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Top News Hal-Hal Yang Menjadikan Seseorang Berkewajiban Untuk Melakukan Shalat Jumat Dinamakan
Hal-Hal Yang Menjadikan Seseorang Berkewajiban Untuk Melakukan Shalat Jumat Dinamakan adalah artikel yang trending di Hingga kini topik tersebut saat ini ramai dicari dalam 1 jam. Untuk itu kami akan membahas Hal-Hal Yang Menjadikan Seseorang Berkewajiban Untuk Melakukan Shalat Jumat Dinamakan yang bisa kamu baca nantinya. Penasaran dengan Hal-Hal Yang Menjadikan Seseorang Berkewajiban Untuk Melakukan Shalat Jumat Dinamakan? Jika benar yuk simak artikel tersebut di samping https://beritapolisi.id/hal-hal-yang-menjadikan-seseorang-berkewajiban-untuk-melakukan-shalat-jumat-dinamakan/
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Top News Hal-Hal Yang Menjadikan Seseorang Berkewajiban Untuk Melakukan Shalat Jumat Dinamakan
Hal-Hal Yang Menjadikan Seseorang Berkewajiban Untuk Melakukan Shalat Jumat Dinamakan adalah artikel yang trending di Hingga kini topik tersebut saat ini ramai dicari dalam 1 jam. Untuk itu kami akan membahas Hal-Hal Yang Menjadikan Seseorang Berkewajiban Untuk Melakukan Shalat Jumat Dinamakan yang bisa kamu baca nantinya. Penasaran dengan Hal-Hal Yang Menjadikan Seseorang Berkewajiban Untuk Melakukan Shalat Jumat Dinamakan? Jika benar yuk simak artikel tersebut di samping https://beritapolisi.id/hal-hal-yang-menjadikan-seseorang-berkewajiban-untuk-melakukan-shalat-jumat-dinamakan/
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Top News Hal-Hal Yang Menjadikan Seseorang Berkewajiban Untuk Melakukan Shalat Jumat Dinamakan
Hal-Hal Yang Menjadikan Seseorang Berkewajiban Untuk Melakukan Shalat Jumat Dinamakan adalah artikel yang trending di Hingga kini topik tersebut saat ini ramai dicari dalam 1 jam. Untuk itu kami akan membahas Hal-Hal Yang Menjadikan Seseorang Berkewajiban Untuk Melakukan Shalat Jumat Dinamakan yang bisa kamu baca nantinya. Penasaran dengan Hal-Hal Yang Menjadikan Seseorang Berkewajiban Untuk Melakukan Shalat Jumat Dinamakan? Jika benar yuk simak artikel tersebut di samping https://beritapolisi.id/hal-hal-yang-menjadikan-seseorang-berkewajiban-untuk-melakukan-shalat-jumat-dinamakan/
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Top News Hal-Hal Yang Menjadikan Seseorang Berkewajiban Untuk Melakukan Shalat Jumat Dinamakan
Hal-Hal Yang Menjadikan Seseorang Berkewajiban Untuk Melakukan Shalat Jumat Dinamakan adalah artikel yang trending di Hingga kini topik tersebut saat ini ramai dicari dalam 1 jam. Untuk itu kami akan membahas Hal-Hal Yang Menjadikan Seseorang Berkewajiban Untuk Melakukan Shalat Jumat Dinamakan yang bisa kamu baca nantinya. Penasaran dengan Hal-Hal Yang Menjadikan Seseorang Berkewajiban Untuk Melakukan Shalat Jumat Dinamakan? Jika benar yuk simak artikel tersebut di samping https://beritapolisi.id/hal-hal-yang-menjadikan-seseorang-berkewajiban-untuk-melakukan-shalat-jumat-dinamakan/
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Top News Hal-Hal Yang Menjadikan Seseorang Berkewajiban Untuk Melakukan Shalat Jumat Dinamakan
Hal-Hal Yang Menjadikan Seseorang Berkewajiban Untuk Melakukan Shalat Jumat Dinamakan adalah artikel yang trending di Hingga kini topik tersebut saat ini ramai dicari dalam 1 jam. Untuk itu kami akan membahas Hal-Hal Yang Menjadikan Seseorang Berkewajiban Untuk Melakukan Shalat Jumat Dinamakan yang bisa kamu baca nantinya. Penasaran dengan Hal-Hal Yang Menjadikan Seseorang Berkewajiban Untuk Melakukan Shalat Jumat Dinamakan? Jika benar yuk simak artikel tersebut di samping https://beritapolisi.id/hal-hal-yang-menjadikan-seseorang-berkewajiban-untuk-melakukan-shalat-jumat-dinamakan/
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Top News Hal-Hal Yang Menjadikan Seseorang Berkewajiban Untuk Melakukan Shalat Jumat Dinamakan
Hal-Hal Yang Menjadikan Seseorang Berkewajiban Untuk Melakukan Shalat Jumat Dinamakan adalah artikel yang trending di Hingga kini topik tersebut saat ini ramai dicari dalam 1 jam. Untuk itu kami akan membahas Hal-Hal Yang Menjadikan Seseorang Berkewajiban Untuk Melakukan Shalat Jumat Dinamakan yang bisa kamu baca nantinya. Penasaran dengan Hal-Hal Yang Menjadikan Seseorang Berkewajiban Untuk Melakukan Shalat Jumat Dinamakan? Jika benar yuk simak artikel tersebut di samping https://beritapolisi.id/hal-hal-yang-menjadikan-seseorang-berkewajiban-untuk-melakukan-shalat-jumat-dinamakan/
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If life gave you lemons draw an unfinished ruby rose sketch for the 1839254th time
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What if....F1 photocard....jk...unless?
#f1 art#op81#oscar piastri#my art#konsonan langit yang akan menjadi sebuah takdir cinta kita menjadikan hamparan bahwa saksi ini detik ini secara sinaran ultrafeng
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0813-3432-1383 | Lowongan Magang Multimedia Malang: Bergabunglah Sekarang!
lowongan magang multimedia malang, lowongan magang pemasaran malang, lowongan magang bdp malang, lowongan tempat magang teknik grafika malang, lowongan tempat magang dkv malang, lowongan tempat magang multimedia malang, lowongan tempat magang pemasaran malang, lowongan tempat magang bdp malang, lowongan tempat pkl teknik grafika malang, lowongan tempat pkl dkv malang
Alamat CV. SAUDAGARA KAYA ABADI (SAKA SOUVENIR, PUSAT SOUVENIR KANTOR) : Jl. Palmerah Raya D3-35B, Cemorokandang, Kec. Kedungkandang, Kota Malang, Jawa Timur 65138
Lowongan Magang Multimedia Malang: Bergabunglah Sekarang!
Dalam era digital yang terus berkembang, keberadaan sumber daya manusia yang terampil dan berpengalaman di bidang multimedia semakin penting. Bagi mahasiswa atau fresh graduate yang ingin mengasah kemampuan serta memperluas jaringan, mencari lowongan magang multimedia Malang adalah langkah strategis yang patut dipertimbangkan. Artikel ini akan mengulas berbagai peluang yang tersedia di kota Malang, serta manfaat yang bisa diperoleh melalui program magang ini.
Mengapa Memilih Magang di Malang?
Malang dikenal sebagai kota pendidikan yang memiliki beragam institusi pendidikan tinggi. Dengan banyaknya universitas dan perguruan tinggi, kota ini menawarkan potensi besar bagi mahasiswa yang ingin belajar dan berkarier di bidang multimedia. Selain itu, Malang juga memiliki banyak industri kreatif yang siap menyerap tenaga magang. Ini menjadikan Malang sebagai tempat yang ideal untuk mengembangkan karir di sektor multimedia.
Peluang dalam Bidang Multimedia
Berbagai jenis posisi magang tersedia bagi mereka yang ingin mengeksplorasi dunia multimedia. Beberapa di antaranya meliputi:
Desain Grafis
Produksi Video
Manajemen Konten Digital
Setiap bidang ini menawarkan tantangan dan kesempatan yang berbeda. Melalui lowongan tempat magang multimedia Malang, individu dapat mendapatkan pengalaman praktis yang tak ternilai.
Menjelajahi Lowongan Magang di Malang
Berikut adalah beberapa kategori lowongan magang yang dapat ditemukan di Malang:
1. Lowongan Magang Pemasaran Malang
Pemasaran merupakan salah satu aspek penting dalam setiap bisnis. Mahasiswa yang ingin mendalami ilmu pemasaran digital dan strategi branding dapat mencari lowongan magang pemasaran Malang. Di sini, mereka akan belajar tentang bagaimana cara memasarkan produk secara efektif di dunia digital.
2. Lowongan Magang BDP Malang
Bagi mahasiswa yang mengambil jurusan Bisnis Digital dan Pemasaran (BDP), lowongan magang BDP Malang sangat cocok untuk meningkatkan pemahaman tentang konsep-konsep dasar bisnis dalam konteks digital. Pengalaman langsung di lapangan akan memberikan wawasan berharga tentang dinamika pasar.
3. Lowongan Tempat Magang Teknik Grafika Malang
Bagi mereka yang berfokus pada desain grafis dan percetakan, mencari lowongan tempat magang teknik grafika Malang bisa menjadi pilihan yang menarik. Dalam magang ini, peserta dapat belajar tentang teknologi percetakan modern dan teknik desain yang diperlukan dalam industri kreatif.
4. Lowongan Tempat Magang DKV Malang
Desain Komunikasi Visual (DKV) adalah salah satu jurusan yang banyak diminati. Lowongan tempat magang DKV Malang akan memberi kesempatan kepada mahasiswa untuk berkolaborasi dengan tim kreatif dan memahami proses pembuatan materi visual yang efektif.
