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Vorhang auf das 6. Dokumentarfilmfestival zur saharawischen Hassani-Kultur, Geschichte und Weltraum
Laâyoune–Der Vorhang wurde am Montagabend in Laâyoune auf die 6. Ausgabe des Dokumentarfilmfestivals über die Kultur, Geschichte und den Weltraum der saharawischen Hassani gelüftet, das der hohen Schirmherrschaft seiner Majestät des Königs Mohammed VI untersteht, und dies im Beisein großer Namen des nationalen Kinos und Persönlichkeiten aus Kultur, Kunst und Medien.
Das Festival, das bis zum 25. Dezember 2022 auf Betreiben des Marokkanischen Kinozentrums (CCM) veranstaltet wird, stellt 24 Dokumentarfilme zum Thema Kultur, Geschichte und zum saharauischen Hassani-Weltraum in den Wettbewerb, darunter fünf Filme von Frauen, wovon die Meisten Nutzen aus der Förderung der Produktion von Filmwerken ziehen.
Die Einweihungszeremonie war von entbotenen Ehrerbietungen von Persönlichkeiten geprägt, die den kulturellen, künstlerischen, audiovisuellen und kinematografischen Szenen in den südlichen Provinzen ihren Stempel aufgedrückt haben, darunter Abdelouahab Sibawayh, dem Präsidenten der kulturellen Vereinigung der Manuskripte zur Bewahrung der Erinnerung an die marokkanische Sahara, und Mohamed Salem Baba, dem Dichter und Drehbuchautor.
In einer in seinem Namen verlesenen Ansprache betonte der Minister für Jugend, Kultur und Kommunikation, Mohamed Mehdi Bensaid, dass diese Ausgabe darauf abzielt, die Filmkultur in den südlichen Regionen des Königreichs zu verfestigen und das gemeinsame Gedächtnis der Marokkaner in Bezug auf Kultur, Geschichte und auf den saharauischen Hassani-Weltraum zu bewahren.
Herr Bensaid merkte überdies an, dass diese kulturelle Veranstaltung die Bedeutung der kulturellen Dimension in einem nationalen Kontext versinnbildlicht, der durch das neue Entwicklungsmodell gekennzeichnet ist, und in einem regionalen Kontext, der durch die Umsetzung des Entwicklungsmodells der südlichen Provinzen gekennzeichnet ist, mit dem Ziel, die Infrastruktur in diesen Provinzen rehabilitieren und stärken zu dürfen.
In diesem Zusammenhang verwies er darauf, dass das Königreich Marokko der Filmindustrie besonderes Interesse beimisst und die Kultur als strategische Achse betrachtet, fortfahrend, dass zusätzlich dazu eine finanzielle Unterstützung für Dokumentarfilme über Kultur, Geschichte und den Hassani-Weltraum für die Produktion nationaler Kinofilme eingeplant wurde und bereitgestellt wurde.
Sieben Jahre nach der Einrichtung dieses Fonds sei die Produktionsrate von Dokumentarfilmen von 6 Filmen in 2015 auf mehr als 20 Filme in 2022 angestiegen, sagte er, in dieser Hinsicht die Bemühungen der Filmschaffenden in den südlichen Provinzen in Hinsicht auf die Entwicklung ihrer Filmwerke als Motto voranstellend.
Ebenso verwies der Minister darauf, dass seine Abteilung und das CCM bereit dazu seien, die Filmindustrie zu fördern, die sich mit den verschiedenen Bestandteilen des Hassani-Kulturerbes befasst, in Übereinstimmung mit den geltenden Gesetzes-und-Verordnungstexten und in Zusammenarbeit mit den davon betroffenen Institutionen und Berufsverbänden.
Der Präsident des Clubs der audiovisuellen und Kinoproduzenten-und-Fachleute in Laâyoune, Sidi Mohamed Idrissi, unterstrich seinerseits die Bedeutung der Unterstützung und Betreuung junger Menschen während dieses Festivals, um zum kulturellen und künstlerischen Einfluss des Festivals in der Region beisteuern zu haben.
Die laufenden Dokumentarfilme zeugen von der bedeutenden Dynamik, die die südlichen Provinzen durchlaufen, sagte er und hielt es für notwendig, den Dokumentarfilm zu fördern und seine Produktionen vervielfältigen zu beabsichtigen.
Die für den offiziellen Wettbewerb des Festivals Laâyoune ausgewählten Filme konkurrieren um den Hauptpreis des Festivals, den Preis der Jury, den Preis für die beste Produktion, den Preis für den besten Filmschnitt und den Preis für die beste Musik.
