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#mine#mediacation#prescribed#cigarettes#chaos#trash#toxic self medication#substance abuse disorder#drugs#drug abuse#fentanyl#benzodiazepines
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Chantra is going to the medical centre in a stretcher because he can't walk.
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Take notes. Great piece. I appreciate the research, because it points out the lack of research. But. It goes to law, and I appreciate that, too. What I'm looking at these days is not based in gender issues. It's based in violence. I was teaching a group of adolescents with HIV. We met three times a day. Because you had to be on top of it. It can all change in the blink of an eye. At first, they talked mainly about trans issues. A few dressed accordingly. It was an announcement that they were here. They talk the talk, and they walk the walk. At night, they did sex work to survive. Some of the gay boys had problems with a lot of it. Face it. They were afraid of becoming them. The Other is the Other and so are you.
This piece does not go to violence. That was not the theme. No one talks about the violence, or if they do, it's academic. You give social work names to it. You give sociology names to it. If you are grasping at that data, the odds of you belonging to the caste of us untouchables is obvious. You have never suffered a concussion from a fist. Or a baseball bat. I have seen teachers beat them up. To go home to change clothes or be suspended. I have seen cops look the other way when a child is being raped by the men who attacked her in cold blood. The murder rate applies every time they walk out the door. The media thinks it's colloquial. It's not. It's everywhere. My teens in that classroom had to process. Three times a day. Just to discuss what went on an hour ago.
Poor kids do not get the surgery stage. Caste and poverty are what they are. Dehumanizing humiliation. Rich kids from suburban families who have health insurance can get the surgery. No one is coming home from school with a different gender. That, too, is a self-created (homo sapiens are so kind to each other) vibe constructed to immobilize and freeze you back to 1949. The media only finds them a curious fetish for the non-conforming. They are fodder for the 24 hour news cycle. We hate these children because we hate ourselves.
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Understanding Cardiology Care
At the core of our cardiovascular system, the heart is a wonderful organ essential to our general health. When it comes to heart issues, it's critical to recognize the signs, get treatment as soon as possible, and take preventative action. In this blog, we delve into cardiology care, looking at typical symptoms, underlying reasons, and the route to heart health.
Identification of Cardiology Symptoms
Chest Pain: Chest pain or discomfort is one of the most typical signs of heart-related problems. It may feel as though there is pressure, tightness, or squeezing in the chest, and its intensity can vary. Radiation from chest pain might also affect the jaw, neck, back, or arms.
Breathlessness: Breathing difficulties, particularly when exercising or lying down, may indicate a cardiac condition. Breathlessness might be sudden or worsen over time, pointing to heart failure or coronary artery disease as possible causes.
Palpitations: Palpitations, also known as irregular heartbeats, can cause fluttering, a fast heartbeat, or skipped beats. Palpitations can indicate underlying arrhythmias or other cardiac abnormalities that need to be evaluated, even if they can also be innocuous.
Exhaustion: If weakness or exhaustion persists over time and interferes with day-to-day activities, it may indicate an underlying cardiac issue. Feelings of fatigue and sluggishness can arise from insufficient oxygenation of tissues caused by decreased blood flow to the body.
Swelling: Swelling, or swelling, in the belly, feet, ankles, or legs may indicate heart failure or other cardiac problems. When the heart cannot circulate blood efficiently, fluid accumulates in the body's tissues and causes fluid retention.
Understanding Cardiology Conditions and Treatments
Coronary Artery Disease (CAD): CAD is the result of plaque accumulation narrowing or obstructing the coronary arteries, which reduces heart blood flow. Treatment options include medication, angioplasty, stenting, coronary artery bypass surgery, and lifestyle changes.
Heart Failure: The accumulation of fluid in the lungs and other tissues is caused by the heart's inability to pump blood effectively. The goals of treatment are to control symptoms, strengthen the heart, and deal with underlying issues such as coronary artery disease or hypertension.
Arrhythmias: Abnormal heart rhythms, or arrhythmias, can cause palpitations, lightheadedness, fainting, or soreness in the chest. Depending on the kind and severity of the arrhythmia, treatment options include medication, cardiac ablation, implanted devices (pacemakers or defibrillators), or surgery.