5. Lowongan Tempat PKL Teknik Grafika Malang
Program kerja praktik atau PKL menjadi bagian penting dalam kurikulum pendidikan. Dengan mencari lowongan tempat PKL teknik grafika Malang, mahasiswa dapat mendapatkan pengalaman yang relevan dengan studi mereka, sekaligus meningkatkan keterampilan praktis.
6. Lowongan Tempat PKL DKV Malang
Bagi mahasiswa DKV, PKL merupakan kesempatan untuk terjun langsung ke industri. Melalui lowongan tempat PKL DKV Malang, mahasiswa dapat belajar tentang berbagai aspek desain, mulai dari riset hingga eksekusi proyek.
Manfaat Magang di Bidang Multimedia
Bergabung dalam program magang di bidang multimedia memiliki banyak keuntungan:
1. Pengalaman Praktis
Magang memungkinkan individu untuk menerapkan teori yang dipelajari di bangku kuliah dalam situasi nyata. Ini adalah kesempatan emas untuk membangun portofolio dan pengalaman kerja yang relevan.
2. Networking
Berkolaborasi dengan profesional di industri memberikan kesempatan untuk membangun jaringan yang dapat bermanfaat di masa depan. Pertemuan dengan mentor, rekan, dan klien akan membuka banyak peluang karir.
3. Peningkatan Keterampilan
Magang bukan hanya tentang bekerja, tetapi juga belajar. Peserta akan memperoleh keterampilan baru yang diperlukan untuk bersaing di pasar kerja. Ini termasuk keterampilan teknis serta soft skills seperti komunikasi dan kerja sama tim.
4. Kesempatan Kerja
Banyak perusahaan yang merekrut mantan intern setelah mereka menyelesaikan program magang. Menunjukkan kemampuan dan etika kerja yang baik selama magang dapat meningkatkan peluang untuk mendapatkan pekerjaan tetap.
Cara Mencari Lowongan Magang di Malang
Mencari lowongan tempat magang multimedia Malang bisa dilakukan melalui beberapa cara:
1. Situs Pencarian Kerja
Menggunakan situs pencarian kerja seperti JobStreet, Indeed, atau LinkedIn dapat membantu menemukan berbagai lowongan magang yang tersedia di Malang. Memfilter pencarian berdasarkan lokasi dan bidang spesifik akan memudahkan pencarian.
2. Media Sosial
Platform media sosial seperti Instagram dan Facebook sering kali menjadi tempat perusahaan mengumumkan lowongan magang. Bergabung dengan grup atau halaman yang relevan dapat memberikan informasi terbaru.
3. Kampus
Banyak perguruan tinggi memiliki pusat karir yang dapat membantu mahasiswa menemukan lowongan magang. Mengikuti seminar atau workshop yang diadakan kampus juga bisa memperluas pengetahuan tentang peluang yang tersedia.
4. Jaringan Pribadi
Membangun koneksi dengan alumni atau profesional di industri multimedia dapat membuka pintu untuk mendapatkan informasi tentang lowongan yang tidak diiklankan secara luas.
Tips Sukses dalam Menghadapi Magang
Setelah menemukan lowongan magang multimedia Malang yang sesuai, persiapan yang matang adalah kunci untuk sukses:
1. Siapkan CV dan Portofolio
CV yang menarik dan portofolio yang solid adalah alat promosi diri yang penting. Pastikan untuk menonjolkan keterampilan dan pengalaman yang relevan.
2. Pelajari Perusahaan
Sebelum wawancara, lakukan riset tentang perusahaan. Memahami visi, misi, dan proyek-proyek mereka akan memberikan nilai tambah dalam diskusi.
3. Bersikap Proaktif
Selama magang, tunjukkan inisiatif dengan mengambil tanggung jawab tambahan. Ini akan menunjukkan dedikasi dan kemauan untuk belajar.
4. Minta Umpan Balik
Setelah menyelesaikan tugas atau proyek, mintalah umpan balik dari mentor atau supervisor. Ini adalah cara yang baik untuk meningkatkan keterampilan dan mengetahui area yang perlu diperbaiki.
Magang adalah langkah penting dalam mempersiapkan diri untuk karir di bidang multimedia. Dengan mencari lowongan magang multimedia Malang, mahasiswa dapat mendapatkan pengalaman yang berharga dan membangun jaringan profesional yang kuat. Berbagai peluang, mulai dari lowongan magang pemasaran Malang hingga lowongan tempat PKL DKV Malang, menunggu untuk dijelajahi. Bergabunglah sekarang, dan jadilah bagian dari dunia kreatif yang penuh inovasi!
SAKA SOUVENIR MENERIMA SISWA MAGANG DAN PKL UNTUK : Jurusan Teknik Grafika, Jurusan Dkv, Jurusan Multimedia, Jurusan Pemasaran, Jurusan Bdp yang berasal dari sekolah di kota Malang, Singosari, Lawang, Purworejo, Pasuruan, Gresik, Sidoarjo, Blitar, Kepanjen, Turen, Dampit, Kediri, Blitar, Tumpang.
FAQ Lowongan Magang Multimedia Malang: Bergabunglah Sekarang!
1. Apa itu lowongan magang multimedia Malang?
Lowongan magang multimedia Malang adalah kesempatan bagi mahasiswa atau fresh graduate untuk mendapatkan pengalaman kerja di bidang multimedia. Program ini dirancang untuk membantu peserta mengembangkan keterampilan praktis dan pengetahuan dalam dunia kerja yang sebenarnya.
2. Di mana saya bisa menemukan lowongan magang multimedia Malang?
Anda dapat menemukan lowongan magang multimedia Malang melalui berbagai platform, seperti situs web karir, media sosial, dan forum komunitas. Pastikan untuk memeriksa situs resmi perusahaan yang bergerak di bidang multimedia di Malang.
3. Apa saja syarat untuk mendaftar di lowongan magang pemasaran Malang?
Syarat untuk mendaftar di lowongan magang pemasaran Malang umumnya meliputi:
Mahasiswa atau fresh graduate dari jurusan pemasaran, komunikasi, atau yang relevan.
Memiliki keterampilan komunikasi yang baik.
Mampu bekerja secara tim maupun individu.
4. Apakah ada lowongan magang BDP Malang untuk mahasiswa?
Ya, banyak perusahaan di Malang yang menawarkan lowongan magang BDP Malang. Program ini biasanya ditujukan untuk mahasiswa yang ingin mendapatkan pengalaman di bidang desain produk dan bisnis.
5. Apa saja perusahaan yang menawarkan lowongan tempat magang teknik grafika Malang?
Berbagai perusahaan kreatif, studio desain, dan agensi periklanan di Malang sering kali menawarkan lowongan tempat magang teknik grafika Malang. Cek juga lembaga pendidikan yang memiliki kerjasama dengan industri.
6. Bisakah saya menemukan lowongan tempat magang DKV Malang secara online?
Tentu! Anda dapat menemukan lowongan tempat magang DKV Malang melalui website lowongan kerja, grup Facebook, dan Instagram. Pastikan untuk mengikuti perkembangan terbaru dari lembaga pendidikan yang terkait.
7. Apa yang harus saya siapkan untuk melamar lowongan tempat magang multimedia Malang?
Anda perlu menyiapkan:
CV yang menarik
Portofolio karya multimedia (jika ada)
Surat lamaran yang menjelaskan motivasi dan keterampilan Anda
8. Bagaimana cara menemukan lowongan tempat magang pemasaran Malang yang sesuai dengan minat saya?
Untuk menemukan lowongan tempat magang pemasaran Malang yang sesuai, Anda bisa:
Menentukan bidang pemasaran yang ingin Anda geluti (digital marketing, brand management, dsb.)
Menggunakan filter pencarian di situs lowongan kerja untuk mempersempit pilihan.
9. Apakah ada lowongan tempat PKL teknik grafika Malang yang tersedia saat ini?
Banyak perusahaan yang menawarkan lowongan tempat PKL teknik grafika Malang sepanjang tahun. Pastikan untuk mengecek website resmi dan media sosial perusahaan untuk informasi terbaru.
10. Mengapa penting untuk mengikuti lowongan tempat PKL DKV Malang?
Mengikuti lowongan tempat PKL DKV Malang memberikan Anda kesempatan untuk:
Meningkatkan keterampilan desain
Menjalin jaringan dengan profesional di industri
Menerapkan teori yang dipelajari di bangku kuliah ke dalam praktik nyata
Dengan informasi di atas, Anda kini lebih siap untuk mencari dan melamar lowongan magang multimedia Malang serta bidang terkait lainnya. Bergabunglah sekarang dan tingkatkan kemampuan Anda di dunia kerja! #lowonganmagangmultimediamalang, #lowonganmagangpemasaranmalang, #lowonganmagangbdpmalang, #lowongantempatmagangteknikgrafikamalang, #lowongantempatmagangdkvmalang, #lowongantempatmagangmultimediamalang, #lowongantempatmagangpemasaranmalang, #lowongantempatmagangbdpmalang, #lowongantempatpklteknikgrafikamalang, #lowongantempatpkldkvmalang
#lowongan magang multimedia malang#lowongan magang pemasaran malang#lowongan magang bdp malang#lowongan tempat magang teknik grafika malang#lowongan tempat magang dkv malang#lowongan tempat magang multimedia malang#lowongan tempat magang pemasaran malang#lowongan tempat magang bdp malang#lowongan tempat pkl teknik grafika malang#lowongan tempat pkl dkv malang#Alamat CV. SAUDAGARA KAYA ABADI (SAKA SOUVENIR#PUSAT SOUVENIR KANTOR) : Jl. Palmerah Raya D3-35B#Cemorokandang#Kec. Kedungkandang#Kota Malang#Jawa Timur 65138#Lowongan Magang Multimedia Malang: Bergabunglah Sekarang!#Dalam era digital yang terus berkembang#keberadaan sumber daya manusia yang terampil dan berpengalaman di bidang multimedia semakin penting. Bagi mahasiswa atau fresh graduate yan#mencari lowongan magang multimedia Malang adalah langkah strategis yang patut dipertimbangkan. Artikel ini akan mengulas berbagai peluang y#serta manfaat yang bisa diperoleh melalui program magang ini.#Mengapa Memilih Magang di Malang?#Malang dikenal sebagai kota pendidikan yang memiliki beragam institusi pendidikan tinggi. Dengan banyaknya universitas dan perguruan tinggi#kota ini menawarkan potensi besar bagi mahasiswa yang ingin belajar dan berkarier di bidang multimedia. Selain itu#Malang juga memiliki banyak industri kreatif yang siap menyerap tenaga magang. Ini menjadikan Malang sebagai tempat yang ideal untuk mengem#Peluang dalam Bidang Multimedia#Berbagai jenis posisi magang tersedia bagi mereka yang ingin mengeksplorasi dunia multimedia. Beberapa di antaranya meliputi:#1.#Desain Grafis#2.