Unter dem Vorsitz der Drehbuchautorin und Schauspielerin Fatima Loukili besteht die Jury aus der Regisseurin und Produzentin Aida Bouya, der Regisseurin Fatima Ali Boubekdi, dem Produzenten Karim Dabbagh und dem Regisseur und dem Produzenten Hassan Kher.
Dieses große Filmereignis soll einen Raum für Begegnung und für Austausch zwischen Filmschaffenden in dieser Region zustande bringen, mit dem Ziel, den Einfluss der Zivilisation, der Kultur und der Geschichte des Königreichs zu stärken und die Besonderheiten der marokkanischen Identität zu bewahren.
Diese Veranstaltung wird von thematischen Begegnungen unterbrochen, die sich insbesondere auf den künstlerischen Aspekt des Dokumentarfilms, auf die Vermarktung von Dokumentarfilmen und auf das Verfassen des Drehbuchs für den Dokumentarfilm über Kultur, Geschichte und den saharauischen Hassani-Raum beziehen.
Das Festival wird auch durch die Veranstaltung eines Trainingsworkshops zum Thema "die Dokumentarfilmindustrie" in Abstimmung mit dem Club der Filmproduzenten in den südlichen Provinzen gekennzeichnet.
Die Dokumentarfilme im offiziellen Wettbewerb lauten „auf der Suche nach Identität“ vom Regisseur Abdelhak Chaabi, „die Zwangsernährung“ von Marouan Kamal, „die Männer der Wüste auf den Spuren der Kameltreiber der Sahara“ von Hakim El Hachoumi, „der Brunnen des Durstes“ von Moustapha Madmoune, „Maradona Sahara“ von Amina Chadyi, „Imraghen aufs Wasser laufen“ von Khalid Douach und „diese Frauen, die die Sahara ausmachen“ unter der Regie von Rachid Zaki sowie „Annasssim Azajil“ von Ismail Laouej und „Annaha“ von Ahmed Bouchalka.
Es geht überdies um „Bir Anzarane“ unter der Regie von Cheikh Aaddah, „Es-Semara, Offenbarung der Felsen und Geheimnisse der Jahrhunderte“ von Al Hassan Al Amri, „Meer und Wüste“ vom Regisseur Abdlouahed Mjahed, „die Herausforderungen der Frauen“ von Loubna El Younssi, „Ahfad Errtaa“ von Chakir Lakhlifi, „Al Malwah“ von Youssef Ait Mansour, „der Weg zur Heilung“ von Mbarak Largo, „Haus der Haare“ von Malika Mae El Ainine und „Fi Rihab Al Fadeleya“ von Mohamed Fadel Cheikh Mae Al Ainine.
Dieser offizielle Wettbewerb umfasst auch „Ganga leidet unter der Trennung“ vom Regisseur El Moustapha Faker, „Zawaya Assahrae zawaya Alwatane“ von Majida Benkirane, „Nicht empfohlen“ von Allal El Alaoui, „Tanz der Sahara“ unter der Regie von Ibrahim Idrissi Hassani, „Laghna und Azawan Poesie und Musik aus der Sahara“ unter der Regie von Issam Dokho und der Dokumentarfilm „der kleine Prinz, die Weisheit des Sandes“ von Mariam Ait Belhoucine.
Die Einweihungszeremonie dieses filmischen Hochamts erfuhr das Beisein des Walis der Region Laâyoune-Sakia El Hamra, des Gouverneurs der Provinz Laâyoune, Abdeslam Bekrate, des amtierenden Direktors des CCM, Khalid Saidi, gewählter Beamter und afrikanischer Konsuln, welche in Laâyoune akkreditiert sind, sowie Persönlichkeiten aus der Welt der Kunst und der Kultur.
