défense Springbok vraiment bien en place. Petit coup de pied par-dessus, ballon porté, conquête en touche, tout y passe et sur une pénalité rapidement jouée par Antoine Dupont délivre une passe tendue en bout de ligne à Mauvaka qui plonge dans l’en-but.
Sur la transformation à suivre, Chelsin Kolbe a jailli hors de sa boîte et contre Ramos. La règle dit que les défenseurs peuvent monter sur le buteur à partir du moment où celui-ci a lancé sa course. Le joueur sud Africain avait déjà parcouru la moitié de la distance quand Ramos lance sa course. Et à nouveau, l’arbitre ne constate aucune irrégularité.
Le score est donc de 12 à 7 et quelques minutes après de 12 à 12 suite à un magnifique cafouillage de mal défense bleu sur une chandelle des gazelles vertes. A ce niveau, toute erreur se paie cache. Le jeu se poursuit, les temps de jeu se multiplient et Cyril Baye inscrit un doublé, malheureusement les Sud-Africains égalisent dans la foulée. Juste avant la mi-temps, les Français obtiennent une pénalité qu’ils décident de tenter au pied pour rentrer au vestiaire avec l’avantage au score. Ramos ne tremble pas et le score à la mi-temps est de 22 à 19. Au vu de la physionomie de cette première mi-temps, les Français semblent bien partis pour accrocher la demi-finale. 
Un carton jaune, mais pas de dégât
Au cours du match, Uini Atonio se retrouve un genou à terre, voir le géant d’origine néo-zélandaise se masser la pommette fait grincer des dents. Le colosse français à trouver à qui parler en la personne d’Etzebeth lors d’un contact tête contre tête. 
Alors que le Springbok rate un peu son plaquage, sa tête entre en contact avec celle de notre Winnie nationale. Fort heureusement pour le Sud Africain, sa pommette ne heurte pas l’épaule de son vis-à-vis en tombant.
Suite à cette action, il est toutefois obligé de sortir du terrain avec un carton jaune. À la vue des images, les arbitres bunker décident logiquement de ne pas transformer le carton jaune en carton rouge. Après 10 minutes d’exclusion, la XVᵉ gazelle peut donc revenir gambader dans le pré.
Pendant leurs dix minutes d’infériorité numérique, les Sud-Africains se sont employés à empêcher les Français de scorer et ils l’ont très bien fait. 
Une seconde mi-temps compliquée
Alors que les Sud-Africains continuent à contenir nos différentes attaques, ils parviennent eux à trouver la faille et marque un essai. Le buteur passe la transformation. Le score est désormais en leur faveur 25 à 29. 
Suite à une énième attaque française, le XV du coq obtient une pénalité. L’équipe décide de prendre les points aux pieds, cela nous permettrait de revenir à un petit point de nos adversaires mais pas de leur passer devant. Ramos ne tremble pas et les Sud-Africains sont sous la menace de n’importe quelle action permettant d’inscrire des points.
Les dix dernières minutes sont suffocantes avec des Français qui se jettent comme des beaux diables dans la bataille. C’est parfois assez mal maîtrisé et il y a beaucoup de perte de ballons. Mais il y a toujours un joueur pour récupérer la gonfle et nous remettre dans l’avancée.
Les minutes s’égrènent. Les temps de jeu s'enchaînent. Les gazelles multiplient les fautes au sol sans être sanctionnés. Les Français continuent leurs offensives en se jetant à corps perdu. On sent toutefois qu’ils sont de plus en plus agacés d’être contrariés irrégulièrement dans leurs actions sans que l’arbitre bouge le petit doigt pour faire respecter la règle.
Les Sud-Africains obtiennent une pénalité, fin du match. La France perd d’un point contre le cours du jeu avec un arbitre incompétent et aux abonnés absents.