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Alr bro I am BACK from the Malevolent Kitchen- So this whole thing takes place in the Heian era, when Sukuna was at his strongest and walking around as a four armed, tall monster of a man (he has two massive dicks I am not being told otherwise don't even play, lad)
Reader (do I even gotta say it? I'm real predictable let's be fr 💀) as Sukuna's favourite shrine keeper- as he's speaking to some sorcerers (prolly begging for mercy or smth), he calls the reader over and commands him to strip and warm his (massive) cocks, all the while the poor sorcerers are just fucking sitting there. Eventually, he gets tired of the reader just warming his cocks and commands him to start moving, scoffing when the reader is too slow for his liking- ultimately he just grabs the reader's hips with his lower pair of arms, using him like a fleshlight,,,,,,,
ALSO if and only if you are feeling up to it,,,,, skip to modern day when Sukuna gets incarnated again and is immediately like okay where the fuck is reader (he's been alive with Uraume, which is why he hasn't physically aged, either) so he can drag the reader into his innate domain and get his dick wet after centuries of no bf :((( kinks- degradation, sadism/masochism, size, double penetration, exhibitionism
꧁ 𝙍𝙮𝙤𝙢𝙚𝙣 𝙭 𝙩𝙧𝙖𝙣𝙨 𝙢𝙖𝙡𝙚 𝙧𝙚𝙖𝙙𝙚𝙧 ꧂
w.c. › 9.1k
Warnings › first time ever writing Sukuna. Reader is trans male and he has breasts. Use of breasts and chest is interchangeable. Pussy, cunt, and hole are also used. Sukuna is still very mean but I made him just a little bit nicer, cuz romance lmao. Mentions of suicide. Boku is the JPN male version of I. Reader slurs his speech a lot
Kinks › degradation, sadism/masochism, size, double penetration, exhibitionism, nipple play, creampie, breast/chest play
ೄྀ࿐ ˊˎ-
That’s what your dad called it. A Wakizashi. Shorter than a katana, larger than a dagger. The only weapon a civilian could handle in broad daylight without being seen as a threat. Many used it as a way to commit suicide.
He told you to use it for that reason.
It was the only good thing you could do.
The Fujiwara clan was powerful. No doubt about it. And while your father wasn’t the strongest, he was well respected. Many were excited when his wife was pregnant with you. Even when you came out as a girl, they weren’t too disappointed. Even a woman could be a strong sorcerer.
But you never did.
You had a curse technique.
But it was weak. It was fully based on defense.
The technique to manipulate shadows. But it was only your own. You could hide well but how does that help you in combat?
Didn’t help when you started spewing “nonsense” of not being a woman.
That earned you multiple whippings.
Everyone in the clan stopped paying attention to you after that moment. Your back covered in scars.
And the one large scar across your face.
Your Wakizashi flickered in the soft pale moonlight. The gold casing shining proudly. You took great care of it.
The harsh patters of feet caught your attention. You stood up from your makeshift mat, shuffling over to the small crack in your dilapidated cabin. It was practically a box. You glanced out, seeing multiple assassins hurriedly rushing out.
It looked to be the entirety of the Sun, Moon, and Stars Squad and then Five Empty Generals. Odd.
You shrugged it off, going back to lay down. You turned your attention back to your Wakizashi. It was the only thing you had in this box. You flicked your wrists, practicing your technique.
Even though you were weak, you still practiced everyday. With a sigh, you collapsed onto the bed. The rebellions you used to do as a child seemed so silly now. Cutting your hair, bathing with men, wearing male kimonos. Just to be locked away in the corner of your own home.
The door was unlocked but they made sure to make you fear even pushing it open.
Your mother took pity on you, being the one to deliver you food. You were sure that if she didn’t, you would’ve starved to death. But she seemed to be late today.
The soft sound of wind creaked against the old box. It shook slightly, always threatening to just collapse over you. Your eyes fluttered closed, clutching your Wakizashi close. It was only a few minutes later when the sounds of screaming caught your attention.
“He’s here!”
“Do not run away! We are the Toh!”
You sat up, staring at your door as the screams women, men, and even children reverberated through the cabin. Your grip tightened around the Wakizashi, bringing it up to your chest. Slowly, you crawled over to the door, pulling it inward to peek outside.
The sight… was horrific.
Blood. Blood everywhere. Weapons scattered. Arms detached. Heads rolling off bodies. Even a few bodies didn’t have the upper half. Many sliced into pieces.
You wanted to vomit. Who was doing this?
The Toh… was defeated.
You stepped outside the cabin, your bare feet touching the soft grass. The grass was colored red as you walked over to the piles of bodies. Your eyes scanning them, being able to name at least a fraction of the corpses. Underneath one, your mother’s eyes stared right at you.
Your breathing hitched, your hand clamping around your mouth. Despite the cruelty they gave you—it was difficult seeing them like this. The further you walked to the entrance of the Toh estate, the more gruesome each body became.
A few just being blood splattered against the floor.
You shrieked, feeling a hand grasp your leg. It wasn’t someone you knew but her eyes were filled with fear. Blood trickled down her face.
“Run…. For your own sake.” She whispered.
Your eyes trailed over her body before you backed away.
The lower half of her body was gone.
Her arm fell down as her eyes closed.
You needed to run. If people as powerful as your clan were dropping like flies, you’d be killed immediately if this thing came to see you.
You began to run. Ignoring the bodies you had to jump or step over. You kept your eyes straight ahead. The Wakizashi tight in your grip. You hoped and prayed you would make it out free.
“Sukuna, is there any you want for dinner later?”
A horrid gasp left your body as you skid to a stop.
Your dad’s head hung from the grasp of a person. They were dressed in a kimono, short white hair. They held your father’s head up to a… thing behind them. The thing took your father’s head and examined it before tossing it aside.
“Not that one. Look for another.”
Its voice shook your body. The two of them were speaking as if they were looking at meat. Did they eat humans? But the white haired one looked like a human. You didn’t get the chance to think further when they suddenly turned over to you.
“Was something there?” The white haired one asked.
They saw nothing. The spot you once stood was empty, the only sight being corpses. They turned over to the thing, Sukuna.
“Go look for acceptable meat, Uraume.”
“Yes, Sukuna.”
Uraume began to move a few of the bodies about, looking for one that was acceptable for Sukuna. Sukuna hummed, cracking his neck as he looked around. His staggering form covered in blood. He stared in the direction of where you once stood.
You kept silent, staring right back at him. You had hastily summoned your curse technique, making yourself invisible to the naked eye. Your curse technique allowed you to hide in the shadows and even manipulate your own to hide yourself.
But it wasn’t strong, you could never hold it for longer than five minutes. And you haven’t eaten all day, you were weak. Hiding yourself physically didn’t hide any noises you made. So you clamped your lips shut, trying to not breathe, hoping he’d look away.
If you moved, he’d surely hear your footsteps, especially with how quiet it was. Your knuckles turned white as you clamped tightly at your Wakizashi.
Unable to hold it any longer, you let out a soft huff, pulling in as many air as possible.
But that was enough for Sukuna.
A large puff of air attacked you as you lost control of your technique, suddenly becoming visible. You collapsed to the ground, crying out in shock as you stared up at Sukuna.
He was large. Four arms and two faces. His eyes narrowed at you, glancing over you as he began to smirk. Blood covered his body. You knew your father and mother’s blood was mixed in there.
“How could I have missed you? You puny little thing.” He reached over to grab your hair but it went right through your body. Sukuna huffed, slightly confused on what just happened.
Your other ability, besides just becoming one with shadows, was the short ability to make your body unable to be touched. Sukuna pulled back clamping his fist before thrusting it into your chest.
It went through, but he didn’t kill you. Sukuna pulled his arm away, his head tilting. He didn’t look angry, on the contrary. He looked amused.
You quickly pulled the sheath off your Wakizashi and stood up on shaky legs. You had never fought. Never even used the Wakizashi against a real opponent besides a tree.
Sukuna chuckled. “Do your best.” He said, grinning. It was no encouragement. He didn’t even move into a fighting stance. Just from a look at you, he knew he was going to win.
“Domain Expansion: Moonlight Paradise.”