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DISCLAMER — La liste est divisée en deux parties : Afrique du Nord (Maroc, Algérie, Tunisie, Mauritanie, Libye, Egypte) et Asie de l’Ouest (Arabie Saoudite, Yémen, Jordanie, Koweït, Afghanistan, Liban, Turquie, Iran, Irak, Palestine, Syrie). Si vous cherchez une origine spécifique je vous conseille de ctrl/cmd+f+nom du pays. — Toutes les personnes listées ne sont pas forcément arabes et/ou musulmanes. Ils existent plusieurs ethnies, religions et identités dans ces régions du monde. — Si vous avez des coups de coeur uniquement pour le combo peau claire + yeux clairs… posez vous des questions. AFRIQUE DU NORD (Pays d’origine entre parenthèses : Maroc, Algérie, Tunisie, Mauritanie, Libye, Egypte)
Abir Haronni (Maroc) Afef Jnifen (Tunisie) Ameni Esseibi (Tunisie) Anissa Bakhti (Algérie) Assaad Bouab (France, Maroc) Aya Ibrahim / ayaibrahimx (Egypte)
Bibi Bourelly (Haiti, Maroc) Bilal Hassani (Maroc)
Chams-Eden Moussa (France, Tunisie) Cole Basta/Col3trane (USA, Egypte)
Dali Benssalah (Algérie) Dounia Tazi (Maroc)
Elisa Sednaoui (Italie, Egypte) Elyes Gabel (Algérie)
Fady El Sayed (Egypte) Faouzia Ouihya (Maroc) Felukah (Egypte) Fu'ad Aït Aattou (France, Maroc)
Hafsia Herzi (Tunisie, Algérie) Hajar Brown (Maroc) Huda El Mufti (Egypte)
Ilham - lil habiba (Maroc) Inès Oussaidi (Maroc ?) Inès Rau (France, Maroc, Algérie) Imaan Hammam (Maroc, Egypte) Iman El Deeb (Egypte) Iman Meskini (Norvège, Tunisie) Issam Harris (Maroc)
Jade Thirlwall (Royaume-Uni, Yemen, Egypte) Jasmine Ana (Algérie) Juny Breeze (Maroc, Egypte)
Leïla Bekhti (Algérie) Lella Fadda (Egypte) Lisa Bouteldja (Algérie) Lyna Khoudri (Algérie)
Malika El Maslouhi (Maroc) Malak El Husseiny (Egypte) Mallak Waleed (Egypte) Mamoudou Athie (Mauritanie) Manal Benchlikha (Maroc) Mariah Idrissi (Pakistan, Maroc) Mariam Abdallah (Egypte) Mariam Al Ferjani (Tunisie) Marwan Kenzari (Tunisie) Meena Rayann (Maroc) Mena Massoud (Egypte) Mehdi Dehbi (Tunisie) Meryem Aboulouafa (Maroc) Meryem Slimani (Maroc) Meryem Tilila Oulhaj (Maroc) Mimi Elashiry (Australie, Egypte) Mina El Hammani (Maroc) Miral Mahilian (Egypte) Mnatalla Eldas (Egypte) Mohamed Amine Khemissa (Maroc) Mohcine Harisse (Maroc)
Nabil Taleb (Algérie) Nadia Hilker (Allemagne, Tunisie) Nadia Kounda (Maroc) Najet Leyklye (Maroc) Nazim Bouaziz (Algérie) Nisrina Sbia (Maroc) Noha Hamid (Égypte) Noor Tagouri (Libye) Nora Attal (Maroc)
Omar Metwally (Pays-Bas, Egypte) Omar Sy (Sénégal, Mauritanie) Oulaya Amamra (Maroc)
Rami Malek (Egypte) Rami Youssef (Egypte) Ramy Moharam Fouad (Belgique, Egypte) Rania Benchegra (Maroc) Rhita Nattah (Maroc) Rilès Kacimi (Algérie) Roschdy Zem (Maroc)
Sabrina Nait (Algérie, Maroc) Sabrina Ouazani (Algérie) Salma Abu Deif (Egypte) Sami Outalbali (Maroc) Samira Mahboub (Allemagne, Maroc) Samy Seghir (Algérie) Sandra Shebab (Egypte) Sara Kayali / sarakayaliii (Egypte, Syrie) Sarah Guendouz (Algérie) Sarah Kazemy (France, Iran, Algérie) Sarah Morbi Leila (Italie, Maroc) Shaïn Boumedine (Algérie, Maroc) Sherouk Farid (Egypte) Shirine Boutella (Algérie) Sid Oudainia Beaulieu (France, Algérie) Sofia Boutella (Algérie) Sofia Jamal Eddine (Maroc) Sohaila Kandil (Egypte) Sonia Ben Ammar (France, Tunisie) Souheila Yacoub (Belgique, Tunisie)
