#medoh's ted talks
googlekromer · 4 months
the amount of people who see rammstein and its members as a commodity or a thing rather than a network of 6 humans is... scary. i'll be honest. Something to have and experience rather than a collective of people making music for **your** enjoyment. people who are there to make your day instead of, idk, living theirs?!
and i wouldn't be surprised if people stopped being fans solely because they weren't 100% perfect angels all ready to smile and nod and cater to their every whim. and it has happened before!
"Oh no! Till wouldn't sign something for me and walked away! He's such an asshole!" i'm sorry to hear that. by the way, did you notice his young grandson fritz at all during that exchange? and the fact that you and a bunch of others decided to swarm him at the zoo where he was taking fritz? or did you just see till and think "autograph?" without any regards to his private life?
"Man, why does Richard look so angry in our photo? He's such a diva, I swear 😒" hmm. maybe it was because he was trying to enjoy his sunday, y'know? like i get being disappointed, but maybe you shouldn't have just randomly showed up to wherever he was trying to relax and pestered him for a photo. maybe think about that if you want a better photo.
"Aww, that hug with Paul seemed so forced. I thought he was a cool guy :(" he is! he isn't cool with jumping into the boats though. not only is it just a selfish thing to do, and just all around douchebag behaviour, it's also dangerous. one wrong tussle and paul is on the floor, potentially crushed by fans.
my point is, celebrity culture has pushed people into two camps. either you worship a celebrity and go after all who even dare to critique them, or you treat celebrities like objects to entertain rather than human beings with thoughts and feelings. and i'm not a fan of either camp. being cold towards people regardless of their fame has never been for me.
i know that the boys appreciate and love their fans. but sometimes, as a till girlie especially, when i see photos and videos where it's clear that they were pressed for one, do i wonder if till ever thinks of going back to his old life as a basket weaver.
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performapals · 3 years
the long awaited sequel of rating things that give me gender envy
part 1 can be found here
will be put under the cut!
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the ocean: 10/10
very vague but like.... water my beloved <3
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grape hyacinths: 7/10
3 points removed because they dont come in pink
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klavier gavin but specifically 17 y/o klavier: 3/10
why???? why does he give me so much gender envy???? i dont hate klavier but like. why.
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kelp forests: 5/10
i absolutely love them but the fact that i can’t physically live there automatically removes 5 points. wtf nature this is homophobic
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celestia ludenberg: 2/10
8 points removed for being a liar, manipulative, and also killing taka. wtf celeste u were gnc af but then you had to go and do that. ugh
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mondo owada: 6/10
WHY. WHY WHY WHY. i love him but i hate his stupid corn hair. anyways i wish i could also have my tits out but like man tits u know and i think its homophobic that i cant. i want his masculinity. thanks for coming to my ted talk
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haruka tenou: 1000/10
yeah. just. ye ah.
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italian soda: 100/10
yum. thats it
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crystal caves: 1000/10
hey nature ur crystal formations gnc af
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pine forests: 10000/10
oh to get lost in a pine forest in northern idaho and simply live there and become a forest nymph
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lulu obsidian / ruri kurosaki: 10/10
my beloved. shes very gnc. dont like the purple but thats alright i love her anyways
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the entirety of rito village????: 4/10
i just like. like the buildings themself and how its laid out i guess??? this one is rlly weird i have no idea how to explain it lmao. also part of the reason i added medoh to my name list
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black dragonfish: 100/10
hey nature ur fish looks gnc af. very nice. did u know they dont have scales?
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blue glaucus: 10/10
very fine boys (neutral). a very fancy nudibranch. i remember trying to get these guys in that minigame in animal jam also i love them.
thats all for part 2 !! tumblr didnt let me put 14 if i used the fancy text editor so just know this post would’ve had pink text if it weren’t for that
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botwstoriesandsuch · 4 years
Just me rambling about Breath of the Wild’s opening cut scene because it is masterfully crafted and just a really good display of fantastic game design and story telling...Welcome to my TED Talk. 
[And spoilers for the end game, of course]
The first five minutes of game is a master class in foreshadowing and developing the tone that is set for the rest of the game. 
The very fist screen that you see, besides the simplistic title screen, which is genius by the way. Having a super unassuming and small logo really puts into perspective how Nintendo doesn’t need to amazing with it’s title right away, the gameplay speaks for itself. Anyhow, the first screen is that of light and darkness. Obviously, it can be interpreted as Zelda’s awakening power, and in a broader sense, the small silver of hope everyone has that the Calamity could be defeated. Most of all, it’s framed in a way similar to how one would open their eyes for the first time, squinting in the light. (Yeah I know all that is kinda obvious...but still, I just think it’s neat) 
[more below the cut]
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It also perfectly parallels the end of the game in its framing and lighting. Even the opening hum, is the same sound as the Bow of Light being drawn and Zelda appearing out of Dark Beast Ganon.
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Ok back to the opening scene. Now the act of Link actively opening his eyes, we’re greeted with this frame, Zelda now clearly telling Link to open his eyes, and we get this blue shape (which is the glow of the shrine) but it’s in the shape of an eye, mimicking Link’s own blue eyes.
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Now I get that most of us are used to it by now, but just imagine, or remember the feeling of waking up in here. Most loz games start you off in a cozy home, a forest, or at the very least somewhere medieval. But waking up in this futuristic bath tub immediately places you completely out of your comfort zone. Whether you played every Zelda game, or this was your first, this setting is completely foreign and you have no idea what’s going on. And that feeling of not understanding or grasping where or when you are, immediately puts you in the same shoes as your playable protagonist, Link. Nintendo has already made you sympathize or at the very least find comfort or familiarity in Link.
