#meanwhile sentient ones are like ' dragons are dragons why do you care about (ourthreatlevelandweaknesses) what to call us '
witchhaunts · 4 months
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there are not only many different types of dragons , but many different colors that relate to their magic &. what they can breathe.
while there are sentient dragons , such as those that have significant influence on the city they claim domain over , not all have human level intelligence. both fall under the same classification system , as they themselves do not use it , but bestial &. sentient dragons are more like cousins. think of sentient ones as a more evolved version of the bestial with their human transformation &. more magical nature over all.
additionally , these are the most common &. often accepted ways to classify dragons with how information spreads in a disjointed society , so there are some who do not use these exact terms. it is simply public consensus for most people.
TRUE DRAGON : these are the prototypical dragons with four legs &. wings.
WYVERN : this is a dragon that's wings double as their front legs.
WYRM : these are essentially snakes , there are no wings &. no legs. they cannot fly.
SERPENT : much like a wyrm , they do not have any limbs , but they do have fins , as they are aquatic creatures. they also cannot fly.
ARCTIC : because they are , as the name implies , exclusively found in frigid environments &. have both scales &. fur. most do not have wings , but flying arctics do exist. those are often referred to as arctic winds.
LUNG : these are very long like wyrms , but they have legs &. have some fur. they are capable of flight.
LINDWURM : another species similar to a wyrm , but they only have front legs. they are incapable of flight.
HYDRA : a multi — headed dragon that can have wings but does not always.
DRAKE : they only have four legs &. do not have wings. they cannot fly.
KIRIN : while they may seem similar to a drake in description , the different lies in the fact they are four legged in a way that's more akin to a horse. they cannot fly.
AMPHITHERE : the only limbs these species possess are wings with an otherwise legless body.
COATYL : in appearance , they are basically still amphitheres , but they have feathered wings &. plumage instead.
SALAMANDER : this species of dragon has a serpentine body but with three sets of legs &. no wings. they cannot fly.
PSEUDODRAGON : these are very small dragons , anywhere from fitting in the palm of your hand to a large dog , that are classified much the same way as cheetahs are not considered big cats. this is still a point of contention for some researchers , who believe these should simply be considered smaller versions of the larger species. pseudodragons are still dragons but not quite the same. they can resemble all other types of dragons , &. are typically referred to as a pseudo version of that species , though more often than not they resemble true dragons. regardless , pseudodragon is their primary classification.
SPRITE : also considered small dragons , sprites were once a subspecies of psuedodragon. however , these exclusively resemble true dragons or amphitheres except with dragonfly wings. there is still debate if these are actually fae creatures ( the name certainly not helping matters ) but they are considered primarily dragons , &. only recently became a separate classification in the majority of circles as of the mid 1800s.
COLORS : they are related to an elemental alignment , of which there is overlap. red &. gold dragons can breathe fire , but salamanders , which are often these colors , often have the ability to spew lava as well. it's believed to come from the fact they tend to inhabit rocky , craggy areas near or in volcanos. black &. bronze dragons spit acid. blue &. copper dragons breathe lightning , however , these are also the most common colors of serpents , which are capable of breathing fog. like salamanders , draconologists believe is a sort of adaptation of these serpents' inherent connection to storms at sea. copper dragons also can oxidize when they are of significant age , though their scales can do so much faster when they've been removed or fall off. green &. brass dragons breathe poisonous gas. white &. silver dragons breathe ice &. snow , which is not exclusive to arctic dragons. conversely , arctic dragons have only ever been documented as white , silver , blue , or copper.
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