Dark matter spilled out from the ground as it formed into an orb around you and Sukuna. Your domain wasn’t strong. It wasn’t anything that helped you win fights.
It was a paradise.
A crescent moon shined, adding light to the otherwise dark domain. Spider lilies grew from the ground, surrounding you like a barrier of protection. A large sakura tree sprouted from the ground, growing tall as it quickly blossomed.
You shivered as you looked up at Sukuna. A feeling of bile filled your throat as you doubled over and coughed out blood. Sukuna looked at you with disgust, the hell was this?
“Is this your best?” He asked, stepping over to you. He was hoping for some sort of fight. But this was all you had to offer? A piss poor attempt at a domain.
You held out your Wakizashi, handing the hilt to Sukuna.
“If… die…” You winced, unsure of how to explain yourself. You weren’t taught to speak. Not after your whipping at age 9. And with everyone no longer speaking to you, you hadn’t spoken in years. Your voice was hoarse, struggling to work after years of being dormant.
You made the effort to write and read. But you stopped speaking. You hated your voice. This female voice that wasn’t yours.
Even now, just hearing your voice made you angry.
It’s a shame you were going to die with this voice.
“If…I…must die…You…willdo..bymy…Wakizashi.”
“Boku?” Sukuna muttered, staring at you. His eyes roamed your body. You weren’t a man. Not by the sight of your ample chest. You were wearing a female kimono. But your hair was cut short by a blade, judging by the jagged ends.
“Boku!” You screamed, glaring at him. You weren’t going to die being misgendered. You were going to die with the pride of being a male.
Sukuna grabbed the Wakizashi. It was small in his large hand. He lazily spun it around, making you slightly worried that he’d break it.
“You call yourself a man but you give up so easily?” He tossed the Wakizashi to your feet. “Pick it up. You have a technique, use it.”
You bent down, picking it up. “Nouse…strongerthan… me.” You could tell he had a bit of trouble understanding you, but you didn’t care. You just wanted your death to be over with.
“Why the domain?”
Sukuna glanced around. Your domain seemed to be just for aesthetic. There wasn’t any hint of anything else brewing inside. Nothing that was waiting to attack him. You really seemed set on dying without a fight.
You knew your place quite well.
He liked that.
“Domain Expansion: Malevolent Shrine.”
Your own peaceful domain was torn to shreds as red covered the sky. A large Buddhist shrine grew out of the ground behind Sukuna. Skulls decorated it. It looked to be human skulls. The ground beneath you became dark water.
But your spider lilies stayed alive. The crescent moon still shining down on you.
Sukuna sat down on his throne, his leg resting against the arm. He stared down at you, his eyes roaming you from his new position over you.
The Sakura tree died, disappearing like a puff of smoke. You collapsed to the floor and coughed heavily, the toll of opening your domain already affecting your body.
“Are you from the Toh?” He suddenly asked.
You mutely nodded.
“Look at me when I speak to you.”
You glanced up, trying to ignore the growing pit of fear in your belly. He smirked, leaning forward. One of his hands resting on his knee. The other holding up his chin.
“I find you interesting. I’ll allow you to live, as my shrine keeper. Once I’m bored, I’ll kill you.”
“If that’s what you desire.”
Despite the voices in your head tell you to not accept, you nodded. You knew at most, this curse would only let you live for a day or two before he kills you. At the very least, you’d get to enjoy Earth’s beauty in the fullest.
“You’re filthy.”
A basin of water poured over your head as you shivered outside, fully nude. Your arms tightened around your chest as you were soaked twice before a rag began to rub against your body.
It was Uraume. They weren’t impressed that Sukuna had chosen to keep you alive. You were weak, what did Sukuna gain from keeping you?
But Uraume didn’t question it. They knew their limitations.
“When was the last time you bathed?”
You winced, being roughly manhandled to face Uraume as they kneeled down, scrubbing between your legs.
Uraume hummed. Their hand trailed upward, unabashedly scrubbing your pussy before moving to your ass. “What’s your technique? Or were you not blessed with one?”
“How does it work?”
You bit your lip, unable to stop the slight giggle when Uraume moved up to your ribcage. They stopped for a second, believing they had hurt you until you gave a slight smile. They huffed and continued on, making sure no part of your body was left untouched.
With the moonlight shining down on you, you glanced down at Uraume’s shadow. You reached out and gently poked the shadow’s cheek. Uraume stopped, looking up at you with wide eyes.
You couldn’t help but grin. You grabbed the shadow’s hair, twirling a strand. A strand of Uraume’s hair began to twirl as if a finger was doing it. But there was nothing holding it up.
“You can manipulate shadows?”
“Mhn…justtouch.” You slurred. “Can’t…domuch…wasn’t…taught.”
You stepped away, shyly smiling as you slowly disappeared into your own shadow. Uraume hummed, nodding themselves as they watched you come back up.
“Can’t…hidefor…long. Noise…canbe…heard.”
“Do you have no offense attack?”
You shook your head. “Touch…couldbe…offensive…buti…can’t… can’t handle…weapons..too…weak.”
“I don’t believe that. Every curse can be offensive. You simply wasn’t trained properly.” Uraume walked over, grabbing the basin filled with water. They brought over your head and dumped it, ignoring your slight shriek at the cold water.
“It won’t matter now. Sukuna more than likely won’t let you live longer than a day. It’s a shame.” They draped a small towel over your body. “Use this to dry off. I’ll retrieve your clothing.”
As you dried off, you thought about what they said.
Was that true?
Could you use your technique for offense?
It made sense. You were never taught to try as you had quickly mastered hiding first. And then the whole problem of your stunts of being a male, it’s no wonder you stuck to defense.
It was the only way you could protect yourself from such hatred.
It didn’t matter now though. You were going to die in a day, anyway.
It’s been months.
It’s been months and you were still alive.
It was shocking. After the first day, you were so sure you were going to die. But Sukuna didn’t even pay attention to you. He walked right past you. He hardly talks to you at all.
You stuck to cleaning his shrine, most of the time.
Even Uraume seemed surprised you even made it to a week. But soon, they started to treat you… decently? They showed you how to cook certain meals and if they were up to it, taught you ways to use your curse technique in an offensive manner.
“Speak slowly.” Uraume said, sitting across from you in the small room. You and Uraume lived in a small minka, just a few feet away from Sukuna’s shrine. He seemed to have two shrines, one in his domain and the other here.
You sighed, nodding your head. Uraume would sometimes hold speaking lessons. They had gotten tired of having to listen to your almost incoherent way of speech.
“—The. Knife.”
“Good enough. Go bathe.”
You nod, grabbing your Wakizashi and walking outside. Since the minka was small, the shower area was just outside the home. Your robes pooled around your feet as you filled in the basin, yawning to yourself.
“You’re still here?”
A chill rushes up your spine as you look back, gasping in shock. It was Sukuna. He stood only a few feet away from you, his eyes trailing down your nude body. You blush, using your hands to cover your crotch and chest from his gaze.
“whatdo…you..mean..? Why…wouldi..leave?”
Sukuna smirked. “You have no sense of free will. You had multiple attempts to run away. Uraume can’t sense you when you use your technique. Yet you’re still here.” He walks over to you, kneeling down to your level. You gulp, wondering if this is the moment of your demise.
His hand reaches out, coming into close contact with your face.
Your eyes clamp shut, leaning away.
But he doesn’t hurt you.
You feel a hand squeeze your right breast. You open one eye and look down. Sukuna’s hand squeezes your breast as he hummed in satisfaction.
“It’s soft.” He said.
“Mngh?!” You shriek, unable to really move in fear he’d tear you in two.
Two of his hands grasp both of your legs, spreading them open as you cry out. You were practically manhandled, spread open for his eyes to see. Your hands flung to his chest, embarrassment filling your chest as you tried to calm down your heavy breathing.
“If you wish to keep living, become useful to me.”
“I already have a cook. I need pleasure in other ways.”
A feather like touch teased your cunt. You gasped, looking down to see his one free hand slightly teasing your cunt. You’ve never touched yourself down there. It felt odd. You didn’t understand how this could give him any sort of pleasure.
Sukuna seemed to notice your confusion as he chuckled lightly, manhandling you to rest on your back, legs still held up high.
“I will simply train you to handle me.” Two fingers sinked into your tight heat. You felt your body thrash against his hold, believing he was somehow killing you. It felt strange. So strange to have something inside you.
Was this apart of his technique?
Would you explode if he curled his finger?!
Sukuna chuckled, enjoying your fearful expression. “Relax. Pleasure will soon consume you.” The fingers began to slowly move in and out, rubbing against your wet walls. You gasped, toes slightly curled as something weird began to burrow in your belly.
His thumb rubbed against your clit, causing you to cry out. That seemed to be your weakness. For the next few minutes, he slowly teased your cunt open, occasionally rubbing your clit. Your body stopped thrashing but you couldn’t help but arch your back, biting your lip as screams threatened to live your throat.
“eeeeh…pee..pee..!” You cried out, tears welling in your eyes. Sukuna’s fingers didn’t stop, instead they continued. Even as you continued to cry that you were about to piss, Sukuna only laughed.
Your cunt clamped tightly around his fingers as you felt your body spasm. A moan left your throat as something washed over you. You felt…good?
What was this? Why did you feel so sleepy?
With what little strength you had left, you grabbed your Wakizashi and held it against his chest, glaring up at him. Sukuna released your legs and grabbed your hand, simply having to squeeze it to have you release the Wakizashi.
You felt too sluggish to actually put up a fight.
“You orgasm but still have the energy to use a weapon.” He laughed to himself. “You truly are interesting.”
He stood up and walked away, leaving you on the floor, legs spread open.