Heart Valve Dysfunction or Abnormalities: Heart valve dysfunction or abnormalities impede the heart's ability to pump blood. Medication, surgery for valve replacement or repair, or minimally invasive techniques like transcatheter valve treatments are possible forms of treatment.
High blood pressure, or hypertension: is a major risk factor for stroke and cardiovascular disease. To lower the risk of problems and control blood pressure, treatment usually consists of medication, lifestyle changes (diet, exercise, stress management), and routine monitoring.
Protecting heart health and averting cardiovascular disease require cardiology treatment. People may preserve their hearts and live longer, healthier lives by being proactive about their health, identifying symptoms, and seeking timely care. Remind yourself that the knowledge and commitment of cardiology specialists means your heart is in good hands. Make heart health a priority now to ensure a better tomorrow.
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Huang Yijun, a 92-year-old Chinese grandmother, had a stone baby in her womb for more than 60 years after the baby died in the womb, turning it into stone.
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guess who's tram didn't show up this morning due to a medical emergency on the line so she had to take 2 other trams and walk for 20 minutes so is gonna be late for work
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Leo: You couldn't steal any of Will's mediacal supplies if you tried. Percy: Bet Percy two hours later, sporting a lot of cuts: So apparently you were right and wrong. I could have stolen Will's medical supplies but Nico was there!
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Od mediace po soudní spory: Jak Clark Wilson LLP chrání to, na čem rodinám nejvíce záleží
Rodinné problémy, jako je rozvod nebo spory o péči o děti, mohou být jedny z nejtěžších a nejosobnějších zážitků, které zažijeme. Když čelíte těmto situacím, chcete mít po svém boku právníka, který nejen rozumí zákonu, ale také chápe, co je pro vás důležité. Clark Wilson LLP je známé pro své soucitné a odborné přístupy, které pomáhají rodinám projít těmito složitými chvílemi, ať už se rozhodnete pro mediaci, nebo se situace dostane až do soudní síně. Pokud hledáte rozvodového právníka ve Vancouveru (divorce lawyer Vancouver), Clark Wilson LLP je ideální volbou pro všechny, kdo chtějí chránit své zájmy a zájmy svých blízkých.
1. Úvod: Jak rodinné problémy ovlivňují každodenní život
Rodinné problémy, ať už jde o rozvod nebo spory o děti, mají schopnost otřást každodenním životem. Tyto situace mohou přinést stres, frustraci a pocit ztráty kontroly. V těchto těžkých chvílích je zásadní mít po svém boku právníka, který nejen že rozumí zákonům, ale také se soustředí na to, co pro vás znamená „rodina“ a jak nejlépe chránit to, na čem vám záleží.
2. Proč zvolit právníka, který nabízí empatii a odbornost
Když se rozhodujete pro právníka, hledáte někoho, kdo vám poskytne nejen právní poradenství, ale i emocionální podporu. Clark Wilson LLP nabízí spojení obou těchto kvalit. Zatímco jsou jejich právníci vysoce kvalifikovaní, chápou, že rodinné spory nejsou jen otázkou paragrafů, ale také lidských emocí a vzorců chování.
3. Mediace: Méně stresu, více kontroly
Mediace je jednou z nejvíce doporučovaných metod řešení rodinných sporů, a to z dobrého důvodu. Tato metoda nabízí rodinám možnost komunikovat a dohodnout se na řešení bez potřeby soudu. Mediace často vede k rychlejšímu a méně stresujícímu řešení, které obě strany kontrolují.
4. Kdy je mediace ideální volbou?
Mediace je skvélé řešení, pokud obě strany souhlasí s tím, že budou hledat kompromis a spolupracovat. Je to ideální pro případy, kde se rodiče dohodnou na péči o děti nebo rozdělení majetku, ale potřebují pomoc při formulování konečné dohody.
5. Jak mediace u Clark Wilson LLP probíhá
Clark Wilson LLP se specializuje na profesionální a efektivní mediace. Proces začíná konzultací, kde právníci zjistí vaše cíle a obavy. Poté následuje fáze vyjednávání, kde vám pomohou nalézt střední cestu, která je pro obě strany přijatelná.