Tahar Rahim (Algérie) Tamino-Amir Moharam Fouad (Belgique, Egypte) Tara Emad (Égypte) Tarek El Seidik (Egypte ?) Tawsen (Maroc) Teo Abihdana (Colombie, Maroc)
Xavier Dolan (Canada, Egypte)
Yasmine Al Massri (Palestine, Egypte) Yasmine Sabri (Egypte) Yassine Rahal (Maroc) Younes Bendjima (Algérie) Younes Bouab (France, Maroc)
Zayneb Azzam (Turquie, Egypte)
ASIE DE L’OUEST (Arabie Saoudite, Yémen, Jordanie, Koweït, Afghanistan, Liban, Turquie, Iran, Irak, Palestine, Syrie)
Adam Bakri (Palestine) Ahmad Kontar (Syrie) Ali Gatie (Canada, Irak) Alia Shawkat (Irak) Amin Nazemzadeh (Iran) Amina Muaddi (Roumanie, Jordanie) Amira Al Zuhair (Arabie Saoudite) Amira Jazeera (Palestine) Anisa Dagher (USA, Liban) Aria Shahghasemi (Iran) Aslihan Malbora (Turquie) Ayca Aysun Turan (Turquie) Azita Ghanizada (Afghanistan)
Bahar Sahin (Turquie) Balqees Fathi (Yémen) Bella Hadid (Pays-Bas, Palestine) : racisme, appropriation culturelle Berker Guven (Turquie)
Çağlar Ertuğrul'dan (Turquie)
Demet Ozdemir (Turquie) Dominic Adams (Royaume-Uni, Iran) Denise Bidot (Porto Rico, Koweït) Deniz Baysal (Turquie)
Ebru Özkan (Turquie) Edy Ganem (Mexique, Liban) Ekin Koç (Turquie) Elian Amer Marjiya (Palestine) Elyanna (Chili, Palestine) Emeraude Toubia (Mexique, Liban)
Fai Khadra (Palestine) Fares Fares (Liban) Fouz Al-Fahad (Koweït) Freema Agyeman (Ghana, Iran)
Gigi Hadid (Pays-Bas, Palestine) : racisme, appropriation culturelle Golshifteh Farahani (Iran) : soutien woody allen + pas dérangée à l’idée de bosser avec polanski
Haaz Sleiman (Liban) Habiba Da Silva (Brésil, Liban) Hazar Erğüçlü (Turquie)
Jade Hassouné (Liban) Jessica Kahawaty (Australie, Liban) Joanna Marie Kutkina (Russie, Turquie) Josie Totah (Palestine, Liban)
Karen Wazen Bakhazi (Liban) Kayvan Novak (Iran)
Lana Albeik (Syrie, Palestine) Layla Kardan (Iran) Leena Snoubar (USA, Palestine)
Medalion Rahimi (Iran) Melisa Pamuk (Turquie) Merve Bolugur (Turquie) Meryem Uzerli (Turquie) Moh Flow (Syrie, Arabie Saoudite ?) Mona Haydar (Syrie)
Nadia Aboulhosn (Liban) Nadine Nassib Njeim (Liban) Nasim Pedrad (Iran) Natacha Karam (Irlande, Liban) Nazanin Boniadi (Iran) Nour Rizk (Liban)
Rafeea al-Hajsi (Emirats Arabes Unis) Reem Al Sanea (Arabie Saoudite) Rémie AKL (Liban)
Sara Kayali / sarakayaliii (Egypte, Syrie) Sarah Angius (Irak) Shahad Salman (Arabie Saoudite) Shanina Shaik (Pakistan, Arabie Saoudite) Sharin Attamimi (Indonésie, Yémen) Simay Barlas (Turqie)
Toni Mahfud (Syrie) Tuba Büyüküstün (Turquie) Tugçe Kumral (Turquie)
Wafia Al-Rikabi (Irak, Syrie)
Yara Shahidi (USA, Iran) Yasmine Al Massri (Egypte, Palestine)
Zayneb Azzam (Egypte, Turquie) Zeina Mates (Liban)
MAJ : 07.04 merci à @devoratum pour sa participation.
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Argelia 2018 Primera camisetas de futbol baratas
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Argelia se unió a la FIFA el 1 de enero de 1964. Argelia se ha clasificado para cuatro Copas Mundiales en 1982, 1986, 2010 y 2014.