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Now does this look familiar?
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It will...
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(Also the parallel with the Great Plateau,overrun with the beauty of nature, vs the complexity of a man made castle. Plus the Calamity being portrayed more as a disease that festers upon Hyrule rather than just some tyrannical guy? *chefs kiss* I love my narrative parallels.)
Anyhow, next we have the Sheikah technology. There are a lot of references to blue in the game. From Link’s blue eyes to the Sheikah slates blue eyes, to the Champions tunics and the royal blue shared by the royal family. Blue is the least common color in nature (other than the sky/water. You don’t see a lot of blue trees, grass, animals, or rocks, do you?) so the rarity of it in the vast natural land of Hyrule, emphasizes it’s importance right away. Blue = power/importance. Through out the game, you’re drawn to the blue glow of shrines and towers (although initially orange, but after they are blue, more explanation later...), along with the blue of the water, in which Nintendo intentionally places civilization/treasure across. Plus, the opposite of blue, is the purplish/red glow of ganon. Mmmmm color coordination. 
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The layout of the Shrine of Reserrction is a straight line, leaving no room for player error/distraction. It’s forcing you to go down it’s desired path. (At least initially...*cough cough* speed running and wall clipping *cough cough*) So the straight forwardness emphasizes the artificial nature of the place. 
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Now, when exiting the Shrine, the artificial glow of the Sheikah lamps is now replaced with the warm orange sunlight. (See what I did there? Get it? It’s another parallel with the Sheikah technology colors, with the unused technology glowing orange, but when actively used by Link is glows blue? Therefore kinda giving blue an association with technology and power again, and orange with nature and exploration?)
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Also more parallels with light/hope
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Exiting the Shrine smoothly teaches you how to interact with objects, walk, and climb very naturally. It also teaches you the importance of the Shrine pedestals, an attraction towards chests, and ingraining you with the desire to explore, as the setting give you no information whatsoever. Even Zelda’s dialogue is vague, just saying “long slumber” and not how long, or “that [Sheikah Slate] will show you the way” giving no specifics. And that’s why its all the more satisfying when the vastness and detail of the outside world hits you. You are starved of information, making you more susceptible to the game’s theme of exploration.
The cold, artificial, dark enclosed space of the Shrine, gives way to this shot.
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Do I even have to say anything? The way the music swells as Link runs out into the field, and the camera pulls out to really show the vast scope of things. The center piece of a dark castle in the distance, the symmetrical framing of Death Mountain and the Hebra peaks? The lush green shade in the foreground shifting into darker shadows and silhouettes when nearing the horizon hear the Calamity? The way the ridge to the side obstructs the view of Medoh and Naboris, with the natural angles of the mountain ranges hiding Rudania and Ruta? The fact that the sun is just rising, symbolizing a new morning. AND the stark contrast with the artificial, straight line Shrine you just went through, now your new path is more open. Even the path you take to the Old Man is curved, and at a much steeper decline. Also, notice how you’re declining, moving down and out of the Shrine, might not be a stretch to say it’s like you were descending from heaven as the savior of Hyrule. You’ve come back down to the ruins of a fallen kingdom. Although you don’t know that yet. 
The opening shot gives no big signs of civilization, the castle being too far out into the distance, and the trees obstructing any destroyed ruins. So when panning to the much closer and reachable Temple of Time, it really grabs the player’s attention. The framing of the Temple of Time is in such a way where it still looks intact. The gaping hole in it’s side faces in the other direction. All it seems to imply is that it’s old. No ruined guardians, or clear, distinct destruction can be seen yet. Also, the point of the Temple’s tower is in line with the Duel Peaks, almost perfectly. Both have stood the test of time, but it was the construction of man that did not last, where as nature has stood strong. 
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Then, pan into the Old Man, a mysterious figure, you don’t know if they are friend or foe. But given your circumstance your eager to explore and investigate. Especially with how he is placed in front of an warm orange fire, because yeah more color coordination. Orange, serves a similar purpose as the color blue for attracting the players attention, but it’s symbolism is different. One, for it’s association with nature as previously state, but now here in the context of familiarity. Throughout the game, when you see a campfire, that either means enemies or people. All the same, it means company and you’re drawn to it. 
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The camera zoom and focus of the scene barely shifts at all. When you first exit, Link is at the low center of the screen, even with the pan to the Temple of Time, and the Old Man is also in the low center of the screen. This anchor point allows for a smooth transition with the players attention, and adds to the natural environment and tone of the scene. 
So here you are, heading east, towards the sun, an old man, a camp fire, and the Temple of Time. No coincidence they are all in the same direction. 
Just look how much story and tone you are able to grasp in the first five minutes????? It embeds the feeling of curiosity and the desire to explore by starving you of information and freedom, before punching you in the face with the openness of Hyrule. It foreshadows a conflict with Ganon, a disease that ravage the world of man, and will next take on nature. The themes of technology and civilization, of time moving on. COLOR COORDINATION. And just the overall wonder of opening your eyes to an beautiful world waiting to be discovered. All this is conveyed to you whether subconsciously or unconsciously. 
That’s five or less minutes in to a game you can very well pack hundred of hours into.
Ugh, I love this game.
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diviineconstruct · 5 years
sb: tell me abt urself
ruta: ...... i can make ice
sb: tell me abt the other divine beasts
ruta, pulling up a chair and sitting down, inhaling deeply and pulling out a 1437 page book: shall i start from the beginning
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