#me: i want to do so many things!!! :D my neurological and physical limitations: we'll see >:) >:)
morayofsunshine · 1 year
what can be frustrating is that neurotypical people really have no idea sometimes
like i go "i cleaned my apartment!!" and nt people are often like "ok and why didn't you keep it clean before?" when i truly would love to do that but i leave work late due to poor time management during the day and then have to work up the energy to make dinner, let alone clean, and then during the weekend i'd rather not do anything else resembling work unless i absolutely need to bc i have so little time and executive function to have a social life and cultivate my interests already
i love y'all and how we celebrate small victories, and i appreciate y'all a lot. if i told someone irl who already had a career "hey i made it to work" they'd probably be like "big deal. and you were late" despite the fact that i was sitting in my apartment all ready to go right behind the front door going "just GO TO WORK" while feeling like all the dendrites in my brain were fried and withered and dead
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