Escuadrón de jugadores 2018 Chamseddine Rahmani * CS Constantine / Mohamed Khoutir Ziti * ES Sétif / Chemseddine Nessakh * ES Sétif / Abdelmoumene Djabou * ES Sétif / Houari Ferhani * JS Kabylie / Faouzi Chaouchi * MC Alger / Islam Arous * Paradou AC / Farouk Chafaï * USM Alger / Ayoub Abdellaoui * USM Alger / Raouf Benguit * USM Alger / Sofiane Hanni * Anderlecht / Riyad Mahrez * Leicester City / Islam Slimani * Leicester City / Zinedine Ferhat * Le Havre / Liassine Cadamuro-Benta��ba * Nîmes / Nabil Bentaleb * Schalke 04 / Ishak Belfodil * Werder Bremen / Ismaël Bennacer * Empoli / Yacine Brahimi * Porto / Bagdad Bounedjah * Al-Sadd / Aïssa Mandi * Betis / Carl Medjani * Sivasspor
Nuevo miembro: Abdelkader Bedrane * ES Sétif / Malik Asselah * JS Kabylie / Brahim Boudebouda * MC Alger / Sofiane Bendebka * MC Alger / Toufik Moussaoui * Paradou AC / Mohamed Meftah * USM Alger / Mohamed Benyahia * USM Alger / Abderrahmane Meziane * USM Alger / Oussama Darfalou * USM Alger / Youcef Attal * Kortrijk / Ilias Hassani * Cherno More Varna / Hillel Soudani * Dinamo Zagreb / Adlène Guedioura * Middlesbrough / Mehdi Tahrat * Angers / Mehdi Jeannin * Clermont / Mehdi Abeid * Dijon / Raïs M'Bolhi * Rennes / Ramy Bensebaini * Rennes / Mehdi Zeffane * Rennes / Sofiane Daham * Sochaux / Idriss Saadi * Estrasburgo / Saphir Taïder * Bolonia / Mohamed Fares * Hellas Verona / Faouzi Ghoulam Napoli / Adam Ounas * Napoli / Rachid Ghezzal * Mónaco / Hicham Belkaroui * Moreirense / Ryad Boudebouz * Betis / Djamel Mesbah * Lausanne-Sport / Mokhtar Belkhiter * Club Africain / Sofiane Feghouli * Galatasaray
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# #Invite Friends to #Like #Freedom #Coding Mikaiul El Invite أبو احمد Invite Sevi Zazi Invite Hamouda Ratib Invite Sunday Ogbonnaya Invite Aaron Yin Invite Mohamed Barki Invite Chris White Invite Mohamed BahssainMohame Invite Rita Bennani Invite Abdourabbih Abdou Invite Amit Erandole Invite Ismail Shaikh Invite Oussama Albaz Targi Invite Sofy Dido Invite Youness Nouioura Invite Francis Sunday Invite Abdelhak Rbibe Invite 杨伟超 Invite Melbin Chicas Invite Hicham Tikota Invite Abdellah Bouchamama Invite Nicholas Beaudoin Invite Brahim Boukhris Invite Damian Simon Peter Invite Mhdazks Kouis Invite Rama Makavana Invite Choky Choky Invite Nasrullah Bin Sulaiman Invite Daven Prince Invite Edwards Laura Invite Joshua Jackson Invite Erasmo Gonzalez Invite Mathew Raymond II Invite Fouzia Maskri Invite Simohamed Moumni Invite Azeddine Belatik Invite الحياة أمل Invite Abdfettah Sersar Invite Mohamed Bargaoui Invite Chinna Vemula Invite Hassan Alaoui Invite Ali Drb Invite Lotfi Hsini Invite Sven Ralf Tim Invite Soufian Solano Invite Abderrahim Hmimsa Invite Youssef Mehdi Invite Don Lahoucine Goghrod Invite Rida Hssani Invite Hassan Tahiri-Alaoui Invite Sandi Daluz Invite Abdelkader Ez Zarouhy Invite Obodugo Rapheal Invite Joseph America Invite MãnSoûr YoúSééf Invite Richard Warfield Invite Dennis Müller Invite 황선주 Invite Bachir Haddad Invite Khammar Watani Invite Ujang Bima Invite Lina Badr Invite Austin Heisley-Cook Invite Muhammad Irfan Khan Invite Marie Laurence Delmas Invite Azouina Saad Invite أحمد الوزاني الإدريسي الحسني Invite حليمة حلومة Invite Yanto Julianto Invite Charo Serrano Invite Abdelrhani Ett Maghribi Invite Tom Richardson Invite Evelin Olofsson Invite Mohammed Zakaria Alaoui Invite Alami EL Barche Invite Khalid Ahmane Invite Esseddik Nassiri Invite Moulay Omar Khayyi Invite Hicham Sophie Invite Al Ben Omar Al Invite Aymen Ameur Invite Achraf Hassan Invite Jackson Jackson Invite A A AKay Ansari Invite Attaellah Allali Invite Teddy Alfred Invite Muhammed Nagy Invite Azize Alaoui Invite Alahyane Malika Agadir Invite Adam Mahere Invite Tarik Abdaoui Invite Najat Zinane Invite Fatima Zahrae Invite Ahmed Khatib Invite عبد الرحيم خالص Invite ELarbi ELarbi Invite Kouakou François Kouassi Invite Ayman Harrandou Invite Miloud Mokdad Invite Sikander Shahab Siddiqui Invite Qaisar Manzoor Invite Fidel Murhabazi Invite Falana Opeyemi Abibulabhi Invite محمادي الثوري Invite Asouma Benani Kadiri Invite Charafa Belkhayat Zouggari Invite الحريري ادريس Invite Shamim Khan Invite Vincent de Cohem-Camberny Nouveau Invite Muzaffar Umer Invite Ayoub Harrandou Invite Lamia