Just…. What the fuck was that?
It was an orgasm.
And Sukuna had been giving it to you constantly.
He appeared more frequently at the minka. He grabbed you whenever he pleased, even if Uraume was in the area. Spreading your thighs as he fingered your heat. He would sometimes squeeze your breasts, always commenting that it was his favorite body part of yours.
You were even forbidden from wearing underwear.
Easy access, apparently.
Uraume didn’t seem to comment or care about this new development. They simply helped you bathe whenever you were too tired. You still had your occasional lesson on speech and offense but you weren’t making much progress.
But somehow, the crazy murder, Uraume was encouraging. Believing it was just difficult for you to let go of old habits, especially in speech. You still couldn’t believe that they were a ruthless killer by how nicely they treated you.
It had been close to a year now.
You still thought about your clan. The massacre that happened right in front of you. But you couldn’t mourn them. Not after how they treated you. Such cruelty.
Sukuna and Uraume treated you like a male.
How could monsters treat you so well but not your own family?
There were days Uraume and Sukuna were gone. Those days you knew they were killing some other clan. Killing any sorcerers that dared stumble onto their path. But you never ran away.
Despite the amount of times you could.
You just never did.
Your fingers traced against Sukuna’s shrine, making sure there was no dust collecting on it. This was one of the rare occasions you were in his domain. But there were other sorcerers here—they were on their knees, pleading for their life.
You didn’t look at them at all, not wanting to be reminded of their humanity. To be reminded that Sukuna was a ruthless killer. That you were lucky you could stand near him and not fear death.
You glanced up, looking over to see Sukuna motion for you to come over. Your bare feet pattered against the dark water as you went over to him, standing up straight as you waited for whatever he could want.
When you moved to kneel, Sukuna grabbed your arm and pulled you onto his lap. You cried out, feeling your body freeze at the sudden closeness. You’ve never been so close to him. Being able to feel his breathing. The slow swell of his chest.
He began speaking to the sorcerers again but you didn’t pay attention. Hypnotized by this new position. Your hand slowly rested against his chest, your head leaning on his shoulder. You looked so small against him.
You couldn’t help but sniff the air, wondering if he had a scent.
He didn’t.
You stayed on his lap for a moment, wondering if he had just wanted you to cuddle him but you felt something twitching against your crotch. It was thick. Being strained by his robes. You wondered if it was just his knee but it kept twitching.
It was strange. It pressed against your cunt, earning a whimper from you. You had gotten so sensitive down there, easily orgasming when Sukuna touched you.
There was a tug at your robes as it was pulled down, causing you to gasp. Your breasts plopped out but you quickly covered them. It was luck that you had your back facing the sorcerers. Though they seemed to have stopped talking—only their soft whimpering and cries heard.
Sukuna didn’t say a word as he pulled open his own robe, two cocks springing free. You stared at it in shock. You’d never seen anything like it. It’d been years since you saw male genitalia. Did all males have two? That seemed a bit much.
You were glad you didn’t have any. It looked to be a pain to have to walk with something so huge between your legs. They pressed against your pussy—teasing your entrance. You backed away a little, only to have Sukuna grip your waist with his two lower hands.
“I trained you for this.” He simply said before turning his attention back to the pitiful sorcerers.
That training was for this?
Is that even safe?
You felt nervous. That… thing was supposed to go inside you? It wouldn’t kill you? You slowly sat up, hesitantly hovering over his cocks. The thought of putting two in so quickly, you didn’t think you could handle it. So you settled for one at a time.
The bottom cock slowly nestled inside your cunt as you eased it inside. It wasn’t painful but you didn’t like the feeling. It was odd, different than Sukuna’s fingers. His hands squeezed your waist once you finally bottomed out.
You glanced up, seeing his eyebrow raised. It was easy to tell that he was amused you could only fit one. You pouted, burying your face in his chest. He couldn’t blame you. You didn’t even know cocks could go inside a person! How could you fit two in the first try.
His second cock rested against your tummy. It looked a bit dejected. You kinda felt bad.
Sukuna and the sorcerers continued their conversation. You couldn’t pay it much attention. Your pussy clenching tightly around his cock. Your fingers clutched at his robe as you took deep breaths, beginning to feel weird with the thick cock spreading you full.
The sound of someone screaming caught your attention, but when you made the effort to turn around, Sukuna kept you still. He pushed you to rest against his chest, face smushed against his shoulder.
Someone was killed.
It was silent for a few more minutes before the remaining sorcerers began to speak about festivals they would hold in Sukuna’s honor. Sukuna’s cock twitched inside you. Huh, he must find that arousing.
Your eyes fluttered, sleep almost taking you over until Sukuna’s hands tightened around your waist. You felt your body be lift up until he slammed you back down. Your back arched as you screamed out.
The pain of the sudden movement somehow made you feel good. He bounced you on his cock as if you were nothing but a plaything. His grunts filling the domain. You were so happy he couldn’t see the sorcerers eyes on you, watching as you were used by the King of Curses for his own personal pleasure.
The thought of anyone in your clan knowing too brought fear inside your heart.
Any sort of pleasure you were feeling left. Your eyes fluttered closed as you just allowed Sukuna to take whatever he pleased. The reality of your situation had hit. You were nothing.
A toy for Sukuna.
You were fucking pitiful.
Something warm erupted inside your heat, coating your walls. You let out a shuddered gasp, unable to ignore the small amount of pleasure that brought you. There was something white coating your tummy from his second cock.
Was this sperm?
It didn’t matter.
You couldn’t live like this anymore.
You proved your father right.
You were only good for one thing.
The Wakizashi was smaller than a katana, bigger than a dagger. A weapon civilians could carry around safely.
A weapon many used in suicide.
It was midnight. The moon shining down at you. You stood deep in the forest, bare feet touching the soft grass. You always loved the beauty of nature. The one thing that couldn’t be tainted.
You wore the female kimono you were forced to wear in the Toh. Despite the trauma, you still held the kimono close to you. It was made by your mother.
Your Wakizashi was held tightly in your hand. Its sharp blade glistening in the pale moonlight. You slowly widen your stance, arms gently moving into position as you whispered those faithful words.
“Domain Expansion: Midnight Paradise.”
The paradise soon engulfed you. The familiar spider lilies blooming around you. Sakura petals fluttering from the makeshift sky. It was peaceful.
The ground, however, was dark water.
You’d never done that before. Sukuna must’ve rubbed off on you. A bitter laugh left you. You really allowed a curse to take you—allowing it to plant itself into your heart.
The Wakizashi felt heavy in your grip. Even as you placed the blade against your neck, your hand shook. It rattled in your hand as tears streamed down your face. You didn’t even know why you were hesitating. Sukuna didn’t like you.
He used you for pleasure—he said it himself.
You were simply doing him a favor.
Your grip tightened as you sighed. It would be okay. This is what you always wanted.
Maybe, you’ll be born to a happy family.
The blade cut clean through your throat, blood oozing out. You dropped the Wakizashi as you collapsed. Your eyes fluttered closed as you accepted your death.
Only for you to realize you weren’t bleeding anymore.
You reached up and touched your throat, feeling a scaring instead of the open wound. It… healed?!
“Domain Expansion: Malevolent Shrine.”
“You humans are amusing.” The calming paradise bursts—Sukuna’s shrine appearing in front of you. The spider lilies stayed, curling around you as if it was comforting you. “You seem to have forgotten you belong to me.”
Sukuna appeared on the throne, staring you down with a glare. “I choose when you die. I will grant you the freedom of death. Now, come here.”
You slowly sat up, staring at him in shock. You had so many questions. How? Why? What did he do to make you live?
“Come here. Now.” He said, his tone stern. You stood up on shaky legs, slowly walking over to him. His body seemed larger than before. His eyes narrowing at every movement you took.
Sukuna grabbed your kimono as soon as you were close enough and tore it open. It ripped to shreds, falling to your feet in minutes. You held back your tears, keeping your eyes on the ground.
“(Name), you will look me in the eye when I speak to you.”
You glanced up, feeling your body hiccup as your tears began to flow. Sukuna simply stared at you, his eyes roaming your nude body. He stood up and gripped your face, moving your face upwards.
You expected anger. His cruelty to show for your actions. But his thumb gently traced the scaring across your face. It was from the whipping back then. It was jaggeder, covering your left eye to your right cheek. It was pure luck that you could even see from that eye.
“This body,” his hands trail down to your throat, tracing your new scar across your throat, “isn’t yours anymore. It’s mine. If you wish to die so badly it’ll be my hands.”
His grip tightened, causing you to gasp, your hands clutching at his arm. He stared you down, eyes showing no sign of any heart. But he didn’t strangle you. He moved down, grasping your right breast.
“Humans are insignificant. You should be grateful that I keep you alive. Your only purpose is to please me.” He pushed you into the ground as you gasped out, staring up at him as he kneeled down, tearing off his own robes.
You parted your legs, not even attempting to fight back. But you didn’t want to fight back. You wanted him.
Sukuna smirked. “Some man you are. Whoring yourself so easily.”
“itsokay…becauseits…Sukuna…” You whispered, giving him a soft smile through your tears. Sukuna froze for a moment, staring down at you as he grunted in anger. His hands gripped your waist and pulled you close, rubbing his cocks against your pussy.
“You know your place now?”
“Mmmmh. Sukuna’s…”
Sukuna chuckled, his lips slightly tugging into a smile. It was odd. You felt safe in his presence. The dark thoughts swirling in your brain felt like nonsense when you were near him. But you didn’t know why.
It felt counterintuitive to feel safe in the arms of a man that committed a massacre.
His degradation felt like care. He used a technique to save you.
