#meaning just cause we know garou could doesn't always mean ONE should ahaha
the-nysh · 2 years
I think Garou may take Saitama's place when the Amai Mask revelation happens, since the ch 169 planted things so it could happen like that...
Amai Mask does not know Saitama at all, and Saitama has not showed the empathy necessary to stop the nobody heroes, he literally said: "let's them chill out".
Garou and Amai Mask would most likely clash a lot beforehand everything considered as we have said before.
What do you think?
Whoaa...I'm not sure how I'd feel about that - on Garou replacing Saitama's role, I mean. On one hand, manga Sweet Mask did not get the chance to witness/acknowledge Saitama's power (yet?) and angry mobs attacking a hated 'monster' who protected them is right up Garou's alley to recognize. So for his character it would be interesting to see how he reacts. But on the other hand....Saitama could always learn from Tareo how to intervene when the same situation happens again to SM, compared to how he didn't know what to do last time. It would show some (hero) growth on Saitama's part, rather than remaining passive and watching it happen all over again. So that change would be nice to see. And as we've discussed before, there's plenty of potential - depending on how it goes, between Garou & Sweet Mask's interactions anyway. (But this, combined with the scenario Garou's given a sucky hero name too, to align with Saitama's Hero Names Victim Association plot, that would aaaa! Feel like too many Garou-Saitama role merging/reversals happening ahaha. I mean, ONE could always do it up to his whims, but at that point he'd likely just go ahead and give Garou the 'one-punch' title instead for the ultimate lul bait n switch~)
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