Lolo Invite Mohammed Badi Invite Javed Akhtar Invite Elisa Candace Karin Invite น้องแอน น๊ะค่ะ Invite Mohamed Benamar Invite Adil Amrani Invite Yassine Rachdi Invite Aswatnews Laayoune Invite Moulay Driss Dachri Invite الكاتب محمد غانم Invite اسماء حسن Invite Prince Adewole Invite غيور على بلادي المغرب Invite Nabila Soraya Invite Hicham Achouih Invite শাহিন খান Invite Abid Hussain Bhatti Invite Mohammed Kili Invite Lorena Farmer Invite Roberto Smith Invite جمال الجاموس Invite Alejandro Nightwolf Invite Said Alami Invite Samira Elabd Invite Hisham El Bedraoui Invite Wissem Louhichi Invite Alhkim Baro Invite Hake Make Waist Invite حسناء الماخوخي Invite CB Fernando Blanco Invite Hassan Sahraoui Invite Sophie Lgd Invite Sophy Elwakil Invite ياربي ترجعلي خويا دغيا Invite Mohamed El Haddad Invite Hafid Mofdi Invite Mohamed Nachrah Invite Mohamed Ouadie Invite Moulay Hmad El Alaoui Invite Kalid Labkire Invite Eltayar Madinaty Invite Febrian Lana Yusuf Invite Majd Diouri Invite Naim Ramir Invite محمد ابوالفرح Invite Alexandra Trevor Lowrie Invite Shakir Ahmed Invite Abdelhafid Djebbar Invite Abd Essamad Nassiri Invite Rajesh Mandavriya Invite Naseer Izzy Ishaq Invite Jaydev Shiroya Invite M Bilal Rao Invite البدري سمير محمد Invite Saad Alaoui Invite Najib Bantajouat Invite Morad Robio Invite Selma De Invite Andi Kaka Invite Abdedaime Elmabrouk Invite Gaetano Carponi Invite Prosen Bawali Invite Nina Nisrin Invite Mohammed Yassine Ait Khali Invite Donnie Goodman Invite Pham Thuong Invite نور احمد الدواد Invite Rahal Zarktouni Invite Nassima Ghazoini Invite Mike Johns Invite Betok Ardiansyah Solegar Invite Mohamed Nafras Invite Pharaon Zaza Viellady Invite Ìñżmâm Jâņjűà Invite Raja Sreenivasan Invite Mohmed Hadochi Invite Abdelmalek Bennaceur Invite Abdellah Ouafi Invite Usman Khan Invite Anaya Shah Invite Ali Oumertou Auneau Ali Invite Ahmed Boukorro Invite Deborah Paule Glouai Invite Javed Iqbal Invite Chouaib Ziraoui Invite Fatima Zahra Nachit Invite Bomata Tamk Mauloud Invite Inamorado Enamorado Piligrosso Invite Abd Al Halim Halim Invite Maazo Yao Invite Ogbonna Agwu Invite Mohamad Riyadi Invite Omar Mazroua Invite Paa Qwesi Invite Mohammed Said El Bahraoui Invite Cherif Chebihi Hassani Invite Rae Stephen Invite Ouael Ch Invite Said Mehdi Invite مهبول السبب المعقول Invite A Rauf Samad Ch Invite Michael Lawson Invite Adriano Berdasco Invite Sardar Goga Dogar Invite Mino Mimo Invite Ryme Benabas Invite Mohamed Ben Omar Invite Rabie Mehdi Invite Hjr Nadi Invite Abdo Mohib Invite Johnny Jerônimo Dreemurr Invite Med Benayiba Invite Tarek Essafi Invite Amira Az Invite Az Ayat Invite Monick Liaison Hassam Levi Invite Henry Cabello Invite Laurence Svekis Invite Michelle Goodfellow Invite Brahim Brahim Soudani Invite Muhammad Shakeel Invite Banabas Ogar Invite Luara Rich Invite Nadia Boudreau Invite MD Lassika Abbad Invite Amjad Bukhari Invite Imran Jamal Invite Noman Mannan Invite Farrukh Matin Invite Irfan Zuberi Invite Farhaj Ahmed Invite Khushal Khan Kakar Invite Orjiewuru Kingdom Isaac Invite Rasheed Ridwon Invite Ko Zaw Invite MaAnon Fawkes Invite Abdul Samii Ajala Invite via http://ift.tt/2t4J4iV from WordPress http://ift.tt/2t5rzyF via IFTTT
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World Refugee Day: Goal Click and UNHCR on football's global impact
Goal Click tells stories about football around the world, using photography. In the lead-up to World Refugee Day, Goal Click and UNHCR sent disposable cameras to refugees and asylum seekers around the world to document their personal tales. This is Bahram Mia. "I was born in Peshawar, Pakistan, the son of Afghan refugees as a result of the Soviet invasion of Afghanistan. I came to Australia with my parents and three brothers when I was seven years old, and grew up here in Sydney, where I have graduated from university and work as a community development worker with migrant and refugee communities. The photo shows Team Congo during their quarter-final of the African Cup tournament in 2018. The tournament sees Sydney and Australia's African diaspora participate. I tried to convey the pride, passion and intensity which these young African men hold not only towards the African Cup tournament but also representing their homelands."
