#me when i'm also mira and have to jump between a deep voice to a higher pitched one in seconds flat
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whatudottu · 6 months ago
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i need to crawl into his skin and become him
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encantoartdump · 3 years ago
right as rain: [character] says they’re fine right before collapsing.!!!!!
I 100% could see Mirabel or Camilo doing this, so I'll let you pick!
why not both! Hope this is good... 😅 @allofasudden00
Chaos Comes in Twos
It seemed like Casita shook to it's core from a sudden crash-bang of noise and a clatter of what sounded like some kind of contraption having gone off the rails within the walls. Why the passages that Bruno traveled through a year ago, before Mira saved the miracle and brought him out of hiding, had reappeared after they'd rebuilt Casita was beyond anyone. But there they were, ripe for the chaotic picking.
Sometimes Antonio would be found crawling out of a hole in the wall after having a 'super secret squirrel meeting' with his animale friends, and sometimes something like this happened. Especially when it involved the nursery amigos- Camilo and Mirabel.
"Qué demonios fue eso?"
Pépa piped up, the ruckus having caused her to jump and spill her café on her blouse. An immediate storm brewing overhead. She just knew it had something to do with her eldest son- something deep down in her maternal instincts just scratched at the proverbial back door of her mind telling her this was his doing. He took after Félix FAR too much.
"This is your doing-"
She snapped at her patient and supportive esposo, who was already up and getting her another cup of café. He set it down in front of her and rubbed his hand along her shoulders with a slight roll of his eyes
"Calmate, mi vida. Its not such a bad thing that he takes after me, I'm amazing- you say so yourself"
Pépa was not amused. Julieta poked her head out of la cocina, then slowly made her way out as she wiped her hands on the rag she had tucked away. A look of confusion and concern on her soft features- the older of the triplets exchanging a look between the second-born;
"Where is Bruno?"
Instantly she assumed Bruno was injured- he was the only additional factor in the family dynamic as of late that could have made such a jarring noise that seemed to reverberate throughout the house. Almost as if on cue- a painting opened up and Bruno tumbled out of the hole... that therein billowed a black soot, that also covered him head-to-toe. Making it nearly impossible to see the rata that lined his shoulders, save for the little shining eyeballs and tiny plumes of black dust poofing off his shoulders as they coughed it out alongside his own coughing.
Pépa and Julieta gasped from the dining table, seeing him on the second story and startling the already somewhat jumpy, quiet, quite eccentric man. He turned- wide-eyed towards the railing and waved awkwardly,
"B-Buenos Dias, heh"
The women stared incredulously at their hermanito, as if they wouldn't now ask why there was black soot billowing out of the picture that lead to a hole in the wall!?
"What is going on up there Bruno??"
Pépa piped up, as she was so well known for, being the outspoken one. Julieta was grateful for it most days, they essentially were on the same wavelength on a lot of things, except for things that should explicitly be left in the bedroom and not loudly announced around Casita where their children could overhear. However, now was one of those times Julieta was grateful for her boisterous nature-
Bruno began but from behind him the picture that had since closed after he clambered out of it swung open again, smacking him with a light yelp. Not only Camilo but Mirabel tumbled out, laughing and coughing out black soot until Julieta cleared her throat to get their attention. Making them stand up suddenly and turn as though children caught with their hands in the cookie jar.
"Qué están haciendo ustedes tres allá atrás?"
Julieta asked, using her best upset-mother voice, hoping... praying... that Alma wasn't home and didn't see not only the billowing soot but also the sooty mess they were making on the walls, banisters, floors and supports in the second story floor. That would be the end of all involved- even if guilty by association. Three of them may be 51, but Alma was STILL their mother.
"Crimes-" "NOT crimes- jesu christo, Cami!"
Camilo began to answer only to be interrupted by Mirabel who laughed nervously after correcting him. She patted her dress but only made the mess worse, shooting a nervous smile to her mother and tía who were... completely unamused at the whole thing.
"So... okay just to start- we're totally okay- right, Cami?" "Yup. Right as rain"
There was a silence except for a rolling thunder from Pépa's slowly swirling storm. The two 16 year olds standing awkwardly and Bruno coughed lightly, holding up a finger and opening his mouth to say something when both teenagers fell face-first into the ground- both completely out cold
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