He must care about you.
Even if the way he showed it was cruel.
Perhaps you weren’t mentally sane.
More than likely.
You reached over, grasping two of Sukuna’s hands and bringing it to your breasts. He easily squeezed them both, pulling at your nipples. A shuddered breath left your lips as you whimpered.
“You must be punished—for damaging my possession.” You feel his cocks teasing your pussy. There was no getting out of it. You’ll be taking both at the same time.
Slowly, inch by inch, his two cocks sinked into your pussy. It was painful—nothing you could have ever imagine. Your breathing shuddered, hands gripping at his shoulder for some form of relief.
How could anyone like this?
Two of his hands gripped your breasts while the other two held your waist down, keeping you still. You wanted to thrash around, pull away due to the pain but he was too strong. But even though it was so painful, your cunt clenched around his cocks.
Your hands moved downwards, tracing his abs as you giggled to yourself. Being so close to him, you could finally take a good look at him.
The black markings all over his body. The second face. His four large arms.
He looked better in the moonlight.
Your hand moved away from his chest, reaching over to grab your Wakizashi. With a swiftness, one of Sukuna’s hands grabbed your wrist.
“What do you think you’re doing?”
You managed to pull your wrist away and grab the Wakizashi. You used your other hand to grab one of his and place it over the other gripping the Wakizashi. Sukuna’s eyes stayed on you, his eyebrows raising as he watched you with curiosity.
A childish grin spread on your lips as you leaned up and gently kissed Sukuna’s hand that gripped yours. You looked up, unsure if Sukuna understood you. He seemed to have trouble understanding your form of speech.
But the look he gave you was scary. It was as if he was angry but also… lustful?
He released his grip on your hand and reached up, grabbing the back of your head as he smashed his lips onto yours. Your eyes widen, your hand releasing the Wakizashi. It clattered onto the floor before being pushed away by Sukuna.
You didn’t know curses could kiss.
You never thought a curse would be your first kiss.
But you eagerly kissed back, wrapping your arms around his neck. He manhandled you to lay back down your back as two hands lifted your legs. You almost forgot all about his cocks inside of you.
His hips moved back before slamming forward, causing your body to jostle from the force. You screamed out, nails beginning to claw at his back as he took you.
The sounds of skin slapping and your stuttered moaning filled the domain. Sukuna’s cocks stretched you full, reaching so deep inside you worried he’d spilt you open. You glanced down, seeing the soft tell sign of something bulging against your stomach.
From the inside…
Was that his cock?
Curses were insane.
It didn’t take long for you to reach your orgasm, your cunt clamping tightly around his cocks. But he didn’t let up, using you like a sex toy. Though it didn’t bother you this time—you liked it.
Sukuna’s hips slammed into you as the warm sperm began to coat your inner walls. That was fast.
You glanced up at Sukuna to see him looking away, as if he was also shocked he came that fast. A cocky grin appeared on your lips as you giggled, pressing kisses on Sukuna’s cheek.
“Wasi…thatgood?” You asked, looking up at him with eyes that resembled a puppy. Sukuna didn’t answer, simply pulling away from you despite your whines.
“I’m hungry. Go tell Uraume to cook me a meal.” Sukuna bluntly said, standing up as he slipped back into his robes. You simply wrapped an arm around your chest and clamped your legs closed for decency.
You reached over to grab your Wakizashi when it was quickly taken from you. Your eyes nervously turned over to Sukuna, watching as he lazily flipped the weapon before hiding it in his robe.
He smirked, “did you not say that it belongs to me now?”
You frowned. Well now you regretted that.
“You’ll earn it once you learn your place. Now go.” His eyes trailed down to the new scar on your throat. You could never tell what Sukuna was feeling but you could’ve sworn he seemed… upset at the sight. But his face quickly became neutral as he walked back to his shrine, sitting down and getting comfortable.
Your fingers gently traced the scaring on your throat. You’ve never seen the technique Sukuna used. It wasn’t something anyone taught you. But it must’ve been a strong one.
And he used it to save you.
Was that….
Love? ཆི❤︎ཆྀ
You haven’t gotten your Wakizashi back.
Sukuna would occasionally taunt you with it, threatening to snap it in half. But he never did. He seemed to enjoy your panicked responses.
He kept it close though. It was always tucked inside his robe. You wondered if he ever used it when he went on his sorcerer killing sprees. Not that he’d ever need to. He could kill towns in minutes.
But it felt nice to have him hold it.
Your speech was still terrible. Uraume was the only person who could understand you, especially when you spoke longer sentences.
“Andi…sawthe…bunnyrush…awaytothe…burrow..! Butigrabbed…thecarrots…itstole!”
“You should’ve killed the bunny.” Uraume responded, handing you a bowl of miso soup. They gave Sukuna a plate that looked to be human meat. You had gotten used to ignoring the smell.
Sukuna stared at you from across the table. “The bunny ran where?”
“Uraume, I thought you were teaching him to speak clearly,” Sukuna said. Uraume shrugged as they sat down beside you.
“Teaching takes time. (Name) is twenty two, it’s harder to change habits by this age.”
It practically became a habit for you to constantly repeat yourself when speaking to Sukuna. Other times he’d tell you to stop speaking. He was still rude and a bit cruel.
But he certainly changed. Judging by the fact he’d occasionally kiss you. Though it wasn’t soft and romantic kisses. Most kisses would leave you breathless with bruised lips.
He still took you whenever he pleased. Having you ride him in front of people. That was still embarrassing. But you learned to live with it.
You were sitting outside, the moon shining down at you as you slowly weaved a bracelet with flower stems. There were three others scattered beside you, dawned with small chrysanthemums decorating them.
The thin robe you wore hardly covered you properly causing you to shiver at a particular rush of cool breeze. You grinned, holding the finished bracelet in triumph. They were larger than your wrists, having been made as large as possible.
As you grabbed the other three, two hands grasped your breasts, harshly squeezing them. You gasped, almost dropping the bracelets as you looked back to see Sukuna. He used his other two hands to lift you up, just as his domain opened around you both.
He sat at his shrine, settling you onto his lap. His hands pulled your robe off as you clutched the bracelets tightly, making sure to not accidentally drop them.
One of his hands trailed between your legs, easily teasing your pussy. You shivered, resting your head on his chest as he slowly teased you open. His large fingers slipped inside your cunt, stretching you out.
“Sukuna…” You mewled. “Gotyoupresent…”
You felt the loud reverberation of his grunt through his chest. It was somehow comforting that he had such human bodily autonomy. Your hands slowly opened, holding them up for him to see. Four brackets with red and white chrysanthemums in the center of the flower stems.
Sukuna grabbed one of them, examining it as his finger continued to stretch you open. He chuckled slightly, placing it back into your palms.
“I don’t need gifts from you.” He said, earning a frown from you. Your lips parted as you tried to argue back only for him to lean down and nip at your lips, kissing you with as much softness as he could possibly muster.
“I already own you.”
Your breathing hitched, staring up at him in shock. You eagerly kissed him back—moaning as he began to feverishly finger you open.
“Takeme…please.” You whispered, placing the brackets onto the ground as you moved to properly straddle him. Your hand pulled his robe open, allowing his cock to freely press against your thigh.
You shyly grinned, wrapping your arms around his neck. “Useme…Sukuna Ryomen.”
Sukuna smirked, two of his hands instantly gripping your hips. “You don’t get to complain later.” He said before slamming you down onto his cock. You screamed out, the painful stretch bringing you a pleasure that you had learned to love.
He bounced you up and down on his cock with reckless abandon. Your sweet, high pitched cries being music to his ears. The sight of you was intoxicating. Your breasts bouncing in tandem with his thrusts—your cunt clenching around his cocks like a vice.
And to think… he was going to kill you that day.
He would’ve missed out on such great pussy.
Whatever he felt for you, he wasn’t sure. But what he did know was that he loved fucking you.
His hand reached down, kneading your ass. He leaned over and began to suckle on one of your nipples, earning a whine from you. You would always end up cumming more than twice, the least.
His name left your lips like a prayer, your nails digging into his shoulder as you wailed out.
You reached your first orgasm in minutes. He could always tell whenever you did. Your nose would scrunch up, lips curling into a frown, as your body began to stiffen. Your cunt would always tighten as well, practically begging him to fuck his cum into you.
The effect you had on him was different. He could last longer with random woman he found but with you… He always found himself releasing faster.
He bit down on your nipple, causing you to shriek at the pain. Despite the cries and whimpers you gave whenever he would intentionally hurt you. Twist a nipple too hard. Spank your ass a bit too red. You would always come back for more.
Fuck… just what have you done to him?
He pulled away from your breasts and pulled you closer, claiming your lips with anger. You helplessly kissed back—unable to really take any sort of control in the kiss.
You pulled away from the kiss to breathe, hiccuping as you nuzzled your face into his neck. He continued to bounce you on his cocks, getting you closer to your second orgasm.
It was unreal. To be so connected to a curse. The King of Curses no less.
You felt the quick swelling of his cocks, indicating he was about to cum. Your cunt tightened as much as it could, earning an animalistic grunt. He began to use you with no regard whatsoever to the bruising his grip left on your body.
He slammed into you just as his cocks began to cum deep inside you. You pulled him close to give him a kiss, reaching your own orgasm.
You didn’t know if what you felt for Sukuna was love. But you certainly didn’t want to live without him.
It’s a shame this would be the last day you saw him.
It was interesting to see Japan grow so much.
You didn't know that you would’ve been alive for so long. To not age at all. It was a blessing and a curse. You certainly stopped getting to know people, tired of seeing them grow old in age or even die by unfortunate events.
