thenocturnalsyren · 5 years
Equal Rights for Both Men and Women
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I realize that Men’s Rights have gotten a lot of backlash, but then again so has Feminism recently. Why? Because I honestly believe that people have made it into some sort of justice war. Some have the mindset that to prop up one side means to completely destroy the other. I, personally, don’t agree with that. We shouldn’t be breaking down each other. Instead, we should be advocating for equal rights on both sides because there are real problems on both sides.
Now I realize that my own opinion might seem quite controversial but as a woman and a sister with an older brother, I can see both sides of the coin.
My brother is stuck in a horrible marriage, which he stays in for one singular reason. His nine-year-old daughter. If it wasn’t for her, he’s admitted to my grandparents and me that he honestly would have left his wife by now. But he knows that to stay with his daughter, he also has to stay with his wife. Unfortunately, men aren't as likely to get custody of their children as women are. Unless they're proven entirely unfit, the courts usually rule in favor of the mother.
Men are also less likely to be believed when they're the ones being abused by their female significant others. If the recent scandal with Johnny Depp and Amber Heard have taught us anything, it's that simple fact. Depp went through a multitude of changes over the period of time that he was dating Amber Heard. He aged rapidly. Granted, he is fifty-six at the time this is being written; but for someone who has always looked younger than he factually is to age so rapidly over such a short amount of time is a little concerning. He looked more depressed in photos and he would often wind up with unexplainable bruises.
All of these are telltale signs that he was being abused but our minds failed to make that connection. We need concrete proof before we can believe that it is possible for a man to be a victim. The audio that has recently come out, the one that has been blasted all over Youtube and social media, gave that to us. It managed to open our eyes and make us realize that maybe society has been wrong all along.
Although we're perceived as the weaker gender, men aren't always the aggressor. It's not just women that are capable of being abused, but men too.  
It's actually sad that it took a woman clamoring for attention, grabbing onto the skirt tails of the Me Too Movement, to make us realize that. Honestly, I believe that the Me Too Movement is needed. It's important to call attention to the abuse going on behind the scenes but the movement can and has been abused. Especially by Amber Heard, a woman that claimed she was the abuse victim when in fact she was the abuser. Not every claim of the movement is factual and we should judge them based on a case by case scenario before we jump to the defense of anyone.
As for women's rights, there are many issues that need to be addressed. Most of which we already know of. Equal pay, abortion laws, the right to have our voices heard and have our opinions taken seriously. Those are all noble goals and they're covered massively. I'm not going to go into them here though since there are many posts about them elsewhere.
The goal of this post is to call attention to the fact that there are issues on both sides that we should be fighting for. It doesn't matter if you're male, female or gender fluid. What matters is that we're all human beings and we all have problems that need to be addressed. If we're to have rights, then we should be fighting for equal rights for all genders and all people. Enough with the fighting! Enough with the men vs women! We're so much more than the sum of our "parts".
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monriatitans · 3 years
Attorney Marilyn York owns a Men’s Rights Family Law Firm in Reno Nevada, established in 2001.
She and her ten female employees focus on representing men for two reasons:
1. As her talk explains, fathers are crucial in the upbringing and development of their children; and
2. Fathers are the disadvantaged parent in family court and society and while the laws are improving, the statistics are not.
There are currently more than 17,000,000 children growing up in America without their fathers and every year this number is growing. According to the Center for Disease Control, children from fatherless homes account for 90% of homeless and runaway children; 71% of high school dropouts and 63% of youth suicides.
Listen to this talk to find out how you can help America's 17,000,000 fatherless children avoid these fates!
Marilyn D. York is a Men's Rights Divorce Attorney, licensed in California since 1998 and Nevada since 1999, where she is a Certified Family Law Specialist. Since 2001, Marilyn has owned her law firm in Reno, Nevada, where she and her 9 female employees specifically represent men in divorce and family law battles. Marilyn chose her career because of her passion for children and relationships but most of all, Marilyn is driven to help underdogs. While the laws are improving for men, not all laws are yet gender equal and the interpretation and enforcement of those that are, have a long way to go.
Despite her focus on representing men, Marilyn has a deep compassion for women in need as well. It isn't lost on Marilyn that women remain disadvantaged outside Family Court. She serves that need as Board President for a local housing program for homeless young women, Nevada Youth Empowerment Project, or NYEP.
This talk was given at a TEDx event using the TED conference format but independently organized by a local community.
Learn more at https://www.ted.com/tedx
Via TEDx Talks
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numberone1sblog · 5 years
For the present day feminists/feminazi/all that sorta tribe.
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