6. Když mediace nestačí: Cesta k soudnímu řízení
Bohužel, ne všechny případy lze vyřešit mediací. Když se spor dostane do bodu, kdy není možné dosáhnout dohody, je na čase přistoupit k soudnímu řízení. Zde je klíčové mít právníka, který má zkušenosti s vedením soudních sporů a ochrání vaše zájmy na nejvyšší úrovni.
7. Rozvodové řízení: Jak vám může právník pomoci
Rozvod je jednou z nejvíce stresujících životních událostí. V tomto procesu je důležité mít právníka, který vám pomůže s každým krokem – od podání žádosti až po vyrovnání majetku. Clark Wilson LLP se zaměřuje na to, aby byl rozvod co nejhladší, s ohledem na vaše potřeby a zájmy.
8. Péče o děti: Klíčové faktory, které ovlivňují rozhodování
Pokud máte děti, otázky o jejich péči jsou v centru každého rozvodového řízení. Jaká je nejlepší péče pro vaše dítě? Jaký rodič má větší schopnosti poskytnout stabilní prostředí? Clark Wilson LLP vám pomůže najít odpovědi na tyto složité otázky a zajistit, že bude postaráno o vaše děti s ohledem na jejich nejlepší zájmy.
9. Rozdělení majetku a finanční otázky
Rozdělení majetku je další složitý aspekt rozvodu. Jak spravedlivě rozdělit aktiva a dluhy? Clark Wilson LLP pomůže zajistit, že vaše finanční práva budou chráněna a že rozdělení bude spravedlivé a vyvážené.
10. Jak Clark Wilson LLP chrání vaše zájmy
Tým Clark Wilson LLP se zaměřuje na to, aby chránil to, na čem vám záleží. Každý krok je pečlivě promyšlen, aby zajistil nejlepší možný výsledek pro vás a vaši rodinu.
11. Soudní spory: Jak připravit silnou obranu
Pokud se vaše situace dostane až do soudní síně, budete potřebovat právníka, který umí bojovat za vaše práva. Právníci Clark Wilson LLP mají zkušenosti s náročnými soudními případy a připraví vás na každou fázi soudního řízení.
12. Výhody místního právníka v Vancouveru
Když hledáte rozvodového právníka ve Vancouveru (divorce lawyer Vancouver), je důležité zvolit někoho, kdo rozumí místním zákonům a pravidlům. Tým Clark Wilson LLP má dlouholetou praxi a je obeznámen se specifiky právního systému v Britské Kolumbii.
13. Jak začít spolupráci s Clark Wilson LLP
Pokud se rozhodnete pro právní pomoc, začněte jednoduchým krokem – kontaktováním Clark Wilson LLP. Tým vám poskytne úvodní konzultaci, kde zjistíte, jaké možnosti máte a jak�� bude další krok.
14. Příběhy klientů: Úspěchy a zkušenosti
Příběhy spokojených klientů svědčí o tom, jak Clark Wilson LLP dokáže pomoci rodinám. Ať už jde o mediaci nebo soudní spor, jejich odbornost a soucit jsou zárukou kvalitní služby.
15. Závěr: Kde najít právníka, kterému můžete důvěřovat
Rodinné problémy nejsou snadné, ale s pomocí odborníka, jako je Clark Wilson LLP, můžete najít cestu vpřed. Ať už se rozhodnete pro mediaci, nebo soudní spor, právníci tohoto týmu vám pomohou chránit to, co je pro vás nejdůležitější.