You would occasionally see how the sorcerers were doing. But you never got close—knowing you were technically a betrayer. Uraume was still with you though they would occasionally disappear to meet a man named Kenjaku.
Other curses still disgusted you so you never made any effort to speak to them like Uraume did. They kept speaking as if they could bring back Sukuna but you didn’t really believe it.
No, it was more so you didn’t think it would be a great idea. You’d lived longer than you’d been with Sukuna at this point. And while you still love him, you knew deep down humans were doomed if he were to come back.
The soft breeze gently flew past as you sat in the woods. Moonlight shining down on you as you moved to lay down.
Something felt off, but you had pushed the feeling away. Being able to live for so long should’ve been a blessing though you would occasionally wish to die.
But you never got your Wakizashi back. You assumed Sukuna died with it.
You didn’t know if that made you feel better or not.
People were nice. Many calling you a man. It was like a dream come true.
It was like two sides fought inside of you.
The need to protect human lives.
The want to kiss and hug Sukuna.
Why couldn’t you have fallen in love with someone normal?
“You shouldn’t come to Shibuya tonight.”
The soft hums of the television almost entirely drowned out Uraume’s voice. You looked over at them, watching as they grabbed something from the closet. Shibuya?
“I haven’t been to Shibuya in a while.” You said, glancing back at the tv. Your style of speech was more coherent after centuries of practice. Though you would sometimes revert back when emotional.
“Why? Is something going to happen in Shibuya?”
Uraume simply hummed. “Could your body handle Sukuna today?”
You got up from the couch and walked over to Uraume. “Hm? Handle him?” Your hands rested against the countertop of the kitchen as you thought for a moment. “No. I haven’t had sex in centuries. I’m a virgin again.”
You giggled at your own joke while Uraume rolled their eyes.
They turned over to you, their eyes trailing over your body. “Your chest is bigger.”
You glanced down at your chest before glaring at them. “I just gained weight.”
“That’s a good thing.” They patted you on the back. “Bigger is better. I’ll be back.”
You mutely waved as Uraume left, humming to yourself. Bigger is better? You were pretty sure you had seen porn ads with that as a slogan. But there was a weird feeling your tummy. Why did Uraume suddenly ask you about Sukuna?
It been forever. Did they….
No. You pushed the thought away. You’d become a stuttering mess if Sukuna appeared in front of you.
But you were sure you’d kill him.
Just for leaving you.
“You’re okay keeping your face like that?”
“For now. If I’m going to be fighting amongst sorcerers, it’s better to maintain this kind of appearance.”
“Where is he?”
Uraume hasn’t been back for a while now. You didn’t get too worried, they had a habit of doing so. It mainly worried you that things seemed off. A massacre happened in Shibuya.
It felt too similar to his work.
You shrugged it off, knowing just how difficult to was to reincarnate Sukuna.
But what if…
You groaned in frustration. You needed to go visit the forest. Your favorite forest was all over the place. You would always change it whenever you felt tired of another. This forest was beautiful with a large crystal blue lake.
Small baby ducks floated about while its mother watched. You sat down right next to the lake, putting your feet in it for some cool water against your skin.
The pale moonlight shunned down on you, always being a comforting blanket. It would always calm you down. Your legs slowly treaded through the water, sending small waves to the ducks.
A giggle escaped your lips as you watched the baby ducks scatter at the sudden movement.
You leaned over and stared at your reflection, gently poking it with your index finger. Soft ripples carried across the lake.
Your mind began to blank as you yawned. The ease of distractions began to push away any worry you had before. Until you felt… something was off.
The forest was silent. No more soft rustle of the wind. Crickets. Birds. Even the ducks on the water were long gone. Something was wrong.
You slipped out of the water, glancing around. You slowly stood up and tried to ignore your own wishes for your Wakizashi. You’d get through without it.
But nothing happened. It was still—nothing came out and attacked you. You shook your head, scratching at your scalp as you turned back to face the lake.
“Domain Expansion: Malevolent Shrine.”
Those words.
That voice.
The familiar black water pooled your bare feet. The same shrine covered in human skulls. The memories of cleaning it. Sitting on Sukuna’s lap while he taunted helpless sorcerers.
Spider lilies began to bloom around you, forming a circle. The moon was still shining down on you. You didn’t want to turn around. In fear of just how you’d react to seeing him.
Would he look the same? Did he still like you?
Did he ever like you?
You felt young again. The young and naive (Name) rushing back in. Who couldn’t speak properly. Who couldn’t fight to save his life.
Two hands suddenly appeared from behind you and spun you around.
He was still taller than you. His markings still all over his body. But his hair was black this time. He didn’t have two arms either. You almost didn’t believe it was him until a smirk spread on his lips.
Yeah… that’s your Sukuna.
Your body felt stiff as you slowly stepped forward before leaping into his arms. His arms immediately wrapped around your waist, holding you close as you began to wail. Your hands gripped at his body—making sure this wasn’t a dream.
He was real. He was real.
“You’ve missed me, huh?” He teased, his hand trailing downwards to grip your hips. His thumbs sinked into your skin as if he was now checking if you were real too.
“Mhm….missedsukuna…solonely…” You whined, cursing when you noticed you couldn’t speak properly anymore. Now that was just embarrassing.
You continued hugging him, leaning in as close as humanly possible. Your hands gripping at his shoulders while you buried your face in his neck.
You really did betray your clan, cuddling with the murderer.
A sudden squeeze at your breasts caught your attention. You pulled away a bit to see Sukuna squeezing both of your breasts together. He smirked, his thumbs rubbing against your nipples through the shirt.
“They’re bigger.”
You glared at him. “Stopit. Youcanttouch…meuntil…iget…Wakizashi!” Sukuna rolled his eyes but complied, pulling away as he reached into his robes. Slowly, he pulled out your Wakizashi. Its gold sheath somehow still shining proudly.
Your hands practically snatched it away from him as you held it in the air, letting the moonlight shine down on it.
As beautiful as you remembered.
It looked recently cleaned. You glanced back at Sukuna, biting your lip. He kept it safe. He kept your Wakizashi safe.
Which meant…
He kept your heart safe.
“Do I get a reward for keeping that pathetic excuse of a weapon safe?” Sukuna asked, crossing his arms across his chest. Despite his words, you knew he took its protection seriously.
You mutely nodded. “Didn’t….sleepwith…anyone. Not since…youwere…gone.” You slowly placed the weapon on the floor as you stepped over to Sukuna.
“Kept myself just for you.” You managed to say before looking down in embarrassment. “Istill…belong…to…sukunaryomen.”
A grip on your chin caused you to flinch as he forced you to look up at him. Sukuna stared down at you, his eyes roaming your face. The same whip scaring on your face almost gone in its entirety. The scar on your neck completely faded.
“I see I have to remind you of the rules.” He said, forcefully tutting your head around as he continued to look at you. “Let’s sey that cunt of yours can handle me.”
You missed this. His fingers thrusting into your pussy as he stretched you. Roughly kneading your breast with his free hand. It was weird being only touched by two hands—you couldn’t wait until he got his normal body.
Your back arched, soft mewls leaving your lips. You were fully nude, sat atop of Sukuna’s lap as he sat on his throne. Your cunt was tight. You really haven’t touched yourself ever since Sukuna left.
“Were you waiting for me?” Sukuna suddenly asked, his thumb teasing your clit as you whimpered. “Waiting to be used as my whore again?”
“I was waiting to fuck this pussy again.” He slowly spread your pussy open. “Squeezing your tits. All I had was that fucking Wakizashi of yours.” He muttered bitterly, slamming his fingers deep into your cunt. You cried out, your hips moving upward as you tried to catch your breath.
He didn’t care that it had been centuries since you had sex. He seemed to enjoy that you were so loyal to him that you practiced celibacy.
“You’re lucky I need to feel your pussy around my cock—you deserve a punishment for not fulfilling your duties.” He pulled open his robe, his cock springing out. Your shuddered, feeling it rub against your pussy.
“What…duties…?” You whispered.
Sukuna harshly squeezed your breast, pulling at the nipple. You cried out in pain—your body squirming in his grip as his cock began teasing your pussy.
“You must’ve forgotten your place.” He whispered into your ear. “No matter, I’ll remind you of it.”
His cock slammed into your pussy, ignoring your scream of pain. He was harsh and unforgiving. Your body spasmed as it tried to get used to the harsh thrusting. It’d been so long, you already felt yourself feel close to an orgasm.
Sukuna’s hands gripped your thighs, pulling them upward as he thrusted into your tight cunt. The sound of skin slapping and your stuttered moaning filled the domain.
Despite the pain, you couldn’t help the slight smile on your lips. You missed being used like a toy for his pleasure. A groan left you as your pussy clenched around his cock. Even as you orgasmed, Sukuna didn’t let you, using you to reach his own.
You felt his cock suddenly pulsate in you as warm cum filled your insides. A shuddered moan left your lips. You almost forgot just how warm sperm could be.
But you began to feel yourself being moved up and down. His hands moved to grip your waist, easily bouncing you on his cock. The overstimulation instantly caused you discomfort but your whines fell on deaf ears.
“I’ve been without your cunt for centuries.” He said, grunting as you clenched around his cock. Your hands gripped at his thighs. You couldn’t hold back your moans, they were on the verge of screams. It was so much for what was essentially your first time.
Sukuna grabbed a fistful of your hair and pulled your head back, smashing his lips into yours. You eagerly kissed back. The kiss reminded you of all the past ones. The bites on your lips. The feeling as if he was stealing your breath away.
As you pulled away, he gave you a lustful smirk.
“I intend to make up for lost time.”