Shegofa Hassani: "I came to Australia as a nine-year-old. We fled Afghanistan because of the conflict as we did not see a safe future there. I started playing football in the park with my brothers and dad. I am currently a player and coach with Football United. Now I manage an Afghan team called Sydney United Girls. The photo shows Shogofa Rahimi at a training session. Shogofa was also raised in a family full of sporty boys. Her passion for football started as a child when she played with her brothers. However, she hesitated to pursue it further because of cultural barriers and her family. After years of giving up hope of playing football, she finally got the opportunity to play with Sydney United Girls, when her brother introduced her to the team."
Sofia Wais, at the Homeless World Cup, Cardiff: "I'm Sofia. I am 19 years old, from Afghanistan, and I was raised in Iran. I have been living with my family in Austria for four years and have six older brothers. I was not allowed to play football as a girl in Iran. I am very happy that I am allowed to live in Austria. There are many opportunities for women here. I love football and my food is just a ball - it gives me energy. I've also had tough days because of football, but for me, life is like a carousel and it always turns."
"My name is Khadija Ahmadi. I am 20 and originally from Afghanistan. I came to Austria at the end of 2015. A year later, I heard from a supervisor in the youth accommodation where I was staying that there was an opportunity here for women to play football. This is how I came to the Kicken Ohne Grenzen team. The photo shows my first day as a referee. I wanted to remember this moment. Through football and my new friends, I’ve been able to find myself again. When I say that, people may think that it’s an easy thing to say. But in my case it was different. I didn’t know the language; I didn't know anyone."
"My name is Saleha Kashfi and I’m 17 years old. I come from Afghanistan. I wanted to play football before I came to Austria, but I didn’t have a chance to play for security reasons. When I play football, I forget about my problems. I think about winning and fun and feel no pain or troubles."
Yvan Bikambo, coach with Red Deporte in East Cameroon: "These photos reflect the activity of the Public School of Bindia in East Cameroon, a school supported and built by Red Deporte in 2012. Red Deporte is an NGO, using football to promote performance in school. These kids belong to the community and many of them are refugees from Central African Republic because Cameroon and Central African Republic are neighbours. Most of the children know how to play football because they used to play in their home country."
Yvan Bikambo: "We work to bring them joy, peace and hope through our programme. Every Cameroonian boy dreams to be Samuel Eto’o, but even if they won't be that, they enjoy the dreaming and the process of personal improvement, and the friendship that is built on the way to this dream."
Daniele: "I am a 24-year-old student. I'm currently living in Koblenz, Germany. I was introduced to football in Syria by a school friend when I was in the first class (aged six) in 2002. These photos were taken at the training of TuS International in the German city of Koblenz. The majority of the players are refugees who are living in a camp for asylum seekers - they are Syrian, Iranian, Afghani, Somalian and Eritrean. The local team TuS Koblenz, which is playing in the fifth division in Germany, decided to form a team for the refugees who are living in Koblenz - to give them the chance to integrate into German society and establish a new life in Koblenz."
Reval: "I left Aleppo in Syria because of the war when I was 12 years old with my father and brother - it was too dangerous for us. We had to leave my mother and two small sisters behind. The photos were taken in Skaramagas refugee camp in Athens, Greece. They are girls participating in a football programme. These girls had suffered enough in their countries and on their way to Europe and they were still living under extremely difficult situations in a refugee camp in Greece. Many times they were facing danger during the night, many times there were a lot of fights in the camp. But, despite what they had to deal with, they didn't give up on football. Everything around them was so hard but through football, they were still happy."
Sadio Malang: "I come from Senegal. I left Senegal because there was a bad situation in my region Casamance - there was an ongoing war. I play for Senza Frontiere Football Club (Without Borders) in Italy. Most of the photos show the refugees’ football team of Balon Mundial, Senza Frontiere Football Club (it used to be called Hearts of Eagle). This is a football team formed by refugees and asylum seekers that practises all year and during the summer participates in Balon Mundial -the World Cup of Migrant Communities."
"My name is Maram. I am from Syria, I am 14 and I live with my family that consists of nine people, and now we live in Zaatari camp, near the Syrian border, Jordan."