Les Français nous font rêver depuis quatre ans et ils vont continuer. Le mandat de Galthié cours jusqu’en 2028, il pourra donc s’envoler vers l’Australie avec une équipe plus expérimentée et on l’espère encore plus maître de son sujet. Les plus belles pages de l’aventure de la bande à Galthié restent à écrire, c’est une certitude. Rendez-vous en février 2024 pour un tournoi des VI Nations que nous pourrons peut-être gagner. La Coupe du Monde était un rêve et la France a besoin de rêver malheureusement tous les rêves ne deviennent pas réalité. 
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prospercz · 1 year
Den 25
Dneska fakt trpím. Mám hodně spálená záda a váha batohu tu bolest ještě 100x umocňuje. Je to extrémně nepříjemné. Ale jdu. Co jiného mi zbývá? Naplánovali jsme si 22 mil do kempu u jezera Silverwood. Na kempu není nic zajímavého. Až na to, že si tam můžete objednat dovážku pizzy. Přesně to je dnešní plán na večer.
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Ranní vstávání přineslo jedno nepříjemné překvapení. Jak jsme byli blízko u jezera, spacák všech dostal pořádně zabrat. Vypadalo to, jak kdyby ho někdo polil konví. Tolik kondenzace a rosy jsem snad ještě nikdy neviděl. Nedá se nic dělat, usuším to snad po cestě na slunci.
Už pár dní si děláme mezi sebou legraci. Co budeš dnes dělat?, zní otázka. Odpověď je: asi půjdu na procházku.
Trail je zase celkem příjemný. Teda. Říkám to asi každý den. Je fakt příjemný a nebo jsem si už prostě zvykl, že už mi přijde všechno jako příjemná cesta? Každopádně se jde samo. Přebrodíme dvě řeky, Deep Creek a Willow Creek. Kromě zvířat se nás tu snaží zabít už i rostliny, konkrétně poison oak. Prý způsobuje pořádnou vyrážku při styku s kůží.
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Někdy kolem 10 hodiny potkáme další trail magic. Hostuje ho Punisher. PCT šel loni, Stihl to za 3 měsíce, a protože byl na konci už někdy v červenci, řekl si, že si to dá celé ještě jednou směrem na jih. Říká se tomu Jojo. Je to blázen! Teď trénuje na 200 mil dlouhý běh, který musí splnit za 100 hodin.
Co mě celkem překvapilo, tak už podruhé se mi stalo, že trail magic už není jen soda a jídlo. Občas je v nabídce i tráva a tzv. edibles.
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Odpolední trail se vine okolo jezera Silverwood. Je to moc pěkná procházka. Jsme sice v pouštní oblasti, ale počasí tomu neodpovídá. Je krásných 20 stupňů a fouká příjemný větřík. Ale dokážu si představit, že tahle část musí být ve vedru dost nepříjemná.
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Ve 4 dojdeme do kempu, zaplatíme 5$ na hlavu a chystáme spaní. Je nás tu 8: já, Baseline, Cruiser, Stir it up, Caroline a Alec, Gazelle a Anna. Celkem fajn parta. Dáme sprchu a pak poprvé na trailu konečně rozdělám oheň. Objednáme pizzu (pro mě křidýlka a salát) a bavíme se hraním karet a přemýšlením nad dalšími dny.
Když pizza dorazí, je to fakt hostina. Všichni se cpeme a užíváme si “pořádné” jídlo. Jak málo stačí člověku ke štěstí, když si nese celý svůj domeček na zádech.
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fallimentiquotidiani · 10 months
Quali sono le tue scarpe preferite, oltre agli anfibi?
Come dicevo prima mi piacciono molto le Adidas Gazelle, le Spezial, Munchen, Samba, Onitsuka Tiger Ultimate 812, Onitsuka Tiger Mexico '66, Converse in pelle
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pizzettauniversale · 1 year
Devo risparmiare per il viaggio, però a maggio mi ricompro le gazelle e compro pure le campus
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