You weren’t going to be able to walk for years.
ೄྀ࿐ ˊˎ-
wowowo….my first fic at 10k words…. Jesus! I hope I did Sukuna justice <3
tag list: @the-ultimate-librarian @chill-guy-but-cooler @iwishtobeacrow @tehyunnie @flurrina @mello-life69 @ofclyde @smellwell @tomoeroi @remdayz @rhetorical-conscience @love-kha1 @star-3214 @kiiyoooo @ac3ifix
#I stand with sukuna ryomen now#GGRAAAAAHHHHHH#ARF#KONSONAN LANGIT YANG AKAN MENJADI SEBUAH TAKDIR CINTA KITA MENJADIKAN HAMPARAN DETIK INI SECARA SINARAN ULTRAFENG YANG-#i love this sm rgrgrgrrgrggsg#bottom male reader#x male reader#sukuna x male reader#jjk x male reader#ftm reader
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Aku kerja sebagai executive di bahagian pertanian di Timur Malaysia. Dalam Pejabat aku ni x ramai mana pun perempuan, kalau ada pun jaga bahagian admin Pejabat je. Ada dalam 7 orang je perempuan dalam office ni. Aku memang agak mesra dengan semua kerani2 kat sini. Dalam ramai2 ni, 6 orang dah kahwin, 1 jer yang belum kahwin. Mesti korang ingat aku akan try yg single tu kan, tp takkkk.
Aku duk berkenan kat satu perempuan ni, korang pun boleh Teka. Ya, dia bini orang. Persona bini orang ni lain bosskuu. Ira namanya. Ira ni berkaca mata, putih kulitnya, tinggi dalam 165, berat dalam 60 gitu je. Badan kurus je, tp C cup. Ira ni yang buat aku geram dah laa cantik, pasti soft spoken dengan suara manja2 dia. Mana tak kerasnya keris aku.
Mula2 kami selalu keluar makan ramai2, lepak Mall spend time lepas waktu office. Sengaja aku ajak main bowling nk tgk punggung Ira ni, geram beb. Tp alang2 tu usha sekali punggung kerani yg lain sekali.. tp x blh lawan punggung Ira ni... Selalu kena pam dgn husband dia ni. Bila makan aku sengaja duk sebelah dia biar siku aku blh kena dada dia, itu taktik biasa kan? Dia pun mcm faham je.
Fast forward, dalam setahun jg aku rapat dgn ira, sampai lah satu masa tu dia meluah sesuatu yg menjadikan relay kami makin rapat. Suami ira ni sebenarnya kerja offshore, so beberapa bulan sekali baru blk. Time ni aku dah hidu bau2 isteri kesunyian. Yang buat dia sedih adalah suami Ira ni ada perempuan simpanan lain. Time ni aku dah sedar, peluang aku tinggi. Tapi waktu tu aku cover lagi, byk Bagi dia kata2 semangat. Padahal aku dah teringin nk rasa badan dia.
Sejak drpd tu, Aku Dan Ira makin kerap ws malam2, perkara ni makin nakal bila aku Tanya dia.
" Ira, tak rasa sunyi ke" aku pancing dgn harapan dia termakan.
"Urmmm, sunyi juga tinggal sorang lama2, ada suami mcm takde"
" Kesian diaa, saya kan ada. Tiap2 malam blh teman ira"
" Hmmm, tapi ws je kan, lain rasa tu"
" Kalau ira nak ada di sebelah tiap2 malam pun saya blh teman" Masih Cuba memujuk ira.
" Tak boleh, Ira isteri org, Ira tak nak curang, walaupun suami Ira curang."
" Mana adil mcm tu, dia dah tinggalkan Ira "kesunyian", kena laa balas balik"
" Macam mana nak balas balik?"
Umpan dah termakan sikit ni " Ira kena laa curang blk, buktikan bukan dia sahaja yg blh buat, tapi kan saya nk Tanya bila last Ira bersama?"
"Tak berani nk curang, entahlah bila last bersama, rasanya dah 4 bulan dah disentuh"
Dalam hati aku, ini kalau gosok sikit je dah banjir ni. " Pernah datang gersng tak?"
" Tipu laa kalau tak pernah, selalu je tp x blh nk buat apa" Ira mengeluh.
" Ira blh lncap kan? Bagi hilang rasa grsng tu"
" Hmmm, tak pandai and tak pernah buat"
Akhirnya Ira termakan umpan aku, " Saya blh ajarkan, malam2 ni lg best Lncp"
" Tapi tak turn on malam ni"
Aku pun terus hantar gambar batang aku pada dia, 3 keping gambar biar dia tgk puas2. " Untuk Ira, tgk laa dulu mana th blh buat Ira turn on"
Dalam masa 5 minit, juga Ira tak balas ws aku. Aku ingat dia dah block aku sbb hantar gambar batang kat dia.
"Awak, hmmm besarnya batang awak, takut" Ira balas. Waktu ni aku dah tahu, Ira dah turn on tgk batang aku.
" Biasa je tu Ira, Ira kena pegang laa nak tahu besar ke tak."
" Kalau dah berurat macam tu, mana ada biasa" Ira memuji lagi batang aku.
" Lagi best kalau masuk mulut Ira, Ira dah basah ke"
" Urmmm, dah basah laaa"
" Usaplah puki Ira tu slow2, biar kena dekat biji tu baru puas" aku hantar juga voice note pada Ira biar dia makin Gersang.
" Urmmm awak, rasa tak selesa laa." Semakin byk aku hantar voice note pada Ira biar dia basah sebasahnya.
Dalam 10 minit, aku menggoda Ira. Akhirnya, dia hantar aku satu gambar. Gambar jarinya yg basah, air puki Ira penuh tangan, tak pelik pun puki yg kesunyian memang banjir.
"Awak, lama saya tak rasa macam ni, puas sgt. Thank you tau"
" Sama2 Ira, saya akan sentiasa ada untuk Ira" ayat penghabisan yang mana aku tahu, Ira akan jadi hamba sxx aku.
Ira cuma balas dengan emoji "love", Dan aku tahu aku akan henjut dia tak lama lagi. Aku kena sabar. Lain macam penangan bini yang kesunyian ni.
#gadiscomel#gadisnakal#melayuboleh#melayunakal#melayu sedap#gadis tudung#gadishijab#gadishot#gadisbogel
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wedang uwuh beverage, WA 0813-5812-3335, Jual Wedang Uwuh Solo
Wedang Uwuh adalah minuman tradisional Indonesia yang berasal dari daerah Jawa Tengah dan Yogyakarta. Minuman ini terbuat dari campuran rempah-rempah seperti jahe, kayu manis, biji pala, cengkeh, dan kapulaga, yang kemudian direbus bersama-sama dengan air dan gula aren.
Wedang Uwuh sering disajikan dalam acara-acara tradisional Jawa, seperti pernikahan, upacara adat, atau saat berkumpul dengan keluarga dan teman. Selain itu, minuman ini juga dianggap memiliki manfaat kesehatan, seperti membantu menghangatkan tubuh, meredakan sakit kepala dan flu, serta membantu meredakan stres dan kecemasan.
Selain khasiatnya yang bermanfaat, Wedang Uwuh juga memiliki rasa yang khas dan nikmat. Rasa manis dari gula aren dan aroma rempah-rempah yang harum menjadikan minuman ini sangat cocok disajikan dalam cuaca yang dingin atau pada saat sedang bersantai.
Wedang Uwuh dapat ditemukan di banyak warung atau kedai kopi di Jawa Tengah dan Yogyakarta, dan kini telah mulai dikenal di berbagai wilayah di Indonesia. Bagi Anda yang ingin mencoba minuman tradisional ini, Wedang Uwuh dapat dengan mudah dibuat sendiri di rumah dengan resep yang sederhana dan mudah diikuti.
📲 0813-5812-3335
https://wa.me/6281358123335 Dan bisa langsung ke lokasi kami di :
Jl. Phospat no 31, Pandean 2 , Purwantoro, Blimbing, Malang, Jawa Timur, Indonesia
Terimakasih dan happy shooping…
#Wedang Uwuh adalah minuman tradisional Indonesia yang berasal dari daerah Jawa Tengah dan Yogyakarta. Minuman ini terbuat dari campuran remp#kayu manis#biji pala#cengkeh#dan kapulaga#yang kemudian direbus bersama-sama dengan air dan gula aren.#Wedang Uwuh sering disajikan dalam acara-acara tradisional Jawa#seperti pernikahan#upacara adat#atau saat berkumpul dengan keluarga dan teman. Selain itu#minuman ini juga dianggap memiliki manfaat kesehatan#seperti membantu menghangatkan tubuh#meredakan sakit kepala dan flu#serta membantu meredakan stres dan kecemasan.#Selain khasiatnya yang bermanfaat#Wedang Uwuh juga memiliki rasa yang khas dan nikmat. Rasa manis dari gula aren dan aroma rempah-rempah yang harum menjadikan minuman ini sa#Wedang Uwuh dapat ditemukan di banyak warung atau kedai kopi di Jawa Tengah dan Yogyakarta#dan kini telah mulai dikenal di berbagai wilayah di Indonesia. Bagi Anda yang ingin mencoba minuman tradisional ini#Wedang Uwuh dapat dengan mudah dibuat sendiri di rumah dengan resep yang sederhana dan mudah diikuti.#📲 0813-5812-3335#https://wa.me/6281358123335#Dan bisa langsung ke lokasi kami di :#Jl. Phospat no 31#Pandean 2#Purwantoro#Blimbing#Malang#Jawa Timur#Indonesia#https://g.page/griya-mint-malang?gm
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