Maram: "The photos were taken of our girls' football team in a Makani centre in Zaatari camp. I wanted to show our skills in football, the game that I find hope in for my future. When I play football it raises my spirits and it reinforces my self-confidence. Because I am a girl, I can be the person that changes how the community perceives girls’ football and breaks the wall of shame."
Maram: "My wish is to strengthen my skills in football so I can achieve my dream and become a famous footballer, and to travel with my family and play football outside the camp."
"My name is Abdelrahman Hasan al-Attar. These are photos of kids from different families playing street football in my neighbourhood of Hashem Shemali in East Amman. It's historically a refugee area and has more poverty than West Amman. Many have Palestinian heritage. Some of them are my cousins. Even without proper football pitches and regardless of the environment we can adapt and our love of football prevails."
Ismail M Abdalla, Kakuma: "I am 29 and originally from Kalemie in Tanganyika province in the Democratic Republic of Congo (DRC). I am currently volunteering as a program manager with Faulu Production, a community-based organisation supporting refugees, disadvantaged youth and women, and vulnerable children. Refugees are real people who can enjoy the same full rights as others regardless of their status. Football brings people together and thus creates coexistence and social interaction; it serves as the way for community mobilisation and participation. I play football with Kenyans. Kenyans are good people with a good cultural background. They welcome everyone into their community."
David Philip: "I am from the Nuba Mountains in Sudan. Sudan has never been at peace since I was born, especially in the Nuba region. When I left my home with my family in 2006, Sudan and South Sudan were still one country. We went to Kakuma refugee camp in Kenya where we got support from UNHCR. I spent my childhood as a refugee in Kenya, like many other Sudanese who fled the country. The photos show children and the volunteers of Green Kordofan in Yida refugee camp in South Sudan."
David Philip: "About 60,000 people displaced from their homes by the war live in Yida. Football allowed me to have many friends from different tribes and around the world. It brought me peace and unity with people."
Jacob Viera: "In Liverpool, I play with asylum seekers and refugees from Syria, Sudan, Eritrea and Afghanistan. They fled because of war and conflicts in their countries. Listening to the challenges they have faced and gone through is so painful. Football is important because it is a universal language. I was a professional footballer and played in the Kenyan Premier League for Muhoroni Youth FC. My dream is to become an international Fifa referee. I am part of the FA CORE (Centre of Refereeing Excellence) program. In two or three years I could be a Football League referee. I think I would be one of the first professional referees in the UK from a refugee background."
Mehdi Rakhshandeh: "I was born in Rasht, a city in the north of Iran. I played football regularly as a goalkeeper in Iran - not at a high level or anything, just games with my friends from the local town. I was a sports photographer and reporter in Iran for 15 years. This is a little girl watching football. I think it shows her passion for football. She is in such an awkward position holding herself up against the metal fence but is just excited and wants to watch the football no matter what. It was a football tournament in Middlesbrough during Refugee Week called the Justice First Football Tournament."
Mehdi Rakhshandeh: "Football played a big role in my life as I got accustomed to my new surroundings of the UK and Middlesbrough in particular. I played each week with MFC Foundation and it helped me to meet new people, learn about my new surroundings and improve my English. The football club really made me feel welcome and part of the community."
Samuel Gedeon: "I'm from Haiti, where I discovered one of my biggest passions, which is soccer. I used to play soccer in the streets - futsal - and I had joined some clubs and played real soccer a few times with my friends. In 2015 I moved to NYC with the hopes of finding a good soccer team, but when I came everyone played basketball. With determination in 2017, I found Rooklyn, a Brooklyn-based organisation using soccer to work with refugee, asylee and immigrant youth and provide a space for connection with their peers in a safe and supportive environment."
Fawzi: "I am a football coach. I was playing back in Syria and I was a professional player. I started playing football with al-Shul'a football team in Syria in 2009. I left Daraa in Syria because of the war. The photos are of Blumont students in the playgrounds of District 5, Zaatari, Jordan. Blumont runs the UNHCR community centres. The students are refugees who attend the community's activities. I tried to demonstrate the children’s suffering and represent their story."
Gharam: "The photos show my friends in the Uefa playground in District 9, Zaatari, Jordan. I wanted to show that football can be played by everyone. The photos were during a football tournament in the camp. I did not play before I came to Jordan because of the war. In the beginning, I couldn’t develop my skills, but now I have. I dream of being a famous footballer."
Mahmoud: "I started to love sports when I was a child in Daraa in Syria, and now a day of sports helps me to heal from the depression and sadness in the camp. I played football in my country Syria with my school team but left because of the war. My ambition is to play with a European football team. The photos show children and people inside the Zaatari camp playing football on the playground and streets, and a football field on the edge of the camp."
Source: BBC
source: https://footballghana.com/
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