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kinda drunk but should say that. thankful for all the things i have learned from tumblr. like god bless but so many of you are fucked up truly. don’t worry all the babes i follow are top tear but could use some anti depressant majorly. searioisly. i know the world is fucked and that’s reality but some mediacation will help you deal with it. sucks but it’s true reality is too hard with out it. hopefully even if we don’t get what we want there are some nice breaks and holidays. i love you and that is true
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if the meds help wif the adhd pls drug urself i dun care if others tell u not too, if the mediacal professional in charge of ur mental health tells u to do it, do it fck every other medical professional fck
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ĐỪNG BỎ LỠ CHƯƠNG TRÌNH ĐẶC BIỆT TRONG THÁNG 9 NÀY CÙNG VIỆN TRẺ HÓA MANWELL WEBINAR: Viện trẻ hóa Manwell cùng Tập đoàn Sejung Medical Insdustry gửi đến chương trình tọa đàm đào tạo trực tuyến với chủ đề "Phương pháp nâng cơ mặt không phẫu thuật". Đ Thời gian: 16:00 - 17:00 ồ Địa điểm: Viện trẻ hóa Manwell Hospital Buổi đào tạo trực tuyến tập trung vào việc giới thiệu và thảo luận về các công nghệ nâng cơ trẻ hóa toàn diện tại Hàn Quốc và trên thế giới, yếu tố quan trọng trong việc giải quyết gốc rễ của vấn đề lão hóa,... Đồng thời, Chuyên gia Viện Manwell trực tiếp giao lưu và trao đổi kiến thức cùng GS.BS John Hwang - chuyên gia với hơn 30 năm kinh nghiệm trong lĩnh vực thẩm mỹ và trẻ hóa da, với mục đích cập nhật và xây dựng chiến lược giải quyết các vấn đề lão hóa sử dụng công nghệ cao giúp duy trì hiệu quả trẻ hóa lâu dài. Các chuyên gia 2 nước Việt - Hàn phân tích ca lâm sàng thực tiễn và minh họa cụ thể để có c��i nhìn rõ ràng và toàn diện về quy trình và hiệu quả trẻ hóa của liệu pháp Manwell Collagen FDA 360. Webinar là cơ hội quý báu giúp tạo điều kiện cho các bác sĩ, chuyên gia tại Viện Manwell và chuyên gia của tập đoàn Sejung Mediacal Industry cùng nhau trao đổi kinh nghiệm, những nghiên cứu mới cũng như xu hướng đi đầu trong việc chăm sóc và điều trị da lão hóa.------------------------------- MANWELL COLLAGEN FDA 360 - LIỆU PHÁP TRẺ HÓA TOÀN DIỆN TỪ GỐC ĐẾN NGỌN. Cải thiện ngay chỉ sau 1 liệu trình giải quyết tối ưu vấn đề lão hoá: Kéo cơ chảy xệ - Phục hồi độ đàn hồi dây chằng - Thon gọn túi mỡ chảy xệ Tạo lớp màng sinh học hạn chế nám, tàn nhang, các tác nhân gây hại cho da. Không phẫu thuật - Hạn chế nghỉ dưỡng - Hiệu quả kéo dài lên đến 15 năm. Tuân thủ tiêu chuẩn an toàn KFDA Hàn Quốc, FDA Hoa Kỳ, chứng nhận CE lưu hành các nước Châu Âu. ---------------------------------- ĐẶT LỊCH NHẬN NGAY ĐẶC QUYỀN KHỦNG BẢO DƯỠNG COLLAGEN MIỄN PHÍ TRỌN ĐỜI TẶNG GÓI MESO NUÔI DƯỠNG DA MIỄN PHÍ TRỌN ĐỜI TẶNG LIỆU TRÌNH CHỐNG LÃO HÓA TẾ BÀO DA TỪ GỐC TẾ BÀO LÊN ĐẾN 10 NĂM TẶNG GÓI CHĂM SÓC SẮC ĐẸP PREMIUM LÊN ĐẾN 10 NĂM ---------------------------------- KHẲNG ĐỊNH THƯƠNG HIỆU UY TÍN, DỊCH VỤ HIỆU QUẢ CỦA MANWELL COLLAGEN FDA 360: Danh hiệu "Thương hiệu tiêu biểu Châu Á - Thái Bình Dương 2023" Đối tác đầu tư chiến lược và bảo trợ chuyên môn độc quyền số SR:001/2024/INV/MW-SJGROUP - Tập đoàn Sejung Medical Industry - Với hơn 7 nhà máy sản xuất sợi Collagen tại Hàn. ---------------------------------- Head Office: NaeWoe Bldg, 45 Meahwa-ro, Bundang-gu Seongnam-si, Gyeonggi-do, 13505, Republic of Korea Cơ sở tại Việt Nam: Tòa Nhà Manwell, 1 Trần Nhật Duật, P Tân Định, Q1 Tp Hồ Chí Minh Tổng đài tư vấn 24/7: 1900.9168 Giờ mở cửa: 8h30 – 20h00 Giấy phép HĐ: 10192/HCM-GPHĐ do Sở Y tế Thành phố Hồ Chí Minh cấp
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Baldassari is going to go to the mediacal centre
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